JANUARY 06, 2007


For more information contact:

Kemah C. Washington 484-432-1242

Michael Washington 484-680-0099


Father Paul M. Washington Community Committee Black History Month Program

(Along with Men of Courage and Commitment, Stop the Madness, Stop the Violence)


The date is February 10, 2007; the second date is February 24 2007.

The first event will be at the church of the Advocate 18 & Father Paul Washington Avenue (Diamond Street)   11am till?

The second event location and time T.B.A.


Our goal is to introduce our young adults to the freedom fighters, revolutionaries, key individuals and organizations who fought and struggled during the 60's, 70's.


Once again our inspiration comes from Fr. Paul M. Washington. We found while we were petitioning door to door trying to change Diamond Street to Father Paul M. Washington Avenue that our young adults did not know who Fr. Paul was, nor did they know the other key figures during those tumultuous times!!! We have not done a good job in passing down to them those who fought, got locked up, beat up and who died for the freedom and privileges they now enjoy. We know from the 1967 learning centers (alternate schools we attended during the great November 17 student walkout) in Philadelphia that once we were taught where we came from, once we found out the beautiful Kings and Queens that were our ancestors our lives changed for the better. We finally felt good about ourselves, we all got better academically and we developed a respect for ourselves and others. We hope this event will have a similar effect on our youth.


our target audience is our youth, teenage to thirties. We figure they are the ones who need this experience the most and the ones who can/will respond the quickest.


We are asking our speakers to talk about their experiences, their trials and tribulations during the civil rights and black power era and what they accomplished. Our young brothers and sisters need to hear the truth. We hope to get an old fashion African history lesson from our good Brother Dr. Ed Robinson.


Light refreshments will be served after the event, Drums by Baba Khalid and his son.


The event will be taped and will serve as an educational tool for future use and the guest speakers will have an opportunity to be interviewed and taped for the Father Paul M. Washington documentary. Warren and Zilan Munas will perform the filming and interviewing.


Guest speakers include;

Pam Africa, David Fattah, Cody Anderson, Ramona Africa, Leona Smith , Acel Moore, The Philly Freedom  Fighters, Dr. Ed Robinson, Fire Commissioner Lloyd Ayres, Ann  Guise, members of the Black Panther Party and a message from Mumia  Abu Jamal.

Spoken word by Shysta


- END-







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