< Coalition Newsletter 5/09/2009

The Urban Cartographer Online



News From
The Coalition, Inc.


News  From

The  Coalition, Inc.

Friday 08 May 2009

Volume  3, Number 33

The Coalition, Inc. Board of  Directors

Gary R. Adams (President),  John E. Churchville (Treasurer), Yvonne Haughton (Exec. Secretary),


Josephine Blow, Patricia  Coyne, Stanley Daniels, Tom Henry, Calvin Johnson, Angela Mohammed, Abdul  Malik Raheem

Table of content

For Our Children … 02

This Week … 06

Employment and Training  Opportunities … 10

Health Matters …10

Green Piece … 14

Grants, Scholarships  & Instruction… 14

SpotLight … 18

Arts for Awareness … 19

Coming Up …20

Computers and Technology … 20

A Hand Up … 20

On The Airways … 23





Page 02




If this publication is being forwarded to you, and you wish  to be placed on our mailing list, send an email to The.Pa.Coalition@gmail.com  

with “subscribe” in the subject.


If you are receiving this publication without consent, send  an email with “unsubscribe” in the subject to be removed from our database.


If you would like to report  on a recent community event, feel free to send us a brief account of what  happened in document format, and we will share it with our readers.

Send your information to: News From The Coalition, Inc.


All entries for submission should be received by noon, the  Monday prior to publish date.











Page 03






We are proud to announce that News From The Coalition, Inc.  is featured on the internationally acclaimed site Eight Cities Map which is  read in more than 0ne hundred fifty-five countries!

Click here: EightCitiesMAP Choose  “Philadelphia’s Online Community 

“Newsletter” from the menu.












To join The Coalition go to:TheCoalitionInc.organd  download a copy of the Pledge of Commitment and return it to usThe Coalition, Inc.









Page 04



There once was a village that had among its people a very wise old  man.  The villagers trusted this man  to provide them answers to their questions & concerns.


 One  day, a farmer from the village went to the wise man and said in a frantic  tone, "Wise man, help me. A horrible thing has happened. My ox has died  and I have no animal to help me plow my field! Isn't this the worst thing  that could have possibly happened?” The wise old man replied, "Maybe so,  maybe not.” The man hurried back to the village and reported to his  neighbors that the wise man had gone  mad.  Surely this was the worst thing  that could have happened. Why couldn't he see this?


 The  very next day, however, a strong, young horse was seen near the man's farm.  Because the man had no ox to rely on, he had the idea to catch the horse to  replace his ox, and he did. How joyful the farmer was. Plowing the field had  never been easier. He went back to the wise man to apologize. 


 "You were right, wise man. Losing my ox wasn't the worst  thing that could have happened. It was a blessing in disguise! I never would  have captured my new horse had that not happened. You must agree that this is  the best thing that could have happened.” The wise man replied once again,  "May be so, maybe not.” Not again, thought the farmer. Surely the wise  man had gone mad now. (cont.)













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 But, once again, the farmer did not know what was to happen. A few days later  the farmer's son was riding the horse and was thrown off. He broke his leg  and would not be able to help with the crop. Oh no, thought the man.  Now we will starve to death. Once again,  the farmer went to the wise man. This time he said, "How did you know  that capturing my horse was not a good thing? You were right again. My son is  injured and won't bee able to help with the crop. This time I'm sure that  this is the worst thing that could have possibly happened.  You must agree this time."  But, just as he had done before, the wise  man calmly looked at the farmer and in a compassionate tone replied once  again, "Maybe so, maybe not.” Enraged that the wise man could be so  ignorant, the farmer stormed back to the village.


The next day troops arrived to take every  able-bodied man to the war that had just broken out. The farmer's son was the  only young man in the village who didn't have to go. He would live, while the  others would surely die.


The moral of this story provides a powerful lesson. The truth is we  don't know what's going to happen-we just think we do.  Often we make a big deal out of something.  We blow up scenarios in our minds about all the terrible things that are  going to happen. Most of the time we are wrong. If we keep our cool and stay  open to possibilities, we can be reasonably certain that, eventually, all will  be well.  Remember: maybe so, maybe  not.








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To  join The Coalition go to: TheCoalitionInc.org  and download a copy of the Pledge of Commitment and return it to us the.pa.coalition@gmail.com

































Page 07






Take a chance! All life is a  chance. The man who goes farthest is generally the one who is willing to do  and dare.
-- Dale Carnegie.










To join The Coalition go to:TheCoalitionInc.organd  download a copy of the Pledge of Commitment and return it to usthe.pa.coalition@gmail.com






















Page 08



To join The  Coalition go to: TheCoalitionInc.org  and download a copy of the Pledge of Commitment and return it to us the.pa.coalition@gmail.com




Dave: I got this great new hearing  aid the other day.

 Mary: Are you wearing it now? Dave: Yup. Cost me four thousand dollars, but  it's top of the line.

 Mary: Wow! What kind is it?

 Dave: Twelve-thirty.

(Special  thank you to LindaMathis for this submission)










Page 09







Events are less important than  our response to them.
-- Unknown.










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Page 10




The most unpardonable sin in  society is independence of thought.
Emma  Goldman


















To join The Coalition go to:TheCoalitionInc.organd  download a copy of the Pledge of Commitment and return it to usthe.pa.coalition@gmail.com






















page  11







Most plain girls are virtuous because of the  scarcity of opportunity to be otherwise.
Maya Angelou










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page 12




Life not only begins at forty, it also begins to show. Unknown

















To join The Coalition go to:TheCoalitionInc.organd  download a copy of the Pledge of Commitment and return it to usthe.pa.coalition@gmail.com
























page 13







The Raw Family Newsletter
















To join The Coalition go to:TheCoalitionInc.organd  download a copy of the Pledge of Commitment and return it to usthe.pa.coalition@gmail.com

























page 14





You can't test courage cautiously.
-- Unknown.






If  you have a favorite relevant quote, why not share it with our readers. send  to The.Pa.Coalition@gmail.com

We  will credit you with the submission.







































page 15










To join The Coalition, Inc. go to:TheCoalitionInc.organd download a  copy of the Pledge of Commitment and return it to usthe.pa.coalition@gmail.com












Coalition members! Get ‘Your’web linkon The Coalition, Inc. web site









Page  16


My 75 year old Dad was taking his daily walk through the  park when he heard a tiny voice calling to him. "Hey, mister! Pssst,  mister!" Dad looked all around, and spotted a little frog sitting in the  grass looking up at him.

 "Hey mister," said the frog. "A wicked witch cast a spell on  me, and turned me into an ugly frog. If you'll just kiss me I'll turn back  into a beautiful princess and be forever grateful."

 Dad reached down, picked up the frog, put it in his pocket, and proceeded to  walk on. The frog called out to him again, "Hey! Didn't you hear me? I  said if you'll kiss me, I'll turn into a beautiful princess and be forever  grateful."

 Dad replied, "I heard you, but at my age, I'd rather just have a talking  frog!"





Submit your own humor, and let our readers know how funny you can be.  We definitely need the help. ; )

(Family appropriate)





Page  17










Submit you own humor  pleeeeeze, and let us know how funny you can be. We definitely need the help.  ; )

We  will credit you with the submission. (Humor suitable for the entire family  only!)



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Page  18



To conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom.
Bertrand Russell






We will be SpotLighting  members and organizations. If you wish to have your organization spotlighted,  forward to us information on your primary mission, your current projects  and/or how you would want other members of The Coalition, Inc. to be  involved. Many of us are already being a support to one another, but there is  plenty of room for improvement.













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To join The Coalition go to:TheCoalitionInc.organd download a copy of the Pledge of  Commitment and return it to usthe.pa.coalition@gmail.com
























page  20















To join The Coalition go to:TheCoalitionInc.organd download a copy of the Pledge of Commitment and return  it to usthe.pa.coalition@gmail.com















page  21












To join The Coalition go to:TheCoalitionInc.organd download a copy of the Pledge of Commitment and return  it to usthe.pa.coalition@gmail.com


















page  22





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page  23









Word Of The Week

bouleversement\bool-vair-suh-MAWN\: Complete  overthrow; a reversal; a turning upside down.

Greetings  Coalition Family!


Kinra Center will be hosting their 6th annual Cobbs Creek Community  Day, Its a day of fun and education and entertainment.  We are looking for organizations, hospitals  and behavioral health  persons to set  up a table with their information for the community.  We are looking for speakers to inform the  youth and elderly about services that they may receive. If you are interested  please call 215-681-4868



Do  you have an event or program you want to tell folk about? Find out how to be  a guest on the “Life, Liberty, And The Pursuit Of Happiness” radio program,  WNWR ‘New World Radio’ 1540 AM. Please contact us for available dates and  times.


For  My Daughter Library is expanding its’ Board of directors, candidates are  encouraged to send résumé’s to Yvonne M. Haughton, Director director@formydaughterlibrary.org  267-795-7811











"Each of us is here for a brief sojourn; for what purpose he  knows not, though he senses it. But without deeper reflection one knows from  daily life that one exists for other people." Albert Einstein





Philadelphia Youth Network  WorkReady Summer Internships with the City of Philadelphia:


Applications  and enrollment information for the Philadelphia Youth Network's WorkReady  Summer Internships with City of Philadelphia municipal government are now  available on the Experience!Philadelphia website at  http://www.phila.gov/experiencephila/highschool.html.


Potential applicants must  be at least 16 years of age (sophomores through seniors in high school) and  Philadelphia residents to apply to the WorkReady Summer Internships with the  City of Philadelphia.


Applications must be  received by the Philadelphia Youth Network on Friday, May 22, 2009.


Please email all inquires  to mip@phila.gov  or call The Office of Leadership Investment at 215-686-2138.

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FREE!! MIT announces its  MITES Program, (Minority Introduction to

Engineering and Science),  a challenging 6 week summer program that prepares promising rising seniors  for careers in engineering and science. If you are selected, all educational,  housing, meals and activity costs are covered. You must, however, pay for  your own transportation to and from MIT. To apply, go to http://mit.edu/mites/www


GEORGE WASHINGTON  UNIVERSITY Science & Engineering Apprenticeship program (summer) - This  program places academically talented H.S. students (at least 16 yrs old,  sophomores/ juniors) with interest in science & math in Dept. of Defense  laboratories for an 8-wk period over the summer. This is an invaluable  experience in the world of scientific research, with hands-on exposure to  scientific & engineering practices not available in the HS environment.

It is a paid  apprenticeship ($2,000) and the students are

assigned a scientist or  engineer as their mentor. To apply online or

get more information about  the program: http://www.usaeop.com.  Students

must submit their  transcript (minimum GPA 3.0)

and teacher recommendation

to the program director  for consideration and daily transportation is the

student's responsibility.  Program runs from June 22 - August 14, 2009.


FREE!! Princeton  University announces its Summer Journalism Program for

low-income sophomores or  juniors with at least a 3.5 GPA (on a 4.0 scale)

who have an interest in  journalism.

The cost is free including  travel

costs to and from  Princeton!

Apply now! Go to www.princeton.edu/sjp


FREE!! The National Center  for Health Marketing's Global Health Odyssey

Museum is pleased to offer  the 2009 CDC Disease Detective Camp (DDC). DDC

is an academic day camp  for students who will be high school juniors and

seniors during the  2009-2010 school year. Campers will take on the roles of

disease detectives and  learn how CDC safeguards the nation's health. The

camp will be offered twice  from June 22-26 and July 13-17. For more info

and to apply to go www.cdc.gov/gcc/exhibit/camp.htm  .


FREE!! The American Legion  sponsors a weeklong summer leadership program

called Boys State. This  year's program will be held at McDaniel College in

Westminster, Maryland from  June 21-27. If you are a junior interested in a

leadership opportunity see  your guidance counselor right away for more



The Leadership Center at  Morehouse College presents the 2009 Coca-Cola

Pre-College Leadership  Program. There are 2 programs, one for male

students completing their  sophomore or junior year, and the other for male

students completing their  senior year. Applicants must have a minimum 3.0

GPA (on a 4.0 scale). The  curriculum focuses on personal and interpersonal

leadership skills. The  program runs from June 20 to June 26. The cost is

$400.00. To apply, go to www.morehouse.edu.  Application access is listed

under "Events at the  Leadership Center .."


NASA sponsors the National  Space Club Scholars Program,

a 6 week summer internship  at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center.. It is open to students

who will be 16 years old  and have completed the 10th grade by June 2009,

have demonstrated high  academic success, and have an interest in space

science or engineering as  a career. Applicants must be U.S. Citizens.

Applications are available  in the Career Center or online at

www.education.gsfc.nasa.gov/pages/placement.html  Apply now!


University of Maryland,  College Park: Women in Engineering, E2@UMD, July 12-18 or July 19-25; rising  juniors and seniors. Go to

www.wie.umd.edu/precollege or  call 301-405-3283.


University of Maryland  Young Scholars Program targets rising juniors and

seniors who have a strong  academic record and a desire to excel to

experience college life  while earning three academic credits. 14 courses

are offered for three  weeks from July 12 ? 31, 2009. Visit



CITY YEAR, WASHINGTON DC  (Americorps) - Graduating seniors who are not sure what they want to do after  high school should consider applying for a paid community service position  with City Year, Washington, DC, a group of 17-24 year olds committed to  full-time service for ten months in the

Washington, DC community.  Benefits include: living stipend ($200 per week),

health care coverage, free  metro pass, and $4,725 educational scholarship.

For more info:  www.cityyear.org or email: cmurphy@cityyear.org/dc  or call: 202-776-7780, Amanda Seligman.

 Recruitment open houses will be held once a month at their r  headquarters:

918 U Street, NW , 2nd  floor,

Washington D.C.

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In Philadelphia, and  listed on the

 www.cap4kids.org/philadelphia  website,

there are so many  resources for families in need that it is sometimes overwhelming to cover  many of the issues that our families face as we try to link families in need  with the social service agencies that serve them.

To help, under the  Resource tab, http://www.cap4kids.org/philadelphia/resources.html  ,

we have added Cap4Kids  Parent Questionnaires that you can post in your office, exam rooms, schools,  and community centers to let families know what issues we can help them with  in their community.


Daniel  R. Taylor, D.O., FAAP

Assistant  Professor Drexel University College of Medicine

Director  Community Pediatrics and Child Advocacy

City  Administrator Cap4Kids www.cap4kids.org/philadelphia

St.  Christopher's Hospital for Children

Front  and Erie

Philadelphia,  PA 19134

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Online  resources for parents: www.chestercountymoms.com,  www.germantownavenueparents.com,  www.norristownmom.com.



This Week…


A Special Jazz Performance  with

Barbara Montgomery

with Tom Lawton, piano,  Lee Smith, bass, and Lee-sa Robinson, drums

Ms. Montgomery's music:

"she lets the  audience feel the power (we all have) of the music she sings..."

Dick Metcalf,  Improvijazznation

"a measure of  spiritual intensity that goes far beyond..." swing2bop.com


SUNDAY, MAY 10, 2009


5:00 p.m.


Church of the Advocate

18th & Father Paul  Washington Avenue

(A.K.A. Diamond Street)

Philadelphia, PA


This annual concert  provides a healing place for those affected by violence, builds awareness of  gun violence and highlights the importance of building coalitions among  communities to halt this growing epidemic.


A reception will follow  concert.


Free Will Offering to  benefit:


the farmhouse a retreat  for artists with a commitment to the

mentorship of youth



Church of The Advocate




OR KEMAH,  484-432-1242, kemahcw@gmail.com



From North Broad Street:  To Diamond Street (vicinity of Temple University), turn west onto Diamond  Street and go to 18th & Diamond (a.k.a Father Paul Washington Avenue).  Parking on Diamond Street.


From Route 76/City Avenue,  take East River Drive exit to Ridge Avenue East, to Diamond Street, left on  Diamond Street to 18th, church is on the left.

----- Coalition  members! Get ‘Your’web link on The  Coalition, Inc. web site -----



Helping Local Businesses Survive a Bad Economy


Should local businesses  use the Internet to become more profitable?

Hosted by the Greater  Germantown Business Association


Philadelphia, PA, --- 7  million Americans are “heavy” social media contributors (6+ activities) who  connect with 248 people on a ‘one to many’ basis in a typical week.  The percent of time people spend  communicating online has increased 18% since 2006, while time spent on  entertainment had declined 29 percent 1

“The problem is most small  business owners do not realize that their customer pool is online looking for  them,” says business owner, JC Lamkin, President, Gypsy Lane Technologies  (GLT) and member of the Greater Germantown Business Association (GGBA).  "A quick drive down the 8200 to 5100  blocks of Germantown Avenue in Philadelphia will result in the realization  that our area businesses are quickly folding.  But, if you take a cruise on social media websites, you will  begin to understand why ... prospective customers are online.  These days, it's not just about having a website  or the plummeting DJIA (Dow Jones Industrial Average).  It is about connecting with customers,  establishing your brand as a leader in your industry and building  relationships online.  Additionally,  many business owners don't realize that their customers are online discussing  their product and service needs. Social media sites are now allowing  businesses to develop relationships with customers.  Business owners just need to learn how to properly build a  strategy and tap into that customer pool."


To address the concerns  around closing Philadelphia area businesses, the Greater Germantown Business  Association welcomes all to attend the

Free Greater Germantown  Business Association’s regular monthly meetings held on the second

Tuesday of every month;

and, begins at

7:00 p.m. sharp with  updates,

the workshop immediately  follows.

Meeting adjourns at 8:00  p.m.


This interactive workshop  will be facilitated by tech expert, JC Lamkin, PMP, president of Gypsy Lane  Technologies (GLT), a professional Internet solutions company headquartered  in the Germantown section of Philadelphia with training offices in  Philadelphia and King of Prussia, PA. GLT specializes in best-in-class  database development, website development, social media strategies,  webcasting, online marketing, Flash multimedia and content management  solutions. GLT features an integrated team of web consultants, creative  designers, writers, coders and marketing professionals who know how to get  online results. 

Ms. Lamkin will also be  available to sign copies of her book, “Fabulous & Tech-Filled, Volume  1”.  Additional Social Media for  Business workshops.

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Life, Liberty and  Neighborhoods first our goal is to Activate, Educate & Motivate for  Change!


Public Watch-Dog Public  Forums: PCEC will host targeted neighborhood forums looking to primarily  touch those who reside within the surrounding community. We are not asking  for funds, and we ask that there be no solicitation of funds for any  particular candidate or political party.   We do not support, oppose nor endorse any candidate. 

The purpose of these  events is to educate the public around issues that are on the table and  affecting Philadelphia as a whole.


The Philadelphia Civic  Engagement Committee (PCEC) is a volunteer based, non-profiting, non-partisan  group of individuals whose mission is to educate the citizens of Philadelphia  on current issues that affect the city as a whole. We are working towards  bettering Philadelphia, promoting a message of equality, empowerment, peace,  and working together to create better solutions for a better community.


These events are free and  open to the public.



Wednesday, May 13th

6pm until 8pm


4261 North 5th Street

Philadelphia, Pa 19140

***District Attorney and  Controller***



Dr. Chuck Williams:





Contact Information:


P. O BOX 63519


Fareeda Mabry, Chair

Email: fareeda@fareedamabry.com


Cell: 267-243-1468



The League of Women Voters

Governor's Advisory  Commission on African American Affairs

Loraine Ballard Morrill-  Power 99 FM


More dates can be found  at: The Coalition Inc. Group  at Google


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Civic Engagement in the 21st Century Forum

Wednesday, May 13

6:30-8:30pm 2231 N. Broad  Street

Philadelphia, PA


Candidates for  Philadelphia District Attorney and City Controller will be invited to speak  about their plans for improving Philadelphia’s city services.


Aissia  Richardson, President

African  American United Fund

2227  N. Broad Street

Philadelphia,  PA 19132

215-236/2100  phone

215-236/9077 fax

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Philadelphia Youth Network  WorkReady Summer Internships:

Do you have a child,  family member or friend who is, or do you know a high school student? The  City of Philadelphia will host Philadelphia high school students in part-time  paid internships for six weeks over the summer.  Please visit our website  for program and application materials.

Best Regards,

The Office of Leadership  Investment


Stephanie Tipton                Dominique Aubry                Tara Mohr


714 Market St., Suite 304,  Philadelphia, Pa 19106

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(If you, a friend,  or loved one are trying to kick the habit of smoking, please pay attention to  this column over the next few weeks.)


Smoking Wipes Out  Protective Genes


(BlackDoctor.org)  -- A University of Rochester scientist discovered that the toxins in  cigarette smoke wipe out a gene that plays a vital role in protecting the  body from the effects of premature aging.

Without this  gene we not only lose a bit of youthfulness - but the lungs are left open to  destructive inflammation and diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary  disease (COPD) and lung cancer.

By  identifying the Sirtuin ( SIRT1) gene's role in pulmonary disease, scientists  also hope to find ways to restore it and jump-start lung healing. They've  begun testing the powerful antioxidant resveratrol, which is extracted from  red grape skins, to develop a treatment to target SIRT1 and reverse lung  damage, or at least enhance the way standard COPD therapies work.

"This  novel protein will allow us to program our body's immune-inflammatory system  against lung damage and premature aging. The hallmark of this discovery is  that we may be able to provide remedies to millions of smokers who would like  to quit but cannot kick their addiction, and millions of former smokers who,  despite quitting, remain at risk for illness as they age," said Irfan  Rahman, Ph.D., associate professor of Environmental Medicine and an  investigator in the University of Rochester's Lung Biology and Disease  Program.

The research  was published in two separate studies, in the American Journal of Respiratory  Critical Care Medicine, appearing online Jan. 3, 2008, and in the American  Journal of Physiology, appearing Dec. 27, 2007 .

Approximately  23 million Americans have COPD, which is induced by inflammation and results  in progressive breathlessness. By the year 2020, it is expected to be the  third leading cause of death worldwide; today at least 9 percent of the  elderly population is estimated to suffer from debilitating lung conditions.

Rahman has  spent years studying how the 4,700 toxic chemical compounds in cigarettes  assault lung tissue. He also focuses on why some people seem genetically  predisposed to develop lung diseases while others are more fortunate, despite  being smokers.

SIRT1 plays  a pivotal role in the puzzle. It belongs to a class of genes that regulate  chronic inflammation, cancer and aging. When SIRT1 is highly active, or  over-expressed in mice, worms and fruit flies, their lifespans are greatly  increased. Recent studies also show that SIRT1 plays a positive role in  stress resistance, metabolism, apoptosis and other processes involved in  premature aging. However, environmental stress such as cigarette smoke or  pollution can decrease production of SIRT1 in the lungs.

In  collaboration with Vuokko L. Kinnula, M.D., at Helsinki University Hospital  in Finland, Rahman's team studied the levels of SIRT1 in the lungs of  nonsmokers and smokers with and without COPD.

Thirty-seven  patients from Helsinki who were undergoing either a lung resection for  suspected cancer or a lung transplant, volunteered to provide tissue samples  for the study. Researchers confirmed that SIRT1 was significantly lower in  smokers who had COPD and in smokers who did not have disease, compared to  nonsmokers.

The next  step was to investigate what pathways lead to the depletion of SIRT1.  Researchers found that Sirtuin also plays a role in regulating the entire  chemical signaling system that protects the lungs from smoke and pollution.  They investigated how SIRT1 relates to another key protective molecule, Nrf2,  a transcription factor. Just as in the case of SIRT1, an airway deficient in  Nrf2 is weak and inflamed and more prone to conditions such as COPD,  researchers found.

Nrf2 was  also important because it directly regulates several antioxidant genes such  as gluthathione (GSH), the most abundant cellular antioxidant responsible for  detoxifying the airways. Therefore, the pathway from SIRT1 to Nrf2 ultimately  leads to the depletion of GSH, exacerbating the organ's aging process.

"You  can be 45 years old and look great on the outside, but if you are a smoker or  former smoker, your lungs can easily be 60 years old because of the chemical  assault," Rahman said.

Other  University of Rochester research teams are investigating the Nrf2 pathway and  various ways to boost fundamental genetic changes in the body that would arm  it with amplified natural antioxidants. The result could be the development  of a target for new drugs that would protect us from age-related diseases  such as cancer and emphysema.

Although he  was not involved in the study, James D. Crapo, M.D., a leading expert in the  field of lung disease and a professor of Medicine at the National Jewish  Medical and Research Center, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center in  Denver, said Rahman's novel finding opens new doors. "This is certainly  an important breakthrough in understanding the persistent lung damage and  inflammation that occur in patients with COPD, and therapies can now be  directed towards this protein."

The  Environmental Health Sciences Center of the University of Rochester, which is  partially funded by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (  NIEHS), supported the research. In addition, the University of Rochester has  filed a patent to protect the identification of a novel molecular target to  treat the progression of COPD and emphysema by inducing the Sirtuin1 gene.

By De'Laney Rowland, BDO Staff Writer

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Boot Camps With A Purpose


Sweat it out to help  others with local dude Matt Sgro’s Boot Camps with a Purpose. Starting  tomorrow (and every Saturday), meet up with a participating trainer located  everywhere from Philly to Coatsville, pay $15, and the instructor involved  donates all the money from each session to the charity of his or her choice.  If saving the whales while doing downward dog’s more your speed, go to Sgro’s  site and find a like-minded yogi.

And it’s not just around here:  Trainers across the nation are signing up in support of a cause.

It’s quite the epidemic.


To find a boot camp, go to  bootcampswithapurpose.com/

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Get Fresh!

Volunteer with  Philabundance Fresh for All


You recycle out the wazoo  and consider yourself consigliore of the

enviro-sack mafia.

Hence, a cause you can  believe in: Philabundance wants to fill those ubiquitous bags with produce  through its new Fresh for All program.   


And you can help by  volunteering.

The nonprofit hands out  perishables at six sites in the Delaware Valley — where nutritious diet staples  are hard to come by, especially in tough times.

With a minimum three-hour  commitment, you’ll keep busy.

Help with admin, approve  clients, or do community outreach (posting mailings, making phone calls).

Looking for something  physical?

Take food to sites, divide  apples, and dole out the goods.

You’ll be doing a major  part to help people get the fruits and veggies they need.

And that’s a green  movement to be proud of.


To participate in Fresh  for All, contact

Tunisia  Garnett (215-339-0900 ext. 238 or


For more information, go  to www.philabundance.org 

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Do your part, see ‘Deforest Your  life’ in The Coalition, Inc. Group


Four weeks; certificate of  completion. Intro to residential energy efficiency, basic carpentry, air  sealing, insulation, and heater maintenance. Qualify to work for the  Weatherization Assistance Program, contractors and related private companies.  “While ECA cannot guarantee every participant a job, we plan to hire 10  students from the first class, and we have partnered with other career  professionals to help place all the trainees.”

 Phone: (215) 988-0929
 Fax: (215) 988-0919



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Recycling  Services Inc. in Pottstown takes styrofoam on Saturday and Tuesday  mornings.  http://www.recyclingservices.org/

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For sustainable  enterprise go to Green Jobs Phillyhttp://www.greenjobsphilly.org/news





Small Business  Administration,


Sustainable Business  Network Forum


Join The City of  Philadelphia's Commerce Department, U.S. Small Business Administration, and  Sustainable Business Network of Greater Philadelphia on Monday, May 11 for an  informative free forum at the Community College of Philadelphia.


This forum is targeted for  small businesses. Attendees will learn how to access essential information  and resources needed to prepare and position their businesses to participate  in the new programs and initiatives created by the U.S. Recovery and  Reinvestment Act.


When: Monday, May 11th,  8:30-10:30 am

Where: Community College  of Philadelphia, Winnet Student Life Building.

17th between Spring Garden  and Callowhill

Cost: Free!, but we expect  that this event will sell out, so register today!

Register at:  www.recoveryact101.eventbrite.com


Event Timeline:

8:00AM - Sign-in &  Registration

8:30AM - Panel  presentation

9:30AM - Resource  workshops

10:30AM - Networking


email: leanne@sbnphiladelphia.org

phone: 215.922.7400

web:  http://www.sbnphiladelphia.org

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Student Achievement and Learning & Leadership Grants


NEA Foundation Accepting  Applications for Student Achievement and Learning & Leadership Grants  Programs

Deadline: October 15, 2009

The NEA Foundation (http://www.neafoundation.org/)  supports a variety of efforts by teachers, education support professionals,  and higher education faculty and staff to improve student learning in public  schools, colleges, and universities across the United States.

The foundation is  accepting applications for the following grant programs:

The Learning &  Leadership Grants program provides opportunities for teachers, education  support professionals, and higher education faculty and staff to engage in  high-quality professional development and lead their colleagues in  professional growth.  Grants to  individuals fund participation in professional development experiences such  as summer institutes and action research. Grants to groups fund collegial  study, including study groups, action research, lesson study, and mentoring  experiences for faculty or staff new to an assignment. The grant amount is  $2,000 for individuals and $5,000 for groups.


The Student Achievement  Grants program provides grants of $5,000 each to improve the academic achievement  of students by engaging in critical thinking and problem solving that deepen  knowledge of standards-based subject matter. The work should also improve  students’ habits of inquiry, self-directed learning, and critical reflection.  Proposals for work resulting in low-income and minority student success with  honors, advanced placement, and other challenging curricula are particularly  encouraged. Grant funds may be used for resource materials, supplies,  equipment, transportation, software, and scholars-in-residence.

Applicants must be  practicing U.S. public school teachers in grades K-12, public school  education support professionals, or faculty and staff at public higher  education institutions.


Visit the NEA Foundation  Web site for complete grant program information.

RFP Link: http://fconline.foundationcenter.org/pnd/15016125/neafdn

For additional RFPs in  Education, visit: http://foundationcenter.org/pnd/rfp/cat_education.jhtml


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NIH Summer Institute on  Community-Based Participatory Research


The National Institutes of  Health has announced the 2nd summer institute. We are thrilled to see that  the organizers have responded to Community-Campus Partnerships for Health’s  (CCPH) comments on last year's summer institute.

When the 1st NIH institute  on CBPR was announced, CCPH expressed concern about its exclusive focus on  academic researchers.

In CBPR, the community is  involved at the very start of the research,

so it was incongruent that  the institute did not include the community partners or acknowledge the  possibility of a community partner as a principal investigator or co-PI.

This summer's institute  has been designed for community-academic partner teams (see below for  details).


CCPH has successfully  implemented community-academic partner team-based model of CBPR training:


and http://depts.washington.edu/ccph/pdf_files/2005%20Summer%20Institute%20Agenda.pdf

The training curriculum,  "Developing and Sustaining CBPR Partnerships" is available online  at www.cbprcurriculum.info.


If you're interested in  bringing a CBPR training workshop or institute to your location, contact CCPH  senior consultant Rachel Vaughn at sliccph@mcw.edu  for more information.

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Even if you do not have a  college-aged child at home, please share this with someone who does, pass  this scholarship information on to anyone and everyone that comes to mind.  Though there are a number of companies and organizations that have donated  moneys for scholarship use to African Americans, a great deal of the money is  being returned because of a lack of interest.


No one is going to knock  on our doors and ask if we can use a scholarship.


Take the initiative to get  your children involved. There is no need for money to be returned to donating  companies because we fail to apply for it.


Please pass this informa  tion on to family members, nieces, nephews, and friends with children etc. We  must get the word out that money is available. If you are a college student  or getting ready to become one, you probably already know how useful  additional money can be.

Our  youth really could use these scholarships. Thanks!!


For a list of scholarships  please visit our group ‘The Coalition, Inc.’ http://groups.google.com/group/coalition-the

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The Coalition, Inc.  welcomes new member C.R.O.P.



Community Rebirth  Organization Plan (CROP™) Action Team


The United Block Captains'  Association (UBCA) – Community Trust (for Family Life Improvement) acts as  the coordinating agency of the Community Rebirth Organization Plan (CROP™) -  Action Teams' whose constituents include students, and their families who are  in prison-to-work, homeless-to-home-to-work, welfare-to-work,

military-to-work, and  school-to-work type situations.

Community Rebirth  Organization Plan (CROP™) Action Team7 PROGRAMS THAT support the creation and  operation of

institutions and programs  for human and community development through the joint operation of Financial  Institutions Financial Institutions - Institutional Guardian - Community  Trusts,

the People Empowerment  Community Development Federal Credit Union, the People Empowerment Mutual  Insurance Company, and the Center for Economic and Social Justice (CESJ)!


Human Development Support  Organizations - Community Associations, Other Community Associations, Block  Associations, Omni-community (OCS) CHARTER SCHOOL - CAMPUS OF DISTANCE  LEARNERS, Data Spectrum The-Job-Market™ supported operations such as the  African American Global Africa Development Center (3ADC) - American Global  Development Center (AGDC), Allied Trades & Building Construction  Conservation Crafts Association (an Independent Apprenticeship  Training-to-Work Program Operator), with College and University Partners!


CROP, through the  Individual Development Account Trust Agreement (IDATA™) funding process is  providing Training-to-Work Apprenticeship and expansion of health  improvement, education, employment, finance, housing and business ownership  opportunities, with social, environmental, and economic justice for family  members who are in prison-to-work, homeless-to-home-to-work, welfare-to-work,  military-to-work, and school-to-work type situations! The IDATAJ programs  operate in a mutual responsibility agreement and family-stewardship  framework!






An Afternoon of Poetry


Every second Saturday of  the month from 1 – 3 PM


Open Mike!

Serenity Inspirational  Gifts & Coffee


140 So. Easton Rd.

Glenside, PA


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"Author Nicole Rouse Book Signing & Brunch"

Saturday, May 9 at  10:00am.


Event: Author Nicole Rouse  Book Signing & Brunch

"Author Nicole Rouse  Book Signing & Brunch"

What: Workshop

Host: Raveena Media Group

Start Time: Saturday, May  9 at 10:00am

End Time: Saturday, May 9  at 12:00pm

Where: Camphor Memorial  UMC


To see more details and  RSVP, follow the link below:


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Jus’  Words at Dowlings Place

1310 No. Broad St. Phila

Every Thurs. 9pm to 1am

·       Poets

·       Rappers

·       Singers

·       Spoken Word Artists

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*  *  *  Outside PA  *  *  *


2009 National Black Power  Conference Update


Friday, May 22, Saturday,  May 23, and Sunday, May 24, 2009

(Malcolm X Birthday  Weekend ) in Atlanta, Georgia. Mike Roberts Crown Plaza Hotel, Marietta  Georgia.

1775 Parkway Place  Marietta Georgia


Rooms at $79.00 per night  and lower.


Conference contacts:


Phone (202) 397-4577 and  (404) 424- 3560

Email: blackpowerconference@gmail.com.  

Websites:  www.blackpowermovement.org www.newblackpanther.com www.blfj.org


VENDING: Please email blackpowerconference@gmail.com


Sponsor: Black Power  Movement, New Black Panther Party, Black Lawyers for Justice


If you desire to attend or  are an activist, organizational representative or leader we want to hear from  you right away!







Free Online Computer Instruction

See ‘Archives’ at www.Ustream.tv/channel/cbm-tv

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Nation’s Largest One-Day  Food Drive Helps The

Increasing Number of  Americans Struggling with Hunger


To help Stamp Out Hunger!  this year, simply leave a sturdy bag containing non-perishable foods, like  canned soup, canned vegetables, pasta, rice or cereal, next to your mailbox  prior to the time of regular mail delivery on May 9.  Food items should  be in non-breakable containers, such as boxes and cans.  The nation’s  230,000 letter carriers will be collecting donations from homes across the  country and delivering them to food bank members of Feeding America (formerly  America’s Second Harvest – The Nation’s Food Bank Network) and other hunger  relief organizations in more than 10,000 local communities.



Mike Gehrig




John Faulkner





For more information about  the annual Stamp Out Hunger! effort in your community, ask your letter  carrier, contact your local post office or visit www.helpstampouthunger.com.


Got  Space?


Local  Non-Profit is looking for room to grow!


For  My Daughter Library is looking for about

700  square  feet of indoor space for our  exciting Youth Program.



Secure,  yet visible from the street

Room  for desks and tables (no more than 10)

Spacious  enough for computers and lots of books

Year  round, weekday and weekend access

Really,  reasonable rent!



Yvonne  267-795-7811


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Our group A HAND UP! Is now open, please go to:



In  response to the needs of many grassroots organizations for the basic tools to  implement and sustain their ideas and projects, The Coalition, Inc. members  have come together to establish a network to facilitate the  distribution/re-distribution of unwanted, unneeded, surplus and even  repairable items for recycling.

·       If you have office supplies, electronics, office furniture, you are  updating, or no longer use, free up that space by offering them to someone  who can get good use from it.

·       If you have office space you do not have an immediate use for, offer  it to home-based organizations for a few hours a week as a meeting place.

·       If you have special skills such as grant/proposal writing, website  design/maintenance, or computer skills, please Contact Us share  your expertise and educate others.

·       If your organization offers aid to the less fortunate such as meals,

clothing, resume' writing, job search, SAT/LSAT  coaching, GED classes, scholarship help etc., share it Here


To  join The Coalition go to: www.TheCoalitionInc.org  and download a copy of the Pledge of Commitment and return it to us The.Pa.Coalition@gmail.com


Those  in need of particular equipment, furnishings or supplies are encouraged to  join to this group (A HAND UP!)  to inquire if others are able to assist.


Any  group or individual may make donations, but individuals who wish to request  donations must do so through a member organization.

Organizations are encouraged to post notices of ongoing  or special community service programs that are open to the public i.e. Food  Banks; seasonal clothing/toys; fuel programs, etc.

To post: Click  Here  or Mail to: A Hand Up!


You  may also offer or make requests anonymously through the group moderators who  will arrange pick up/delivery via a third party.

If  you wish to assist others by making transportation available for pickups or  deliveries, please let a group moderator know.

To  join: A Hand Up!



Remember to support  The Coalition, Inc.’s on-air personalities…

NEW TIME! Straight Up  WORD with Dr. John Elliott  Churchville, Senior Pastor of The Liberation Fellowship Church of Jesus, on  WNWR 1540 AM, Sundays at 9:30am. Dr. Churchville will explore the Holy  Scriptures verse by verse for your spiritual and practical edification, and  “...liberation of the oppressed, and social justice for the poor.”


Life, Liberty and The Pursuit Of Happiness with Dr. John Elliott Churchville and Nancy Ellen,  Wednesdays at 2pm WNWR New World Radio 1540 AM.


Civil Alert World with Brother Sabir Bey Saturdays 5:30pm to 6:30pm on WNJC  1360 AM. Also listen in on WKDU 91.7 AM Friday, 12am to 3am


Sister  Phile Chionesu, organizer of the Million Woman March, Saturdays 10:30pm to 12am on  Blog Talk Radio

“Nu  Day Resurrection and Liberation" Show www.blogtalkradio.com/empresschi 

Call  in and give your thoughts, comments, opinions at 1-646-652-2232 

or send an instant message tomwmsistahood@aol.comto chat on line.  








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