Urban Cartographer Online




Neither "PC" nor "MAC"!

("Politically Correct")              ("Mainstream and Compromising")






This satire is a working draft with more coming soon.


 A Special Report:

(and "Hippos")


(or WHY
I Almost Voted for
Senator John McCain)


Copyright © 2008 - 2009, Stan Daniels, Editor,
Urban Cartographer Online


Is the nation terminally ill?

Americanis Typicalis

 Chronic "Johnnie One Note" Syndrome and Acute "Mad Cowboy" Disease

Symptoms of the sickness:

"Majoring in the minors," with far too many people having made "Johnnie One Note" their national anthem and selecting leadership that greedily and madly races the entire population of the planet towards destruction.

 The Present Dilemma:

Why make Barack Obama
Captain of the Titanic
after it has been slammed into the iceberg?

On a planet one camel flatulence away from Armageddon,
we don't need any more foolishness.



This is a working draft with more coming soon.






Read more here!



 Some of the Evidence:


Far too many people in America have become very proficient at spending other people's time and money without their consent or approval.
If you have ever had to deal with:
utilities (such as gas, electric, telephone, cable)
certain governmental agencies and bureaucracies, contractors or delivery services,
to borrow and expression from Senator Hillary Clinton,
"you know what I mean."


Read more about
this issue here.
Please be sure to read
The Inaugural Address
by President Barack Obama.



Judge in New York City court reminds the world that just as in the days of Emmett Till, in 21st Century America,

(Breathing While Black),
can still be hazardous to your health!


Read more about
this issue here.
Please be sure to read
The Inaugural Address
by President Barack Obama.



See, what God is saying to us today, through the -- through the transition of Coretta Scott King, is that we, here in this world, right now, are suffering from a -- complications of cancer, from materialism, and -- and greed, and -- and selfishness, and arrogance, and elitism, and poverty, and racism, and perversion, and obscenity, and misogyny. and idolatry, and violence, and militarism.

It's a cancer that's eating away at the very essence and the nature of what God created human -- humankind to be, for, he created us to have rulership in and dominion in the earth, and not allow the earth to dictate to us.

But, now, what has happened... ... is that the very earth, the very creation that he put us in charge of, is now controlling us.

And instead of us reproducing other people who look like God, who talk like God, who act like God, who think like God, who do business like God, who govern like God, who entertain like God, we're not reproducing anything, because the cancer is eating away at us.

He's saying, roles have reversed. Creation has become your king, instead of you being the king, he said, because the very trees that I created for you, instead of you having dominion and authority over them, they are now dictating how your families look, how your friendships look, how your governments look, how your media and entertainment industry look, how your youth population looks, because, in fact, money is made from trees.

And the Bible says that the love of money, not money itself -- see, God didn't have a problem with leaving us riches and -- and wealth -- of -- of materials and resources. He doesn't have a problem with billionaires and millionaires.

In fact, God has left enough for everybody to be a billionaire, in fact. What he has problem with is our affinity to, our loyal to, our soul tied to money in such a way that the love has overtaken us, and now we have escalating divorce rates. And now we have people doing violent things in the street.

He's saying, now we have people that their only preoccupation is, how can I make more money? And he interjected Martin in time to tell America, there is a danger when you become a thing-oriented society, rather than a people-oriented society.

So, Coretta Scott King's transition is calling for a new birth.


Read more about
this issue here.
Please be sure to read
The Inaugural Address
by President Barack Obama.



"Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." - Dr Martin Luther King, Jr (1963)


Read more about
this issue here.
Please be sure to read
The Inaugural Address
by President Barack Obama.




America is seriously sleep-deprived with disastrous consequences

The cost in dollars, lives, and human suffering is very high

(The annual cost to the U.S. economy is comparable to that of Hurricane Katrina!)

Read the facts for yourself!


Read more about
this issue here.
Please be sure to read
The Inaugural Address
by President Barack Obama.



"What do the nuclear accident at Chernobyl, the near meltdown at Three Mile Island, the environmentally disastrous oil spill by the Exxon Valdez, and the loss of the space shuttle Challenger all have in common?

They were all caused by people who were making mistakes because they had had too little sleep."

From: Sleep Thieves

copyright © 1996 Dr Stanley Coren ISBN 0-684-82304-7


Read more about
this issue here.
Please be sure to read
The Inaugural Address
by President Barack Obama.



"I, for one, believe that if you give people a thorough understanding of what confronts them and the basic causes that produce it, they'll create their own program, and when the people create a program, you get action." -Malcolm X


Read more about
this issue here.
Please be sure to read
The Inaugural Address
by President Barack Obama.



"He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps perpetrate it."

"We must work on . . . attacking the causes and healing the effects." -Martin Luther King Jr.


Read more about
this issue here.
Please be sure to read
The Inaugural Address
by President Barack Obama.



"The Madness Continues !"

"When the police are indistinguishable from the bad guys, then society has a serious problem." - Philadelphia District Attorney Lynne Abraham

(The Philadelphia September 4, 1996 Agreement)


Read more about
this issue here.
Please be sure to read
The Inaugural Address
by President Barack Obama.



It was once wisely observed that: "the best deterrent to crime is a law abiding population."

Contemporary and recent events, and the records of history, all confirm the validity of that observation.

Dr Martin Luther King, Jr (in 1963) stated: "Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity."

As we confront the issues of the 21st Century, it is perhaps time to reconsider the advice of Marcus Garvey: "Liberate the minds of men and ultimately you will liberate the bodies of men."




If you truly want

Please read
II Chronicles 7:14
to learn
where it really starts.


"Yes We CAN"
Has already been proven.
The only question is:

We DO have choices
Choices have consequences.

(Deuteronomy 30:19, 15-20) 


 This is a working draft with more coming soon.







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