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John Hope Franklin has joined our beloved and honorable ancestors.

John Hope Franklin

(1915 - 2009)

Who has joined our beloved
and honorable ancestors.



The Autobiography of





BBC News Report

BBC News Report



Leadership Conference
on Civil Rights

Leadership Conference
on Civil Rights







"I could not work in the field of history without maintaining some contact with other historians and some affiliation with historical associations."


"I made a point of meeting other historians and discussing with them matters of mutual interest."


"[H]istory knows no bounds, either in the human experience or in the rules governing who is eligible to record it."


"My ever-widening contacts in the United States presented me with opportunities to become associated with historians in Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and South America. Each contact was instructive not only about the many things that peoples of the world have in common but also as to the intense interest other peoples have in problems and developments far removed from their own that would nevertheless assist them in understanding their own society."


"I can only hope that [all] realize, as I do, how interdependent we all are and how much more rewarding and fulfilling life is whenever we reach a level of understanding where we can fully appreciate the extent of our interrelationships with and our reliance on those who came before us, kept us company during our lives, and will come after us."


(From pages 7 and 8 of the first edition of Mirror to America.)




Also by John Hope Franklin

The Free Negro in North Carolina, 1790-1860 (1943)

From Slavery to Freedom: A History of Negro Americans (1947)

The Militant South, 1800-1860 (1956)

Reconstruction After the Civil War (1961)

The Emancipation Proclamation (1963)

Land of the Free (with John W. Caughey and Ernest R. May) (1965)

Illustrated History of Black Americans (with the editors of Time-Life Books) (1970)

A Southern Odyssey: Travelers in the Ante-bellum North (1976)

Racial Equality in America (1976)

George Washington Williams: A Biography (1985)

Race and History: Selected Essays 1938-1988 (1990)

The Color Line: Legacy for the Twenty-first Century (1993)

African Americans and the Living Constitution (editor, with Genna Rae McNeil) (1995)

The Diary of James T. Ayers: Civil War Recruiter (editor) (1999)

My Life and an Era: The Autobiography of Buck Colbert Franklin (editor, with John Whittington Franklin) (1997)

Runaway Slaves: Rebels on the Plantation (with Loren Schweninger) (2000)

In Search of the Promised Land: A Slave Family in the Old South (with Loren Schweninger) (2005)

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A listing in it does not necessarily imply our endorsement of, or by, the listed site. 



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"I demand the same of all privileged Americans, black or white. Most have manifested little or no interest in the well-being of their fellows. All too often they are indifferent, insensitive, and uncaring."

"In particular, black professionals . . . could do much to rescue young African Americans from the brink of dismal failure if only they would be willing to take the time."

"The test of an advanced society is not in how many millionaires it can produce, but in how many law-abiding, hardworking, highly respected, and self-respecting loyal citizens it can produce."

(From pages 381 and 382 of the first edition of
Mirror to America
Mirror to America.)





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