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In Philadelphia,








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More Coalition Information






The "Offering Reconciliation" Project
The "Offering Reconciliation" Project, initiated by the Israeli Friends of the Family Forum
presents to the public at large, the idea of reconciliation between Israelis and Palestinians through Art.
Please Read More












Current Coalition Newsletter

Join the Coalition

News From
The Coalition, Inc.

News From

The Coalition, Inc.

Friday 18 July 2008

Volume 2, Number 46

Coalition Board of Directors

Gary R. Adams, President

John E. Churchville, Treasurer

Yvonne Haughton, Secretary


Patricia Coyne

Stanley Daniels

Tom Henry

Calvin Johnson

Angela Mohammed

Abdul Malik Raheem


Table of content

For Our Children … 02

This Week … 03

Employment and Training Opportunities … 08

Health Matters … 10

Green Piece … 11

Grants and Scholarships … 11

SpotLight … 12

Arts for Awareness … 12

Coming Up …17

Computers and Technology … 21

A Hand Up … 22

On The Airways … 24


Page 02





If you would like to report on a recent community event, feel free to send us a brief account of what happened, we will share it with our readers.

Send your information to:



































Page 03






We are proud to announce that News From The Coalition is featured on the internationally acclaimed site Eight Cities Map

Click here: EightCitiesMAP Choose “Philadelphia’s Online Community 

“Newsletter” from the menu.













If this publication is being forwarded to you, and you wish to be placed on our mailing list, send an email to

with “subscribe” in the subject.








Page 04






The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.
-- George Bernard Shaw




































Page 05



























Wisdom is knowing much, discipline is saying little… Madu























Page 06







Volunteers are still needed to help organize the first INTER-FAITH COMMUNITY
SURVIVAL SUMMIT to be held in the city of Philadelphia. For information or to volunteer or register as a representative for your place of worship, call 215.387.2734 or email:






























Page 07














"When I am able to resist the temptation to judge others,
I can see them as teachers of forgiveness in my life,
Reminding me that I can only have peace of mind
When I forgive rather than judge."

Gerald Jampolsky



























Page 08



The New York Times, among other papers, has published a new Hubble
photograph of distant galaxies colliding.

Of course, astronomers have had pictures of colliding galaxies for
quite some time now, but with the vastly improved resolution provided
by the Hubble Space Telescope, you can actually see the lawyers
rushing to the scene...






























Page 09


A couple of young boys were fishing at their special pond off the
beaten track when out of the bushes jumped the Game Warden.
Immediately, one of the boys threw his rod down and started running
through the woods and hot on his heels came the Game Warden.

After about a half mile the boy stopped and stooped over with his
hands on his thighs to catch his breath and the Game Warden finally
caught up to him. "Lets see your fishing license!" the Warden gasped.

With that, the young man pulled out his wallet and gave the Game Warden a valid fishing license.

"Well, son," said the Game Warden, "you must be about as dumb as a box of rocks! You don't have to run from me if you have a valid license!"

"Yes, sir," replied the young man, "but my friend back there, well,
he don't have one..."














Page 10





What is it about the job of the vice-president that seems to dissolve all common sense? Most of us remember the Dan Quayle experience, but the self-proclaimed creator of the Internet has a enough of his own to take us through to the end of the year…


“The Holocaust was an obscene period in our nation’s history. I mean in this century’s history. But we all lived in this century. I didn’t live in this century.”
-- Vice President Al Gore

































page 11































Knowledge which is acquired under compulsion obtains no hold on the mind… Plato


























page 12





The Raw Family Newsletter


















































page 13










Talk doesn't cook rice. ... Chinese proverb















































page 14




We will be spotlighting members and organizations, if you wish to have your organization spotlighted, forward to us information on your primary mission, your current projects and/or how you would want other members of The Coalition, Inc. to be involved. Many of us are already being a support to one another, but there is plenty of room for improvement.




























page 15



As I quizzed my grandson on the names of the states, he was only able to identify about 40 of them. In an effort to inspire him, I said, “In my day we could name all of them AND their capitals.” To which he responded, “Yes, but in those days there were only thirteen.”



















































Page 16



Word of The Week: manumit \man-yuh-MIT\, To free from slavery or servitude.












































Page 17

















"An unhurried sense of time is in itself a form of wealth."
    --Bonnie Friedman























Page 18





































Page 19


















KNITTING CIRCLE Grab your knitting needles and your girlfriends for this night of crafting, sipping and shopping. Every Wed, 6-8pm, FREE,

Vagabond, 37 N. 3rd St.  Phila., PA   

















Page 20


"Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong."
































Page 21







Laughter is the closest distance between two people... Victor Borge
































page 22



It had been snowing for hours when an announcement came over the intercom:
"Will the students who are parked on University Drive please move their cars
so that we may begin plowing?"

Twenty minutes later there was another announcement: "Will the twelve
hundred students who went to move 26 cars please return to class?"


























page 23






















"Make sure you have finished speaking before your audience has finished listening." …Dorothy Sarnoff

















































Greetings Coalition Family!


An information and fun-filled Weekend of Peace awareness is being hosted by Stop the Madness/Stop the Violence, Inc. and The Coalition, Inc. at various sites on the weekend of August 1, 2008.


Included will be a basketball tournament, food, entertainment, and a moment of silence Saturday at noon at each site to acknowledge the families affected by senseless violence, where House of Umoja’s Imani Pledge will be read. This event is Free and open to the public. 


This event places emphasis on cooperation, problem solving/prevention, family and unity, the goal is to build stronger and more peaceful communities through cooperative efforts of diverse organizations that promote community uplift, traditions, family values, and self-respect.


Each site will host its own form of outreach, which may include motorcades, vendors, information displays, musical entertainment, poetry, face painting, domestic violence panel discussion, health screenings, and so much more.   


Recreation centers included are Tustin, Eastwick, Simons, Kingsessing, Chew, and Anderson. Also, family events will take place at Hebron Tabernacle, First African Presbyterian Church, and other locations TBA. See websites for updates and more information on individual locations.


Our new website is open! Please take a moment to visit. We are building and we want your input. Please contact us with your suggestions and comments. This is our website, let’s build it together! 


Join A HAND UP! To make donations or donation requests.


Gary R. Adams,

Co-Founder, The Coalition, Inc.


Join our Google group





SEEKING TUTORS & MENTORS Just 1 hour a week can change a young persons life! STARS, a new initiative at the Philadelphia Job Corps Center, is seeking dynamic mentors and tutors to join our volunteer team and work with our students. Be a part of the solution! Contact Darvin Martin at  today!



RESOURCE Program (PEER) presents


Free parenting classes

Attend the FREE non-judgmental ten week program and receive a


$100.00 food gift card or Earn $100.00 towards a utility bill of your choice


Classes are held weekly at

Tustin Recreation Center

5901 Columbia Avenue

Philadelphia, PA 19151

Mondays 6:00pm – 8:00pm


Other sites available – Enrollment is ongoing


A project of the Lutheran Children and Family Service


Sonya Harris-Saunders, Program Coordinator 215.339.8002 ext 19

Wendy Brown, Administrative Assistant 215.424.3741 ext 248



1. You will have a nationwide connection with primarily African
American parents and other parents who have children of color.
2. You will receive EXCLUSIVE discounts and special offers with over
40 selected businesses that have created or represent companies with items that will encourage children of color to feel proud and
positive about their heritage. Most of these companies are owned and
operated by African Americans, something to be proud of in itself.
3. You will receive a monthly email with not only EXCLUSIVE discounts and offers, but the opportunity to win GREAT prizes from our Black Parent Connect Shops. Each monthly prize will be valued at $50 or more.
4. You will also receive special tips, news and other parenting information when visiting our website.
(This is open to non-members as well)
5. FREE and Easy to join! Just simply join by clicking on our JOIN NOW page on our navigator tab at

Joan Gosier, President HBCU kidz, Inc.
954-302-4540 x701
“An Education that is superior, exciting, challenging and custom-designed to fit each student’s needs and interests.” 


This Week…



The Byron Story Foundation,

Alternative Education, Violence Prevention and

Support Services for Dropout Youth Program

has established itself by making a difference by swimming against Philadelphia's rising tide of youth violence and the dropout crisis in the North Central neighborhoods (Ridge Avenue Corridors) over the last six years.


The organization will celebrate its 6th Anniversary and Open House

on Friday July 18, 2008

at our New Building site (2-Story/over 1700 square feet),

located at 1521-25 Ridge Avenue.


The newly renovated building will continue to host the alternative education and violence/drug use/sale prevention program for troubled teenagers that aims at steering youth 16-19 years old who've dropped out of high school or have been expelled from the public schools for the General Education Development, (GED) Equivalency Diploma Pennsylvania state exam.

BSF will also continue to provide the sort of counseling that enables youth to avoid contributing to-or becoming part of-the casualty count.


At our 6th Anniversary/Open House celebration we will recognize our prior students and staff, honor families who have lost their children to violence, community members/agencies and political influences that have supported and promoted BSF philosophy that "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world instead of violence."


This event will also host our 4th Youth Talent/Poetry Slam contest.

BSF is looking to recognize and reward the most outstanding young performers of 2008.

The cost of entry is $25 for solos and $40 for group performances.

The grand award winner will receive $100.00, respectively.  Each of the three award winners and participates of the Talent/Poetry Slam contest will also receive a trophy in acknowledgement of their performance and hard work.


You may contact Juanita Story-Jones, Executive Director, at 215-769-8544 or for any further questions or clarifications.



Urban Farm Bike Tour On The Road Again!
  Last Summer's urban farm bike tour was a big hit. Don't miss our
  3rd Annual Ride. Join us at the Weavers Way Co-op Farm on
  Saturday, July 19, at 8:30 am. The bike tour will be
  approximately 25 miles, and will end up at Philadelphia Brewing
  Company in Kensington around 1:30 pm.

  Sign Up Now
  Email Weavers Way board member Chris Hill to sign up:

  Bring a small donation:
  This year we're asking riders to bring $10 to cover the costs of
  pizza at the Philadelphia Brewing Company, and to pool together
  some money to donate to the farms on the tour.


  At 5 pm on July 19, we'll be showing a working version of the
  film that's being produced about the Women's Garden Cycles Bike
  Tour of urban farms and gardens in the Northeast. The film will
  be screened at the Video Library, 7141 Germantown Ave. The women
  who did the tour will be at the film showing to talk about it.
  The film is about 40 minutes, and there will be discussion for
  another 45 minutes or so.

  Here's what the day will feature:

  A chance to speak with Dave Zelov, Weavers Way's farmer
  and David Siller, Weavers Way farm educator at the start of the
  tour at the Coop farm in East Mt. Airy

  A chance to chat with the DC women about their trip. You can
  also learn something right now by going to their blog.

  At Mill Creek Farm you'll get to meet farm managers Jo and
  Jade, who will talk about the many programs they're
  juggling-from green roofs to farming, to hosting tours, to
  solar, to biodiesel. Those who want to start in West
  Philadelphia should be at Mill Creek Farm (49th and Brown) no
  later than 10:30.

  There will be a stop at Spring Gardens community garden in
  Fairmount, overlooking Center City. This and many other
  community gardens have set aside plots that produce exclusively
  for community cupboards in the city.

  NEW STOP THIS YEAR: For the first time this year we'll be
  stopping at a farm at 8th & Poplar run by Teens4Good.
  Greensgrow, Philadelphia's oldest and most established
  urban farm is next. A commercial success, with CSA, farmers
  market and sales to area restaurants, Greensgrow is a
  fascinating place to visit.
  Five minutes from Greensgrow is Philadelphia Brewing Company
  (formerly Yards Brewery), where all of us will relax with some
  sample brews--and some pizza.

  For those who are interested, a showing of the film about the
  3-month bike tour of Northeast urban farms and gardens will be
  showing at the Video Library in Mt. Airy at 5 pm.
  More on the farms

  The Weavers Way Co-op Farm is 1 1/4 acre organic (not certified)
  farm that supplies the well-known food cooperative with
  vegetables and flowers throughout the growing season. The Farm
  is managed by farmer David Zelov and farm educator David Siller
  and two full season apprentices Nicole Sugarman and Nina
  Berryman. Many volunteers and visiting students make this farm
  possible. The farm includes two fields dedicated to supplying
  the coop and area markets, as well as a children's garden
  operated in conjunction with the Awbury Arboretum. The Co-op
  farm is located in East Mt. Airy's Awbury Arboretum, near Chew
  and Washington Lane. Click here for more on the farm's history.
  Click here for a map to the farm.

  The Seeds for Learning: Martin Luther King High School Farm (New
  this year!) Is a 1/3 acre organic (not certified) farm started
  this growing season outside the high school, which is 1/4 a mile
  from the Weavers Way Farm. The farm supplies local markets and
  teaches student employees the practice of sustainable farming
  and running a business. 3 students employees and the Weavers Way
  farm crew spearhead this project.

  The Mill Creek Farm is a collectively run urban education farm
  that utilizes vacant land to improve local access to nutritious
  foods and to promote sustainable resource use by growing and
  distributing produce and by demonstrating ecological methods of
  living. Run with enthusiasm and creativity by co-managers Jade
  and Johanna, the farm sells produce on location twice a week,
  sells to nearby Mariposa Co-op, and has an on-site building
  featuring a living roof, composting toilet and straw and mud
  walls. Click here for more about Mill Creek Farm.

  Mary Seton Corboy co-founded Greensgrow Farms in 1997 with the
  idea of selling right off the farm produce to Philadelphia chefs
  from an abandoned property in Kensington, within site of
  Philadelphia's downtown. Today Greensgrow is a nationally
  recognized leader in urban farming, still selling to local
  restaurants (including Django, White Dog, Fork, Standard Tap,
  Little Fish, Rose Tattoo, and Beau Monde) but also open to the
  public from early spring through Thanksgiving. A small but
  dedicated staff runs a multifaceted operation, including a
  nursery, a farm market, and a Community Supported Agriculture
  (CSA) program, proving that abandoned land is only abandoned if
  we choose to leave it that way.

Spring Garden St., at 18th & Wallace Streets, is a mature, lovingly
  tended community garden between Spring Garden and Fairmount on
  18th Street.



The Back on My Feet 20in24 Relay Challenge, Ultra Marathon and Midnight Madness Run Presented by Nike

July 19-20, 2008 – Philadelphia


Back on My Feet, a nonprofit organization that uses running as a vehicle to promote the self-sufficiency within Philadelphia's homeless population, is proud to announce the inaugural 20in24 Relay Challenge, Ultra-Marathon and Midnight Madness Run


Because of the wonderful support of our sponsors and partners, 100 percent of the profits from the 20in24 go directly to support Back on My Feet. We are pleased to provide 20in24 participants the option of either paying the registration fee or fundraising the same amount.


The 20in24 Relay Challenge

This is Philadelphia’s first 24-hour relay race. The event is created for teams of five that can choose a participation category ranging from 8.4 miles to 33.4 miles per member.


The Lone Ranger - Ultra Marathon Option

For those who are a little more nuts than the rest of us, the Lone Ranger option challenges individuals to complete as many loops as possible in the 24-hour time frame. Special prizes for those who complete 50 (6 loops) and 100 (12 loops) miles.


Midnight Madness - Philly's New Glow-in-the-Dark Run

Be one of the hundreds to participate in Philadelphia’s first glow-in-the-dark 8.4-mile run around the Schuylkill River Loop starting at Midnight on Saturday, July 19th in front of Lloyd Hall. In addition to prizes for the top three finishers, awards will be given to the the most illuminated runner.


Register or volunteer online at:


Media contact: Anne Mahlum at or




Moorish Unification Council of the World Inc.


Presents its Annual


Unity Day Gathering


Date: Sunday July 20,2008

Place: Lemon Hill Dr. Fairmount Park

In back of the Pavilion (Section #2)

Time: 12:00p.m. to 8:00 p.m.


All are Welcome !!!!!!!!




Free Will Donation- Bring a Dish to Share, Please No! Pork!


For information : Call

Wesley Wilson-Bey (215) 476-0280







Children's Hospital of Philadelphia is hiring 160 people for their housekeeping department.

Starting salary is $33,946.00 a year.

They are opening a new Wing and need folks by July.


Please fill out an application on line at\careers



I want to share with you management opportunities for Census 2010 – Early Local Census Office (ELCO). Please feel free to share this information.    Each office will hire six (6) management positions.  Within the Philadelphia Region twelve (12) ELCOs will open.  Early Local Census Offices will open throughout the Commonwealth of PA in Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Erie, Harrisburg, Scranton as well as Camden and Trenton, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland and the District of Columbia.

The positions are full time, temporary employment (2 year appointment – position ends when office closes after Census 2010).  I want to share with you management opportunities for Census 2010 – Early Local Census Office (ELCO).


For more information: See “Early Local Census Office Opportunities” in the ‘Discussions’ section of our Google group




If you’ve ever looked at a job listing and thought, “I’d be perfect for this job, if only…,” you understand the discouragement a lot of job seekers in Philadelphia feel.

Understanding these barriers, the employment volunteers at  have launched a free tool that helps jobseekers look for jobs and apply online,

Positions range from Banquet Server to Call Center Manager. When it comes to meeting the qualifications for a job, is there any flexibility? That depends on the employer, but in most cases, the answer is yes. Certainly, it helps to understand how your own experience and needs match up to what the employer wants and is willing to offer, which isn’t always an easy task, thanks to the obscure language typical of many job listings.




Healthy Lifestyle Tip--Dictionary of Wholesome Foods
Here is another in a series of occasional healthy lifestyle tips. "The
Dictionary of Wholesome Foods" is a healthy-eating guide that's
not too overwhelming to digest. It provides complete explanations
for all the healthy ingredients out there with accompanying recipes.
The guide can serve as a great shopping aide, quick kitchen reference
or inspiration for a health conscious meal.
"The Dictionary of Wholesome Foods" is a timely addition to the food
reference shelf, one that's desperately needed as mass-marketing of
health food continues to grow. It provides practical guidance on how
to make sense of the burgeoning selection of healthful foods, herbs
and supplements, and provides a concise understanding of the sources,
characteristics, benefits, and uses of health foods. It is also a pure joy
to read and peruse, with its lovely line drawings and quirky, often
playful, descriptions and turns of phrase. The Dictionary of Wholesome
Foods is a personable, compulsively readable guide that includes
historical information and fascinating anecdotes about the many foods
it describes, plus an array of delicious recipes that feature them, such
as Adzuki Rice, Almond Crescents, Pumpernickel Bread, Spinach
with Pignoli and Raisins, and Homemade Yogurt. This is the perfect
shopping companion or armchair read; sure to delight information
seekers and food writing enthusiasts alike.
BTW, you can still pick up your copy of the book "Real Men Cook:
Rites, Rituals & Recipes for Living" by Real Men Cook co-founder K.
Kofi Moyo at a bookstore near you. My recipe, "Big Daddy's Fruit
Salad," is one of the many health conscious dishes featured in the book.
It's on page 8.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
To subscribe to the TMS Online E-Mail Announcement List, send a
blank message to .



The UnitedHealthcare Children’s Foundation is committed to enhancing the quality of life for children who have health care needs not covered by their commercial health insurance. The Foundation provides financial assistance toward the family’s share of the cost of medical services. Learn more about us and how to apply.








Jack Kent Cooke Young Scholars Award


The MusicLink Foundation, working as a pipeline organization for the

Jack Kent Cooke Foundation, is seeking music students in financial need who may qualify for the

Jack Kent Cooke Young Scholars Award.

This is a scholarship program that specifically applies to


Students do not necessarily have to be enrolled in the MusicLink program to apply.

Although musical potential is a factor in the selection process, students with a strong academic record are encouraged to apply.


Please forward this on to any students who may qualify or teachers who

may have students that qualify for the award.

We have included a link to the Jack Kent Cooke’s website which includes the application materials.

If you do know of any students who will be applying, we would appreciate it if you could include their names and email

addresses in an email to Jennifer Kitchin, Talent Coordinator,

MusicLink Foundation (

This will help them to monitor them through the application process.


Please see the ‘Young Scholars Awards’ in the ‘Discussions’ section of our Google group:


Following is information for students interested in getting support for
higher education
Go to:

More information available in our Google group:


(This feature will return July 25th)








Peace Ya'll


hope this reaches you in good health and spirits!! I'm working on a lot of projects as usual. Come out if you can. Mark your calendars!!!


Friday July 25, 2008 7:30 PoEms NOt PRisons!!!


4772 Baltimore Ave. donations. open mic. I'm featuring. and i have a



Monday July 28, 2008 6:30-7:30 Domestic Violence Training Workshop by Women in Transition


SANCTUARY 2737 Cambridge Street I'm hosting a training for the cast, crew and supporters of my next piece on domestice violence which will be August 15-17, 2008. I've partnered with SANCTUARY and we're about to bring it!!! space is extremely limited. If you or someone you know wants to attend, RSVP at 267.456.7432 by July 14!!! cost is $10.00 if you come, please bring an empty alcoholic beverage bottle. THANKS!


Thursday JULY 31st- August 3rd is the 5th Annual Black Women's Art

FESTIVAL!!! FYAH!!!! check out for more info and schedule.

Monica McInyre is heading this magnificent event and it promises to be

amazing!!! I'll be updating you!!


see ya round!!! be safe and productive.




Dennis Brutus is a lifelong human rights activist and poet. He is perhaps

the best-known African poet writing in English, although his books were banned for many years in his home country, South Africa. His tireless work against apartheid in South Africa got him arrested and shot in 1963. He was sentenced to an 18-month jail term of hard labor on Robben Island where he broke rocks with Nelson Mandela. He was sent into exile in 1966 and proceeded to lead the successful movement to have South Africa and Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) banned from the Olympics and other international sporting events. Since then he has remained active in struggles for human and cultural rights, including co-founding the Pittsburgh Anti-Sweatshop Community Alliance in 2002, connecting international solidarity with workers to the philosophy of Black Consciousness. He is currently Professor Emeritus in the Department of Africana Studies at the University of Pittsburgh. He is a great poet and one of the few who successfully integrated a life in the arts with a life on the front lines of the fight for justice and integrity for everyone



Yea-Nay Endeavors

"clarity in action"



Poetry Set


Where:   "OCTOBER GALLERY" - 701 Market Street Bldg., on the 3rd

Floor. "Ross Dept. Store" on Market St. Level. Mellon Center Bldg.

This is Cheyney University's Center City Campus. Room # 319

When:    "FRIDAY" - July 18th, 2008 – Starting @ 7:30pm

What:     "PANORAMIC POETRY" - POETS doing their thing – LYRICAL

SPIRITS getting down.








Tickets are now on sale for the

5th Annual Black Women's Arts Festival

You will not want to miss this historic event!!


5th Annual Black Women's Arts Festival, July 31st-August 3rd, 2008, Philadelphia, PA

Now in its fifth year BWAF has become a non-profit which produces a once-yearly 4-day festival showcasing: Music/Live Performance, Literary Arts, Visual Arts, Film, Workshops, Vendors, and Dance/Theater. It also hosts over 60 artists from across the globe.

BWAF is committed to being a platform that values black women and their work; emphasizing unique, under-represented art forms, showcasing new and emerging artists while promoting the necessity of health and well-being. Led by Creative Director Monica McIntyre, BWAF is poised to become a world-renowned arts festival.

For more information on artists, workshops, shows, and schedules go to


Event: 5th Annual Black Women's Arts Festival, July 31st-August 3rd, 2008, Philadelphia, PA 2shows/3wkshps
Date: Thursday, July 31, 2008 at 11:00 AM

Sunday, August 03, 2008 at 01:00 AM (ET)
Location: Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA




Acentos Bronx Poetry Showcase Continues…


Acentos is a program of the louderARTS Project, Inc., presented in conjunction with the Bronx Writers’ Center, a program of the Bronx Council on the Arts.

Acentos provides a renewed spotlight for Latino poetry in a venue that fosters an encouraging atmosphere for writers of diverse backgrounds and experience, in a setting that stimulates both open dialogue and an increased sense of community in the culturally resurgent South Bronx.

Acentos is presented every second and fourth Tuesday of the month by Oscar Bermeo, Jessica Torres, Fish Vargas and Rich Villar.

Acentos Bronx Poetry Showcase is now held

every 2nd & 4th Tuesday, 7:30 pm at the

Bruckner Bar & Grill, One Bruckner Boulevard (Corner of Third Ave).

IRT #6 Train to 138th Street Station.

For information, visit their website:,

send email:

or view newsletter:



African American Short Films – Syndicated Television Program –

Accepting Submissions


African American Short Films, a nationally televised showcase of

short films starring, produced, written and/or directed by African-

American filmmakers, is accepting submissions for it’s 2008 /10

seasons. “African American Short Films” airs quarterly on network

affiliates in over 100 cities nationwide. This is a wonderful

opportunity to showcase one’s work on a national level.


Submissions are accepted on an on-going basis. Accepted films receive




Short films should be between 1-28 minutes in length.

Viewing copies must be submitted on VHS, Mini DV or DVD in NTSC format.

Short films may originate on any format or medium (i.e.; Mini DV,

Digibeta, Beta SP, 8mm, 16mm, 35mm, etc.,…)

Please note the running time and format shot on.


Send submissions to:


Badami Productions

419 North Larchmont Blvd., P.O. Box #322

Los Angeles, CA 90004

ATTN: “African American Short Films”


Please include your contact information and tell us where you heard

about African American Short Films.

Viewing copies will not be returned.


For questions or additional information email: or

go to




An Afternoon of Poetry


Every second Saturday of the month from 1 – 3 PM


Serenity Inspirational Gifts & Coffee


140 So. Easton Rd.

Glenside, PA



Jus’ Words at Dowlings Place

1310 No. Broad St. Phila

Every Thurs. 9pm to 1am

·        Poets

·        Rappers

·        Singers

·        Spoken Word Artists

$5.00 cover












Bible Way Baptist Church

1323 No. 52nd Street

Philadelphia, PA 19131


Saturday July 26th, 2008

10am – 4pm


Pony Rides, Face Painting, Waterslide, Moon Bounce, Mural Arts Children’s Play Area, Healthy Start Mom Mobile, Free Give-a-ways


Come out and enjoy a day filled with fun, lots of food, plenty of fellowship and best of all Free Give-A-ways… and lots more


The Bible Way Baptist Church Family will minister through song, praise, dance, pantomime, poems, etc.

Join Bible Way and the surrounding community for our

Church/Community LOVEFEST


House of Umoja Inc. presents the Collard Greens Cultural Festival

July 25th – July 27th.

The festival will be held in the 1400 block of North Frasier Street on Saturday and at Carroll Park on 59th St. & Girard Avenue on Sunday from 12 p.m. to 5 p.m.

For more information call (215) 473-5893.


Once again, the Fatherhood Institute (FHI) partners with the Chester Chapter Association of Black Social Workers and First African Presbyterian Church to present a community-based and professional development workshop. On Saturday, August 2, 2008 FHI will present Thomas W. Singleton, MSW of the University of Toledo School of Education where he is a doctoral pre-candidate. Mr. Singleton's presentation is entitled Understanding African Americans Within the Criminal Justice System: Dysfunctional Thinking, Criminal Thinking, Addict Thinking and How They Interact. Of interest, Mr. Singleton's discussion will include potential church and grassroots community interventions that address issues of relapse and recidivism.

The workshop will be held at the First African Presbyterian Church, located at 42nd and Girard Avenue in West Philadelphia. Registration begins at 8:30AM and the workshop begins at 9:00AM until 12:00 noon. The workshop is FREE to the public. CEU credits will be offered at $15 and certificates will be available upon completion of the workshop.

For information, please contact the Fatherhood Institute at

This event is part of The Coalition, Inc.’s Weekend of Peace observance. August 1st through 3rd see website for more information.



25th Annual National Night Out: Grant Cushinberry Memoriam


Tuesday August 5, 2008, Topeka, KS @ 6:00 pm,

The Stop the Violence Memorial Tree Dedication Committee/Black Star Project Program Rally will honor the memory of Grant Cushinberry with the 25th Annual National Night Out. This Special Memorial is sponsored in part by the Black Star Project under the Leadership of the Honorable Phillip Jackson.


From 7a.m to 5p.m.on this date, The Stop the Violence Memorial Tree Dedication Commitee/Blackstar Project is asking neighborhoods throughout America to join forces with thousands of other communities to Pray on their State Capitol Grounds respectively to Stop The Violence And Increase the Peace in remembrance of Grant.


In honor of the 25th Annual National Night Out and the late Grant Cushinberry,

a rally will be held in Cushinberry Park at 6:00p.m, August 5, 2008.

Pastor Juanita Jackson, of Kansas City Missouri’s New Level Full Gospel Outreach Ministry, will be the guest speaker for the event. 

Other guest speakers are Benjamin "Benny" McCellend, past President of the former Cushinberry Park Improvement Assn; Judi Kalina, Kim McMillan; Erica Brown; Javer Clara Velma; Justin Drogie and Eliza Roberts.




27 Miles for Beau

a benefit to raise funds and awareness.

Marathoner to run in memory of man he never knew

SOUTH PHILADELPHIA In 2007 there were 392 murder victims in the city of Philadelphia. That number represents not only 392 people, but 392 lost opportunities and thousands of affected family and friends. It is a city whose murder rate surpasses the number of days in a year. These statistics need to be recognized and action needs to be taken, but this can only be done through education: educating adults about safety, educating teens about violence, and educating the world about the lives these victims lead.


Beau Zabel wanted to educate. He came to Philadelphia on May 5th, 2008 with aspirations to become a high school math teacher in the School District of Philadelphia. He moved into my South Philadelphia home and we shared optimism and hope for our soon to be lives as future teachers. Beau accepted a part time job at a Starbucks a few blocks from our home and he took pride in his work at his "dream job". Beau came to Philadelphia with a positive mindset, a comic personality and a desire to foster change and promote hope through education. Beau's life was cut tragically short when he became Philadelphia's murder victim #139 on June 15, 2008. Beau's late night walk home from Starbucks ended in a fatal robbery that cost him his ipod and his life.

Since June 15th, the citizens of our small South Philadelphia neighborhood, and others throughout the city of Philadelphia have tried to raise awareness about Beau's life and ambitions. We have united together to create a reward fund, neighborhood crime watch, a unification of community, and a nation-wide search for answers. These efforts have inspired the non-profit organization Witness Justice to become involved. Kathleen O'Hara, who works on behalf of victims, was outraged by Beau's murder and wrote an op-ed piece for the Inquirer, Friday, June 19. (You can go to the link below to read it). She is a board member of Witness Justice, a national organization committed to victims' rights. Every year, Witness Justice sends a "Team Heal Trauma" to the Marine Corps Marathon, to raise awareness of victims of crime and trauma. This team is comprised of a committed group of runners who run in honor of these victims of crime. The race is Sunday, October 26, 2008, in Washington, DC.

Kathleen's article inspired me to respond (along with a number of family and friends) to thank her for bringing awareness to such a heroic life. Kathleen informed me about her dedication to finding and sponsoring a runner for this team and for Beau. Kathleen and I joined efforts to find a sponsor to run for Team Heal Trauma in honor of Beau Zabel.


Andrew Shanks, the 24 year-old who will be moving into Beau's empty room, is that runner. Andrew will run the D.C. Marine Corp Marathon to represent a person he never got to meet but whose city streets and dreams he shared. By completing this 27-mile run, Andrew will proudly represent all victims of crime, the city of Philadelphia, and the heroic life of Beau Zabel.
We have decided to hold a benefit in honor of Beau as well as all victims of violent crime to raise money to achieve 27 miles.


Proceeds will be contributed to Witness Justices' sponsorship of Andrew and his goal to run a race of life that Beau never had the chance to. Proceeds exceeding $1,000.00 will be donated to the Scholarship Fund that Beau's Mother, Lana Zamora, is creating in his memory.

I invite you and all family and friends to attend the benefit that will take place at Beau's Starbucks (4th and South Streets) on August 3, 2008 from 4-6 pm.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any additional questions or ideas! I will be sending out a flyer with all the details. I sincerely hope that you join us and forward this invitation to all of your family and friends.
We hope to see you there

Meg Guerreiro 301-846-9110 or 800-4WJ-HELP
The op-ed piece:
Witness Justice website:














Free Technology Assessment for your organization


Information in the ‘Discussion’ section of our Google group:



Free Computers For Schools
(800) 939-6000
Willie Cade, CEO
Computers for Schools
773-583-7575 Office
773-583-7585 Fax



We have over 1,000 Pentium 4 desktop computers that need a home...


Teamchildren an Audubon PA based regional outreach non profit has now distributed over 7,000 low cost refurbished computers to family’s schools and organizations throughout our region.


We have put smiles on the faces of more than 30,000 children helping them complete homework assignments, doing research on the Internet, and staying in communication with family and friends in the comfort and safety of their homes.


Through our Digital Outreach we are giving these children and their families the tools and opportunities to expand their educational and economic futures and to compete effectively in the 21st century.


We also have a limited number of Laptops


$185-$275 Administrative fee


Robert Toporek








Our new group A HAND UP! Is now open, please go to:




Thank You

Strawberry Mansion Tennis Association

1800 Callowhill Street Suite#8

Philadelphia PA 19130

215.763.0581 check out our new web site.




My niece, BRIDGET PARKER, a very bright and diligent student is seeking volunteer work and/or an internship as follows: 

"I am currently a first semester senior at Cheyney University of Pennsylvania. My course of study or major is Biology. I am interested in a part-time internship or volunteer service to prepare me for my future career while also serving the community. Through an internship or volunteer service I expect to gain valuable tools that will broaden my knowledge in a particular career interest (which is listed below) while also serving the community. After completion of Cheyney University I will attend Graduate School to earn a Master’s Degree in Recreational Therapy to later own and operate my own Recreational Therapy business. I will continue my education to earn a PhD in Health Studies or Education. Therefore, I am interested in participating in an internship or volunteer services that help me reach my goals while also giving back to the community. I am interested but not limited to the following areas to complete an internship or volunteer service: Biology, Recreational Therapy, Recreation and Leisure Management, Education and Business (operational and management aspects)."

If you can assist her in obtaining or finding an internship or volunteer service, please email Bridget at
BParker@cheyney. edu      



Cassandra W. Lighty  

Email Addresses: Cassandrarw@ or lightysgirl@


Got Space?


Local Non-Profit is looking for room to develop!


For My Daughter is looking for approximately 350 - 500 square feet of indoor space for an academic Youth Program.



Separate Male & Female Restrooms

Secure, yet visible to the community

Room for desks and tables (no more than 10)

Spacious enough for computers and lots books

Year round, weekday and weekend access

Really, reasonable rent!



Yvonne Haughton 267-795-7811



Community College of Philadelphia's Act Now/Act 101 Program
The Act Now/Act 101 Program is seeking your assistance in the development of the following new opportunities for their Leadership Learning Community students.

Mentoring Program: It is important for students to meet professionals, outside of the Act Now/Act 101 Program, who have completed college and who would be available to offer guidance and support as they pursue their academic and career goals. An in-person introductory meeting will be scheduled by the Act Now Program in February. Mentors would then be then expected to communicate via email, telephone or in person with their Act Now student once during the month of March and once during the month of April.

Informational Interviews: While some of our students have chosen majors to pursue others are still undecided. It is helpful for them to meet professionals in the fields they are considering. The time commitment for Informational Interviews is minimal. The Act Now/Act 101 Program will keep a list of individuals representing a variety of professions. Interested students will contact the representatives to schedule an interview. Interviews may be conducted by telephone or in person and should take no longer than an hour.

For application or more information, please email Erika Hernandez




Remember to support The Coalition, Inc.’s on-air personalities…

Technically Speaking with the award winning Tech Guru, JC Lamkin on WNWR 1540 AM, Saturdays at 2pm.

Straight Up WORD with Dr. John Elliott Churchville, Senior Pastor of The Liberation Fellowship Church of Jesus, on WNWR 1540 AM, Sundays at 7am. Dr. Churchville will explore the Holy Scriptures verse by verse for your spiritual and practical edification.


Sister Phile Chionesu, organizer of the Million Woman March, Saturdays 11pm to 1am on Blog Talk Radio “Nu Day Resurrection and Liberation" Show 

Call in and give your thoughts, comments, opinions at 1-646-652-2232 

or send an instant message to to chat on line

Just want to listen in:

Look for the return of Bro. Sabir Bey and CivilAlert World, formerly of W.U.R.D. to the airways soon!



fr. Paul M. Washington, former rector of the Church of the Advocate at
18th and fr. Paul M. Washington Avenue in North Philadelphia.  The
Forum, like Father Washington, is a provider and legitimizer of public
space for the free expression of dissident Black voices on public
issues central to our communities.  The Forum's purpose is to provide
a public space and an opportunity to be heard to Black persons and
groups who bring non-traditional approaches to ways of thinking and
organizing focused on solving pressing community problems. Proud
member of The Coalition!
visit our website:
and join our Yahoo group:
Gary R. Adams, Chairman
John E. Churchville, PhD, Founder





First Anniversary Issue!

The Coalition was born out of the first Community Organizational Summit held at The Church of the Advocate at 18th & Father Paul M. Washington Ave. on July 26th 2006. At that time more than fifty organizations signed on. Presently, there are more than one hundred organizational members, and nearly one hundred pending. The first FYI The Coalition Weekly Digest was distributed August 25th 2006, thank you for a great year!

Gary R. Adams,

Community Liaison for The Coalition



Click here to join the Coalition
Join the Coalition!

More Coalition Information




Become a Peacemaker!

You can help by standing strong
with a sustaining presence.

 10,000 Men - A Call to Action

10,000 Men - A Call to Action

For more information
call 215-731-0541.
Kenny Gamble & Bill Cosby

Over 10,000 Black Men Answer Call

Black Men Answer Call







New York City rapper releases video that brings the truth about Hip-Hop into schools
and, talks to 6th and 7th graders about the lies of popular rappers, their lyrics,
and the negative influence of the music they listen to.

Read More Here







WDAS History:

Keep the knowledge of our history alive
and share it with our posterity!

WDAS History:
One Radio Station's Role in the History of
the Human Rights and Peace Movements.

WDAS History

(With Photographs!)



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Rev. Al Sharpton:
" 'Reach up' to stem violence"
Read More Here

More updates are coming soon.






As the
"JENA 6"
Case receives more public scrutiny,
perhaps it is time to take another look at
Some Louisiana Local Area Coverage!

Freedom fighters are outraged by Human Rights violations
As the outrage grows

you can add your support and
sign the petition


& to keep up with New Developments

Search "Google News"

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Contact Local Area Organizations



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"I, for one, believe that if you give people a thorough understanding
of what confronts them
and the basic causes that produce it,
they'll create their own program,
and when the people create a program,
you get action."
-Malcolm X


"He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps perpetrate it."

"We must work on . . . attacking the causes and healing the effects."
-Martin Luther King Jr.







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Eight Cities Media & Publications