Elder Bernice King
Coretta Scott King



In Loving Memory - Coretta Scott King



 "Remembering Coretta Scott King"


You can celebrate her spirit

and help to carry on the legacy.





You may listen to an audio recording
of the Eulogy.













Memphis 1968



Echol Cole
Robert Walker
Larry Payne
Martin Luther King, Jr
Lorraine Bailey







Carrying On


In addition to dealing with her husband's death, which left her alone with four young children, Mrs. King did not hesitate to pick up his mantle, marching, even before her husband was buried, at the head of the striking garbage workers that he had gone to Memphis to champion. She then went on to lead the effort for a national holiday in his honor and to found the Martin Luther King Jr. Center for Non-Violent Social Change in Atlanta, dedicated both to scholarship and to activism, where Dr. King is buried.



The New York Times

January 31, 2006









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