Enough Is Enough Coalition

Holds 11th Annual Pre-Thanksgiving

Memorial Dinner


By Minister Thomas Ellis


 Photographs courtesy of Enough Is 

Enough Coalition



On Tuesday November  22, 2005 Enough Is Enough Coalition held its 11th Annual Pre Thanksgiving  Memorial Dinner for families who have lost a loved one to Guns and  Violence.

The dinner was held  at the Deliverance Evangelistic Center (Church) 621 Clinton Ave. Newark.

This years event  featured a special treat a skit performed by the (STK) Stop the Killing  Productions.

Rev. Beckham Pastor  of Clear-View Baptist Church opened up the evening with  Prayer.


Photographs courtesy of Enough Is Enough Coalition



Several families  attended some for the first time like the Walker family, whose brother David Walker was  murdered a few weeks ago in the West Ward of Newark.

Hugs & Love this  is when Min Ellis ask everyone to go over to other tables and just give  someone a hug show some love, this is to bring the families closer together  and to give them an opportunity to meet others who have the same thing in  common the lost of a loved one.(Healing Process), and this part of the dinner  is more important than the Turkey itself.

One of the speakers  was Wali Hakim, (The Motivational Speaker). This was the first year that Wali  attended the dinner as well, you see his brother Ron Du was murdered  earlier this year in East  Orange.

Jackie Bundley  President of (MOMSAD) whose son was killed a few years ago spoke words  of hope to the crowd.

Not only was the  skit a special feature, but the (POMY) Parents of Murdered Youth support  group received a Proclamation from the Mayor of Newark Sharpe James Declaring  Nov 22, 2005 Enough Is Enough Coalition/Parents of Murdered Youth Day in the  City of Newark NJ.




courtesy of Enough Is Enough Coalition



The President of the  organization Minister Thomas Ellis also made certificates of recognition  awards presentations to all the cast of the skit, the cast is made  up of family members who have lost a loved one  to Guns/ Violence and  they have been performing the skit since Black History Month 2005, their first  performance was at the Mary Birch Theater of Essex County College

Catering the event  was Classic Catering. They have been catering the dinner since  1998.

Larry Hamm Chairman  of (POP) Peoples organization for Progress gave the remarks, and told those  gathered that Gun violence is one of our major Killers in our  community.

After watching a  great production, speakers, the many smiles, and all the love that was  displayed that night there was still one more thing, Minister Ellis brought  everyone up to the front and asked them to pray for the Walker Family, you see  the Walkers are still going through some things since the death of David and  need your prayers, as well as all the many families who have been victimized  by Guns/ Violence.


Photographs courtesy of Enough Is Enough Coalition



The organization  would like to thank all the sponsors and supporters for with out your support  the Dinner could not have been an overwhelming Success.

Don't forget to visit  their Web site  www.enoughisenoughcoalition.com


Bro Ellis





 More concerns are addressed in "Faces of Terrorism" - check it out!




 More pictorial coverage is available on the Enough Is Enough Coalition Web site.



Here is a report on the 2004 Memorial Dinner  








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