The Coalition, Inc.

"We each hold a piece to the puzzle."


Contact: John Elliott Churchville

(215) 848-8511


Gary R. Adams, president of The Coalition, Inc. announced today that the approximately 90 local, regional and national community groups and organizations committed to working together in peace and cooperating with each other when opportunities arise--will hold a Special Summit Meeting on Saturday, September 10th to share organizational policy statements related to the issues that the organizations all address in their communities. "The purpose of this gathering is to compile policy statements from each of our organizations so that The Coalition can adopt and be prepared to support the efforts of individual groups around those policy issues that affect their work with communities," Adams said.

Adams went on to explain that the organizations involved in The Coalition work across a broad spectrum from HIV prevention, treatment and related healthcare work, education and youth-focused work, to work with immigrants, community revitalization and beyond. "It is our plan to develop a "Policy Bank" that reflects the issues and concerns of front-line organizations, and that can be used in support of the progressive social change agendas of each group," said Adams.

The Coalition's September 10th Summit meeting will be held from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the main auditorium of the Philadelphia School District's Administration Building, 440 North Broad Street. Adams said that the Summit is open to all organizations working on issues that are aimed at making positive social change in our communities at whatever level.

Registrations for the Summit Meeting will be taken until Monday, August 15th, at close of business. People may register by contacting John Churchville ( or Gary R. Adams ( with the name of their organization and the names of the persons who will be representing their organization at the Summit.

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