43 Years AFTER "Freedom Summer"


fighters murdered to secure voting rights

We have forgotten THIS ^^^

And have come to THIS vvv!



Auqust 16 - Auqust 22, 2007       LOCAL TALK NEWARK


A Day of Mourning in the City of Newark


By Bro. Ellis



Day of Mourning in Newark




0n Saturday August 11 2007 the City of Newark was in mourning People from all over were paying their respects at three area  churches for three young people who wen senselessly gunned down in the back of the playground at Mt Vernon School.




Dashon Harvey, Terrance Aeriel, and Iofemi Hightower were shot in the back of the head at close range, while the sister of  Terrance (T.J.) Natasha Aeriel, recovers in the hospital. She was shot in the head also, but survived.




Since the triple murders, people have been coming together to pray, rally, and to just support the families. This incident  has made news across the country, and many, many, people feel the pain.




There has been a reward set up for anyone who provides information about any possible suspects in the case. It started out  with $20,000, but is now up to $150,000 and growing.




The TV show "America's Most Wanted" aired a segment of the murders on their August Ilth broadcast. As of this moment, the  police are still looking for three more suspects.




On the afternoon of August 9th, there were two suspects in custody, a teenager and a 28-year-old man who police say left a  fingerprint on a beer bottle.




One of the suspects that day turned himself in to the Mayor of Newark Cory Booker, and is now in jail.




All during the week there have been people coming up to the site to see where such a horrific incident happened. On the night  of August 10th, there was a huge prayer vigil organized by Pastor Bridgeforth, and Minister Ellis. Several clergy members were invited and they prayed every I S minutes. There were no political speeches, no rally speeches, no placing blame, just  prayer.




The prayers were for healing, comfort, peace, strength, justice, a speedy recovery of Natasha, and that God works a Miracle.  People of all faiths came out: Christian, Catholic, Muslim. and Jewish. So manv faiths came to pray thev prayed for the city  that it  be healed of the gun;. and the violence they prayed for the Mayor, theyprayed for the police department, and a  prayer went out for the people and the community.




This case attracted a lot of media attention. Crews, reporters, and photographers from all over covered this tragedy. Even  people in Alaska were listening and watching this story.




The police have ruled out that this crime was gang related, and the Mayor has stated that he also does not think this was  gang related,  but was just a robbery gone terribly bad.




Three of the victims were attending Delaware State University, and one was scheduled to attend next semester. There were many  students from the campus that came to Newark to pay their last respects to their fellow students and college buddies.




The funerals for all the victims were held on August 11th. Dashon's 'was at Metropolitan, T.J.'s was at New Hope, and lofemi  Hightower's, the only female killed in the incident, was held at Grace Temple on 16th Avenue in Newark.




Governor Corzine, Senator Menendez, Senator Rice, Paula Dow, the Newark Municipal Council, Police Directory McCarthy, and  others stood with the Mayor Cory Booker, and spoke at all three Funerals. Thousands of people turned out for the three  services.




Now after all the rallies, prayers, speeches, and media coverage, the people in the city just want to see a end to the gun  violence, and want the community, politicians, police, and residents to come together, to work together, and to stand  together to help to prevent such a tragic thing from happening again in their city.




Let Us turn to Each Other, Not on Each Other.







Auqust 16 - Auqust 22, 2007       LOCAL TALK NEWARK





Minister Thomas Ellis is the founder
of the

Enough Is Enough Coalition




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