The Urban Cartographer Online



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In Philadelphia,








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The "Offering Reconciliation" Project
The "Offering Reconciliation" Project, initiated by the Israeli Friends of the Family Forum
presents to the public at large, the idea of reconciliation between Israelis and Palestinians through Art.
Please Read More












Current Coalition Newsletter

Join the Coalition

News From
The Coalition, Inc.

News From

The Coalition, Inc.

Friday 23 May 2008

Volume 2, Number 38

Coalition Board of Directors

Gary R. Adams, President

John E. Churchville, Treasurer

Yvonne Haughton, Secretary


Stanley Daniels

Tom Henry

Patricia Coyne

Abdul Malik Raheem

Angela Mohammed


Table of content


For Our Children … 01

This Week … 09

Employment and Training Opportunities … 11

Health Matters … 16

Green Piece … 19

Grants and Scholarships … 19

SpotLight … 22

Arts for Awareness … 22

Coming Up …26

Computers and Technology … 30

A Hand Up … 31

On The Airways … 33


Page 02





If you would like to report on a recent community event, feel free to send us a brief account of what happened, we will share it with our readers.

Send your information to:










Tuskeegee Anyone?


Government sponsored experiments with poor Baltimore, Maryland families!
















Page 03






We are proud to announce that News From The Coalition is featured on the internationally acclaimed site Eight Cities Map

Click here: EightCitiesMAP Choose “Philadelphia’s Online Community 

“Newsletter” from the menu.













If this publication is being forwarded to you, and you wish to be placed on our mailing list, send an email to

with “subscribe” in the subject.








Page 04






He who knows others is clever; He who knows himself has discernment.
Lao Tzu








































Page 05




















































Page 06







Volunteers are still needed to help organize the first INTER-FAITH COMMUNITY
SURVIVAL SUMMIT to be held in the city of Philadelphia. For information or to volunteer or register as a representative for your place of worship, call 215.387.2734 or email:





























Page 07



















































Page 08



When my grandson, Billy, and I entered our vacation cabin, we kept the lights off until we were inside to keep from attracting pesky insects. Still, a few fire flies followed us in. Noticing them before I did, Billy whispered, “It’s no use, Grandpa. The mosquitoes are coming after us with flashlights.”

































Page 09


“Do you believe in life after death?” the boss asked one of his employees.
”Yes, Sir.” The new recruit replied.
”Well, then, that makes everything just fine,” the boss went on. “After you left early yesterday to go to your grandmother’s funeral, she stopped in to see you.”



































Page 10


































































page 11






























































page 12





The Raw Family Newsletter


















































page 13










In the world there is nothing more submissive and weak than water. Yet for attacking that which is hard and strong nothing can surpass it.
Lao Tzu








































page 14




























































page 15


Word of The Week: faction \FAK-shuhn\, A usually contentious or self-seeking group within a larger group, party, government, etc. Party strife and intrigue; internal dissension.






































Page 16












































Page 17






The individual whose vision encompasses the whole world often feels nowhere so hedged in and out of touch with his surroundings as in his native land.
Emma Goldman






























Page 18





































Page 19








































Page 20


Patrick, an Irish oil worker, is on a job in Alaska up on the North
Slope. It’s forty below zero one winter night and Patrick is imbibing
at his local saloon.
The bartender says to him, “Patrick, you owe me quite a bit on your tab.”
”Sure’n I’m flat broke this week.”
”That’s OK. I’ll just write your name and the amount you owe me right here on the wall.”
”But I’m not wantin’ any of me friends to see that.”
”They won’t. I’ll just hang your parka over it until it’s paid.”
























Page 21








































Page 22

We will be spotlighting members and organizations weekly, if you wish to have your organization spotlighted, forward to us information on your primary mission, your current projects and/or how you would want other members of The Coalition, Inc. to be involved. Many of us are already being a support to one another, but there is plenty of room for improvement.














Page 23








































page 24








































page 25








































page 26































page 27











































page 28













Volunteers are still needed to help organize the first INTER-FAITH COMMUNITY
SURVIVAL SUMMIT to be held in the city of Philadelphia. For information or to volunteer or register as a representative for your place of worship, call 215.387.2734 or email:














page 29








































Page 30








































Page 31








































Page 32








































Page 33






































Greetings Coalition Family!


Our family is growing! If your neighborhood or community organization has not yet joined The Coalition, Inc., please take a copy of the information packet to your next meeting. A copy can be downloaded from the ‘Files’ section of our Google group. Join The Coalition, Inc.!


Join A HAND UP! To make donations or donation requests.


Gary R. Adams,

Chairman for The Coalition


Join our Google group





Stan Daniels to Editor




We recently received this helpful information:


For young men entering 10th and 11th grades.


Pass it on to those that may be interested, post at your church & etc.


Click on the link below, it will take you to the Morehouse website.


Morehouse Summer Program

Morehouse College will be offering a Summer Institute (Project Identity) for African-American males entering the 10th and 11th grades.

1310                  Three weeks (June 7 – 28)

1310                  Creative Writing

1310                  SAT Prep

1310                  Debate

1310                  Pre-Calculus

1310                  Leadership development

1310                  Enrichment activities

1310                  $400 fee (includes meals, housing and activities)




and there is more information on our own Web site.




Stan Daniels


Urban Cartographer Online



This summer the Organization of Black Airline Pilots (OBAP) will hold 2 Aviation Career Education Camps sponsored by Delta Air Lines.

The purpose of each one-week program is to introduce interested youth to the world of aviation by exposing them to the many challenging careers and opportunities which the aviation industry has to offer.

This is a program has been around for several years and is an outstanding opportunity for all of our children.


Please take the time to read the brochure/application in the ‘FILES’ section of our Google group:

and pass it along to anyone that you know who may be interested.

The age range is for boys and girls between 14-18 years old.

The best part of the camp other than the exposure is that it is FREE!!!! Delta Air Lines pays the entire cost.


Application deadline is June 2, 2008. Please visit or for additional details.







JUNE 22-28; and JULY 6-12

If your ideal school is one where the classrooms include over 7,000 acres of forest, fields, wetlands, and streams, and where learning about our environment goes hand-in-hand with having fun and meeting new friends, then the Penn State Conservation Leadership School (CLS) is for you. It’s not a recreational summer camp, although lots of fun is definitely on the agenda. It’s a RE-Creation experience, leading you to learn, to live, and to think critically about sustaining our environment.

In the unique setting at The Pennsylvania State University’s Stone Valley Recreation Area near State College, Pa., students between the ages of 15 and 18 learn about the environment and conservation during a one-week program that emphasizes field-based, hands-on learning, group problem solving, and leadership.

This year’s program will include a special session on leadership developed by the PA Rural Leadership Program (RULE) and an interactive ropes course challenge that will foster cooperation and teamwork.  The 2008 curriculum will focus on important natural resource issues including:

  • Analyzing your hometown drinking water  
    Participants will bring a water sample from home and learn how to test for various pollutants that may occur in Pennsylvania water supplies.
  • Deer population management and habitat conservation 
    Representatives from the Quality Deer Management Association (QDMA) will discuss strategies on how to achieve biologically and socially balanced deer herds within existing environmental, social, and legal constraints.
  • Recycling: Beyond the Bin 
    Students will get a behind- the-scenes look at the recycling process and learn how and why this essential “R” (reduce, reuse, and recycle) plays a key role in our waste management practices.
  • What is wood? 
    Participants may walk away from CLS with a new appreciation for one of the earth’s most versatile and sustainable resources.
  • “Green” Buildings  
    Students will tour some of Penn State’s newest and award-winning “green” buildings, which bring together new technologies, sustainable materials, and creative designs.

Conservation Leadership School is being offered twice this summer, June 22-28 and July 6-12.  The same program is offered for each week.  During their stay at Stone Valley, the students will work in teams with the faculty and staff from the School of Forest Resources, and representatives of the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission, the Pennsylvania Game Commission, the Department of Environmental Protection, the Pennsylvania Rural Leadership Program, and the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources.

Scholarships are available from participating Conservation Districts in Pennsylvania and area sportsmen clubs for students representing their district at CLS.  For a listing of participating organizations and to register online, please visit: and click on Conservation Leadership School.  For more information please contact the Office of Conferences and Short Courses at (814) 865-8301 or email at to receive registration materials.

Registration is limited so please apply early.

For questions regarding the content of the program, contact Mike Powell, Director of CLS, at (814) 863-1113 or email at


Baby Care Drive for Community Baby Shower


Germantown Settlement is in need of volunteers and baby item donations for our 2nd Annual Community Baby Shower.  We need volunteers to assist us in various assignments throughout the event.  Please contact us at 215-849-3104 ext. 113.  Ask for Bernadette Prater.


Germantown Settlement a multi-service organization is holding its 2nd annual Baby Care Drive for its Community Baby Shower entitled Watering the Seeds of Tomorrow. We understand that throwing a baby shower for a friend is a tradition, but throwing one for an anonymous mother in need is an act of kindness. This year, our event is expected to reach over 350 to 400 new and expected mothers. The Drive will end May 29, 2008. Our Community Baby shower will be held Saturday, May 31, 2008 from 10:00 to 6:00 pm. We are asking for donations to obtain the following new or gently used baby items:


Diapers, Baby wipes, Carry All Bags,(Layettes, blankets, receiving blanket, sheet, bumpers, etc.) Infant clothing (new boys and girls clothing, sleep sets, t-shirts, bibs, hats, sweaters, etc.), Bathing items (baby soaps, shampoo, cotton, balls, towels, etc ), Infant suitable toys (rattlers, pacifiers, plush toys, books), Bottles, formula, bottle cleaners, Baby monitor, breastfeeding pumps, breast pads, children books, baby food, baby and toddler toys, Eating items (sippy cups, plastic bowls cups, etc.), Baby furniture (portable and standard cribs, bassinets, high chair, baby swing, walker, strollers, bouncers, potties, baby furniture, etc. (Monetary donations for our baby item giveaways)


If you wish to provide a monetary donation, please send your check, cash or money order to Germantown Settlement, Welcome New Babies program, 5538C Wayne Avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 19144. Baby item drop off are at the same location, or call and we will pick it up. If you have any questions, please call Germantown Settlement at: 215-849-3104, extension 113 or 183 or email us at ask for Bernadette Prater go on our website at look for Community Baby Shower.


Thank you in advance for your support and commitment to the Baby Care Drive for our Community Baby Shower and remember: “Good parents give their children Roots and Wings.” –Jonas Salk


Community College of Philadelphia’s Act Now/Act 101 Program

The Act Now/Act 101 Program is seeking your assistance in the development of the following new opportunities for their Leadership Learning Community students.


Mentoring Program: It is important for students to meet professionals, outside of the Act Now/Act 101 Program, who have completed college and who would be available to offer guidance and support as they pursue their academic and career goals.


Informational Interviews: While some of our students have chosen majors to pursue others are still undecided. It is helpful for them to meet professionals in the fields they are considering. The time commitment for Informational Interviews is minimal. The Act Now/Act 101 Program will keep a list of individuals representing a variety of professions. Interested students will contact the representatives to schedule an interview. Interviews may be conducted by telephone or in person and should take no longer than an hour.


For application or more information, please email

Erika Hernandez



The Sigma Sharks Pop Warner football program is looking for coaches for the 2008 season beginning this summer. We have 4 teams covering ages 7 – 13, and practice at 19th and Washington Ave. Time commitment is 10hrs/week in August and 6hrs/week in Sept./Oct. For more information: Coach Darron at 267.972.8921 or email:


Resources for Children’s Health’s SAFE program has openings for new clients. In our SAFE program, we provide parents of children aged birth through 5 years with the information, resources and support they need to raise healthy and happy children. A peer and professional staff conduct services. Spanish-speaking case managers are available.

Services include:


·        In-home visits Help in obtaining medical, pediatric and well-baby care;

·        Accompaniment to medical appointments and other appointments;

·        Connecting participants to supportive community resources to

meet identified needs;

·        Health and nutrition information, resources and written handouts;

·        Incentives- baby items, parent-child activity books, home safety items, and others;

·        Assisting participants in securing health insurance or other benefits;

·        Supporting participants in engaging in healthy lifestyle practices, such as smoking cessation, exercise and good adult and child nutrition;

·        “Hands-on” support, such as grocery shopping to show participants how to purchase good quality nutritional food at reasonable prices; and

·        Positive parenting and health education workshops, which are open to everyone in the community.


For more information, to sign up, or to make a referral to the SAFE Program, please contact Brenda Rochester, SAFE Supervisor, at 215.985.6252.


Kids With a Mission!

The 1st African American Kids Entrepreneur Radio Show on

Junior Entrepreneurs On The Move Radio show Saturdays at 6pm.

You can find JEOTM at

JEOTM  Radio is the brainchild of 2 young men Jerry who is 12 years old and his brother RJ AKA Spidey Boy who is 8 years old.

JEOTM was created to encourage and foster the entrepreneurial spirit in young people.

Each show will feature guests that introduce youth early on to business concepts and entrepreneurship.

By empowering youth JEOTM Radio seeks to instill key skills that will enable financial independence.


RESOURCE Program (PEER) presents


Free parenting classes

Attend the FREE non-judgmental ten week program and receive a


$100.00 food gift card or Earn $100.00 towards a utility bill of your choice


Classes are held weekly at

Tustin Recreation Center

5901 Columbia Avenue

Philadelphia, PA 19151

Mondays 6:00pm – 8:00pm


Other sites available – Enrollment is ongoing


A project of the Lutheran Children and Family Service


Sonya Harris-Saunders, Program Coordinator 215.339.8002 ext 19

Wendy Brown, Administrative Assistant 215.424.3741 ext 248




is looking for tutors for their tutoring program at East Spencer Miller Elementary School at 43rd and Westminster.  Tutoring takes place on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings from 5pm to 7pm, and is for students 8-12 years of age.


If you or anyone you know can help during either of these two timeframes, please contact Malik (aka Norm) Johnson, at 215-410-2859.


Please share this information; you never know who has a couple of hours a week to help our kids. 




C&C Athletic Association also has a tutoring and mentoring program at Eastwick Recreation Center at 80th and Mars Sts. For students, age 10-17. This program runs from November to April. Contact Calvin Johnson (215-738-5181) if you can help or know someone who needs to be tutored.


1. You will have a nationwide connection with primarily African
American parents and other parents who have children of color.
2. You will receive EXCLUSIVE discounts and special offers with over
40 selected businesses that have created or represent companies with items that will encourage children of color to feel proud and
positive about their heritage. Most of these companies are owned and
operated by African Americans, something to be proud of in itself.
3. You will receive a monthly email with not only EXCLUSIVE discounts and offers, but the opportunity to win GREAT prizes from our Black Parent Connect Shops. Each monthly prize will be valued at $50 or more.
4. You will also receive special tips, news and other parenting information when visiting our website.
(This is open to non-members as well)
5. FREE and Easy to join! Just simply join by clicking on our JOIN NOW page on our navigator tab at

Joan Gosier, President HBCU kidz, Inc.
954-302-4540 x701
“An Education that is superior, exciting, challenging and custom-designed to fit each student’s needs and interests.” 


This Week…











SATURDAY, MAY 24, 2008



















215-235-7505 EXT.203


15th Cherokee Festival

15th Cherokee Festival will have Native American dancing, drumming and native foods.

Educational and fun for the entire family.

Grounds open at 10am. Grand entry 12pm.


May 24th thru 26th

Temple’s Ambler Campus

580 Meetinghouse Road
Ambler, PA 19034


Saturday and Sunday, 10am to 8pm

Monday, 10am to 6pm

For more information: 215.549.4191

Join Sister Inez Barron & Women for Obama

for a Victory Party

Saturday night

May 24, 2008

8:00-10:00  pm

Sistas’ Place

456 Nostrand Avenue



Women for Obama are hosting a victory party from 8 – 10 pm at Sistas’ Place this Saturday and Sister Inez Barron is chairing.  We’ll look at where Obama has gotten with the delegates and plan for the November campaign!  Join us this Saturday at Sistas’ Place, 456 Nostrand Avenue, entrance on Jefferson and bring a friend…  For further information call (718) 398-1766.


Help Rebuild Prince of Peace Baptist Church

Attention Praise 103.9 listeners! Join Praise and the Philadelphia Phillies as we raise funds to help rebuild Prince of Peace Baptist Church, the historic Strawberry Mansion church which was badly damaged by fire on April 30. Purchase a ticket located in the Terrace Deck (section 423) for $25 to see the Phillies versus the Colorado Rockies on Tuesday, May 27 @ 7:05 PM


Highlights include:

All fans will receive a free McDonald’s Fightin’ Phils Cap

Net proceeds from each ticket sold will benefit the Prince of Peace Baptist Church

To order your tickets, click on the link below and enter the promotion code PEACE.


Give back to your community while also enjoying a night out at Citizens Bank Park!


Moms Against Guns and Project H.O.M.E., one of the leading nonprofit groups in the region, invite you to attend a forum that hopes to bring together moms, grandmoms, aunts, dads, brothers and sisters, friends, and other family members to talk about the growing issue of gun violence and how it is affecting our lives and communities. Following is more information. Please plan to attend.


Project H.O.M.E. and Moms Against Guns invite you to

Healing the Wounds of Violence:

A Community Forum with Dr. John Rich

Wednesday, May 28th at 7:00 p.m.


Project H.O.M.E.’s Honickman Learning Center & Comcast Technology Labs,

1936 N. Judson Street, Philadelphia 19121 (between 23rd and 24th Streets, between Berks and Norris Streets)


Urban violence is not simply a criminal justice problem but one that is often related to deep trauma. This forum will explore how a community can respond to trauma as a way of healing and building peace. Dr. John Rich is the Chair of the Department of Health Management and Policy at Drexel University. He has extensive experience in of community health and inner-city youth. We will also hear from community activists and family members who have lost loved ones to violence. This event is free. Refreshments will be served.


Co-sponsored by the Jewish Community Relations Council

of the Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia.


For more information, contact Will O’Brien at Project H.O.M.E.,

215.232.7272, ext. 3047 or







I want to share with you management opportunities for Census 2010 – Early Local Census Office (ELCO). Please feel free to share this information.    Each office will hire six (6) management positions.  Within the Philadelphia Region twelve (12) ELCOs will open.  Early Local Census Offices will open throughout the Commonwealth of PA in Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Erie, Harrisburg, Scranton as well as Camden and Trenton, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland and the District of Columbia.
The positions are full time, temporary employment (2 year appointment – position ends when office closes after Census 2010).  I want to share with you management opportunities for Census 2010 – Early Local Census Office (ELCO).


For more information: See “Early Local Census Office Opportunities” in the ‘Discussions’ section of our Google group


The following positions are available,

please email your resume or any questions about these openings to

Stan Pokras <> 

(No phone calls, please.)


Computer Refurbishing Manager & Hardware Instructor

Responsible for management of all aspects of computer refurbishment and training facility as well as the creation and execution of hardware curriculum for Work-Readiness Program participants.  As Refurbishing manager, duties include:  oversight of staff for pickup, receipt, sorting and storage of donated computers; production scheduling; troubleshooting and repair; retail store support, inventory management; and employee/program participant training and supervision.  As Hardware Instructor, responsibilities include: creation and execution of curriculum for Work-Readiness Program participants, to include all aspects of computer testing, refurbishment and repair; supervising participant progress through curriculum; mentoring, motivating and coaching participants; and conduct of oral and written examinations. Will also manage warehouse and computer repair staff, as well as computer home-care program. Experience managing computer troubleshooting and repair facility and training technicians a must for this position. Experience training members of urban community a definite plus.


Computer Software & Work-Readiness Instructor

Responsible for managing all aspects of classroom and practical experience training in computer usage for Work-Readiness Program.  Duties include creation and administration of curriculum for Work-Readiness Program participants.  Curriculum to include instruction in computer usage skills and associated basic comprehension, calculation, communication and decision-making skills.  Additional responsibilities include coordination with other instructors and staff regarding participant progress; supervision of participant progress through curriculum; mentoring, motivating and coaching participants; and conduct of oral and written examinations. Experience teaching computer skills required.  Experience with adult literacy issues and urban population a plus.


Computer Thrift Store Manager

Responsible for supervision of all aspects of retail Computer Thrift Store operation.  Supervisory duties include: opening and closing; cash register transactions; data entry; purchase and tracking of inventory, accessories and supplies; training and supervision of Assistant; merchandise setup, display, pricing and labeling; customer service; store promotion and advertising. Retail experience required.  Strong computer skills, patience for serving inexperienced computer users, experience in an urban setting definite pluses. May be required to lift items weighing up to 30 pounds.


Computer Thrift Store Assistant Manager

Responsible for assisting Store Manager in all aspects of his or her duties as described above.  In addition, Store Assistant will train and oversee store clerks, as well as Work-Readiness Program participants in retail store operations, including: customer service; cash register transactions; data entry; inventory tracking and replenishment; merchandise setup, display, pricing and labeling. Retail experience, particularly in an urban setting, a definite plus.  May be required to lift items weighing up to 30 pounds.


Administrative Assistant

Responsible for all clerical duties and communication associated with administering a Work-Readiness Program.  Duties include:  tracking and recording participant time and attendance; telephone reception; written and electronic correspondence; record keeping, data entry, filing.  Must have experience as administrative assistant, including use of computer for record keeping and communication. Must also have excellent written and oral communication skills. Experience working with an urban population a definite plus.


Security Manager

Responsible for security of warehouse, computer thrift store, and computer repair/refurbishing/training facility.  Primary duties include monitoring security systems (closed circuit TV, fire and intrusion) and taking charge of personnel safety in emergencies.  Additional responsibilities include receiving and logging participants in Work-Readiness Program, coat and bag check, telephone support for training and thrift store programs. Must have security experience in an urban setting.



*           *           *


Stanley R. Pokras, Executive Director   Nonprofit Technology Resources (NTR)

Regional Coord, Community Technology Centers’ Network (

Chair, CTCNet of Delaware Valley, Regional Planning Committee (


Nonprofit Technology Resources

1524 Brandywine Street

Philadelphia PA  19130

215-564-6686 (day)      215-564-6642 (fax)

267-968-0407 (cell)

Find our “Home Page” at

Part-Time Research Interviewers Positions Available!!
Women’s Health Research The University Of Pennsylvania


Contribute to a well-known and exciting in-community research study
in its 13th year.


· Longitudinal study of Reproductive Hormones in the late reproductive years.
· Focus on hormonal fluctuation and correlations with psychological and physical symptoms of the menopausal transition.
· 300 female subjects, aged 45-60, living throughout the Philadelphia region

· Visit homes of female subjects throughout Philadelphia region
· Conduct in depth research interviews and draw blood samples


· BA, BS, or RN preferred, will consider LPN or MA.
· Excellent communication skills
· Serious attention to detail required
· Interview or research experience helpful
· Interest in women’s health important
· Car and valid driver’s license and insurance required
· Weekday/evening and weekend hours available
· Phlebotomy required; will train, but preference given to those all ready certified.

Ø Position available immediately
Ø PAY: $15.00/hour

Email Best! Can also fax or send resume to:

The RHORS Study 3701 Market Street Suite # 820 Philadelphia, PA 19104-
Phone: (215) 614-0226
Fax: (215) 349-5521

Location: UPENN
Compensation: $15 per hour + mileage reimbursement
This is a part-time job.



If you’ve ever looked at a job listing and thought, “I’d be perfect for this job, if only…,” you understand the discouragement a lot of

job seekers in Philadelphia feel. Understanding these barriers, the employment volunteers at have launched a free tool that helps jobseekers look for jobs and

apply online,

Positions range from Banquet Server to Call Center Manager.

When it comes to meeting the qualifications for a job, is there any flexibility? That depends on the employer, but in most cases, the answer is yes. Certainly, it helps to understand how your own experience and needs match up to what the employer wants and is willing to offer, which isn’t always an easy task, thanks to the obscure language typical of many job listings.

Google needs business reps – nationwide
Now you can Make Money Through the Google Business Referral Program and Help Google Locate Businesses in Your Neighborhood
”As a Google Business Referral Representative, you’ll visit local
businesses to collect information (such as hours of operation, types of payment accepted, etc.) for Google Maps, and tell them about Google
Maps and Google AdWords. You’ll also take a few digital photos of the
business that will appear on the Google Maps listing along with the
business information. After the visit, you submit the business’ info
and photo(s) to Google through your Local Business Referrals Center,

and we’ll pay you up to $10 for each listing that is approved by
Google and verified by the business,” according to the Google website.





Philabundance recently launched the

Fresh for All” program,

a quick and easy way to put quality,

produce into the hands of those who need it most.

The cost of fresh fruits and vegetables is rising,

so these healthy foods are the first to get cut when money is tight.

Where is Fresh for All?

Fresh for All sites are currently located in Salem and Camden Counties, NJ and Delaware County, PA.

Delaware County Housing Authority Community Center

1825 Constitution Ave., Woodlyn, PA 19094

• Distributions held every Friday from 12:30-1:30pm.

St. John’s Baptist Church

Provided in partnership with Camden Area Health Education Center, Inc.


400 N. 30th Street, Camden, NJ 08105

• Distributions held every Tuesday from 9:30-10:30am.

St. John’s Pentecostal Outreach

22 New Market Street, Salem, NJ 08079

• Distributions held every Wednesday from 11:30-12:30pm.

Fresh for All Membership

Becoming a Fresh for All member is free and easy. Interested

individuals are asked to provide basic

household information.

Fresh for All is not connected with any government agency, so becoming a member will not affect any other benefits members are receiving.

Members are asked to bring their

own boxes or bags to distributions.


Volunteers are needed

For more information on Fresh for All or to become a Fresh for All

member or volunteer please contact Tunisia at 215-339-0900 x238.



Coming Soon! Noted Herbalist Ann Pringle will be sharing natural health information in this section. Ann Pringle has been a vegetarian for more than 23 years. She initially studied nutrition and vegetarianism on her own, and later attended Temple University where she took

classes under a vegetarian nutritionist and herbologist.

Ms. Pringle also lectures on health, herbs and has operated her own herbal company for nearly ten tears.


Eating For Energy Workshop in NYC!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008



What would your life be like with an abundance of energy and vitality?

What foods are best to eat to increase your energy?


Please join ertified Holistic Health Counselor, Jamel Cherry in this

informative workshop where you will learn how to eat to maximize your

energy. You will learn about the best foods to increase your energy

and live a life with less fatigue.


In this workshop you will learn:

• How foods affect your body’s energy level.

• How to safely increase your energy levels with food


You will get:

• Information to empower you to make changes in your life

• A free holistic health history consultation


The cost for this workshop will be $10 and includes handouts.


To reserve your space, send an email to

with your name, phone number and number of tickets you would like to



Location: 966 Fulton St. 2nd Floor (bet. Grand and Cambridge)

Brooklyn , NY.


More information in our Google group:


South Philadelphia Neighborhood Athletic League

Healthy Mind – Healthy Body

“Weigh To Go” Fitness Challenge

For a $10.00 registration fee participants receive

·        Exercise Workshops

·        Nutritional recipes

·        Cooking Classes

·        Access To A Local Gym and cash incentives for “The Biggest Loser”

To register contact Kimyetta Lewis 267.250.4846


Resources for Children’s Health’s SAFE program has openings and is looking for referrals!  SAFE provides home visiting and case management, parenting support, and family health and wellness education for parents of young children, ages birth to five, in South Philadelphia. All services are free. Spanish-speaking staff is also available.
To make a referral or for more information, please call Brenda Rochester,
215-985-6252 or email

The UnitedHealthcare Children’s Foundation is committed to enhancing the quality of life for children who have health care needs not covered by their commercial health insurance. The Foundation provides financial assistance toward the family’s share of the cost of medical services. Learn more about us and how to apply.



Another Event brought to you by

The KB Experience


Enjoy Live Music, Network & Learn How to go Green


Presented by: CORT



Smokin Mirrors- Music from the 60’s &70’s

Dani Mari- Singer, Song Writer

Simple – A Phish Tribute Band



DATE: Friday, June 13th

TIME: 4PM to 8PM

LOCATION: Wholefoods Roof Top- 10th and SOUTH ST.

RSVP: By June 6th to or call 215-787-0471







ETA Grants Announced: Demonstration Projects Targeting Dislocated Workers


The recently announced grants from the Employment and Training Administration are intended for organizations who offer retraining and job placement services to dislocated workers. The grants are intended for State Workforce Agencies, including those in the territories of Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands and American Samoa.


State Workforce Agencies (SWAs), including those from the territories listed above, are eligible to apply. Each SWA needs to identify the One-Stop Career Center and local workforce investment board and that would be participating in the proposed project. To see a full copy of this communication go to


Deadline: June 13, 2008;



Jack Kent Cooke Young Scholars Award


The MusicLink Foundation, working as a pipeline organization for the

Jack Kent Cooke Foundation,

is seeking music students in financial need who may qualify for the

Jack Kent Cooke Young Scholars Award.

This is a scholarship program that specifically applies to


Students do not necessarily have to be enrolled in the MusicLink program to apply.

Although musical potential is a factor in the selection process, students with a strong academic record are encouraged to apply.


Please forward this on to any students who may qualify or teachers who

may have students that qualify for the award.

We have included a link to the Jack Kent Cooke’s website which includes the application materials.

If you do know of any students who will be applying, we would appreciate it if you could include their names and email

addresses in an email to Jennifer Kitchin, Talent Coordinator,

MusicLink Foundation (

This will help them to monitor them through the application process.


Please see the ‘Young Scholars Awards’ in the ‘Discussions’ section of our Google group:



Scholarship For Service (SFS) is a unique program designed to increase and strengthen the cadre of federal information assurance professionals that protect the government’s critical information infrastructure. This program provides scholarships that fully fund the typical costs that students pay for books, tuition, and room and board while attending an approved institution of higher learning.
Additionally, participants receive stipends of up to $8,000 for undergraduate and $12,000 for graduate students. The scholarships are funded through grants awarded by the National Science Foundation NSF.

For more information, click here: https://www. default.asp

Adult Literacy Grants
The Dollar General Adult Literacy Grants award funding to non-profit
organizations that provide direct service to adults in need of
literacy assistance. Organizations must provide assistance in one of
the following instructional areas:
·    Adult basic education;

·    General education diploma preparation; or
·    English for speakers of other languages.



Family Literacy Grants
The Dollar General Family Literacy Grants will award grants to family
literacy service providers. Please note that the Dollar General
Literacy Foundation uses the federal government’s definition of family
literacy when reviewing grant applications. Family literacy programs
applying for funding must have the following four components:
·       Adult education instruction;
o       Adult basic education

o       GED preparation
o       English for speakers of other languages
·       Children’s education;
·       Parent and child together time (PACT); and,
Parenting classes that teach parents to be the primary teacher for their child.

Following is information for students interested in getting support for
higher education
Go to:

More information available in our Google group:








Sankofa Association of Roxborough


The Sankofa Association of roxborough was established to preserve, educate and reinforce African and African-American history, culture and values.

It is our desire that this organization become a dynamic vehicle for community collaboration and partnership resulting in ongoing activities, concerts and other events that increase awareness and contribute to the quality of life, and promote community empowerment.

Contact: Angela Mohammed








The 24th Annual Celebration of Black Writing Festival

May 23-25, 2008
Art Sanctuary

Black Family Values our village, our writing, our future

May 23-May 25-2008

Cecil B. Moore Avenue at Temple University, Phila, Pa

Walter Mosley
Eloise Greenfield
Omar Tyree
Sonia Sanchez
Max Rodriguez

and many more authors

honoring Haki Madhubuti

Poet, Activist and Publisher

with a Lifetime achievement Award Ceremony

Friday, May 23, 2008

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Outdoor Book Fair

Writing Workshops
Panel discussions
Spoken Word
Open Mic
Youth and Family Events
Food and Clothing
Vendors and more

Free admission

Vendors, authors and publishers interested in the book
fair, please contact Jeffrey Hart or Bebita Metellus
at 215-232-4485 or email them at




Saturday, May 31 • 1:00 PM


The Museum of the City of New York

1220 Fifth Avenue @ 104th Street


East Harlem’s lively art scene, which began after World War II, has fostered emerging and mid-career artists of many ethnicities.


Join art historian and El Barrio resident Mario Cesar Romero for a walking tour of galleries, museums, artists’ studios, and public murals

in the vicinity of East 106th Street, El Barrio’s cultural corridor.

Presented in celebration of the fifth annual El Barrio Week.


Reservations and pre-payment required;

$9 General admission; $5 Museum members, seniors, and students.

For more information please call 212.534.1672, ext. 3395.


Father Figure enterprises and

The Underground Railroad Company



Coming This Spring!!!

A universal groundbreaking documentary that focuses on the relationship between fathers and daughters. It is an inspiration to families everywhere. The film touches on the importance of a father in our society, the role he plays in shaping his daughter’s choices in men, and in the ramifications of fatherless homes.


Father Figure is more than a film. It is a spiritual, physical and emotional experience that will challenge the audience’s perception of what a father figure is or should be. It will cause them to examine their relationships with their fathers, and for men, it will encourage them to consider what type of father they desire to be.

If you would like to align yourself with the

Father Figure Movement

or purchase a copy of the DVD, please contact us.




Acentos Bronx Poetry Showcase Continues…


Acentos is a program of the louderARTS Project, Inc., presented in conjunction with the Bronx Writers’ Center, a program of the Bronx Council on the Arts.

Acentos provides a renewed spotlight for Latino poetry in a venue that fosters an encouraging atmosphere for writers of diverse backgrounds and experience, in a setting that stimulates both open dialogue and an increased sense of community in the culturally resurgent South Bronx.

Acentos is presented every second and fourth Tuesday of the month by Oscar Bermeo, Jessica Torres, Fish Vargas and Rich Villar.

Acentos Bronx Poetry Showcase is now held

every 2nd & 4th Tuesday, 7:30 pm at the

Bruckner Bar & Grill, One Bruckner Boulevard (Corner of Third Ave).

IRT #6 Train to 138th Street Station.

For information, visit their website:,

send email:

or view newsletter:



African American Short Films – Syndicated Television Program –

Accepting Submissions


African American Short Films, a nationally televised showcase of

short films starring, produced, written and/or directed by African-

American filmmakers, is accepting submissions for it’s 2008 /10

seasons. “African American Short Films” airs quarterly on network

affiliates in over 100 cities nationwide. This is a wonderful

opportunity to showcase one’s work on a national level.


Submissions are accepted on an on-going basis. Accepted films receive




Short films should be between 1-28 minutes in length.

Viewing copies must be submitted on VHS, Mini DV or DVD in NTSC format.

Short films may originate on any format or medium (i.e.; Mini DV,

Digibeta, Beta SP, 8mm, 16mm, 35mm, etc.,…)

Please note the running time and format shot on.


Send submissions to:


Badami Productions

419 North Larchmont Blvd., P.O. Box #322

Los Angeles, CA 90004

ATTN: “African American Short Films”


Please include your contact information and tell us where you heard

about African American Short Films.

Viewing copies will not be returned.


For questions or additional information email: or

First Person Arts launches First Person Salons at the Gershman Y

It was standing-room-only for every single one of First Person Arts’ notorious Story Slams in 2007, and now First Person Arts is bringing that same energy and enthusiasm to a new series of memoir and documentary-arts events: First Person Salons at the Gershman Y.  On the second Wednesday of each month, First Person Arts will showcase new work and works-in-progress presented by the artists themselves to an audience eager to get an inside look at the creative process.  Writers, photographers, documentary film-makers, painters and sculptors will put both their work and their methods on display, demonstrating how they turn real-life drama into compelling works of art.  
First Person Arts is accepting applications from artists on a rolling basis at  You can find a Salon overview and application at <> .  Join us every 2nd Wednesday, 7:00 pm at the Gershman Y (Broad and Pine)  Admission: $5-10.





An Afternoon of Poetry


Every second Saturday of the month from 1 – 3 PM


Serenity Inspirational Gifts & Coffee


140 So. Easton Rd.

Glenside, PA



Jus’ Words at Dowlings Place

1310 No. Broad St. Phila

Every Thurs. 9pm to 1am

·        Poets

·        Rappers

·        Singers

·        Spoken Word Artists

$5.00 cover







Technologies to Support the Virtual Office

Brown Bag Lunch Series




After a long hiatus, NPower's brown bag lunch series is returning on Monday, June 2, 2008 from 12:00pm-1:00pm.  We invite you to bring your lunch and learn about technologies that support the virtual/remote office at this free event.


Does your organization move often or perhaps have many locations?  How do you get access to your files while on the go?


This hour long free workshop will provide an overview of the technologies available to enable you to get remote access to your "stuff".


Click here to review the PDF flyer for the event.


Please RSVP to me as space is limited.




Jeremy Caleb Heffner

Client Development Coordinator

NPower PA

p 215.557.1559x203

f 215.689.4949




Meet, Greet and Eat...

At the Urban Education Center

7571 Haverford Avenue

In the Haverford Avenue Shops Mall behind McDonalds

Philadelphia, PA 19151

R.S.V.P. 215-877-5390

June 5th, 2008

6:00 - 8:30 PM

Refreshments, Dancing, Off-Street Parking

Bring plenty of Business cards

Sponsored by:

L. W. Farmbry & Associates

Jackson Hewitt Tax Service

Bring this flyer for admission (flyer in ‘Discussion’ section of our Google Group:




Join Us for The 2008 Philadelphia Fatherhood Festival


June 7th, 2008 8am – 4pm


Pennsylvania Convention Center


A Change In Progress: /I am Somebody to a Child/


No Cost Event


Keynote Speakers:

Jeffrey M. Leving, Esq., Author of Father’s Rights

Fatherhood Award Recipient Brian Dawkins of the Philadelphia Eagles


/Men: Bring a Good Friend/


/Women: Contact a Loved One/


/GrandMothers: Make sure they all Attend/


Attendees and exhibitors register at:


For more information, visit:



Los Angeles Black Book Expo to be held June 14, 2008

Fourth annual event to feature authors, exhibitors from across U.S.

Special programs for the youth, book expo after party


There is a spoken word venue, “Merilene Murphy’s Spoken Worlds” including poetry readings with featured artists and the first annual LABBX Youth Poetry Fest with participants competing for a grand prize. The Children’s Literary Zone will present children’s book authors, storytellers and the first annual LABBX Young Authors Forum.


The fourth annual Los Angeles Black Book Expo (LABBX) will be held Saturday, June 14, from 10:00 A.M. until 6:00 P.M. with a two hour after party featuring networking and live entertainment on the Ahmanson Senior Center, Exposition Park.


Confirmed authors appearing at LABBX: Alretha Thomas, Dr. William D. Wright, Frederick Williams and Patryce “Choc’Let’ Banks (also performing in the after party along with singer Wendy Alane Wright), Maxine Thompson and Bruce George, Co-Founder of The Def Poetry Jam and founder of The Bandana Republic.


Featured performers for the Spoken Worlds program include: Sacramento artists Terry a O’Neal and Terry Moore, Master Griot duo members of The Coalition, Inc. Quiet Rage, Sardonyx Jade and the hosts of the venue, the Poets Jazz House.


General event information including author and exhibitor applications are available online at or by calling 323-385-7103. Detailed information on all festival activities will be posted in the LABBX blog,


The physical address for the LABBX is P.O. Box 44600, Los Angeles, CA 90044.

Volunteers are welcome to assist the LABBX committee.


Honor The Heroes Benefit


June 21, 2008....6:00pm. x 11:00pm.


Cannstatter's (Frankford & Academy)


Beer, Dunk tanks, food will be provided by

Texas Roadhouse & Carabba's Italian Restaurants.

Silent auctions, string bands, dj's, and 2 live bands.


Please come out and show your support.

We are hoping for some corporate sponsors for the large jumbo tron, which was used at the funerals. This will be a huge event, with 5,000 people expected. This Jumbo Tron will be used to do a slide show of the Officers, but is expensive to rent.

I will have tickets if anyone would like to purchase them. They are $25.00 each, the proceeds for the event will now go towards the Liczbinski family, Anne Skerski wants the money to benefit the Liczbinski family. She felt that so much was done for Gary already and we have renamed the evening to Honor the Heroes Sgt. Stephen Liczbinski, Gary Skerski, and Chuck Cassidy With all proceeds for the event to benefit the Liczbinski family.


Thanks, Mark Mroz





Free Computers For Schools
(800) 939-6000
Willie Cade, CEO
Computers for Schools
773-583-7575 Office
773-583-7585 Fax



We have over 1,000 Pentium 4 desktop computers that need a home...


Teamchildren an Audubon PA based regional outreach non profit has now distributed over 7,000 low cost refurbished computers to family’s schools and organizations throughout our region.


We have put smiles on the faces of more than 30,000 children helping them complete homework assignments, doing research on the Internet, and staying in communication with family and friends in the comfort and safety of their homes.


Through our Digital Outreach we are giving these children and their families the tools and opportunities to expand their educational and economic futures and to compete effectively in the 21st century.


We also have a limited number of Laptops


$185-$275 Administrative fee



Robert Toporek








Our new group A HAND UP! Is now open, please go to:




Thank You

Strawberry Mansion Tennis Association

1800 Callowhill Street Suite#8

Philadelphia PA 19130

215.763.0581 check out our new web site.




The Olney Recreation Center is having its

Spring Coming Out on June 28, 2008

and I would like for it to be an educational event as well as


Does anyone have any resources for organizations that

conduct basic health screenings, health education or have resources or

information regarding finances that would be willing to come out and

share this information?


Please let me know, I don't know where to start.


Ms. A. Rutherford


Ogontz District


Income Maintenance




tel # 215-560-5008


fax # 215-560-5116


Got Space?


Local Non-Profit is looking for room to develop!


For My Daughter is looking for approximately 350 - 500 square feet of indoor space for an academic Youth Program.



Separate Male & Female Restrooms

Secure, yet visible to the community

Room for desks and tables (no more than 10)

Spacious enough for computers and lots books

Year round, weekday and weekend access

Really, reasonable rent!



Yvonne Haughton 267-795-7811

Community College of Philadelphia's Act Now/Act 101 Program
The Act Now/Act 101 Program is seeking your assistance in the development of the following new opportunities for their Leadership Learning Community students.

Mentoring Program: It is important for students to meet professionals, outside of the Act Now/Act 101 Program, who have completed college and who would be available to offer guidance and support as they pursue their academic and career goals. An in-person introductory meeting will be scheduled by the Act Now Program in February. Mentors would then be then expected to communicate via email, telephone or in person with their Act Now student once during the month of March and once during the month of April.

Informational Interviews: While some of our students have chosen majors to pursue others are still undecided. It is helpful for them to meet professionals in the fields they are considering. The time commitment for Informational Interviews is minimal. The Act Now/Act 101 Program will keep a list of individuals representing a variety of professions. Interested students will contact the representatives to schedule an interview. Interviews may be conducted by telephone or in person and should take no longer than an hour.

For application or more information, please email Erika Hernandez


Remember to support The Coalition, Inc.’s on-air personalities…

Technically Speaking with the award winning JC Lamkin on WNWR 1540 AM, Saturdays at 2pm.

Straight Up WORD with Dr. John Elliott Churchville on WNWR 1540 AM, Sundays at 7am.


Sister Phile Chionesu, organizer of the Million Woman March, Saturdays 11pm to 1am on Blog Talk Radio “Nu Day Resurrection and Liberation" Show 

Call in and give your thoughts, comments, opinions at 1-646-652-2232 

or send an instant message to to chat on line

Just want to listen in:

Look for the return of Bro. Sabir Bey formerly of W.U.R.D. to the airways soon!



fr. Paul M. Washington, former rector of the Church of the Advocate at
18th and fr. Paul M. Washington Avenue in North Philadelphia.  The
Forum, like Father Washington, is a provider and legitimizer of public
space for the free expression of dissident Black voices on public
issues central to our communities.  The Forum's purpose is to provide
a public space and an opportunity to be heard to Black persons and
groups who bring non-traditional approaches to ways of thinking and
organizing focused on solving pressing community problems. Proud
member of The Coalition!
visit our website:
and join our Yahoo group:
Gary R. Adams, Chairman
John E. Churchville, PhD, Founder





First Anniversary Issue!

The Coalition was born out of the first Community Organizational Summit held at The Church of the Advocate at 18th & Father Paul M. Washington Ave. on July 26th 2006. At that time more than fifty organizations signed on. Presently, there are more than one hundred organizational members, and nearly one hundred pending. The first FYI The Coalition Weekly Digest was distributed August 25th 2006, thank you for a great year!

Gary R. Adams,

Community Liaison for The Coalition



Click here to join the Coalition
Join the Coalition!

More Coalition Information




Become a Peacemaker!

You can help by standing strong
with a sustaining presence.

 10,000 Men - A Call to Action

10,000 Men - A Call to Action

For more information
call 215-731-0541.
Kenny Gamble & Bill Cosby

Over 10,000 Black Men Answer Call

Black Men Answer Call







New York City rapper releases video that brings the truth about Hip-Hop into schools
and, talks to 6th and 7th graders about the lies of popular rappers, their lyrics,
and the negative influence of the music they listen to.

Read More Here







WDAS History:

Keep the knowledge of our history alive
and share it with our posterity!

WDAS History:
One Radio Station's Role in the History of
the Human Rights and Peace Movements.

WDAS History

(With Photographs!)



View the Previous Edition

Return to Local News Updates



Rev. Al Sharpton:
" 'Reach up' to stem violence"
Read More Here

More updates are coming soon.






As the
"JENA 6"
Case receives more public scrutiny,
perhaps it is time to take another look at
Some Louisiana Local Area Coverage!

Freedom fighters are outraged by Human Rights violations
As the outrage grows

you can add your support and
sign the petition


& to keep up with New Developments

Search "Google News"

For more activity information
Contact Local Area Organizations



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"I, for one, believe that if you give people a thorough understanding
of what confronts them
and the basic causes that produce it,
they'll create their own program,
and when the people create a program,
you get action."
-Malcolm X


"He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps perpetrate it."

"We must work on . . . attacking the causes and healing the effects."
-Martin Luther King Jr.







Quality Web Sites


Eight Cities Media & Publications