The Urban Cartographer Online



News From
The Coalition, Inc.


News  From

The  Coalition, Inc.

Friday 16 January 2009

Volume 3, Number 18

The Coalition, Inc.  Board of Directors

Gary R. Adams,  President

John E. Churchville,  Treasurer

Yvonne Haughton,  Secretary


Josephine Blow,  Patricia Coyne, Stanley Daniels, Tom Henry, Calvin Johnson, Angela Mohammed,  Abdul Malik Raheem

Table of content

For Our Children … 02

This Week … 05

Employment and  Training Opportunities … 13

Health Matters …17

Green Piece … 18

Grants,  Scholarships  & Instruction… 19

SpotLight … 23

Arts for Awareness …  24

Coming Up …25

Computers and  Technology … 25

A Hand Up … 26

On The Airways … 27






Page  02




If this publication is being  forwarded to you, and you wish to be placed on our mailing list, send an  email to

with “subscribe” in the  subject.


If you are receiving this  publication without consent, send an email with “unsubscribe” in the subject  to be removed from our database.


If you would like to report on a recent community event,  feel free to send us a brief account of what happened in document format, and  we will share it with our readers.

Send your information to:















Page 03






We  are proud to announce that News From The Coalition, Inc. is featured on the  internationally acclaimed site Eight Cities Map which is read in more than  0ne hundred fifty-five countries!

Click here: EightCitiesMAP  Choose “Philadelphia’s Online Community 

“Newsletter”  from the menu.












To join The Coalition go to:TheCoalitionInc.organd  download a copy of the Pledge of Commitment and return it to







Page 04






In the homes of poor people you'll find a big TV. In the homes of  wealthy people you'll find a big library. Jim Rohn















To join The Coalition go to:TheCoalitionInc.organd  download a copy of the Pledge of Commitment and return it to


















Page 05


Lord,  when I am wrong, make me willing to change; when I am right; make me easy to  live with. So strengthen me that the power of my example will far exceed the  authority on my rank… Pamela H. Peters















































Page 06










Volunteers are still needed to help organize the first  INTER-FAITH COMMUNITY
 SURVIVAL SUMMIT to be held in the city of Philadelphia. For information or to  volunteer or register as a representative for your place of worship, call  215.387.2734 or email:















Page 07






Leadership  is not wielding authority – it’s empowering people… Becky Brodin










To join The Coalition go to:TheCoalitionInc.organd  download a copy of the Pledge of Commitment and return it to























Page 08


A frog expert from the aquarium gave a talk to a third  grade class. “It’s easy to tell the male frogs from the female frogs,” she  said. When you feed them, the male frogs will only eat female flies, and the  female frogs will only eat male flies.”

“But how do you know which flies are male and which are  female?” asked a boy sitting at the back of the class.

“How am I supposed to know?’ replied the speaker, “I’m a frog  expert.”


Submit  your own humor, and let our readers know how funny you can be. We definitely  need the help. ; )

(Rated ‘G’  Only)








To join The Coalition go to:TheCoalitionInc.organd  download a copy of the Pledge of Commitment and return it to


Page 09






How could man rejoice in victory and delight in the  slaughter of men?
Lao Tzu



















To join The Coalition go to:TheCoalitionInc.organd  download a copy of the Pledge of Commitment and return it to



















Page 10




Two women were out hiking when a bear starts following  them. They climb a tree, but the bear starts climbing the tree after them. The  first woman gets her sneakers out of her backpack and puts them on. The  second woman says, “What are you doing?”

The first woman says, “I figure when the bear gets close to  us, we’ll jump down and make a run for it.”

The second woman says, “Are you crazy? You can’t outrun a  bear.”

The first woman says, “I don’t have to outrun the bear... I  only have to outrun you!”










To join The Coalition go to:TheCoalitionInc.organd  download a copy of the Pledge of Commitment and return it to





page  11









Time may be a great healer, but it's a lousy beautician.














To join The Coalition go to:TheCoalitionInc.organd  download a copy of the Pledge of Commitment and return it to


















page 12







To join The Coalition go to:TheCoalitionInc.organd  download a copy of the Pledge of Commitment and return it to












































page 13










To join The Coalition go to:TheCoalitionInc.organd  download a copy of the Pledge of Commitment and return it to












The Raw Family Newsletter

























page 14







a failure is only a failure when you fail to learn.

-Jeremy Chatfield







If you have a  favorite relevant quote, why not share it with our readers. send to

We will credit you  with the submission.




































page 15










To join  The Coalition, Inc. go to:TheCoalitionInc.organd download a copy of the Pledge of  Commitment and return it to
























Page 16




A fisherman returned to shore  with a giant marlin that was bigger than he was. On the way to the cleaning  shed, he ran into a second fisher, who had a string of really small fish. The  second fisherman looked at the marlin, turned to the first fisherman, and  said, “Only caught one, huh?”



Submit you own humor  pleeeeeze, and let us know how funny you can be. We definitely need the help.  ; )

We  will credit you with the submission. (Rated ‘G’ humor only!)





To join The Coalition go to:TheCoalitionInc.organd  download a copy of the Pledge of Commitment and return it to






Page 17




As noted by the folks at the NLNA  there is a site on which you can enter  your address or zip code and get information (news, crimes, historical  pictures) about that particular area.


You can access the main site  for Philadelphia via    and  enter your address or zip or neighborhood to get more information.














Page 18





To join The Coalition go to:TheCoalitionInc.organd download a copy of the Pledge of Commitment and return  it to























Page 19






Any book that helps a child to form a habit of reading, to  make reading one of his deep and continuing needs, is good for him.  Maya  Angelou




























Page 20

The w0rld scientific community gathered  for their annual conference. One of the topics of the was “God... do we still  need him?” After a truly brief discussion, they decided that it was time to  assume their destiny, and a committee was appointed to give God the bad news.

Upon obtaining an audience, they explained  that through research and technology, they were able to do anything he could  and were no longer in need of his services. God calmly asked; if they could  duplicate his greatest achievement, create a man. Confidently, they said,  with modern DNA technique, they could create any man they wished. God  replied, “No, let’s do this the old-fashioned way, the way I originally did  it.”

Without hesitation, the scientists took  out a test tube and bent down to scoop up some dirt. To which God replied,  “Get your own dirt!”












Page 21







To join The Coalition go to:TheCoalitionInc.organd download a copy of the Pledge of Commitment and return  it to






















Page 22








If you  laid all of the lawyers in the world, end-to-end, on the equator -- It would  be a good idea to just leave them there.










To join The Coalition go to:TheCoalitionInc.organd download a copy of the Pledge of Commitment and return  it to





page 23



We will be SpotLighting members and organizations. If you  wish to have your organization spotlighted, forward to us information on your  primary mission, your current projects and/or how you would want other  members of The Coalition, Inc. to be involved. Many of us are already being a  support to one another, but there is plenty of room for improvement.




To join The Coalition go to:TheCoalitionInc.organd download a copy of the Pledge of Commitment and return  it to


page 24






Some  people change jobs, mates, and friends, but never think of changing  themselves…








To join The Coalition go to: TheCoalitionInc.organd  download a copy of the Pledge of Commitment and return it to us






















page 25







To join The Coalition go to: TheCoalitionInc.organd  download a copy of the Pledge of Commitment and return it to us
































page 26



I had a linguistics professor who said that it's man's  ability to use language that makes him the dominant species on the planet.  That may be. But I think there's one other thing that separates us from  animals. We aren't afraid of vacuum cleaners.  Jeff Stilson






























page 27
















Word Of The Week

plenipotentiary\plen-uh-puh-TEN-shee-air-ee;  -shuh-ree\, Containing or conferring full power; invested with full power;  as, "plenipotentiary license; plenipotentiary ministers." A person  invested with full power to transact any business; especially, an ambassador  or diplomatic agent with full power to negotiate a treaty or to transact  other business.

Greetings Coalition Family!



Queen Mother Falaka Fattah reports that Brother David  Fattah is home recuperating from his surgery and doing well. He wants to  express his appreciation for all the cards, calls, visits and concern during  his ordeal. Coalition members are looking forward to Brother David’s return.


The next meeting for the annual Week of Peace will be held  February 12th at Kingsessing Recreation Center, 50th Street and  Kingsessing Avenue at 7:00 pm. Organizations who wish to participate in the  activities for that week should have a representative present.


Family, word of our endeavors continues to spread. Through  Eight Cities Map, we are now reaching more than one hundred fifty-five  countries! Check out Eight Cities Map at


We want to hear  from you! The Coalition, Inc. website is open! This is our website,  let us build it together! Let us know what you think.  










"It is  probably not love that makes the world go around, but rather those mutually  supportive alliances through which partners recognize their dependence on  each other for the achievement of shared and private goals." Fred A.  Allen





Institute  for the Development of African-American Youth, Inc.


Kids  Safe Neighborhoods Open House

January 29, 2009

4pm to 7pm

2221  N. Broad St. Suite 202

Philadelphia,  PA 19132


1. In collaboration with PA Insurance  Department, partners will assist IDAAY identify/enroll eligible children and  youth into Pennsylvania’s Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP).  Thousands of African American children and youth are eligible for CHIP but  are not enrolled. In Pennsylvania (in particular, Philadelphia), there is no  reason for any child to go without health insurance coverage. CHIP covers all  PA kids. Most eligible families qualify for free CHIP, while others can  enroll at a very low cost.


2. In collaboration with Philadelphia Fire  Department, partners will assist IDAAY identify homes in which young persons  reside without smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors. According to  Philadelphia Fire Department statistics for 2005, of the fifty-two (52) fire  deaths, twenty-nine (29) deaths occurred in twenty-four (24) properties that  did not have smoke alarms or had alarms with dead or missing batteries. This  Initiative will assist similar homes by equipping them with adequate smoke  and carbon monoxide detectors.


Please join us in  launching our Kids Safe Neighborhoods initiative at our new administrative  office. We can all be Kids Champions by actively spreading the word in our  community about the importance of quality health care and reliable fire  prevention for a deserving segment of our population.


Phone:  215-235-9110 Facsimile: 215-235-9128








In the Studio, RECORDED LIVE on

Tuesday, January  20th and 27th, 2009 from

3:30-5:30 pm at

Parkway Central  Library

1901 Vine St.

Philadelphia, PA  19103


We want musicians,  rappers, singers, songwriters, and beat-makers.

Make beats. Write  songs. Record songs.

This FREE event is  for Philadelphia High School Students.

For more  information call Aurora Sanchez @ 215.686.5415

215.686.3628 (f)



Music/Acting/Dance after-school Program

for your children.

First they study  then they practice.


Mon thru Friday 3pm  - 6pm.


17th and Allegheny  - Geogoria Gregory Building.


Boys and Girls  school aged.


Please forward to  Family, Friends, Clients, etc.


I went to give  gifts on behalf of the Creative Kids Club and stayed for

the Program and it  was wonderful! The Children wrote a play, acted it out,

sang and danced and  they served us dinner, it was excellent!

Of course I joined  the Board (smile).


They also have  private lessons $18 half an hour and $36 an hour - Tuesday,

Wednesday, Thursday  6-8 and Sat 9 -2pm


Please call  215-430-0435 ask for Ms Joyce Drayton


Submitted by:

Virginia D. Smith,  MDT

Multi-Disciplinary  Team

Department of Human  Services

215-683-6380 -  Office

215-683-6867 - Fax

May God Bless You  Always in All Ways



You Have Something On Your Mind?

Being a teen isn’t  easy these days. If you need someone to talk to about issues that are  important to you...

Visit a Youth of Promise Drop-In Counseling  Center

You can get  on-the-spot advice from trained professionals who care and understand OR get  information about other local counseling services.


Also: Check out our  

After School Enrichment Program

Enrolling  Now!

Youth 10 – 16!

·       Get help with your homework

·       Learn conflict resolution skills

·       Receive adolescent healthy decision-making

·       Get counseling around issues important to you

·       Learn new computer skills

·       Have a nutritious dinner

·       Play games and have fun



Turning the Tide

Taylor  Tabernacle Church

425 So. 61st  Street, 2nd Fl.

Philadellphia, PA  19143




Myers  Recreational Center

5800 Kingsessing  Avenue

Philadelphia, PA  19143






This program  provides parents with access to Familet, a computer service that allows  parents to track their children’s grades and test scores and to access  educational resources.

The program offers  parents training on how to access and use these services.

The School District  of Philadelphia has arrangements with several computer dealers to offer  parents who need a computer or internet access hardware and software at a  discounted price.

For  more information call: 215.701.6507


Online resources  for parents:,,



This Week…


Where will you be on Inauguration day?  Work? School?

Don't worry. Come after work.


Join Art Sanctuary,  in collaboration with the


African American  Museum in Philadelphia

701 Arch Street

Philadelphia, PA  19106


for a very special Inauguration Watch Party on

Tuesday, January  20, from



Come watch the  re-broadcast of Barack Obama's historic Inauguration

on a wide screen.  This event will feature Curtis Institute's soprano

Allison Sanders and  jazz guitarist David P. Stevens.


Each attendee will  receive a copy of one of President Obama's books.


A unique after-work  celebration, hosted by State Senator Anthony Williams, watch the taped  Inauguration of President Barack Obama on a

big screen with a  great group of Art Sanctuary friends.


Food, drinks and  live music!

Our special  Celebration of Black Writing gift bag includes a copy of the new president's  autobiography and other gifts.


Yes, we did!







For more  information: 215.232.4485 or


Community Partners:  The Philadelphia Tribune and WHYY.



CIP Senior Center Hosts Obama Inaugural Event


It’s going to be  crowded in Washington, D.C. on Tuesday, January 20th when the nation  celebrates the inauguration of President-Elect Barack Obama and Vice  President-Elect Joe Biden, but you don’t have to fight those crowds – you can  experience this historic event at Germantown’s Center in the Park, 5858  Germantown Avenue in Philadelphia.

CIP will show the  festivities on a big screen TV as Barack Obama takes the oath of office as  the 44th President of the United States of America.  Be a part of the historic moment.

Have your photo  taken with the President as you pose with the center’s life sized Barack  Obama cutout; play Obama trivia; share the occasion with CIP’s older adult  members and hear stories of other historic moments through which they have  lived; and talk about the impact that the President-elect’s powerful message  of change and hope for the future which his election has inspired.

Activities begin  11am on Tuesday, January 20th in Center in the Park’s Auditorium.  Light refreshments will be provided. 

The Inaugural Event  is free.

Space is limited,  so participants are encouraged to pre-register by calling 215-848-7722.

Center in the Park  is a community center that promotes positive aging and fosters community  connections for older adults (55+) in Northwest Philadelphia, whose voices  are critical instruments in shaping its activities and direction. 

CIP is accredited  by the National Institute of Senior Centers, a unit of the National Council  on Aging, as a provider of excellent programs, activities and services for  its active membership of more than 5,000 and its 1,000 homebound clients.

For more  information, visit the Center’s website:



Join an Inspiring New Faith-Based Campaign

to Prevent Gun Violence


We invite  Philadelphia area faith communities

and community  organizations

to come together on

January 17, 2009

and be part of the  power of faith in action!




Join with other  Philadelphia area faith communities in a day of prayer, education and ACTION  as we:

Gather in houses of  worship to pray and learn together

Come together to  raise our hearts and voices in worship and song

Put our faith into  ACTION in a public march and rally



9:00 AM         Programs for adults, youth and children.  Prayer, workshops, presentations, dialogue, art and more!  Multiple houses of worship in the  Philadelphia area (listed on back).   Go to to reserve a seat and a lunch (free  of charge) at one of these 9 locations in the Philadelphia area.

1:30 PM         Interfaith prayer service at Holy Ghost Church (The Met) at Broad  & Poplar. Multigenerational program featuring Dr. Vincent Harding, local  clergy, youth performance, praise & worship team.  Children’s program featuring Charlotte  Blake Alston.

2:45 PM    March  and rally in front of  a local gun  store notorious for selling handguns used to threaten, wound, maim and  kill. 

March begins at Broad & Poplar.  Rally at 9th & Spring Garden at  approximately 3:30 PM.


Together we’ll call  for retailers of firearms to adopt a sensible Code of Conduct to dramatically  reduce the illegal trafficking of handguns.   This is the same code that has been adopted by Wal-Mart, America’s top  gun seller.


We’ve Got Work To  Do!     Won’t you join us?


For more  information email or call: 



Partner Faith  Communities

Host Programs, 9:00  am – 12:30 pm


HOST: Church of the Advocate, 18th & Diamond, Phila  19121

PARTNER FAITH COMMUNITIES: St. David Episcopal Church  (Wayne); St. Christopher Episcopal (Gladwyn); Christ Church Episcopal


HOST: Cookman United Methodist Church, 12th & Lehigh,  Phila 19132

PARTNER FAITH COMMUNITIES: St. Luke’s UMC (Bryn Mawr);  Narberth Havurah; Drexel Hill UMC; Hope UMC (Havertown)


HOST:  Chester  Student Center, 733 W. Ninth St., Chester 19013

PARTNER FAITH COMMUNITIES: Swarthmore Presbyterian;  Chester Eastside Ministries; TM Thomas Presbyterian (Chester); Providence  Friends Meeting, Grace Community UMC (Chester), First Baptist Church  (Chester)


HOST:  Arch Street  United Methodist Church, 55 N. Broad Street, Phila 19107

PARTNER FAITH COMMUNITIES: Frazer Mennonite Church;  Philadelphia Praise Center; White Rock Baptist Church


HOST: Arch Street Friends Meeting, 4th & Arch Street,  Phila 19106

PARTNER FAITH COMMUNITIES: St. Augustine Catholic Church;  Rita of Cascia Parish


HOST: Tabernacle United Church, 3700 Chestnut Street,  Phila 19104



HOST: Mishkan Shalom Synagogue, 4101 Freeland Ave, Phila  19128

PARTNER FATIH COMMUNITIES: West Philadelphia Mennonite  Fellowship; Wayland Temple Baptist Church


HOST: Green Street Friends Meeting, 45 W. Schoolhouse  Lane, Phila 19144


PARTNER FAITH COMMUNITIES: Janes Memorial UMC; St. Vincent  Catholic Church; Masjid Muhammad, NW Interfaith Movement; Germantown  Mennonite, Gladwyne Presbyterian


HOST: Noville Memorial Church of God in Christ, 800 West  Somerset, Phila 19133

PARTNER FAITH COMMUNITIES: Bryn Mawr Presbyterian;  Abington Friends Meeting


Sensing the leading  of the Spirit,

a joint effort of  the Church of the Advocate, the Church of the Brethren, Cookman United  Methodist Church, Mennonite Church USA,

Philadelphia Yearly  Meeting (Quakers), and more than 30 local faith communities.



Inventing the Future, Designing Our Tomorrow, Today! - Pt.  2


"Rebuilding  Communities from the Inside Out"

Community Building  & Networking Mini-Conference & Vendors Fair #1


Saturday, January  17 - 11am until 3pm


Trenton  Makes/Conduit Club/Planet Havana

439 South Broad  Street

Trenton NJ




Donations welcome  & encouraged ($5, $10, or $15 only)

Print this flyer  & mail:

Attn: Inventing the  Future, Pt. 2

We Are BOOST, P. O.  Box 104, Bordentown NJ 08505

Vending fees:  for-profit-$50 & nonprofit-$25

Call (206) 202-2883  for vendor inquiries or email

(limited to 20  vendors)


Keynote Presenter:  Dr. Renee Walker, Coordinator

Project Inside


Featuring  presentations by:

Amini K. Sababu - Positive Black Images CONNECT

Harold Fleming - Trenton Society of Friends

Amy Iseneker - Horticulture Dept. of MCC Collecge

RJ Harper - Garfield Avenue Chromium 6 Coalition, Jersey  City & Documentary Film Maker

Professor Alvyn Haywood - MCC College and Moderator

Sa Mut Angela Scott - Magical Mother Women's Coaching  & Empowerment Services

Trisha Mandes - Philly Eco-Kids and the Food Trust

Lydia Chambers - Back2Tap

Yvonne Haughton - For My Daughter Library, Philadelphia  (Village Vow Library & Learning Center, Trenton)

Patricia Harvey - Complimentary Education Consultant

Caroline Mitchell - YWCA Racial Justice Institute

Tim Razzaq - CEO & Founder, We Are BOOST

Roland Pott - Managing Member, Urban Word LLC &  Trenton Makes LLC


Please RSVP to  attend by emailing,  calling (206) 202-2883.  Vendors,  email



14th Annual Greater  Philadelphia Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service

Pennsylvania, New  Jersey and Delaware

January 19th  2009


"Life's most persistent and urgent  question is:

What are you doing for others?" -Dr.  Martin Luther King, Jr.


Temple University's  Liacouras Center

1776 North Broad  Street Philadelphia PA 19122

January 19, 2009


Click here to  download the donation drive registration form. If you have any questions or  would like additional information, please feel free to contact Kelleigh  Parker, at 215.665.2595 or via email at

With your support  we can help communities in need this winter



Free Weatherization

Training For Nonprofits

on MLK Day

Winter is here and  heating costs are an issue for many individuals and families, especially  those on a fixed income.  However, by  weatherizing a home and reducing the use of heat, homeowners and apartment  dwellers can save 5% - 20% in energy costs!

The Energy  Coordinating Agency will join with Global Citizen and the Martin Luther King  Day of Service to provide free weatherization trainings for staff of  nonprofit organizations on

January 19th at

Temple’s Liacouras  Center,

1776 N. Broad  Street in Philadelphia. 

The training will  take place from 8:30-10:15am.

and a second  session has been added from 10:30-11:30am.


Agency  representatives will be able to take what they learn about keeping a home  warm this winter and share it with their clients. 

No experience is  required to participate.

Participants will  be trained on basic weatherization techniques and conservation  applications.  Weatherization  activities will include installing weather stripping, plastic over windows,  and caulking around windows and doors.

A  limited number of window insulation kits and blankets will be provided to  each agency after the training. 

To  pre-register or for more information email Kelleigh Parker  or call 215-665-2595.




A Conversation


Danny Glover


Wednesday, January  21st, 2009

The 9th Annual  Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Lecture in Social  Justice

Inaugurated in  2002, the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Lecture in Social Justice is  an annual event which highlights an individual or scholar of African descent,  who has committed themselves to social justice.


Actor, producer and  humanitarian Danny Glover has been a commanding presence on screen, stage and  television for more than 25 years. In 2005, Glover co-founded Louverture  Films dedicated to the development and production of films of historical  relevance, social purpose, commercial value and artistic integrity.  He has also gained respect for his  wide-reaching community activism and philanthropic efforts, with a particular  emphasis on advocacy for economic justice, and access to health care and  education programs in the United States and Africa.  Glover served as a Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations  Development Program from 1998-2004, focusing on issues of poverty, disease,  and economic development in Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean.  He is currently a UNICEF Ambassador.

5:30 p.m.

Zellerbach Theater

Annenberg Center  for the Performing Arts

3680 Walnut Street


Tickets are  required for entrance.


Tickets are  available on a first-come, first-served basis.


Student Only  Seating remaining!


For more  information, please contact the Center for Africana Studies at  or 215-898-4965.


Center for Africana  Studies

University of  Pennsylvania


Suite 331A

3401 Walnut Street

Philadelphia, PA  19104-6228

215-898-4965  (voice)

215-573-2052 (fax)

















Wanted: Savvy  Project Manager


We have an immediate opening for a knowledgeable,  motivated Project Manager to take StormwaterPA to the next level. If you're up  on water quality issues, into Web 2.0, and skilled at creating broad based  partnerships that lead to results, this just might be the ideal opportunity  for you.

Description:  The  Project Manager will oversee the implementation and evaluation of the StormwaterPA  communications initiative to ensure that the program achieves its stated  goals. This is a unique opportunity for the right candidate, who will exhibit  a combination of subject knowledge, creativity, outreach ability, and new  media experience. Key duties include:

working with the project team to research, plan, and  develop video case studies, conference presentations, interactive web  components, press releases, and other outreach tools;

collaborating with ally organizations to ensure these and  related tools developed by others are reaching the intended audiences, being  utilized, and making the desired impact;

identifying and acting upon new opportunities to broaden  audience reach through partnerships, media relations, social networking, and  other methods;

maintaining regular communication with growing stakeholder  base through participation in local and regional networks, creation and  dissemination of monthly e-newsletter, facilitation of group meetings,  development of content sharing arrangements, and other means;

coordinating website management, maintenance, and  marketing including developing and updating content, working with design and  programming team, managing link-building and search engine optimization  programs, etc.

assisting in the preparation of a long term sustainability  plan for the initiative.

Qualifications: The ideal candidate will have a B.S.  degree in and possess an in-depth knowledge of natural resource management,  land use planning, water resource protection, and community development issues,  as well as s a solid understanding of Pennsylvania's water policies and how  stormwater management fits in to the Commonwealth's regulatory landscape. A  minimum of two years practical work experience in the environmental field and  a demonstrated ability to work across a broad array of stakeholder groups  (including environmental organizations, local and state governments,  conservation districts, utilities, corporations, professional associations,  and funding agencies) is essential, as are exceptional oral and written  communication skills.

Experience  with the web site development process and a keen interest in utilizing Web  2.0 and other emerging technology-based tools to engage and create  on-the-ground change is critical to the candidate's success. Environmental,  social justice, and community change focused blogging and social networking  experience is a definite plus, as is experience maintaining web sites through  programs such as Dreamweaver, WSFTP, and/or a content management system.  Design skills are not essential, but will be an asset.

This is a 12-month contract position, with annual  extension contingent on performance and availability of funding. Compensation  is commensurate with experience. The position requires regular travel  throughout southeastern Pennsylvania and the Chesapeake Bay watershed, with  likely expansion into other parts of the Commonwealth. Telecommuting and flex  scheduling are serious possibilities for the self-motivated, independent  worker.

To Apply: Send an application letter stating  qualifications, experience, and why you are the right person for the job,  along with resume, salary requirements, names and contact information for  three references, and pertinent web links or attachments to Brie Knight,  Director of Operations, at  . Please use the following subject line: Project Manager, StormwaterPA.

Applications received before December 31, 2008 will be  given preference, however, the position will remain open until filled.  Please, no telephone calls. We will be in touch.


Nursing  Program/free tuition

If you know of  anyone between 18-28 years old, interested

in the Nursing  field,

University of the  District of Columbia (UDC) is offering

FREE tuition, FREE  books, a $250 monthly stipend, and guaranteed

job placement as a  nurse at Providence Hospital upon graduation

(it's a 3 year  program) with a starting salary of $40,000.

The program is  recruiting new students now!!

Please contact Ms.  Beshon Smith (202) 266-5481 or





Janice Curington  Assistant Dean for Multicultural Affairs

and Advising E-mail:

Phone: (215)  898-6341 FAX: (215) 573-2023

College of Arts and  Sciences

University of  Pennsylvania

120 Cohen Hall

249 South 36th  Street

Philadelphia, PA  19104-6304


Free Auto Repair Training & Job Placement Assistance


Philadelphia  Automotive Training is now offering an opportunity to train

with a NAPA  CERTIFIED PROGRAM inside one of the Largest

Independent  Automobile Repair Shops in Philadelphia


FREE 10 week  Accelerated Auto Repair Training and Employment Placement to Philadelphia  residents (male and female), 18 years or older. Must have a valid PA Driver's  License.


Upon completion of  the course, Philadelphia Automotive Training will give graduates $2,500.00  worth of tools and a tool cart to get started in their new career. 

Unlimited  opportunities to receive PA State & Enhanced Emissions



Course information  and outline available in our Google group at:


For more  information or to attend the Next Assessment Session Contact:

Philadelphia  Automotive Training

7446 Ogontz Avenue,  Philadelphia, PA 19138

215-805-1543 or  215-424-2331


Two Positions in Environmental Work


Environmental Fellowship - Philadelphia   Work for Progress    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United  States   Salary: $23,750


Green Jobs Coordinator - Sustainable Business Network of  Greater Philadelphia    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United  States   Salary: 40,000



Job Announcement: Outreach Coordinator  for Philadelphia


Deadline for  Application: January 16, 2009


Description: Citizens for Pennsylvania’s Future  (PennFuture), a statewide public interest membership organization, seeks  qualified applicants for an 18-month, full-time position in our Philadelphia  office to serve as Outreach Coordinator for Philadelphia, coordinating a  local riverfront campaign and assisting in other outreach responsibilities in  the area.


Job Duties: The  successful applicant will be responsible for the following activities as part  of PennFuture’s Next Great City campaign:

-          Develop and execute a campaign  plan for creating public riverfronts in Philadelphia.

-          Build a united voice for  Philadelphia’s riverfronts by creating diverse coalition of organizations,  businesses and individuals to support and engage in the campaign.

-          Cultivate relationships with  Philadelphia City Council members, City Planning Commissioners, Philadelphia  Water Department staff and others within the city government who have a stake  in riverfront planning.

-          Educate residents about the  campaign and engage them in various activities.

-          Represent PennFuture and the  riverfront coalition in the media.

-          Create and disseminate materials  such as maps, brochures, reports and other supporting documents.

-          Provide assistance on general Next  Great City campaign, such as contributing to website and newsletter and  organizing meetings.

-          Generate support for PennFuture’s  policy campaigns in the Philadelphia area, and conduct other outreach tasks  including membership development and organizing special events.


Qualifications: The  ideal candidate will have a working knowledge of the region and be positioned  to network easily within key constituencies identified (riverfront  neighborhoods, recreational groups, and developers specifically). Familiarity  with riverfront issues such as buffers, recreational trail development, and  ecological restoration is desired. Prior experience and demonstrable ability  for public speaking, presentations and community organizing required.  Proficiency with basic computer skills including word processing, e-mail, and  Internet applications required. The successful candidate must be  self-motivated and able to handle multiple tasks at once.


Specifications:  Funding for this position is only guaranteed for 18-months, however an  extension of this source as well the acquisition of other funding is  probable. Evening and weekend hours are occasionally required. Competitive  salary and benefits including health, life and disability insurance and generous  vacation is included. PennFuture is an equal opportunity employer.


To apply: Send  cover letter, resume, two writing samples and a list of at least three  references by  January 16, 2008 to  Christine Knapp, Director of Outreach at  





SW Philly Community Health Day Planned

Explorers Sans  Frontières, United Concordia, Trader Joe’s, LA Fitness and AfriPRO will hold  a

Community Day  Health Fair on January 17th

in Southwest Philadelphia.

The event will  feature a host of free services including health screenings and education;  social and nutritional services; dental screenings and education; nutritional  food items and fitness assessments.

Children can enter  a drawing contest for a chance to win a $25 gift card.  Free activities and cultural performances  representing, Arabic, Irish, and Indian dancing, calligraphy and henna  artistry, face painting and more will also take place.

The health fair  will be held from 9-2pm in Southwest Philadelphia at the

St. Francis de  Sales Parish,

47th Street and  Springfield Avenue..

Advance  registration is appreciated.


To become a  sponsor, call 215-219-9588 or go here:





Personal Trainer Stephanie G.

Will host classes for older adults and  seniors

EVERY WEDNESDAY ~ 10am - 11am.


FREE screening and educational information


No matter how old you are, exercise can improve  your quality of life

and you don't have to spend a lot of time  doing it to see and feel

improvements. Older adults and seniors need  to engage in cardio,

strength training and flexibility exercises  to stay healthy and

maintain as much strength and functionality  as possible.


Location: Camphor Memorial United Methodist  Church

5620 Wyalusing Avenue

Philadelphia, PA 19131

Time:  10am - 11am




FREE screening and educational information.


Questions please call the church at:  215-747-2600


Cost: $3.00


Contact: Raveena Media Group 267-386-8204  ext. 2 or




Win $5,000!


Sustainable  video competition  Invites Sustainable Living Ideas

Deadline: March 1,  2009 , an online community  for sustainable living, has issued a global call for personal green  solutions. The Just Do One organization invites ideas for more sustainable  living summarized in short YouTube-style videos.  The organization will share the entries online, and the best  video entry, as judged by an expert panel, will win $5,000.

Video entries may  be up to three minutes in length. Entries will be accepted from January 1 to  March 1, 2009. Winners will be announced April 1, 2009, in time for media  coverage leading up to Earth Day.

RFP Link:


For additional RFPs  in Environment, visit:



For sustainable enterprise go to Green Jobs Philly





It is with great  pleasure that The Merchants Fund announces the

availability of  $500,000 for ReStore Retail Incentive Grants. 


*       Grants must  have at least two primary partners:  a  community

not-for-profit who will act as the grant and project manager  and a

future or current retail business owner.   New ventures and existing

businesses are welcome to apply.


*       The goal is  to upgrade or establish high quality retail in the

neighborhoods of Philadelphia.  Identified businesses should fulfill

neighborhood development plans.  Businesses must be located adjacent to or on a commercial  corridor.


*       It is  anticipated that 10 grants of $50,000 each will be made.

Grants will pay for capital improvements necessary to fit  out a retail

space for the identified business. Requests for operating  or working

capital will not be considered.  Grants will be very competitive and are

last dollar funds.   Partners will have to demonstrate the ability to

fund the entire project from start to finish including the  Incentive





*       RFP  presentation January 7th

*       Proposals  Due On Friday, February 27th

*       Decisions  within two to three weeks based on response volume


Incentive Grants  are being administered separately from TMF grants.

Application and  requirements and will be made available before January

7th.  TMF may chose to co-grant or not, based on  the qualifications of

the merchant and  the business. 

The next TMF grant  deadline will be

Monday, February 2,  2009. 

Stay tuned for web  updates and a detailed email.


At least one key  partner is encouraged to attend the RFP session.  We

will be taking  attendance.


Many thanks to the  Center for Architecture, The AIA Book Store and The Philadelphia Design  Collaborative for letting use their new space.  If you have not already visited the new site you will be  delighted to

explore this great  new location.


The Merchants Fund  is making this new program available through funding from the City of  Philadelphia Commerce Department.



For the Merchants  Fund



Young ladies living in Philadelphia, in  grades 9-12, from a single parent home.

The Ellis Trust  still has a large pot of money to spend on young ladies in grades 9 - 12.


They can give up to  $6,500 per student, per year towards

educational  assistance.


They give money  for:

* special school supplies such as graphing calculators,  lab equipment, books, etc.

* tutoring (must be recommended by counselor)

* college visits- group and individual

* sports equipment and team participation fees

* music, dance, theater and art lessons

* college courses

* after-school programs

* $100 toward senior dues

* college application fees

* ACT/SAT's and transcript fees

* CSS Profile for financial aid

* TOEFL and transcript fees


This is also a  great opportunity for young ladies who may have wanted to participate in a  summer program, but didn't have the funds to do it. If you know of anyone who  may be interested please help them complete the application at


Bernard A.Daniels

BMT/CHR 215-597-2354


Christopher Columbus Awards: Innovation Generation


Christopher  Columbus Awards: Innovation Generation

The Christopher  Columbus Awards Program combines science and technology with community  problem solving. Students work in teams with the help of an adult coach to  identify an issue they care about and, using science and technology, work  with experts, conduct research, and put their ideas to the test to develop an  innovative solution. Maximum award: a $25,000 Columbus Foundation Community  Grant and an all-expense-paid trip to Walt Disney World to attend the  program’s National Championship Week, plus a $200 development grant to  further refine their idea, and a $2,000 U.S. Savings Bond for each team  member. Eligibility: middle-school-age (sixth, seventh, and eighth grade)  children; teams do not need to be affiliated with a school to enter.  Deadline: February 9, 2009.



Student Achievement and Learning & Leadership Grants


NEA Foundation  Accepting Applications for Student Achievement and Learning & Leadership  Grants Programs

Deadline: February  1, 2009; June 1, 2009; and October 15, 2009

The NEA Foundation  (  supports a variety of efforts by teachers,  education support professionals, and higher education faculty and staff to  improve student learning in public schools, colleges, and universities across  the United States.

The foundation is  accepting applications for the following grant programs:

The Learning &  Leadership Grants program provides opportunities for teachers, education  support professionals, and higher education faculty and staff to engage in  high-quality professional development and lead their colleagues in  professional growth.  Grants to  individuals fund participation in professional development experiences such  as summer institutes and action research. Grants to groups fund collegial  study, including study groups, action research, lesson study, and mentoring  experiences for faculty or staff new to an assignment. The grant amount is  $2,000 for individuals and $5,000 for groups.


The Student Achievement Grants program  provides grants of $5,000 each to improve the academic achievement of  students by engaging in critical thinking and problem solving that deepen  knowledge of standards-based subject matter. The work should also improve  students’ habits of inquiry, self-directed learning, and critical reflection.  Proposals for work resulting in low-income and minority student success with  honors, advanced placement, and other challenging curricula are particularly  encouraged. Grant funds may be used for resource materials, supplies,  equipment, transportation, software, and scholars-in-residence.

Applicants must be  practicing U.S. public school teachers in grades K-12, public school  education support professionals, or faculty and staff at public higher  education institutions.

Visit the NEA  Foundation Web site for complete grant program information.

RFP Link:

For additional RFPs  in Education, visit:



Quality of Life Grant


Through the Quality  of Life Grant program, families that care for children and adults with autism  and other special needs may receive funding to offset their enormous  financial burdens. These grants provide families with stipends that may be  used for a wide variety of supports related to their family member.


To apply for funds





Citizens for Pennsylvania’s Future  (PennFuture) is a statewide public interest membership organization working  to create a just future where nature, communities and the economy  thrive.  PennFuture has offices in  Pittsburgh, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, West Chester and Wilkes-Barre and a  staff that includes attorneys, media professionals, government relations  experts, outreach professionals and administrative support.


PennFuture operates  the following programs: Global Warming, PennFuture’s Center for Energy,  Enterprise and the Environment, Healthy Watersheds, Healthy Air, Smart  Growth, and Legal Protection of Public Health and the Environment. We conduct  issue campaigns, mobilize our members, network with local, state, regional  and national environmental organizations, conduct policy analysis and  advocacy, and provide legal services to our members and conservation,  sportsmen’s and environmental groups. PennFuture is Pennsylvania’s most  professional, effective environmental organization with a proven track record  of important accomplishments. We strongly believe that every environmental  victory grows the economy. Learn more about PennFuture at


For the past three  years, PennFuture has been the convening organization behind the Next Great  City initiative. The initiative is backed by a coalition of over 100  organizations in Philadelphia all supporting a 10-point, common sense and  cost-effective environmental policy agenda. The project has resulted in many  successes, such as the expansion of recycling, funding and restructuring of  leadership for Fairmount Park, and the reallocation of the way storm water  fees are collected.


Among the  initiative’s recommendations is for Philadelphia to create public riverfronts  that will strengthen river neighborhoods, provide miles of trails, parks,  boardwalks and wetland for residents and visitors to enjoy, improve water  quality and attracts new development and other amenities.


To learn more about  the Next Great City campaign, visit  


Christine Knapp

Director  of Outreach

Citizens for  Pennsylvania's Future (PennFuture)

1518 Walnut St,  Suite 1100

Philadelphia PA  19102

P 215-545-9692

F 215-545-9637






Community Of Compassion CDC

62nd Street and Cedar Avenue


Arts & Crafts like you’ve never seen  it!

Stampin’ up Craft Workshop

Hosted  by Monica Williams

The workshop includes:

·       Creating  Handbags, Jewelry

·       Embroidery

·       Greeting  Cards for family & friends

·       The use of  various stamping techniques that will challenge your creative side

Invite  your neighbors, family and friends

To sign up for these sessions

Contact Monica at 302.373.2813

Bro. Brahin Ahmaddiya 215.514.5535



“Panoramic Poetry” is EVERY 2nd & 3rd  Friday of the Month YOU MUST request to read, it is a Feature ONLY  List

Poetry Set


Where:   “OCTOBER GALLERY” – 701 Market Street  Bldg., on the 3rd Floor. “Ross Dept. Store” on Market St. Level. Mellon  Center Bldg. This is Cheyney University’s Center City Campus. Room # 319...  Please enter from Market Street or 8th Street Side entrance. 


When:    Every 2nd  and 3rd Friday 


What:     “PANORAMIC POETRY” -  POETS doing their thing – LYRICAL SPIRITS getting down.  {To view Previous Performances}



Jus’ Words at Dowlings Place

1310 No. Broad St.  Phila

Every Thurs. 9pm to  1am

·       Poets

·       Rappers

·       Singers

·       Spoken Word Artists

$5.00 cover





5th Annual Leadership Success Conference and  Seminar at Sea
March 13-23, 2009
Location: Panama  Canal Cruise with stops in Haiti, Columbia, Panama, Costa Rica and the Grand  Cayman Islands. Travel aboard Royal Caribbean's "Jewel of the  Seas."

Relax and unwind while enjoying new destinations in the  company of old and new friends. Attend workshops especially designed to meet  your needs and interests.
 Call 215-877-4950 to request more information.





Free Computer Lab Workshops

In our workshops,  adults and teens will learn to use the mouse and keyboard like a pro. You can  create a free email account, practice searching the web for the information  or recreation, fill out online job applications, and receive practical advice  from a live instructor.

Lucien E. Blackwell

West Philadelphia  Regional Library

125 So. 52nd  Street

Philadelphia, PA



For more  information, visit our website at


Free Online Computer Instruction

See ‘Archives’ at


Free Computers For Schools
 (800) 939-6000
 Willie Cade, CEO
 Computers for Schools
 773-583-7575 Office
 773-583-7585 Fax






Our new group A HAND  UP! Is now open, please go to:


In response to the needs of many grassroots organizations  for the basic tools needed to implement their ideas and projects, The  Coalition, Inc. members have come together to establish a network to  facilitate the distribution/re-distribution of unwanted, unneeded, surplus  and even repairable items for recycling.

·       If you have office supplies, electronics, office  furniture, you are updating, or no longer use, free up that space by offering  them to someone who can get good use from it.

·       If you have office space you do not have an immediate  use for, offer it to home-based organizations for a few hours a week as a  meeting place.

·       If you have special skills such as grant/proposal  writing, website design/maintenance, or computer skills, please share and  educate others.

·       If your organization offers aid to the less fortunate  such as meals,

clothing, resume' writing, job  search, SAT/LSAT coaching, GED classes, scholarship help etc., share it here:


To join The Coalition go to: and  download a copy of the Pledge of Commitment and return it to us


Those in need of particular equipment, furnishings or  supplies are encouraged to join to this group ( to  inquire if others are able to assist.


Any group or individual may make donations, but  individuals who wish to request donations must do so through a member  organization.

Organizations are encouraged to post notices of ongoing  or special community service programs that are open to the public i.e. Food  Banks; seasonal clothing/toys; fuel programs, etc.

To post:


You may also offer or make requests anonymously through  the group moderators who will arrange pick up/delivery via a third party.

If you wish to assist others by making transportation  available for pickups or deliveries, please let a group moderator know.

To  join: A Hand Up!


Remember to support The Coalition, Inc.’s on-air  personalities…

NEW TIME! Straight Up WORD with Dr. John Elliott Churchville, Senior Pastor of The  Liberation Fellowship Church of Jesus, on WNWR 1540 AM, Sundays at 9:30am.  Dr. Churchville will explore the Holy Scriptures verse by verse for your  spiritual and practical edification, and “...liberation of the oppressed, and  social justice for the poor.”


WELCOME BACK! Civil Alert World with Brother Sabir Bey Saturdays 5:30pm to 6:30pm on WNJC  1360 AM. Also listen in on WKDU 91.7 AM Friday, 12am to 3am


Sister Phile  Chionesu, organizer of the Million Woman March, Saturdays 10:30pm to 12am  on Blog Talk Radio

“Nu Day  Resurrection and Liberation" Show 

Call in and give your thoughts, comments, opinions at  1-646-652-2232 

or send an instant message to chat on  line.  





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