Letters to the Editor

Mr. Terry DeHere
Candidate For

April 2001

Dear Editor,

I am new to the political arena, which means that I do not represent politics as usual. I intend to bring a new face of action to the community. I am a life long resident of Jersey City and I am well aware of the problems and barriers that we are up against.

On May 8, 2001, there will be a major municipal election. This election will have a great impact on our city and I am confident that with your support we will be able to overcome.

We are in an era where the old ways must be replaced with the new and as a young energetic person, I bring an innovative vision. This vision is to provide Jersey City residents with the quality of life that is past due and long deserved.

We have seen Jersey City divided. There are drugs on every corner, an increase in crime with social and economic ills. On May 8th I make my political debut as Council Person at Large. With your support, I am confident that we can begin to bring about this new vision and make a positive change in Jersey City. On May 8, 2001 - VOTE 5B.


Terry DeHere
Candidate - Council Person At Large

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