The Urban Cartographer Online



News From
The Coalition, Inc.


News  From

The  Coalition, Inc.

Friday 28 August 2009

Volume  4, Number 6

The Coalition, Inc. Board of  Directors

Gary R. Adams  (President/CEO), John E. Churchville (Treasurer), Yvonne Haughton (Exec.  Secretary),


Josephine Blow, Stanley  Daniels, Edwin Desamour, Nijah Famous, Kendall Hayes-Fullard, Tom ‘Bunny’  Henry, Abdul Malik Raheem

Table of content

For Our Children … 02

This Week … 05

Employment and Training  Opportunities … 07

Health Matters …08

Green Piece … 09

Grants, Scholarships  & Instruction… 10

SpotLight … 12

Arts for Awareness … 13

Coming Up …15

Computers and Technology … 20

A Hand Up … 21

On The Airways … 22





Page 02




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If you are receiving this publication without consent, send  an email with “unsubscribe” in the subject to be removed from our database.


If you would like to report  on a recent community event, feel free to send us a brief account of what  happened in document format, and we will share it with our readers.

Send your information to: News From The Coalition, Inc.


All entries for submission should be received by noon, the  Monday prior to publish date.











Page 03






We are proud to announce that News From The Coalition, Inc.  is featured on the internationally acclaimed site Eight Cities Map which is  read in more than 0ne hundred fifty-five countries!

Click here: EightCitiesMAP Choose  “Philadelphia’s Online Community 

“Newsletter” from the menu.












To join The Coalition go to:TheCoalitionInc.netand  download a copy of the Pledge of Commitment and return it to usThe Coalition, Inc.









Page 04



A winner is someone who recognizes his God-given talents, works his  tail off to develop them into skills and uses these skills to accomplish his  goals.
 - Larry Bird




















































Page  05



The deeper sin of the enslavement was not the

kidnapping and murder of so many people, but

the intentional theft of their souls...Madu












To join The Coalition go to: TheCoalitionInc.netand download a copy of the Pledge of  Commitment and return it to us























Page  06










To join The Coalition go to: TheCoalitionInc.netand download a copy of the Pledge of  Commitment and return it to us


































Page 07






Congress is so strange. A man  gets up to speak and says nothing. Nobody listens...and then everybody  disagrees.
 - Boris Marchalov




To join The Coalition go to:TheCoalitionInc.netand  download a copy of the Pledge of Commitment and return it to





























Page 08



Little Johnny and his family were having Sunday dinner at his  Grandmother's house. Everyone was seated around the table as the food was  being served. When Little Johnny received his plate, he started eating right  away. 'Johnny! Please wait until we say our prayer.' said his mother.

'I don't have to,' The boy replied.

'Of course, you do,' his mother insisted. 'We say a prayer before  eating, at our house.'

'That's our  house,' Johnny explained. 'But this is Grandma's house and she knows how to  cook!

 (Thanks to Vernon Brown  for this  selection)













Page 09


For the Lexophiliacs

If you don't pay your exorcist you can get repossessed.



































Page 10




Finish each day and be done  with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt  crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it  well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old  nonsense.
 - Ralph Waldo Emerson


















To join The Coalition go to:TheCoalitionInc.netand  download a copy of the Pledge of Commitment and return it to














page  11







We may encounter many defeats but we must not be  defeated.
Maya Angelou







Coalition members! Get ‘Your’web linkon The  Coalition, Inc. web site









































page 12




"Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your  eyes off your goal." - Henry Ford







The Raw Family Newsletter















To join The Coalition go to:TheCoalitionInc.netand  download a copy of the Pledge of Commitment and return it to













page 13




We will be SpotLighting members and organizations. If you wish to have  your organization spotlighted, forward to us information on your primary  mission, your current projects and/or how you would want other members of The  Coalition, Inc. to be involved. Many of us are already being a support to one  another, but there is plenty of room for improvement.





























page 14




Communicate  everything to your associates. The more they know, the more they care. Once  they care, there is no stopping them. - Sam Walton






If you have a  favorite relevant quote, why not share it with our readers. send to

We will credit you  with the submission.





































page 15



































To join The Coalition, Inc. go to:TheCoalitionInc.netand download a copy of the Pledge of Commitment and return it to








Page  16


A little boy watched, fascinated, as his mother covered her face in  cold cream. "Why do you do that?" he asked.

"To make myself beautiful."

When she began to rub it off, the boy asked, "Why are you doing  that? Did you give up?"















































page  17

Hereeeeeeeeeeeeees...  Kathy’s Korner!

A man is talking to the family doctor.  "Doc, I think my wife's going deaf."

 The doctor answers, "Well, here's something you can try on her to test  her hearing. Stand some distance away from her and ask her a question. If she  doesn't answer, move a little closer and ask again. Keep repeating this until  she answers. Then you'll be able to tell just how hard of hearing she really  is."

 The man goes home and tries it out. He walks in the door and says,  "Honey, what's for dinner?" He doesn't hear an answer, so he moves  closer to her. "Honey, what's for dinner?" Still no answer. He repeats  this several times, until he's standing just a few feet away from her.

 Finally, she answers, "For the eleventh time, I said we're having  MEATLOAF!"


(Special  thanks  to Kathy Parsons for this  submission.)


Submit your  own humor, and let our readers know how funny you can be. We definitely need  the help. ; )

(Family appropriate)




Page 18






To join The Coalition go to:TheCoalitionInc.netand  download a copy of the Pledge of Commitment and return it to






























Page  19





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Page  20





I am having an out of money  experience.















































Page  21











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Page  22





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Word Of The Week

fortuitous \for-TOO-uh-tuhs;  -TYOO-\  Happening by chance; coming or occurring by accident, or without  any known cause; Happening by a fortunate or lucky chance; Fortunate or  lucky.







Greetings  Coalition Family!


"I would  rather be ashes than dust! I would rather that my spark should burn out in a  brilliant blaze than it should be stifled by dry rot. I would rather be a  superb meteor, every atom of me in magnificent glow, than a sleepy and  permanent planet. The proper function of man is to live, not to exist. I  shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them. I shall use my time."  Jack London


Times are definitely  tough, and they are going to get tougher, but these are the times when the  wheat is separated from the chaff, when those destined to accomplish good  things get their chance to show what they are made of. Our communities are in  need, what are you made of?  









Do not follow the ideas of others, but learn to listen  to the voice within yourself. Your body and mind will become clear and you  will realize the unity of all things.” …Dogen















will be given away  for

FREE. That's  right.......FREE !!!

You don't want to  miss it.


Date: September 6,  2009

Time: 11:00 am

Location: Better Way  Ministries

4815 Stenton Ave.

Philadelphia, PA  19144


For more details or  to pre-register call 215-844-1405

----- Coalition members!  Activate ‘Your’web link on The  Coalition, Inc. web site -----


Video Conference  – Making the connections to Address the Whole Student


The Pennsylvania  Department of Education, Bureau of Special Education is

pleased to announce  the following videoconference opportunity:


Secondary  Transition: Making the Connections to Address the Whole



September 18, 2009

Various Downlink  Sites across Pennsylvania

9:00 a.m. - 3:15  p.m.


A holistic approach  to transition planning promotes engagement and a seamless transition for  youth with disabilities. During this videoconference session information  regarding the rationale for a holistic approach to transition planning will  be discussed. Connections to regulatory, effective practice, and  communication strategies will be shared with participants.


Specific topics to be addressed at this session include:

- The Pennsylvania Post School Outcome Survey (PaPOS) and  the requirements for 200910 implementation. This is a required training for  LEAs in PaPOS Cohort Year # 5

- Utilization and functionality of the Summary of Academic  Achievement and Functional Performance (SAAFP)

- Implementation strategies for effective cross  stakeholder communication

including a review of the changes and updates to

- Employing standards-aligned practices for improving  transition services

for students with disabilities

- Understanding and implementation of effective assessment  strategies


Credit Offered: Act 48


Audience: Stakeholders supporting post-school outcomes for  youth/young adults with disabilities: Intermediate unit and school district  transition consultants; General, special education, and career and technical  education teachers and supervisors; Vocational Rehabilitation counselors  & supervisors; Representatives of post-secondary education and training;

Assistive technology professionals (educators, agency  staff and providers);

Guidance counselors; Families/Caregivers; Youth/young  adults involved in secondary transition planning; School psychologists;  Social workers;

MH/MR/C&Y case managers and supervisors; Regional  Department of Public Welfare staff (OMR/OMHSAS/OCYF); Community adult  service/rehabilitation providers (employment, residential, and others);  State/County Department of Health staff; School Health Nurses; Juvenile  justice direct service staff (community-based, institution-based,  residential; Others interested in secondary transition planning.


You may register directly on-line by visiting and entering the Registration On-line page.


For information on program content, contact Michael Stoehr  at or 412-826-6864


For general registration information, contact Kristen  Olszyk at

----- Coalition  members! Activate ‘Your’web link on The  Coalition, Inc. web site -----


The Food stamp program under the new stimulus package is now called  the SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program).

Did you know?

Eligibility for  SNAP benefits changed so many more families in food insecure households are  now eligible.

On the website, under the Food and Nutrition parent  handout, you will find several organizations who can help families find out  if they are eligible. Also, on the COMPASS website they can apply for these  benefits and many others.

For more info you  can also go to

Please continue to  link families in need with the appropriate social services agencies that  serve them through Cap4Kids. Thanks.

-----  Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’web link on The  Coalition, Inc. web site -----





Nutritional  Development Services of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia is sponsoring its  annual

Summer Food Service  Program

from now through  September 4, 2009. 

Last summer, more  than 600 sites and

25, 000 children  participated in the program.


Participating sites  can offer children lunch and a choice of breakfast or snack.  Most Philadelphia and many suburban  neighborhoods qualify. 

To sign up, contact  Nutritional Development Services at 215-895-3470. ----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’web link on  The Coalition, Inc. web site -----


The  Food stamp program under the new stimulus package is now called the SNAP  (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program).

Did you know?

Eligibility for  SNAP benefits changed so many more families in food insecure households are  now eligible.

On the website, under the Food and Nutrition parent  handout, you will find several organizations who can help families find out  if they are eligible. Also, on the COMPASS website they can apply for these  benefits and many others.

For more info you  can also go to

Please continue to  link families in need with the appropriate social services agencies that  serve them through Cap4Kids. Thanks.

----- Coalition  members! Activate ‘Your’web link on The  Coalition, Inc. web site -----



Online resources for parents:,,






Every Last Friday of The Month Old School Mt. Airy Groove  Party

Hosts: Earl Harvey  and Rhonda Yancy


Market Square  Shopping Plaza

7719 Crittenden St.  @ Mermaid Lane

Chestnut Hill

Philadelphia, PA  19118

August 28th  

9:30 PM  - 2 AM

featuring Bop,  Cha-Cha, Salsa and Line dances by DJ Derrick Rose


Phone: 215-247-2312  for information  

Donation $7.00  after 10 pm …

Virgo’s free with  ID Bring your friends and celebrate your birthday

Earl Harvey  Stimulus Package Free admission before 10 pm for all early birds



*Creative Kids  Club*

* Water Park  Experience*


Saturday, August  29, 2009




Bus Leaves: Ogontz  and Cheltenham


Time: 8:30 am

Return: 6:00 pm

B.Y.O.B (Bring Your  Own Basket)


$l5.00  Transportation and







CALL 215-485-0284






Swimming: The main  pool has two Giant water slides and there is a

children’s spray  pool Regular hours for weekends and holidays are 10 a.m.

to 6 p.m.


Don't forget  sunscreen and your camera. A hat too.



Lifeguards are on  duty when the pools are open.

For their safety,  all children ten years of age or younger must be

accompanied by a  person at least 14 years of age.

*Swimming is not  permitted

in the Delaware  River from Neshaminy State Park.*  


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State Rep. Kenyatta Johnson's 1st Annual

Community  Appreciation Day

Come enjoy food,  fun, and entertainment. Bring your chairs and family Free admission, all are  welcome

Come meet and greet  elected officials, community leaders, neighbors, block captains, city and  state service providers

This year's event  is dedicated to the late Mamie Nichols, who laid the foundation of unity...

Host: State  Representative Kenyatta Johnson

Saturday, August 29,  2009

12:00pm - 8:00pm

      South Philadelphia

Point breeze Ave.  & Dickinson Sts.

Philadelphia, PA


For information  call 215-952-3378

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Back To School Jam


presented by

South Philadelphia  Neighborhood Athletic League


Date: Saturday,  August 29, 2009

Location: Smith  Playground

25th & Jackson  Street

Time: 10am - 6pm


SPNAL Coaches Vs.  Youth Basketball tournament

Music, Family, and  Fun


FREE *  *   * FREE

- Health &  Nutrition workshops

- Credit and  Financial planning workshops

-Career Resources

- Educational  Resources


Platters by  Patricia's Dish

Amusement rides for  $5.00 for 4-hours

Face Painting,  snowcones, cotton candy


Performances by:

- INSTYLE Peace  Production

- Quinn Martin,  Poet & Author

- Virtuous Woman

and many more....


For more  information contact Kimyetta Lewis 215-316-3087

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Education Programs Manager

The Enterprise  Center CDC

Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania, United States

Salary: Mid 30's

-----  Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’web link on The  Coalition, Inc. web site -----




Infant heart defects tied to maternal smoking


NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - A woman who  smokes during pregnancy increases the risk that her child will be born with a  heart defect, a new study published in Pediatrics shows.

To clarify the relationship between  prenatal smoke exposure and congenital heart defects, Dr. Sadia Malik of the  University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences in Little Rock and her colleagues  evaluated 3,067 infants born with heart defects, unrelated to genetic  syndromes, who were included in the National Birth Defects Prevention Study.  These infants were compared with 3,947 babies with normal hearts. The parents  of all of the infants were also evaluated.

Women who reported smoking in the month  before becoming pregnant or the first trimester were more likely to give  birth to a child with a defect in one or more of the walls separating the  chambers of the heart, known a septal defect, the researchers found.

The more a woman smoked, the greater was  the likelihood that she would have an infant with a defect. Women who smoked  25 or more cigarettes daily during pregnancy were more likely to have infants  with obstructions on the right side of the heart.

Compared with the infants of mothers who  did not smoke during pregnancy, infants whose mothers were heavy smokers were  twice as likely to have a septal defect. Malik's group found no relationship  between second-hand smoke exposure and congenital heart defects.

The investigators also found the 19 percent  of the non-smokers reported smoking just before pregnancy or in the first  trimester, the researchers note, which is in line with data reported by other  U.S. studies.

"If even a fraction of congenital  heart defects and other birth defects could be prevented by decreasing  maternal tobacco use, it would result in improved reproductive outcomes and a  saving of millions of health care dollars," they conclude.

Congenital heart defects occur in up to 10  out of every 1,000 live births in the United States, and infants who survive  frequently need multiple surgeries to correct the problem and still may  suffer permanent disability, Malik's group points out.


About 28 percent of U.S. women of  childbearing age smoke, the researchers add, and one in five of these women  don't quit when they become pregnant, meaning about one million babies each  year may have been exposed to cigarette smoke in the womb.

SOURCE: Pediatrics, April 2008.



Get Fresh!

Volunteer with  Philabundance Fresh for All

You recycle out the  wazoo and consider yourself consigliore of the

enviro-sack mafia.

Hence, a cause you  can believe in: Philabundance wants to fill those ubiquitous bags with  produce through its new Fresh for All program.

And you can help by  volunteering.

The nonprofit hands  out perishables at six sites in the Delaware Valley — where nutritious diet  staples are hard to come by,

especially in tough  times.

With a minimum  three-hour commitment, you’ll keep busy. Help with admin, approve clients, or  do community outreach (posting mailings, making phone calls).

Looking for  something physical?

Take food to sites,  divide apples, and dole out the goods. You’ll be doing a major part to help  people get the fruits and veggies they need.

And that’s a green  movement to be proud of.


To participate in  Fresh for All, contact

Tunisia  Garnett (215-339-0900 ext. 238 or 

For more  information, go to 

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Recycling Services Inc. in Pottstown takes styrofoam on  Saturday and Tuesday mornings.

-----  Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’web link on The  Coalition, Inc. web site -----


For sustainable  enterprise go to Green Jobs Philly










Student Achievement and Learning & Leadership Grants


NEA Foundation  Accepting Applications for Student Achievement and Learning & Leadership  Grants Programs

Deadline: October  15, 2009

The NEA Foundation  (  supports a variety of efforts by teachers, education support professionals,  and higher education faculty and staff to improve student learning in public  schools, colleges, and universities across the United States.

The foundation is  accepting applications for the following grant programs:

The Learning &  Leadership Grants program provides opportunities for teachers, education  support professionals, and higher education faculty and staff to engage in  high-quality professional development and lead their colleagues in  professional growth.  Grants to  individuals fund participation in professional development experiences such  as summer institutes and action research. Grants to groups fund collegial  study, including study groups, action research, lesson study, and mentoring  experiences for faculty or staff new to an assignment. The grant amount is  $2,000 for individuals and $5,000 for groups.


The Student  Achievement Grants program provides grants of $5,000 each to improve the  academic achievement of students by engaging in critical thinking and problem  solving that deepen knowledge of standards-based subject matter. The work  should also improve students’habits of inquiry, self-directed learning, and  critical reflection. Proposals for work resulting in low-income and minority  student success with honors, advanced placement, and other challenging  curricula are particularly encouraged. Grant funds may be used for resource  materials, supplies, equipment, transportation, software, and  scholars-in-residence.

Applicants must be  practicing U.S. public school teachers in grades K-12, public school  education support professionals, or faculty and staff at public higher  education institutions.


Visit the NEA  Foundation Web site for complete grant program information.

RFP Link:

For additional RFPs  in Education, visit:

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NIH Summer Institute on  Community-Based Participatory Research


The National Institutes of  Health has announced the 2nd summer institute. We are thrilled to see that  the organizers have responded to Community-Campus Partnerships for Health’s  (CCPH) comments on last year's summer institute.

When the 1st NIH institute  on CBPR was announced, CCPH expressed concern about its exclusive focus on  academic researchers.

In CBPR, the community is  involved at the very start of the research,

so it was incongruent that  the institute did not include the community partners or acknowledge the  possibility of a community partner as a principal investigator or co-PI.

This summer's institute  has been designed for community-academic partner teams (see below for  details).


CCPH has  successfully implemented community-academic partner team-based model of CBPR  training: 


The training  curriculum, "Developing and Sustaining CBPR Partnerships" is  available online at


If you're  interested in bringing a CBPR training workshop or institute to your  location, contact CCPH senior consultant Rachel Vaughn at  for more information.

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Even if you do not  have a college-aged child at home, please share this with someone who does,  pass this scholarship information on to anyone and everyone that comes to  mind. Though there are a number of companies and organizations that have  donated moneys for scholarship use to African Americans, a great deal of the  money is being returned because of a lack of interest.


No one is going to  knock on our doors and ask if we can use a scholarship.


Take the initiative  to get your children involved. There is no need for money to be returned to  donating companies

because we fail to  apply for it.


Please pass this  information on to family members, nieces, nephews, and friends with children  etc. We must get the word out that money is available. If you are a college  student or getting ready to become one, you probably already know how useful  additional money can be.

Our youth really could use these scholarships. Thanks!!


For a list of  scholarships please visit our group ‘The Coalition, Inc.’

----- Coalition  members! Activate ‘Your’web link on The  Coalition, Inc. web site -----


Ed Schwartz


As founder and  president of the Institute for the Study of Civic Values in Philadelphia, Ed  Schwartz has been a national leader in movements to revitalize neighborhoods  and expand citizen participation in government for more than 25 years. In the  1970s, he built a city-wide coalition of community organizations that led to  his upset election to the Philadelphia City Council as a councilman-at-large  in 1984. Between 1987 and 1992, he served as director of Philadelphia's  Office of Housing and Community Development, overseeing the rehabilitation of  more than 4,000 houses and apartments for low-income residents of the city.  In 1992, he returned to the Institute for the Study of Civic Values full-time  to develop new models for community planning and citizen empowerment for the  1990s. As a Ph.D. in political science from Rutgers University, Dr. Schwartz  has written widely on problems related to civic participation, neighborhood  development, and America's democratic heritage. His first book, Will the  Revolution Succeed? (Intext, 1973) was excerpted in "The Nation and  Change in Higher Education." Since then, his articles and reviews have  appeared in The New York Times Book Review, The Nation, The  American Prospect, Shelterforce, The Philadelphia Inquirer,  and The Philadelphia Daily News. The work of the Institute for the  Study of Civic Values itself is profiled extensively in Robert Bellah's  award-winning book, Habits of the Heart. Dr. Schwartz has been a  pioneer in the use of computers and now the Internet in promoting citizen  participation. In 1982, he developed innovative systems to track the  performance of public agencies and city expenditures, using one of the first  IBM PCs. He was the first elected official in Philadelphia to computerize his  constituent services, and participated regularly in local activist bulletin  boards as a councilman in 1985, nearly ten years before the concept of  "electronic democracy" was recognized anywhere else in the country.  Within months of accessing the Internet in 1994, he became a leader in the  movement to build community networks throughout the country and in efforts to  help citizen organizations use the Net for political empowerment. Today, the  Neighborhoods Online Web site that he created and manages is accessed by  thousands of community activists and public officials throughout the country.  For relaxation, Dr. Schwartz plays jazz piano. In 1984, he organized The  Reading Terminals jazz group with Judge Richard Klein and an architect,  Herman De Jong. The group has become a local Philadelphia institution,  winning "Best of Philly" awards twice from Philadelphia Magazine.







Streets Of Madness

by Rainbows Mind


I walk alone on the streets of  madness
 observing a million realities.
 Where peace always seems to end in war
 and war always seems to end in death.
 Love me as you caress my soul away
 but hate me if I don't conform to your desires.
 Everyone walks along in droves
 and I stand aside casted out.
 I lie down alone on the streets of madness
 in the calm and dsolate cool night air.
 Alone to contemplate my fate
 anticipating my melting stage.
 The one where I will just fade away
 and no one will notice the ashes left.
 Love me when you're ignorant
 but hate me when you're aware of my being.
 A million souls attempted to view
 a world that they will never understand.

 I run alone on the streets of madness
 not quite sure what I'm trying to escape.
 Leaving the burning bridges behind me
 because I can no longer control the flame.
 So proud of the inner world I've created
 so sad that no one can walk with me.
 Lost within their delusions of life
 as they become slaves to the bigger machine.

 I stand alone on the streets of madness
 lost in a place that I call my home.
 My mind is my only companion
 and I see a star so again I wish.

 "One day I wish that a few can see
 that there's more to this life than what it seems on the surface."
 One day we will form a unity
 and at the center of the Earth we will become one.

----- Coalition  members! Activate ‘Your’web link on The  Coalition, Inc. web site -----




Jus’  Words at Dowlings Place

1310 No. Broad St.  Phila

Every Thurs. 9pm to  1am

·       Poets

·       Rappers

·       Singers

·       Spoken Word Artists

----- Coalition  members! Activate ‘Your’web link on The  Coalition, Inc. web site -----






West Philadelphia  hosts

20th Annual  Neighborhood Festival


The West  Philadelphia Coalition of Neighborhoods and Business and State Senator  Anthony H. Williams will host the 20th Annual Neighborhood to Neighborhood  Street Festival on

Saturday, September  5th.

The free event is  an opportunity for old neighbors and new friends to become acquainted in a  fun filled and family-friendly environment.   It will feature children’s activities and rides, food and merchandise,  community resource information, giveaways, and live entertainment featuring a  national and local recording artists, disc jockey music, line dancing and  karaoke.

The festival will  take place


48th to 52nd &  Baltimore Avenue


For more  information, email Tamara Staley or  call 215-472-5416.

----- Coalition  members! Activate ‘Your’web link on The  Coalition, Inc. web site -----


14th Annual  Wadsworth Day

Sponsored by State  Senator LeAnna M. Washington and Community Outreach 200 Inc.

Saturday September  12th 2009

11 a.m - 7 p.m.

free admission

1500 and 1600  Blocks of Wadsworth Ave, Mt. Airy Between Cheltenham and Michener Ave.

live entertainment,  health screenings,

food and beverage  vendors,

shopping, drill  teams,

face painting and  more.

*vendors wanted*

for information  215-242-0472


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ICON Annual Cookout Event and Volleyball Tournament


ICON would like to  invite everyone to our Annual Cookout Event and First Ever Volleyball  Tournament.

Date: September  12th, 2009

Time: 10 a.m. – 6  p.m.

Location: Picnic  Area #7 – Lemon Hill and Sedgley Drives @ Fairmount Park Philadelphia

Cost: $10/person  early registration

$15/person at the  picnic site

Click Here to  Register: Registration

Volleyball  Tournament

Gather up for your  friends and sign up for your team.

For more  information about the tournament, please contact Chi Nguyen.

“Welcome Back to  School” Happy Hour

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Tribute in Honor of

C. Vivian Stringer


John Chaney

Hall of Fame Coaches from  Cheyney University

Thursday, Sept.  17th 

6pm-9pm Donation  $75.00

First District  Plaza

3801 Market St.

West Phila. 19104

Raising Money For  Scholarship Fund and Endowment Fund

Co Chairs, Ducky  Birts and Don Hackney

Tickets and  information 215-471-3953  email

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* *  *  Outside PA   *  *  *


“Black August”

Observance  & Salute

presented by


The Million Woman  Movement Intl., The Black Women’s Defense League, African Women For  Reparations Cadre, and The “ A Million Black Women Rising” Sistahoods


Teach In’s  & Activist/Advocates Training Sessions  for

“Sistahs, Young  Adults, and Youth”




·      Political  Prisoners & “Hands Off Assata” Teach In


·      African  Reparations: Restitution & Retribution    and   "What Would Our  Ancestors Want Us To Do Now/Today?

·         “Protecting & Defending Our Women & Girls”


Further Examination of Issues and necessary preparations  for Actions to address Rape, Oppression, and other Natural and Human Rights  Violations forced upon Black/African females worldwide.


“From Da Hood to  Darfur”


For more  information e-mail:  or

or call:  267-686-3802

These sessions are  Free and Open to All interested persons


DISCLAIMER NOTICE: This is an official (original) Million  Woman March/Movement (TM) Program and is not affiliated with any quasi,  sabotage oriented, or pretend group or persons claiming to have had any  initial participation (unless registered and approved by the National MWM now  (2009) etc.



Newark, NJ Session

August 29,  2009  

3:00 p.m. at the

"Stop The  Violence of Black Women & Girls Rally"

Market & Broad  Sts.


Remember: You are either part the solution or you are part  of the problem....

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Al Fielder


14th Annual  Mississippi Jazz & Heritage Festival

Continues in  Greenville & Greenwood, Mississippi


Mississippi Jazz  & Heritage Festival

Honors Al Fielder  and Mulgrew Miller


(Greenville &  Greenwood, Mississippi) - The 14th Annual Mississippi Jazz & Heritage  Festival, celebrating Mississippi's great jazz legacy, will take place in the  Mississippi Delta on

Saturday, Septemer  5, 2009, in

Greenville,  Mississippi, at the

Edwards Center, 749  Main Street,

beginning at 6:00pm  and Monday,


September, 7, 2009,  in

Greenwood,  Mississippi, at

Bo's Bar-b-Que Bar  & Grill,

507 Carrollton  Avenue,

beginning at  6:00pm.

Meridian,  Mississippi native and master jazz drummer, Al Fielder and Greenwood,  Mississippi native and master jazz pianist, Mulgrew Miller, will be honored.

"We are  returning to Greenville and bringing the festival to Greenwood for the first  time over the Labor Day weekend," states Rev. Ronald V. Myers, Sr.,  M.D., Artistic Director of the Mississippi Jazz and Heritage Festival and  accomplished Belzoni, Mississippi resident jazz pianist and trumpeter. Myers  was a featured guest jazz artist at the 2006 Miles Davis 80th Birthday  Concert in East St. Louis and performs concerts throughout the country as the  National Juneteenth Jazz Artist. "Mississippi has a rich jazz legacy  that includes Shelby, Mississippi native historic jazz composer Gerald  Wilson, Jackson, Mississippi native world reknowned jazz vocalist Cassandra  Wilson, and Vicksburg, Mississippi native master jazz pianist Hank  Jones," continues Dr. Myers.


The festival is  sponsored by the National Association of Juneteenth Jazz Presenters (NAJJP)  and is a part of the "June is Black Music Month!" - CELEBRATING  JUNETEENTH JAZZ - "Preserving Our African American Jazz Legacy!"  national concert series. Dr. Myers is the founder of the (NAJJP).


"Jazz is  African American Classical Music, created from the hearts, lives and souls of  black folks in America," states Rev., Dr. Myers, also Founder and  Chairman of the NAJJP, the Fellowship of Creative Christian Jazz Musicians  (FCCJM), the National Juneteenth Christian Leadership Council (NJCLC) and the  National Juneteenth Holiday Campaign. "The preservation of our unique  African-American jazz music legacy is what Black Music Month and the  celebration of Juneteenth is all about."


The festival is  also dedicated to the late Woodville, Mississippi native and jazz legend  Lester "Prez" Young. "Lester Young is the father of the modern  jazz saxophone and was born August 27, 1909 and died in 1959, after a  historic career as one of the most influential jazz musicians of all  time," states Dr. Myers. "Billy Holiday gave him the title  "Prez", short for President of the tenor saxophone."


Dr. Myers will be  performing original compositions from his critically acclaimed jazz CD,  "Doctor's Orders." The CD includes popular original Mississippi  Delta jazz compositions like "Song For Tchula," "Message From  the Country" and "Blues For Tchula.."


Rachella Parks,  from Fort Worth, Texas, one of the top female jazz saxophonist in the world,  will be the featured guest artist. Jazz bassist "extraordinaire",  Dr. London Branch, retired professor of music and former Director of the  Jackson State University Orchestra, will be performing along with Cuban  percussionist Earlton Batles Manley and Jackson, Mississippi native,  percussionist Wilton Knott. Also performing will be Greenville, MS native  jazz drummer Hal Holbrook, Jackson, MS jazz drummer Noah Jelks, along with  Aye Aton, formerly with the legendary Sun Ra Arkestra, on drums and  percussion.


Admission is free  and donations are appreciated. For more information contact Dr. Myers at  662-247-3364, 662-247-1471 e-mail:;  web site:  


The Mississippi  Jazz & Heritage Festival is a cooperative effort sponsored by:

National  Association of Juneteenth Jazz Presenters (NAJJP)

The Myers  Foundation    The Black Arts Music  Society

The Smith Robertson  Museum & Cultural Center

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A Community  Event...



(The Man & the  Movement)




“It  became my dream in life to rescue my people – all people – from myths of the  African race.  This became my mission  in life, to tell the true story of the African, to recover the essence of his  early civilizations so that the tragedy of slavery, of colonization, of myths  about his fundamental inferiority may be destroyed forever.” – Ivan Van  Sertima


Saturday, September  12, 2009


5:45 – 8:00  p.m.  (free & open to the public)



2811 Adeline Street  

Oakland, CA


Dr. Ivan Van  Sertima was born in January 1935 in Guyana, South America.  In 1970, he immigrated to the United  States, and later began teaching at Rutgers University in the Dept. of  Africana Studies. In 1976, Van Sertima published his celebrated classic,  *They Came Before Columbus: The African Presence in Ancient America*.  In 1979, he founded the *Journal of  African Civilizations,* one of the most influential publications in the last  quarter of the 20th century.  For 15  years through the Journal, Dr. Van Sertima created a community of leading  scholars and writers who collectively provided proof of African contributions  to the world and successfully changed many of the mainstream myths about  Black people. The Journal also influenced the development of multicultural  curricula throughout the U.S.


Event Flyer





Prof. Manu Ampim



Bro. Malique  Amenhotep





Free Online Computer Instruction

See ‘Archives’ at

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Our group A HAND UP! Is now open, please go to:



In response to the needs of many grassroots organizations  for the basic tools to implement and sustain their ideas and projects, The  Coalition, Inc. members have come together to establish a network to  facilitate the distribution/re-distribution of unwanted, unneeded, surplus  and even repairable items for recycling.


Big Picture  Philadelphia seeks school furniture

Big Picture  Philadelphia, a nationally-recognized model school program, is opening two  new middle-high schools in Philadelphia in September.

El Centro de  Estudiantes, an alternative school serving out-of-school-youth in Kensington  and

Eastern University  Academy a Charter School serving students in Nicetown and East Falls will  both operate on the nationally recognized Big  Picture school design.

BPP has put out a  call for furniture for the new schools.   The group is looking for organizations and businesses that may be  upgrading or changing facilities and have the following available: board  tables and chairs, individual cubicles, desks for teachers, file cabinets,  copiers and computers. Big Picture Philadelphia classrooms resemble warm,  well-lit office spaces that include a central meeting and learning space as  well as quiet, individualized places to work, read and study.

If you can help, email David Bromley or call  215-837-6102.

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Neighborhood Bike Works needs space


Neighborhood Bike Works needs some space in the  Temple U area.

We need a basement, garage or warehouse type  space to teach bike repair to youth and adults.

Do you know any churches, community centers or  other agencies that might have free or really cheap space to accommodate this  kind of service to the community?

I'd like to get something going by Sept 1st if  possible. I need to get to know some North Philly people, because we want to  bring bikes and bike mechanic lessons to the youth there.

Contact Andy Dyson at 215.873.6695

Neighborhood bike  works is a proud member of The coalition, Inc.


To  join: A Hand Up!












Remember to support  The Coalition, Inc.’s on-air personalities…

Straight Up WORD with Dr. John Elliott Churchville, Senior Pastor of The  Liberation Fellowship Church of Jesus, on WNWR 1540 AM, Sundays at 9:30am.  Dr. Churchville will explore the Holy Scriptures verse by verse for your  spiritual and practical edification, and “...liberation of the oppressed, and  social justice for the poor.”


Civil Alert World with Brother Sabir Bey Saturdays 5:30pm to 6:30pm on WNJC  1360 AM. Also listen in on WKDU 91.7 AM Friday, 12am to 3am


Sister Phile Chionesu, organizer of the Million  Woman March,

“Nu Day Resurrection and Liberation" Show LIVE  each Saturday evening 10:30 PM--12:00 midnight EST.

"NU Day" is heard in Philly and, worldwide,  through the internet at:  Or you can tune in via podcast at 646-652-2232

Call in and give your thoughts, comments, opinions at  1-646-652-2232 

or send an instant message tomwmsistahood@aol.comto chat on line. 










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