Jersey City Area
Honors a
Queen Mother


It's been a long time coming . . .
"Our destiny will not be written for us but by us!"
- Barack Obama

"An Ambassador of Love, Hope and Charity!"

On Sunday afternoon January 20, 2008 several hundred people joined many Gospel music groups in praise and worship of God.

The event was in appreciation of, and tribute to, several decades of service by one of Jersey City's leading citizens.

Many expressions of gratitude were extended to Mother Naomi Sumter whose examples of love, generosity and concern not only included her own immediate family but extended into and benefited the entire community.

In many African societies she would be recognized and honored as a "Queen Mother."

This Editor believes that we should do no less.


Millennium Special Report

Millennium Special Report

Millennium Special Report

Millennium Special Report

Millennium Special Report

Millennium Special Report


Our Queen Mother has shared the love of God with many people.

On Thursday, May 6, 2010, Mrs. Naomi Sumter made her transition
and joined our honorable and beloved ancestors.

“If there's a heaven up above
I know she's teaching angels how to love!”

From Sadie by The Spinners






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