Join an Inspiring New Faith-Based Campaign

to Prevent Gun Violence 

We invite Philadelphia area faith communities

and community organizations

to come together on

January 17, 2009

and be part of the power of faith in action!  

Join with other Philadelphia area faith communities in a day of prayer, education and ACTION as we:


9:00 AM Programs for adults, youth and children.  Prayer, workshops, presentations, dialogue, art and more!  Multiple houses of worship in the Philadelphia area.  Go to to hold a seat and a lunch (free of charge) at one of the 10 locations in the Philadelphia area.

1:30 PM Interfaith prayer service at Holy Ghost Church (The Met) at Broad & Poplar. Multigenerational program featuring Dr. Vincent Harding, local clergy, youth performance, praise & worship team.  Children’s program featuring Charlotte Blake Alston

2:45 PM March and rally in front of  a local gun store notorious for selling handguns used to threaten, wound, maim and kill.  March begins at Broad & Poplar.  Rally at 9th & Spring Garden at approximately 3:30 PM. 

Together we’ll call for retailers of firearms to adopt a sensible Code of Conduct to dramatically reduce the illegal trafficking of handguns.  This is the same code that has been adopted by Wal-Mart, America’s top gun seller. 

We’ve Got Work To Do!    Won’t you join us?

For more information email or call: 267-519-5302 

Sensing the leading of the Spirit, a joint effort of the Church of the Advocate, the Church of the Brethren, Cookman United Methodist Church, Mennonite Church USA, Philadelphia Yearly Meeting (Quakers), and more than 30 local faith communities. 


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