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News From
The Coalition, Inc.

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News From
The Coalition, Inc.
Friday 19 March 2010 “Communication – Cooperation – Collaboration” Volume 4, Number 29
The Coalition, Inc.
Board of Directors
Gary R. Adams
(President/CEO), John
E. Churchville
Josephine Blow, Stanley
Daniels, Edwin
Desamour, Nijah
Famous, Kendall Hayes-
Fullard, Tom ‘Bunny’
Henry, Abdul Malik
Table of content
For Our Children … 02
This Week … 09
Employment and
Training Opportunities
… 16
Health Matters …25
Green Piece … 28
Personal and Home
Security …29
Grants, Scholarships &
Instruction… 30
SpotLight … 37
Arts for Awareness …
Coming Up …43
Computers and
Technology … 52
A Hand Up … 56
On The Airways … 59
Greetings Coalition Family!
One particular thing that never ceases to amaze me is that GOD, the
universe, the ancestors, providence, almost never gives innovative ideas
to a single person. I have found that even within my small circle of
thinkers and activists, we are constantly calling each other with brilliant
revelations that the other is already pondering and developing action
plans to implement. Often the uninformed will take this opportunity to
become competitive, but we believe it is things of this nature that
illustrates to us that we are all moving toward the same universal goals,
that we must communicate, cooperate and collaborate, and that we all
hold “… a piece to the puzzle.”
“We don't accomplish anything in this world alone... and whatever
happens is the result of the whole tapestry of one's life and all the
weavings of individual threads from one to another that creates
something”… Sandra Day O’Connor
Page 02
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If you would like to
report on a recent
community event, feel
free to send us a brief
account of what
happened in document
format, and we will
share it with our
Send your information
to: News From The
Coalition, Inc.
All entries for
submission should be
received by noon, the
Monday prior to
publish date and in
Press Release form.
“It is easier to build children than it is to repair men.”…Frederick Douglass
Do you like to write stories?
Do you have a passion for writing?
Want to learn more about careers in writing?
Connect with other girls who share your interest!
Together, you'll create stories, direct plays, plan events, go on field trips,
and participate in many exciting activities.
Come out and learn about a groundbreaking mentoring program that is
Designed to develop and nurture girls between
the ages of 10 and 16 who have an interest in the arts
and would like to learn more about and explore careers
in the writing and publishing industries.
Friday, March 19, 2010
7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Camphor Memorial United Methodist Church
5620 Wyalusing Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19131
BLOOM is a mentoring program that will provide guidance, support,
and opportunities for young girls, enabling them
to develop their creative, independent voices, and
learn how to make healthy choices in all areas of their lives.
In combination with a creative and fun writing curriculum,
BLOOM will foster positive relationships and provide opportunities
for girls to build self-esteem and discuss issues that are
important to their overall development.
Please contact Nicole Rouse or Kym Oglesby to RSVP,
or for more information.
A response is needed so that the leaders can
Page 03
We are proud to
announce that News
From The Coalition,
Inc. is featured on the
acclaimed site Eight
Cities Map which is
read in more than 0ne
hundred seventy
Click here:
“Philadelphia’s Online
“Newsletter” from the
To join The Coalition
go to:
and download a copy
of the Pledge of
Commitment and
return it to us
properly accommodate everyone.
Contact information: Nicole: (847) 971-6858
or Kym: 267-386-8204 ext. 7
Just as seeds start small and flourish into beautiful flowers,
BLOOM's focus is to help transform young girls into spectacular
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
United Way’s Center for Youth Development has announced its
Core Curriculum & Mentor Training Schedule for this spring.
CYD coordinates and delivers trainings to improve the quality and build
the capacity of youth programs throughout the region. Trainings are
open to all out-of-school time staff and non-profit professionals in
southeastern Pennsylvania.
In registering, please take note of the identified target audience
(including age of youth served) for each training, as well as trainings
that are part of a series (201, 202, etc) and therefore should not be
registered for individually.
Space is limited. To register please visit the Community Impact
Training Institute website.
For more information, email here.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Do you like to write stories?
Do you have a passion for writing?
Want to learn more about careers in writing?
Connect with other girls who share your interest!
Together, you'll create stories, direct plays, plan events, go on field trips,
and participate in many exciting activities.
Come out and learn about a groundbreaking mentoring program that is
Designed to develop and nurture girls between
the ages of 10 and 16 who have an interest in the arts
and would like to learn more about and explore careers
Page 04
If particular care and
attention is not paid to the
ladies, we are determined to
foment a rebellion, and will
not hold ourselves bound by
any laws in which we have
no voice or representation.
– Abigail Adams
If you have a
favorite relevant
quote, why not
share it with our
readers. send to
We will credit you
with the submission.
in the writing and publishing industries.
Friday, March 19, 2010
7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Camphor Memorial United Methodist Church
5620 Wyalusing Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19131
BLOOM is a mentoring program that will provide guidance, support,
and opportunities for young girls, enabling them
to develop their creative, independent voices, and
learn how to make healthy choices in all areas of their lives.
In combination with a creative and fun writing curriculum,
BLOOM will foster positive relationships and provide opportunities
for girls to build self-esteem and discuss issues that are
important to their overall development.
Please contact Nicole Rouse or Kym Oglesby to RSVP,
or for more information.
A response is needed so that the leaders can
properly accommodate everyone.
Contact information: Nicole: (847) 971-6858
or Kym: 267-386-8204 ext. 7
Just as seeds start small and flourish into beautiful flowers,
BLOOM's focus is to help transform young girls into spectacular
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
IDAAY Friends and Family
Thursday, March 25, 2010
from 6-8:00pm
we will be showcasing our documentary on the
Don’t Fall Down In the Hood Program.
One of the only programs of its in kind in the country
working with young men arrested for
guns, theft, assault, and narcotics charges.
We invite you to come out and
Page 05
From an actual newspaper
contest where entrants age
4 to 15 were asked to
imitate "Deep Thoughts by
Jack Handey."...
Democracy is a beautiful
thing, except for that part
about letting just any old
yokel vote. -- Age 10
To join The Coalition
go to:
and download a copy
of the Pledge of
Commitment and
return it to us
view this unique program through the eyes of the young people sent here
Philadelphia Family Courts.
Your $20 donation will gain you entrance into
the event
You will receive a DVD copy of the documentary to bring
The viewing will be held at
Temple University,
Ritter Hall,
Kiva Auditorium.
corners of
13th Street & Cecil B. Moore Avenues
in Philadelphia.
Please RSVP by Tuesday, March 23, 2010 via reply email.
Sandi Ramos
Director of Administration
Institute for the Development
of African-American Youth, Inc. (IDAAY)
Ph: 215-235-9111
Fax: 215-235-9128
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Dear Family and Friends
We are excited to announce the 5th Annual Philadelphia Fatherhood
Festival. The event will be held on Saturday, June 12, 2010 at the
Pennsylvania Convention Center. The Fatherhood Festival addresses
the issues that plague our families and communities. The event is a
FREE, full day conference consisting of discussion groups, notable
guest speakers, and educational roundtables for all fathers and fatherfigures.
Our goal is to change the lives of men, thereby changing the
lives of children and families forever. We are asking for your help.
Fatherhood Festival Planning Committee
Page 06
I prefer the word
"homemaker" because
"housewife" always implies
that there may be a wife
someplace else. – Bella
To join The Coalition
go to:
and download a copy
of the Pledge of
Commitment and
return it to us
Festival Planning Meeting
Strategic Planning
Please join Us at our Festival planning meeting. We need your thoughts,
ideas, and suggestions. Each day most of us are involved in meetings
and sessions that have minimal impact to our community. The Father
Festival will provide you with the opportunity to give back and help
strengthen our children and our families. We need you, your experience,
and your vision to make the festival a success. Please come out and help
us make a difference.
Our kickoff meeting was held on
Monday, February 22, 2010
at the
School District of Philadelphia Main Building,
Parent Resource Center,
440 N. Broad Street (Broad & Spring Garden).
Please mark your calendars. The subsequent meetings will be held at
the same location on the following dates:
- March 22
- April 5
- April 19
- May 3
- May 17
- May 31
- June 7
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Date changes for Youthadelphia application process
Youthadelphia 2010 and the Philadelphia Foundation Youth in
Philanthropy program is inviting representatives of Philadelphia based
youth serving organizations to attend an event announcing its new
Request for Proposals on
Thursday, March 25th
5pm at
1234 Market Street,
18th floor,
Philadelphia, PA
The sixteen youth serving on Youthadelphia 2010 have identified the
following areas for their 2010 grantmaking: Teen Risky Behavior
Prevention; Community and Neighborhood Development; College
Readiness; and Career Readiness.
Because Youthadelphia is committed to the growth of the next
generation of leaders, organizations which provide teens leadership
Page 07
I could not run away from
the situation. I had become,
whether I liked it or not, a
symbol, representing my
people. I had to appear. –
Marian Anderson
To join The Coalition
go to:
and download a copy
of the Pledge of
Commitment and
return it to us
opportunities within the identified service areas will be given priority.
Youthadelphia will distribute a total of $100,000 in grants up to
$10,000, but not in excess of 10% of the organization’s budget.
Applications will be available both at the announcement event and on
The Philadelphia Foundation’s website on March 25th.
Proposals will be due by April 8th at 5pm. The application review
process will include an applicant-coordinated, half-day project for 2-3
Youthadelphia members to complete with youth served by the applying
These projects must take place between April 23rd and May 5th.
To register to attend the RFP announcement event, email Libby Walsh.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
CAP 4 Kids Hint of the Week
As we have discussed over the past few months, youth violence and
interpersonal violence affects us all and jointly as well as individually
we can help prevent interpersonal violence through many different
means from: lead screening; teen pregnancy prevention and teen family
programs; child abuse prevention; domestic violence screening and
prevention; quality child care; affordable and safe housing; head start
programs; mentoring and
after school programming; and living wage employment.
As you know many of these resources can be found on the website.
Please continue to advocate for every child, every family, every
community to prevent and address youth violence and the many
permanent scars that it leaves.
To bring awareness to this epidemic and to highlight the many amazing
youth in our community, Physicians for Social Responsibility are
hosting the annual Legs Against Arms 5K run/1 mile walk at St. Joes to
bring about awareness of the programs that address youth violence.
Please see for more information.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Black College Tours 2010 (40+)
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
With a little over 50% of our kids graduating high school on time
and only 18% graduating college, we MUST all work on this issue
Page 08
All women should inform
themselves of the condition
of their sex and of their
own position. It must
necessarily follow that the
noblest of them will, sooner
or later, put forth a moral
power which shall prostrate
cant, and burst asunder the
bonds (silken to some but
cold iron to others) of
feudal prejudice and
usages. In the meantime is
it to be understood that the
principles of the
Declaration of
Independence bear no
relation to half of the
human race? If so, what is
the ground of this
limitation?) – Harriet
together for the future of our city.
The Mayor's office recently created an office called
"PhillyGoes2College" that will start working to improve these statistics
_focus_on_increasing_college_admissions.html), and on the website, under the Education Handout,
you will find multiple sources for children, families and child advocates
to help, from an early age, on the road to educational success
Here you will find listings for various school choices, timelines,
resources for out-of-school youth, and college prep and college
admission tools.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Earn Free Trip to Egypt for Black Kids and Adults
The African Heritage Institute (also known as the D'zert Club) is
sponsoring a 2-year African History Program that, once completed, the
participants earn an all expense paid trip to Egypt. This program is
for Black kids from ages 7-14 and adults over the age of 21.
See the success stories of students that
completed the program and have gone to Egypt. They are amazing.
grades went up in school, lateness and absences decreased and there was
a remarkable increase in the students respect for their elders. One
brother who attended was able to get a full 4-year scholarship to school
as a result of being a part of the program.
Get all of the details at
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Help For Parents With School-Age Children
Are you a parent, relative, or health care professional with any of the
following scenarios?
* Not too sure how to register child for Kindergarten or Head Start.
* Trying to decide on what type of school best fits a child's needs. Public
or Charter or Magnet or Catholic?
* Want to get a child motivate and focused on college.
* Want to get child back in school after taking a leave, but don't know
what options there are for out-of-school youth.
Page 09
For the Lexophiliacs
A chicken crossing the
road: poultry in motion.
(We are ignoring the many
requests that this feature be
discontinued. Please stop
writing in.)
If you would like to
report on a recent
community event, feel
free to send us a brief
account of what
happened in document
format, and we will
share it with our
Send your information
to: News From The
Coalition, Inc.
All entries for
submission should be
received by noon, the
Monday prior to
publish date and in
Press Release form.
* Child being bullied in school and don't know what to do.
* Child not doing well in school and may have a learning difference.
On the website, under the Education
parent handout
and the Resource tab there are
resources in the community to help advocates for children find help for
their child's educational needs. Please become familiar with the listed
resources and continue to bridge the gap between families in need and
the agencies and resources that serve them.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
The Food stamp program under the new stimulus package is now
called the SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program).
Did you know?
Eligibility for SNAP benefits changed so many more families in food
insecure households are now eligible.
On the website, under the Food and
Nutrition parent handout, you will find several organizations who can
help families find out if they are eligible. Also, on the COMPASS
website they can apply for these benefits and many others.
For more info you can also go to
Please continue to link families in need with the appropriate social
services agencies that serve them through Cap4Kids. Thanks.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Online resources for parents:,,
Norristown NAACP Economic Development Committee
Come out to Network Bring plenty of Business Cards
First Friday March 19, 2010
6:00 – 8:00 PM
Crystal Blue Restaurant
1729 Markley Street
Norristown, PA
•Are you a Minority owned business? •Are you thinking of starting a
Page 10
Do you remember this
I got some new underwear
the other day. Well, new to
me. - Emo Philips
To join The Coalition
go to:
and download a copy
of the Pledge of
Commitment and
return it to us
•Do you want to know more about technical assistance, financing for
small minority businesses;
or Certifications for minority businesses?
•Looking for lending options and Access to Capital???
•Are you interested in business opportunities in Montgomery County?
Come out and hear our Guest Speakers:
Moderator: Adria Little-Chair NAACP Economic Development
Mrs. Gabriela Ibarra-Prete Norristown Business Development
Mr. Ronald Story Norristown Small Business Assistance Center
Mr. John Milligan -CPA Chairman-Greater Philadelphia Minority
Business Strategic Alliance
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Men United Against Violence Network
“ Education Over Incarceration “
A word from U-CAN, United Community Action
Network of Graterford Prison
New School, Old School, Call Out!
For Your Entertainment: Philadelphia’s Own
H D and Tyvious , Rapp Artist
Where: Martin Luther King, Jr.
Recreation Center,
22nd & Cecil B. Moore
When: March 20th, 2010
Guest Speakers
State Senator, Shirley M. Kitchen
State Representative, Ronald G. Waters
Community Activist, Pastor Dicie Gilmore
Community Activist, Yahya Shabazz
Community Activist, Akbar Muhammad
Community Activist, Darryl Shula
Community Activist, Wesley Wilson-Bey
Page 11
Never doubt that a small
group of thoughtful,
committed citizens can
change the world. Indeed, it
is the only thing that ever
has. Margaret Mead
Coalition members!
Get ‘Your’ web link
on The Coalition,
Inc. web site
Light Refreshments Served !!!!!!
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
March 19 - 20, 2010
First District Plaza
Convention & Conference Center
3801 Market Street
Philadelphia PA. 19104
Exhibitors & Vendors Please Call 267-290-0779
Here's Whats In Store At The EXPO!!!
Cruise Lines, Tour Operators Tourist Boards,
Convention & Visitors Bureaus, Hotels & Resorts,
Travel Agencies, Travel Insurance Providers, Transportation Providers,
Community Organizations, African American Market Place,
Career Workshops for High School Students Seminars
Panel Discussions Workshops
Need a place to go on your next vacation?
Fine the Best Spots
All Around The World
In One Place
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
The Ladies of the Black Women's Educational Alliance
( Philadelphia Chapter)
An Evening of Elegance: Celebrating the First Ladies of
Friday, March 19, 2010
at the
Embassy Suites Hotel
9000 Bartram Ave.
Philadelphia, PA 19153
6:00 p.m. -10:00 p.m.
Speaker: Ms. Autumn Adkins, President of the Historical Girard College
First Ladies of Philadelphia Honorees:
Dr. Arlene Ackerman- Education Award
Bishop Audrey Bronson - Religious Commitment Award
Page 12
We have a powerful
potential in our youth, and
we must have the courage
to change old ideas and
practices so that we may
direct their power toward
good ends. – Mary McLeod
The Raw Family
To join The Coalition
go to:
and download a copy
of the Pledge of
Commitment and
return it to us
Ms. Dee Phillips ( PFT/CASA) - Service to the School District of
Philadelphia Award
Ticket Price: $60.00 Attire:
Elegant Dress
For Ticket Information Contact:
Kim Collins. B.W.E.A. Membership Chairperson at
(Tickets are moving fast, so call or e-mail me to reserve your tickets)
**Proceeds will Benefit Our Black History Essay Contest Participants
other B.W.E.A. Educational Initiatives
---- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Help for Haiti: Beyond media Coverage
to be held on
Friday March 19th, 2010
6:30-8:30pm at
Penn Museum,
3260 South Street,
Philadelphia, PA 19104
(Culture, politics, history, social customs and music)
Or for details please visit:
For more information
Prema Deshmukh
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Lecture and International
Classroom Programs
Penn Museum
3260 South Street Philadelphia, PA 19104
Tel:215-898-4065/66 Fax: 215-898- 4262
---- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Page 13
History, despite its
wrenching pain, cannot be
unlived, but if faced with
courage, need not be lived
again. Maya Angelou
If you would like to
report on a recent
community event, feel
free to send us a brief
account of what
happened in document
format, and we will
share it with our
Send your information
to: News From The
Coalition, Inc.
All entries for
submission should be
received by noon, the
Monday prior to
publish date and in
Press Release form.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
10 am- 2 pm
Temple University School of Medicine
Medical Education and Research Building
3500 N. Broad St.
Phila. Pa. 19140
Free Health Screenings (blood pressure, hiv, foot screening, pediatric
diabetes and dental and more )
free workshops from 10 am-2 pm
Free Lunch, Free Breakfast
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
African Gala and Fashion Night
Saturday, March 20
7 p.m.
Paul Robeson Center, Rutgers University
350 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd.
Newark, New Jersey
Keynote Speaker
Dr. Jacqueline Oble
Professor of Law and Head of Postgraduate Studies, University of
Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire
A current candidate for President of Cote d'Ivoire, Dr. Jacqueline Oble
has used her distinguished academic experience in the field of law to
influence peace and collaboration in her native country and throughout
continental Africa. She has served as President and Executive member
on various boards, UN Commissions and academic organizations in
France and West Africa. Dr. Oble is not only a gifted individual in the
field of Law but a bountiful contributor to the future development of a
better Africa.
Michellene Davis, Esq.
Sr. Vice President for Policy Development and Government Affairs
Page 14
Cautious, careful people,
always casting about to
preserve their reputation
and social standing, never
can bring about a reform.
Those who are really in
earnest must be willing to
be anything or nothing in
the world's estimation, and
publicly and privately, in
season and out, avow their
sympathy with despised and
persecuted ideas and their
advocates, and bear the
consequences. – Susan B.
If you would like to
report on a recent
community event, feel
free to send us a brief
account of what
happened in document
format, and we will
share it with our
Send your information
to: News From The
Coalition, Inc.
All entries for
submission should be
received by noon, the
Monday prior to
publish date and in
Press Release form.
Saint Barnabas Health Care System
Sis. Empress Phile' Chionesu
President General, Million Woman Universal Movements
Empress Chi is an educator, strategist, and independent researcher. She
is also a Sage Scriber (poetry, music, and literary), freelance writer and
wearable arts designer among many other things. She instructs many
levels of natural and alternative health awareness with a focus on
African Diasporic Womanhood Development. She is the founder of the
historical Million Woman March. Empress Chi has received numerous
awards for her courageous work in the community including the Chair's
Award from the Congressional Black Caucus and the Whitney M.
Young Jr. Award from the Wharton School of Business.
Barbara King
Newark Public Schools Advisory Board Member
Mandisa Monakali,
Executive Director, Litha Labantu, Republic of South Africa
Representing the Leaders of Tomorrow
Yetunde A. Odugbesan, President of Student Association of Global
Affairs, Rutgers University and Yolanda Mercurius, Vice President of
Service, Phi Theta Kappa, Essex County College.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
A Century of Service
Richmond Branch of the Free Library of Philadelphia
Saturday, March 20, 2010 at 12:00PM
2987 Almond Street, 19134-4955
Join the Richmond Branch- the Grande Dame of Port Richmond as it
celebrates a century of service in style with The Sounds of Liberty
Barbershop Chorus and the Sugar Jazz Quartet, as well as the Phillie
Phanatic, community leaders, celebrities, the Friends of the Richmond
Branch, and branch staff. Throughout the 100th anniversary of
celebration, visitors can sample our “Taste of Richmond” buffet, and
Page 15
There is nothing so pitiful
as a young cynic because
he has gone from knowing
nothing to believing
nothing. – Maya Angelou
To join The Coalition
go to:
and download a copy
of the Pledge of
Commitment and
return it to us
enjoy fun family activities such as tree-planting, face-painting, and free
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
VF Outlet Berks Jazz Fest Announces Line Up
The Annual VF Outlet Berks Jazz Fest is celebrating its 20th
anniversary next year, with a recently released lineup of jazz, blues, and
contemporary acts. The growing music festival now spans 10 days, from
March 19–28, 2010.
Presented by the Berks Arts Council, the fest promises more than 130
events at various venues, clubs and restaurants throughout Reading and
Berks County, Pa.
The Berks Arts Council 20th annual VF Outlet Berks Jazz Fest.
Tickets are on sale NOW!
Call CD Exchange at 610-777-2310 to order by phone.
To order online
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
IDAAY Friends and Family
Thursday, March 25, 2010
from 6-8:00pm
we will be showcasing our documentary on the
Don’t Fall Down In the Hood Program.
One of the only programs of its in kind in the country
working with young men arrested for
guns, theft, assault, and narcotics charges.
We invite you to come out and
view this unique program through the eyes of the young people sent here
Philadelphia Family Courts.
Your $20 donation will gain you entrance into
the event
You will receive a DVD copy of the documentary to bring
The viewing will be held at
Temple University,
Ritter Hall,
Page 16
Deep within a forest, a little
turtle began to climb a tree.
After hours of effort, he
reached the top, jumped
into the air waving his front
legs and crashed to the
ground. After recovering,
he slowly climbed the tree
again, jumped, and fell to
the ground. The turtle tried
again and again, while a
couple of birds sitting on a
branch watched his sad
efforts. Finally, the female
bird turned to her mate.
"Dear," she chirped, "I
think it's time to tell him
he's adopted."
(Thx. to Cynthia
Submit your own
humor, and let our
readers know how
funny you can be. We
obviously need the help.
; ) (Family appropriate)
Kiva Auditorium.
corners of
13th Street & Cecil B. Moore Avenues
in Philadelphia.
Please RSVP by Tuesday, March 23, 2010 via reply email.
Sandi Ramos
Director of Administration
Institute for the Development
of African-American Youth, Inc. (IDAAY)
Ph: 215-235-9111
Fax: 215-235-9128
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
One Day Interactive Workshops
Saturday, March 20, 2010, 10 am - 1 pm.
Temple University,
Center City,
1515 Market Street
Want to learn how to run a better meeting? How to get your members
more involved? How to develop an agenda? How to deal with
opponents during your meeting?
Join us for
This interactive training will enhance the trainee's leadership abilities in
the area of meeting facilitation. Members will learn how to conduct a
community or organizational meeting. They will learn basic facilitation
skills including how to guide and control their meetings.
Topics include:
What's an Effective Meeting?
Page 17
Kathy’s Korner!
A father watched his
daughter playing in the
garden. He smiled as he
reflected on how sweet and
innocent his little girl was.
Suddenly she just stopped
and stared at the ground.
He went over to her and
noticed she was looking at
two spiders mating.
"Daddy, what are those two
spiders doing?" she asked.
"They're mating," her
father replied."
What do you call the spider
on top, Daddy?" she asked.
"That's a Daddy
Longlegs." Her father
answered. "So, the other
one is Mommy Longlegs?"
the little girl asked. "No,"
her father replied. "Both of
them are Daddy Longlegs."
The little girl thought for a
moment, then took her foot
and stomped
them flat and said "Well, it
might be ok in California
or Massachusetts but we're
not having any of that crap
in Virginia."
(Kathy Parsons is a
regular contributor.)
Meeting preparation
From meeting to Action
Agenda Setting
Room Set up
The use of effective icebreakers
Facilitation techniques.
Dealing with Opponents
Who should attend?
Community Leaders, block captains, heads of non-profits, or anyone
interested in conducting an effective meeting that leads to outcomes.
This training is sponsored by the Department of Human Service,
Community Based Prevention Services Division as part of the Equal
Partners In Change Leadership Initiative Training Series.
All trainings are free and open to the public.
You can register by contacting your local EPIC Group (SEE BELOW)
or call 215-683-4086-4027 or email
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
United Way of Southeastern Pennsylvania, Coming of Age offer 3-
day Learning Lab
Coming of Age, a collaboration of United Way of Southeastern
Pennsylvania, the Temple University’s Center for Intergenerational
Learning, WHYY and AARP of Pennsylvania, will sponsor
a 3-day learning lab on
Capturing the Energy and Expertise of People 50+ on
April 14th and 15th and
May 19th, at United Way,
1709 Benjamin Franklin Parkway in
Philadelphia, PA
The event is part of COA’s effort to help the nonprofit community to
learn more about engaging experienced volunteers to help meet greater
demand at a time of shrinking resources.
Whether retired or working, people age 50+ are extraordinary resources,
whose energy and expertise can help nonprofit agencies
Page 18
If you would like to
report on a recent
community event, feel
free to send us a brief
account of what
happened in document
format, and we will
share it with our
Send your information
to: News From The
Coalition, Inc.
All entries for
submission should be
received by noon, the
Monday prior to
publish date and in
Press Release form.
If you would like to
report on a recent
community event, feel
free to send us a brief
account of what
happened in document
format, and we will
share it with our
Send your information
to: News From The
Coalition, Inc.
All entries for
submission should be
received by noon, the
Monday prior to
publish date and in
Press Release form.
accomplish their mission.
And we have more than 1,500,000 such people here in the Delaware
Valley. They are a rich, immense — and very much underutilized —
volunteer talent pool!
The Learning Lab will show nonprofits how to apply best practices to
meet their mission; motivate people age 50+; assess readiness to capture
the talent of people age 50+; create roles fusing your mission and their
interests; and creating a high-impact and doable marketing and
recruitment campaign.
Almost 1,000 executive directors, program directors and volunteer
managers have taken this workshop series across the nation.
The cost for the 3-day workshop is only $180 and includes all materials
and a continental breakfast and lunch each day.
For more information or to sign up, click here
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
FREE Training is available at O.I.C.
in the following fields:
Culinary Arts (16 weeks), Housekeeping (9 weeks), or
Front Office (16 weeks)
Classes begin March 22, 2010 and are held
Monday- Friday,
Classes are held at the Philadelphia OIC
(Opportunities Industrialization Center),
1231 North Broad Street,
4th Floor,
Philadelphia, PA 19122.
Also, job placement assistance.
For more information, contact Sophia Scott, Recruiter/Counselor at
215-236-7700 ext 323.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Certified Registered Nurse Practitioner (Women's Health)
Closing Date/Time: Fri. 03/26/10 11:59 PM Eastern Time
Salary: $63,926.00 - $82,194.00 Annually
Job Type: Full Time
Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Department: Health
Page 19
To join The Coalition
go to:
and download a copy
of the Pledge of
Commitment and
return it to us
Exam Number: 4C43-02-22-10
Description Benefits Supplemental Questions
This is advanced level nursing work, providing comprehensive patient
in the area of specialization. Employees in this class perform physical
examinations and assessments within the parameters of licensure and
program protocols. Work includes medical diagnosis and prescription of
medical therapeutic or corrective measures in collaboration with and
the direction of a licensed physician, educating patients in general
health care practices within the area of specialization, and securing and
maintaining cooperation of patients. Formulating plans and prognoses
prescribing or recommending drugs or other forms of treatment are
significant aspects of the work. Work is performed under the technical
supervision of a physician.
Hiring Bonus - $3,000
Employees are eligible for a lump sum hiring bonus of $3,000. The
will be paid in two parts: $1,500 after the employee has completed three
months of satisfactory full-time probationary employment and $1,500
the employee has completed twelve months of satisfactory full-time
employment. The employees must meet all requirements contained in
service regulation 6.32 to receive the bonus.
Starting Salary
New employees may be appointed at any step in the pay range
depending on
Minimum Requirements:
The following statement represents the minimum training and
standards which will be used to admit or reject applicants for tests.
Candidates must meet requirements within 30 days after the last date for
filling applications.
page 20
There are many persons
ready to do what is right
because in their hearts they
know it is right. But they
hesitate, waiting for the
other fellow to make the
make the first move - and
he, in turn, waits for you. –
Marian Anderson
Completion of a master’s degree as a Certified Registered Nurse
Practitioner (CNRP) as approved by the Pennsylvania State Board of
Nursing and the State Board of Medicine.
Completion of an acceptable training program in women’s health, which
shall have included both theory and clinical practice.
Completion of at least 45 hours of course work specific to advanced
pharmacology as either part of a CRNP education program or additional
courses taken from an educational program approved by the
State Board of Nursing and the State Board of Medicine, a minimum of
sixteen hours of which must have been completed within thirty days of
examination closing date.
Possession of a valid, unrestricted license as a Registered Nurse and as a
Certified Registered Nurse Practitioner as issued by the Pennsylvania
State Board of Nursing Education and Licensure at the time of
and possession of such licensure during tenure of employment.
Eligibility for a valid, unrestricted Prescription Authority Certification
or Number from the Pennsylvania State Board of Nursing and the State
Board of Medicine within six months of the date of appointment and
during tenure of employment
Architectural Projects Coordinator 2 (Building / Site Design)
Closing Date/Time: Fri. 03/19/10 11:59 PM Eastern Time
Salary: $46,313.00 - $59,538.00 Annually
Job Type: Full Time
Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Department: Multiple Departments
Exam Number: 3D05B-2-22-10
Print Job Information | Apply
Description Benefits
This is architectural work at the full performance level performing
Page 21
For I am my mother's
daughter, and the drums of
Africa still beat in my heart.
They will not let me rest
while there is a single
Negro boy or girl without a
chance to prove his worth.
– Mary McLeod Bethune
specific project assignments in either general building design or
landscape design. An employee in this class conducts design studies,
determines site requirements, and performs assigned project work in a
timely, efficient, and cost effective manner. Monitoring finished work
adherence to quality standards is a significant aspect of the work. Work
is performed under the direction of a higher-level architect/engineer.
Starting Salary
New employees may be appointed at any step in the pay range
depending on
Minimum Requirements:
The following statement represents the minimum training and
standards which will be used to admit or reject applicants for tests.
Candidates must meet requirements with 30 days after the last date for
filing applications.
Completion of a bachelor's degree program at an accredited college or
university, with major course work in architecture or architectural
engineering for the Building/Site Design Specialty; AND
One year of experience performing professional architectural work in
Building/Site Design specialty area; AND
Two years of experience performing professional architectural work
responsibility for completing assigned projects within time and
requirements in the Building/Site Design specialty area
Or any equivalent combination of acceptable education and experience
determined to be acceptable by the Office of Human Resources, which
included the completion of a bachelor's degree program in an acceptable
area and the specific experience described above as a minimum.
Page 22
To join The Coalition
go to:
and download a copy
of the Pledge of
Commitment and
return it to us
Sign Fabricator
Closing Date/Time: Fri. 03/19/10 11:59 PM Eastern Time
Salary: $36,186.00 - $39,657.00 Annually
Job Type: Full Time
Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Department: Streets
Exam Number: 7P21-2-22-10
Description Benefits Supplemental Questions
This is sign fabrication work at the full performance level. Work
painting from silk screens, stencils and computer-automated equipment
the fabrication of printed sign material. Employees have responsibility
for completing assigned sign-making tasks. Work involves light physical
effort and is performed under the direction of a trades supervisor.
Minimum Requirements:
The following statement represents the minimum training and
standards which will be used to admit or reject applicants for tests.
Candidates must meet the requirements within 30 days after the last date
for filing applications.
Equivalent to completion of the twelfth school grade; AND
Three years of experience learning the sign fabrication trade as a
helper or apprentice, which shall have included lettering work by
using the silk screen process and the use of computer operated graphics
hardware and software to produce signs.
Or any equivalent combination of education and experience determined
to be acceptable by the Office of Human Resources that has included the
specific experience described above
Exam Information:
Performance Examination 100%
Page 23
A flying saucer landed at a
gas station on a lonely
country road. The two
space aliens inside seemed
completely unconcerned
about detection; in fact, the
letters "UFO" were
emblazoned in big, bold
letters on one side of their
shiny craft. As the station
owner stood and gawked in
silence, paralyzed with
shock, Joy, of My Name Is
Earl fame, the attendant,
nonchalantly filled up the
tank and waved to the two
aliens as they took off.
"Do you realize what just
happened?" the station
owner finally uttered.
"Yeah," said Joy. "So?"
"Didn't you see the space
aliens in that vehicle?!"
"Yeah," repeated Joy.
"Didn't you see the letters
'UFO' on the side of that
"Yeah," repeated Joy.
"Don't you know what
'UFO' means?!"
Joy rolled her eyes. "Good
grief, dummy! I've been
working here for six weeks.
Of course I know what
'UFO' means
'Unleaded Fuel Only.'"
Total 100%
This examination will be tentatively scheduled for the week of 05/24/10.
Please note that this examination date is subject to change.
An eligible list is planned for the week of 06/16/10. Please note that
this date may change.
OPEN-COMPETITIVE. Only an open competitive eligible list will be
established as a result of this examination. Permanent City employees
will receive no promotional preference in this examination.
Public Administration Analyst (Public Health)
Closing Date/Time: Fri. 03/19/10 11:59 PM Eastern Time
Salary: $46,125.00 Annually
Job Type: Full Time
Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Department: Health
Exam Number: 2L05-02-22-10
Description Benefits Supplemental Questions
This is public administration work performing a wide variety of
assignments related to managing and administering City of Philadelphia
municipal programs and operations. Employees in this class learn
management and administrative strategies and develop analytical skills
with the objective of advancement to higher-level administrative or
management positions. Assignments vary in nature and increase in
difficulty as the employee gains work experience. Employees are
assigned to work in one of a number of city departments or agencies
depending upon
previous education and experience. Work is performed under the
direction of an administrative superior.
Minimum Requirements:
The following statement represents the minimum training and
Page 24
An Amish boy and his
father were visiting a mall.
They were amazed by
almost everything they saw,
but especially by two shiny,
silver walls that could move
apart and back together
again. The boy asked his
father, "What is this,
Father?" The father [never
having seen an elevator]
responded "Son, I have
never seen anything like
this in my life, I don't know
what it is."
While the boy and his
father were watching wideeyed,
an old lady in a wheel
chair rolled up to the
moving walls and pressed a
button. The walls opened
and the lady rolled between
them into a small room.
The walls closed and the
boy and his father watched
small circles of lights with
numbers above the walls
light up. They continued to
watch the circles light up in
the reverse direction.
The walls opened up again
and a beautiful 24-year-old
woman stepped out. The
father said to his son, "Go
get your mother."
standards which will be used to admit or reject applicants for tests.
Candidates must meet requirements within 30 days after the last date for
filing applications.
Completion of all requirements for a master's degree in an area listed
below which has included completion of an internship program in a
administration setting an/or experience in health administration after
completion of the master's degree program.
Government Administration
Hospital Administration
Political Science, with major concentration in public administration.
Public Administration
Public Health
Medical Specialist (Infectious Disease)
Closing Date/Time: Fri. 03/12/10 11:59 PM Eastern Time
Salary: $94,859.00 - $121,961.00 Annually
Job Type: Full Time
Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Department: Health
Exam Number: 4D03-02-22-10ID
Description Benefits Supplemental Questions
This is supervisory medical work in the area of specialization.
in this class provide technical guidance to public health clinic personnel
engaged in examining and treating patients. An employee in the Medical
Epidemiology specialty develops, implements and evaluates the City's
public health epidemiological activities. The responsibility for directing
the activities of a number of medical personnel and for securing and
maintaining the cooperation of patients and their families is of
significance to the work.
New employees may be appointed at any step in the range depending on
Page 25
To join The Coalition
go to:
and download a copy
of the Pledge of
Commitment and
return it to us
Minimum Requirements:
The following statement represents the minimum training and
standards which will be used to admit or reject applicants for tests.
Candidates must meet requirements within 30 days after the last filing
date for filing applications.
Graduation from an accredited school of medicine or osteopathy, with
a degree of Doctor of Medicine or Osteopathy and completion of an
internship in an approved hospital; AND
Completion of all formal training requirements and certification by
the appropriate American Medical Specialty board; AND
Two years of experience in the field of specialization.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
The Blizzards of 2010 could not keep us down! We will be holding our,
along with FREE HIV counseling and testing, on
Saturday, March 27th,
10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Vernon House,
located in Vernon Park,
(corner of Chelten and Germantown Avenues)
Philadelphia, PA 19144
Please pass this along to your constituents.
As is our usual custom, we will be granting the 1st 20 people who attend
the seminar and get tested, a $20.00 gift card to a local grocery store.
John Elliott Churchville, Ph.D., J.D., Chairman/CEO
Page 26
A French guest who was
staying in a hotel in
Edmonton phoned room
service for some pepper.
"Black pepper, or white
pepper?" asked the
"Toilette pepper!"
Liberation Fellowship Community Development Corporation
5555 Wissahickon Avenue, Suite 719
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19144-4540
Tel: (215) 848-8511
Cell: (215) 435-4627
“Positive leadership inspires people to believe in and act out the
greatness that God has already placed within them.”
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
What’s Really in Your Food?
Learn the truth about these four fast-food favorites.
By David Zinczenko & Matt Goulding, Men's Health
Ever wonder what’s actually in a McDonald’s Chicken McNugget?
Turns out, the “chicken” alone contains seven ingredients. And that’s
before you even get to the breading. Sadly, many of our favorite foods
(especially fast foods) weren’t merely crafted in kitchens, they were also
designed and perfected in labs. We uncovered the ugly truth when doing
research for Eat This, Not That! Restaurant Survival Guide. What we
found wasn’t pretty—or appetizing. Before you mindlessly chew your
way through another value meal, take these mini-mysteries
(conveniently solved below) into account. Sometimes the truth is tough
to swallow.
What’s in a Chicken McNugget?
You’d think that a breaded lump of chicken would be pretty simple.
Mostly, it would contain bread and chicken. But the McNugget and its
peers at other fast-food restaurants are much more complicated creatures
than that. The “meat” in the McNugget alone contains seven ingredients,
some of which are made up of yet more ingredients. (Nope, it’s not just
chicken. It’s also such nonchicken-related stuff as water, wheat starch,
dextrose, safflower oil, and sodium phosphates.) The “meat” also
contains something called “autolyzed yeast extract.” Then add another
20 ingredients that make up the breading, and you have the industrial
chemical—we mean, fast-food meal—called the McNugget. Still,
McDonald’s is practically all-natural compared to Wendy’s Chicken
Nuggets, with 30 ingredients, and Burger King Chicken Fries , with a
Page 27
Avoiding danger is no safer
in the long run than
outright exposure. The
fearful are caught as often
as the bold. – Helen Keller
whopping 35 ingredients.
For more fast foods to watch out for, memorize this list of the 20 Worst
Drive-Thru Foods.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Experts say 40 percent of cancers could be prevented
Kate Kelland
LONDON (Reuters) - Forty percent of the 12 million people diagnosed
with cancer worldwide each year could avert the killer disease by
protecting themselves against infections and changing their lifestyles,
experts said…
Read the full story
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Get Fresh!
Volunteer with Philabundance Fresh for All
You recycle out the wazoo and consider yourself consigliore of the
enviro-sack mafia.
Hence, a cause you can believe in: Philabundance wants to fill those
ubiquitous bags with produce through its new Fresh for All program.
And you can help by volunteering.
The nonprofit hands out perishables at six sites in the Delaware Valley
— where nutritious diet staples are hard to come by,
especially in tough times.
With a minimum three-hour commitment, you’ll keep busy. Help with
admin, approve clients, or do community outreach (posting mailings,
making phone calls).
Looking for something physical?
Take food to sites, divide apples, and dole out the goods. You’ll be
doing a major part to help people get the fruits and veggies they need.
And that’s a green movement to be proud of.
To participate in Fresh for All, contact
Tunisia Garnett (215-339-0900 ext. 238 or
For more information, go to
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Page 28
To join The Coalition
go to:
and download a copy
of the Pledge of
Commitment and
return it to us
Tips for making oatmeal appealing to kids
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Don't throw your old TVs away!
All electronics can be dropped off for recycling at either
Domino Lane & Umbria St.
State Rd. & Ashburner St. in Philadelphia
at the
Streets Department Sanitation Convenience Centers,
Monday through Saturday
8:00 am to 6:00 pm.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Weavers Way #5 plastics recycling resumes
Fellow Recyclers,
Weavers Way collection of #5 plastics, which are not included in the
City’s recycling program, will be on the 3rd Saturday of each month:
March 20.
The collections take place at the co-op's garage,
at 542 Carpenter Lane,
which is across the street and a bit further down the block from the Big
Blue Marble bookstore.
Please note that we need volunteers to keep this project going. (Weavers
Way members can get work credit for helping us; work shifts are
available on co-op's the online calendar.)
The #5 category includes yogurt cups, sour cream containers, hummus
tubs, some medicine bottles, and more. Your recyclables must be clean
and dry to be accepted. Check to make sure there are no other materials
(paper, screws, other number plastics) on the items you bring in.
Impurities of any kind compromise the recycling process and usually
lead to the discarding of an entire batch. Exclude any lids unless they are
clearly marked #5. (Most lids from #5 containers are #4 plastic, but this
is not always the case.)
Page 29
If you would like to
report on a recent
community event, feel
free to send us a brief
account of what
happened in document
format, and we will
share it with our
Send your information
to: News From The
Coalition, Inc.
All entries for
submission should be
received by noon, the
Monday prior to
publish date and in
Press Release form.
We ask recyclers for a small donation to cover postage costs of mailing
the recyclables to the Gimme 5 processing facility in New York.
Before bringing your #5s to the collection, be sure that they meet the
requirements for Gimme 5:
All items must be CLEAN and DRY. If they contained food or any oily
or dirty product, make sure they have been washed, not just rinsed.
Items stacked when wet tend to stay wet, so allow washed items to dry
fully before stacking or packing.
The #5 stamp needs to be visible on each item. Lids are separate items.
Don’t assume lids are the same number plastic as the container;
sometimes they are but usually they are not. Check to make sure there
are no other materials (labels, paper, other number plastics, metal) on the
items you bring in.
Brita filters are also welcome! Let them air dry for several days to make
sure they are completely dry.
We'll see you soon!
Carolyn, Helen, Priscilla and Stevik
of the Weavers Way Environment Committee
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Recycling Services Inc. in Pottstown takes styrofoam on Saturday and
Tuesday mornings.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
For sustainable enterprise go to Green Jobs Philly
Protect Yourself When Walking
• Avoid walking alone at night unless absolutely necessary.
• Make use of “your school’s escort system” when walking on
campus after dark.
• Call 911 to report suspicious persons or activity in or
around your neighborhood.
• Avoid shortcuts and dark, isolated areas.
• Walk purposefully, know where you are going, and project
a no-nonsense image.
Page 30
The quality of strength
lined with tenderness is an
unbeatable combination, as
are intelligence and
necessity when unblunted
by formal education. –
Maya Angelou
• Avoid potentially dangerous situations.
• If you feel threatened, cross the street, locate an emergency
phone, or enter a store or place of business even if you have
just left it.
• Have your door keys ready; carry them in your pockets, not
buried in a purse.
• If you carry pepper spray, be familiar with how it works and
have it available in case you need it.
For a more aggressive role in your protection:
City offering Section 8 housing vouchers
For the first time in over ten years, the Philadelphia Housing Authority
is offering Housing Choice (a.k.a. Section 8) vouchers, which provide
rental subsidies to low-income people living in private apartments or
Income eligibility varies depending on the individual or family financial
Applications can be made through Monday, March 15th.
Those already on the waiting list do not need to re-apply. Currently, the
waiting list includes about 17,000 applicants.
Applications can be made online or by calling 215-684-1200 between
8am and 7pm.
Applicants who owe money to PHA, PECO, or PGW, are registered sex
offenders, or have been convicted of a felony in the past three years
might not be able to receive vouchers.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
$5,000 Verizon Wireless/UNCF Scholarships for High School
In honor of Black History Month, UNCF and Verizon Wireless
(VZNW) have partnered to support high school seniors who are collegebound.
The 2010 UNCF/VZNW Black History Month Essay contest is designed
to allow qualified high school seniors the opportunity to earn college
Page 31
To join The Coalition
go to:
and download a copy
of the Pledge of
Commitment and
return it to us
scholarships for the 2010-2011 academic year. If you know of high
school seniors with permanent residency in
New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Vermont, Rhode Island,
Maine, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Eastern
Pennsylvania, Virginia, Maryland or the District of Columbia,
please tell them of this opportunity to receive a
Verizon Wireless Black History Month scholarship and prize package.
Seniors must apply by March 15, 2010.
Twenty-five eligible students will be selected for the 2010-
2011academic year. The winners will receive scholarships of up to
$5,000 and select students will also receive a personal technology makeover
including an HP Netbook, a Motorola DROID cell phone and/or
Verizon Wireless gift cards. Tell your high school senior about this
contest today.
Fred D. Mitchell, Regional Development Director,
Northern, Field Operations, UNCF.
120 Wall Street, 9th Floor,
New York, NY 10005,
Tel: (212) 820-0146 | Fax: (212) 820-0157 | Cell: (917) 558-4420
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Fellowship Available to Cover 65th UN General Assembly in New
York for
Journalists from Developing Nations
Fellowship available to cover 65th UN General Assembly in New York
Region: Worldwide
Journalists from developing nations between the ages of 25 and 35 are
encouraged to apply to a fellowship program that will send recipients to
New York for approximately two months to cover the United Nations
General Assembly.
Deadline: April 9.
Applicants to the fellowship, called the Dag Hammarskjöld Scholarship
Fund for Journalists 2010, must be currently employed by a legitimate
organization. Fellowships will pay travel and accomodations in New
Page 32
on foreign policy: How can
you not be all on fire? ... I
really believe I shall
explode if some of you
young women don't wake
up --and raise your voice in
protest against the
impending crime of this
nation upon the new
islands it has clutched from
other folks. Do come into
the living present and work
to save us from any more
barbaric male governments.
– Susan B. Anthony
for approximately two months as well as a per diem allowance.
Applications will not be accepted from Egypt, Pakistan, Phillipines and
Ghana, as those were the winning nations of 2009.
For more information, visit the Web site here. For specific questions,
RT @mediamentor: RT @Media_Freedom:
Fellowship available to cover 65th UN
General Assembly in New York
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
200 Free Scholarships For Minorities (NEW UPDATED 2010
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
HIV/AIDS Prevention Workshop
Workshop Summary
Culturally-Relevant Communication about HIV/AIDS is an interactive
and user-friendly workshop. Ivan J. Juzang, MEE President and Founder
will examine the environmental influences, attitudes and behaviors and
unique communication style of urban, ethnic and other hard-to-reach
audiences; review theories and techniques for
developing cost-effective and culturally-relevant communication
strategies; and then show session attendees how to apply these learnings
to their own HIV/AIDS testing programs, prevention services and
outreach efforts.
Learning Objectives
After attending the session, attendees will have the background necessary
to more effectively communicate with their target audiences about sex,
sexuality and HIV/AIDS. They will also have a clearer understanding of
media consumption patterns and other social factors that impact sexual
decision-making; and the attitudes, motivations and perceptions of
minorities on healthy sexuality and HIV/AIDS prevention, testing and
treatment. Such information will help interventionists, community-based
organizations and service
Page 33
We look into mirrors but we
only see the effects of our
times on us -- not our
effects on others. – Pearl
providers develop innovative and effective messages and services
targeted to minority audiences.
Workshop Description:
Topics explored during the session include:
The environmental context, peer group dynamics and social interactions
that influence sexual behaviors;
How service providers can be more culturally aware, and increase the
effectiveness of their outreach, media and materials; and
Strategies for attracting the hardest-to-reach audiences to HIVprevention,
testing and treatment programs.
For more information on other workshops and schedules visit their
To inquire about a MEE Workshop at Your Organization call
215.829.4920 or Email here
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
At- Risk Youth
Annie E. Casey Foundation
A private charitable organization dedicated to helping build better
futures for disadvantaged children in the United States. The foundation
offers community-focused grants. The site also has several publications.
Provides funding to both 501(c)(3) and local/state government.
Organizations wishing to send a proposal to the Foundation should
submit a letter of no more than three pages explaining the organization
and its project and how the money will be used. Send the letters to: The
AEC Foundation; Attn: Office of the President; 701 Saint Paul St.;
Baltimore, MD 21202.
Phone: 410-547-6600
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
AOL Time Warner Foundation
The AOL Time Warner Foundation is dedicated to using the power of
media, communications and information technology to serve the public
interest and strengthen society. However, rather than simply providing
grant monies or funding unsolicited requests, the foundation prefers to
enter into sustainable strategic partnerships with organizations that have
a demonstrated commitment to pioneering innovative ways of meeting
Page 34
To join The Coalition
go to:
and download a copy
of the Pledge of
Commitment and
return it to us
four priorities: Equipping kids for the 21st century; Extending Internet
benefits to all; Engaging communities in the arts; and Empowering
citizens and civic participation.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
AT&T Foundation
The AT&T Foundation seeks to educate, enrich, engage, and empower
the communities served by AT&T. The Foundation's funding areas are
education, civic and community service, and arts and culture.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Beaumont Foundation
The Beaumont Foundation of America (BFA), a non-profit philanthropic
organization, is dedicated to the enriching the lives of individuals by
providing technology to historically underserved schools and
communities. The foundation believes technologies are essential tools
for progress in the 21st century, and that given access to digital
information, people will have an equal opportunity to advance socially,
economically and intellectually.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
The Student Achievement Grants program provides grants of $5,000
each to improve the academic achievement of students by engaging in
critical thinking and problem solving that deepen knowledge of
standards-based subject matter. The work should also improve
students’habits of inquiry, self-directed learning, and critical reflection.
Proposals for work resulting in low-income and minority student success
with honors, advanced placement, and other challenging curricula are
particularly encouraged. Grant funds may be used for resource materials,
supplies, equipment, transportation, software, and scholars-in-residence.
Applicants must be practicing U.S. public school teachers in grades K-
12, public school education support professionals, or faculty and staff at
public higher education institutions.
Visit the NEA Foundation Web site for complete grant program
RFP Link:
For additional RFPs in Education, visit:
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
NIH Summer Institute on Community-Based Participatory
Page 35
I would rather regret the
things that I have done
than the things that I have
not. – Lucille Ball
The National Institutes of Health has announced the 2nd summer
institute. We are thrilled to see that the organizers have responded to
Community-Campus Partnerships for Health’s (CCPH) comments on
last year's summer institute.
When the 1st NIH institute on CBPR was announced, CCPH expressed
concern about its exclusive focus on academic researchers.
In CBPR, the community is involved at the very start of the research,
so it was incongruent that the institute did not include the community
partners or acknowledge the possibility of a community partner as a
principal investigator or co-PI.
This summer's institute has been designed for community-academic
partner teams (see below for details).
CCPH has successfully implemented community-academic partner
team-based model of CBPR training:
The training curriculum, "Developing and Sustaining CBPR
Partnerships" is available online at
If you're interested in bringing a CBPR training workshop or institute to
your location, contact CCPH senior consultant Rachel Vaughn at for more information.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Banta Company Foundation
The Banta Company Foundation provides funding for at-risk youth and
delinquency prevention initiatives. The funds can be used for equipment,
general/operating expenses, seed money, program development, as well
as other areas. For more information please contact: Banta Company
Foundation; 225 Main Street; PO Box 8003; Menasha,WI 54952-8003.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Best Buy Children's Foundation
The mission of the Best Buy Children's Foundation is to improve the
lives of youth aged 5 - 18 in communities where Best Buy maintains a
business presence. The Foundation awards grants to nonprofit
organizations with innovative approaches to developing life skills in
Page 36
To join The Coalition
go to:
and download a copy
of the Pledge of
Commitment and
return it to us
young people through education, mentoring, and leadership
development. Funds can be used for: program development; direct
project support; specific curriculum development; and scholarship aid
for participants in life skills or mentoring programs. The Foundation
typically awards grants ranging from $2000 - $10,000 to nonprofits.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Healthy Community Outreach Program
will be granted to nonprofit organizations to support grassroots efforts
which increase awareness on critical health initiatives through health
walks, health fairs and health education outreach.
Grants up to $25,000 will be considered.
Please provide all levels of event sponsorships on your application.
Nonprofit organizations with evidence of IRS 501(c)(3) designation or
de facto tax-exempt status may apply for a grant, with the following
exceptions: advertising; capital campaigns; grants or scholarships to
individuals; multiyear requests; political causes and events; or religious
organizations in support of their sacramental or theological functions.>Awards
Ongoing Deadline
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Ben and Jerry's Foundation
Ben and Jerry's Foundation has no specific program areas. The
Foundation seeks projects that lead to societal change or address the root
causes of problems. The Foundation awards grants ranging in amount
from $1,000 to $15,000. Applicants must submit a letter of interest at
any time during the year.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Even if you do not have a college-aged child at home, please share this
with someone who does, pass this scholarship information on to anyone
and everyone that comes to mind. Though there are a number of
companies and organizations that have donated moneys for scholarship
use to African Americans, a great deal of the money is being returned
because of a lack of interest.
No one is going to knock on our doors and ask if we can use a
Page 37
To join The Coalition
go to:
and download a copy
of the Pledge of
Commitment and
return it to us
Take the initiative to get your children involved. There is no need for
money to be returned to donating companies
because we fail to apply for it.
Please pass this information on to family members, nieces, nephews, and
friends with children etc. We must get the word out that money is
available. If you are a college student or getting ready to become one,
you probably already know how useful additional money can be.
Our youth really could use these scholarships. Thanks!!
For a list of scholarships please visit our group ‘The Coalition, Inc.’
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
SpotLight On Our Efforts
In 1996, a group of children from Salem Mission Baptist Church needed
activities to keep them occupied but funds were low. So the youth group
set out to find free fun things for them to do. The very first trip was to a
free grandparents’ festival, in Fort Washington, PA. This event gave out
free samples of different products to the children; they played interactive
games, and had a great time. That trip attended by four families marked
the beginning of the Creative Kids Club that now has over 75 families
and are still growing.
Children in our club must be “creative” in motion in everything they do;
this is the purpose of our name. We strive to bring out the creativity of
our members through exposing them to art craft workshops, recreational
activities and cultural events.
The Creative Kids Club members are youth (ages 1 to 18) and their
families, of all socioeconomic levels, and diverse multicultural religious
beliefs. Whether they’re foster children, youngsters cared for by their
grandparents, little one from single or two parent homes or
developmentally delayed children, we even managed to create an
enriching symbiosis between the club’s special needs members and
seniors. We strive to teach our children by being different are what
make you special. The developmentally delayed children and youth
integrate and increase their self-esteem when they are included as
members of the club. Likewise, senior citizens on limited income have
gotten in on the Creative Kids Club action; they enjoy the company of
Page 38
Dumb and Dumber
Carpenters, Inc. were
working on a house. The
one who was nailing down
siding would reach into his
nail pouch, pull out a nail
and either toss it over his
shoulder or nail it in.
The other, figuring this
was worth looking into,
asked, "Why are you
throwing those nails
The first explained, "If I
pull a nail out of my pouch
and it's pointed toward
me, I throw it away 'cause
it's defective. If it's pointed
toward the house, then I
nail it in!"
The other got completely
upset and yelled, "You
moron! The nails pointed
toward you aren't
defective! They're for the
other side of the house!"
the youth who appreciate having a grandparent around.
The Creative Kids Club’s programs are design to provide structured
developmentally appropriate recreational services in the areas of
program development, recreational interaction and training/workshops.
Our motto is “You Provide the Family, We’ll Provide the Fun.”
Our mission is to provide recreational and educational events, activities
and workshops that empower our families and youth, to strength and
enhance personal growth, education, self-sufficiency and leadership.
Our vision is to provide recreational resource for individual and families
to recreationally interact as a family unit.
Creative Kids Club is a member of The Coalition, Inc. See their new websi
To contact Creative Kids Club:
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Village of the Arts and Humanities
The Village of Arts and Humanities, located at
2544 Germantown Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19133,
seeks to build community through its innovative education, social,
construction and arts programs. In all of its projects and activities, the
Village seeks to do justice to the humanity of people who live in innercity
North Philadelphia and in similar urban situations.
The need for a new urban landscape in 1986, spawned The Village Arts
and Humanities (the Village) of North Philadelphia. Emerging as an
outgrowth from a place Arthur Hall named Ile Ife Black Humanitarian
Center—Ile Ife is drawn from Yoruba (Nigeria) cosmology and means
the birthplace of humanity and also the “House of Love”--the Village
was incarnated from a small neighborhood park project headed by Lily
Yeh, the Village founder and two African American men in recovery
from substance abuse. Since its inception, the Village has transformed a
260 square block area of North Philadelphia, one block at a time through
Page 39
If you would like to
report on a recent
community event, feel
free to send us a brief
account of what
happened in document
format, and we will
share it with our
Send your information
to: News From The
Coalition, Inc.
All entries for
submission should be
received by noon, the
Monday prior to
publish date and in
Press Release form.
a neighborhood revitalization program that has evolved into a major
provider of arts-inspired programs including education, land
transformation, construction, and economic development.
Fast forward 20 years, and you can’t miss the impact of the Village
within the community, starting with the larger than life murals, and
colorful tile mosaics that punctuate housing projects, parks, even
sidewalks as a visual testament to the work being done to improve the
lives of North Philadelphia residents.
Today, we are a multi-faceted, professionally staffed, arts organization,
governed by a community-based board of directors. We have won
numerous local and international awards and citations for innovation and
achievement, and earned high marks within the community for serving
thousands of low-income, primarily underserved African American
dwellers. However, North Philadelphia could well be anywhere around
the globe where people suffer due to cultural differences or economic
inequities; and that is why our program resonates so strongly worldwide.
We foster a new multiculturalism that embraces the gifts and the
challenges expressed by all cultures and people. Our programs seek to
tap into the common threads of all communities that have been labeled
at risk, underprivileged, impoverished, undereducated, and stressed to
create anomalies in the same undeniable way that the blues, gospel, jazz
and even hip hop have done, with cross cultural success. We know that
the Arts transcend race, culture, religion, education, socioeconomic
background, gender, sexual orientation, age, or ableism.
Our work is described as provocative, muscular and risky. We are not
limited by convention but instead boldly redefine art to incorporate
environmental justice, greening and beautification, as well as
community organizing.
Solid is the foundation from which we were originated. Lily Yeh
endeavored under difficult situations and limited resources to make
work that has forever shifted perceptions in the lives of oppressed
people living in urban settings. We value our staff, board of directors
and volunteers and recognize their ability to affect change.
If you are interested in learning more about the Village’s arts and
environmental programs, special events, performances, volunteer
opportunities, and other ways to help, please contact our
Volunteer/Outreach coordinator at 215.225.7830 or
The Village of Arts and Humanities is a member of The Coalition, Inc.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Page 40
To join The Coalition
go to:
and download a copy
of the Pledge of
Commitment and
return it to us
The mission of
The Children's Advocacy Project (CAP)
is to help bridge the gap between the many quality social service
agencies in the Philadelphia area and the families that need their help the
most. To bridge this gap, we aim to empower and to inform those that
care for the children of Philadelphia through this web site. The CAP will
assist families, health care professionals, and social service providers by
furnishing the tools necessary to connect families in need to the
appropriate social service agencies that serve them.
To continue our series of Cap4Kids Hints of the Week and the root
causes of violence in our city, let's consider Lead Poisoning.
Lead poisoning directly affects our children's developing brain and
several studies (see attached PDF from Minneapolis Dept. of Health)
show a direct correlation between Lead exposure, anti-social behavior
and violence.
On the website, under the Safety
there are links to the Childhood Lead Prevention Program of
Philadelphia, as well as Free Home Safety inspections to pick up lead in
the environment BEFORE the toxic effects affects our children.
Daniel R. Taylor, D.O., FAAP
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Website Offers Revolutionary Green Alternatives
for Communities/Nations
Greetings. I hope that you and your business/ organizations are all
doing well. As we enter into a new year, I expect that many of us
have already envisioned what we would like to accomplish in this
new year. As long as we have positive intentions for not just ourselves
but also our fellow inhabitants on this planet
as well as the mother Earth herself, may the Creator of the Universe
bless our visions and goals to become a material manifestation.
I would like to invite everyone to visit
Page 41
We are living beyond our
means. As a people we have
developed a life-style that is
draining the earth of its
priceless and irreplaceable
resources without regard
for the future of our
children and people all
around the world. –
Margaret Mead
I am one of the co-founders of this organization. While the initiative
of this organization focuses on improving the lives of the African
Diaspora and building up eco-friendly, peaceful, self sustaining and prosper
communities in their ancestral lands, we extend a welcome hand for
all to check a part of our vision out by visiting our site.
Our site was put in video format for simplicity and visuals to keep
the interests of our visitors. When you first click on the provided
website address, you will notice that we begin with our goals on
dealing with electricity. There are actually two clips explaining the
same technology,
we recommend the second clip for a more detailed explanation on
how this technology works. The following two clips deals with how
we plan on providing clean water to the citizens and then water
The fifth video demonstrates how sewer systems are unnecessary.
There are many issues that we tackle on our site. We are currently in
talks with university and reverse engineers to have these technologies
made at a lower cost and with high quality specifications.
Any feedback or suggestions is welcome and any donations would
be highly appreciated.
There is a lot of useful information and we encourage all to take
advantage of of it and to view it for themselves, we're confident that
you will be excited as we are once you see the potential in such
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
I see little of more importance to the future of our country and of civilization than full recognition of
the place of the artist. If art is to nourish the roots of our culture, society must set the artist free to
follow his vision wherever it takes him. Pauline Kael
SAVE the DATE for the 2010 West Oak Lane Jazz and Arts
Mark your calendars for another fabulous festival in West Oak Lane
third weekend in June 2010.
For more information about volunteering, vending, and sponsorship,
visit .
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Page 42
The cause of Peace has had
my share of efforts, taking
the ultra non-resistance
ground -- that a Christian
cannot consistently uphold,
and actively support, a
government based on the
sword, or whose ultimate
resort is to the destroying
weapons. – Lucretia Mott
“Panoramic Poetry Show”
Poetry Set
701 Market Street Bldg.
on the 3rd Floor.
“Ross Dept. Store”
on the Market St. Level,
(and it’s the Littman Building, enter thru 8th Street Side. Come to the
center, and enter thru glass doors of Mellon Independence Center. This
is Cheyney University’s Center City Campus.)
March 19th, 2010
Starting @ 7:30pm
POETS doing their thing – LYRICAL SPIRITS getting down.
Please don't forget parking is very difficult in Center City. Allow time to
park legally and arrive at the October Gallery on time.
The reading is $10.00 for audience members, discounted to $7.00 if you
call or e-mail to reserve a spot ahead of time.
October Gallery
701 Market Street Bldg. 3rd Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19106
215.629.3939 ….. Room #319
Panoramic Poetry on Facebook as well….
Go to to SIGN-UP, if you are a
Poet wanting to perform.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Jus’ Words at Dowlings Place
Page 43
To join The Coalition
go to:
and download a copy
of the Pledge of
Commitment and
return it to us
1310 No. Broad St. Phila
Every Thurs. 9pm to 1am
• Poets
• Rappers
• Singers
• Spoken Word Artists
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Old School Mt. Airy Groove Party
March 26th Time: 9:30 PM - 2 AM
Market Square Shopping Plaza
7719 Crittenden St. @ Mermaid Lane
Chestnut Hill Philadelphia, PA 19118
Aries Free with I.D
featuring R&B, Old School Rap, Bop, Cha-Cha, Salsa and Line dances
by DJ Derrick Rose
Hosts: Earl Harvey and Rhonda Yancy
Phone: 215-247-2312 for information
Donation 7.00 after 9:30
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
The PA Advisory Board for Stop Hunger Now, Clear Channel
Communications, State Representative Tony Payton, Jr., The Sam
Dalembert Foundation and a broad coalition of partners are rallying
hundreds of Philadelphia area residents to package meals for the citizens
of Haiti.
With your help we will package 200,000+ meals in one day. Stop
Hunger Now will ship all meals directly to partner agencies in Haiti at
the conclusion of the event.
Join us for a dynamic day of packaging, music, food, prizes and special
VIP guests! Please be sure to register for one or more shifts, then
join our Facebook Group and follow us on Twitter @philyfeedshaiti for
breaking details and be the first to hear about special guests and prizes.
Page 44
If you would like to
report on a recent
community event, feel
free to send us a brief
account of what
happened in document
format, and we will
share it with our
Send your information
to: News From The
Coalition, Inc.
All entries for
submission should be
received by noon, the
Monday prior to
publish date and in
Press Release form.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
9:00 AM - 6:00 PM (ET)
Sherman Mills
(Ridge Avenue & Scotts Lane)
Alexandra Hall
3502 Scotts Lane
Philadelphia 19129
*Children 5 and older, accompanied by a parent/guardian or adult
chaperone are welcome!
**Groups leaders may register their entire group, please enter details
for each volunteer.
Philly Feeds Haiti Partners and Sponsors
• The Mercer Advisory Group
• Cardenas-Grant Communications
• Clear Channel Communications
• Office of PA State Representative Tony Payton, Jr.
• Come Kleen Productions
• Sherman Properties and Sherman Mills
• Keystone Outdoor
• Sam Dalembert Foundation
• Signature RED, LLC
• MCTS Media Group "Change Radio Block"
This effort is organized by Stop Hunger Now, an international relief
agency based in Raleigh, NC (, and the Stop
Hunger Now PA Advisory Board, a cross section of area leaders from
business, political, non profit, faith and media sectors.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
The Top Secret Rosies of WWII
Page 45
An elderly Italian man lay
dying in his bed. While
suffering the agonies of
impending death, he
suddenly smelled the
aroma of his favorite
Italian anisette sprinkle
cookies wafting up the
stairs. Gathering his
remaining strength, he
lifted himself from the
bed. Leaning against the
wall, he slowly made his
way out of the bedroom,
and with even greater
effort, gripping the railing
with both hands, he
crawled downstairs.
With labored breath, he
leaned against the door
frame, gazing into the
kitchen. Where if not for
death's agony, he would
have thought himself
already in heaven, for
there, spread out upon
waxed paper on the
kitchen table were literally
hundreds of his favorite
anisette sprinkled cookies.
Was it heaven? Or was it
one final act of heroic love
from his devoted Italian
wife of sixty years, seeing
to it that he left this world
a happy man?
Mustering one great final
effort, he threw himself
towards the table, landing
on his knees in a crumpled
posture. His parched lips
parted, the wondrous taste
of the cookie was already
in his mouth, seemingly
bringing him back to life.
The aged and withered
hand trembled on its way
to a cookie at the edge of
the table, when it was
suddenly smacked with a
spatula by his wife...
"Back off!" she said,
they're for the funeral."
An Illustrated Lecture by LeAnn Erickson
March 30, 1:30 pm
Samuel L. Paley Library
Temple University
1210 Polett Walk
Philadelphia, PA 19122
In 1942, only months after the United States entry into WWII, a secret
military program was launched to recruit women to the war effort. But
unlike recruiting Rosie to the factory, this search targeted female
mathematicians who would become human 'computers' for the US
These women worked round-the-clock shifts creating ballistics tables
that proved crucial to Allied victory. Rosie made the weapons, but the
female computers made them accurate. When the first electronic
computer (ENIAC) was invented to aid ballistic calculation efforts, six
of these women were tapped to become its first programmers.
Professor LeAnn Erickson discusses "Top Secret 'Rosies': The Female
'Computers' of WWII," a documentary project currently in postproduction
that will share this untold story of the women and technology
that helped win a war and usher in the modern computer age.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
FunTimes Magazine is partnering with Miss Black America to hold a
information search at its offices at
1226 Stiles Street on
April 3, 2010.
The event will take place from
3pm to 4:30pm.
Miss Black America is looking for contestant’s ages 9 to 29. The
purpose of this special contestant search is to encourage
African and Caribbean women to participate in the
Miss Black America Pageant. Interested participants will receive a $50
voucher to waive registration fee.
Page 46
"History is no longer just a
chronicle of kings and
statesmen, of people who
wielded power, but of
ordinary women and men
engaged in manifold tasks.
Women's history is an
assertion that women have
a history." Aparna Basu
FunTimes seeks to bridge cultures and bring communities together. Its
target audience is African and Caribbean Immigrants and the African
Diaspora. The magazine is distributed to major cities in the US, Europe
and in Africa.
FunTimes Magazine was first published in 1992 in Monrovia, Liberia
during the civil war. The premier US edition was published in October
2008. The magazine addresses issues that are important to Africans and
Caribbeans like health. FunTimes has participated in community events
such as youth soccer tournaments (in Liberia) and a lecture series
The Miss Black America Pageant is recruiting contestants to compete in
a Beauty, Talent, and Intellect Pageant. The MBA Pageant’s motto is:
“Sow the Seeds of Positivity & Reap the Flowers of Success. The MBA
Pageant is more than a contest of beauty. It is a lifetime enrichment and
motivational program. It instills positive practices for all participants.
Contact: Eric Nzeribe (215) 954-6300 or (610) 809-1656
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
National Association of Black Social Workers
Our 42nd Annual Conference will be held in
Philadelphia, PA
April 6-9, 2010
at the
Philadelphia Downtown Marriott Hotel.
1201 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19107
This year’s conference theme is
“Keepers of the Village: The Role for Community Organizers”.
For more information about the conference checkout the National
website at
Please consider this your personal invitation to join us in
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
as we launch another decade of championing and supporting
our communities.
Page 47
To join The Coalition
go to:
and download a copy
of the Pledge of
Commitment and
return it to us
The National Conference offers numerous opportunities
to enhance your skills, learn about
African-centered approaches of implementing human services
delivery systems, and examine research conducted by people of
African ancestry for the betterment of our community.
You will network and exchange ideas and approaches with other
committed professionals. You will
also be able to nurture your spirit and revitalize your energy.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
* * * Outside PA * * *
This Women’s History Month, join The ProLibertad Freedom Campaign
as we honor the contributions of Women to the
Puerto Rican independence Movement:
Recipients of the Doña Adelfa Vera Award for 2010:
Lourdes Garcia, Activist/Healer/Artisan
Joyce Jones, Artist/Journalist/Activist
Gloria Quinoñes, Activist/ProLibertad Support
Amy Velez, Activist/ProLibertad Supporter
Keynote Speakers:
Yasmin Hernandez, Artist/Activist
Normahiram Perez, Federacion de Maestros Puertorriqueños
Poetry Performance:
The Women of Bomba Yo
Handcrafts and Natural healing products:
Olga Ayala, Handcrafts (Hecho a Mano)
Lourdes Garcia, Botanicafe Products
Proceeds from the Night’s donations will go to the Point’s Program for
Young Women
Page 48
Over a remote Scottish
island a helicopter lost
power and was forced to
make an emergency
landing. Luckily there was
a small cottage nearby. The
pilot walked over to it and
knocked on the door. “Is
there a mechanic in the
area?” he asked the woman
who answered the door.
She scratched her head and
thought for a few seconds.
“No,” she finally said,
pointing down the road,
“but we do have a McArdle
and a McKay.”
Friday March 19, 2010 at 7pm:
St. Mary’s Episcopal Church 521 W126th St. Basement
Between Amsterdam Avenue and Broadway
Take the 1 train W125th St.
Suggested donation: $5 (no one will be turned away)
---- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
The 1st Annual Harlem Arts Alliance International Arts Festival
Bodoma Garifuna (Honduras)
IMPACT Repertory Theatre (U.S.A.)
New York African Chorus (Continental Africa)
Pauline Jean Trio (Haiti)
Taeko & Gaika Mass Choir (Japan)
Yoshi Amao & Samurai Crew (Japan)
Keith 'The Captain' Gamble (U.S.A.)
also Visual Artist & Photography video display of
HAA member's & HAA member partner's work
Yoshi Amao & Victor Burt
FRIDAY, March 19, 2010, 7:00pm
HipHopCultureCenter in Harlem
2309 Frederick Douglass Blvd # 124th Street
(2nd Floor of the Magic Johnson Theatre)
$25 General Public & $20 (HAA Members)
Advance Ticket Purchase Recommended
Vendor Opportunities Available - contact 347.735.4280 for details.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
"Women Saving Women" Cancer Awareness Forum
Page 49
If you would like to
report on a recent
community event, feel
free to send us a brief
account of what
happened in document
format, and we will
share it with our
Send your information
to: News From The
Coalition, Inc.
All entries for
submission should be
received by noon, the
Monday prior to
publish date and in
Press Release form.
On Tuesday, March 23rd,
NYC Council Member Elizabeth Crowley and I will be hosting a
"Women Saving Women" Cancer Awareness Forum.
The forum is scheduled to begin at
5:30 p.m.
in the
Council Chambers
New York City Hall
We have three panelists speaking that evening: Dr. David Fishman,
Director of Gynecologic Oncology Research at Mt. Sinai and Founder of
the National Ovarian Cancer Early Detection Program; Dr. Ken Offit,
Director of Clinical Genetics Service at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering
Cancer Center and expert in genetic predisposition to cancer; and Dr.
Karen Hiotis, a breast surgeon at the NYC Medical Center and expert in
breast cancer detection and treatment.
Come join us and receive important information that could help
save your life.
To RSVP, call (212) 788-7381. If you would like to bring a guest,
please be sure to give us their name as well so we can
make the appropriate arrangements.
Refreshments will be served, compliments of the
Mary Haas Ovarian Cancer Early Detection Foundation.
Eula Young
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights presents its
compliments to non-governmental organizations and has the honour to
inform them that the
Ninth session of the Working Group of Experts on
People of African Descent
will take place at the
United Nations Office
in Geneva, Palais des Nations
Room CXI
12 to 16 April, 2010.
The ninth session will include an analysis of structural discrimination
Page 50
All through the ages the
African people have made
efforts to deliver themselves
from oppressive forces. It is
important that a critical
mass of Africans do not
accept the verdict that the
world tries to push down
their throat so as to give up
and succumb. The struggle
must continue. It is
important to nurture any
new ideas and initiatives
which can make a
difference for Africa. –
Wangari Maathai
against people of African descent, including in the areas of access to
education, access to health, in the administration of justice, and the use
of desegregated data as a tool to combat structural discrimination. The
session will also contain a discussion of possible activities in the context
of the International Year for People of African descent (2011), as
proclaimed by the General Assembly in its resolution A/Res/641169.
The Working Group kindly invites all participants to bring with them to
the session any proposals they may have concerning possible activities
in the context of the International Year for People of African Descent.
The discussion of these proposals will assist the Working Group its
formulating its contribution to a program of plausible activities for the
International Year
The opening meeting will begin at
10 am. on
Monday 12 April 2010.
The provisional agenda will be available on DHCHR website shortly.
Interested non-governmental organizations in consultative status with
the Economic and Social Council, those non-governmental organizations
which were accredited to the World Conference against Racism. Racial
Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance as well as those
that were accredited to the Durban Review Conference are invited to
communicate the names of these representatives by fax +41 22 928 40
50 On letterhead, signed by the appropriate official of their
Organization. For further information, please contact Mr. Richard
Clarke (tel: +41 22 928 9874
The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights seizes this
opportunity to renew to non-governmental organizations the assurance
of its highest consideration.
---- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Skip A Meal For Haiti
Most Americans eat at least three meals a day. Some eat more often.
Millions of people in Haiti have not had a meal in one week and a good
meal in recent memory. Will you skip a meal for the people of Haiti and
send the money to a relief agency?
Page 51
To join The Coalition
go to:
and download a copy
of the Pledge of
Commitment and
return it to us
Will you not eat one meal, on one day so that they can eat for a
The cost of lunch at almost any affordable restaurant in America is
between $5.00 and $14.00. Some restaurants have menus that serve four
and five course dinners that can cost as much as $100.00 per person, not
including beverages. For as little as two dollars a day, you can help
provide food, drinking water and some sanitation supplies for a Haitian
child or adult. A $14.00 contribution can help feed and hydrate a
Haitian child for a week. We can all afford to make a difference!
The Black Star Project is asking you to miss at least one meal this week
for the people of Haiti and to send the money that you would have spent
on your breakfast, lunch or dinner to a relief fund that is on the ground
working in Haiti.
Many people say they want to go to Haiti to help those affected by the
earthquake. The cost of a round trip flight from New York City to Portau-
Prince, Haiti is more than $2,000.00. Decent hotel lodging, which is
virtually impossible to find in Haiti, might cost another $2,000.00 for
one week. And your mouth would become another mouth to feed of
more than 2 million people who need food and water day.
Instead of going to Haiti, will you miss a lunch for Haiti and send the
money you would have spent on that lunch to one of the on-the-ground
relief agencies listed below:
The Black Star Project (773.285.9600) recommends that you send your
contributions to:
Yele Haiti (Wyclef Jean's Relief Effort) at or text YELE
to 501501 to donate $5.00 on your phone bill
UNICEF at or call 800.367.5437
Doctors Without Borders at or call
American Red Cross at or call 800.REDCROSS
(800.733.2767) or 800.257.7575 (Espanol)
Partners in Health at or call 617.432.5256
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
HABESHA, Inc. is planning its 7th Black To Our Roots Educational
Tour to Ethiopia/Ghana for the summer of 2011.
The Black To Our Roots Educational Tour is a spiritual, cultural, and
Page 52
If you would like to
report on a recent
community event, feel
free to send us a brief
account of what
happened in document
format, and we will
share it with our
Send your information
to: News From The
Coalition, Inc.
All entries for
submission should be
received by noon, the
Monday prior to
publish date and in
Press Release form.
academic experience where youth of African descent learn about
themselves by spending several months learning about Africa in general,
and Ghana/Ethiopia specifically, through workshops, fieldtrips,
fundraisers, and community service projects before they travel to the
"Motherland". In order to reclaim our African identity, we return across
the Atlantic Ocean where so many of our ancestors suffered on the slave
ships during the middle passage.
We are currently recruiting participants, including chaperones "Jegnas"
and youth, to travel with us during the summer of 2011.
We will be having an interest meeting on
Saturday, March 27th from 1-3pm
at the Georgia State University College of Education
Building Room 150,
located at
30 Pryor St. Atlanta, GA 30303.
You are encouraged to come if you, or someone you know is interested
in an opportunity to travel to Africa.
To learn a more about HABESHA, Inc. and the Black To Our Roots
Program, visit the Black To Our Roots page at
We look forward to seeing you on March 27th!
P.O. Box 1291
Redan, Georgia 30074
Scared of Mice?
Don’t know what to do after you push the power button?
Looking for the computer remote?
The Free Library of Philadelphia is offering classes all week introducing
20th century-bound adults to 21st century technology. Catch up with the
world, learn how to spy on your kids, keep in touch with family and
friends all over the world, open an email account and learn how to send
mail electronically.
Page 53
To join The Coalition
go to:
and download a copy
of the Pledge of
Commitment and
return it to us
Computer Basics
Saturday, March 20, 2010 at 10:00AM
Lillian Marrero Branch
601 West Lehigh Avenue, 19133-2228
Get started with basic computer skills and learn how to use a mouse and
a keyboard. Workshops are available in both English and Spanish. For
more information, call 215-685-9794.
Open Lab (A)
Saturday, March 20, 2010 at 12:30PM
Lucien E. Blackwell West Philadelphia Regional Library
125 South 52nd Street, 19139- 3408
Bring your own computer projects or questions and get some helpful
Senior Technology Awareness Program (STAP) (A)
Saturday, March 20, 2010 at 1:00PM
Joseph E. Coleman Northwest Regional Library
68 West Chelten Avenue, 19144-2795
Nonprofit Technology Resources presents a series of free technology
workshops for seniors. For further information or to register for these
workshops, call Wendy Harper at 215-686-1460.
Introductory Computer Skills
Monday, March 22, 2010 at 6:30PM
Page 54
If our people are to fight
their way up out of bondage
we must arm them with the
sword and the shield and
the buckler of pride. – Mary
McLeod Bethune
Central Library
1901 Vine Street,
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Learn how to use a mouse, get appointments on Free Library computers,
use the Microsoft Windows Vista operating system, get started using
Microsoft Word, and use a keyboard in this free, 90-minute hands-on
Space for these hands-on Tech lab classes is limited to 12 people.
Tickets will be available at the Parkway Central Library Main Lobby
Desk 30 minutes before each class begins. A Free Library of
Philadelphia library card is required to receive a ticket.
Computer Tutorial
Tuesday, March 23, 2010 at 10:30AM
Cecil B. Moore Branch
2320 Cecil B. Moore Avenue, 19121-2927
Would you like to learn how to open an email account, complete an
online job application, or prepare your résumé? If so, our computer tutor
can teach you. Reservations are recommended; for further information,
contact the librarian at 215-685-2766
Computer Basics
Tuesday, March 23, 2010 at 11:00AM
Page 55
If you associate enough
with older people who do
enjoy their lives, who are
not stored away in any
golden ghettos, you will
gain a sense of continuity
and of the possibility for a
full life. – Margaret Mead
Lillian Marrero Branch
601 West Lehigh Avenue, 19133-2228
Get started with basic computer skills and learn how to use a mouse and
a keyboard. Workshops are available in both English and Spanish. For
more information, call 215-685-9794.
Open Lab
Tuesday, March 23, 2010 at 1:00PM
Joseph E. Coleman Northwest Regional Library
68 West Chelten Avenue, 19144-2795
Work on your own individual project or assignment in the computer lab.
No registration required: First Come, First Seated.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010 at 10:59AM
Joseph E. Coleman Northwest Regional Library
68 West Chelten Avenue, 19144-2795
Sign up for a Facebook account and stay in touch with family and
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -------
Group offers low-cost web access to nonprofits
Mobile Citizen, a provider of mobile broadband for education and
Page 56
If you would like to
report on a recent
community event, feel
free to send us a brief
account of what
happened in document
format, and we will
share it with our
Send your information
to: News From The
Coalition, Inc.
All entries for
submission should be
received by noon, the
Monday prior to
publish date and in
Press Release form.
nonprofits, will offer a Technology Assistance Grant program beginning
in January to provide non-profit organizations with affordable access to
the Internet.
Available only in Portland, Oregon, Las Vegas, and Philadelphia, the
grant includes reduced-price service from Mobile Citizen, with
unlimited usage for only $10/month or $120/year per account. It
bundles Mobile Citizen’s wireless broadband, powered by WiMAX, a
fourth generation (4G) technology from Clearwire Corporation with a
variety of benefits available only to grantees, including:
-- 12 months of service from Mobile Citizen extended to 15 months at
no additional charge. With this, nonprofits receive three free months of
service per account.
-- Dedicated Mobile Citizen Customer Care customized for non-profit
-- A free one-year membership to NTEN, a nonprofit technology
network, ongoing information and news as well as access to a support
-- A choice of additional benefits including an educational webinar
For more information, email Kecia Carroll.
Call For Chairs
Overbrook Art Center needs chairs ASAP (100 or so) Can also accept
stackable chairs.
Please email
Thanks so much. Safiya
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
LIHEAP Extension
1. The LIHEAP program (Cash and Crisis) end date has been
extended from March 15 to April 2, 2010.
2. A $100 supplemental LIHEAP Cash payment will be made to
all LIHEAP households who are eligible for a cash grant.
Households that were already
approved for LIHEAP cash will automatically receive another
$100 (most payments will go directly to utility/vendor).
An additional $100 supplemental LIHEAP Cash payment will
Page 57
be made to LIHEAP households with a “vulnerable household
member”. Vulnerable is defined as 60 or over, 5 or younger,
or with a disability. This supplemental payment will be in
addition to the $100 Cash grant supplement which
will be provided to all LIHEAP households
eligible for a cash grant (discussed in #2).
4. As of February 8, 2010, DPW will accept all regulated utility
termination notices, dated February 1 or later for the purpose of
providing Crisis grants. In Philadelphia, shut-off notices from
PGW and PECO dated February 1 or later will be accepted as
proof of a Crisis.
Until now, only applicants without heat were eligible for Crisis.
5. As of February 8, 2010, individual households will be able to
apply for a second Crisis grant up to the maximum total amount of
$400. The “one and done” rule has been waived.
A second Crisis grant may be issued to households who have
previously received one of less than $400. Both grants cannot total mo
than $400.
The second grant must be accepted by the fuel vendor or
utility company as sufficient to resolve the crisis.
The utility must agree to accept the Crisis amount as sufficient to
Avert termination until May 1, as per the LIHEAP State Plan.
Download LIHEAP Applications in English and Spanish at:
To apply for LIHEAP Cash and/or Crisis, mail or take the
application to:
LIHEAP District County Assistance Office (formerly Tioga)
1348 W. Sedgley Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19132
Monday – Friday
8 a.m. – 4 p.m.
you can also apply for LIHEAP Crisis by going to:
Page 58
A liberal is a conservative
who's been arrested. A
conservative is a liberal
who's been mugged. –
Wendy Kaminer
District Boulevard District
5740 Market Street, 1st Floor 4109 Frankford Avenue
Philadelphia, PA
19139 Philadelphia, PA 19124
8 a.m. – 4 p.m. 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Questions? Contact Thu Tran,, or
Maripat Pileggi,
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Volunteer In Africa
Explore a Continent of Contrasts while Volunteering in Africa
For over a decade, Cross-Cultural Solutions has supported thousands of
volunteers in Africa on programs in Ghana, Morocco, South Africa and
CCS volunteers work side-by-side with local people in community
organizations focused on supporting social services, education, and
health initiatives.
Discover one of the world’s most diverse continents and see firsthand
the challenges it faces and how you can make a positive impact with
Go to:
Our group A HAND UP! Is now open, please go to:
In response to the needs of many grassroots organizations for the basic
tools to implement and sustain their ideas and projects, The Coalition,
Page 59
sui generis \sooeye-
JEN-ur-us; sooee-\
Being the only
example of its kind;
constituting a class
of its own; unique.
Inc. members have come together to establish a network to facilitate the
distribution/re-distribution of unwanted, unneeded, surplus and even
repairable items for recycling.
To join: A Hand Up!
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Remember to support The Coalition, Inc.’s on-air personalities…
Civil Alert World with Brother Sabir Bey Saturdays 5:30pm to 6:30pm
on WNJC 1360 AM. Also listen in on WKDU 91.7 AM Friday, 12am to
Sister Phile Chionesu, organizer of the Million Woman March,
“Nu Day Resurrection and Liberation" Show LIVE each Saturday
evening 10:30 PM--12:00 midnight EST.
"NU Day" is heard in Philly and, worldwide, through the internet at: Or you can tune in via podcast at
Call in and give your thoughts, comments, opinions at 1-646-652-2232
or send an instant message to to chat on line.




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