The Urban Cartographer Online



News From
The Coalition, Inc.


News  From

The  Coalition, Inc.

Friday 03 April 2009

Volume  3, Number 28

The  Coalition, Inc. Board of Directors

Gary  R. Adams (President), John E. Churchville (Treasurer), Yvonne Haughton (Exec.  Secretary),


Josephine  Blow, Patricia Coyne, Stanley Daniels, Tom Henry, Calvin Johnson, Angela  Mohammed, Abdul Malik Raheem

Table  of content

For  Our Children … 02

This  Week … 05

Employment  and Training Opportunities … 05

Health  Matters …06

Green  Piece … 07

Grants,  Scholarships  & Instruction… 08

SpotLight  … 11

Arts  for Awareness … 12

Coming  Up …14

Computers  and Technology … 15

A  Hand Up … 16

On  The Airways … 18







Page 02




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If you are receiving this publication without consent, send  an email with “unsubscribe” in the subject to be removed from our database.


If you would like to report  on a recent community event, feel free to send us a brief account of what  happened in document format, and we will share it with our readers.

Send your information to: News From The Coalition, Inc.


All entries for submission should be received by noon, the  Monday prior to publish date.









Page 03






We are proud to announce that News From The Coalition, Inc.  is featured on the internationally acclaimed site Eight Cities Map which is  read in more than 0ne hundred fifty-five countries!

Click here: EightCitiesMAP Choose  “Philadelphia’s Online Community 

“Newsletter” from the menu.












To join The Coalition go to:TheCoalitionInc.organd  download a copy of the Pledge of Commitment and return it to usThe Coalition, Inc.








Page 04



A beggar lived near the king's palace. One day he saw a  proclamation posted outside the palace gate. The king was giving a great  dinner. Anyone dressed in royal garments was invited to the party.

The beggar went on his way. He looked at the rags he was  wearing and sighed. Surely only kings and their families wore royal robes, he  thought.

Slowly an idea crept into his mind. The audacity of it  made him tremble. Would he dare?

He made his way back to the palace. He approached the  guard at the gate. "Please, sire, I would like to speak to the  king." "Wait here," the guard replied.  In a few minutes,  he was back. "His majesty will see you," he said, and led the  beggar in.

"You wish to see me?" asked the king. "Yes,  your majesty. I want so much to attend the banquet, but I have no royal robes  to wear. Please, sir, if I may be so bold, may I have one of your old  garments so that I, too, may come to the banquet?" (cont.)




Page 05


The beggar shook so hard that he could not see the  faint smile that was on the king's face. "You have been wise in  coming to me," the king said. He called to his son, the young prince.  "Take this man to your room and array him in some of your clothes."  The prince did as he was told and soon the beggar was standing before a  mirror, clothed in garments that he had never dared hope for.

"You are now eligible to attend the king's banquet  tomorrow night," said the prince. "But even more important, you  will never need any other clothes. These garments will last forever."

The beggar dropped to his knees. "Oh, thank  you," he cried. But as he started to leave, he looked back at his pile  of dirty rags on the floor. He hesitated. What if the prince was wrong? What  if he would need his old clothes again. Quickly he gathered them up.

The banquet was far greater than he had ever imagined, but  he could not enjoy himself as he should. He had made a small bundle of his  old rags and it kept falling off his lap. The food was passed quickly and the  beggar missed some of the greatest delicacies. (cont.)

Page 06


Time proved that the prince was right. The clothes lasted  forever. Still the poor beggar grew fonder and fonder of his old rags.

As time passed people seemed to forget the royal robes he  was wearing. They saw only the little bundle of filthy rags that he clung to  wherever he went. They even spoke of him as the old man with the rags.

One day as he lay dying, the king visited him. The beggar saw the sad  look on the king's face when he looked at the small bundle of rags by the  bed. Suddenly the beggar remembered the prince's words and he realized that  his bundle of rags had cost him a lifetime of true royalty. He wept bitterly  at his folly. And the king wept with him.







To join The Coalition go to:TheCoalitionInc.organd  download a copy of the Pledge of Commitment and return it to




Page 07






The individual whose vision  encompasses the whole world often feels nowhere so hedged in and out of touch  with his surroundings as in his native land.
Emma Goldman










To join The Coalition go to:TheCoalitionInc.organd  download a copy of the Pledge of Commitment and return it to



















Page 08


This guy comes home from work one day to find his dog with  the neighbor's pet rabbit in his mouth. The rabbit is very dead and the guy  panics.
 He thinks the neighbors are going to hate him forever, so he takes the dirty,  chewed-up rabbit into the house, gives it a bath, blow-dries its fur, and  puts the rabbit back into the cage at the neighbor's house, hoping that they  will think it died of natural causes.
 A few days later, the neighbor is outside and asks the guy, "Did you  hear that Fluffy died?"
 The guy stumbles around and says, "Um.. no.. um.. what happened?"
 The neighbor replies, "We just found him dead in his cage one day, but  the weird thing is that the day after we buried him we went outside and  someone had dug him up, gave him a bath and put him back into the cage.

(Submitted by Terrance Earl, Jacksonville, FL)

Submit your own humor, and let our readers know how funny you can be.  We definitely need the help. ; )

(Family appropriate)




Page 09









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Page 10





Beware  of little expenses. A small leak will sink a great ship.


















To join The Coalition go to:TheCoalitionInc.organd  download a copy of the Pledge of Commitment and return it to






















page  11







My mother said I must always be intolerant of  ignorance but understanding of illiteracy. That some people, unable to go to  school, were more educated and more intelligent than college professors.
Maya Angelou







We will be SpotLighting members and organizations. If you wish to have  your organization spotlighted, forward to us information on your primary  mission, your current projects and/or how you would want other members of The  Coalition, Inc. to be involved. Many of us are already being a support to one  another, but there is plenty of room for improvement.


page 12




Only dead fish go with the  flow.
-- Unknown.
















To join The Coalition go to:TheCoalitionInc.organd  download a copy of the Pledge of Commitment and return it to




























page 13







The Raw Family Newsletter















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page 14






"Chance is always powerful. Let your hook be always cast; in the  pool where you least expect it, there will be a fish."






If you have a  favorite relevant quote, why not share it with our readers. send to

We will credit you  with the submission.




“It is true that power corrupts,  and absolute power corrupts absolutely” -Paul M. Washington






























page 15










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Page  16












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Page  17



"Patience has its limits.  Take it too far, and it's cowardice."
     --George Jackson







Submit you own humor  pleeeeeze, and let us know how funny you can be. We definitely need the help.  ; )

We  will credit you with the submission. (Humor suitable for the entire family  only!)



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Page  18




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Word Of The Week

commensurate\kuh-MEN(T)S-uhr-it; -shuhr-\, Equal in measure, extent, or duration.  Corresponding in size or degree or extent; proportionate.












Greetings  Coalition Family!


Physicians  for Social Responsibility, charter members of The Coalition, Inc. presents  its’ annual


Legs  Against Arms 5K Run/Walk


Spring  brings longer days, warmer weather, greener landscapes, and plenty of reasons  to go for a run!

Legs Against Arms 5K Run/Walk is only one month away!

April  26, 2009 - La Salle University

Not  registered yet?  Visit  for more information or click  here to go directly to online registration.

Already  registered?  Click  here to create your personal fundraising page and ask friends and family  to pledge on your behalf.  All  proceeds benefit PSR's violence prevention initiatives.  Click  here to see examples of current fundraising pages.

Questions?  Email  or call 215-765-8703.


We want to hear  from you! The Coalition, Inc. website is open! This is our website,  let us build it together! Let us know what you think.  


Due to the length of some announcements, full text will be available in  our group The Coalition, Inc. Group  as will be noted. Thank you for your continued support.




Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The  ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational  objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon  results.




Male Student Mentoring Initiative (MSMI)


Pilot Project Description


The  Male Student Mentoring Initiative (MSMI) is a Circle of Care sponsored  leadership training Pilot Project of Liberation Fellowship Community  Development Corporation. The Project seeks to provide leadership training and  mentoring infused with STD and HIV/AIDS awareness education to separate  groups of 10 middle and 10 senior high school males in the Germantown and  Mount Airy sections of Philadelphia. The Project is grounded in a leadership  development-training curriculum that stresses personal responsibility and  accountability for being progressive leaders and positive role models in the  school and larger community. STD and HIV/AIDS education and prevention strategies  will be explored as part of the students’ work product, which will require  them to produce an education event for their peers and parents. The ultimate  goals of this Pilot Project are to:

1)    Determine whether progress can be made in affecting responsible  behavior change in the students; and

2) Decide the feasibility of refining and  expanding the Pilot into a fully integrated project of the Circle of Care  that will provide leadership development opportunities for young people.


For more information: (215) 848-8511


and online: The Coalition Group

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Youth  conference focuses on wealth building strategies

The Philadelphia Alumnae  Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority will hold the


Juanita Kidd Stout  Memorial Conference for Youth,

Succeeding Against the  Odds: Staying Focused in Uncertain Times, on Saturday, April 18th

Registration will begin at  8:15am 


The conference, for  students grades 5-12, is designed to inform young people about wealth  building strategies through hands-on activities that provide knowledge about  earning, saving, investing and making money.

The conference is  presented in honor of one of the sorority’s most prestigious members, the  late Juanita Kidd Stout, the first African American woman in America to be  elected judge, serving in the Municipal and Common Pleas Courts in  Philadelphia and serving the Pennsylvania State Supreme Court.

In addition to interactive  workshops, it will feature a youth entrepreneur showcase including jewelry,  t-shirts, natural skincare products, unique handbags and tote bags.

Participants will also  receive a free gift bag, t-shirt, wealth building materials and more.

The conference will be  held at University of Pennsylvania,

Houston Hall,

3417 Spruce Street  Philadelphia. 

For more information, go here. or call 215-248-3388.

----- Coalition  members! Get ‘Your’web link on The  Coalition, Inc. web site -----



Foster Parent  (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)


Looking for single or  married couples who do not have any children

living in their home-  ethnic diversity desired; must be MATURE---to

work with older adolescent  boys.

The qualified applicants  will be people who have their own home

and have a heart for  children;

will be able to provide a  safe, warm and supportive environment;

must have a sense of  humor; know how to laugh and have fun; must be of sound mind and judgment;

must be able to attend  monthly mandatory training and

must be able to work with  others.

You will be the primary  care-giver(s) responsible for the medical, educational, social and  therapeutic needs of the youth living in your home.

Potential applicants must  be able to possess clean clearances; including criminal record check, child  abuse and FBI clearances.

All applicants must be  able to attend monthly mandatory training.

Applicant's schedule will  need to be flexible enough to allow for accompanying youth to various weekly  appointments.


Location:  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Compensation:  $700.00 bi-weekly stipend

This  is a contract job.

Reply  to Email:

Principals  only. Recruiters, please don't contact this job poster.

Please  do not contact job poster about other services, products or

commercial  interests.

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In Philadelphia there are many latchkey children,  children without role models, sedentary children, and Generation I (internet)  children spending hours in front of a screen (TV and/or computer). ALL of  these children have hidden or untapped talents and potential.


The After School Program handout  on Cap4Kids  lists hundreds of activities to help children and teens realize their  potentials and at the same time decrease their risk taking behaviors. From  Squash to Tennis, Horse Back Riding to Training for Marathons, Mural Art  making to Music recording.


The programs are many and the need is many. PLEASE  help families in need find specific activities that interest our children and  use the Cap4Kids After School handout to help bridge the gap between families  in need and the social service agencies that serve them.


In Philadelphia, and  listed on the  website,

there are so many  resources for families in need that it is sometimes overwhelming to cover  many of the issues that our families face as we try to link families in need  with the social service agencies that serve them.

To help, under the  Resource tab,  ,

we have added Cap4Kids  Parent Questionnaires that you can post in your office, exam rooms, schools,  and community centers to let families know what issues we can help them with  in their community.


Daniel  R. Taylor, D.O., FAAP

Assistant  Professor Drexel University College of Medicine

Director  Community Pediatrics and Child Advocacy

City  Administrator Cap4Kids

St.  Christopher's Hospital for Children

Front  and Erie

Philadelphia,  PA 19134

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Online  resources for parents:,,


This Week…


Men's  Breakfast and Fellowship


Join the men of Oxford  Presbyterian Church for

Breakfast and Fellowship


Every First Saturday at  10:00am

Oxford Presbyterian  Church, 8501 Stenton

Avenue,(corner of Gowen  Ave) in Mt. Airy,

Philadelphia, Pa 19150


There will be time for  meditation, information and

inspirational events.


Bring your business cards.


All  Men are Welcomed!



Fax (215)247-5496



Reverend Ethelyn R.  Taylor, Pastor

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Philadelphia Career Fair

Monday, April 6, 11 am – 3  pm

Crowne Plaza Hotel

5100 Presidential Blvd.

Phila, PA 19111



Advance Job Fair

Tuesday, April 14, 9:30 am  – 2:30 pm

Valley Forge Convention  Center

1100 First Avenue

King of Prussia, PA 19408


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Philadelphia Youth Network  WorkReady Summer Internships:

Do you have a child,  family member or friend who is, or do you know a high school student? The  City of Philadelphia will host Philadelphia high school students in part-time  paid internships for six weeks over the summer.  Please visit our website  for program and application materials.

Best Regards,

The Office of Leadership  Investment


Stephanie Tipton                Dominique Aubry                Tara Mohr




(If you, a friend,  or loved one are trying to kick the habit of smoking, please pay attention to  this column over the next few weeks.)

Active Smokers  More Likely To Kick The Habit

(  -- Physically active smokers might have greater success quitting smoking than  those who are more sedentary, according to a new study from the University of  Toronto in Canada.

The study,  which appears in the May issue of American Journal of Public Health, looked  at the demographics of nearly 23,000 Canadian smokers. Physically active men  were 36 percent more likely to have tried to quit smoking within the past  year and women were 37 percent more likely to do so than their less-active  peers were.

“Previous  studies have suggested that participating in one healthy behavior, such as  physical activity, may lead to the adoption or maintenance of another  positive behavior, such as smoking cessation,” said lead author Wayne  deRuiter.

About  one-quarter of the daily smokers studied were physically active. On average,  these smokers were six years younger than sedentary smokers were. Physically  active smokers, who were more likely to be male and single, began smoking at  a younger age, smoked fewer cigarettes per day and tried to quit smoking more  often than their inactive counterparts did.

While the  findings are encouraging, it is possible that some smokers will use physical  activity as an excuse to continue smoking, according to Jennifer McClure,  Ph.D., an associate investigator at the Center for Health Studies for the  Group Health Cooperative in Seattle. She was not involved with the study.

“There’s  some caution to be used here because we don’t know how well [increasing  physical activity to stop smoking] would work. By telling people you can use  physical activity as a harm- reduction means, this could delay or deter their  efforts to quit smoking,” McClure said. “This would not be the message we  would want to convey.”

“I’ve had  the opportunity to speak with smokers who told me they are ‘living proof’  that physical activity does assist in smoking cessation,” deRuiter said.  “These individuals were, at one time, hardcore smokers who began walking  several times throughout the day. As physical activity levels increased, they  found they were smoking less until they eventually quit smoking altogether.”  However, he added, “I think that these individuals represent a minority.”

Should  sedentary smokers be encouraged to get moving as a first step toward  quitting?

The  researchers were not able to determine if it is possible to induce smokers  who are not already physically active to adopt the lifestyle, particularly in  an unsupervised environment.

McClure  agreed. “If we’re going to look at physical activity as a means for promoting  smoking cessation or reduction, the open question really is — for that larger  group that is physically inactive — can we motivate them to initiate that  behavioral change?”

By De'Laney  Rowland, BDO Staff Writer





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For sustainable  enterprise go to Green Jobs Philly






April 18th


"Expert advice + free  energy kit (efficient light bulbs, shower heads, weather-stripping, etc).  Stay warmer this winter, help the environment, prepare for the expiration of  PECO's rate caps!

PECO Financial Education  Center,

4027 Market St.

Register: Shawn McGeth at  215-307-4917

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Philadelphia Alumni  Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity


is once again seeking  applicants for its annual

Hiliary H. Holloway,  Esquire Scholarship Award program.

The chapter's scholarship  program, named after the late Hiliary H. Holloway, Esquire, a past Grand  Polemarch and

Laurel Wreath recipient of  Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity,

as well as a longtime  member of the Philadelphia Alumni Chapter,

is designed to aid  promising minority male students in the public high schools of Philadelphia  who are planning to matriculate in college following their graduation from  high school.

Applications and further  info can be obtained from the student's Principal or guidance counselor.


All applications must be  postmarked by April 4, 2009 to be considered.


The amount of the scholarship  award is $2,000. A total of

four $2,000 scholarships  will be awarded in 2009.


The fraternity uses the  scholarship grants to enhance the opportunities for minority males to acquire  a college education. The organization seeks to reach and assist those young  men who have demonstrated academic promise, but have not necessarily  accumulated the highest averages.

Additionally, the need for  financial assistance is fundamental. Students who meet these criteria should  contact their Principal or guidance counselor about this scholarship  opportunity immediately.

An application can also be  downloaded from the Philadelphia Alumni chapter's web site:

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NIH Summer Institute on  Community-Based Participatory Research


The National Institutes of  Health has announced the 2nd summer institute. We are thrilled to see that  the organizers have responded to Community-Campus Partnerships for Health’s  (CCPH) comments on last year's summer institute.

When the 1st NIH institute  on CBPR was announced, CCPH expressed concern about its exclusive focus on  academic researchers.

In CBPR, the community is  involved at the very start of the research,

so it was incongruent that  the institute did not include the community partners or acknowledge the  possibility of a community partner as a principal investigator or co-PI.

This summer's institute  has been designed for community-academic partner teams (see below for  details).


CCPH has successfully  implemented community-academic partner team-based model of CBPR training: 


The training curriculum,  "Developing and Sustaining CBPR Partnerships" is available online  at


If you're interested in  bringing a CBPR training workshop or institute to your location, contact CCPH  senior consultant Rachel Vaughn at  for more information.

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Self-Empowering Job  Readiness Workshops


You've given your  students/clients the knowledge and skills. The question now becomes-  "Can they SELL themselves?"

We're pleased to announce  that Love Movement Video has added a 5th   "Self Empowerment" workshop. Our "Job Readiness'  workshop focuses on the following goals for the participants

A. To feel more comfortable  and confident while job hunting

B.  Learning how to develop a career

C.  Incorporating video technology in job searches

D.  Developing Positive life Skills


The interactive workshops  consist of:



Practicing Techniques

Video Taping Mock  Interviews


Topics covered in workshops:

-Reading  the want ads

-Dressing  for success

-Setting  up Interviews


-Frequently  asked questions

-Body  Language

-Managing  work expenses

-Sales  and selling yourself

-Creating  your own niche


For info on the other  available workshops click  the link


IF your students or  clients can benefit from any of our "Self Empowerment" workshops  give me a call or an e-mail

Bernard D. Miller


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Even if you do not have a  college-aged child at home, please share this with someone who does, pass  this scholarship information on to anyone and everyone that comes to mind.  Though there are a number of companies and organizations that have donated  moneys for scholarship use to African Americans, a great deal of the money is  being returned because of a lack of interest.


No one is going to knock  on our doors and ask if we can use a scholarship.


Take the initiative to get  your children involved. There is no need for money to be returned to donating  companies because we fail to apply for it.


Please pass this  information on to family members, nieces, nephews, and friends with children  etc. We must get the word out that money is available. If you are a college  student or getting ready to become one, you probably already know how useful  additional money can be.

Our  youth really could use these scholarships. Thanks!!


For a list of scholarships  please visit our group ‘The Coalition, Inc.’

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Physicians For Social Responsibility’s



As  an outgrowth of our commitment to eliminate the epidemic of youth violence in  Philadelphia, Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR) is hosting Legs  Against Arms, a 5K Race/Walk, at La Salle University on April 26, 2009.   We will strengthen our legs while opposing illegal handguns in  Philadelphia.  Individuals, families and teams are encouraged to  participate as activists and advocates for a future filled with hope, not  harm.  Trish McDermott was murdered at 9th and Chestnut Streets in 2005  and her family wanted a way to celebrate her life rather than her traumatic  death. At LAA II in 2008, Team Trish was formed in her memory.  PSR and  Team Trish invite you to continue this tradition and get a team together to  honor and celebrate the life of a loved on lost to violence.  Any  proceeds support PSR’s ongoing violence prevention initiatives. 



**** “Poetry & Praise  Series” ****


***Calling All Poets,  Singers, Comedians, & Musicians***




The Place to be is WESLEY  A.M.E ZION CHURCH – 1500 Lombard Street, Phila., PA 19146

Rev. Dr. Paul S. Hoggard,  Pastor


***Live Musical Band-  “MTM” Many Thoughts of Music***


SATURDAY – 04/04/2009


FROM – 5pm to 9pm $10.00  Donation

$5.00 Donation for  Performing Poets/Singers


HOSTED BY: “CRUCIAL”- Also  Host of Panoramic Poetry, Sponsored by October Gallery


Also Featuring:


Poetry By: “Caution” &  “Kareem Game Face Hall”


Young Ladies Praise  Dancers – “Young Ordered Steps”


Young Men’s Mime Group –  “Hands for God”



Wesley A.M.E Zion Church –  “Jubilee Singers”


Charles Newkirk &  Friends



DINNERS SOLD BY: Brenda’s  Soul Food Café

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North Stars Spoken Word Cafe


Join our after school arts students, North Stars for  a SPOKEN POETRY CAFE from 4:30-6:30 at our community partners' venue, Jimmy  John's (located on Temple's Main Campus). This FREE event is for middle and  high school students who want to share their written work with our  audience.  Come on out during the  spring break and bring friends and family.


Hope to see you there!


North Stars' Spoken Word Cafe

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

4:00pm-6:00pm ~ Free

Jimmy John's

1601 N. 15th Street (Temple's Campus)

Phila, PA


Art Sanctuary North Stars' students invite Philly  youth to join them for a

Spoken Word Café.


The North Stars will be hosting and read their own  poetry created during

the semester under the guidance of our lead artist  instructor Trapeta

Mayson and spoken word instructor the Twin Poets of  DEF Poetry Jam. Bring your rhythm and rhymes.


REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED! SPACE IS LIMITED! Please  contact our Education Coordinator Melissa Palmer (  at 215.232.4485.


Celebrating 10 years of the power of Black art to  transform, unite and enrich!

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Jus’  Words at Dowlings Place

1310 No. Broad St. Phila

Every Thurs. 9pm to 1am

·       Poets

·       Rappers

·       Singers

·       Spoken Word Artists








Citizenship Days – pro  bono Immigration attorneys will be on hand to assist in the preparation of  naturalization applications and fee waivers

Philadelphia and State  College –

Saturday April 18th

Allentown – Sunday April  19th


PICC's First State Lobby  Day will be May 5th, in Harrisburg.


Pennsylvania Immigration  & Citizenship Coalition

2100 Arch Street, 7th  Floor

Philadelphia, PA 19103


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Summer  Youth Program


Program Description
In 1992, The Food Project began been  bringing young people from the city and the suburbs together to make a  difference in the lives of people in Greater Boston and on the North  Shore. Each year, a diverse group of 90 youth, ages 14-17, enter  The Food Project’s Summer Youth Program  and work to grow and distribute tens of thousands of pounds of produce for  people in need.  For many, it is a first job, and working in crews of  eight to ten, the youth gain invaluable skills of teamwork, accountability,  civic participation, and communication. 

During the six weeks, youth manage over 40  acres of land including suburban farms and remediated urban lots,  sell produce through farmers' markets and a Community Supported Agriculture  program, prepare and serve lunches in local soup kitchens and homeless  shelters, and help to prepare community lunches, where neighbors, youth,  staff, and visitors come together to share the harvest. Youth also  participate in four workshops each week, covering issues of diversity  awareness, hunger and homelessness, sustainable agriculture, and personal  reflection. 

Through shared labor and structured activities, youth  develop a respect for themselves and for peers from very different  backgrounds, while acquiring a connection to food and the land.

How do I apply?
We are currently accepting applications  for the summer of 2009. Please note that deadlines are specific to  the information listed below.

Application Deadlines:
Greater Boston Site

April 6 - Residents of Boston

North Shore Site (NS residents  can apply for either deadline)
April 2 - for interviews on April 9th in Beverly
April 16 - for interviews on April 22nd in Lynn


For more information Click Here

----- Coalition  members! Get ‘Your’web link on The  Coalition, Inc. web site -----


Healthy Homes

Essentials for Practitioners Training


Thursday, April 23 &

Friday, April 24, 2009

2nd Baptist Church of  Germantown

6459  Germantown Avenue, corner of Upsal Street

Free parking–Enter off  Clivden Street

Continental breakfast  & lunch included both days!

Cost: $245 – Limited  scholarships available!


For more information: The Coalition, Inc. Group





Free Online Computer Instruction

See ‘Archives’ at

----- Coalition members! Get ‘Your’web link on  The Coalition, Inc. web site -----






Got  Space?


Local Non-Profit is  looking for room to develop!


For My Daughter is looking  for approximately 350 - 500 square feet of indoor space for an academic Youth  Program.



Separate Male & Female  Restrooms

Secure, yet visible to the  community

Room for desks and tables  (no more than 10)

Spacious enough for  computers and lots books

Year round, weekday and  weekend access

Really, reasonable rent!



Yvonne Haughton  267-795-7811



Our group A HAND UP! Is now open, please go to:



In  response to the needs of many grassroots organizations for the basic tools to  implement and sustain their ideas and projects, The Coalition, Inc. members  have come together to establish a network to facilitate the  distribution/re-distribution of unwanted, unneeded, surplus and even  repairable items for recycling.

·       If you have office supplies, electronics, office furniture, you are  updating, or no longer use, free up that space by offering them to someone  who can get good use from it.

·       If you have office space you do not have an immediate use for, offer  it to home-based organizations for a few hours a week as a meeting place.

·       If you have special skills such as grant/proposal writing, website  design/maintenance, or computer skills, please Contact Us share  your expertise and educate others.

·       If your organization offers aid to the less fortunate such as meals,

clothing, resume' writing, job search, SAT/LSAT  coaching, GED classes, scholarship help etc., share it Here


To  join The Coalition go to:  and download a copy of the Pledge of Commitment and return it to us


Those  in need of particular equipment, furnishings or supplies are encouraged to  join to this group (A HAND UP!)  to inquire if others are able to assist.


Any  group or individual may make donations, but individuals who wish to request  donations must do so through a member organization.

Organizations are encouraged to post notices of ongoing  or special community service programs that are open to the public i.e. Food  Banks; seasonal clothing/toys; fuel programs, etc.

To post: Click  Here  or Mail to: A Hand Up!


You  may also offer or make requests anonymously through the group moderators who  will arrange pick up/delivery via a third party.

If  you wish to assist others by making transportation available for pickups or  deliveries, please let a group moderator know.

To  join: A Hand Up!

----- Coalition members! Get ‘Your’web linkon The Coalition, Inc. web site -----





























Remember to support  The Coalition, Inc.’s on-air personalities…

NEW TIME! Straight Up  WORD with Dr. John Elliott  Churchville, Senior Pastor of The Liberation Fellowship Church of Jesus, on  WNWR 1540 AM, Sundays at 9:30am. Dr. Churchville will explore the Holy  Scriptures verse by verse for your spiritual and practical edification, and  “...liberation of the oppressed, and social justice for the poor.”


Life, Liberty and The Pursuit Of Happiness with Dr. John Elliott Churchville and Nancy Ellen,  Wednesdays at 2pm WNWR New World Radio 1540 AM.


WELCOME BACK! Civil  Alert World with Brother Sabir Bey  Saturdays 5:30pm to 6:30pm on WNJC 1360 AM. Also listen in on WKDU 91.7 AM  Friday, 12am to 3am


Sister  Phile Chionesu, organizer of the Million Woman March, Saturdays 10:30pm to 12am on  Blog Talk Radio

“Nu  Day Resurrection and Liberation" Show 

Call  in and give your thoughts, comments, opinions at 1-646-652-2232 

or send an instant message tomwmsistahood@aol.comto chat on line.  








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