News  From

The  Coalition, Inc.

Friday 05 December 2008

Volume  3, Number 14

The  Coalition, Inc. Board of Directors

Gary  R. Adams, President

John  E. Churchville, Treasurer

Yvonne  Haughton, Secretary


Josephine  Blow, Patricia Coyne, Stanley Daniels, Tom Henry, Calvin Johnson, Angela  Mohammed, Abdul Malik Raheem

Table  of content

For  Our Children … 02

This  Week … 06

Employment  and Training Opportunities … 07

Health  Matters …08

Green  Piece … 09

Grants,  Scholarships  & Instruction… 09

SpotLight  … 12

Arts  for Awareness … 13

Coming  Up …15

Computers  and Technology … 19

A  Hand Up … 19

On  The Airways … 21






Page 02




If this publication is being forwarded to you, and you wish  to be placed on our mailing list, send an email to

with “subscribe” in the subject.


If you are receiving this publication without consent, send  an email with “unsubscribe” in the subject to be removed from our database.


If you would like to report  on a recent community event, feel free to send us a brief account of what  happened in document format, and we will share it with our readers.

Send your information to:











Page 03






We are proud to announce that News From The Coalition, Inc.  is featured on the internationally acclaimed site Eight Cities Map which is  read in more than 0ne hundred fifty-five countries!

Click here: EightCitiesMAP Choose  “Philadelphia’s Online Community 

“Newsletter” from the menu.































Page 04






Great spirits have often encountered violent opposition from weak  minds.
-- Albert Einstein.








































Page 05



















The first step in the acquisition of wisdom is silence, the second  listening, the third memory, the fourth practice, the fifth teaching others.
 Solomon Ibn Gabriol



























Page 06







Volunteers are still needed to help organize the first INTER-FAITH  COMMUNITY
 SURVIVAL SUMMIT to be held in the city of Philadelphia. For information or to  volunteer or register as a representative for your place of worship, call  215.387.2734 or
























Page 07

It’s so nice to hear from family, especially  during the holidays...


Dear Son:
 Your Paw has a job. It's the first one he had in forty-eight years since we  have been married. We are a little better off now, because we have so  muchmoney now we don't know what to do with it.
 Paw gets $47.15 every Thursday, so we thought we ought to do something about  fixing up the house. We sent to Sears & Roebuck for one of those  bathrooms you hear people having in houses. It took a plumber to put it in  shape.
 On one side of the bathroom is a great long thing something like a pigtrough,  only you get in it and wash all over. Over on the other side is a little  white thing they call a sink where you wash your face and hands.
 But over in the corner we really got something. This thing, you put one foot  in, wash it clean, then you pull the chain & get fresh water for the  other foot.
 Two lids come with the thing. We got no use for them in the bathroom so I'm  using one for the bread board. The other lid has a hole in it so we use it  for a frame for grampaw's picture.
 Sears & Roebuck are real nice people to deal with. They sent us a roll of  paper with the outfit. We can't write on it very well, so I'm using it to
 wrap Paw's lunch.

 Take care of yourself.

Page 08














Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at  the end of the day that says... I'll try again tomorrow.
-- Mary Anne Radmacher-Hershey

































Page 09



A woman came out of her house and saw 3 old men with long white  beards sitting in her front yard. She did not recognize them. She said,  "I don't think I know you, but you must be hungry. Please come in and  have something to eat."

"Is the man of the house home?” they asked. "No", she  replied. "He's out, Then we cannot come in", they replied.

In the evening when her husband came home, she told him what  happened. "Go tell them I am home and invite them in!" The woman  went out and invited the men in" "We do not go into a House  together," they replied. "Why is that?" she asked. One of the  old men explained: "His name is Wealth," he said pointing to one of  his friends, and said pointing to another one, "He is Success, and I am  Love." Then he added, "Now go in and discuss with your husband  which one of us you want in your home."

The woman went in and told her husband what was said. Her husband was  overjoyed. "How nice!!” he said. "Since that is the case, let us  invite Wealth. Let him come and fill our home with wealth!" His wife  disagreed. "My dear, why don't we invite Success?"






Page 10


Their daughter-in-law was listening from the other corner of the  house. She jumped in with her own suggestion: "Would it not be better to  invite Love? Our home will then be filled with love!"

"Let us heed our daughter-in-law's advice," said the  husband to his wife. "Go out and invite Love to be our guest." The  woman went out and asked the 3 old men, "Which one of you is Love?  Please come in and be our guest."

Love  got up and started walking toward the house. The other 2 also got up and  followed him. Surprised, the lady asked Wealth and Success: "I only  invited Love, Why are you coming in?" The old men replied together:  "If you had invited Wealth or Success, the other two of us would've  stayed out, but since you invited Love, wherever He goes, we go with him.  Wherever there is Love, there is also Wealth and Success!"
















page  11


What is it  about the job of the vice-president that seems to dissolve all common sense?  Most of us remember the Dan Quayle experience, but the self-proclaimed  creator of the Internet has  enough of  his own to take us through to the end of the year…


"A low voter turnout is an  indication of fewer people going to the polls."
 -- Al Gore as Vice President

































page 12





The Raw Family Newsletter




There will always be death  and taxes; however, death doesn't get worse every year.








We will be SpotLighting  members and organizations. If you wish to have your organization spotlighted,  forward to us information on your primary mission, your current projects  and/or how you would want other members of The Coalition, Inc. to be  involved. Many of us are already being a support to one another, but there is  plenty of room for improvement.







page 13






Just take the ball and throw it where you want to.  Throw strikes. Home plate don't move.
Satchel  Paige

















































page 14























I always wanted to be  somebody, but I should have been more specific.
 ...Lily Tomlin

































page 15




I will never be an old man.  To me, old age is always 15 years older than I am.Francis Bacon











































Page  16


Write down the thoughts of the moment. Those that come  unsought for are commonly the most valuable... Mohandas Ghandi






As noted by the folks at the NLNA  there is a site on which you can enter  your address or zip code and get information (news, crimes, historical  pictures) about that particular area.


You can access the main site  for Philadelphia via    and  enter you address or zip or neighborhood to get more information.







Page  17

We are all longing to go home to some place we have never  been — a place half-remembered and half-envisioned we can only catch glimpses  of from time to time.


Somewhere, there are people to whom we can speak with  passion without having the words catch in our throats.

Somewhere a circle of hands will open to receive us, eyes  will light up as we enter, voices will celebrate with us whenever we come  into our own power.

Community means strength that joins our strength to do the  work that needs to be done. Arms to hold us when we falter.

 A circle of  healing.

 A circle of  friends.

Someplace where we can be free. Starhawk














Page  18




































Page  19






Achievement brings its own anticlimax.
Maya Angelou
































Page 20






























Page  21


Word Of The Week

temporize\TEM-puh-ryz\, To be  indecisive or evasive in order to gain time or delay action. To comply with  the time or occasion; to yield to prevailing opinion or circumstances. To  engage in discussions or negotiations so as to gain time (usually followed by  'with').

Greetings  Coalition Family!


The  next meeting for the annual Week of Peace will be held December 9th  at Kingsessing Recreation Center, 50th Street and Kingsessing  Avenue at 7:00 pm. Organizations who wish to participate in the activities  for that week should have a representative present.


Family,  word of our endeavors continues to spread. Through Eight Cities Map, we are  now reaching more than one hundred fifty-five countries! Check out Eight  Cities Map at


The  Coalition is accepting nominations for board members, terms beginning  February 2009. These are active positions. Nominees must be willing to  commit to The Coalition’s vision of a collective approach to community  improvement, be willing, able and prepared to attend scheduled (usually  quarterly) board meetings, be team and community oriented and become an  active contributor to the collective brain trust to keep our mission current  and positive.


We  encourage young people to apply.


We want to hear  from you! The Coalition, Inc. website is open! This is our website,  let us build it together! Let us know what you think.















Annual “NUTCRACKER”  Performance With Pages To Pirouettes.


December 21, 2008 2 PM


Parkway Central Library

Montgomery Auditorium

1901 Vine Street

Philadelphia, PA







Area Girl  Scouts looking for women of achievement


For more than two decades, the Girl Scouts have  honored women who demonstrate the highest levels of achievement in their  fields and serve as role models to the next generation of women leaders.

Girl Scouts of Eastern Pennsylvania is continuing  this historic tradition and seeking nominations for women to recognize at its  23rd Annual Take the Lead ceremonies. The event will be held Monday, March 2,  2009 at the Four Seasons Hotel in Philadelphia.

The deadline for nominations is Monday, December 8,  2008.

Take the Lead honors women from the Philadelphia  region considered role models for girls and who exemplify the highest ideals  of Girl Scouting.

“The Take the Lead award recipients are women whose  professional achievements and contributions to the community cannot be  overlooked,” said Ann Meredith, Chief Executive Officer of Girl Scouts of  Eastern Pennsylvania. “They are the female leaders girls want to emulate.”

Last year’s awardees included Dr. Amy Gutmann,  president of the University of Pennsylvania; Lisa Nutter, president of  Philadelphia Academies, Inc.; and Melissa Fitzgerald, a local actress,  producer and art director.

The Take the Lead awards ceremony is conducted  entirely by Girl Scouts who also have the opportunity to meet one-on-one with  the honorees and learn from them.

Funds raised from Take the Lead provide support to  the more than 40,000 girls and 15,000 volunteers of the Girl Scouts of  Eastern Pennsylvania.

To submit a nomination, download an application  online or contact Joni Brennan by email, by mail at GSEP, P.O. Box 27540,  Philadelphia, PA  19118 or by phone at  1-888-564-4657.






In Philadelphia there are many latchkey children,  children without role models, sedentary children, and Generation I (internet)  children spending hours in front of a screen (TV and/or computer). ALL of  these children have hidden or untapped talents and potential.


The After School Program handout  on Cap4Kids  lists hundreds of activities to help children and teens realize their  potentials and at the same time decrease their risk taking behaviors. From  Squash to Tennis, Horse Back Riding to Training for Marathons, Mural Art  making to Music recording.


The programs are many and the need is many. PLEASE  help families in need find specific activities that interest our children and  use the Cap4Kids After School handout to help bridge the gap between families  in need and the social service agencies that serve them.




Daniel R. Taylor, D.O.,  FAAP

Assistant Professor Drexel  University College of Medicine

Director Community  Pediatrics and Child Advocacy

City Administrator Cap4Kids 

St. Christopher's Hospital  for Children

Front and Erie

Philadelphia, PA 19134



This program provides  parents with access to Familet, a computer service that allows parents to  track their children’s grades and test scores and to access educational  resources.

The program offers parents  training on how to access and use these services.

The School District of  Philadelphia has arrangements with several computer dealers to offer parents  who need a computer or internet access hardware and software at a discounted  price.

For  more information call: 215.701.6507



For My Daughter Library

is a new after-school, Saturday and summer time  community based Library and resource center, which provides programs and  services for Daughters ages 8-14, and their families.


For My Daughter Library wants children in the  community to understand the importance of recycling and resource  conservation. In an effort to lead by example For My Daughter Library was  created with recycled furnishings, energy efficient lighting and up to date,  previously owned, gently loved books and materials. Even the interior paint  is Eco-friendly!


For My Daughter Library offers opportunities to  learn languages, access higher education and strengthen environmental,  family, community and self-respect and more in a safe, girl-friendly and  relaxed atmosphere for Daughters. And library membership is FREE to youth  ages 8 - 14!


For My Daughter Library also offers physical  programs such as

Skiing and Dragon boat Racing and promote  health and family activities.

For more information contact Yvonne Haughton  Or call 267-795-7811.


Greetings from  the Center for Urban Youth Development (CUYD) at Eastern University and  the Greater Philadelphia Federation of Settlements!

The Youth Development  Certificate offered through CUYD  and the Greater Philadelphia Federation of Settlements <>  will start on September 16th. Youth workers will gain the necessary  foundation and skills to help youth transition into successful adulthood.  Don't worry, there is still time to register for the Certificate Program and  sharpen your own knowledge and skills in the field of youth work!

For more information go  to:


Parenting: a tough Task!


Confident Parents =  Confident Kids


Please join us to:

·       Learn and share, techniques for being a confident parent

·       Share your knowledge with other parents

·       Discuss your concerns

·       Listen to guest speakers on a variety of topics


Some subjects and  questions we will discuss and find answers to are:


When  my child does …………. What do I do?

   Boundaries: Setting Limits – Establishing  and enforcing family rules

   What is the difference between discipline  and punishment?

   Forms of effective discipline

   What is ADHD?

   How do I recognize a drug problem?

   Health care needs

   What is child abuse/neglect?

   Where do I go for help?

   How can I work effectively with my school  to get my child’s needs       met?



When:  Thursday evenings 6 PM – 8 PM


Where:  Presbyterian Children’s’ Village 6517 Chester Avenue 19142

To  register, or get more information, contact:

Ms.  Lauretta Keeys 215.730.2247


A light dinner will be  served

Tokens for transportation

Child care for up to 2  children per family

Bring a friend



Online  resources for parents:,,

This Week…




Former students of the Jubilee School have put  together a documentary honoring elders for their inspiration. See the amazing  workof the Jubilee School students at International House this Monday  December 8th.

See ‘SpotLight’ page 12 for more details




Men's Breakfast and Fellowship


Join the men of Oxford  Presbyterian Church for

Breakfast and Fellowship


Every First Saturday at  10:00am

Oxford Presbyterian  Church, 8501 Stenton

Avenue,(corner of Gowen  Ave) in Mt. Airy,

Philadelphia, Pa 19150


There will be time for  meditation, information and

inspirational events.


Bring your business cards.

All  Men are Welcomed!



Fax (215)247-5496



Reverend Ethelyn R.  Taylor, Pastor



Bilingual  Domestic Violence Trainings Offered


The Bilingual Domestic Violence Program at Lutheran  Settlement House will be offering its next 40 Hour Domestic Volunteer  Training during January 2009.

The purpose of this training is both to educate participants  about domestic violence and to prepare participants to volunteer or work at a  domestic violence agency in the Philadelphia area.  This training is also open to professionals who want to  increase their knowledge about domestic violence and skill in working with  domestic violence survivors, and who do not plan to volunteer or work at a  domestic violence agency.  The cost  for professionals who do not plan to volunteer with an agency $225.  The training is free for volunteers.

The project is also looking for volunteers to help  answer the Philadelphia Domestic Violence Hotline, and to assist with  community education and outreach, counseling, translation, court  accompaniment, and other projects.  It  is in particular need of volunteers who are bilingual and/or are able to  volunteer during daytime hours.

The training will run for two weeks in January  between January 7th and January 16th.

If you are interested in attending in your capacity  as a professional, email Susanna Gilbertson or call 215-426-8610 x240 by  December 15th.

If you are interested in volunteering with the  program and are interested in attending the training, email Jacqueline Berry  or 215-426-8610 x274 by December 5th.

LSH  is  located at 1340 Frankford Avenue in Philadelphia.






The Asian Arts Initiative  (AAI)

is a multi-disciplinary  community arts center offering performances, exhibitions, workshops, and  training for artists, youth, and adults of all racial backgrounds.

Founded in 1993, AAI is  grounded in the belief that the arts can provide an important political and  cultural voice for Philadelphia’s Asian American communities. The  organization has an annual operating budget of approximately $650,000, and is  in its next phase of growth, with the development of a new multi-cultural  multi-tenant arts facility in Philadelphia’s Center City/Chinatown  neighborhood.


AAI is seeking a Director  of Finance and Operations

who will have primary  responsibility for the organization’s finances, administration (including  facilities and technology), and personnel systems. This is a Management Team  position that works closely with and reports directly to the Executive  Director and will supervise the Executive Assistant and contracted  Bookkeeper.

The ideal candidate has  demonstrated success doing both financial management and improving  organizational systems, is highly organized, and wants to be part of a  dynamic and strategic team in a small, non-profit environment.


TO APPLY: Email cover  letter, resume, salary requirements, and 3 work-related references to


The Asian Arts Initiative  is an equal opportunity employer.

Asian Americans and other  people of color are strongly encouraged to apply.







Personal Trainer Stephanie G.

Will host classes for older adults and seniors

EVERY WEDNESDAY ~ 10am - 11am.


FREE screening and educational information


No matter how old you are, exercise can improve your  quality of life

and you don't have to spend a lot of time doing it  to see and feel

improvements. Older adults and seniors need to  engage in cardio,

strength training and flexibility exercises to stay  healthy and

maintain as much strength and functionality as  possible.



Camphor Memorial United Methodist Church

5620 Wyalusing Avenue

Philadelphia, PA 19131

Time: 10am - 11am




FREE screening and educational information.


Questions please call the church at: 215-747-2600


Cost: $3.00


For bookings and speaking engagements contact:

Raveena Media Group

Ph: 267-386-8204 ext. 2 ~ Email:







DATE:       Saturday, December 6 (rain or shine)

TIME:       11am - 2pm

PLACE:      Cedarbrook Middle School

300 Longfellow Road, Wyncote, PA

COST:       $1.00 per pound (ethical recycling fee)

CONTACTS:,  215.208.1613 or


Nothing we collect will be tipped into landfills,  incinerated as

solid waste, or dumped in developing countries!



Televisions, Computers, Monitors, Keyboards, Drives,  Cables, Cords,

Peripherals, Fax Machines, Scanners, Laptops, Stereo  Equipment,

Speakers, CD

& DVD Players, Telephones, Remote Controls,  VCR's, Projectors,  Digital

Cameras, PDAs, Speakers, Radios, Answering Machines,  Camcorders,

Electric Typewriters,  Video Game Systems, Pagers,   Microwaves, Toasters, USB Media, Magnetic Media, Zip Disks, Audio  Tapes, Floppy Diskettes, etc.



For sustainable  enterprise go to Green Jobs Philly




Chinese Language Meet up


ICON and The Philadelphia  Chinese Meetup Group have agreed to lend support to each other for the  proliferation of bettering our opportunities for networking through the Asian  and Philadelphia community. Meet and mingle with fellow Chinese Speakers!  Come to a Chinese Language Meetup to practice speaking, build vocabulary and  finally figure out those verb conjugations! All ages and levels are welcome.  The Philadelphia Chinese meet up group also seeks to facilitate and promote  scholarship of language communication, and unity of people through healthy  interaction.


Sundays 5:00pm (every  week)

Zen Tea House

225 N 11th St

Philadelphia, PA 19107



“Call Me MISTER”


Do you know any Black  males who are seniors in high school who want to go to college out of state  for 'FREE' ? Several Black Colleges are looking for future black male  teachers and will send them to universities/colleges for

4 years FREE.


The 'Call Me MISTER'  program is an effort to address the critical shortage of African American  male teachers particularly among South Carolina 's lowest performing public  schools. Program participants are selected from among under-served,  socio-economically disadvantaged and educationally at-risk communities.

The Call Me MISTER program  combines the special strengths and resources of Clemson University with the  individualized instructional programs offered by four historically black  colleges in South Carolina : Benedict College , Claflin University , Morris  College and South Carolina State University.

To provide even greater  opportunity and access, students have the option of first attending one of  our two-year partner colleges before transferring to one of the four-year  institutions to complete their baccalaureate degree.

In addition, the project  has limited enrollment in the middle school Master of Art in Teaching  program.

Anderson University,  Benedict College, Claflin University,

Clemson University,  College of Charleston, Morris College,

South Carolina State  University, Greenville Technical College,

Midlands Technical  College, Orangeburg-Calhoun Technical College,

Tri-County Technical  College, Trident Technical College.


The project provides:

Tuition for admitted  students pursuing approved programs of study at

participating colleges. An  academic support system to help assure their success. A cohort system for  social and cultural support.


Visit  for more details and the online  application or call (800) 640-2657.



Upcoming College Fairs



Date: Saturday, December 6, 2008

Time: 12pm -3pm

Location: Camphor Memorial United Methodist Church,  Gym area

5620 Wyalusing Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19131


Every high school junior and senior student in the  Philadelphia and

its surrounding areas are invited to attend this  information day.

Pennsylvania College 2 and 4 year programs are  expected to attend.



Date:  Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Joint Recruitment College  Fair- Hosted by the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education and School  District of Philadelphia

Time:  4:30 pm- 8:00 pm

Location:  440 N. Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA  19130 (School District of Philadelphia), Education Center Atrium


Gain information on  colleges and universities who are part of the Pennsylvania State System of  Higher Education.




Quality of Life Grant


Through the Quality of  Life Grant program, families that care for children and adults with autism  and other special needs may receive funding to offset their enormous  financial burdens. These grants provide families with stipends that may be  used for a wide variety of supports related to their family member.


To apply for funds




The Ron Brown  Scholars Program

Seeks  African-American high school
 seniors to receive $10,000 annually for four (4) years to attend an
 accredited four-year college or university in the US. Deadline:
 January 9, 2009. Mail application,
 transcripts and recommendation letters in one package.

 For information, contact Ron Brown Program, 1160 Pepsi Place, Suite 206,  Charlottesville, Va. 22901; 434-964-1588;;




Walls and Doors: Inspirations from our Elders

a Documentary Film by Young Graduates of Jubilee  School


Several years ago, students at Jubilee began filming  interviews with elders from our community. At the time, the idea was to piece  together a history of the twentieth century from personal stories, and to get  some of the perspectives which have been left out of the history books. As  the project progressed, it became apparent that the story was not just about  the elders’ histories, but it was also about their effects on the students.  As the students learned about the twentieth century from elders, as well as  other primary sources, they became particularly interested in the Civil  Rights Movement. They watched the whole Eyes on the Prize series, which  inspired them to organize a Civil Rights Day, in which they honored nine  civil rights workers with medals they designed. The medals said “You gave us  a better future”. Six of the civil rights workers were called the Freedom  Fighters, and were involved in desegregating Girard College in the sixties. A  powerful bond was built between the Freedom Fighters and Jubilee students,  and when the students organized two Children’s Marches Against Gun Violence,  several of the Freedom Fighters marched with them. The relationship between  students and the elders from whom they were learning became an important part  of the story.


The film demonstrates the value of hearing stories  of accomplishments, courage and resistance from elders, and the power of  these stories to inspire respect, pride and activism in young people. The  students’ story is about their honoring elders as both witnesses and creators  of the under-told parts of history. It is also about their carrying on a  legacy which has given them a transformative sense of the power of their  voices, and their ability to affect change.This documentary is  filmed, scripted, edited and narrated by team of eight students,

ages eleven to fifteen, and a teacher.


You are invited to the
 Opening Night Screening of “Walls and Doors: Inspiration from our elders”; a  documentary film by recent graduates of Jubilee School, produced with Scribe  video, Monday, December 8th at 7pm, at International House 3701  Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA. Please call Karen Falcon, Principal at  215.387.7592 to RSVP For more information:








Celebrations Of Giving And Light


Stories, music, mime,  & more to illuminate the holiday season.


December 14, 2008 2 PM

Parkway Central Library

Montgomery Auditorium

1901 Vine Street

Philadelphia, PA




“Panoramic Poetry” is EVERY 2nd & 3rd  Friday of the Month YOU MUST request  to read, it is a Feature ONLY List

Poetry Set


Where:    “OCTOBER GALLERY” – 701 Market Street Bldg., on the 3rd Floor. “Ross  Dept. Store” on Market St. Level. Mellon Center Bldg. This is Cheyney  University’s Center City Campus. Room # 319... Please enter from Market  Street or 8th Street Side entrance. 


When:    Every 2nd and 3rd  Friday 


What:     “PANORAMIC POETRY” -  POETS doing their thing – LYRICAL SPIRITS getting down. {To view Previous  Performances}



National Artists Seeks Venues


We are seeking your  organization and/or educational institution as a site host or facility  sponsor of one or more events and activities, which will highlight a  supportive scheduling about Non-Violence and PEACE.   Schools (public, catholic, charter, boarding &  Independent), Social Agencies, Community Groups, Juvenile Detention  Facilities, College Campuses, Recreation Centers and Churches have all become  the foreshaddowing benefit of our respondents  (Please Feel Free to post, distribute, duplicate this  correspondence to others or forward by email or send through out through  listserve)


(1)  "PEACE"  &   "NON-VIOLENCE".

A Spoken Word Performance  and/or Positive Hip Hop Concert

with prominent performers  seen on B.E.T., HBO, MTV, the Black Family Channel, etc.



Performances Available for  Classroom Visitations or Auditoriums


Potential Themes: Violence  & Crime Prevention

("Ain't You Bad or  Aren't You Kool", "I AM SOMEBODY", "To Be Young, Gifted  and Black with Rap" "Its All About My Ego & Trippin Me  Out", "WHY CHILDREN CRY IN THE DARK", "Oh God, Please  Send Me A Do Right Man" and "What You Don' Know Wil Hurt You",  plus other topics!!!!!!!!!

(previously performed for  St. Gabriels, Carson Valley Schools, Wordsworth, Devereaux, Diverified  Community Services, Bridging Worlds, Amonst Men, CEP Schools, AVRP programs,  Parkway, etc.)


Please check out the  webpage at   To join our mailing list or to receive by  mail a copy of our printed promotional packet please contact the following  persons:

Maurice Henderson

(856) 691-8600 ext. 814


More information also  available in our Google group  “Activities & Events for Schools, Social Agencies/Community Group”




An Afternoon of Poetry


Every second Saturday of  the month from 1 – 3 PM


Serenity Inspirational  Gifts & Coffee


140 So. Easton Rd.

Glenside, PA


Jus’  Words at Dowlings Place

1310 No. Broad St. Phila

Every Thurs. 9pm to 1am

·       Poets

·       Rappers

·       Singers

·       Spoken Word Artists

$5.00 cover






Camphor  Memorial United Methodist Church

5620 Wyalusing Avenue

Philadelphia, PA 19131


Women  Day's Committee of 2009

Invites everyone to our


Holiday  Bazaar & Dinner Sale

December 14, 2008

Time: 1pm – 5pm





SUNDAY DINNER SALE (Chicken & Fish ~ Plenty of  homemade Desserts)

Provided by Camphor Premier Caterers






For more information about this years amazing event  or to become a vendor please contact Kym Oglesby, Women's Day, Chairperson P:  215-747-2600 ~


College and University Fairs


Date:  Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Joint Recruitment College  Fair- Hosted by the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education and School  District of Philadelphia

Time:  4:30 pm- 8:00 pm

Location:  440 N. Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA  19130 (School District of Philadelphia), Education Center Atrium


Gain information on  colleges and universities who are part of the Pennsylvania State System of  Higher Education.



Camphor  Memorial United Methodist Church


Womens Day  Committee 2009




Location: Camphor Memorial United Methodist Church

5620 Wyalusing Avenue ~ Philadelphia, PA 19131


Date: Sunday, December 14th


Time: 1pm -5pm


Other Activities

Sunday Dinner Sale

Raffle Tickets of donated items








For more information about this years amazing event  or to become a

vendor please contact


Womens Day, Chairperson - E:


Small booklet space is only $50.00 per page.  Booklets will be given to all shoppers.


Contact us for more information.



NIH Summit


The Science of  Eliminating Health Disparities


National Center on  Minority Health and Health Disparities


December 16 – 18, 2008


Gaylord National Resort  and Convention Center

National  Harbor, MD


Join the NIH Institutes,  Centers, Offices, and their many partners engaged in research on minority  health and health disparities to:

Highlight the research  progress of the NIH on health issues among racial/ethnic minority and medically  underserved populations

Increase awareness and  understanding of disparities in health

Showcase best-practice  models in research, capacity building, outreach, and integrated strategies to  eliminate health disparities

Identify strengths and  gaps in health disparities research

Network and dialogue with  the nation’s leading experts on minority health and health disparities


Sponsored by: National  Center on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NCMHD)


The  NCMHD is part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), a component of the  U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS).




Will You Join A  Faith-Based Effort to Fight Violence?


We invite Philadelphia  area faith communities -- city and suburb, rich and poor, young and old— to  come together on


January 17, 2009


and witness the power of  faith in action!


Our belief:  As people of faith…

We embrace Dr. Martin  Luther King's hope for

peace and safety in our  communities.

We resist apathy to this  epidemic of violence, because fear, closed doors, and separation will not end  it.

We unite to bring God's  vision of a peaceable kingdom, without the violent loss of 400 lives in  Philadelphia alone last year.


Join with other  Philadelphia area faith communities as we gather in houses of worship for  prayer, education and discussion,

raise our hearts and  voices in worship and song,

hear from inspirational  preachers and teachers and take action.


We'll walk together to a  rally in front of a local gun store notorious for selling guns used to  threaten, wound and kill.


Together we'll call for  retailers of firearms to adopt a sensible Code of Conduct to dramatically  reduce the illegal trafficking of handguns.   This is the same code that has been adopted by Wal-Mart, America's top  gun seller.


Won't you join us?


A joint effort of the  Church of the Brethren,

Mennonite Church USA,  Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends and others  who want to worship and witness


For more information or to  register email or call:






Free Online Computer Instruction

See ‘Archives’ at



Free Computers For Schools
 (800) 939-6000
 Willie Cade, CEO
 Computers for Schools
 773-583-7575 Office
 773-583-7585 Fax







Our new group A HAND UP! Is now open, please go to:


In  response to the needs of many grassroots organizations for the basic tools  needed to implement their ideas and projects, The Coalition, Inc. members  have come together to establish a network to facilitate the  distribution/re-distribution of unwanted, unneeded, surplus and even  repairable items for recycling.

·       If you have office supplies, electronics, office furniture, you are  updating, or no longer use, free up that space by offering them to someone  who can get good use from it.

·       If you have office space you do not have an immediate use for, offer  it to home-based organizations for a few hours a week as a meeting place.

·       If you have special skills such as grant/proposal writing, website  design/maintenance, or computer skills, please share and educate others.

·       If your organization offers aid to the less fortunate such as meals,

clothing, resume' writing, job search, SAT/LSAT  coaching, GED classes, scholarship help etc., share it here:



To  join The Coalition go to:  and download a copy of the Pledge of Commitment and return it to us


Those  in need of particular equipment, furnishings or supplies are encouraged to  join to this group (  to inquire if others are able to assist.


Any  group or individual may make donations, but individuals who wish to request  donations must do so through a member organization.

Organizations are encouraged to post notices of ongoing  or special community service programs that are open to the public i.e. Food  Banks; seasonal clothing/toys; fuel programs, etc.

To  post:


You  may also offer or make requests anonymously through the group moderators who  will arrange pick up/delivery via a third party.

If  you wish to assist others by making transportation available for pickups or  deliveries, please let a group moderator know.


To  join:












Remember to support  The Coalition, Inc.’s on-air personalities…

NEW TIME! Straight Up  WORD with Dr. John Elliott  Churchville, Senior Pastor of The Liberation Fellowship Church of Jesus, on  WNWR 1540 AM, Sundays at 9:30am. Dr. Churchville will explore the Holy  Scriptures verse by verse for your spiritual and practical edification, and  “...liberation of the oppressed, and social justice for the poor.”

Life, Liberty and The Pursuit Of Happiness with Dr. John Churchville and Nancy Ellen, Wednesdays at  1pm on WNWR 1540 AM. Sponsored by Liberation Fellowship CDC and Circle of  Care.

WELCOME BACK! Civil  Alert World with Brother Sabir Bey Saturdays  5:30pm to 6:30pm on WNJC 1360 AM. Also listen in on WKDU 91.7 AM Friday, 12am  to 3am


Sister  Phile Chionesu, organizer of the Million Woman March, Saturdays 10:30pm to 12am on  Blog Talk Radio

“Nu  Day Resurrection and Liberation" Show 

Call  in and give your thoughts, comments, opinions at 1-646-652-2232 

or  send an instant message to  to chat on line.   



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