The Urban Cartographer Online



News From
The Coalition, Inc.



News  From

The  Coalition, Inc.

Friday 31 October 2008

Volume  3, Number 9

The  Coalition, Inc. Board of Directors

Gary  R. Adams, President

John  E. Churchville, Treasurer

Yvonne  Haughton, Secretary


Josephine  Blow, Patricia Coyne, Stanley Daniels, Tom Henry, Calvin Johnson, Angela  Mohammed, Abdul Malik Raheem

Table  of content

For  Our Children … 02

This  Week … 04

Employment  and Training Opportunities … 06

Health  Matters … 07

Green  Piece … 09

Grants,  Scholarships  & Instruction… 10

SpotLight  … 13

Arts  for Awareness … 13

Coming  Up …18

Computers  and Technology … 22

A  Hand Up … 22

On  The Airways … 23



Page 02




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If you are receiving this publication without consent, send  an email with “unsubscribe” in the subject to be removed from our database.


If you would like to report  on a recent community event, feel free to send us a brief account of what  happened in document format, and we will share it with our readers.

Send your information to:











Page 03






We are proud to announce that News From The Coalition is  featured on the internationally acclaimed site Eight Cities Map

Click here: EightCitiesMAP Choose  “Philadelphia’s Online Community 

“Newsletter” from the menu.


































Page 04






Refuse to compromise what you know to be right for anyone or  anything.
-- Brian Tracy.








































Page 05




























Don't pray when it rains if you don't pray when  the sun shines.
Satchel Paige





















Page 06







Volunteers are still needed to help organize the first INTER-FAITH  COMMUNITY
 SURVIVAL SUMMIT to be held in the city of Philadelphia. For information or to  volunteer or register as a representative for your place of worship, call  215.387.2734 or
























Page 07


There  were these two buddies out walking their dogs, one with a Doberman and the  other with a Chihuahua, when they smelled something delicious coming from a  nearby restaurant.

The buddy  with the Doberman says to his friend, “Let’s go over to that restaurant and  get something to eat.” The buddy with the Chihuahua says, “We can’t go in  there, we’ve got dogs with us.”

The buddy  with the Doberman says, “Just follow my lead.” He puts on a pair of dark  glasses and walks into the restaurant, when the restaurant owner comes over  and says, “Sorry pal, no pets allowed.”

The man  with the Doberman replies, “You don’t understand, this is my Seeing Eye dog.”

The  owner, skeptical, says “A Doberman Pinscher?”

The  Doberman’s master says, “Yes, they’re using them now – they’re very good and  they protect me from robbers, too.” The owner says, “Come on in.”

When the  man with the Chihuahua sees this, he puts on a pair of dark glasses and  starts to walk in. Once again the restaurant owner says, “Sorry, pal, no pets  allowed.”

The guy  with the Chihuahua says, “You don’t understand. This is my Seeing Eye dog.”

“A  Chihuahua?” says the owner.

The man  with the dog replies, “A Chihuahua? They gave me a Chihuahua?!

Page 08














You only have power over  people as long as you don't take everything away from them. But when you've  robbed a man of everything he's no longer in your power -- he's free again.
-- Alexander Solzhenitsyn.


























Page 09






Life is a series of natural  and spontaneous changes. Don't resist them - that only creates sorrow.

Let reality be reality.

Let things flow naturally  forward in whatever way they like.
Lao Tzu














































Page 10







What is it  about the job of the vice-president that seems to dissolve all common sense?  Most of us remember the Dan Quayle experience, but the self-proclaimed  creator of the Internet has  enough of  his own to take us through to the end of the year…


"The future will be better tomorrow."

 -- Former Vice President Al Gore

























page  11



All men are prepared to  accomplish the incredible if their ideals are threatened.
Maya  Angelou























































page 12





The Raw Family Newsletter


















































page 13







Fill  your bowl to the brim and it will spill. Keep sharpening your knife and it  will blunt.
Lao Tzu
















































page 14






You  can chain me, you can torture me, you can even destroy this body, but you  will never imprison my mind.
Mohandas  Gandhi

















































page 15



We will be SpotLighting  members and organizations. If you wish to have your organization spotlighted,  forward to us information on your primary mission, your current projects  and/or how you would want other members of The Coalition, Inc. to be  involved. Many of us are already being a support to one another, but there is  plenty of room for improvement.























Page  16




A sailor met a pirate, and they started  to talk about their adventures at sea. The sailor noticed that the pirate had  a peg leg, a hook, and an eye patch. The sailor asked, “So, how did you end  up with the peg leg?”

The pirate replied, “We were in a storm  at sea, and I was swept overboard into a school os Sharks. Just as my men  were pulling me out, a shark bit my leg off.”

“Wow!” exclaimed the sailor. “How did you  get that hook?”

“Well,” replied the pirate, “we boarded  an enemy ship and were battling the other sailors with swords. One of them  cut off my hand.”

“Incredible!” remarked the sailor. “How  did you get the eye patch?”

“A seagull dropping fell into my eye.”  Replied the pirate.

“You lost your eye to a seagull  dropping?” the sailor asked in surprise.

“Well,” said the pirate, “it was my first  day with the hook.”








Page  17


Competition has been shown to be useful up to a certain  point and no further, but cooperation, which is the thing we must strive for  today, begins where competition leaves off.
Franklin D.  Roosevelt




An astronaut graduated near the bottom of his class. On his  first mission into space, he was teamed up with a monkey. They each got an  envelope that they were to open once they got into orbit, with instructions  for their mission. Once they had blasted off and were in space, the monkey  opened his envelope, read the instructions, and began flicking buttons and  hitting switches. The astronaut opened up his own envelope and found a note  that read:

“Feed the monkey.”














Page  18






I was working at a computer in the public library computer lab  on a quiet afternoon.
 I noticed an attractive young woman sitting in front of one of the computer
 workstations with her arms crossed across her chest and staring at
 the screen. After about 15 minutes I noticed that she was still in
 the same position only now she was impatiently tapping her foot. Always the  gentleman/opportunist, I approached her and asked if she needed help and she  replied briskly, "It's about time! I pushed the F1 button over twenty  minutes ago!"

















Page  19



In taking revenge, a man is but even with his enemy; but in  passing it over, he is superior.
Francis  Bacon


































Page  20




I have six locks on my door all in a row. When I go out, I  lock every other one. I figure no matter how long somebody stands there  picking the locks, they are always locking three.
 Elayne Boosler






























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Page  23




Word Of The Week

desideratum\dih-sid-uh-RAY-tum; -RAH-\,  Something desired or considered necessary.



























Greetings  Coalition Family!


  Join us on Thursday, November 13th, ,  6:30 pm at the new For My Daughter Library 6328 Germantown Avenue, as Michael  Rice presents his workshop “Urban Networking 101”, please RSVP while there  are still seats available.



This  from our friends at ICON,

Volunteering  at Philacares

For  this year's Philadelphia Cares Day, ICON worked side-by-side with Drexel  University teams to rejuvenate the West Mill Creek Park.


We  had a solid turnout of about 35 people who gave their Saturday morning (and  part of the afternoon) to pull weeds, rake, and clear broken glass and trash  from area tennis courts, basketball courts, and nearby alleys. Squads kept  sidewalks clean and painted the park's recreational center. Creative ICON  members even scaled fences to remove stubborn vegetation.


Now  the community will enjoy a cleaner, more hospitable park space. Thanks to the  attendees for your hard work! And many thanks to Dave Hong, ICON's  encouraging and always supportive team captain, for organizing such a fun and  productive day!


The Coalition,  Inc. website is open! Please take a moment to visit. We are building and we  want your input. This is our website, let us build it together! 








This program provides  parents with access to Familet, a computer service that allows parents to  track their children’s grades and test scores and to access educational  resources.

The program offers parents  training on how to access and use these services.

The School District of  Philadelphia has arrangements with several computer dealers to offer parents  who need a computer or internet access hardware and software at a discounted  price.

For  more information call: 215.701.6507



For My Daughter  Library is a new after-school,  Saturday and summer time community based Library and resource  center, which provides programs and services for Daughters ages 8-14,  and their families.


For My Daughter Library  wants children in the community to understand the importance of recycling and  resource conservation. In an effort to lead by example For My Daughter  Library was created with recycled furnishings, energy efficient lighting and  up to date, previously owned, gently loved books and materials. Even the  interior paint is Eco-friendly! 


For My Daughter Library  offers opportunities to learn languages, access higher education and  strengthen environmental, family, community and self-respect and more in a  safe, girl-friendly and relaxed atmosphere for Daughters. And library  membership is FREE to youth ages 8 - 14!   


For My Daughter Library  also offers physical programs such as

Skiing and  Dragon boat Racing and promote health and family activities.

For more information contact Yvonne Haughton  Or call 267-795-7811.


FOP opens Coats for Kids  drive
  Philadelphia’s Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 5 is sponsoring a  Coats for Kids drive, collecting new coats for needy children from  birth to 15 years of age at its headquarters at 1336 Spring Garden Street in  Philadelphia.  Coats will be collected through November 1st.
  The event was announced on October 2nd by Mayor Michael Nutter, Police  Commissioner Charles Ramsey, and FOP President John McNesby.
    For more information, call Ronnie Sypherd at 215-629-3267.   

New  coats only will be accepted.



Enter  the Voting Video Contest for Youth 
Attention young videographers: enter  the “Voting: The Power of Your Voice” video contest. Pennsylvania students in  grades 6-12 can create 30- to 60-second videos that show how voting gives  power to one’s voice. Grand prizes will include cash awards for the video’s  creators and their school, as well as an all-expense paid trip to Harrisburg  or Philadelphia and lunch with Governor Rendell and First Lady Judge Marjorie  O. Rendell. The contest is coordinated by the Department of State in  partnership with the Pennsylvania Coalition for Representative Democracy  (PennCORD).


Greetings from  the Center for Urban Youth Development (CUYD) at Eastern University and  the Greater Philadelphia Federation of Settlements!

The Youth Development  Certificate offered through CUYD<>  and the Greater Philadelphia Federation of Settlements<>  will start on September 16th. Youth workers will gain the necessary  foundation and skills to help youth transition into successful adulthood.  Don't worry, there is still time to register for the Certificate Program and  sharpen your own knowledge and skills in the field of youth work!

For more information go  to:


Parenting: a tough Task!


Confident Parents =  Confident Kids


Please join us to:

·       Learn and share, techniques for being a confident parent

·       Share your knowledge with other parents

·       Discuss your concerns

·       Listen to guest speakers on a variety of topics


Some of the subjects and  questions we will discuss and find answers to are:

   When my child does …………. What do I do?

   Boundaries: Setting Limits – Establishing  and enforcing family rules

   What is the difference between discipline  and punishment?

   Forms of effective discipline

   What is ADHD?

   How do I recognize a drug problem?

   Health care needs

   What is child abuse/neglect?

   Where do I go for help?

   How can I work effectively with my school  to get my child’s needs met?




When:  Thursday evenings 6 PM – 8 PM


Where:  Presbyterian Children’s’ Village 6517 Chester Avenue 19142


To  register, or get more information, contact:

Ms.  Lauretta Keeys 215.730.2247


A light dinner will be  served

Tokens for transportation

Child care for up to 2  children per family

Bring a friend



This Week…



Leadership Skills For The  21st Century


This year's Emerging  Minority Leadership Conference will WOW you with dynamic speakers and  innovative workshops.


What a great use of Title  1 funds!  You will acquire leadership  skills, have an opportunity to network, connect with emerging leaders from  across the country, and learn more about PTA.


WHEN:                Saturday, November 1, 2008


                    WHERE:              Marriott Oakbrook Hotel,

                         1401 W. 22ND STREET, Oak Brook, Illinois


REGISTRATION:    $100.00 registration includes: All  conference materials, breakfast, lunch and snacks on Saturday; and  transportation to and from Oak Brook.








Online registration is now  open.


Seats will be filled on a  first come, first serve basis.   




College 101: Planning For College


Financial Aid for College

Lucien E. Blackwell/West  Philadelphia Regional Library

125 So. 52nd  Street


Wednesday,  November 5, 2008

6:00 PM

Learn about different  types of financial aid, how to apply and where to get further information.

Facilitated by Michael J.  Robinson, M.S., Education Planner Specialist from PHEAA (Pennsylvania Higher  Education Assistance Agency).









Chief David Stands-With-Song & The Sacred Circle dance  Troupe


Chief David is the  Principle Chief of the Cherokee Nation of New Jersey. Join us in celebrating  Indigenous storytelling, music and sacred dance.

Sunday, November 9th  2 PM

                                      Parkway Central Library

                                      Montgomery Auditorium

                                            1901 Vine Street







Internships Available at  WHYY


Children's Service  Internship


Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania, United States


Membership Marketing  Internship


Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania, United States


"Voices in the  Family" Internship


Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania, United States


"Flicks" and  "Quick Pics" Production Assistant


Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania, United States


Graphic Design Internship


Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania, United States


Public Information  Internship


Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania, United States


Marketing and Promotions  Internship


Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania, United States


"It's Our City"  Internship


Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania, United States


"Radio Times"  Production Internship


Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania, United States


Web News and Information  Internship


Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania, United States




Achieving Your Mission in  an Uncertain Economy:

Tips for the Health &  Human Services Sector


Friday, November 7, 2008

8:30 - 10:00am

Arden Theatre

40 North 2nd Street



The  current economic climate is already causing changes in the health and human  services sector.  What does it mean  for your agency?  Amid funding cuts,  how will you plan for an respond to an increased need for service?  Our expert panel will share observations  about the economy, potential impact on fundraising, government funding,  credit markets, and opportunities for efficiencies.  We will also provide information on technical assistance  resources.


We are proud to bring you  an outstanding panel that includes:


Catherine Gordon

Principal, Vanguard  Institutional Advisory Services

Garvester Kelley

Vice President,  Mid-Atlantic Region, Nonprofit Finance Fund


Michael Masch

Chief Business Officer,  The School District of Philadelphia

(former Budget Secretary  for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania)


Jill Michal

President & CEO

United Way of Southeastern  Pennsylvania



Nicholas Torres

President, Congreso de  Latinos Unidos


Due to limited space, we  ask that only one person per agency register.


Who should attend:


* Executive Directors

* Finance or development  staff

* Board members


Please complete the survey  questions on the registration page.   The panelists will respond to the questions submitted.


We look forward to seeing  you on November 7th!


Register here:













Marty Blum Mayor  of Santa Barbara, California and Co-Chair of the US Conference of Mayors’s  Sustainable Development Taskforce Karis  Heibert Manager, Sustainability  Group, City of Vancouver Mark Alan Hughes Director of Sustainability, City of Philadelphia Ariella Rosenberg Maron Deputy Director, Mayor’s Office of Long-Term Planning & Sustainability, New York  City

Moderated by J.  Blaine Bonham Jr., Executive Vice  President, Pennsylvania Horticultural Society

Philadelphia  leadership will talk with officials and innovators from other cities who have  successfully implemented multi-faceted, citywide sustainability programs.  Their conversation will address issues such as the importance of leadership  at the highest levels, strategies for engaging individuals and communities,  mobilizing private sector investment, and how to institutionalize change.

This  event also celebrates the launch of Penn IUR’s latest publication, Growing  Greener Cities: Urban Sustainability in the Twenty-First Century -- a  timely collection of essays that address the fundamentals of sustainable city  building.

Serving as a backdrop to the discussion is the  exhibition Re-Imaging Cities: Urban Design After the Age of Oil, which  showcases projects that rethink our lives and the cities we live in for a  world after oil. Curated by Penn IUR and PennDesign and supported by the  Rockefeller Foundation, the exhibition covers a wide range of  disciplines—architecture, landscape architecture, urban planning, urban  design, physics, engineering, and economics—and encompasses projects both  current and speculative. It will be on view November 10-19, 2008.


For sustainable  enterprise go to Green Jobs Philly





Chinese Language Meetup


ICON and The Philadelphia  Chinese Meetup Group have agreed to lend support to each other for the  proliferation of bettering our opportunities for networking through the Asian  and Philadelphia community. Meet and mingle with fellow Chinese Speakers!  Come to a Chinese Language Meetup to practice speaking, build vocabulary and  finally figure out those verb conjugations! All ages and levels are welcome.  The Philadelphia Chinese meet up group also seeks to facilitate and promote  scholarship of language communication, and unity of people through healthy  interaction.


Sundays 5:00pm (every  week)

Zen Tea House

225 N 11th St

Philadelphia, PA 19107



“Call Me MISTER”


Do you know any Black  males who are seniors in high school who want to go to college out of state  for 'FREE' ? Several Black Colleges are looking for future black male  teachers and will send them to universities/colleges for

4 years FREE.


The 'Call Me MISTER'  program is an effort to address the critical shortage of African American  male teachers particularly among South Carolina 's lowest performing public  schools. Program participants are selected from among under-served,  socio-economically disadvantaged and educationally at-risk communities.

The Call Me MISTER program  combines the special strengths and resources of Clemson University with the  individualized instructional programs offered by four historically black  colleges in South Carolina : Benedict College , Claflin University , Morris  College and South Carolina State University.

To provide even greater  opportunity and access, students have the option of first attending one of  our two-year partner colleges before transferring to one of the four-year  institutions to complete their baccalaureate degree.

In addition, the project  has limited enrollment in the middle school Master of Art in Teaching  program.

Anderson University,  Benedict College, Claflin University,

Clemson University,  College of Charleston, Morris College,

South Carolina State  University, Greenville Technical College,

Midlands Technical  College, Orangeburg-Calhoun Technical College,

Tri-County Technical  College, Trident Technical College.


The project provides:

Tuition for admitted  students pursuing approved programs of study at

participating colleges.

An academic support system  to help assure their success.

A cohort system for social  and cultural support.

Visit  for more details and the online  application or call (800) 640-2657.



100 Black Men of Chicago’s  College Scholarship Fair

Saturday, November 1, 2008

9:00 am to 2:00 pm

University of Illinois  Chicago


The  Black Star Project encourages high school students from Illinois, Indiana,  Iowa, Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio, Minnesota and other mid-western  states to attend the 100 Black Men of Chicago's College  fair.  To register online, visit



Upcoming College Fairs


1)  Date:   Friday, November 21, 2008

Historically Black  Colleges and Universities Fair

Time:  3:30 pm- 7:30 pm

Location:  440 N. Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA  19130 (School District of Philadelphia), Education Center Atrium

Contact:  Jennifer Garrett, Phone: 215-400-4130,  Email:


Students are encouraged to  bring copies of their transcripts because of the possibility of on-site  admissions.  Financial Aid workshops  will be available and application fees will be waived. Professional dress is  requested.


2)  Date:   Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Joint Recruitment College  Fair- Hosted by the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education and School  District of Philadelphia

Time:  4:30 pm- 8:00 pm

Location:  440 N. Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA  19130 (School District of Philadelphia), Education Center Atrium


Gain information on  colleges and universities who are part of the Pennsylvania State System of  Higher Education.



Quality of Life Grant


Through the Quality of  Life Grant program, families that care for children and adults with autism  and other special needs may receive funding to offset their enormous  financial burdens. These grants provide families with stipends that may be  used for a wide variety of supports related to their family member.


To apply for funds



The Ron Brown  Scholars Program

seeks  African-American high school
 seniors to receive $10,000 annually for four (4) years to attend an
 accredited four-year college or university in the US. Deadlines:
 November 1, 2008 and January 9, 2009. Mail application,
 transcripts and recommendation letters in one package.

 For information, contact Ron Brown Program, 1160 Pepsi Place, Suite 206,  Charlottesville, Va. 22901; 434-964-1588;;


The University of  Pennsylvania is conducting an orientation for those who are 19 and older and  would like to attend college for FREE!!!!!



The  University of Pennsylvania IS NOT offering free college education for  disadvantaged and displaced Philadelphia residents.

We  apologize for any inconvenience this announcement may have caused.  Ed.




This training is essential  to anyone who wishes to expand their area of influence, identify and utilize  new resources, seize new opportunities, help others, increase their  popularity, get a new job, hire a new employee and establish meaningful  collaborations.


We will address the  following topics:

Business Cards

Individual networking

Business networking

Resource development

Strategic networking  action plans.

How to make a positive  impression

Your Inner Game


Your guide for this  program is Michael Rice.  Mr. Rice is  the chief consultant and founder of Professional Networking Associates.  He is the Editor and Publisher of the  Connector, an internet magazine dedicated to empowering individual in  business and social networking and personal development.  He is also the creator of the networking  website:


Mr. Rice is also a  Community Development Specialist with the Department of Human Services,  Division of Community Based Prevention.   He was central in the development and implementation of a community  organizing initiative that had oversight in the augmentation of the ten EPIC  Community Stakeholder groups covering the entire city.  He also works with the Supporting  Community Outreach Program (SCOP), which includes 350 youth center  organizations with a budget of over 1.3 million annually.


Mr. Rice has over 25 years  experience in public relations, entertainment promotions, social work and  community and personal development.


In the continuing series of  The Coalition, Inc.’s workshops for community and organizational development,  Michael Rice will be conducting a workshop on November 13th at For  My Daughter Library Café 6328 Germantown avenue, Philadelphia, PA


For  more information: Michael Rice 215-683-4027



**** “Poetry & Praise  Series” ****


***Calling All Poets,  Singers, Comedians, & Musicians***




The Place to be is WESLEY  A.M.E ZION CHURCH – 1500 Lombard Street, Phila., PA 19146

Rev. Dr. Paul S. Hoggard,  Pastor


***Live Musical Band-  “MTM” Many Thoughts of Music***


SATURDAY – 11/01/2008


FROM – 5pm to 9pm $10.00  Donation

$5.00 Donation for  Performing Poets/Singers


HOSTED BY: “CRUCIAL”- Also  Host of Panoramic Poetry, Sponsored by October Gallery


Also Featuring:


Poetry By: “Runett Nia  Ebo”


Gospel Comedian – Lawrence  Scott



Wesley A.M.E Zion Church –  “Jubilee Singers”

Introducing “William”



DINNERS SOLD BY: Brenda’s  Soul Food Café








Poetry & Speech  Contests


To all my Colleagues & Friends:


I am personally inviting  you to become a partner in improving life in Philadelphia and increasing  universal peace.


Would you please encourage  your youth to enter the Poetry & Speech Contests and attend “Teens United  for Peace”/ Poetry for Peace Festival inside the auditorium of The  Philadelphia Art Museum 10 – 3PM on Sun., Nov. 2, 2008 Open Mic will follow.


We’ll provide buses for  groups with 30 or more people. Bring your entire youth ministry or teen  group.  Limitations. First  come-first-serve basis.


§  Poetry/Speech Competition

                                  §  Teen Film Presentation

                                  §  Open Mic

                                  §  Voting Awareness

  §  Gee’s Bend Quilting  Exhibit

                                  §  Gospel Choir:

                                  §  St. Thomas AME Church

                                  §  Teen Discussion Session

                                  §  Panel Discussion

                                  §  Questions & Answers

                                  §  Reception will follow


Volunteers needed!!!


Send: Email/Fax/Mail

Community Programs

Poetry & Speech  Contest

Esperanza Altamar

Philadelphia Museum of Art

26th St. & Ben  Franklin Pky

Phila., PA 19101


Fax: (215) 684-7395 -or-

Phone (215) 387-1696



Art Sanctuary’s 10th  Anniversary Gala

The 10th Anniversary Gala  will be extraordinary.   Grammy-nominated composer and jazz musician Hannibal Lokumbe has been  commissioned to write a new work for a 200-voice choir. “A Shepherd Among Us”  will premier at the Gala on Friday, Nov. 14, 2008, followed by a reception at  Girard College.  First, event goers  will attend the world premier concert in the 1,500 seat Girard College Chapel  at 6:30pm. Immediately following the concert, gala reception attendees will  take a short walk across campus to historic Founders Hall where four themed  rooms will feature music, performance, food, drink and dancing with an  amazing diversity of great folks.

About Father Paul  Washington

Father Washington, a  crucial Philadelphia figure in the turbulent years of the 1960s and 70s,  believed that the Bible’s greatest and most insistent prophecy was its cry  for justice.  To this end, and to  improve the lives of black Americans, he welcomed the historic Black Unity  and Black Panther Conferences at the Church of the Advocate in North  Philadelphia, a National Historical Landmark. He also ordained the first  women priests in the Episcopal Church, the American arm of the worldwide  Anglican communion. Fr. Paul remained a tireless advocate of a peaceful, if  prophetic and disturbing, resolution. The mere sound of his eloquent,  baritone voice, it is said, could stop a riot. That is the voice that  Hannibal Lokumbe captures—to speak to us again.



Jaamil Kosoko – Poems and Dances


November 16, 2008 2 PM

Parkway Central Library

Montgomery Auditorium

1901 Vine Street

Philadelphia, PA



A showcase of collected  works created by poet and choreographer Jaamil Kosoko explores technology and  personal history.








National Artists Seeks Venues


We are seeking your  organization and/or educational institution as a site host or facility  sponsor of one or more events and activities which will highlight a  supportive scheduling about Non-Violence and PEACE.   Schools( public, catholic, charter, boarding &  Independent), Social Agencies, Community Groups, Juvenile Detention  Facilities, College Campuses, Recreation Centers and Churches have all become  the foreshaddowing benefit of our respondents  (Please Feel Free to post, distribute, duplicate this  correspondence to others or forward by email or send through out through  listserve)


(1)  "PEACE"  &   "NON-VIOLENCE".

A Spoken Word Performance  and/or Positive Hip Hop Concert

with prominent performers  seen on B.E.T., HBO, MTV, the Black Family Channel, etc.



Performances Available for  Classroom Visitations or Auditoriums


Potential Themes: Violence  & Crime Prevention

("Ain't You Bad or  Aren't You Kool", "I AM SOMEBODY", "To Be Young, Gifted  and Black with Rap" "Its All About My Ego & Trippin Me  Out", "WHY CHILDREN CRY IN THE DARK", "Oh God, Please  Send Me A Do Right Man" and "What You Don' Know Wil Hurt You",  plus other topics!!!!!!!!!

(previously performed for  St. Gabriels, Carson Valley Schools, Wordsworth, Devereaux, Diverified  Community Services, Bridging Worlds, Amonst Men, CEP Schools, AVRP programs,  Parkway, etc.)


Please check out the  webpage at   To join our mailing list or to receive by  mail a copy of our printed promotional packet please contact the following  persons:

Maurice Henderson

(856) 691-8600 ext. 814


More information also  available in our Google group  “Activities & Events for Schools, Social Agencies/Community Group”





An Afternoon of Poetry


Every second Saturday of  the month from 1 – 3 PM


Serenity Inspirational  Gifts & Coffee


140 So. Easton Rd.

Glenside, PA



Jus’  Words at Dowlings Place

1310 No. Broad St. Phila

Every Thurs. 9pm to 1am

·       Poets

·       Rappers

·       Singers

·       Spoken Word Artists

$5.00 cover





College and University Fairs



Date:  Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Joint Recruitment College  Fair- Hosted by the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education and School  District of Philadelphia

Time:  4:30 pm- 8:00 pm

Location:  440 N. Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA  19130 (School District of Philadelphia), Education Center Atrium


Gain information on  colleges and universities who are part of the Pennsylvania State System of  Higher Education.




The Institute of the Black  World 21st Century

State of the Black World  Conference II


Town Hall Meeting At New Orleans Confab



Excitement is building as organizers  across North and South America, Africa, Europe and the Caribbean are  preparing to lead delegations to the State of the Black World Conference  (SOBWC) in New Orleans, November 19-23, 2008.  The Conference is timed  to occur two weeks after an historic presidential election. While people of  African descent are excited about the prospect of an Obama victory, most  seasoned observers concur that a myriad of issues rooted in institutional  racism and poverty will continue to plague Black people in America and the  world whoever wins the White House. “The failure of government to respond  effectively to the tragedy of Katrina mirrors a failure to act in Darfur, the  Democratic Republic of Congo and Haiti. Millions of our people around the  world suffer because of these failures of vision and will,” remarked Rick  Adams, Chairman of the Conference Planning Committee. “SOBWC will be our political  convention, a time to collectively embrace priority policy proposals to  present to the new administration.”


In that spirit, the opening event for  SOBWC will be a National/International Town Hall Meeting, Thursday,  November 20th,  at the Ernest Morial Convention Center  focused on the theme The Black Agenda and the Presidential Election.   This marquee session will be moderated by Bev Smith, host of The  Bev Smith Show on the  American Urban Radio Networks (AURN), and CharlesOgletree,  Harvard Law School Jesse Climenko Professor of Law.  


The distinguished panelists include: Marc  Morial,  President/CEO National Urban League; Rev.Al   Sharpton, President, National Action Network (NAN); Rev. Jesse   L. Jackson, President,  National Rainbow/PUSH Coalition;  Ben Jealous, the new President/CEO,  NAACP; Dr.Julianne  Malveaux, President, Bennett College for Women; Dr. Ronald  Walters, Professor of Government and Politics, University of  Maryland; Dr.Elsie Scott,President/CEO,  Congressional Black Caucus Foundation: Dr. Iva E. CarruthersGeneral  Secretary, Samuel DeWitt Proctor Conference, Inc.; Atty. Faya Rose Sanders,  Founder, Voting Rights Museum, Selma, Alabama; and, Dr. E. Faye Williams,  President, National Congress of Black Women. The Honorable Minister Louis  Farrakhan, Leader of the Nation of Islam, has also been invited to be a  panelist for the Town Hall Meeting.


Centered on the theme - Return to the Source, Restoring  Family, Rebuilding Community, Renewing the Struggle,SOBWC is  being convened by the Institute of the Black World 21st Century,  under the leadership of veteran social and political activist Dr. Ron  Daniels. A major goal of the conference is to focus national and  international attention on New Orleans and the Gulf in support of the right  to return of evacuees/displaced persons and their heroic struggle to reclaim  and rebuild their homes and neighborhoods.


Dr. Daniels hopes SOBWC will attract  hundreds of people from Black communities across the United States and people  of African descent communities in Canada, the Caribbean, Central and South  America, Europe and Africa. “It is crystal clear that massive public and  private investments in people, families and communities is what is required  to rebuild communities like New Orleans in America and the Pan African  World,” according to Dr. Daniels. “The only way that is going to happen is if  there is a massive national and international movement anchored by  institutions like IBW to demand social justice and social change. SOBWC  will be a modest step in galvanizing such a movement,” he continued.


In addition to the Town Hall Meeting the  program/schedule will include the Damu Smith Leadership Development and  Organizer Training Institute; Katrina Policy Roundtables; a Special  Session on Haiti; Pan African Policy Forum; Black Family Summit; a wide range  of issue area Working Sessions; and Intergenerational Dialogues.


Members of the Conference National  Planning Committee include Rick Adams, Co-convener of the West PA Black  Political Assembly; Kimberley Richards, Peoples Institute for Survival and  Beyond, Co-Chairperson; George Turner, Events Planner; Badi Murphy,  Production Coordinator. Larry Hayes, National Association of Black Social  Workers, and Walter Umrani, Millions More Movement are the New Orleans  Liaisons. Carolyn McClair, CMPR Public Relations, is the Conference  Administrator.


Persons interested in attending SOBWC  should register now and make hotel and travel accommodations as soon as  possible.


For further Information call: 888.774.2921 or email or visit


Registration  Information

The  Headquarter Hotel: Astor Crowne Plaza, 739 Canal Street

$153  Single or Double plus tax and occupancy, $20 for additional occupant Call:  504.962.0500

For  downloadable pre-registration form click here


For  on-line pre registration click here





Will You Join A Faith-Based  Effort to Fight Violence?


We invite Philadelphia  area faith communities -- city and suburb, rich and poor, young and old— to  come together on


January 17, 2009


and witness the power of  faith in action!


Our belief:  As people of faith…

We embrace Dr. Martin  Luther King's hope for

peace and safety in our  communities.

We resist apathy to this  epidemic of violence, because fear, closed doors, and separation will not end  it.

We unite to bring God's  vision of a peaceable kingdom, without the violent loss of 400 lives in  Philadelphia alone last year.


Join with other  Philadelphia area faith communities as we gather in houses of worship for  prayer, education and discussion,

raise our hearts and  voices in worship and song,

hear from inspirational  preachers and teachers and take action.


We'll walk together to a  rally in front of a local gun store notorious for selling guns used to  threaten, wound and kill.


Together we'll call for  retailers of firearms to adopt a sensible Code of Conduct to dramatically  reduce the illegal trafficking of handguns.   This is the same code that has been adopted by Wal-Mart, America's top  gun seller.


Won't you join us?


A joint effort of the  Church of the Brethren,

Mennonite Church USA,  Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends and others  who want to worship and witness


For more information or to  register email or call:







Free Computers For Schools
 (800) 939-6000
 Willie Cade, CEO
 Computers for Schools
 773-583-7575 Office
 773-583-7585 Fax






Our new group A HAND UP! Is now open, please go to:


In  response to the needs of many grassroots organizations for the basic tools  needed to implement their ideas and projects, The Coalition, Inc. members  have come together to establish a network to facilitate the  distribution/re-distribution of unwanted, unneeded, surplus and even  repairable items for recycling.

·       If you have office supplies, electronics, office furniture, you are  updating, or no longer use, free up that space by offering them to someone  who can get good use from it.

·       If you have office space you do not have an immediate use for, offer  it to home-based organizations for a few hours a week as a meeting place.

·       If you have special skills such as grant/proposal writing, website  design/maintenance, or computer skills, please share and educate others.

·       If your organization offers aid to the less fortunate such as meals,

clothing, resume' writing, job search, SAT/LSAT  coaching, GED classes, scholarship help etc., share it here:



To  join The Coalition go to:  and download a copy of the Pledge of Commitment and return it to us


Those  in need of particular equipment, furnishings or supplies are encouraged to  join to this group (  to inquire if others are able to assist.


Any  group or individual may make donations, but individuals who wish to request  donations must do so through a member organization.

Organizations are encouraged to post notices of ongoing  or special community service programs that are open to the public i.e. Food  Banks; seasonal clothing/toys; fuel programs, etc.

To  post:


You  may also offer or make requests anonymously through the group moderators who  will arrange pick up/delivery via a third party.

If  you wish to assist others by making transportation available for pickups or  deliveries, please let a group moderator know.


To  join:


Remember to support  The Coalition, Inc.’s on-air personalities…

NEW TIME! Straight Up  WORD with Dr. John Elliott  Churchville, Senior Pastor of The Liberation Fellowship Church of Jesus, on  WNWR 1540 AM, Sundays at 9:30am. Dr. Churchville will explore the Holy  Scriptures verse by verse for your spiritual and practical edification.

Life, Liberty and The Pursuit Of Happiness with Dr. John Churchville and Nancy Ellen, Wednesdays at  1pm.


Sister  Phile Chionesu, organizer of the Million Woman March, Saturdays 10:30pm to 12am on  Blog Talk Radio

“Nu  Day Resurrection and Liberation" Show 

Call  in and give your thoughts, comments, opinions at 1-646-652-2232 

or  send an instant message to  to chat on line.   






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