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More Coalition Information






The "Offering Reconciliation" Project
The "Offering Reconciliation" Project, initiated by the Israeli Friends of the Family Forum
presents to the public at large, the idea of reconciliation between Israelis and Palestinians through Art.
Please Read More












Current Coalition Newsletter

Join the Coalition

News From
The Coalition, Inc.

News From

The Coalition, Inc.

Friday 25 April 2008

Volume 2, Number 34

Coalition Board of Directors

Gary R. Adams, President

John E. Churchville, Treasurer

Yvonne Haughton, Secretary


Stanley Daniels

Tom Henry

Abdul Malik Raheem

Angela Mohammed


Table of content


For Our Children … 01

This Week … 11

Employment and Training Opportunities … 13

Health Matters … 14

Green Piece … 15

Grants and Scholarships … 17

SpotLight … 18

Arts for Awareness … 19

Coming Up …25

Computers and Technology … 32

A Hand Up … 32

On The Airways … 33



Page 02





If you would like to report on a recent community event, feel free to send us a brief account of what happened, we will share it with our readers.

Send your information to:










Tuskeegee Anyone?


Government sponsored experiments with poor Baltimore, Maryland families!
















Page 03






We are proud to announce that News From The Coalition is featured on the internationally acclaimed site Eight Cities Map

Click here: EightCitiesMAP Choose "Philadelphia's Online Community 

“Newsletter" from the menu.













If this publication is being forwarded to you, and you wish to be placed on our mailing list, send an email to

with “subscribe” in the subject.








Page 04






If you realize that all things change, there is nothing you will try to hold on to. If you are not afraid of dying, there is nothing you cannot achieve… Lao Tzu






































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Page 06







Volunteers are still needed to help organize the first INTER-FAITH COMMUNITY
SURVIVAL SUMMIT to be held in the city of Philadelphia. For information or to volunteer or register as a representative for your place of worship, call 215.387.2734 or email:





























Page 07



















































Page 08



My granddaughter came to spend a few weeks with me, and I decided to teach her to sew. After I had gone through a lengthy explanation of how to thread the machine, she stepped back, put her hands on her hips, and said in disbelief, "You mean you can do all that, but you can't operate my Game Boy?"































Page 09


A man placed some flowers on the grave of his dearly departed mother and started back toward his car when his attention was diverted to another man kneeling at a grave.

The man seemed to be praying with profound intensity and kept repeating, "Why did you have to die? Why did you have to die? Why did you have to die? Why did you have to die?"

The first man approached him and said, "Sir, I don't wish to interfere with your private grief, but this demonstration of pain is more than I've ever seen before. For whom do you mourn so deeply? A child? A parent?"

The mourner took a moment to collect himself, then replied, "My wife's first husband."




















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page 11






























































page 12


The Raw Family Newsletter






















































page 13










I claim that human mind or human society is not divided into watertight compartments called social, political and religious. All act and react upon one another …Mohandas Gandhi







































page 14




























































page 15




Word of The Week: effrontery \ih-FRUN-tuh-ree\, Insulting presump-tuousness; shameless boldness; insolence.








































Page 16












































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The learned fool writes nonsense in better language than the unlearned - but it's still nonsense. Benjamin Franklin




Page 18








































Page 19

We will be spotlighting members and organizations weekly, if you wish to have your organization spotlighted, forward to us information on your primary mission, your current projects and/or how you would want other members of The Coalition to be involved. Many of us are already being a support to one another, but there is plenty of room for improvement.
















Page 20


At the end of the college year, a star football player celebrated the
relaxation of team curfew by attending a late night campus party.
Soon after arriving, he became captivated by a beautiful young thing
and eased into a conversation with her by asking if she met many dates at parties.

"Oh, I have a 3.9, so I'm much more attracted to the strong academic types than to dumb party animals," she said. "What's your G.P.A.?"

Grinning from ear to ear, the jock boasted, "I get about 27 in the
city and 38 on the highway."





















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page 28













Volunteers are still needed to help organize the first INTER-FAITH COMMUNITY
SURVIVAL SUMMIT to be held in the city of Philadelphia. For information or to volunteer or register as a representative for your place of worship, call 215.387.2734 or email:














page 29








































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Greetings Coalition Family!


We’ve added a new feature to the newsletter “GREEN PIECE”. Please feel free to submit information and event notices relative to environmental health, safety. Thank you.


Join A HAND UP! To make donations or donation requests.


Gary R. Adams,

Chairman for The Coalition


Join our Google group





Speak Your Mind.

Demand high quality education for Southwest Philly.


There are many important issues facing schools in West & Southwest

Philly including:


• School closings and relocations

• Schools that could be privatized or turned into charter schools

• A new building for West Philly High


Invited Guests: Councilwoman Jannie Blackwell, Rep. James Roebuck,

New School District CEO Arlene Ackerman, SRC Chair Sandra

Dungee Glenn, Mayor’s Chief Education Officer Lori Shorr


For more information contact the Philadelphia Student Union:

215-471-5970 or

Educational Justice for Southwest Philly Public Hearing:


Presented by the Philadelphia Student Union

Co-Sponsored by: SWAC, Kingsessing 5th Division Community of Neighbors, Ivan “Pick” Brown Memorial Foundation Inc., & Kingsessing Recreation Center Advisory Council


Thursday, May 15 at


Kingsessing Recreation Center, 50th St & Kingsessing Ave




This summer the Organization of Black Airline Pilots (OBAP) will hold 2

Aviation Career Education Camps sponsored by Delta Air Lines. The

purpose of each one-week program is to introduce interested youth to the

world of aviation by exposing them to the many challenging careers and

opportunities which the aviation industry has to offer. This is a

program has been around for several years and is an outstanding

opportunity for all of our children.


Please take the time to read the brochure/application in the ‘FILES’ section of our Google group:

and pass it along to anyone that you know who may be interested.

The age range is for boys and girls between 14-18 years old.

The best part of the camp other than the exposure is that it is FREE!!!! Delta Air Lines pays the entire cost.


Application deadline is June 2, 2008. Please visit or for additional details.








JUNE 22-28; and JULY 6-12

If your ideal school is one where the classrooms include over 7,000 acres of forest, fields, wetlands, and streams, and where learning about our environment goes hand-in-hand with having fun and meeting new friends, then the Penn State Conservation Leadership School (CLS) is for you. It’s not a recreational summer camp, although lots of fun is definitely on the agenda. It’s a RE-Creation experience, leading you to learn, to live, and to think critically about sustaining our environment.

In the unique setting at The Pennsylvania State University's Stone Valley Recreation Area near State College, Pa., students between the ages of 15 and 18 learn about the environment and conservation during a one-week program that emphasizes field-based, hands-on learning, group problem solving, and leadership.

This year’s program will include a special session on leadership developed by the PA Rural Leadership Program (RULE) and an interactive ropes course challenge that will foster cooperation and teamwork.  The 2008 curriculum will focus on important natural resource issues including:

  • Analyzing your hometown drinking water  
    Participants will bring a water sample from home and learn how to test for various pollutants that may occur in Pennsylvania water supplies.
  • Deer population management and habitat conservation 
    Representatives from the Quality Deer Management Association (QDMA) will discuss strategies on how to achieve biologically and socially balanced deer herds within existing environmental, social, and legal constraints.
  • Recycling: Beyond the Bin 
    Students will get a behind- the-scenes look at the recycling process and learn how and why this essential “R” (reduce, reuse, and recycle) plays a key role in our waste management practices.
  • What is wood? 
    Participants may walk away from CLS with a new appreciation for one of the earth’s most versatile and sustainable resources.
  • “Green” Buildings  
    Students will tour some of Penn State’s newest and award-winning “green” buildings, which bring together new technologies, sustainable materials, and creative designs.

Conservation Leadership School is being offered twice this summer, June 22-28 and July 6-12.  The same program is offered for each week.  During their stay at Stone Valley, the students will work in teams with the faculty and staff from the School of Forest Resources, and representatives of the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission, the Pennsylvania Game Commission, the Department of Environmental Protection, the Pennsylvania Rural Leadership Program, and the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources.

Scholarships are available from participating Conservation Districts in Pennsylvania and area sportsmen clubs for students representing their district at CLS.  For a listing of participating organizations and to register online, please visit: and click on Conservation Leadership School.  For more information please contact the Office of Conferences and Short Courses at (814) 865-8301 or email at to receive registration materials. Registration is limited so please apply early.

For questions regarding the content of the program, contact Mike Powell, Director of CLS, at (814) 863-1113 or email at



Bullying/Peer Mediation Workshop


We all know someone who has or is being bullied. Learn how to manage

conflict and anger without resorting to violence.


Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Thurgood Marshall Elementary School

6th & Duncannon Street

Philadelphia, Pa. 19120


5:15 – 8:00 PM


For more information contact:

Charlene Samuels

(215) 456-5561


Who should attend?

Anyone who is interested in dealing with the problem of bullying!


All middle and high school students and their parents are strongly

encouraged to attend!


Community service hours available


Dinner will be served promptly at 5:15 pm.

Program begins at 6:00


Sponsored by Logan Olney EPIC Stakeholders and

The Department of Human Services




Zeta Iota Iota Chapter presents




SATURDAY, APRIL 26th, 2008

9:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Harambee Charter School

66th & Media Streets

Philadelphia, Pa

For Appointments Click Below:


Be an African American Hero to a Child with Sickle Cell Disease!

Through a one-of-a-kind program, the American Red Cross and local children’s hospitals are improving care for children with sickle cell disease -- and we need your help! Sickle cell disease is an inherited disease that affects more than 90,000 people in the United States, ninety percent of whom are of African descent.

There is no cure for sickle cell disease, but good medical care, including blood transfusions, can help manage and prevent the pain and

serious complications of the disease.

What You Can Do To Help

Blood donors are the real heroes in this story because some patients with sickle cell disease need many units of blood every month! But if the blood is not a very close match, the patient may reject the blood and a source of help and hope will be gone. This condition, called alloimmunization, can be fatal.


The best matches for these patients will come from African American donors.

African American donors who want to help can choose to give blood for a child with sickle cell disease by using a special blue tag available at all Red Cross blood drives and donor centers in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware.

If you are African American, please share your good health with a child who has sickle cell disease by doing something simple, easy, and safe by giving blood.


Felicia Parker-Cox

Community Outreach Specialist

American Red Cross, Penn-Jersey Region

Cooperative Sickle Cell Donor Program

215-451-4945 (office)

215-687-8990 (mobile)



Baby Care Drive for Community Baby Shower


Germantown Settlement a multi-service organization is holding its 2nd annual Baby Care Drive for its Community Baby Shower entitled Watering the Seeds of Tomorrow. We understand that throwing a baby shower for a friend is a tradition, but throwing one for an anonymous mother in need is an act of kindness. This year, our event is expected to reach over 350 to 400 new and expected mothers.

The Drive will end May 16, 2008.

Our Community Baby shower will be held Saturday, May 31, 2008 from 10:00 to 6:00 pm.


We are asking for donations to obtain the following new or gently used baby items:

Diapers, Baby wipes, Carry All Bags, (Layettes, blankets, receiving blanket, sheet, bumpers, etc.) Infant clothing (new boys and girls clothing, sleep sets, t-shirts, bibs, hats, sweaters, etc.), Bathing items (baby soaps, shampoo, cotton, balls, towels, etc), Infant suitable toys (rattlers, pacifiers, plush toys, books), Bottles, formula, bottle cleaners, Baby monitor, breastfeeding pumps, breast pads, children books, baby food, baby and toddler toys, Eating items (sippy cups, plastic bowls cups, etc.), Baby furniture (portable and standard cribs, bassinets, high chair, baby swing, walker, strollers, bouncers, potties, baby furniture, etc. (Monetary donations for our baby item giveaways)

If you wish to provide a monetary donation, please send your check, cash or money order to Germantown Settlement, Welcome New Babies program, 5538C Wayne Avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 19144. Baby item drop off are at the same location, or call and we will pick it up. If you have any questions, please call Germantown Settlement at: 215-849-3104, extension 113 or 183 or email us at or

Thank you in advance for your support and commitment to the Baby Care Drive for our Community Baby Shower and remember: "Good parents give their children Roots and Wings." --Jonas Salk



Community College of Philadelphia's Act Now/Act 101 Program

The Act Now/Act 101 Program is seeking your assistance in the development of the following new opportunities for their Leadership Learning Community students.


Mentoring Program: It is important for students to meet professionals, outside of the Act Now/Act 101 Program, who have completed college and who would be available to offer guidance and support as they pursue their academic and career goals.


Informational Interviews: While some of our students have chosen majors to pursue others are still undecided. It is helpful for them to meet professionals in the fields they are considering. The time commitment for Informational Interviews is minimal. The Act Now/Act 101 Program will keep a list of individuals representing a variety of professions. Interested students will contact the representatives to schedule an interview. Interviews may be conducted by telephone or in person and should take no longer than an hour.


For application or more information, please email Erika Hernandez




The sigma Sharks Pop Warner football program is looking for coaches for the 2008 season beginning this summer. We have 4 teams covering ages 7 – 13, and practice at 19th and Washington Ave. Time commitment is 10hrs/week in August and 6hrs/week in Sept./Oct. For more information: Coach Darron at 267.972.8921 or email:



Resources for Children’s Health’s SAFE program has openings for new clients. In our SAFE program, we provide parents of children aged birth through 5 years with the information, resources and support they need to raise healthy and happy children. A peer and professional staff conduct services. Spanish-speaking case managers are available.

Services include:


·        In-home visits Help in obtaining medical, pediatric and well-baby care;

·        Accompaniment to medical appointments and other appointments;

·        Connecting participants to supportive community resources to

     meet identified needs;

·        Health and nutrition information, resources and written handouts;

·        Incentives- baby items, parent-child activity books, home safety items, and others;

·        Assisting participants in securing health insurance or other benefits;

·        Supporting participants in engaging in healthy lifestyle practices, such as smoking cessation, exercise and good adult and child nutrition;

·        “Hands-on” support, such as grocery shopping to show participants how to purchase good quality nutritional food at reasonable prices; and

·        Positive parenting and health education workshops, which are open to everyone in the community.


For more information, to sign up, or to make a referral to the SAFE Program, please contact Brenda Rochester, SAFE Supervisor, at 215.985.6252.



Kids With a Mission!

The 1st African American Kids Entrepreneur Radio Show on

Junior Entrepreneurs On The Move Radio show Saturdays at 6pm.

You can find JEOTM at

JEOTM  Radio is the brainchild of 2 young men Jerry who is 12 years old and his brother RJ AKA Spidey Boy who is 8 years old.

JEOTM was created to encourage and foster the entrepreneurial spirit in young people.

Each show will feature guests that introduce youth early on to business concepts and entrepreneurship.

By empowering youth JEOTM Radio seeks to instill key skills that will enable financial independence.



RESOURCE Program (PEER) presents


Free parenting classes

Attend the FREE non-judgmental ten week program and receive a


$100.00 food gift card or Earn $100.00 towards a utility bill of your choice


Classes are held weekly at

Tustin Recreation Center

5901 Columbia Avenue

Philadelphia, PA 19151

Mondays 6:00pm – 8:00pm


Other sites available - Enrollment is ongoing


A project of the Lutheran Children and Family Service


Sonya Harris-Saunders, Program Coordinator 215.339.8002 ext 19

Wendy Brown, Administrative Assistant 215.424.3741 ext 248





is looking for tutors for their tutoring program at East Spencer Miller Elementary School at 43rd and Westminster.  Tutoring takes place on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings from 5pm to 7pm, and is for students 8-12 years of age.

If you or anyone you know can help during either of these two timeframes, please contact Malik (aka Norm) Johnson, at 215-410-2859.


Please share this information; you never know who has a couple of hours a week to help our kids. 





C&C Athletic Association also has a tutoring and mentoring program at Eastwick Recreation Center at 80th and Mars Sts. for students, age 10-17. This program runs from November to April. Contact Calvin Johnson (215-738-5181) if you can help or know someone who needs to be tutored.




Registration is ongoing for the Stop The Madness/Stop The Violence Youth Summer Basketball League at Tustin Recreational Center 5901 Columbia Ave.

Philadelphia, PA 19151

Registration is held every Saturday between 9-12 until May 17, 2008

The cost is $35.oo/individual player or $125/team, ten player limit

Ages 11-13 & 14-16

All divisions are co-ed

Information: Nasir 267.262.1615


STM/STV and C&C are members of The Coalition, Inc.



"Speaking Truth to Action"

Spoken Word' movement mentors at-risk males.


Brother to Brother, Boys to Men Youth Mentoring Club  ...because we are our brother's keepers.

   As Philadelphia's homicide rate continues to climb, a local businessman, entrepreneur and 'spoken word' poets are coming together

to 'speak truth to action' with a mentoring program that they feel will change lives; save lives of young African American males in the city.


WHAT: a "Mentoring" Club, for males only between the ages of 13 and 18 and adult males, providing nurture, guidance and role-models for at-risk youth. The club provides awareness, self-love activities and a positive environment to build healthy relationships.
WHEN: Wednesday evenings 5:00-7:30 PM (Ongoing [since 07-25] weekly)
Where: Dowling's Palace 1310 N. Broad Street Phila.,  PA 19121 (Next to Blue Horizon) N. Broad Street at Thompson  215-236-9888

WHY: (Shyster): "Because it's long overdue!" Promoters of this mentoring club say that it is NOT a "Lecture" format, not a "scared straight" program; instead, spoken-word artists with a burden for the community are coming together to offer young African American males a positive environment to interact with each other and community role-models. This is an attempt to curb violence and a practical way to put an end to the senseless violence and bloodshed that tarnishes Philadelphia's image. "We need 'real-men' Mentors, who have big hearts and a little

time to spend with a young man who needs it--badly!" said Sam Gamon. "Because, after all 'we are our brothers' keepers".

                                "Shyster"-Ray Williams, 215-729-2025
              "Sam I Am" Gaymon 267-970-2390
                                 Stacy Dowling 267-767-6300


1. You will have a nationwide connection with primarily African
American parents and other parents who have children of color.
2. You will receive EXCLUSIVE discounts and special offers with over
40 selected businesses that have created or represent companies with
items that will encourage children of color to feel proud and
positive about their heritage. Most of these companies are owned and
operated by African Americans, which is something to be proud of in
3. You will receive a monthly email with not only EXCLUSIVE discounts and offers, but the opportunity to win GREAT prizes from our Black Parent Connect Shops. Each monthly prize will be valued at $50 or more.
4. You will also receive special tips, news and other parenting information when visiting our website.
(This is open to non-members as well)
5. FREE and Easy to join! Just simply join by clicking on our JOIN NOW page on our navigator tab at

Joan Gosier, President
HBCU kidz, Inc.
954-302-4540 x701
“An Education that is superior, exciting, challenging and custom-designed to fit each student’s needs and interests.” 


This Week…






Date:  APRIL 25-27, 2008

Friday, April 25:             4:00 pm-8:30 pm
Saturday, April 26:           9:00 am-6:30 pm
Sunday, April 27:             9:00 am-2:30 pm


2615 N. 4TH Street, Philadelphia, PA (4th at Lehigh)
The violence that besets our community and the world can be overcome.
You can develop powerful, effective ways to deal with conflict,
increase understanding, develop healthy relationships, and enhance
the safety and well-being of all.

☼    Rediscover the power of respect and affirmation
☼    Practice responsible, honest and constructive communication
☼    Explore the value of building a nurturing community
☼    Delve into the challenges and rewards of cooperation
☼    Experience creative problem solving and conflict transformation


Teachers, Social Workers, Community Organizers, People of Faith,
Police, Parents, Youth, and…  Anybody seeking real alternatives to violence!

Fees:  Advance payment: $10.00.  At the door:  $15.00
The workshop fees are set to cover costs of materials and snacks.  Scholarships are available.


Note:  This is a cooperative workshop, where everybody contributes to the group’s experience.  A commitment to participate throughout the weekend is required.

Information: Jorge Aráuz
Tel: 215 421 5811; email:

The Alternative to Violence Project (AVP) is an independent, non-sectarian, world-wide community of volunteers dedicated to the search of healthy and constructive ways to address conflict.   This workshop is sponsored by the Fairhill Friends Ministry, Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends.











TIME: 8:00A.M TO 3:00 P.M.


Please call the club if you would like to reserve a space. 215-423-6309. It is a $10.00 donation. NO FOOD VENDORS PLEASE!



Stop the Raids & Deportations Legalization Now •Justice for all




Thursday May 1st

12 p.m. Gather at Union Square

14th Street and Broadway

4 p.m. Rally & March


May Day 2008 is critically important. Will the optimism and hope expressed around the Presidential elections translate into an end of immigrant raids & deportations? Will it bring an end to the foreclosures of homes, the lowering of gas and food prices, or an end to lay-offs?


Whatever the outcome in November, the May 1st Coalition for Immi­grant and Worker Rights will be marching once again on May Day, International Workers Day, to say no to all the attacks against workers here and around the world.


We call on the progressive community, the anti-war movement, the women’s & lgbt movement, and especially on the labor movement, to come out for May Day 2008. March for solidarity, because an injury to one is an injury to all!


We say:


Black, Latino, Asian, Indigenous, Arab, White—In Unity there is strength.

ICE raids are racist, anti-union, and violate immigrant & US workers civil rights & divide families.


Jobs & homes, not lay-offs & foreclosures. Stop demolition of public housing in New Orleans & everywhere.


No war in Iraq, bring the troops home now.


Political asylum for Victor Toro, No deportation of Flor Crisóstomo.


Money for levees in New Orleans, not for militarizing the US/Mexico border.


Repeal NAFTA. US trade agreements force migration & lay-offs.


Rally called by

May 1st Coalition for Immigrant & Worker Rights    641.715.3900 Ext. 97869#










Web Marketing Help Teleseminar


As you know, it is my passion to help business owners and entrepreneurs learn how effectively to use the web to supplement your incomes and build online businesses that thrive. In this economy, where gas prices are going up, paychecks are getting smaller, and jobs are being cut - many of you are looking to your web sites to provide some relief.


On Tuesday, April 29th, I'm holding a special teleseminar for those who a serious about getting help. We're going to tackle some of the issues that are preventing you from attaining high traffic, profitable sales, and new customers. This teleseminar is designed to give you positive ammunition  and provide some steps that you can take immediately to counteract the financial "slings and arrows" caused by the economic decline.. You'll probably see the WBO press release sometime later today, as we're making sure that everyone, EVERYONE, is able to get help with us on Tuesday.


In addition to the teleseminar, there will also be a bonus Question and Answer session afterwards. This will give you the opportunity to get answers and help with the areas that concern you specifically. Bring your questions and concerns with you, as the conference line will be open until EVERY question is asked.


The registration fee is $25.00 - a small price to pay to invest in a turnaround of your current situation. (Some of you have spent 10-20 times that amount already, and still haven't seen any benefit.) This price offering is to demonstrate that we're in your corner to help you build, manage, and grow online. Just one of the ways we're showing our sincerity and commitment to the Web Business Ownership Community.


The details of the event are below, and I hope you'll consider attending.

Stop working for your web site, and finally let your web site start doing some work for you.


Web Marketing Help Teleseminar

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

8pm - 9pm EST, with extended Q&A period afterwards

(The call-in number will be provided after payment.)

Click Here to Register: 


For more information about the teleseminar click here.

If you have any questions, or would like to have private consulting about your web site project, please email




Chris Curtis


Web Business Ownership, LLC




Project RISE (Reaching and Impacting Small Entrepreneurs)

is targeting existing business owners as well as individuals who want to

start a business in the West Philadelphia area.

The program includes an outreach to youth-at-risk, ex-offenders, and

welfare recipients and is co-sponsored by the SBA.

It is an on-going project that ends in September of 2008.

For more information call

Project RISE at 215-476-8091, ext. 113.






If you’ve ever looked at a job listing and thought, "I’d be perfect for this job, if only...," you understand the discouragement a lot of

job seekers in Philadelphia feel. Understanding these barriers, the employment volunteers at have launched a free tool that helps jobseekers look for jobs and

apply online,

Positions range from Banquet Server to Call Center Manager.

When it comes to meeting the qualifications for a job, is there any flexibility? That depends on the employer, but in most cases, the answer is yes. Certainly, it helps to understand how your own experience and needs match up to what the employer wants and is willing to offer, which isn’t always an easy task, thanks to the obscure language typical of many job listings.


Google needs business reps - nationwide
Now you can Make Money Through the Google Business Referral Program and Help Google Locate Businesses in Your Neighborhood
"As a Google Business Referral Representative, you'll visit local
businesses to collect information (such as hours of operation, types
of payment accepted, etc.) for Google Maps, and tell them about Google
Maps and Google AdWords. You'll also take a few digital photos of the
business that will appear on the Google Maps listing along with the
business information. After the visit, you submit the business' info
and photo(s) to Google through your Local Business Referrals Center,

and we'll pay you up to $10 for each listing that is approved by
Google and verified by the business," according to the Google website.
Read more about this program here:







On Saturday, April 26, 2008, a Community Health Fair will be held at

Janes Memorial United Methodist Church located at 47 East Haines

Street. This event sponsored by Janes Memorial United Methodist

Church, the National Association of University Women, and the Gift of

Life Donor Program will be held from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. This will

truly be a spectacular event in which attendees from the church and

the community will have the opportunity to participate in a wide

variety of experiences which include: HIV/AIDS screening,

presentations by a number of health professionals, massage therapy, a

Health Rapper, an Exercise Trainer, free smoke detectors, free

continental breakfast and lunch, fingerprinting and free books for

the first 50 children accompanied by a parent. The participating

health providers will display excellent resource information free to

the attendees. If you are interested in receiving free screenings

by the staff of Nazareth Hospital, which includes: blood pressure,

cholesterol, leg circulation, and diabetes you must make a

reservation by calling Willie A. Black at (215) 635-2474.


Questions about the health fair can be answered by contacting

Luvenia Jerald, (215) 849-1043 or Deborah Roebuck, (215) 471-7411.

The Reverend Dr. Albert D. Mosley is the Pastor of Janes Memorial

United Methodist Church. Ann Glover-Lingham is the President of

NAUW's Philadelphia Branch.





Philabundance recently launched the

"Fresh for All" program,

a quick and easy way to put quality,

produce into the hands of those who need it most.

The cost of fresh fruits and vegetables is rising,

so these healthy foods are the first to get cut when money is tight.

Where is Fresh for All?

Fresh for All sites are currently located in Salem and Camden Counties, NJ and Delaware County, PA.

Delaware County Housing Authority Community Center

1825 Constitution Ave., Woodlyn, PA 19094

• Distributions held every Friday from 12:30-1:30pm.

St. John's Baptist Church

Provided in partnership with Camden Area Health Education Center, Inc.


400 N. 30th Street, Camden, NJ 08105

• Distributions held every Tuesday from 9:30-10:30am.

St. John's Pentecostal Outreach

22 New Market Street, Salem, NJ 08079

• Distributions held every Wednesday from 11:30-12:30pm.

Fresh for All Membership

Becoming a Fresh for All member is free and easy. Interested

individuals are asked to provide basic

household information.

Fresh for All is not connected with any government agency, so becoming a member will not affect any other benefits members are receiving.

Members are asked to bring their

own boxes or bags to distributions.


Volunteers are needed

For more information on Fresh for All or to become a Fresh for All

member or volunteer

please contact Tunisia at 215-339-0900 x238.



Coming Soon! Noted Herbalist Ann Pringle will be sharing natural health information in this section. Ann Pringle has been a vegetarian for more than 23 years. She initially studied nutrition and vegetarianism on her own, and later attended Temple University where she took

classes under a vegetarian nutritionist and herbologist.

Ms. Pringle also lectures on health, herbs and has operated her own herbal company for nearly ten tears.


Report Confirms Ozone Pollution Can Kill


By Maggie Fox, Health and Science Editor

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Even breathing in a little ozone at levels found in many areas is likely to kill some people prematurely, the National Research Council reported on Tuesday.

The report recommends that the Environmental Protection Agency consider ozone-related mortality in any future ozone standards, and said local health authorities should keep this in mind when advising people to stay indoors on polluted days.

"What impressed me was the consistency of the findings that ozone clearly ... does have an effect," Dr. Evelyn Talbott of the University of Pittsburgh, who worked on the study, said in a telephone interview.

"It's small, but when you talk about a small effect over 300 million people, it's a lot."

The report looks at ground-level ozone, a component of smog, as opposed to the ozone found in the high atmosphere, which protects the Earth from ultraviolet rays.

Ozone is a form of oxygen formed by the reaction of sunlight on air containing other pollutants such as hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxide. It is a powerful oxidizer, meaning it can damage cells in a process akin to rusting.

It is known to cause respiratory problems and worsen heart disease. Children and the elderly are at special risk.

The EPA asked the National Research Council, part of the advisory National Academies of Science, to analyze the link between ozone and early death.



A committee appointed by the council found that deaths related to ozone exposure are more likely among people with pre-existing diseases and other factors that could increase their susceptibility. But they said premature deaths are not limited to people who are already within a few days of dying.

They looked at studies that linked deaths directly with variations in ozone levels, as well as animal studies that examined whether there was a biological explanation for ozone causing death.

"Do you see the disease on days when ozone is higher? And the answer is yes," Talbott said. "There does appear to be a dose response."

The committee looked at studies done in several cities across the United States as well as in Canada and Europe. They took into account differences in temperature and humidity that may affect the ozone level.

The effects on deaths are clear, Talbott said -- and the findings excluded serious illnesses and visits to the emergency room if the patient did not die.

"If you have a town that has got many old people ... then obviously this ozone thing is probably a bigger player," Talbott said. "It touches everybody but I think it touches the infirm and elderly (more)."

The EPA toughened standards for ozone pollution in March but outside experts complained its new requirements were more lax than the EPA's own scientists recommended.

The new standards are 75 parts per billion in ambient air in the United States. The previous standard was 80 parts per billion.


The EPA's Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee recommended a standard of 60 to 70 parts per billion.

(Editing by Will Dunham and Eric Walsh)





South Philadelphia Neighborhood Athletic League

Healthy Mind - Healthy Body

“Weigh To Go” Fitness Challenge

For a $10.00 registration fee participants receive

·        Exercise Workshops

·        Nutritional recipes

·        Cooking Classes

·        Access To A Local Gym and cash incentives for “The Biggest Loser”

To register contact Kimyetta Lewis 267.250.4846



Resources for Children's Health's SAFE program has openings and is looking for referrals!  SAFE provides home visiting and case management, parenting support, and family health and wellness education for parents of young children, ages birth to five, in South Philadelphia. All services are free. Spanish-speaking staff is also available.
To make a referral or for more information, please call Brenda Rochester,
215-985-6252 or email

The UnitedHealthcare Children's Foundation is committed to enhancing the quality of life for children who have health care needs not covered by their commercial health insurance. The Foundation provides financial assistance toward the family's share of the cost of medical services. Learn more about us and how to apply.



Weavers Way Community Programs, a service group of the Mt.  Airy Community Services Corporation will hold its monthly recycling from

9 a.m. to 1 p.m. this Saturday, April 19, behind the Fire House at 6959 Germantown Avenue (enter from Carpenter Lane), in the parking lot of the Germantown Home.  All proceeds benefit beautification programs in the community.


We collect mixed paper, including cardboard boxes, newspapers, magazines, junk mail, catalogs, phone books, paper bags, cereal boxes (flattened, with liners removed) and office paper.


We also collect No. 1 (PET) and No. 2 (HDPE) plastics, rinsed and crushed, without lids. We can recycle ONLY those plastic containers (marked with a 1 or a 2) which have a narrow top and wider bottom and that contained water, milk, juice, soda, and laundry detergent or bath products.




Thank you for your support.







Jack Kent Cooke Young Scholars Award


The MusicLink Foundation, working as a pipeline organization for the

Jack Kent Cooke Foundation,

is seeking music students in financial need who may qualify for the

Jack Kent Cooke Young Scholars Award.

This is a scholarship program that specifically applies to


Students do not necessarily have to be enrolled in the MusicLink program to apply.

Although musical potential is a factor in the selection process, students with a strong academic record are encouraged to apply.


Please forward this on to any students who may qualify or teachers who

may have students that qualify for the award.

We have included a link to the Jack Kent Cooke's website which includes the application materials.

If you do know of any students who will be applying, we would appreciate it if you could include their names and email

addresses in an email to Jennifer Kitchin, Talent Coordinator,

MusicLink Foundation (

This will help them to monitor them through the application process.


Please see the ‘Young Scholars Awards’ in the ‘Discussions’ section of our Google group:




2008 Tylenol® Scholarship

Feel better about your tuition.

We know that dedicating yourself to healthcare is no small commitment. Taking years of hard work and sacrifice. That's why the makers of TYLENOL are once again proud to offer the TYLENOL Scholarship program—now in its 16th year. This year, up to $350,000 in scholarships will be awarded to our future doctors, nurses and other health professionals. Because we think the people who help us feel better, deserve to feel better, too.

How the scholarship works.
$250,000 has already been put aside and donated to the fund. Then for every TYLENOL Scholarship coupon redeemed, an additional $0.25 will be donated to the fund—up to $100,000, for a grand total of $350,000. (Use of the coupon by residents in MA, ME, IL, WV, OK, SC, and AL will not result in a $0.25 donation to the TYLENOL Scholarship Fund.)|1522860293

How the scholarship is awarded.

·                     170 students will be granted scholarships in the amounts of $1000 and $5000

·                     Applicants will be judged on leadership qualities and academic performance

·                     Applications must be received by May 15th, 2008. Winners selected by the end of July 2008. Funds delivered by the end of August 2008.

If you're a healthcare student, take a moment to apply for the 2008 TYLENOL Scholarship. Because you deserve to feel better, too. Remember, applications are due by May 15th 2008.


Running Your Small Business with Intuit QuickBooks 2006


Intuit's QuickBooks is one of the most popular accounting software products on the market for growing businesses, and you don't need to know very much about accounting to use it. In this course, you'll learn how to set up and manage your company's books, create a budget, print and track checks and invoices, and more.


April 28, 2008 — June 13, 2008


For more information:


Want to Learn Basic Home Repair?


You may already know that JEVS’ Orleans Technical Institute offers a FREE home maintenance and repair program for Philadelphia low- to moderate-income homeowners but did you know that this wonderful program is now offered in the evenings?


This program teaches homeowners how to do their own basic repairs.  You will also learn how to negotiate intelligently if you need to hire a contractor for a repair or improvement project.  Learn basic hands-on skills including safety, tools, seasonal maintenance, toilet repair, changing faucets, fixing garbage disposals, replacing light fixtures, repairing sheet rock, painting, tiling/flooring, replacing ceiling tiles, and screen repair. Successful graduates will receive a new tool box complete with new tools and a home repair reference book.  Over the past 6 years, this program has helped hundreds of homeowners to do their own home repairs, save money and avoid unscrupulous contractors.


This 12-session program will take place two evenings a week for six weeks beginning on May 5th and 6th. Participants have a choice of the Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday three-hour sessions from 6:00 p.m.- 9:00 p.m.


To qualify, you must be 21 or older, a home owner, Philadelphia resident, and have a low- to moderate-income.  If you have specific income eligibility questions, please contact Dennis Zimmer at Orleans Tech at 215-728-4725.




Scholarship For Service (SFS) is a unique program designed to increase and strengthen the cadre of federal information assurance professionals that protect the government's critical information infrastructure. This program provides scholarships that fully fund the typical costs that students pay for books, tuition, and room and board while attending an approved institution of higher learning.
Additionally, participants receive stipends of up to $8,000 for undergraduate and $12,000 for graduate students. The scholarships are funded through grants awarded by the National Science Foundation NSF.

For more information, click here: https://www. default.asp

Adult Literacy Grants
The Dollar General Adult Literacy Grants award funding to non-profit
organizations that provide direct service to adults in need of
literacy assistance. Organizations must provide assistance in one of
the following instructional areas:
·    Adult basic education;

·    General education diploma preparation; or
·    English for speakers of other languages.



Family Literacy Grants
The Dollar General Family Literacy Grants will award grants to family
literacy service providers. Please note that the Dollar General
Literacy Foundation uses the federal government's definition of family
literacy when reviewing grant applications. Family literacy programs
applying for funding must have the following four components:
·       Adult education instruction;
o       Adult basic education

o       GED preparation
o       English for speakers of other languages
·       Children's education;
·       Parent and child together time (PACT); and,
Parenting classes that teach parents to be the primary teacher for their child.

Following is information for students interested in getting support for
higher education

Go to:

More information available in our Google group:










Barbara Montgomery

with Aaron Graves, Lee Smith, and Craig McIver

are honored to perform at the

The Salon Series

presented by Andrea Clearfield


400 South Sydenham Street


You are invited to the next Salon on Sunday, April 27th, 2008



Doors open at 7:00pm,

and you are advised to come early to get a seat.

Suggested donation $10.

All donations go toward Salon costs.

See below for program and directions.




April 27 SALON Program

1. Jeffrey Solow, cello, performs Le Grand Tango by Astor Piazzolla with Elise Auerbach, piano


2. Ranaan Meyer, bass, performs the world premiere of his composition, Third World Harmony, with E. Shawn Qaissaunee, guitar


3. Lisamarie McGrath and Ellen Fisher-Deerberg, perform Sound Bytes, flute duet by Katherine Hoover


4. Barbara Montgomery Quartet performs works by Leonard Cohen and Chick Corea (arr. Graves/Montgomery): Barbara Montgomery, vocals; Aaron Graves, piano; Lee Smith, bass and Craig McIver, drums


5. Lidia Kaminska will perform 2 movements from Concerto for Bandoneon by Piazzolla with Tim Ribchester, piano


6. Mitchell Lyon performs the Philadelphia premiere of Suite for Solo Cello by Richard Wernick


7. Orkestronix, directed by Patrick de Caumette, perform original works:  Max Swan, soprano/alto sax; Rob Green, tenor sax/clarinet; Mike Burton and Rick Magil, trumpets; Matt Fisher, trombone; Jonathan Smith, bass; A.J. Luca, piano; Patrick de Caumette, guitar


8. Rich Rudin, composer/pianist performs original works


9. Marian Murphy, soprano, will perform works by William Bolcom with Elizabeth Manus, piano


10. Enchante: Connie Koppe, vocals; Carla Mariani, piano;

Katt Flagg, accordion; Mike Blair, bass

perform works by LeGrande, Monnot and Dumont.


11. The Bob Beach Trio (Angie Nelson, Dave Nelson and Bob Beach) play blues noveau



Directions: 400 South Sydenham Street: go up Lombard from Broad, make a right on the first street past 15th Street (Sydenham). The large tan house is on your left just after a parking lot (private parking only). Or go south on 15th St., turn right on the first street after Pine (Waverly). House is halfway down the block on the left, corner of Waverly and Sydenham. Indoor parking on Broad and Pine and 16th and Waverly.





Spring Production ~ May 2-3, 2008


Join Us!

@ 10am - School Matinee ($5/student)
Teachers, should contact education coordinator, Melissa Talley-Palmer at 215.232.4485 or to reserve space for your students. Space is limited!

@ 7:30pm - Champagne Reception & Performance

Saturday, May 3
@ 7:30pm Evening Performance

Church of the Advocate, 18th & Fr. Paul Washington Ave. (formerly Diamond St.)  
(Use Gratz Street Entrance)
Philadelphia, PA 19121

Join Art Sanctuary's afterschool arts students, North Stars, in Philadelphia Renaissance: From the Stoop to the Stage, a multimedia youth production incorporating music, modern dance, poetry, African dance and media arts to highlight the contributions of African American Artist born, raised or affiliated with Philadelphia.

Students will embody the personas of "Nina Simone, Pearl Bailey, John Coltrane, The Nicholas Brothers, Judith Jamison, Alaine Lock, and Jessie Fauset to help the audience experience the importance of African American arts and the overall contribution of Philadelphia born, raised or affiliated artists in our culture.

For more information: 215.232.4485 or

This event is funded by Alston Beech Foundation, Citizens Bank Foundation, Hamilton Family Foundation, Lawrence Saunders Fund, Lincoln Financial Group Foundation, PECO, An Exelon Company, The Allen Hilles Fund,The Douty Foundation, Verizon Foundation, Wachovia Foundation, Henrietta


Tower Wurts Memorial, PNC Bank Foundation, Starbucks Foundation, The Douty Foundation,The Seybert Institution, Wachovia Foundation.

Art Sanctuary
Church of the Advocate
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19121-1590






The Andy Kirk Research Foundation, Inc. presents, as part of the 9th Annual Central Brooklyn Jazz Festival, a

three-day tribute to the late jazz icon Dr. Maxwell Lemuel Roach.

This programming is produced with the blessing of Max Roach's family.  Beginning Friday, April 25 thru and including April 27, 2008, presentations, video footage, panel discussions and jazz performances will honor the life of this great African American artist.

At Concord Baptist Church of Christ; Boys and Girls High School; Medgar Evers College, in the Bedford Stuyvesant and Crown Heights sections of Brooklyn,

over one hundred (100) jazz musicians/artists will pay homage to Brooklyn's legendary percussionist Max Roach.

All three days of programming and concerts are free and open to the entire family.

For additional information cal l 718.756.9407.



African American Short Films – Syndicated Television Program –

Accepting Submissions


African American Short Films, a nationally televised showcase of

short films starring, produced, written and/or directed by African-

American filmmakers, is accepting submissions for it's 2008 /10

seasons. "African American Short Films" airs quarterly on network

affiliates in over 100 cities nationwide. This is a wonderful

opportunity to showcase one’s work on a national level.


Submissions are accepted on an on-going basis. Accepted films receive





Short films should be between 1-28 minutes in length.

Viewing copies must be submitted on VHS, Mini DV or DVD in NTSC format.


Short films may originate on any format or medium (i.e.; Mini DV,

Digibeta, Beta SP, 8mm, 16mm, 35mm, etc.,...) Please note the running

time and format shot on.


Send submissions to:


Badami Productions

419 North Larchmont Blvd., P.O. Box #322

Los Angeles, CA 90004

ATTN: "African American Short Films"


Please include your contact information and tell us where you heard

about African American Short Films.

Viewing copies will not be returned.


For questions or additional information email: or

go to


First Person Arts launches First Person Salons at the Gershman Y

It was standing-room-only for every single one of First Person Arts’ notorious Story Slams in 2007, and now First Person Arts is bringing that same energy and enthusiasm to a new series of memoir and documentary-arts events: First Person Salons at the Gershman Y.  On the second Wednesday of each month, First Person Arts will showcase new work and works-in-progress presented by the artists themselves to an audience eager to get an inside look at the creative process.  Writers, photographers, documentary film-makers, painters and sculptors will put both their work and their methods on display, demonstrating how they turn real-life drama into compelling works of art.  
First Person Arts is accepting applications from artists on a rolling basis at  You can find a Salon overview and application at <> .  Join us every 2nd Wednesday, 7:00 pm at the Gershman Y (Broad and Pine)  Admission: $5-10.






An Afternoon of Poetry


Every second Saturday of the month from 1 – 3 PM


Serenity Inspirational Gifts & Coffee


140 So. Easton Rd.

Glenside, PA



Jus’ Words at Dowlings Place

1310 No. Broad St. Phila

Every Thurs. 9pm to 1am

·        Poets

·        Rappers

·        Singers

·        Spoken Word Artists

$5.00 cover






" National Rally To Fight Violence and Abuse of Black Females"

May 10, 2008 (Philly)     

"This Is Why"  

Just one of the many stories that need to be and will be told and dealt with.

And why YOU should get involved !!

MWM 267-299-6424


Incident At Queens School Results In Jailed Student

January 10, 2008

A Queens high school student was released from jail earlier this week, three weeks after being sent there for missing a court appointment. The whole thing stems from an incident months ago, when her teacher wanting her removed from class.

NY1 Education reporter Michael Meenan found out that was just the beginning of a hellish legal odyssey for this young woman.

Her family has kept Christmas waiting for Porsha Newman, 17, who was finally free on Monday after three weeks on Rikers Island. She was sent there by a judge, after missing court in December when she had to prove she had gotten counseling as part of her sentence for an arrest inside her school last march.

"It feels like she was snatched away," said Porsha's mom, Valerie.

The Department of Correction says it is looking into how Newman got bruises on her face. She says they came from an inmate assault.

"Porsha does not look the same person she did going in there," said Porsha's sister Nicole after visiting her sister at Rikers. "The question is, is this what the judge calls justice?"

The girl says she missed her December court date because she was in a hospital emergency room with a case of the hives. When she reported to court several days later, the judge sent her to Rikers.

This all stemmed from an incident last March when her English teacher at Information Technology High School called security and a dean when Newman misbehaved in class.

"The teacher asked me to put away the book, and I wouldn't put the book away," she said.

Newman has pled guilty in a prior arrest for hitting a police officer and store owner in a stolen property case. She's missing too many school credits for cutting too many classes, and that she cursed at the dean who came to her class.

"I didn't think they were going to arrest me after I left the class," she said.

The district attorney says Newman was arrested for shoving and choking the school safety agent, an NYPD employee. Newman denies this act.

On Monday, Newman pled guilty to disorderly conduct, which isn't a crime, and was ordered released.

The New York Civil Liberties Union says Porsha Newman's case is indicative of a growing trend in city schools where kids charged with educational infractions wind up in the legal system. The civil liberties group says this is blowing things out of proportion because educators, not law enforcement officials, should handle these problems.

"We have received numerous complaints that routine matters of school discipline, writing on the desk, being in the hall during class, being late to class, result in arrest, not detention," said Donna Lieberman of the NYCLU.

Neither the Department of Education nor the NYPD had statistics for student assaults on school safety agents -- NYPD employees who can make school arrests. Newman's attorney says that means students in trouble go to a precinct, not a dean's office. As a result of Newman's case, her attorney offered up some advice to other students.

"Keep your hands to yourself. Keep your mouth shut," said attorney Gary Miret. "Take the suspension and let your parents handle it."

- Michael Meenan growing trend in city schools where kids charged with educational infractions wind up in the legal system. The civil liberties group says this is blowing things out of proportion because educators, not law enforcement officials, should handle these problems.

"We have received numerous complaints that routine matters of school discipline, writing on the desk, being in the hall during class, being late to class, result in arrest, not detention," said Donna Lieberman of the NYCLU.

Neither the Department of Education nor the NYPD had statistics for student assaults on school safety agents -- NYPD employees who can make school arrests. Newman's attorney says that means students in trouble go to a precinct, not a dean's office. As a result of Newman's case, her attorney offered up some advice to other students.

"Keep your hands to yourself. Keep your mouth shut," said attorney Gary Miret. "Take the suspension and let your parents handle it."

- Michael Meenan,






Book Drive for the University of Bamako (Mali)



Nine hundred years ago, Timbuktu was celebrated as a major center of passage for all desert voyagers.  It was the center of trade where merchants from Tuareg and Fulani tribes, for example, would trade gold and other desired items from the Nile to the Niger areas. Timbuktu not only celebrated a long history of commerce, it was also the citadel for scholarship for various empires spanning from the Mali Empire (1300 b.c.) to the Songhai Empire (1400s b.c).

In honor of this great history, the African Studies Graduate Students Association (ASGSA) at Howard University in collaboration with the African New Era Organization (ANEO) is launching this project called Rebuilding the Library in Timbuktu to provide books for students at the University of Bamako in the Republic of Mali.

Throughout the month of April 2008, ASGSA will be collecting books via three methods:

1)      Online at  (search “African Studies Graduate Student Association”)


2)      At the African Studies Department on the main campus of Howard University

(2225 Georgia Ave, NW, 4th Floor)


3)      At Sankofa Bookstore (2714 Georgia Avenue, NW)


At the end of the book drive, ASGSA will host a celebratory open mic reading at Sankofa Bookstore on Friday May 2, 2008 from 7PM – 9:30PM.   This open mic event will encourage students and community members to read exerpts by African writers as well as share self-written pieces that honor Africa and/or an African writer.  There is no required cover charge but attendees are encouraged to bring at least one book from the wish list.


If you’d like more information about this project, or to find out where to drop off books, please call Chioma Oruh at 202-320-5542 or e-mail Chioma at or



Blue Cross Broad Street Run

Second largest 10-mile run in the United States. Course is directly down Broad Street, with the finish line in the Philadelphia Navy Yard.


Sunday May 4th 2008


Central High School Athletic Field

Registration: $25.00

For more information: 215.683.3594


The 11th Annual Gateway to Bucks County Showcase

Trade show for qualified corporate events and meeting planners from all over the Mid-Atlantic region and further, featuring Bucks County's best and most elegant event services and hospitality facilities all in one place.


Thurs. May 8th and Friday May 9th


This event is invitation only for corporate events and meeting planners For more information or for an information please email




Our First Annual Black Tie Fundraiser Event, For 2008.

Date: May 4, 2008

Location: the Legendary Blue Horizon

Ticket Cost: $100.00 per person

$175.00 per couple

Time: 5pm

For More Information, Please Call:

New Start Foundation, Inc. (NSF) at




The National Rally To Fight

"Violence & Abuse of Black Women Girls & Elders"

Sat. May 10, 2008

(Assemble 11:00 a.m. - Walk From City Hall To Love Park - Philly, PA)


Support the first global Movement for all women and girls of African descent

The International Million Woman Movement

"The only authorized entity of The Original & Official"

Million Woman March  & Universal Movements (TM)


Founder & President General






Greetings Family,


Imara Institute and Investment Group will be hosting

"Remembering Truth - An Artistic Experience in Honor Malcolm X"

Poetry Nite and Fundraiser


Date: Saturday, May 10th, 7 pm


Location: KAOS Network - 4343 Leimert Blvd. (in Leimert Park)


Donation: $10, which includes food (all proceeds go to South LA community programs)


Dr. Earl Grant, former Comrade of Malcolm X in the OAAU, will be speaking


DJ Orator of Divine Forces (KPFK 90.7) will be spinning that night





“We must recapture our heritage and our identity if we are ever to liberate ourselves from the bonds of white supremacy. We must launch a cultural revolution to unbrainwash an entire people.” – El Hajj Malik El Shabazz (Malcolm X)






Free Computers For Schools
(800) 939-6000
Willie Cade, CEO
Computers for Schools
773-583-7575 Office
773-583-7585 Fax




Our new group A HAND UP! Is now open, please go to:


Got Space?


Local Non-Profit is looking for room to develop!


For My Daughter is looking for approximately 350 - 500 square feet of indoor space for an academic Youth Program.



Separate Male & Female Restrooms

Secure, yet visible to the community

Room for desks and tables (no more than 10)

Spacious enough for computers and lots books

Year round, weekday and weekend access

Really, reasonable rent!



Yvonne Haughton 267-795-7811



Community College of Philadelphia's Act Now/Act 101 Program
The Act Now/Act 101 Program is seeking your assistance in the development of the following new opportunities for their Leadership Learning Community students.

Mentoring Program: It is important for students to meet professionals, outside of the Act Now/Act 101 Program, who have completed college and who would be available to offer guidance and support as they pursue their academic and career goals. An in-person introductory meeting will be scheduled by the Act Now Program in February. Mentors would then be then expected to communicate via email, telephone or in person with their Act Now student once during the month of March and once during the month of April.

Informational Interviews: While some of our students have chosen majors to pursue others are still undecided. It is helpful for them to meet professionals in the fields they are considering. The time commitment for Informational Interviews is minimal. The Act Now/Act 101 Program will keep a list of individuals representing a variety of professions. Interested students will contact the representatives to schedule an interview. Interviews may be conducted by telephone or in person and should take no longer than an hour.

For application or more information, please email Erika Hernandez


Remember to support The Coalition, Inc.’s on-air personalities…

Technically Speaking with the award winning JC Lamkin on WNWR 1540 AM, Saturdays at 2pm.

Straight Up WORD with Dr. John Elliott Churchville on WNWR 1540 AM, Sundays at 7am.

Sister Phile Chionesu, organizer of the Million Woman March, Mondays 10pm to 1am on Harambee Radio Welcome to Harambee Radio Online

Look for the return of Bro. Sabir Bey formerly of W.U.R.D. to the airways soon!



fr. Paul M. Washington, former rector of the Church of the Advocate at
18th and fr. Paul M. Washington Avenue in North Philadelphia.  The
Forum, like Father Washington, is a provider and legitimizer of public
space for the free expression of dissident Black voices on public
issues central to our communities.  The Forum's purpose is to provide
a public space and an opportunity to be heard to Black persons and
groups who bring non-traditional approaches to ways of thinking and
organizing focused on solving pressing community problems. Proud
member of The Coalition!
visit our website:
and join our Yahoo group:
Gary R. Adams, Chairman
John E. Churchville, PhD, Founder





First Anniversary Issue!

The Coalition was born out of the first Community Organizational Summit held at The Church of the Advocate at 18th & Father Paul M. Washington Ave. on July 26th 2006. At that time more than fifty organizations signed on. Presently, there are more than one hundred organizational members, and nearly one hundred pending. The first FYI The Coalition Weekly Digest was distributed August 25th 2006, thank you for a great year!

Gary R. Adams,

Community Liaison for The Coalition



Click here to join the Coalition
Join the Coalition!

More Coalition Information




Become a Peacemaker!

You can help by standing strong
with a sustaining presence.

 10,000 Men - A Call to Action

10,000 Men - A Call to Action

For more information
call 215-731-0541.
Kenny Gamble & Bill Cosby

Over 10,000 Black Men Answer Call

Black Men Answer Call







New York City rapper releases video that brings the truth about Hip-Hop into schools
and, talks to 6th and 7th graders about the lies of popular rappers, their lyrics,
and the negative influence of the music they listen to.

Read More Here







WDAS History:

Keep the knowledge of our history alive
and share it with our posterity!

WDAS History:
One Radio Station's Role in the History of
the Human Rights and Peace Movements.

WDAS History

(With Photographs!)



View the Previous Edition

Return to Local News Updates



Rev. Al Sharpton:
" 'Reach up' to stem violence"
Read More Here

More updates are coming soon.






As the
"JENA 6"
Case receives more public scrutiny,
perhaps it is time to take another look at
Some Louisiana Local Area Coverage!

Freedom fighters are outraged by Human Rights violations
As the outrage grows

you can add your support and
sign the petition


& to keep up with New Developments

Search "Google News"

For more activity information
Contact Local Area Organizations



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"I, for one, believe that if you give people a thorough understanding
of what confronts them
and the basic causes that produce it,
they'll create their own program,
and when the people create a program,
you get action."
-Malcolm X


"He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps perpetrate it."

"We must work on . . . attacking the causes and healing the effects."
-Martin Luther King Jr.







Quality Web Sites


Eight Cities Media & Publications