Ossie Davis,

Beloved Actor and Humanitarian,










 Remembering Ossie Davis

(A record that speaks for itself)

imdb.com photo

"...and no one can fill his shoes!"
-- Dick Gregory
(on the Bev Smith Show, 2/4/2005)





Ossie Davis, the imposing, deep-voiced actor and his wife and acting partner, Ruby Dee, helped to open doors and widen horizons for Black people on stage and screen.

They fought  zealously for Human Rights from Washington to Hollywood.

When the couple was honored at the Kennedy Center in December, 2004, Mr. Davis stated: "We knew that every time we got a job and every time we were onstage, America was looking to make judgments about all black folks on the basis of how you looked, how you sounded, how you carried yourself. So any role you had was a role that was involved in the struggle for black identification. You couldn't escape it."





You may

New York Times photo

recent New York Times articles






Where they were married.

"We are in this together" 


where they were married

where they were married

where they were married

where they were married


On December 9, 1948, Ossie Davis and Ruby Dee took the day off from rehearsals for the play, "The Smile of the World."

They rode a bus to Jersey City, New Jersey to be married by the Rev. Dr. William A. Epps, Sr., Pastor of the Zion Baptist Church.

Since then they have given many smiles to the world among many other major humanitarian contributions.

In demonstrating his concern and love for all of the families of humanity, Ossie Davis always remembered that "charity begins at home."
We are able to carry on because he has shown us the way.

Ossie Davis and Ruby Dee have introduced the entire planet to the real Black African-American family.

In gratitude we must continue his legacy.

"We are in this together" 


Zion Baptist Church

Zion Baptist Church




Editor's Note:
Error Correction

In our earlier edition, we erroneously stated that the marriage was performed by the Rev. Dr. Charles T. Epps, Sr.

Actually his father, the Rev. Dr. William A. Epps, Sr., who preceded him as Pastor of the Zion Baptist Church performed the historic ceremony.

We apologize for any negative consequences of the anachronistic inaccuracy.

It is a tribute, however, to the Epps family (which has contributed many outstanding humanitarians, clergy persons and educators to our community), to have had such a positive case of mistaken identity.

Since this Web site serves as an educational reference resource, we try to keep our statements of facts correct.

Please contact us and notify us if you encounter any other factual or typographical errors on our site.

Thank you for your interest in preserving our rich heritage.

The Editor



Photographs copyright © 2005-2011 by Stan Daniels, Editor,

Urban Cartographer Online



Visitation and Funeral Services

Were Open to the Public


NEW YORK, Feb. 7 /PRNewswire/ -- and Feb. 12 /ECMAP/ --

Funeral services for the late Ossie Davis, 87, noted writer, actor and activist, have been held. 

In keeping with the spirit of his life and his concern for humanity, both his visitation and funeral were open to the public.



The quiet, patient and dignified respect that thousands of people paid to Ossie Davis and his family reminded the Editor of the first free elections in South Africa. 

In both cases the people endured extremes of tempurature (heat in South Africa and cold in New York City) and cast their votes with their actions for champions of a legacy of true liberation. 

We must always remember and never forget! 



Friday, February 11, 5 p.m. to 10 p.m.

Abyssinian Baptist Church

132 W. 138th Street, Manhattan



Saturday, February 12, 12 Noon

Riverside Church

490 Riverside Drive, Manhattan

The presiding ministers at the ecumenical service were the Reverend James Forbes, pastor of Riverside Church, and the Reverend Calvin O. Butts III, pastor of Abyssinian Baptist Church, where Mr. Davis was a member.



In lieu of flowers the family requests that donations be made in Mr. Davis's name to one or more of the following organizations:


Oxfam America, Sudan Crisis Relief Fund

P.O. Box 1211,

Albert Lea, Minnesota 56007-1211


EXCEL Institute

2266 25th Place, NE, Washington, D.C. 20018

Attn.: George Starke


WBAI Pacifica Radio

120 Wall Street, New York, NY 10005

Attn.:  Mr. Bernard White


Today's Students/Tomorrow's Teachers

3 West Main Street, 2nd Floor, Elmsford, NY 10523

Attn.: Dr. Betty Perkins



Earl G. Graves Publishing Co.,

ECMAP Network






Related Material



Ossie Davis: An Appreciation

Ossie Davis: An Appreciation
(from NPR)




Guy Davis Homepage



Courtesy of Howard University




Remembering Ossie Davis, With Love
by Jamie Walker



Tribute to

Mahogany Cafe
Tribute to Ossie Davis



He belonged to all of us

By FinalCall.com News




Eulogy for Malcolm X


More information is available at the

Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture

515 Malcolm X Boulevard

New York, NY 10037-1801

(212) 491-2200






Radio     Television     PBS     Internet     MTV     "CD's"     "DVD's"    BET     CNN    Movies     HBO     MP3     "Sesame Street"     I-pod     Cable     Satellite     History Channel     Concerts    BBC       



"All media is educational.

The only question is:
'What does it teach?' "

(If you have any doubts, just
watch and listen to your kids!)

- The Editor
Urban Cartographer Online





"Fight Hate and Promote Tolerance!"

Join the
National Campaign for Tolerance
A Project of the
Southern Poverty Law Center







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Please check back for updates. 




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