The Urban Cartographer Online



News From
The Coalition, Inc.



News  From

The  Coalition, Inc.

Friday 17 October 2008

Volume  3, Number 7

The  Coalition, Inc. Board of Directors

Gary  R. Adams, President

John  E. Churchville, Treasurer

Yvonne  Haughton, Secretary


Josephine  Blow, Patricia Coyne, Stanley Daniels, Tom Henry, Calvin Johnson, Angela  Mohammed, Abdul Malik Raheem

Table  of content

For  Our Children … 02

This  Week … 04

Employment  and Training Opportunities … 06

Health  Matters … 10

Green  Piece … 11

Grants  and Scholarships … 11

SpotLight  … 14

Arts  for Awareness … 14

Coming  Up …18

Computers  and Technology … 22

A  Hand Up … 22

On  The Airways … 24



Page 02




If this publication is being forwarded to you, and you wish  to be placed on our mailing list, send an email to

with “subscribe” in the subject.


If you are receiving this publication without consent, send  an email with “unsubscribe” in the subject to be removed from our database.


If you would like to report  on a recent community event, feel free to send us a brief account of what  happened in document format, and we will share it with our readers.

Send your information to:











Page 03






We are proud to announce that News From The Coalition is  featured on the internationally acclaimed site Eight Cities Map

Click here: EightCitiesMAP Choose  “Philadelphia’s Online Community 

“Newsletter” from the menu.


































Page 04






Disobedience is the true foundation of liberty. The obedient must be  slaves.
-- Henry David  Thoreau.







































Page 05




























All men are prepared to accomplish the incredible  if their ideals are threatened.
Maya  Angelou




















Page 06







Volunteers are still needed to help organize the first INTER-FAITH  COMMUNITY
 SURVIVAL SUMMIT to be held in the city of Philadelphia. For information or to  volunteer or register as a representative for your place of worship, call  215.387.2734 or
























Page 07




Patrick, an Irish oil worker, is on a job in Alaska up on the North
 Slope. It's forty below zero one winter night and Patrick is imbibing
 at his local saloon.
 The bartender says to him, "Patrick, you owe me quite a bit on your  tab."
 "Sure'n I'm flat broke this week."
 "That's OK. I'll just write your name and the amount you owe me right  here on the wall."
 "But I'm not wantin' any of me friends to see that."
 "They won't. I'll just hang your parka over it until it's paid."



































Page 08

















































Page 09






There will always be death  and taxes; however, death doesn't get worse every year.




















































Page 10







What is it  about the job of the vice-president that seems to dissolve all common sense?  Most of us remember the Dan Quayle experience, but the self-proclaimed  creator of the Internet has  enough of  his own to take us through to the end of the year…


"I am not part of the problem. I am a Democrat."  
 -- Former Vice President Al Gore


























page  11



Try and fail, but don't fail  to try.
-- Stephen Kaggwa.

























































page 12





The Raw Family Newsletter


















































page 13










Laws are like cobwebs, which may catch small flies, but let wasps and  hornets break through.
-- Jonathan  Swift.













































page 14




We will be spotlighting  members and organizations. If you wish to have your organization spotlighted,  forward to us information on your primary mission, your current projects  and/or how you would want other members of The Coalition, Inc. to be  involved. Many of us are already being a support to one another, but there is  plenty of room for improvement.


































page 15



A crew of highway maintenance workers was sent to  repair some road
 signs that vandals had knocked down in a forested area. The first one
 they put back up was a symbol warning of a deer crossing.

 As they moved down the road to repair the next sign, one crew member
 looked back and spotted a deer running across the highway.

 Turning to a co-worker he said, "I wonder how long he's been waiting
 to cross?"






































Page 16



Word of The Week:

perdurable \pur-DUR-uh-bul; pur-DYUR-\, Very  durable; lasting; continuing long.








A timid person is frightened  before a danger, a coward during the time, and a courageous person  afterwards.
-- Paul Richter.
























Page  17




In Europe and America they came for the Communists
 and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist.
 Then they came for the Roma,
 and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Roma.
 Then they came for the Jews,
 and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew.
 Then they came for the Negros,
 and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Negro.
 Then they came for the Asians
 and I didn't speak up because I wasn't an Asian.
 Then they came for the Arabs & the Muslims,
 and I didn't speak up because I wasn't an Arab or a Muslim.
 Then they came for the trade unionists,
 and I didn't speak up because I wasn't in a union.
 Then they came for the Catholics,
 and I didn't speak up because I was a Protestant
 Then they came for the asylum-seekers,
 and I didn't speak up because I wasn't an asylum-seeker.
 Then they came for me,
 and by that time no one was left to speak up.
-- Pastor Martin Niemoller.




Page  18










It is better to live one day as a lion, than a thousand  days as a lamb.
-- Roman Proverb.



























Page  19








































Page  20








Work like you don't need the money. Love like you've never  been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching.
Satchel  Paige





























Page  21








































Page  22







The real art of conversation is not only to say the right  thing at the right time, but also to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the  tempting moment.





























Page  23








































Page  24




It's not enough to have a dream, Unless you're willing to pursue  it.

 It's not enough to  know what's right, Unless you're strong enough to do it.

 It's not enough to  learn the truth, Unless you also learn to live it.

 It's not enough to  reach for love, Unless you care enough to give it.

Men who are resolved to find a way for themselves will  always find opportunities enough; and if they do not find them, they will  make them.
-- Samuel Smiles.

Greetings  Coalition Family!


  GRAND OPENING! Tomorrow from 4pm to 7pm,  Coalition members and friends are invited to be present at the opening of For  My Daughter Library.


  For My Daughter Library offers a safe and  inviting place for girls ages 10-14 to study, do homework and research in an  environment rich with books, data, learning materials and staff dedicated to  preserving, interpreting and sharing the history and culture of the African  Diaspora.  It also offers  opportunities to learn languages, access higher education as well as  environmental, family, community and physical programs such as skiing and  dragon boat racing. 


   For My Daughter Library is open  after-school, Saturdays and through the summer.  It is located 6328 Germantown Avenue, Philadelphia.


   The open house will be held from 4-7pm  and will feature special invited guests, prizes and refreshments. For more  information, email Yvonne Haughton at or call 267-795-7811.


The Coalition,  Inc. website is open! Please take a moment to visit. We are building and we  want your input. This is our website, let us build it together! 








FOP opens Coats for Kids  drive
  Philadelphia’s Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 5 is sponsoring a  Coats for Kids drive, collecting new coats for needy children from  birth to 15 years of age at its headquarters at 1336 Spring Garden Street in  Philadelphia.  Coats will be collected through November 1st.
  The event was announced on October 2nd by Mayor Michael Nutter, Police  Commissioner Charles Ramsey, and FOP President John McNesby.
    For more information, call Ronnie Sypherd at 215-629-3267.   

New  coats only will be accepted.



Schooling Ourselves: Hip  Hop Curriculum Teachers' Workshop

Saturday, October 25,  2008, 9:30am -Noon


Teachers, here it is: the  language your students speak. Join Art Sanctuary's hip-hop curator, H.  Bernard Hall, and find out how to incorporate our hip-hop curriculum and  activity guide, "Do the Knowledge" in your class. Learn how to use  hip-hop effectively in your classroom by participating in this interactive  workshop.


Download a free copy of  the curriculum guide from our website or call us at 215.232.4485 to purchase  a hard copy ($10 + shipping)


To reserve a space at the  workshop, please email ­­­Emily Wallrath at  or call 215.925.2800 x140.




Philadelphia Urban  Food and Fitness Alliance


Youth Make All The Difference.

Philly’s teens have been taking pictures and doing surveys about food  and play in their neighborhoods.

Join us as they share what they saw and heard, and help plan some  exciting and fun events for the year.

WHAT: Youth Action Team  Meeting & Youth Photovoice Discussion

DATE: Friday, October 10,  2008

TIME: 4:30 P.M. - 6:30  P.M.

PLACE: Thomas Jefferson  University Bluemle Life Sciences Bldg

10th & Locust Streets,  Rm 105

Food & tokens will be  provided

To R.S.V.P. for the Youth  Action Team meeting

for more information,  please contact Taraya Gibson at 215-685-5674 or



Teen Money Management


Philly teens, learn the  basics of banking and budgeting your money. Saving and spending money will  finally make sense. Join the Teen Advisory Committee at the

Central Free Library, 1901  Vine Street, in the Skyline room Tuesday October 21st 3:30 PM

For more information call:  Aurora Sanchez at 215.686.5415



Enter  the Voting Video Contest for Youth 
Attention young videographers: enter  the “Voting: The Power of Your Voice” video contest. Pennsylvania students in  grades 6-12 can create 30- to 60-second videos that show how voting gives  power to one’s voice. Grand prizes will include cash awards for the video’s  creators and their school, as well as an all-expense paid trip to Harrisburg  or Philadelphia and lunch with Governor Rendell and First Lady Judge Marjorie  O. Rendell. The contest is coordinated by the Department of State in partnership  with the Pennsylvania Coalition for Representative Democracy (PennCORD).


Greetings from  the Center for Urban Youth Development (CUYD) at Eastern University and  the Greater Philadelphia Federation of Settlements!

The Youth Development  Certificate offered through CUYD<>  and the Greater Philadelphia Federation of Settlements<>  will start on September 16th. Youth workers will gain the necessary  foundation and skills to help youth transition into successful adulthood.  Don't worry, there is still time to register for the Certificate Program and  sharpen your own knowledge and skills in the field of youth work!

For more information go  to:




RESOURCE Program (PEER) presents

Free parenting classes

Attend the FREE non-judgmental ten week  program and receive a


$100.00 food gift card or  Earn $100.00 towards a utility bill of your choice


Classes are held weekly at  

Tustin Recreation Center

5901 Columbia Avenue

Philadelphia, PA 19151

Mondays 6:00pm – 8:00pm


Other sites available –  Enrollment is ongoing


A project of the Lutheran  Children and Family Service


Sonya Harris-Saunders,  Program Coordinator 215.339.8002 ext 19

Wendy  Brown, Administrative Assistant 215.424.3741 ext 248





This Week…




Where:   “OCTOBER GALLERY” – 701 Market Street  Bldg., on the 3rd Floor. “Ross Dept. Store” on Market St. Level. Mellon  Center Bldg. This is Cheyney University’s Center City Campus. Room # 319...  Please enter from Market Street or 8th Street Side entrance.


When:    “FRIDAY” – October 17th, 2008 – Starting  @ 7:15pm


What:     “PANORAMIC POETRY” - POETS doing their  thing – LYRICAL SPIRITS getting down.  {To view Previous Performances}





Free Open House at Bartram’s Garden

for teachers and professional educators on Thursday,  October 23rd from 4-6 pm.


Participants will learn about programming offered at  Bartram's Garden, the history of the Bartram Family, and their important  contributions to the natural sciences in the eighteenth century.


The workshop is free, but RSVPs are required by  October 16th. 

You can register by calling

Melanie Snyder, Director of Education, at 215-729-5281x104  

or by using this link to our online RSVP form.






The Black Star  Project is looking for men and women of all races to become part of the  largest classroom-based mentoring program in the country.  With as  little as two hours a year, you can make a huge difference in the lives of  students in Chicago area schools.


We will train  you to be a successful mentor.  We will help schedule you in  schools.  We will help prepare students for your mentoring  presentation.  The most important thing that you do is show up and  tell your story about life--your education, your family, your business,  your community and how you got ready for the world.


Please  bring two interested friends with you to the next mentor training  session.  We are using this occasion for buddy mentoring.   We will show you and your friends how easy and how important mentoring  is for our children. Please join us:


Thursday,  October 23, 2008

6:30  pm to 7:45 pm

The Black Star  Project
 3509  South King Drive, Suite 2B
 Chicago,  Illinois

 Please call Ivory Harris at 773.285.9600 if you plan to attend.





Internships Available at  WHYY


Children's Service  Internship


Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania, United States


Membership Marketing  Internship


Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania, United States


"Voices in the  Family" Internship


Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania, United States


"Flicks" and  "Quick Pics" Production Assistant


Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania, United States


Graphic Design Internship


Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania, United States


Public Information  Internship


Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania, United States


Marketing and Promotions  Internship


Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,  United States


"It's Our City"  Internship


Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania, United States


"Radio Times"  Production Internship


Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania, United States


Web News and Information  Internship


Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania, United States




Straight Up! Men’s HIV Prevention Program  Associate

(September 2008)


Company:                       Family Planning Council

Status:                                      Part-time-15  hours per week

Relevant  Work Experience:       1+ years

Educational Level:           Bachelor’s Degree in Public Health,  Social Sciences or related field

Location:                        Philadelphia, PA  19102

Job  Category:                           Men’s  HIV Prevention

Career  Level:                            Entry  Level

Salary  Range:                            $14.00/hour-$15.00/hour


Position Overview

Family  Planning Council, a large, well-regarded not-for-profit human services agency  in downtown Philadelphia, is seeking a temporary, part-time Program Associate  for its Men’s HIV Prevention Initiative in our Circle of Care  Department.  The successful candidate  will have strong written and verbal communications, be proficient in  Microsoft Office, have strong organizational skills and have the ability to  work with a diverse population and in high-risk areas.  Primary job responsibilities include:


·       Co-facilitate educational HIV prevention curriculum.

·       Assist in the coordination of HIV testing and other community events.  

·       Identify community organizations that provide services to men of  color.

·       Represent the Circle of Care at health fairs and other community  events.


·       Must have a minimum two years of college with a combination of  one-year work experience with community based or social service programs.

·       Experience in the HIV field preferred.

·       Must have strong written and verbal communication skills

·       Must be proficient in Microsoft Office software

·       Must have strong organizational skills

·       Must have the ability to work with a diverse population and in  high-risk areas



The  Council is on public transportation routes; supports flexible work schedules  for employees and is a business casual dress environment.  No relocation available.  Equal Opportunity Employer.  Please email all resumes to or  fax to 215-732-0916.




Straight Up! Men’s HIV Prevention Peer Counselor

(September 2008)


Company:                       Family Planning Council

Status:                            Part-Time;  Employee (15 hours per week)

Relevant  Work Experience:       1+ year(s)

Educational  Level:           High School Diploma or  GED

Location:                        Philadelphia,  PA  19102

Job  Category:                  HIV Services

Career  Level:                   Entry Level

Salary  Range:                  $13.00/hour-$14.00/hour

Position Overview

Family  Planning Council, a large, well-regarded not-for-profit human services agency  in downtown Philadelphia, is seeking a part-time Peer Counselor to work  15-hours per week.  The successful  candidate will be a team player who can work in a multi-cultural environment  and is proficient in the provision of risk reduction counseling sessions; the  administration of rapid HIV Testing technologies and is proficient in  providing risk reduction counseling sessions.  Primary job responsibilities include:


·       Outreach to heterosexual men of color in South West and West  Philadelphia

·       Conduct counseling and testing in identified sites

·       Provide practical HIV information and education

·       Represent the Circle of Care at local community events, health fairs,  etc. 



·                   Must have AACO Regional Prevention Network Certification or  comparable HIV certification course (American Red Cross, TPAC, Philadelphia  FIGHT).

·                   Must have High School Diploma or GED.

·                   Must have good written and oral communication skills.

·                   Must have strong Microsoft Office experience.

·                   Must have 1+ year(s) HIV Prevention and Education experience.

·                   Must have reliable transportation.



The  Council is on public transportation routes; supports flexible work schedules  for employees and is a business casual dress environment.  No relocation available.  Equal Opportunity Employer.  Please email all resumes to or  fax to 215-732-0916.




If  you’ve ever looked at a job listing and thought, “I’d be perfect for this  job, if only…,” you understand the discouragement a lot of job seekers in  Philadelphia feel.

Understanding  these barriers, the employment volunteers at  have launched a free tool that helps  jobseekers look for jobs and apply online,  

Positions  range from Banquet Server to Call Center Manager. When it comes to meeting  the qualifications for a job, is there any flexibility? That depends on the  employer, but in most cases, the answer is yes. Certainly, it helps to  understand how your own experience and needs match up to what the employer  wants and is willing to offer, which isn’t always an easy task, thanks to the  obscure language typical of many job listings.





Straight Up! Men's HIV  Prevention Initiative


A program of the Circle of  Care specifically targeting heterosexual men of color. The program key  components are to increase community presence and health promotion by  participating in health fair's and other community events. Straight Up also  provides one-time HIV presentation's to community organizations as well as a  four part educational curriculum. Testing and Counseling is available through  Straight Up every Tuesday at Sayre Health Center from 11 am - 5 pm located at  59th and Walnut Street. No appointment necessary. All of our services are  free of charge, if you would like to know more information please contact:


Adonis Banegas, M.S.

Men's HIV Prevention  Initiative Manager

Circle of Care, Family  Planning Council

260 South Broad Street,  Suite 1000

Philadelphia PA, 19102












Reading and Book Signing with Van Jones


Van will be in  Philadelphia to promote his new book: The Green Collar Economy:  How  One Solution Can Fix Our Two Biggest Problems



Tuesday, October 21, 2008




Drexel University

Stein Auditorium, Nesbitt  Hall

3215 Market Street

Philadelphia, PA


Cost: Free

Books will be for sale on site



Space is limited; RSVP  required

RSVP via e-mail to Sheyna  Arthur at

Please type “Van Jones  RSVP” in the subject line of your e-mail


Hosted by the Africana  Studies Program at Drexel University and the Sustainable Business Network of  Greater Philadelphia






“Call Me MISTER”


Do you know any Black  males who are seniors in high school who want to go to college out of state  for 'FREE' ? Several Black Colleges are looking for future black male  teachers and will send them to universities/colleges for

4 years FREE.



The 'Call Me MISTER'  program is an effort to address the critical shortage of African American  male teachers particularly among South Carolina 's lowest performing public  schools. Program participants are selected from among under-served,  socio-economically disadvantaged and educationally at-risk communities.



The Call Me MISTER program  combines the special strengths and resources of Clemson University with the  individualized instructional programs offered by four historically black  colleges in South Carolina : Benedict College , Claflin University , Morris  College and South Carolina State University.

To provide even greater  opportunity and access, students have the option of first attending one of  our two-year partner colleges before transferring to one of the four-year  institutions to complete their baccalaureate degree.

In addition, the project  has limited enrollment in the middle school Master of Art in Teaching  program.

Anderson University,  Benedict College, Claflin University,

Clemson University,  College of Charleston, Morris College,

South Carolina State  University, Greenville Technical College,

Midlands Technical College,  Orangeburg-Calhoun Technical College,

Tri-County Technical  College, Trident Technical College.


The project provides:

Tuition for admitted  students pursuing approved programs of study at

participating colleges.

An academic support system  to help assure their success.

A cohort system for social  and cultural support.

Visit  for more details and the online  application or call (800) 640-2657.




100 Black Men of Chicago’s  College Scholarship Fair

Saturday, November 1, 2008

9:00 am to 2:00 pm

University of Illinois  Chicago


The  Black Star Project encourages high school students from Illinois, Indiana,  Iowa, Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio, Minnesota and other mid-western  states to attend the 100 Black Men of Chicago's College  fair.  To register online, visit





Quality of Life Grant


Through the Quality of  Life Grant program, families that care for children and adults with autism  and other special needs may receive funding to offset their enormous  financial burdens. These grants provide families with stipends that may be  used for a wide variety of supports related to their family member.


To apply for funds



The Ron Brown  Scholars Program

seeks  African-American high school
 seniors to receive $10,000 annually for four (4) years to attend an
 accredited four-year college or university in the US. Deadlines:
 November 1, 2008 and January 9, 2009. Mail application,
 transcripts and recommendation letters in one package.

 For information, contact Ron Brown Program, 1160 Pepsi Place, Suite 206,  Charlottesville, Va. 22901; 434-964-1588;;




The University of Pennsylvania  is conducting an orientation for those who are 19 and older and would like to  attend college for FREE!!!!!





The  University of Pennsylvania IS NOT offering free college education for  disadvantaged and displaced Philadelphia residents.

We  apologize for any inconvenience this announcement may have caused.





For My Daughter  Library is a new after-school,  Saturday and summer time community based Library and resource  center, which provides programs and services for Daughters ages 8-14,  and their families.


For My Daughter Library wants children in the community to understand the  importance of recycling and resource conservation. In an effort to lead by  example For My Daughter Library was created with recycled furnishings, energy  efficient lighting and up to date, previously owned, gently loved books and  materials. Even the interior paint is Eco-friendly! 


For My Daughter Library offers opportunities to learn languages, access  higher education and strengthen environmental, family, community and  self-respect and more in a safe, girl-friendly and relaxed atmosphere for  Daughters. And library membership is FREE to youth ages 8 - 14! 


For My Daughter Library will also offer physical programs such as Skiing  and Dragon boat Racing and promote health and family activities.

On Saturday, October 18, 2008, For My  Daughter Library will open its doors to the city of Philadelphia at 6328  Germantown Avenue, Street Level. All are invited.  For more information contact Yvonne Haughton Or call 267-795-7811.   





Poetry & Speech  Contests


To all my Colleagues &  Friends:


I am personally inviting  you to become a partner in improving life in Philadelphia and increasing  universal peace.


Would you please encourage  your youth to enter the Poetry & Speech Contests and attend “Teens United  for Peace”/ Poetry for Peace Festival inside the auditorium of The  Philadelphia Art Museum 10 – 3PM on Sun., Nov. 2, 2008 Open Mic will follow.


We’ll provide buses for  groups with 30 or more people. Bring your entire youth ministry or teen  group.  Limitations. First  come-first-serve basis.


§  Poetry/Speech Competition

§  Teen Film Presentation

§  Open Mic

§  Voting Awareness

§  Gee’s Bend Quilting Exhibit

§  Gospel Choir:

§  St. Thomas AME Church

§  Teen Discussion Session

§  Panel Discussion

§  Questions & Answers

§  Reception will follow


Volunteers needed!!!


Send: Email/Fax/Mail

Community Programs

Poetry & Speech  Contest

Esperanza Altamar

Philadelphia Museum of Art

26th St. & Ben  Franklin Pky

Phila., PA 19101


Fax: (215) 684-7395 -or-

Phone (215) 387-1696



National Artists Seeks Venues


We are seeking your  organization and/or educational institution as a site host or facility  sponsor of one or more events and activities which will highlight a  supportive scheduling about Non-Violence and PEACE.   Schools( public, catholic, charter, boarding &  Independent), Social Agencies, Community Groups, Juvenile Detention  Facilities, College Campuses, Recreation Centers and Churches have all become  the foreshaddowing benefit of our respondents  (Please Feel Free to post, distribute, duplicate this  correspondence to others or forward by email or send through out through  listserve)


(1)  "PEACE"  &   "NON-VIOLENCE".

A Spoken Word Performance  and/or Positive Hip Hop Concert

with prominent performers  seen on B.E.T., HBO, MTV, the Black Family Channel, etc.



Performances Available for  Classroom Visitations or Auditoriums


Potential Themes: Violence  & Crime Prevention

("Ain't You Bad or  Aren't You Kool", "I AM SOMEBODY", "To Be Young, Gifted  and Black with Rap" "Its All About My Ego & Trippin Me  Out", "WHY CHILDREN CRY IN THE DARK", "Oh God, Please  Send Me A Do Right Man" and "What You Don' Know Wil Hurt You",  plus other topics!!!!!!!!!

(previously performed for  St. Gabriels, Carson Valley Schools, Wordsworth, Devereaux, Diverified  Community Services, Bridging Worlds, Amonst Men, CEP Schools, AVRP programs,  Parkway, etc.)


Please check out the  webpage at   To join our mailing list or to receive by  mail a copy of our printed promotional packet please contact the following  persons:

Maurice Henderson

(856) 691-8600 ext. 814


More information also  available in our Google group  “Activities & Events for Schools, Social Agencies/Community Group”



"You Mean There Is Race In My Movie? A Critical Analysis of Race  in Mainstream Movies" by The Minority Reporter


SYMPOSIUM:  The Effects of Racism in the Entertainment Media on African American Youth at  The African American Museum in Philadelphia


Saturday,  October 18, 2008 ~ 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.


The Minority Reporter, the  leading resource for analyzing race in contemporary mainstream movies,  provides a uniquely structured forum for discussing and analyzing the ways in  which Hollywood images consistently marginalize minority characters.  The Minority Reporter challenges audiences  to take an in depth look at the global and pervasive influence of mainstream  imagery by focusing on the complex web of historical, institutional and  financial factors that influence the portrayal of race in mainstream  movies.  You will never see movies the  same way again!


Frederick  W. Gooding, Jr.

The  Minority Reporter


"You  will never see movies the same way again!"





An Afternoon of Poetry


Every second Saturday of  the month from 1 – 3 PM


Serenity Inspirational  Gifts & Coffee


140 So. Easton Rd.

Glenside, PA



Jus’  Words at Dowlings Place

1310 No. Broad St. Phila

Every Thurs. 9pm to 1am

·       Poets

·       Rappers

·       Singers

·       Spoken Word Artists

$5.00 cover









Join The  Celebration !


of the largest  gathering in the world of women anywhere, and the building of the First  Global Movement for ALL Women and Girls of African Descent Worldwide

The "A  Thousand Women In White"Procession and Movement Initiation is a  spiritual, cultural, progressive socio-political, arts and community event  for all to support and enjoy


Calling Philly

and Tri-State Area and any other interested extended family 

Drill Teams, Pep Squads, Marching Bands,  Drummers and Performing Artists needed for the Celebratory  Festivities for the historic Million Woman March 11th year anniversary  commemoration gathering and Movement international program launching  taking place on October 25th, 2008 Philly, PA


Also Sistah  Reps to carry your banner, sign, flag for The
Sistah Rep Delegation of

Organizations/Groups  Units 

(local,  national, community, church, sororities, unions, etc.)


Also: Sistah  Reps, please sign up for the

United Nations of The African Diaspora

Flag Brigade


and vehicles  needed for the

“Queens &  Elders Motorcade”


For more information call 267-299-6424

or email:



The  Original/Authentic and Official

Million Woman  March (TM)

P.O. Box  53668   Philadelphia, PA  19105

Sis. Empress  Phile' Chionesu 

Founder,  Architect, & President General





Art Sanctuary sponsors  workshops for teachers
    On October 25th, the organization will offer Schooling  Ourselves: Hip Hop Curriculum Teachers' Workshop with hip-hop curator, H.  Bernard Hall.  The workshop will help teachers how to use hip-hop  effectively in their classes and how to use Art Sanctuary’s hip-hop  curriculum and activity guide, Do the Knowledge. 

To download a free copy of  the curriculum guide, go  or call 215-232-4485 to purchase a hard copy for $10 plus shipping. 
    The workshop will be held 9:30am-noon at the National Liberty  Museum, 321 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. 

To reserve a space,

email  Emily

or call  215-925-2800 x140.



Join The  Celebration !


of the largest  gathering in the world of women anywhere, and the building of the First  Global Movement for ALL Women and Girls of African Descent Worldwide

The "A  Thousand Women In White"Procession and Movement Initiation is a  spiritual, cultural, progressive socio-political, arts and community event for  all to support and enjoy


Calling Philly

and Tri-State Area and any other interested extended family 

Drill Teams, Pep Squads, Marching Bands,  Drummers and Performing Artists needed for the Celebratory  Festivities for the historic Million Woman March 11th year anniversary  commemoration gathering and Movement international program launching  taking place on October 25th, 2008 Philly, PA


Also Sistah  Reps to carry your banner, sign, flag for The
Sistah Rep Delegation of

Organizations/Groups  Units 

(local,  national, community, church, sororities, unions, etc.)


Also: Sistah  Reps, please sign up for the

United Nations of The African Diaspora

Flag Brigade


and vehicles  needed for the

“Queens &  Elders Motorcade”


For more information call 267-299-6424

or email:



The  Original/Authentic and Official

Million Woman  March (TM)

P.O. Box  53668   Philadelphia, PA  19105

Sis. Empress  Phile' Chionesu 

Founder,  Architect, & President General



October Educational Conference - African American Male  Academic Success, Part 2
 Saturday, October 25, 2008
Time:8:30  a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Location:The  Hilton Philadelphia City Avenue Hotel
4200 City Ave.
 Philadelphia, PA 19131

Come join the dialogue  started at last October’s conference and sustained in the four follow-up  sessions to commit to continuous informed action! Attend workshops, an awards  luncheon, and view the award winning documentary, “First Person.”

Visit this link:,  for more information and to register on-line, or call 215-877-4950 to request  a conference packet.




College and University Fairs


1)  Date:   Friday, November 21, 2008

Historically Black  Colleges and Universities Fair

Time:  3:30 pm- 7:30 pm

Location:  440 N. Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA  19130 (School District of Philadelphia), Education Center Atrium

Contact:  Jennifer Garrett, Phone: 215-400-4130,  Email:


Students are encouraged to  bring copies of their transcripts because of the possibility of on-site  admissions.  Financial Aid workshops  will be available and application fees will be waived. Professional dress is  requested.


2)  Date:   Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Joint Recruitment College  Fair- Hosted by the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education and School  District of Philadelphia

Time:  4:30 pm- 8:00 pm

Location:  440 N. Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA 19130  (School District of Philadelphia), Education Center Atrium


Gain information on  colleges and universities who are part of the Pennsylvania State System of  Higher Education.






The Institute of the Black  World 21st Century

State of the Black World  Conference II


“Return to the Source”


Restoring Family –  Rebuilding Community

Renewing the Struggle


New Orleans, November  19-23, 2008

Ernest Morial Convention  Center


The  Program

·       Damu Smith Leadership Training Institute

·       Katrina Policy Roundtables

·       National Town Hall Meeting on the Black Agenda and the Presidential  Election

·       Special Session on Haiti

·       Pan African Policy Forum

·       Black Family Summit

·       Health Summit Planning Session

·       Issue Area Policy/Strategy Working Sessions

·       Intergenerational Dialogue on the Black Freedom Struggle

·       Poetry Slam and Other Cultural-Political Edu-taimment


Among  the invited speakers…

Mayor  Ray Nagin, Rev. Jesse Jackson, Bev. Smith, Rev. Al Sharpton, Dr. Maulana  Karenga, Harry Belafonte, Danny Glover, Haki Madbhubuti, Sonia Sanchez,  Congressman John Conyers, Prof. Grif,

Dr.  Thad Mathis, Reverend Jeremiah Wright,


Registration  Information

The  Headquarter Hotel: Astor Crowne Plaza, 739 Canal Street

$153  Single or Double plus tax and occupancy, $20 for additional occupants Call:  504.962.0500

For  downloadable pre-registration form click here


For  on-line pre registration click here






Free Computers For Schools
 (800) 939-6000
 Willie Cade, CEO
 Computers for Schools
 773-583-7575 Office
 773-583-7585 Fax






Our new group A HAND UP! Is now open, please go to:


In  response to the needs of many grassroots organizations for the basic tools  needed to implement their ideas and projects, The Coalition, Inc. members  have come together to establish a network to facilitate the distribution/re-distribution  of unwanted, unneeded, surplus and even repairable items for recycling.

·       If you have office supplies, electronics, office furniture, you are  updating, or no longer use, free up that space by offering them to someone  who can get good use from it.

·       If you have office space you do not have an immediate use for, offer  it to home-based organizations for a few hours a week as a meeting place.

·       If you have special skills such as grant/proposal writing, website  design/maintenance, or computer skills, please share and educate others.

·       If your organization offers aid to the less fortunate such as meals,

clothing, resume' writing, job search, SAT/LSAT  coaching, GED classes, scholarship help etc., share it here:



To  join The Coalition go to:  and download a copy of the Pledge of Commitment and return it to us


Those  in need of particular equipment, furnishings or supplies are encouraged to  join to this group (  to inquire if others are able to assist.


Any  group or individual may make donations, but individuals who wish to request  donations must do so through a member organization.

Organizations are encouraged to post notices of ongoing  or special community service programs that are open to the public i.e. Food  Banks; seasonal clothing/toys; fuel programs, etc.

To  post:


You  may also offer or make requests anonymously through the group moderators who  will arrange pick up/delivery via a third party.

If  you wish to assist others by making transportation available for pickups or  deliveries, please let a group moderator know.


To  join:



October Educational  Conference - African American Male Academic Success, Part 2
October 25, 2008
Time:8:30  a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Location: The  Hilton Philadelphia City Avenue Hotel
4200 City Ave.
 Phila., PA 19131

Come  join the dialogue started at last October’s conference and sustained in the  four follow-up sessions to commit to continuous informed action! Attend  workshops, an awards luncheon, and view the award winning documentary, “First  Person.”

Visit  this link:,  for more information and to register on-line, or call 215-877-4950 to request  a conference packet.



Remember to support  The Coalition, Inc.’s on-air personalities…

NEW TIME! Straight Up WORD with Dr. John Elliott Churchville, Senior  Pastor of The Liberation Fellowship Church of Jesus, on WNWR 1540 AM, Sundays  at 9:30am. Dr. Churchville will explore the Holy Scriptures verse by verse  for your spiritual and practical edification.

Life, Liberty and The Pursuit Of Happiness with Dr. John Churchville and Nancy Ellen, Wednesdays at  1pm.


Technically  Speaking  with the award winning Tech Guru, JC Lamkin on WNWR 1540 AM, Saturdays at  2pm.


Sister  Phile Chionesu, organizer of the Million Woman March, Saturdays 10:30pm to 12am on  Blog Talk Radio

“Nu  Day Resurrection and Liberation" Show 

Call  in and give your thoughts, comments, opinions at 1-646-652-2232 

or  send an instant message to  to chat on line







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