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A Leading
African American Heritage



A Message in the MUSIC

“Heal This Land I Call Home”


Copyright © 2011 Eleanor L. Elcock-Parker & Lami Garber
All Rights Reserved





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“Heal This Land I Call Home”






Subject: Lyrics


Heal This Land I Call Home


Copyright © 2011 Eleanor L. Elcock-Parker & Lami Garber

All Rights Reserved


Heal This Land I Call Home Key of Ab





What do I do?

When the earth shakes.

The sea rises all around.

Chaos on hand,

Engulfs the land.

Give me a safe place to live.



So I fall to my knees,

Won't you calm the seas.

Still the rough waters I fear.

Pleading Mercy and grace,

Needed in this time and place.

Heal this land I call home.



What do I do?

For a ray of sun,

To see the children play again.

Hope still abound.

Tears not around.

Give me back a safe place to live.



So I fall to my knees,

Won't you calm the seas.

Still the rough waters I fear.

Pleading Mercy and grace,

Needed in this time and place.

Heal this land I call home.



We need you Lord /we need you Lord

To still the seas/ to still the seas

To clean the air/ to clean the air

Heal the land.



So I fall to my knees,

Won't you please calm the seas.

Still the rough waters I fear.

Pleading Mercy and grace,

Needed in this time and place.

Heal this land I call home.



We need you Lord /we need you Lord

To still the seas/ to still the seas

To clean the air/ to clean the air

Heal the land.



So I fall to my knees,

Won't you calm the seas.

Still the rough waters I fear.

Pleading Mercy and grace,

Needed in this time and place.

Heal this land I call home.

Heal this land I call home.





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Please contact us for more information.









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                    Another Message in the MUSIC                     Please contact us for more information                     Another Message in the MUSIC                     Please contact us for more information                     Another Message in the MUSIC                     Please contact us for more information                     Another Message in the MUSIC                     Please contact us for more information                     Another Message in the MUSIC


“Beautiful In My Sight”








Parents, Students, Educators,
Librarians, Mentors, Clergy,
Teachers and Community Leaders:

Here is some helpful
Information YOU Can Use And Share!


is a road
that can take you from
" 40 Acres and a Mule"
" 40 Ounces and a Fool " !!!


"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day.
Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."

- Lao Tzu






"Give a thirsty man dirty water and he will drink it.


Put clean water out there and he will know the difference."



Mario Van Peebles, June 1, 2004

on New York's Morning Show,

with Professor Karen Hunter and Rabbi Shea Hecht

WWRL Radio (www.wwrl1600.com)




“We must become the change we want to see in the world.”

--  Mohandas Ghandi




"Music is emotional transportation"
- John Turturro
filmmaker and actor
(on the Tavis Smiley Show
in December 2007).


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Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial

We are Honored to be
A Founding Sponsor




it IS time for change!

If you truly want

Please read
II Chronicles 7:14
to learn
where it really starts.






“Where there is love there is life.”

--  Mohandas Ghandi


Stay connected, and in harmony, with our Creator

His Spirit will keep us United!



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