


Creative Problem Solving
for the
New Millennium.

Read thought provoking, intelligent commentary by leading columnists, humanitarians, activists and thinkers from around the world!
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This directory is for the convenience of our customers and visitors.

A listing in it does not necessarily imply our endorsement of, or by, the listed site. 



"Do you wonder what you can do about
the plague of violence in our cities? " -

Find out what many are doing!
Enough Is Enough Coalition
Speaks with actions
as well as words.


The Bev Smith Show
offers a " Unique Community Connnection"!

African Americans know and trust her to deliver crtical information and entertaiment news.

The Bev Smith Show


Learn more about a
For the Drug Epidemic
With an 86 percent cure rate!

Looking for Answers?

Teen Challenge International

has some for you!


"An appeal to all those who would be a part of the
Millions More Movement!"

[Final Call News Editor’s note:
This is an open letter from the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan to all who are interested in helping to create a movement that will ultimately lead to the total liberation of our people in America, the Caribbean, Central and South America and wherever we may be found on our planet.]

An Open Letter on the Millions More Movement
By the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan


Black Enterprise Magazine
Your Ultimate Guide
to Financial Empowerment!

Black Enterprise Magazine

Your Ultimate Guide

to Financial Empowerment!



The Innocence Project is a non-profit legal clinic and criminal justice resource center.
We work to exonerate the wrongfully convicted and develop and implement reforms to prevent wrongful convictions.
The Innocence Project
at the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law
at Yeshiva University


"Remembering Father Paul M. Washington"

Father Paul, as most people referred to him, was seen by many as a gentle shepherd.
In recognition of his unselfish love and life of unending empathy,
The Philadelphia Foundation and the family of Father Paul have commemorated his legacy
by continuing his acts of giving to those in need.
Remembering Father Paul M. Washington


"Fight Hate and Promote Tolerance!"

Join the
National Campaign for Tolerance
A Project of the
Southern Poverty Law Center




Dick Gregory was on the frontline in the sixties during the Civil Rights Era; today he continues to be a "drum major for justice and equality."


"The Hutchinson Report"

Earl Ofari Hutchinson
who is a noted author of nine books about the African American experience in America.
His numerous published articles appear in newspapers and magazines across the country as well as some of the most popular web sites on the Internet.


"Apartheid Ballot Counting In America-
Greg Palast On Democracy Now!"

Greg Palast
Journalism & Film
BBC & Guardian Media Group


Dr. Claud Anderson

Dr. Claud Anderson
discusses how African Americans can dominate the industries where they spend most of their money.
Dr. Claud Anderson's books are widely read throughout the United States,
particularly by African-Americans, and are textbooks in many universities.


"Covenant with Black America"

"Covenant with Black America"

"At the close of the 2005 State of the Black Union in Atlanta, we invited the public to weigh in on the most challenging issues facing Black America.
I'm happy to report that because of the huge response, we now have a document that outlines how individuals, groups, communities and the body politic can move forward to make this nation better. When we make Black America better, we make all of America better.
We all want an America as good as its promise."
-- Tavis Smiley


"Cosby is only a catalyst;
Detroiters must decide what matters to them!"

Betty DeRamus
The Detroit News


"Sexism in rap sparks black magazine to say, 'Enough!'"

Liza Weisstuch
Contributor to
The Christian Science Monitor


Chicken Soup for the African American Soul:
Celebrating and Sharing Our Culture One Story at a Time

Chicken Soup for the African American Soul
is a tribute to a culture that prides itself on its sense of survival, resiliency, healing, prayer, and perseverance.
These stories offer an opportunity for both African Americans and our friends of other cultures to understand.






Above information presented
courtesy of


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(Online Coaching Assistant Tools)

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