The Urban Cartographer Online



 News Extra!     

News Extra!     News Extra!    News Extra!     News Extra!    News Extra!     News Extra!    

News Extra!     

News Extra!     News Extra!    News Extra!     News Extra!    News Extra!     News Extra!    

News Extra!  







The "Offering Reconciliation" Project
The "Offering Reconciliation" Project, initiated by the Israeli Friends of the Family Forum
presents to the public at large, the idea of reconciliation between Israelis and Palestinians through Art.
Please Read More




In Philadelphia,















For your own full color, full featured copy of the current edition,
copies of earlier editions, and more information,
Click here to join the Coalition
Join the Coalition!




Become a Peacemaker!

You can help by standing strong
with a sustaining presence.

 10,000 Men - A Call to Action

10,000 Men - A Call to Action

For more information
call 215-731-0541.
Kenny Gamble & Bill Cosby

Over 10,000 Black Men Answer Call

Black Men Answer Call







New York City rapper releases video that brings the truth about Hip-Hop into schools
and, talks to 6th and 7th graders about the lies of popular rappers, their lyrics,
and the negative influence of the music they listen to.

Read More Here




Current Coalition Newsletter

Join the Coalition

News From
The Coalition

News From

The Coalition

Friday 08 February 2008

Volume 2, Number 23

Coalition Board of Directors

Gary R. Adams, President

John E. Churchville, Treasurer

Yvonn M. Haughton, Secretary


Stanley Daniels

Tom Henry



Table of content


For Our Children … 01

This Week … 08

Employment and Training Opportunities … 10

Health Matters … 11

Grants and Scholarships … 12

SpotLight … 15

Arts for Awareness … 18

Coming Up …19

Computers and Technology … 19

A Hand Up … 20

On The Airways … 20





Page 02





If you would like to report on a recent community event, feel free to send us a brief account of what happened, we will share it with our readers.

Send your information to:






We will be spotlighting members and organizations weekly, if you wish to have your organization spotlighted, forward to us information on your primary mission, your current projects and/or how you would want other members of The Coalition to be involved. Many of us are already being a support to one another, but there is plenty of room for improvement.








Page 03






We are proud to announce that News From The Coalition is featured on the internationally acclaimed site Eight Cities Map

Click here: EightCitiesMAP Choose "Philadelphia's Online Community 

“Newsletter" from the menu.













If this publication is being forwarded to you, and you wish to be placed on our mailing list, send an email to

with “subscribe” in the subject.








Page 04






The individual whose vision encompasses the whole world often feels nowhere so hedged in and out of touch with his surroundings as in his native land… Emma Goldman




































Page 05




















































Page 06







Volunteers needed to help organize the first INTER-FAITH COMMUNITY
SURVIVAL SUMMIT to be held in the city of Philadelphia. For information or to volunteer or register as a representative for your place of worship, call 215.387.2734 or email:





























Page 07



















































Page 08






Two friends were talking about their husbands, one said, “My husband had a G.E.D. when I married him. I’ve just finished helping my husband through graduate school, and now I can begin to reap the benefits.” The other retorted, I made my husband a millionaire five years after I married him.” What was he when you married him?” A Billionaire.” Was the reply.


























Page 09


As I quizzed my grandchild on the names of the states, she was only able to identify about 40 of them. In an effort to inspire her, I said, “In my day we had to name ALL of them and their capitals too.” To which she responded, “yes, but in those days there were only thirteen.”



































Page 10



























































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page 12




We will be spotlighting members and organizations weekly, if you wish to have your organization spotlighted, forward to us information on your primary mission, your current projects and/or how you would want other members of The Coalition to be involved. Many of us are already being a support to one another, but there is plenty of room for improvement.




















page 13





I claim that human mind or human society is not divided into watertight compartments called social, political and religious. All act and react upon one another… Mohandas Gandhi














































page 14




























































page 15




Word of The Week: propitiate \pro-PISH-ee-ayt\, To render favorably inclined; to appease; to conciliate (one offended).











To acquire knowledge, one must study; but to acquire wisdom, one must observe… Marilyn von Savant



























Page 16



























































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Page 20






Greetings Coalition Family!


Join A HAND UP! To make donations or donation requests.


Gary R. Adams,

Community Liaison for The Coalition


Join our Google group





In August 2008, United Parents for Successful Children will present its’


Sixth Annual Reading Carnival:

The Black Wall Street


The Pioneers Of Literacy:

John Skief

Christine Wiggins

Delores James

Sandra Dungee Glenn

Dierde Farmbry


Join the Reading Carnival Planning Posse

Bring your talents, skills and your organizations’ abundance of resources to make this year’s event memorable.


Sunday February 10th, 2008

3pm – 5pm

The Toney Estate

2404 North 54th Street Philadelphia, PA 19131


To RSVP your place in history

Contact: Antoinette Toney 267.990.3698

Deborah Toney Moore 267.242.2624

The Coalition welcomes new member

United Parents for Successful Children



A Black History Month Art Contest for public school students grades 6 through 12, is being conducted by Afro Cutting Boards with a $500.00 first prize. Two winners will be chosen by our judges. The first prize in each division is a scholarship that may be used for tutoring, school supplies, academic classes and camps, or college expenses. A $500.00 scholarship will be awarded in the Grade 9 – 12 Division; $100.00 for the Grade 6 – 8 Division.

“The theme of the contest is Soul Food. The artwork must depict Soul Food in a positive and delectable way: food on a table, being cooked, being eaten, grace being said over the food.

Artwork may be created using any 2D medium: pen and ink, water colors, oils, charcoal, pastels, digital. Entries, accompanied by application signed by the student and a parent or legal guardian, must be received no later than 6:00 pm., February 29, 2008. Applications are available at: www.afrocuttingboards/black historyartcontest.pdf/. No artwork will be considered without a completed and signed application. Entries may be submitted electronically or by mail. The scholarship award will be announced on March 10, 2008.


For more information about the contest email:



Resources for Children’s Health’s SAFE program has openings for new clients. In our SAFE program, we provide parents of children aged birth through 5 years with the information, resources and support they need to raise healthy and happy children. A peer and professional staff conduct services. Spanish-speaking case managers are available.

Services include:



The way of fortune is like the milkyway in the sky; which is a number of small stars, not seen asunder, but giving light together: so it is a number of little and scarce discerned virtues, or rather faculties and customs, that make men fortunate… Francis Bacon





·        In-home visits

·        Help in obtaining medical, pediatric and well-baby care;

·        Accompaniment to medical appointments and other appointments;

·        Connecting participants to supportive community resources to

·        meet identified needs;

·        Health and nutrition information, resources and written handouts;

·        Incentives- baby items, parent-child activity books, home safety items, and others;

·        Assisting participants in securing health insurance or other benefits;

·        Supporting participants in engaging in healthy lifestyle practices, such as smoking cessation, exercise and good adult and child nutrition;

·        “Hands-on” support, such as grocery shopping to show participants how to purchase good quality nutritional food at reasonable prices; and

·        Positive parenting and health education workshops, which are open to everyone in the community.


For more information, to sign up, or to make a referral to the SAFE Program, please contact Brenda Rochester, SAFE Supervisor, at 215.985.6252.



Kids With a Mission!

The 1st African American Kids Entrepreneur Radio Show on

Junior Entrepreneurs On The Move Radio show Saturdays at 6pm. You can find JEOTM at

JEOTM  Radio is the brainchild of 2 young men Jerry who is 12 years old and his brother RJ AKA Spidey Boy who is 8 years old. JEOTM was created to encourage and foster the entrepreneurial spirit in young people. Each show will will feature guests that introduce youth early on to business concepts and entrepreneurship.

By empowering youth JEOTM Radio seeks to instill key skills that will enable financial independence.



RESOURCE Program (PEER) presents


Free parenting classes

Attend the FREE non-judgmental ten week program and receive a


$100.00 food gift card


Earn $100.00 towards a utility bill of your choice


Classes are held weekly at

Tustin Recreation Center

5901 Columbia Avenue

Philadelphia, PA 19151

Mondays 6:00pm – 8:00pm


Other sites available

Enrollment is ongoing


A project of the Lutheran Children and Family Service


Sonya Harris-Saunders, Program Coordinator 215.339.8002 ext 19

Wendy Brown, Administrative Assistant 215.424.3741 ext 248



"STOP THE MADNESS , STOP THE VIOLENCE"  is looking for tutors for their tutoring program at East Spencer Miller Elementary School at 43rd and Westminster.  Tutoring takes place on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings from 5pm to 7pm, and is for students 8-12 years of age. If you or anyone you know can help during either of these two timeframes, please contact Malik (aka Norm) Johnson, at 215-410-2859.


Please share this information, you never know who has a couple of hours a week to help our kids. C&C Athletic Association also has a tutoring and mentoring program at Eastwick Recreation Center at 80th and Mars Sts. for students, age 10-17. This program runs from November to April. Contact Calvin Johnson (215-738-5181) if you can help or know someone who needs to be tutored.



"Speaking Truth to Action" Spoken Word' movement mentors at-risk males. 


Brother to Brother, Boys to Men Youth Mentoring Club  ...because we are our brother's keepers.

   As Philadelphia's homicide rate continues to climb, a local businessman, entrepreneur and 'spoken word' poets are coming together

to 'speak truth to action' with a mentoring program that they feel will change lives; save lives of young African American males in the city.  


WHAT: a "Mentoring" Club, for males only between the ages of 13 and 18 and adult males, providing nurture, guidance and role-models for at-risk youth. The club provides awareness, self-love activities and a positive environment to build healthy relationships.
WHEN: Wednesday evenings 5:00-7:30 PM (Ongoing [since 07-25] weekly)
Where: Dowling's Palace  1310 N. Broad Street Phila.,  PA 19121 (Next to Blue Horizon) N. Broad Street at Thompson  215-236-9888

WHY: (Shyster): "Because it's long overdue!" Promoters of this mentoring club say that it is NOT a "Lecture" format, not a "scared straight" program; instead, spoken-word artists with a burden for the community are coming together to offer young African American males a positive environment to interact with each other and community role-models. This is an attempt to curb violence and a practical way to put an end to the senseless violence and bloodshed that tarnishes Philadelphia's image. "We need 'real-men' Mentors, who have big hearts and a little

time to spend with a young man who needs it--badly!" said Sam Gamon. "Because, after all 'we are our brothers' keepers".       

                                "Shyster"-Ray Williams, 215-729-2025
              "Sam I Am" Gaymon 267-970-2390
                                 Stacy Dowling 267-767-6300


1. You will have a nationwide connection with primarily African
American parents and other parents who have children of color.
2. You will receive EXCLUSIVE discounts and special offers with over
40 selected businesses that have created or represent companies with
items that will encourage children of color to feel proud and
positive about their heritage. Most of these companies are owned and
operated by African Americans which is something to be proud of in
3. You will receive a monthly email with not only EXCLUSIVE discounts
and offers, but the opportunity to win GREAT prizes from our Black
Parent Connect Shops. Each monthly prize will be valued at $50 or
4. You will also receive special tips, news and other parenting
information when visiting our website. (This is open to non-members
as well)
5. FREE and Easy to join! Just simply join by clicking on our JOIN
NOW page on our navigator tab at

Joan Gosier, President
HBCU kidz, Inc.
954-302-4540 x701





If your ideal school is one where the classrooms include over 7,000 acres of forest, fields, wetlands, and streams, and where learning about our environment goes hand-in-hand with having fun and meeting new friends, then the Penn State Conservation Leadership School (CLS) is for you. It’s not a recreational summer camp, although lots of fun is definitely on the agenda. It’s a RE-Creation experience, leading you to learn, to live, and to think critically about sustaining our environment.  

In the unique setting at The Pennsylvania State University's Stone Valley Recreation Area near State College, Pa., students between the ages of 15 and 18 learn about the environment and conservation during a one-week program that emphasizes field-based, hands-on learning, group problem solving, and leadership. 

This year’s program will include a special session on leadership developed by the PA Rural Leadership Program (RULE) and an interactive ropes course challenge that will foster cooperation and teamwork.  The 2008 curriculum will focus on important natural resource issues including:

  • Analyzing your hometown drinking water  
    Participants will bring a water sample from home and learn how to test for various pollutants that may occur in Pennsylvania water supplies.
  • Deer population management and habitat conservation 
    Representatives from the Quality Deer Management Association (QDMA) will discuss strategies on how to achieve biologically and socially balanced deer herds within existing environmental, social, and legal constraints.
  • Recycling: Beyond the Bin 
    Students will get a behind- the-scenes look at the recycling process and learn how and why this essential “R” (reduce, reuse, and recycle) plays a key role in our waste management practices.
  • What is wood? 
    Participants may walk away from CLS with a new appreciation for one of the earth’s most versatile and sustainable resources.
  • “Green” Buildings  
    Students will tour some of Penn State’s newest and award-winning “green” buildings, which bring together new technologies, sustainable materials, and creative designs.  

Conservation Leadership School is being offered twice this summer, June 22-28 and July 6-12.  The same program is offered for each week.  During their stay at Stone Valley, the students will work in teams with the faculty and staff from the School of Forest Resources, and representatives of the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission, the Pennsylvania Game Commission, the Department of Environmental Protection, the Pennsylvania Rural Leadership Program, and the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources.  

Scholarships are available from participating Conservation Districts in Pennsylvania and area sportsmen clubs for students representing their district at CLS.  For a listing of participating organizations and to register online, please visit: and click on Conservation Leadership School.  For more information please contact the Office of Conferences and Short Courses at (814) 865-8301 or email at to receive registration materials. Registration is limited so please apply early.  

For questions regarding the content of the program, contact Mike Powell, Director of CLS, at (814) 863-1113 or email at  


“An Education that is superior, exciting, challenging and custom-designed to fit each student’s needs and interests.” 

ACCEL is a community program that offers services that strengthen youth, families and communities.  At ACCEL we believe that children are the most important part of school. ACCEL is a place where children really matter and every individual’s ability is recognized and rewarded. ACCEL’s programs build leadership, strength, skills, honor,and creates a self-esteem environment that embraces the five

components of: Security, Identity, Belonging, Purpose and Competence. 

ACCEL is in the heart of the community and is building strong ties with local businesses and community leaders.  All children have an entitlement to an education which meets their needs and will help them go through new gateways as their future unfolds. 

ACCEL uses exceptional accredited curriculum that is Interactive, engaging and technology driven.  The curriculum includes everything a student needs to successfully complete his/her course. 

To learn more log on to


This Week…


Portraits of Courage Performance (Feb 8)

Portraits of Courage
February 8th 6-8pm
Houston Hall, Class of '49 Auditorium, 3417 Spruce Street
ACCESS: Free and open to the general public

This lecture and performance is an examination of overlooked African Americans and their contributions to American History. This 65 minute two person show highlights 7 of our unsung heroes (Ida B. Wells, Lewis Latimer, Colonel Young, CJ Walker, Bass Reeves & Fannie Lou Hamer). *** Meet the cast and enjoy light fare after the performance***

Co-Sponsored by: Goldman, Sachs, & Co., Platt Student Performing Arts House
Contact: Makuu at 215 573-0823 or


Black Family Technology Week

Celebrating A Decade of Discovery

Baltimore, Md.


The National Black Family Technology Awareness Campaign, will celebrate the tenth annual Black Family Technology Awareness Week (BFTAW), February 10th - 16th, 2008.
BFTAW is a national public awareness campaign designed to encourage more African Americans to incorporate technology into their daily lives. Partners and corporate supporters for this year's campaign include the IBM Corporation, EMC, the US Navy, the Lockheed Martin Corporation, the National Black Data Processing Associates and NACME (National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering).

This year's Awareness Week will culminate with the Black Family Technology Empowerment Weekend, to be held at the Baltimore Convention Center as part of the Black Engineer of the Year Awards Conference, February 16, 2008, in Baltimore, Md.  The event will be hosted by NPR personality Mario Armstrong.

Tyrone D. Taborn, US Black Engineer and Information Technology magazine publisher and CEO, says, "The Black Family Technology Awareness Campaign was never about simple Internet access and mere computer ownership but rather about African Americans becoming true beneficiaries of the many assets of technology and all it has to offer."

For more information about the 2008 Black Family Technology Awareness Campaign including information on how your community can apply for a BFTAW activity grant, log onto, or contact CCG's Director Technology Awareness Programs, Nuria Alvarez,





Project RISE (Reaching and Impacting Small Entrepreneurs)

is targeting existing business owners as well as individuals who want to

start a business in the West Philadelphia area.

The program includes an outreach to youth-at-risk, ex-offenders, and

welfare recipients and is co-sponsored by the SBA.

It is an on-going project that ends in September of 2008.

For more information call

Project RISE at 215-476-8091, ext. 113.




If you’ve ever looked at a job listing and thought, "I’d be perfect for this job, if only...," you understand the discouragement a lot of

job seekers in Philadelphia feel. Understanding these barriers, the employment volunteers at have launched a free tool that helps jobseekers look for jobs and

apply online, Positions range from Banquet Server to Call Center Manager.

When it comes to meeting the qualifications for a job, is there any flexibility? That depends on the employer, but in most cases, the answer is yes. Certainly, it helps to understand how your own experience and needs match up to what the employer wants and is willing to offer, which isn’t always an easy task, thanks to the obscure language typical of many job listings.


Google needs business reps - nationwide
Now you can Make Money Through the Google Business Referral Program and Help Google Locate Businesses in Your Neighborhood
"As a Google Business Referral Representative, you'll visit local
businesses to collect information (such as hours of operation, types
of payment accepted, etc.) for Google Maps, and tell them about Google
Maps and Google AdWords. You'll also take a few digital photos of the
business that will appear on the Google Maps listing along with the
business information. After the visit, you submit the business' info
and photo(s) to Google through your Local Business Referrals Center,

and we'll pay you up to $10 for each listing that is approved by
Google and verified by the business," according to the Google website.
Read more about this program here:




Coming Soon! Noted Herbalist Ann Pringle will be sharing natural health information in this section. Ann Pringle has been a vegetarian for more than 23 years. She initially studied nutrition and vegetarianism on her own, and later attended Temple University where she took

classes under a vegetarian nutritionist and herbologist.

Ms. Pringle also lectures on health, herbs and has operated her own herbal company for nearly ten tears.


South Philadelphia Neighborhood Athletic League

Healthy Mind - Healthy Body

“Weigh To Go” Fitness Challenge

For a $10.00 registration fee participants receice

·        Exercise Workshops

·        Nutritional recipes

·        Cooking Classes

·        Access To A Local Gym

and cash incentives for “The Biggest Loser”

To register contact Kimyetta Lewis 267.250.4846



Resources for Children's Health's SAFE program has openings and is looking for referrals!  SAFE provides home visiting and case management, parenting support, and family health and wellness education for parents of young children, ages birth to five, in South Philadelphia. All services are free. Spanish-speaking staff is also available.
To make a referral or for more information, please call Brenda Rochester,
215-985-6252 or email

The UnitedHealthcare Children's Foundation is committed to enhancing the quality of life for children who have health care needs not covered by their commercial health insurance. The Foundation provides financial assistance toward the family's share of the cost of medical services. Learn more about us and how to apply.



The Philadelphia Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity is once again seeking applicants for its annual Hiliary H. Holloway, Esquire Scholarship Award program. The chapter's scholarship program, named after the late Hiliary H. Holloway, Esquire, a past Grand Polemarch and Laurel Wreath recipient of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, as well as a

longtime member of the Philadelphia Alumni Chapter, is designed to aid promising minority male students in the public high schools of Philadelphia who are planning to matriculate in college following their graduation from high school.  Applications and further info can be obtained from the student's Principal or guidance counselor.

All applications must be postmarked by March 15, 2008 to be considered. The amount of the scholarship award is $2,000. A total of four $2,000 scholarships will be awarded in 2008. The fraternity uses the scholarship grants to enhance the opportunities for minority males to acquire a college education. The organization seeks to reach and assist those young men who have demonstrated academic promise, but have not necessarily accumulated the highest averages.  Additionally, the need for financial assistance is fundamental. Students who meet these criteria should contact their Principal or guidance counselor about this scholarship opportunity immediately. An application can also be downloaded from the Philadelphia Alumni Chapter's web site:



Support for Social Justice Projects in North America

Peace Development Fund: Community Organizing Grants
The Peace Development Fund provides grants to organizations working to achieve peaceful, just, and interdependent relationships among people and nations. The Fund's Community Organizing Grants support grassroots groups that are organizing community members for social justice in the United States, Puerto Rico, Canada, Mexico, and Haiti. Examples of issues that will be considered include criminal justice, environmental justice, economic justice, anti-oppression work, youth organizing, immigrant organizing, and workplace organizing. The application deadline is February 15, 2008. Visit the website for application guidelines and forms.


Merchants Fund Grants for Small Businesses (Feb 15)

The Merchants Fund issued the first round grants this fall to small businesses in Philadelphia.

The next grant deadline is Friday, February 15, 2008 (postmarked). The applications have been modified since the last grant cycle and the web site has detailed information about the attributes of successful grants.

The first grant cycle was competitive. TMF funded approximately half of the applications submitted. It is anticipated that the next cycle will be equally competitive. Most, but not all, of the grants made were the result of strong partnerships with community organizations such as community development corporations, merchant associations and other non-profit agencies. The sponsor’s act both as advocates as well as hands-on agents for helping merchants achieve their goals and oversee grant requirements. The members of the Program Committee responded to the power of enabling community development goals through individual merchants.

Thanks to everyone who worked with TMF this Fall.

For more information, contact:
Patricia Blakely
The Merchants Fund
1616 Walnut Street, Ste 802
Philadelphia, PA 19103
215-399-1339 office


Scholarship For Service (SFS) is a unique program designed to increase and strengthen the cadre of federal information assurance professionals that protect the government's critical information infrastructure. This program provides scholarships that fully fund the typical costs that students pay for books, tuition, and room and board while attending an approved institution of higher learning.
Additionally, participants receive stipends of up to $8,000 for undergraduate and $12,000 for graduate students. The scholarships are funded through grants awarded by the National Science Foundation NSF.

For more information, click here: https://www. default.asp

Adult Literacy Grants
The Dollar General Adult Literacy Grants award funding to non-profit
organizations that provide direct service to adults in need of
literacy assistance. Organizations must provide assistance in one of
the following instructional areas:
·    Adult basic education;
·    General education diploma preparation; or
·    English for speakers of other languages.
To locate a program in your area:


Family Literacy Grants
The Dollar General Family Literacy Grants will award grants to family
literacy service providers. Please note that the Dollar General
Literacy Foundation uses the federal government's definition of family
literacy when reviewing grant applications. Family literacy programs
applying for funding must have the following four components:
·       Adult education instruction;
o       Adult basic education
o       GED preparation
o       English for speakers of other languages
·       Children's education;
·       Parent and child together time (PACT); and,
Parenting classes that teach parents to be the primary teacher for their child.


“The events which transpired five thousand years ago; five years ago or five minutes ago, have determined what will happen five minutes from now, five years from now or five thousand years from now. All history is a current event… Dr. John Henrik Clarke







In honor of Black History Month,  the next three editions of “Spotlight” will feature local groups that have made a significant impact on the Philadelphia community.


Freedom Library of Philadelphia and the Black People’s Unity Movement


It was in the aftermath of the 1964 riot that the first “Black Power” organizations began to emerge in Philadelphia.

That fall, a former Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) organizer named John Churchville opened a storefront “Freedom Library” just blocks from the epicenter of the riot. A self-identified black nationalist and supporter of Malcolm X, Churchville conceived of the library as a base for community-organizing initiatives similar to those undertaken by SNCC in the South. “The notion,” he would later say, “was to have books by and about black people. We could have black history lectures. We could then begin to develop programs, deal with the problems in the neighborhood.” In addition to an after-school tutoring program for neighborhood children, one of Churchville’s first initiatives was a series of evening forums on the state of the civil rights movement. The purpose of the forums was to carve out a new strategic vision for the black movement, a vision based not on maintaining alliances with white liberals but rather on the Black Nationalist tradition.

Most histories of the civil rights era cast Black Power advocates in monolithic terms. Such a view overlooks what historian William Van Deburg has called Black Power’s “diversity and richness of character.” Black Power’s adherents ranged from black capitalists to Third World socialists, from electoral organizers to proponents of urban guerrilla warfare, from racial separatists to advocates of a revolutionary alliance among activists of color, poor whites, and the student New Left. From the beginning, Churchville’s study group attracted an ideologically diverse group of local activists frustrated by what they perceived to be the middle-class orientation and excessive concern for white sensibilities of mainstream civil rights groups. Some were, like Churchville, veterans of student and “militant” protest organizations like SNCC and CORE who were now committed to applying SNCC’s approach to community organizing and indigenous leadership development to poor and working-class black neighborhoods in the urban North. Others were local advocates of traditional Black


Nationalist causes such as the teaching of black history curricula in the local public schools and substituting Afro-American for the racial label Negro. There were also, as Churchville described them, “old Garveyites, people who remembered Marcus Garvey, who said . . . ‘I’m ready to come out and do something now. It’s been years.” Finally, there were longtime neighborhood activists, many of them women, who viewed the city’s traditional black leadership as out of touch with the concerns of the black poor.

After meeting for a year, participants in the study group decided to found a new organization, the Black People’s Unity Movement (BPUM), to promote their vision of a movement based on the principles of intraracial unity.

In a radio interview promoting the new group, Churchville called on black activists to unite across differences of ideology, class, and religion. “The civil rights movement was never the black man’s movement,” he charged. “It was a movement of white liberals . . . using us . . . as a tool to get power for themselves. . . . We must own and control the black movement.”

BPUM held its founding mass meeting on February 5, 1966. The rally’s keynote speaker was longtime SNCC activist Julian Bond, who had recently been elected to the Georgia State Senate on a platform of accountability to the concerns and interests of the entire black community, not just its middleclass leadership.

BPUM’s monthly rallies featured African drumming and

dancing along with speeches from local activists and national figures like Stokely Carmichael, Amiri Baraka, and Dick Gregory. Betty Shabazz, the widow of Malcolm X, attended BPUM’s August 1966 tribute to her husband. “I know what black means in this country,” a BPUM activist told the rally. “It means inferiority. It means slums. It means slime. But when [Malcolm] said ‘black’ and I heard him say it, I felt like a man.”

BPUM rooted its political ideology and strategy on two fundamental black nationalist principles: first, that white supremacy and racial inequality were not unfortunate distortions of the American democracy, but rather were constitutive of the nation’s culture and social structure; and second, that the only way for African Americans as a people to achieve meaningful progress within such a society was to develop intraracial political unity across differences of ideology, class, and religious beliefs within the black community. Less a formal political organization than a network of local organizers, BPUM was remarkable for its ability to bring together diverse groups of activists to work on projects that cut across the ideological divisions within the emerging


Black Power movement. BPUM activists simultaneously sought to build independent black institutions and to press for community control over public institutions that served black communities. Thus, BPUM activists supported the development of a number of independent schools—including John Churchville’s Freedom Library, which would evolve into the Freedom Day School—at the same time that they were demanding the implementation of black studies curricula in black neighborhood schools.

“My perception of black power was never straight separatism,” Churchville remembers.

You’ve got to get out there in the real world where other people are. When you’re trying to impact public education, you should be able to say, “This is how the curriculum should look, look at how it’s working with these kids.”

In the summer of 1967, David Richardson, a nineteen-year-old youth

activist from the Germantown section of the city, asked for BPUM’s help in training high school students to press for changes in school curricula and dress codes—the students wanted the right to wear African clothes and jewelry; for more black teachers and administrators; and for recognition of black student unions as legitimate school clubs. By the beginning of the school year, the students had formed a network of activists from high schools across the city and were prepared to make their demands to school administrators.

In late October, BPUM-affiliated students organized walkouts at five different black high schools across the city. The student protests reached their apex on the morning of Friday November 17, when 3,500 black students marched out of high schools across the city and converged on the Board of Education building in Center City. One of the city’s daily newspapers described the mood of the student protesters as “festive” and more befitting “a picnic” than a protest.

As they marched around the school board, the picketers shouted out their school affiliations and called to friends from other schools. Some chanted, “Beep, beep, bang, bang, boom, boom, Black Power,” while others carried signs calling for “more Black Power in the School System.”



Community Control and Black Independent

Politics in Philadelphia, 1965-1984


University of Michigan








“A Milestone Event in HipHop/Soul/ and Spoken Word


·        Ms. Wise

·        True Dialect

·        Chen Lo

·        Shyster

·        Rebel God Power

Friday, February  8th

8pm – 11pm

The Underground (Temple University)

$3.00 w/college I.D.

For more information: or 215.687.3754


First Person Arts launches First Person Salons at the Gershman Y

It was standing-room-only for every single one of First Person Arts’ notorious Story Slams in 2007, and now First Person Arts is bringing that same energy and enthusiasm to a new series of memoir and documentary-arts events: First Person Salons at the Gershman Y.  On the second Wednesday of each month, starting February 13th, First Person Arts will showcase new work and works-in-progress presented by the artists themselves to an audience eager to get an inside look at the creative process.  Writers, photographers, documentary film-makers, painters and sculptors will put both their work and their methods on display, demonstrating how they turn real-life drama into compelling works of art.  
First Person Arts is accepting applications from artists on a rolling basis at  You can find a Salon overview and application at <> .  Join us for the first Salon: February 13th, 7:00 pm at the Gershman Y (Broad and Pine)  Admission: $5-10.




An Afternoon of Poetry


Every second Saturday of the month from 1 – 3 PM


Serenity Inspirational Gifts & Coffee

140 So. Easton Rd.

Glenside, PA



JUS WORDS at Dowling’s Palace

1310 No. Broad St. Phila

Every Thurs. 9pm to 1am

·        Poets

·        Rappers

·        Singers

·        Spoken Word Artists

$5.00 cover













Free Computers For Schools
(800) 939-6000
Willie Cade, CEO
Computers for Schools
773-583-7575 Office
773-583-7585 Fax








Our new group A HAND UP! Is now open, please go to:


Remember to support The Coalition on-air personalities…

Technically Speaking with the award winning JC Lamkin on WNWR 1540 AM, Saturdays at 2pm.

Sister Phile Chionesu, organizer of the Million Woman March, Mondays 10pm to 1am on Harambee Radio Welcome to Harambee Radio Online




fr. Paul M. Washington, former rector of the Church of the Advocate at
18th and fr. Paul M. Washington Avenue in North Philadelphia.  The
Forum, like Father Washington, is a provider and legitimizer of public
space for the free expression of dissident Black voices on public
issues central to our communities.  The Forum's purpose is to provide
a public space and an opportunity to be heard to Black persons and
groups who bring non-traditional approaches to ways of thinking and
organizing focused on solving pressing community problems. Proud
member of The Coalition!
visit our website:
and join our Yahoo group:
Gary R. Adams, Chairman
John E. Churchville, PhD, Founder





First Anniversary Issue!

The Coalition was born out of the first Community Organizational Summit held at The Church of the Advocate at 18th & Father Paul M. Washington Ave. on July 26th 2006. At that time more than fifty organizations signed on. Presently, there are more than one hundred organizational members, and nearly one hundred pending. The first FYI The Coalition Weekly Digest was distributed August 25th 2006, thank you for a great year!

Gary R. Adams,

Community Liaison for The Coalition



For your own full color, full featured copy of the current edition,
copies of earlier editions, and more information,
Click here to join the Coalition
Join the Coalition!




Become a Peacemaker!

You can help by standing strong
with a sustaining presence.

 10,000 Men - A Call to Action

10,000 Men - A Call to Action

For more information
call 215-731-0541.
Kenny Gamble & Bill Cosby

Over 10,000 Black Men Answer Call

Black Men Answer Call




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Rev. Al Sharpton:
" 'Reach up' to stem violence"
Read More Here

More updates are coming soon.






As the
"JENA 6"
Case receives more public scrutiny,
perhaps it is time to take another look at
Some Louisiana Local Area Coverage!

Freedom fighters are outraged by Human Rights violations
As the outrage grows

you can add your support and
sign the petition


& to keep up with New Developments

Search "Google News"

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Contact Local Area Organizations



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"I, for one, believe that if you give people a thorough understanding
of what confronts them
and the basic causes that produce it,
they'll create their own program,
and when the people create a program,
you get action."
-Malcolm X


"He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps perpetrate it."

"We must work on . . . attacking the causes and healing the effects."
-Martin Luther King Jr.







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