The Urban Cartographer Online



News From
The Coalition, Inc.


News  From

The  Coalition, Inc.

Friday 19 December 2008

Volume  3, Number 16

The  Coalition, Inc. Board of Directors

Gary  R. Adams, President

John  E. Churchville, Treasurer

Yvonne  Haughton, Secretary


Josephine  Blow, Patricia Coyne, Stanley Daniels, Tom Henry, Calvin Johnson, Angela  Mohammed, Abdul Malik Raheem

Table  of content

For  Our Children … 02

This  Week … 07

Employment  and Training Opportunities … 10

Health  Matters …12

Green  Piece … 13

Grants,  Scholarships  & Instruction… 14

SpotLight  … 18

Arts  for Awareness … 18

Coming  Up …19

Computers  and Technology … 22

A  Hand Up … 23

On  The Airways … 24






Page 02




If this publication is being forwarded to you, and you wish  to be placed on our mailing list, send an email to

with “subscribe” in the subject.


If you are receiving this publication without consent, send  an email with “unsubscribe” in the subject to be removed from our database.


If you would like to report  on a recent community event, feel free to send us a brief account of what  happened in document format, and we will share it with our readers.

Send your information to:















Page 03






We are proud to announce that News From The Coalition, Inc.  is featured on the internationally acclaimed site Eight Cities Map which is  read in more than 0ne hundred fifty-five countries!

Click here: EightCitiesMAP Choose  “Philadelphia’s Online Community 

“Newsletter” from the menu.












To join The Coalition go to:TheCoalitionInc.organd  download a copy of the Pledge of Commitment and return it to







Page 04






All  difficult things have their origin in that which is easy, and great things in  that which is small.
Lao Tzu















To join The Coalition go to:TheCoalitionInc.organd  download a copy of the Pledge of Commitment and return it to


















Page 05


For  her birthday woman got a full-grown parrot, which had developed a poor  attitude and a vocabulary of rude and insulting phrases. The woman tried very  hard to correct the parrot’s behavior, she would speak calmly and patiently  for hours on end to instill polite words and a positive attitude, but nothing  worked. She became very frustrated, and one day she simply lost it. She  yelled at the bird, and the bird got worse. She shook the bird, the bird got  angrier and ruder. In desperation she shoved the parrot in the freezer. For a  few moments she heard the bird flapping. squawking and screaming, then suddenly...  nothing.

Fearing  she may have injured the bird, she quickly opened the freezer door. The  parrot calmly stepped out and gently lighted on her forearm and said; “I’m  sorry that I might have offended you with my rude behavior and comments, and  I ask that you may forgive me. I will be dilligent in mproving my demeanor.”

She  was amazed at sudden change,


Page 06


when  the parrot continued... “By the way, may I inquire just what did the turkey  do?”









Volunteers  are still needed to help organize the first INTER-FAITH COMMUNITY
 SURVIVAL SUMMIT to be held in the city of Philadelphia. For information or to  volunteer or register as a representative for your place of worship, call  215.387.2734 or email:










Page 07






The future belongs to those  who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
-- Unknown.










To join The Coalition go to:TheCoalitionInc.organd  download a copy of the Pledge of Commitment and return it to























Page 08





























To join The Coalition go to:TheCoalitionInc.organd  download a copy of the Pledge of Commitment and return it to




Page 09











He  who does not trust enough, Will not be trusted.
Lao Tzu



















To join The Coalition go to:TheCoalitionInc.organd  download a copy of the Pledge of Commitment and return it to














Page 10


A child came home from her  first day at school, her father asked, “Well, what did you learn today?” The  little girl replies,

“Not enough, they want me to  come back tomorrow.”














Reach for the moon, even if you miss you'll be among the stars.
-- Unknown































page  11


What is it  about the job of the vice-president that seems to dissolve all common sense?  Most of us remember the Dan Quayle experience, but the self-proclaimed  creator of the Internet has  enough of  his own to take us through to the end of the year…


"People that are really very weird can get into  sensitive positions and have tremendous impact on history."
 -- former Vice President Al Gore


As promised, Mr. Gore’s faux pas’ lasted the year out.  We hope you may have gotten some amusement from his verbal miscues. But  honestly, it could happen to anybody...

This space reserved for Joe Biden













page 12







To join The Coalition go to:TheCoalitionInc.organd  download a copy of the Pledge of Commitment and return it to












































page 13





Whatever you do may seem insignificant to you, but it is  most important that you do it.
Mohandas  Gandhi



















To join The Coalition go to:TheCoalitionInc.organd  download a copy of the Pledge of Commitment and return it to














The Raw Family Newsletter


page 14







Life shrinks or expands in  proportion to one's courage.
-- Anais Nin.
























































page 15



Sherlock  Holmes and his trusty assistant Dr. Watson were on a camping trip. They had  gone to bed and were lying there looking up at the sky, Holmes said, “Watson,  look up and tell me what you see.”

“Well,  I see thousands of stars,” he replied.

“And  what does that tell you? asked Holmes.

“I  guess it means we’re going to have another nice day tomorrow. What does it  mean to you?”

“To  me it means that someone has stolen our tent.”



Submit you own humor, and let  us know how funny you can be. We definitely need the help. ; )











To join The Coalition, Inc. go to:TheCoalitionInc.organd  download a copy of the Pledge of Commitment and return it to





Page  16


Merely external emancipation  has made of the modern woman an artificial being. Now, woman is confronted  with the necessity of emancipating herself from emancipation, if she really  desires to be free.Emma Goldman














To join The Coalition go to:TheCoalitionInc.organd  download a copy of the Pledge of Commitment and return it to

















Page  17








As noted by the folks at the NLNA  there is a site on which you can enter  your address or zip code and get information (news, crimes, historical  pictures) about that particular area.


You can access the main site  for Philadelphia via    and enter your address or zip or neighborhood to get more  information.










Page  18



We will be SpotLighting members and organizations. If you  wish to have your organization spotlighted, forward to us information on your  primary mission, your current projects and/or how you would want other  members of The Coalition, Inc. to be involved. Many of us are already being a  support to one another, but there is plenty of room for improvement.
















Page  19






I have found that among its other benefits, giving  liberates the soul of the giver.
Maya  Angelou































Page 20

A magician had been working on a cruise ship doing  the same act for many years. The audiences like him, and they change often  enough that he doesn’t have to worry about finding new tricks. but the  captain’s parrot sits in the back row and watches him night after night, year  after year. After a while, the parrot figures out how the tricks work and  starts giving the secrets away to the audiences. When the magician makes a  bouquet of flowers disappear, for instance, the parrot sqawks, “Behind his  back! Behind his back! Well, the magician gets really annoyed at this, but  doesn’t know what to do, since the parrot belongs to the captain. One day,  the ship springs a leak and sinks. The magician manages to grab a plank od  wood and floats on it. The parrot flies over and sits on the other end. They  drift and drift for days without speaking. Finally the parrot looks over at  the magician and says, “Okay, I give up. Where did you hide the ship?


Submit you own humor, and let  us know how funny you can be. We definitely need the help. ; )


Page  21















To join The Coalition go to:TheCoalitionInc.organd download a copy of the  Pledge of Commitment and return it to














Page  22








"Behold how good and  how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity."

























page  23







To join The Coalition go to:TheCoalitionInc.organd download a copy of the  Pledge of Commitment and return it to






















page  24




Word Of The Week

noisome \NOY-sum\: Noxious; harmful; unwholesome. Offensive to the  smell or other senses; disgusting.






















Greetings  Coalition Family!


Happy  Holidays to All!


Please  take time for family and friends, and extend a hand to those who may need a  little extra from you.


Coalition  members will be joining Sankofa of Roxborough for their 4th annual  Kwanza celebration at Kendric Recreation Center, Saturday, December 27. (See  ‘This Week’ pg. 7)

Bring  the family and meet some of the pioneers of this great effort!


The  next meeting for the annual Week of Peace will be held January 13th at  Kingsessing Recreation Center, 50th Street and Kingsessing Avenue  at 7:00 pm. Organizations who wish to participate in the activities for that  week should have a representative present.


Family,  word of our endeavors continues to spread. Through Eight Cities Map, we are  now reaching more than one hundred fifty-five countries! Check out Eight  Cities Map at


We want to hear  from you! The Coalition, Inc. website is open! This is our website,  let us build it together! Let us know what you think.  


Have a safe and happy holiday  season, see you next year!





"It is through cooperation, rather than conflict, that your  greatest successes will be derived…" Ralph Charell.







You Have Something On Your Mind?

Being a teen isn’t easy  these days. If you need someone to talk to about issues that are important to  you...

Visit a Youth of  Promise Drop-In Counseling Center

You can get on-the-spot  advice from trained professionals who care and understand OR get information  about other local counseling services.


Also: Check out our

After School Enrichment  Program

Enrolling  Now!

Youth 10 – 16!

·       Get help with your homework

·       Learn conflict resolution skills

·       Receive adolescent healthy decision-making

·       Get counseling around issues important to you

·       Learn new computer skills

·       Have a nutritious dinner

·       Play games and have fun



Turning the Tide

Taylor  Tabernacle Church

425 So. 61st  Street, 2nd Fl.

Philadellphia, PA 19143






Myers  Recreational Center

5800 Kingsessing Avenue

Philadelphia, PA 19143




The ideal high school  guidance counselor to student ratio is about 100 to 1. Mayor Nutter's goal is  to have at least half of Philadelphia high school graduates go to college.  Presently 18% of Philadelphians have a college degree. An article in this  weekends Inquirer  highlights the difficulties of meeting this goal.

On the  website, there are several resources to help families, friends, counselors,  health care providers and teens, navigate the complex process of college prep  and admissions.

Under the Education  handout see College Prep/Scholarships that lists resources such as Gear Up,  White Williams Scholars, Philadelphia Futures, Steeping Stone Scholars,  Children's Scholarship Fund, College Access Program, Gateway to College and  most recently added, Know How to Go and Graduate Philadelphia.

Also on the Teen handout,  you will find many of the same resources.

With such a shortage of  guidance counselors, and with the success of our students and with it our  city at stake, we must ALL be acutely aware of the educational resources to  help students and families in need.


Daniel R. Taylor, D.O.,  FAAP

Assistant Professor Drexel  University College of Medicine

Director Community  Pediatrics and Child Advocacy

City Administrator  Cap4Kids

St. Christopher's Hospital  for Children

Front and Erie

Philadelphia, PA 19134




Annual “NUTCRACKER”  Performance With Pages To Pirouettes.


December 21, 2008 2 PM


Parkway Central Library

Montgomery Auditorium

1901 Vine Street

Philadelphia, PA







Area Girl  Scouts looking for women of achievement


For more than two decades, the Girl Scouts have  honored women who demonstrate the highest levels of achievement in their  fields and serve as role models to the next generation of women leaders.

Girl Scouts of Eastern Pennsylvania is continuing  this historic tradition and seeking nominations for women to recognize at its  23rd Annual Take the Lead ceremonies. The event will be held Monday, March 2,  2009 at the Four Seasons Hotel in Philadelphia.

The deadline for nominations is Monday, December 8,  2008.

Take the Lead honors women from the Philadelphia  region considered role models for girls and who exemplify the highest ideals  of Girl Scouting.

“The Take the Lead award recipients are women whose  professional achievements and contributions to the community cannot be  overlooked,” said Ann Meredith, Chief Executive Officer of Girl Scouts of  Eastern Pennsylvania. “They are the female leaders girls want to emulate.”

Last year’s awardees included Dr. Amy Gutmann,  president of the University of Pennsylvania; Lisa Nutter, president of  Philadelphia Academies, Inc.; and Melissa Fitzgerald, a local actress,  producer and art director.

The Take the Lead awards ceremony is conducted  entirely by Girl Scouts who also have the opportunity to meet one-on-one with  the honorees and learn from them.

Funds raised from Take the Lead provide support to  the more than 40,000 girls and 15,000 volunteers of the Girl Scouts of  Eastern Pennsylvania.

To submit a nomination, download an application  online or contact Joni Brennan by email, by mail at GSEP, P.O. Box 27540, Philadelphia,  PA  19118 or by phone at  1-888-564-4657.






In Philadelphia there are many latchkey children,  children without role models, sedentary children, and Generation I (internet)  children spending hours in front of a screen (TV and/or computer). ALL of  these children have hidden or untapped talents and potential.


The After School Program handout  on Cap4Kids  lists hundreds of activities to help children and teens realize their  potentials and at the same time decrease their risk taking behaviors. From  Squash to Tennis, Horse Back Riding to Training for Marathons, Mural Art  making to Music recording.


The programs are many and the need is many. PLEASE  help families in need find specific activities that interest our children and  use the Cap4Kids After School handout to help bridge the gap between families  in need and the social service agencies that serve them.




Daniel R. Taylor, D.O.,  FAAP

Assistant Professor Drexel  University College of Medicine

Director Community  Pediatrics and Child Advocacy

City Administrator Cap4Kids 

St. Christopher's Hospital  for Children

Front and Erie

Philadelphia, PA 19134



This program provides  parents with access to Familet, a computer service that allows parents to  track their children’s grades and test scores and to access educational  resources.

The program offers parents  training on how to access and use these services.

The School District of  Philadelphia has arrangements with several computer dealers to offer parents  who need a computer or internet access hardware and software at a discounted  price.

For  more information call: 215.701.6507



For My Daughter Library

is a new after-school, Saturday and summer time  community based Library and resource center, which provides programs and  services for Daughters ages 8-14, and their families.


For My Daughter Library wants children in the  community to understand the importance of recycling and resource  conservation. In an effort to lead by example For My Daughter Library was  created with recycled furnishings, energy efficient lighting and up to date,  previously owned, gently loved books and materials. Even the interior paint  is Eco-friendly!


For My Daughter Library offers opportunities to  learn languages, access higher education and strengthen environmental,  family, community and self-respect and more in a safe, girl-friendly and  relaxed atmosphere for Daughters. And library membership is FREE to youth  ages 8 - 14!


For My Daughter Library also offers physical  programs such as

Skiing and Dragon boat Racing and promote  health and family activities.

For more information contact Yvonne Haughton  Or call 267-795-7811.


Parenting: a tough Task!


Confident Parents =  Confident Kids


Please join us to:

·       Learn and share, techniques for being a confident parent

·       Share your knowledge with other parents

·       Discuss your concerns

·       Listen to guest speakers on a variety of topics


Some subjects and  questions we will discuss and find answers to are:


   When my child does …………. What do I do?

   Boundaries: Setting Limits – Establishing  and enforcing family rules

   What is the difference between discipline  and punishment?

   Forms of effective discipline

   What is ADHD?

   How do I recognize a drug problem?

   Health care needs

   What is child abuse/neglect?

   Where do I go for help?

   How can I work effectively with my school  to get my child’s needs       met?



When:  Thursday evenings 6 PM – 8 PM


Where:  Presbyterian Children’s’ Village 6517 Chester Avenue 19142

To  register, or get more information, contact:

Ms.  Lauretta Keeys 215.730.2247


A light dinner will be  served

Tokens for transportation

Child care for up to 2  children per family

Bring a friend



Online  resources for parents:,,



This Week…


Memorial Service for Philadelphia Police Sergeant  Timothy Simpson


Please join Mayor Michael A. Nutter, City of  Philadelphia Administration, Police Department leadership and personnel and  the Religious Leaders Council of Greater Philadelphia at an Interfaith Memorial  Service for Philadelphia Police Sergeant Timothy Simpson slain in the line of  duty while protecting our city.

The memorial service is scheduled for 10:30 a.m.  Monday, December 22, 2008 and will be convened at the Cathedral Basilica of  Saints Peter and Paul, situated at 18th and Benjamin Franklin Parkway.


Kwanzaa Celebration

KUJICHAGULIA- Self  Determination


One-Day community event  for residents to share, learn, and celebrate family, Unity, and heritage.


WHEN:    Saturday, December 27,2008


WHERE:  Kendrick Recreation Center

                5822 Ridge Ave.

                 Philadelphia, PA 19128


TIME:     Noon to 4:00pm


WHO:    4th  Annual Community Kwanzaa Celebration is sponsored by Sankofa Association of  Roxborough in partnership with Kendrick Recreation Center, sponsors  include:  Acme Supermarket, Shop-Rite  Supermarket, Shades of Africa, Pepsi Cola Bottling Co., Luster Products,  Inc., GBL Sales Inc, Stop The Madness-Stop The Violence, Inc, and Reading  Terminal Market.  


WHAT:  The “Kwanzaa Celebration” will provide  Youth Arts and Crafts from noon-1pm, Kinara Candle Lighting Ceremony, feature  performances by “Harambee Charter School World Cultural Drum Ensemble and  Dancers,” 2nd Pilgrim Baptist Church Vision Mime.  Keynote Speaker will be Lillian  Gaskins-Green, Ph.D. of PASCEP Temple University. Community Awards, Essay  Contest Winners from Cook-Wissahickon, William Levering and Shawmont  Elementary School, W.B Saul and Roxborough High School.


The  event is free. There will be door prizes, vendors, and food


Sankofa Association of  Roxborough is a proud member of

The Coalition, Inc.




Do you  know a needy family?


The Philadelphia Congress of the National Congress  of Black Women have teamed up with the Gilbane Building Company to help  families this holiday season to give outreach, support and serve the needy.


Read the the details here:



Mount Olive Food Give-Away

Mount  Olive Baptist Church

5501 Locust Street

Philadelphia. PA

will be giving away food  on Saturday,

December 20th

12 noon to 2:30 PM,



December 31st

8:00 Pm

End of Year Service

All Are Welcome!



Lansdale, PA: Seeking volunteers for

Manna on Main Street

Interested in making soups or casseroles, or serving  an afternoon meal? The Manna on Main Street soup kitchen in Lansdale can  always use a helping hand this holiday season. If enough people are  interested (4-6 volunteers), this could potentially be an ICON event.


E-mail Dave Hong with any interest:

Read more info on Manna:



Illinois Fatherhood  Initiative

"We Can Do  It" 2009 Raffle

Your chance to attend the  inauguration of President-Elect Barack Obama and to support the work of The  Black Star Project



An "Inauguration 2009  Celebration Package" for two (2) including tickets to the 2009  presidential inauguration, tickets to the Illinois Ball, three nights  accommodations, round-trip airfare from Chicago, and a private car and driver  to and from the inauguration and ball.



1st PRIZES (2):

Each First-Prize winner  will receive an autographed copy of the book entitled The Audacity of Hope,  the second book written by President-Elect Barack Obama.



2nd PRIZES (20):

Commemorative Issue of the  2008 Presidential Election of the Chicago Tribune.



Proceeds will benefit the  programs of The Black Star Project and its mission of educating children,  parents and communities and the Illinois Fatherhood Initiative.  Drawing will be held on Tuesday, January 6,  2009. The winner will be announced on Tuesday, January 6, 2009. Winners need  not be present to win. Please visit to purchase your raffle  tickets or for more information.


When filling out the  raffle form you must select "Black Star Volunteer" (under  "Tell us how you heard about the raffle") for us to get credit for  your entry.  You must be 18 years old  and a resident of Illinois to participate.   Raffle tickets cost $20.00 for one or $100.00 for six.






Job Announcement: Outreach  Coordinator for Philadelphia


Date of Posting: December  10, 2008


Deadline for Application:  January 16, 2009


Description: Citizens for  Pennsylvania’s Future (PennFuture), a statewide public interest membership  organization, seeks qualified applicants for an 18-month, full-time position  in our Philadelphia office to serve as Outreach Coordinator for Philadelphia,  coordinating a local riverfront campaign and assisting in other outreach  responsibilities in the area.


Job Duties: The successful  applicant will be responsible for the following activities as part of  PennFuture’s Next Great City campaign:

-          Develop and execute a campaign  plan for creating public riverfronts in Philadelphia.

-          Build a united voice for  Philadelphia’s riverfronts by creating diverse coalition of organizations,  businesses and individuals to support and engage in the campaign.

-          Cultivate relationships with  Philadelphia City Council members, City Planning Commissioners, Philadelphia  Water Department staff and others within the city government who have a stake  in riverfront planning.

-          Educate residents about the  campaign and engage them in various activities.

-          Represent PennFuture and the  riverfront coalition in the media.

-          Create and disseminate materials  such as maps, brochures, reports and other supporting documents.

-          Provide assistance on general Next  Great City campaign, such as contributing to website and newsletter and  organizing meetings.

-          Generate support for PennFuture’s  policy campaigns in the Philadelphia area, and conduct other outreach tasks  including membership development and organizing special events.


Qualifications: The ideal  candidate will have a working knowledge of the region and be positioned to  network easily within key constituencies identified (riverfront  neighborhoods, recreational groups, and developers specifically). Familiarity  with riverfront issues such as buffers, recreational trail development, and  ecological restoration is desired. Prior experience and demonstrable ability  for public speaking, presentations and community organizing required.  Proficiency with basic computer skills including word processing, e-mail, and  Internet applications required. The successful candidate must be  self-motivated and able to handle multiple tasks at once.


Specifications: Funding  for this position is only guaranteed for 18-months, however an extension of  this source as well the acquisition of other funding is probable. Evening and  weekend hours are occasionally required. Competitive salary and benefits  including health, life and disability insurance and generous vacation is  included. PennFuture is an equal opportunity employer.


To apply: Send cover  letter, resume, two writing samples and a list of at least three references  by  January 16, 2008 to Christine  Knapp, Director of Outreach at knapp at pennfuture dot org.




Citizens for  Pennsylvania’s Future (PennFuture) is a statewide public interest membership  organization working to create a just future where nature, communities and  the economy thrive.  PennFuture has  offices in Pittsburgh, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, West Chester and  Wilkes-Barre and a staff that includes attorneys, media professionals,  government relations experts, outreach professionals and administrative  support.


PennFuture operates the  following programs: Global Warming, PennFuture’s Center for Energy,  Enterprise and the Environment, Healthy Watersheds, Healthy Air, Smart  Growth, and Legal Protection of Public Health and the Environment. We conduct  issue campaigns, mobilize our members, network with local, state, regional  and national environmental organizations, conduct policy analysis and  advocacy, and provide legal services to our members and conservation,  sportsmen’s and environmental groups. PennFuture is Pennsylvania’s most  professional, effective environmental organization with a proven track record  of important accomplishments. We strongly believe that every environmental  victory grows the economy. Learn more about PennFuture at


For the past three years,  PennFuture has been the convening organization behind the Next Great City  initiative. The initiative is backed by a coalition of over 100 organizations  in Philadelphia all supporting a 10-point, common-sense and cost-effective  environmental policy agenda. The project has resulted in many successes, such  as the expansion of recycling, funding and restructuring of leadership for  Fairmount Park, and the reallocation of the way stormwater fees are  collected.


Among the initiative’s  recommendations is for Philadelphia to create public riverfronts that will  strengthen river neighborhoods, provide miles of trails, parks, boardwalks  and wetland for residents and visitors to enjoy, improve water quality and  attracts new development and other amenities.


To learn more about the  Next Great City campaign, visit


Christine Knapp

Director of Outreach

Citizens for  Pennsylvania's Future (PennFuture)

1518 Walnut St, Suite 1100

Philadelphia PA 19102

P 215-545-9692

F 215-545-9637






Personal Trainer Stephanie G.

Will host classes for older adults and seniors

EVERY WEDNESDAY ~ 10am - 11am.


FREE screening and educational information


No matter how old you are, exercise can improve your  quality of life

and you don't have to spend a lot of time doing it  to see and feel

improvements. Older adults and seniors need to  engage in cardio,

strength training and flexibility exercises to stay  healthy and

maintain as much strength and functionality as  possible.



Camphor Memorial United Methodist Church

5620 Wyalusing Avenue

Philadelphia, PA 19131

Time: 10am - 11am




FREE screening and educational information.


Questions please call the church at: 215-747-2600


Cost: $3.00


For bookings and speaking engagements contact:

Raveena Media Group

Ph: 267-386-8204 ext. 2 ~ Email:






The 2009 Philadelphia  Sustainability Awards are now open for

nominations! This year,'s Green section will profile the

winners. All nominations due  Friday, January 9, 2009.



January Arborist Short Course


Arborist Short Course

January 7th & 8th,  15th & 16th, 2009

Penn State Great Valley,  Malvern, PA


Penn State Cooperative  Extension - Chester County, and the International

Society of Arboriculture -  Penn Del Chapter, will hold the Arborist

Short Course at Penn State  Great Valley, Malvern, Pennsylvania January

7th , 8th, 15th, and 16th.  This four day course is designed to increase

your working tree  knowledge, professional arborist skills and prepare

you for the ISA Certified  Arborist exam. The course covers the

following: tree biology,  tree species identification, tree pruning and

the ANSI A300 standards,  tree selection, installation and establishment,

trees and construction,  assessment and risk management, woody ornamental

diseases, ornamental woody  pests, tree/ soil relationships, water

management, nutrition and  fertilization, climbing and working with

trees, Safety ASI Z133,  trees people and ecology, cabling and Bracing,

and lightning protection.  Cost is $250.00 with the arborist

certification study guide  and $200.00 without the arborist certification

guide. Lunch is included  for the course entirety. Enrollment is limited

so please pre-register by  December 26th. For additional information or

to register, please  contact the Extension Office at 610-696-3500, or

visit the Chester County website and

click on Horticulture.


Penn State is an  affirmative action, equal opportunity university.



For sustainable  enterprise go to Green Jobs Philly




Young ladies living in  Philadelphia, in grades 9-12, from a single parent home.

The Ellis Trust still has  a large pot of money to spend on young ladies in grades 9 - 12.


They can give up to $6,500  per student, per year towards

educational  assistance.


They give money for:

*  special school supplies such as graphing calculators, lab equipment, books,


*  tutoring (must be recommended by counselor)

*  college visits- group and individual

*  sports equipment and team participation fees

*  music, dance, theater and art lessons

*  college courses

*  after-school programs

*  $100 toward senior dues

*  college application fees

*  ACT/SAT's and transcript fees

*  CSS Profile for financial aid

*  TOEFL and transcript fees


This is also a great  opportunity for young ladies who may have wanted to

participate in a summer  program, but didn't have the funds  to  do it. If you

know of anyone who may be  interested please help them complete the application at

Bernard  A.Daniels

BMT/CHR 215-597-2354


Christopher Columbus Awards: Innovation Generation

Posted December 15th, 2008  in Grant Opportunities

Christopher Columbus  Awards: Innovation Generation

The Christopher Columbus  Awards Program combines science and technology with community problem  solving. Students work in teams with the help of an adult coach to identify  an issue they care about and, using science and technology, work with  experts, conduct research, and put their ideas to the test to develop an  innovative solution. Maximum award: a $25,000 Columbus Foundation Community  Grant and an all-expense-paid trip to Walt Disney World to attend the  program’s National Championship Week, plus a $200 development grant to  further refine their idea, and a $2,000 U.S. Savings Bond for each team  member. Eligibility: middle-school-age (sixth, seventh, and eighth grade)  children; teams do not need to be affiliated with a school to enter.  Deadline: February 9, 2009.


Student Achievement and Learning & Leadership Grants

Posted December 15th, 2008  in Grant Opportunities

NEA Foundation Accepting  Applications for Student Achievement and Learning & Leadership Grants  Programs

Deadline: February 1,  2009; June 1, 2009; and October 15, 2009

The NEA Foundation (  supports a variety of efforts by teachers,  education support professionals, and higher education faculty and staff to  improve student learning in public schools, colleges, and universities across  the United States.

The foundation is accepting  applications for the following grant programs:

The Learning &  Leadership Grants program provides opportunities for teachers, education  support professionals, and higher education faculty and staff to engage in  high-quality professional development and lead their colleagues in  professional growth.  Grants to  individuals fund participation in professional development experiences such  as summer institutes and action research. Grants to groups fund collegial  study, including study groups, action research, lesson study, and mentoring  experiences for faculty or staff new to an assignment. The grant amount is  $2,000 for individuals and $5,000 for groups.


The Student Achievement  Grants program provides grants of $5,000 each to improve the academic achievement  of students by engaging in critical thinking and problem solving that deepen  knowledge of standards-based subject matter. The work should also improve  students’ habits of inquiry, self-directed learning, and critical reflection.  Proposals for work resulting in low-income and minority student success with  honors, advanced placement, and other challenging curricula are particularly  encouraged. Grant funds may be used for resource materials, supplies,  equipment, transportation, software, and scholars-in-residence.

Applicants must be  practicing U.S. public school teachers in grades K-12, public school  education support professionals, or faculty and staff at public higher  education institutions.

Visit the NEA Foundation  Web site for complete grant program information.

RFP Link:

For additional RFPs in  Education, visit:


Sustainable video competition

Posted December 15th, 2008  in Grant Opportunities Invites  Sustainable Living Ideas

Deadline: March 1, 2009  (, an online community for sustainable living, has  issued a global call for personal green solutions. The Just Do One  organization invites ideas for more sustainable living summarized in short  YouTube-style videos.  The  organization will share the entries online, and the best video entry, as  judged by an expert panel, will win $5,000.

Video entries may be up to  three minutes in length. Entries will be accepted from January 1 to March 1,  2009. Winners will be announced April 1, 2009, in time for media coverage  leading up to Earth Day.

RFP Link:


For additional RFPs in  Environment, visit:




Quality of Life Grant


Through the Quality of  Life Grant program, families that care for children and adults with autism  and other special needs may receive funding to offset their enormous  financial burdens. These grants provide families with stipends that may be  used for a wide variety of supports related to their family member.


To apply for funds




The Ron Brown  Scholars Program

Seeks  African-American high school
 seniors to receive $10,000 annually for four (4) years to attend an
 accredited four-year college or university in the US. Deadline:
 January 9, 2009. Mail application,
 transcripts and recommendation letters in one package.

 For information, contact Ron Brown Program, 1160 Pepsi Place, Suite 206,  Charlottesville, Va. 22901; 434-964-1588;;








Sankofa Association of  Roxborough has been a member of The Coalition from its’ beginning, we are a  cultural community organization whose mission is to preserve, educate promote  a greater awareness and appreciation of African-American history and culture  to our youth.  It is our desire that  this organization become an educational vehicle for the cultivation of  community collaboration and empowerment. Resulting in on-going activities and  events that increase the quality of life, foster mutual respect and embrace  our cultural diversity. SAR hosts three major celebrations throughout the  year:  Black History Month, Juneteenth  Heritage Celebration and Kwanzaa.  We  work very closely with other Coalition members such as C& C Athletic  Assn, Stop the Madness, Stop the Violence, Father Paul Washington Community  Committee in co-promoting events throughout the city.


For  more information: Angela Mohammed 215.327.4976





Community Of Compassion CDC

62nd Street and Cedar Avenue


Arts & Crafts like you’ve never seen it!

Stampin’ up Craft Workshop

Hosted  by Monica Williams

The workshop includes:

·       Creating Handbags,  Jewelry

·       Embroidery

·       Greeting Cards for  family & friends

·       The use of various  stamping techniques that will challenge your creative side

Invite  your neighbors, family and friends

To sign up for these sessions

Contact Monica at 302.373.2813

Bro. Brahin Ahmaddiya 215.514.5535



“Panoramic Poetry” is EVERY 2nd & 3rd  Friday of the Month YOU MUST request  to read, it is a Feature ONLY List

Poetry Set


Where:    “OCTOBER GALLERY” – 701 Market Street Bldg., on the 3rd Floor. “Ross  Dept. Store” on Market St. Level. Mellon Center Bldg. This is Cheyney  University’s Center City Campus. Room # 319... Please enter from Market  Street or 8th Street Side entrance. 


When:    Every 2nd and 3rd  Friday 


What:     “PANORAMIC POETRY” -  POETS doing their thing – LYRICAL SPIRITS getting down. {To view Previous  Performances}



Jus’  Words at Dowlings Place

1310 No. Broad St. Phila

Every Thurs. 9pm to 1am

·       Poets

·       Rappers

·       Singers

·       Spoken Word Artists

$5.00 cover






Bilingual  Domestic Violence Trainings Offered


The Bilingual Domestic Violence Program at Lutheran  Settlement House will be offering its next 40 Hour Domestic Volunteer  Training during January 2009.

The purpose of this training is both to educate  participants about domestic violence and to prepare participants to volunteer  or work at a domestic violence agency in the Philadelphia area. 

This training is also open to professionals who want  to increase their knowledge about domestic violence and skill in working with  domestic violence survivors, and who do not plan to volunteer or work at a  domestic violence agency. 

The cost for professionals who do not plan to  volunteer with an agency $225. 

The training is free for volunteers.

The project is also looking for volunteers to help  answer the Philadelphia Domestic Violence Hotline, and to assist with  community education and outreach, counseling, translation,

court accompaniment, and other projects.

 It is in  particular need of volunteers who are bilingual and/or are able to volunteer  during daytime hours.

The training will run for two weeks in January  between

January 7th and January 16th.


If you are interested in attending in your capacity  as a professional,

call Susanna Gilbertson 215-426-8610 x240 by  December 15th.


If you are interested in volunteering with the  program and are interested in attending the training, call Jacqueline Berry  215-426-8610 x274


LSH  is  located at 1340 Frankford Avenue in Philadelphia.



Join an Inspiring New Faith-Based Campaign

to Prevent Gun Violence


We invite Philadelphia  area faith communities

and community  organizations

to come together on

January 17, 2009

and be part of the power  of faith in action!




Join with other  Philadelphia area faith communities in a day of prayer, education and ACTION  as we:

Gather in houses of  worship to pray and learn together

Come together to raise our  hearts and voices in worship and song

Put our faith into ACTION  in a public march and rally



9:00 AM        Programs for adults, youth and  children.  Prayer, workshops,  presentations, dialogue, art and more!   Multiple houses of worship in the Philadelphia area (listed on  back).  Go to to reserve a seat and a lunch (free of charge) at  one of these 9 locations in the Philadelphia area.

1:30 PM        Interfaith prayer service at Holy  Ghost Church (The Met) at Broad & Poplar. Multigenerational program  featuring Dr. Vincent Harding, local clergy, youth performance, praise &  worship team.  Children’s program  featuring Charlotte Blake Alston.

2:45 PM    March and rally in front of  a local gun store notorious for selling  handguns used to threaten, wound, maim and kill. 

March begins at Broad  & Poplar.  Rally at 9th &  Spring Garden at approximately 3:30 PM.


Together we’ll call for  retailers of firearms to adopt a sensible Code of Conduct to dramatically  reduce the illegal trafficking of handguns.   This is the same code that has been adopted by Wal-Mart, America’s top  gun seller.


We’ve Got Work To Do!     Won’t you join us?


For more information email  or call: 



Partner Faith Communities

Host Programs, 9:00 am –  12:30 pm


HOST:  Church of the Advocate, 18th & Diamond, Phila 19121

PARTNER  FAITH COMMUNITIES: St. David Episcopal Church (Wayne); St. Christopher  Episcopal (Gladwyn); Christ Church Episcopal


HOST:  Cookman United Methodist Church, 12th & Lehigh, Phila 19132

PARTNER  FAITH COMMUNITIES: St. Luke’s UMC (Bryn Mawr); Narberth Havurah; Drexel Hill  UMC; Hope UMC (Havertown)


HOST:  Chester Student Center, 733 W. Ninth St.,  Chester 19013

PARTNER  FAITH COMMUNITIES: Swarthmore Presbyterian; Chester Eastside Ministries; TM  Thomas Presbyterian (Chester); Providence Friends Meeting, Grace Community  UMC (Chester), First Baptist Church (Chester)


HOST:  Arch Street United Methodist Church, 55 N.  Broad Street, Phila 19107

PARTNER  FAITH COMMUNITIES: Frazer Mennonite Church; Philadelphia Praise Center; White  Rock Baptist Church


HOST:  Arch Street Friends Meeting, 4th & Arch Street, Phila 19106

PARTNER  FAITH COMMUNITIES: St. Augustine Catholic Church; Rita of Cascia Parish


HOST:  Tabernacle United Church, 3700 Chestnut Street, Phila 19104

PARTNER  FAITH COMMUNITIES: Millcreek Baptist Church


HOST:  Mishkan Shalom Synagogue, 4101 Freeland Ave, Phila 19128

PARTNER  FATIH COMMUNITIES: West Philadelphia Mennonite Fellowship; Wayland Temple  Baptist Church


HOST:  Green Street Friends Meeting, 45 W. Schoolhouse Lane, Phila 19144

PARTNER  FAITH COMMUNITIES: Janes Memorial UMC; St. Vincent Catholic Church; Masjid  Muhammad, NW Interfaith Movement; Germantown Mennonite, Gladwyne Presbyterian


HOST:  Noville Memorial Church of God in Christ, 800 West Somerset, Phila 19133

PARTNER  FAITH COMMUNITIES: Bryn Mawr Presbyterian; Abington Friends Meeting


Sensing the leading of the  Spirit,

a joint effort of the  Church of the Advocate, the Church of the Brethren, Cookman United Methodist  Church, Mennonite Church USA,

Philadelphia Yearly  Meeting (Quakers), and more than 30 local faith communities.






Free Computer Lab Workshops

In our workshops, adults  and teens will learn to use the mouse and keyboard like a pro. You can create  a free email account, practice searching the web for the information or  recreation, fill out online job applications, and receive practical advice  from a live instructor.

Lucien E. Blackwell

West Philadelphia Regional  Library

125 So. 52nd  Street

Philadelphia, PA



For more information,  visit our website at



Free Online Computer Instruction

See ‘Archives’ at



Free Computers For Schools
 (800) 939-6000
 Willie Cade, CEO
 Computers for Schools
 773-583-7575 Office
 773-583-7585 Fax







Our new group A HAND UP! Is now open, please go to:


In  response to the needs of many grassroots organizations for the basic tools  needed to implement their ideas and projects, The Coalition, Inc. members  have come together to establish a network to facilitate the distribution/re-distribution  of unwanted, unneeded, surplus and even repairable items for recycling.

·       If you have office supplies, electronics, office furniture, you are  updating, or no longer use, free up that space by offering them to someone  who can get good use from it.

·       If you have office space you do not have an immediate use for, offer  it to home-based organizations for a few hours a week as a meeting place.

·       If you have special skills such as grant/proposal writing, website  design/maintenance, or computer skills, please share and educate others.

·       If your organization offers aid to the less fortunate such as meals,

clothing, resume' writing, job search, SAT/LSAT  coaching, GED classes, scholarship help etc., share it here:



To  join The Coalition go to:  and download a copy of the Pledge of Commitment and return it to us


Those  in need of particular equipment, furnishings or supplies are encouraged to  join to this group (  to inquire if others are able to assist.


Any  group or individual may make donations, but individuals who wish to request  donations must do so through a member organization.

Organizations are encouraged to post notices of ongoing  or special community service programs that are open to the public i.e. Food  Banks; seasonal clothing/toys; fuel programs, etc.

To  post:


You  may also offer or make requests anonymously through the group moderators who  will arrange pick up/delivery via a third party.

If  you wish to assist others by making transportation available for pickups or  deliveries, please let a group moderator know.

To  join:


Remember to support  The Coalition, Inc.’s on-air personalities…

NEW TIME! Straight Up  WORD with Dr. John Elliott  Churchville, Senior Pastor of The Liberation Fellowship Church of Jesus, on  WNWR 1540 AM, Sundays at 9:30am. Dr. Churchville will explore the Holy  Scriptures verse by verse for your spiritual and practical edification, and  “...liberation of the oppressed, and social justice for the poor.”

Life, Liberty and The Pursuit Of Happiness with Dr. John Churchville and Nancy Ellen, Wednesdays at  1pm on WNWR 1540 AM. Sponsored by Liberation Fellowship CDC and Circle of  Care.

WELCOME BACK! Civil  Alert World with Brother Sabir Bey  Saturdays 5:30pm to 6:30pm on WNJC 1360 AM. Also listen in on WKDU 91.7 AM  Friday, 12am to 3am


Sister  Phile Chionesu, organizer of the Million Woman March, Saturdays 10:30pm to 12am on  Blog Talk Radio

“Nu  Day Resurrection and Liberation" Show 

Call  in and give your thoughts, comments, opinions at 1-646-652-2232 

or send an instant message to chat on  line.  





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