Can Help Stop Spam
and Identity Theft!"




 Editor's Note:


Our office receives much useful and helpful information from many sources by e-mail.  

Some messages are forwarded by the senders after receiving them from someone else. 

Often the information is public in nature, sometimes it is private. 

Occasionally messages contain a list of addresses of other recipients. 

If the message only goes to "friends and family," perhaps no harm is done. 

If, on the other hand, the list gets into the hands of someone with questionable intentions,
then there can be problematic consequences. 

The accompanying information shows you how you can prevent, and therefore avoid, such problems. 








The proliferation of "spam," identity theft,
cyberspace fraud and even terrorism have become major problems.
It is important to keep e-mail addresses as secure as possible.
Often computers with unsuspecting owners are either infected with destructive viruses,
or hijacked and turned into robots
used in remotely coordinated criminal disruptions of the Internet.
The miscreants are running wild!

If you send out emails to a mailing list or even just a few people,
you should make every effort to hide the email addresses from everyone on the list.

You can protect your friends email addresses by using the Blind Copy feature.
This means that the email addresses are not forwarded to each recipient.



You may wish to forward a message that you have received from someone else (and are authorized to send it to others without violating copyright or similar limitations).

It does not have to be a complicated process.

Simply copy the message and paste it into a new message.

Do not copy the "headers" which contain the address(es) of the senders and perhaps addresses of others who were in the "cc" field.

If you are not changing the subject of the message, simply type it in manually, or copy and paste it from the original message.

Then, if you are sending it to more than one person, simply use the "blind copy" feature.



To learn more about how to do it, please check out
This informative site





Unfortunately, the

Send Page to Friend 

feature has been discontinued on our server
because it was being used for spamming.

The "send page to friend" buttons on our site
have been deactivated and shall be removed
from the pages in tbe future.

Meanwhile, if you encounter an error message,
simply use the "back" button on your browser
to return the the original page.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you.

Please go to the top of this page
to read more about how you can help to combat
the destructive spam and virus plagues
that disrupt legitimate communication.






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