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News From
The Coalition, Inc.

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News From
The Coalition, Inc.
Friday 24 September 2010 “Communication – Cooperation – Collaboration” Volume 5, Number 09
The Coalition, Inc.
Board of Directors
Gary R. Adams
(President/CEO), John
E. Churchville
Josephine Blow, Stanley
Daniels, Edwin
Desamour, Nijah
Famous, Kendall Hayes-
Fullard, Tom ‘Bunny’
Henry, Abdul Malik
Table of content
For Our Children … 02
This Week … 06
Employment and
Training Opportunities
… 11
Health Matters …11
Green Piece … 16
Personal and Home
Security …21
Grants, Scholarships &
Instruction… 22
SpotLight … 29
Arts for Awareness …
Coming Up …34
Computers and
Technology … 40
A Hand Up … 41
On The Airways … 45
Greetings Coalition Family!
If we behave like those on the other side, then we are the other side.
Instead of changing the world, all we'll achieve is a reflection of the
one we want to destroy. - Jean Genet
If you haven’t already, consider forming alliances with others who may
offer services that compliment your organizational efforts.
Help reduce organizational paranoia, share ideas and solutions,
“Communicate… Cooperate… Collaborate” “We each hold a piece to
the puzzle.”
Page 02
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If you would like to
report on a recent
community event, feel
free to send us a brief
account of what
happened in document
format, and we will
share it with our
Send your information
to: News From The
Coalition, Inc.
All entries for
submission should
be received by
noon, the Monday
prior to publish
date and in Press
Release form.
“It is easier to build children than it is to repair men.”…Frederick Douglass
Parent support groups offered throughout city
Starting in late September, Turning Points for Children will offer Stronger
Families & Brighter Futures Parents’ Support Groups, a free parenting
and support group program for parents or caregivers and their children in
the Philadelphia area.
The 12-week program will be offered and delivered in various community
locations and includes Time Out for Teens and Tots for teen mothers, and
groups for adult parents and caregivers with young children, pre-schoolers
or school age children.
Any interested parent or caregiver in Philadelphia is eligible. Free child
care, transportation and refreshments are included.
To discuss joining a group and get more details, contact Louise Leibowitz
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Cap4Kids Hint of the Week
Being a parent is one of the most rewarding yet exhausting jobs a parent
faces. Being a parent of a special needs child adds to this equation.
Recently added to the website is the
Kelly Anne Dolan Memorial Fund.
Listed on the Parenting and Special Needs handouts
l the Kelly Anne Dolan Memorial Fund was established in 1976 as a
non-medical resource center that provides advocacy, education,
information, and financial assistance for needs not covered by insurance
to families caring for terminally, critically, and chronically ill, severely
disabled, or seriously injured children.
~ ~ ~
Teen pregnancy is a major issue that many of our communities face.
Here are the facts:
The U.S. has the highest teen pregnancy rate in the industrialized world –
twice as high as in England or Canada.
2006 saw the first rise in the U.S. teen pregnancy rate in 15 years.
An estimated 750,000 teens will become pregnant this year.
• About 1 in 3 women become pregnant at least once before they're
• A sexually active teen girl who does not use contraceptives has a
90% chance of becoming pregnant within a year.
Page 03
If you are on the road to
nowhere, find another road.
- Ghanaian Proverb
We are proud to
announce that News
From The Coalition,
Inc. is featured on the
acclaimed site Eight
Cities Map which is
read in more than One
hundred seventy
Click here:
“Philadelphia’s Online
“Newsletter” from the
• It affects education - only a third of teen mothers earn their high
school diploma. And only 1.5% has a college degree by age 30.
• It also affects their kids - girls born to teen mothers are more likely
to be teen mothers themselves. Boys born to teen moms are more
likely to end up in prison.
• 75% of girls and over half of boys report that girls who have sex do
so because their boyfriends want them to.
• 8 in 10 girls and 6 in 10 boys say they wish they had waited until
they were older to have sex. Most teens (6 in 10) and adults (3 in 4)
believe that teen boys often receive the message that they are
“expected to have sex.”
Diapers are expensive, but it's nothing compared to the $9 billion that teen
pregnancy costs the United States each year. This includes increased
spending in child welfare costs and public sector health care.
To address these issues, on the
website, under Pregnancy and Infant Resources,
there is a section on Teen Pregnancy resources
including the ELECT Teen CPC centers with a newly posted referral
sheet, fact sheet (see attached), and Middle Years and MARS programs.
Please become familiar with these resources and
refer families and teens in need.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Help For Parents With School-Age Children
Are you a parent, relative, or health care professional with any of the
following scenarios?
* Not too sure how to register child for Kindergarten or Head Start.
* Trying to decide on what type of school best fits a child's needs. Public
or Charter or Magnet or Catholic?
* Want to get a child motivate and focused on college.
* Want to get child back in school after taking a leave, but don't know
what options there are for out-of-school youth.
* Child being bullied in school and don't know what to do.
* Child not doing well in school and may have a learning difference.
On the website, under the Education
parent handout
and the Resource tab there are resources
Page 04
Only those who dare to fail
greatly, can ever achieve
greatly. - Robert F.
If you have a
favorite relevant
quote, why not
share it with our
readers. send to
We will credit you
with the submission.
To join The Coalition
go to:
and download a copy
of the Pledge of
Commitment and
return it to us
in the community to help advocates for children find help for their child's
educational needs. Please become familiar with the listed resources and
continue to bridge the gap between families in need and the agencies and
resources that serve them.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Black College Tours 2010 (40+)
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
With a little over 50% of our kids graduating high school on time
and only 18% graduating college, we MUST all work on this issue
together for the future of our city.
The Mayor's office recently created an office called "PhillyGoes2College"
that will start working to improve these statistics
ocus_on_increasing_college_admissions.html), and on the website, under the Education Handout,
you will find multiple sources for children, families and child advocates
to help, from an early age, on the road to educational success
Here you will find listings for various school choices, timelines, and
resources for out-of-school youth, and college prep and college admission
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Earn Free Trip to Egypt for Black Kids and Adults
The African Heritage Institute (also known as the D'zert Club) is
sponsoring a 2-year African History Program that, once completed, the
participants earn an all expense paid trip to Egypt. This program is
for Black kids from ages 7-14 and adults over the age of 21.
See the success stories of students that
completed the program and have gone to Egypt. They are amazing.
grades went up in school, lateness and absences decreased and there was
a remarkable increase in the students respect for their elders. One
brother who attended was able to get a full 4-year scholarship to school
as a result of being a part of the program.
Page 05
Give a man a fish and you
feed him for a day. Teach
him how to fish and you
feed him for a lifetime.
Lao Tzu
To join The Coalition
go to:
and download a copy
of the Pledge of
Commitment and
return it to us
Get all of the details at
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
The Food stamp program under the new stimulus package is now
called the SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program).
Did you know?
Eligibility for SNAP benefits changed so many more families in food
insecure households are now eligible.
On the website, under the Food and
Nutrition parent handout, you will find several organizations who can
help families find out if they are eligible. Also, on the COMPASS website
they can apply for these benefits and many others.
For more info you can also go to
Please continue to link families in need with the appropriate social
services agencies that serve them through Cap4Kids. Thanks.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Online resources for parents:,,
Save Our Sons - Put Down the GUNS! Rally
To be held in South Philly
All are welcome
Show your Support
Share your
Resources and Network with other Activists from across the city.
Make your connections here!
*Gun Violence is Citywide, give your support to this event, the
2nd Ward is alive and well in the Life Saving Struggle against gun
violence across the City of Philadelphia.
This event will be held at 4th and
Washington community at the beautiful Jefferson Square Park.
This event be held on
Friday, September 24, 2010 - We are looking for
Page 06
"When you talk, you repeat
what you already know;
when you listen, you often
learn something." - Jared
To join The Coalition
go to:
and download a copy
of the Pledge of
Commitment and
return it to us
everyone involved in the STOP the Violence struggle,
be in attendance to show your support.
*Activities include: A close up networking event, to share ideas and
- *Poetry Readings*
- *A positive Play about the effects of Gun Violence*
- *Gospel group entertainment*
- *Resource Information Tables*
*Bring and set up your information tables*
Contact: “Sheema Corprew”, "Kevin Price" <>, "Nesmith, Douglas" , "Bob
Shipman" ,
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
The Business Center For Entrepreneurship
Social Enterprise Business Plan Classes
7500 Germantown Avenue,
Elders Hall, Suite 113.
8 Week Classes: Saturdays, Sept 25 - Nov 20 @ 9AM - 12PM
Cost: $350 after August 6th
Contact: 215-247-2473
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
"Help Haiti"
raise money for a school in Haiti.
Saturday, September 25,
12 noon to 5 pm
at two locations:
50th and Baltimore at the Cedar Park Fair
49th and Windsor (918 S. 49th at Windsor)*
We'll have lots of women's and men's clothing in good condition, books,
household items, a full/queen metal bed frame and headboard,
and lots more.
Page 07
We can stay young by
focusing on a dream
instead of on a regret. -
To join The Coalition
go to:
and download a copy
of the Pledge of
Commitment and
return it to us
4000 schools were destroyed in the January 2010 earthquake.
Hundreds of thousands of kids have been unable to return to school.
Proceeds from the sale will be used to purchase a festival tent
that will temporarily house a school for
three to five years until a new school can be built.
Our West/Southwest Philly supported school will be located in a remote
outside of Jacmel in Southern Haiti. Students will be older kids who have
never had the opportunity to go to school.
We are working in partnership with Beyond Borders, a wonderful
organization with a 20 year track record in providing innovative learning
opportunities for children and adults with Haitian community leaders.
Check out their work
Our goal is to raise $1000, the cost of the tent.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
a 501-(C)-3 organization P.O. BOX 27423 PHILADELPHIA, PA 19118
Radical means getting to the root causes of
society’s problems and working for root level solutions.
The Philadelphia Area Black Radical Congress
Invites You To
Sunday, September 26, 2010 –
2 to 4 P.M.
Free Library of Philadelphia,
1901 Vine St. Skyline Room, 4th Floor
A panel of speakers will share their organization’s experiences with
violence in the community. They will tell how they are dealing with it and
what they think are the causes of violence. They will share their ideas on
what is needed to stop the violence.
Some of the panel speakers are Dorothy Johnson-Speight, Mothers In
Charge; Rev. Isaac Miller, former pastor of
Page 08
We are not interested in the
possibilities of defeat. -
Queen Victoria
All entries for
submission should
be received by
noon, the Monday
prior to publish
date and in Press
Release form.
Church of the Advocate; Elisabeth Leonard, United For Peace and Justice
Delaware Network; Education Not Incarceration; Michael Coard,
Attorney-at-Law. Bilal Qayyum, Father’s Day Committee. A discussion
follow the presentation.
This event is in support of the 10.2.10 March on Washington, DC and the
10.10.10 get out the vote effort
For Information: 215-848-1806 or 267-259-7196
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Disaster planning workshop for congregations offered
A half day workshop on Empowering Your Congregation: Emergency
and Disaster Planning for Chronic Illnesses will be held on
Wednesday, September 29th
8:30am to 1pm
Holiday Inn Historic District,
400 Arch Street in Philadelphia
Faith community leaders are invited to learn more about chronic illnesses
affecting Philadelphians, emergency scenarios that can affect our area,
how Philadelphians with chronic illnesses should prepare themselves for
emergencies, and how faith-based organizations can empower their
communities and help in emergency response.
The event is free and breakfast and lunch will be served.
Space is limited, and pre-registration is required.
For more information, go here.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Health coverage for uninsured still available
One of the key programs of the health reform act passed by Congress is
March is the high-risk insurance pools program, designed for individuals
with pre-existing medical conditions who were previously unable to get
health insurance.
Pennsylvania’s program, called PA Fair Care, still has a few slots open
for eligible individuals before a waiting list is created. The program was
initially intended to serve about 3500 people.
Those who qualify for the coverage should act quickly as these slots will
Page 09
Success is simple. Do
what's right, the right way,
at the right time. - Arnold
To join The Coalition
go to:
and download a copy
of the Pledge of
Commitment and
return it to us
almost certainly not fill the need of all Pennsylvanians who qualify. The
slots are filled on a first come first served basis.
To be eligible for Pennsylvania’s high-risk pool, individuals must be a
resident of Pennsylvania, be a UW citizen or legal resident, have been
uninsured for six months prior to the date of application, and have a preexisting
condition, as listed by the state Department of Insurance.
The plan's benefit package will include preventive care, physician
services, diagnostic testing, hospitalization, mental health services,
prescription medications and much more, with subsidized premiums of
$283 a month.
For more information or to apply, go here
or call 888-767-7015 (TTY 1-888-767-7018).
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
DRIVERS-Philadelphia, PA/ Restaurant, Food Drivers - Experience
Preferred. Call after 8 a.m. at 215-739-845
Drivers/Courier- Fort Washington Company Vehicles provided Start
$14.75/hr full time. Several local routes available. Immediate opp. 215-
Wanted :Sales/Auto Cherry Hill New Jersey Call John Cantoni or A.
Jones 609-703-0341
Travel Agent & Assistant Phila fax resume to 215-568-0696
Hotel Trainees $14/hr 215-203-8745
Auto Body lots of works – Joe Cannella
Casino/ Assistant Director apply online at
Debt Collector $17 to $28 per hour fax resume to 215-861-8618
Medical Billing/ Receptionist Langhorne Pa full time only exp. Will
considered email:
X-Ray Techs. Part Time email
Preschool Assistant Teacher Ardmore for main line pre school min. 2
years exp. Excl benefits & Wages fax resume 610-642-2750
Lic Student Counselor Therapist Yardley, PA Best private school in
Bucks County position available fax resume 215-493-0087
Drivers- Local Area Jobs- intermodal Drivers needed running trailers to /
from rail yards work 5-6 days/wk pay $800-$960/wk home most nights
CDL & HazMat Req. 888-790-8298 EEOE
functioning under AAP
Drivers/Para transit Abington, Pa previous experience preferred Pa
Page 10
"Prosperity is a way of
living and thinking, and not
just money or things.
Poverty is a way of living
and thinking, and not just a
lack of money or things." -
Eric Butterworth
To join The Coalition
go to:
and download a copy
of the Pledge of
Commitment and
return it to us
license and good MVR at least 21 years old call 215-517-7937
Construction Inspectors Allentown, PA, construction inspectors for road
way and Bridge projects. Penn Dot and Turnpike projects. Exp. Pref.
email resume to
Coaches: Bryn Mawr, PA seeks coaches for the
following positions: Spring- Head Track Coaches, JV
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
How Well Do You Know Your Body?
Wednesday September 29th, 2010
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
(This event repeats every week until Wednesday December 29, 2010.)
926 W. Allegheny Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19133
Phone: 215.227.0300 ext 327
This reproductive health workshop addresses myths and misconceptions
about everything from pregnancy to STDs including HIV. Other topics
that are discussed: Hormonal Birth Control, Bacterial Infections, Viruses,
Men's Reproductive Health, Potential Complications, Serial Monogamy,
and medical management of infections and diseases. It is facilitated by
Jonathan Chriswell from QCHC Family Health Center and has received
rave reviews. This is event is open to the public every Wednesday and
begins at 1pm
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Too much fructose could raise your blood pressure
By Frederik Joelving
(Reuters Health) - Do you need a reason to cut down on sweetened
beverages? Their fructose content might increase your blood pressure,
doctors said Thursday.
Although not all studies agree, the findings add to a growing body of
evidence that too much of the ubiquitous sugar -- found in fruits as well as
high-fructose corn syrup and table sugar -- can have important health
consequences. (See Reuters Health story of May 24, 2010.)
High blood pressure, for example, increases the risk of strokes, heart
Page 11
Adversity is wont to reveal
genius, prosperity to hide it.
- Horace
Coalition members!
Get ‘Your’ web link
on The Coalition,
Inc. web site
disease and kidney failure.
Close to one in three Americans suffer from elevated blood pressure, a
rate that has tripled in the past century, the researchers say in the Journal
of the American Society of Nephrology. While the reasons aren't clear,
diet and lifestyle changes are the main suspects.
To test the link between blood pressure and fructose, they used nationally
representative survey data from more than 4,500 adults. The survey
included questions about all sources of fructose, whereas most earlier
studies had focused on soft drinks.
On average, they found, people said they consumed 74 grams of fructose
per day -- roughly the amount in four soft drinks. Even though none of
them had experienced blood pressure problems, about a third turned out to
have borderline high blood pressure and eight percent had hypertension
(readings of at least 140/90 mmHg, compared with normal values of
120/80 or less).
The more fructose their diet included, the more likely they were to have
high blood pressure. Of course, that could have been influenced by a
variety of factors, such as obesity and disease, or getting too much of
other sugars, salt or alcohol.
But even when adjusting for all these factors, the odds of having high
blood pressure increased in those whose fructose intake was above
average. For the most severe form -- stage 2 hypertension -- the odds were
7 percent higher. Given the new findings, people might want to think
twice about what they throw into their shopping carts, said Dr. Michel
Chonchol of the University of Colorado Denver, who worked on the
"In the grocery store, you see food without high-fructose corn syrup," he
said, adding that it would make sense to reduce fructose intake by
choosing those products and avoiding the ones containing added sugars.
"There is no question that fructose itself appears to have effects that other
sugars don't have," said Chonchol. The exact mechanisms are unclear,
although several have been proposed, he added.
"What we need now are clinical trials, where you take people with
hypertension and place them on a diet with low fructose and see if that
lowers their blood pressure," said Rachel K. Johnson, a professor of
nutrition at the University of Vermont in Burlington, who was not
Page 12
A woman in a hot air
balloon realized she was
lost. She lowered her
altitude and spotted a man
in a boat below. She
shouted to him,
"Excuse me, can you help
me? I promised a friend I
would meet him an hour
ago, but I don't know where
I am."
The man consulted his
portable GPS and replied,
"You're in a hot air
balloon, approximately 30
feet above ground elevation
of 2,346 feet above sea
You are at 31 degrees,
14.97 minutes north
latitude and 100 degrees,
49.09 minutes west
She rolled her eyes and
said, "You must be an
Obama Democrat."
"I am," replied the man.
"How did you know?"
"Well," answered the
balloonist, "everything you
told me istechnically
correct. But I have no idea
what to do with your
information, and I'm still
lost. Frankly, you've not
been much help to me."
The man smiled and
responded, "You must be a
"I am," replied the
balloonist. "How did you
involved in the research.
Until then, she said the message is clear: "Sugar-sweetened beverages --
avoid, avoid, avoid! That's the major source of added sugars for
Getting fructose from eating fruits appears to be less of a problem, she
said, perhaps because they also contain many healthful substances like
antioxidants and fiber. Fruit has just 4 to 10 grams of fructose per serving,
while a can of Coca-Cola has 39 grams of high-fructose corn syrup, about
half of which is fructose (the rest is glucose).
Last year, Johnson helped prepare a statement about sugar and heart
disease from the American Heart Association, which included dietary
"For most American women," she advises, "no more than six teaspoons or
100 calories a day of added sugars, and no more than nine teaspoons for
That is less than one can of Coca-Cola.
In a press release about the new study, the Corn Refiners Association, a
U.S. trade group, said the researchers had muddled the differences
between fructose and glucose, the other half of high-fructose corn syrup
and table sugar.
"The rise in glucose consumption also mirrors the dramatic rise in
hypertension," the release said.
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, online July 1, 2010.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Viagra-popping seniors lead the pack for STDs
By Frederik Joelving
(Reuters Health) - Even if you're past your prime and have a hard time
getting an erection, you might still need to worry about unprotected sex,
according to U.S. doctors.
In fact, they report in the Annals of Internal Medicine, the rate of sexually
transmitted diseases (STDs) in older men taking erectile dysfunction
Page 13
"Well," said the man, "you
don't know where you are
or where you are going.
You've risen to where you
are due to a large quantity
of hot air. You made a
promise you have no idea
how to keep, and you expect
me to solve your problem.
You're in exactly the same
position you were in before
we met, but somehow, now
it's my fault."
(Thx Nancy E. Churchville)
Submit your own humor,
and let our readers know
how funny you can be. We
obviously need the help. ; )
(Family appropriate)
drugs like Viagra is twice as high as in their non-medicated peers.
In both groups, however, the numbers are swelling. According to the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there were more than six new
cases of STDs per 10,000 men over 40 in 2008, up almost 50 percent
since 1996.
"Younger adults have far more STDs than older adults, but the rates are
growing at far higher rates in older adults," said
Dr. Anupam B. Jena of Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, who
led the study.
While the reasons for this development aren't well understood, he said
more divorces and better health might have conspired to boost sexual
prowess and activity among graying heads.
The problem, however, is that older adults appear to flout safe sex
practices. For instance, the researchers note, 50-year-olds are six times
less likely to use a condom than men in their 20s.
"We are typically unaccustomed to practice safe sex over the age of 50,
because the risk of pregnancy is eliminated," Jena told Reuters Health.
To test whether the introduction of Viagra in 1998 might explain some of
the STD surge, Jena and colleagues examined insurance records for more
than 1.4 million U.S. men over 40. The average age in the study was
about 60 years.
The most commonly found STD was HIV, followed by Chlamydia,
syphilis and gonorrhea.
Among the few percent of men who had filled prescriptions for erectile
dysfunction drugs, more than two in a thousand had been treated for an
STD in the year before they got the drug.
A year later, the number dropped to half that, suggesting that Viagra and
its chemical cousins didn't fuel STDs.
However, the risk of contracting an STD turned out to be more than twice
as high in men taking erectile dysfunction drugs compared with those who
"These users have a different sexual risk profile than non-users," said
Page 14
I got a new shadow. I had
to get rid of the other one...
It wasn't doing what I was
doing.- Steven Wright
If you would like to
report on a recent
community event, feel
free to send us a brief
account of what
happened in document
format, and we will
share it with our
Send your information
to: News From The
Coalition, Inc.
All entries for
submission should be
received by noon, the
Monday prior to
publish date and in
Press Release form.
Jena, adding that the data didn't reveal any good explanation.
In an editorial, Dr. Thomas Fekete, of Temple University School of
Medicine in Philadelphia, noted that it would have been valuable to know
more about the frequency of sexual encounters, sexual partners and
He added that prevention strategies should still be directed at younger age
groups, whose STD risk is at least 10 times higher than in middle-aged
and older adults.
Still, he said, the authors remind us "that men older than 40 years remain
sexually active, even if they need chemical assistance to do so.
This study also serves as a reminder that sex after age 40 years is not
necessarily safe."
Jena recommended that doctors take a few minutes to discuss safe sex
with older men when they prescribe Viagra.
His advice? "Look, just realize that you are at higher risk for STDs, and
try to be careful like you used to be 30 years ago."
Annals of Internal Medicine, online July 5, 2010.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Experts say 40 percent of cancers could be prevented
Kate Kelland
LONDON (Reuters) - Forty percent of the 12 million people diagnosed
with cancer worldwide each year could avert the killer disease by
protecting themselves against infections and changing their lifestyles,
experts said…
Read the full story
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Get Fresh!
Volunteer with Philabundance Fresh for All
You recycle out the wazoo and consider yourself consigliore of the
Page 15
At the end of the day, a
policeman parked his van
in front of the station. As he
was gathering his
equipment, his dog started
barking. The policeman
looked up to see a puzzled
looking little boy. "Is that a
dog you have back there?"
"Yes, it is," said the
"What'd he do?"
enviro-sack mafia.
Hence, a cause you can believe in: Philabundance wants to fill those
ubiquitous bags with produce through its new Fresh for All programs.
And you can help by volunteering.
The nonprofit hands out perishables at six sites in the Delaware Valley —
where nutritious diet staples are hard to come by, especially in tough
With a minimum three-hour commitment, you’ll keep busy. Help with
admin, approve clients, or do community outreach (posting mailings,
making phone calls).
Looking for something physical?
Take food to sites, divide apples, and dole out the goods. You’ll be doing
a major part to help people get the fruits and veggies they need. And
that’s a green movement to be proud of.
To participate in Fresh for All, contact
Tunisia Garnett (215-339-0900 ext. 238 or
For more information, go to
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Tips for making oatmeal appealing to kids
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Here are some interesting facts that might make your world spin!
• The garbage in a landfill stays for about 30 years.
• In 1995 over 200 of the world landfills were full.
• Each person throws away approximately four pounds of garbage
every day.
• One bus carries as many people as 40 cars!
• More than 1/3 of all energy is used by people at home
• Most families throw away about 88 pounds of plastic every year
• We each use about 12,000 gallons of water every year
• 1/3 of all water is used to flush the toilet.
• The 500 million automobiles on earth burn an average of 2 gallons
of fuel a day.
• Each gallon of fuel releases 20 pounds of carbon dioxide into the
• Approximately 5 million tons of oil produced in the world each ear
ends up in the ocean.
• The energy we save when we recycle one glass bottle is enough to
Page 16
"Most of the successful
people I've known are the
ones who do more listening
than talking."
Bernard M. Baruch
To join The Coalition
go to:
and download a copy
of the Pledge of
Commitment and
return it to us
light a traditional light bulb for four hours
• For every 2000 pounds of paper (1 ton) recycled, we save 7,000
gallons of water free from chemicals.
• Recycled paper requires 64% less energy than making paper from
virgin wood pulp, and can save many trees
• Every ton of paper that is recycled saves 17 trees
• The amount of wood and paper we throw away is enough to heat 50
million homes for 20 years
• Earth is 2/3 water. But all the fresh water streams only represent
one hundredth of one percent.
• 14 billion pounds of trash is dumped into the ocean every year
• It takes 90% less energy to recycle aluminum cans than to make
new ones
• 5 billion aluminum cans are used each year
• 84 percent of all household waste can be recycled.
• Computers pose an environmental threat because much of the
material that makes them up is hazardous. A typical monitor
contains 4-5 pounds of lead.
• Each year billions of used batteries are thrown away in the United
States. This constitutes 88% of the mercury and 54% of the
cadmium deposited into our landfills
• Approximately only 10 percent of every landfill can be cleaned up.
• Ivory comes from dead elephants, its best not to buy it.
• Fur coats often come from endangered animals, it's best not to buy
• One gallon of motor oil can contaminate up to 2 million gallons of
water. So dispose of properly!
• Here is an example of the water we use everyday:
3-7 gallons for toilet,
25-30 gallons for tub,
50-70 gallons for a 10 minute shower,
1 washing machine load uses 25-40 gallons,
1 dishwasher load uses 9-12 gallons
• Here is an example of how long it takes some things take to break
down: plastics take 500 years, aluminum cans take 500 years,
organic materials, take 6 months, cotton, rags, paper takes 6
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Seventh annual National Preparedness Month, in September, encourages
Page 17
Kathy’s Korner!
There was a knock at the
door. It was a small boy,
about six years old.
Something of his had found
its way into my garage, he
said, and he wanted it back.
Upon opening the garage
door, I noticed two
additions: a baseball and a
broken window sporting a
baseball-sized hole. "How
do you suppose this ball got
in here?" I asked the boy.
Taking one look at the ball,
one look at the window, and
one look at me, the boy
exclaimed, "Wow! I must
have thrown it right
through that hole!"
(Kathy Parsons is a
regular contributor.)
If you would like to
report on a recent
community event, feel
free to send us a brief
account of what
happened in document
format, and we will
share it with our
Send your information
to: News From The
Coalition, Inc.
All entries for
submission should be
received by noon, the
Monday prior to
publish date and in
Press Release form.
Americans to take steps to prepare
WASHINGTON - The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
today announced that to date more than 1,900 national, regional, tribal,
state and local organizations and businesses have pledged their support
and joined the 2010 National Preparedness Month (NPM) Coalition. This
is approximately 200 more than last year at this time. The registration for
the Coalition continues through September.
This September marks the seventh annual NPM. Led by FEMA's Ready
Campaign in partnership with Citizen Corps and The Advertising
Council, NPM is a nationwide effort encouraging individuals, families,
businesses and communities to work together and take action to prepare
for emergencies.
NPM Coalition members will sponsor events and activities throughout the
month highlighting the steps that individuals, families and communities
can take to prepare. Ready and The Advertising Council will also
introduce new Spanish-language public service advertisements in
conjunction with NPM activities. Additionally, the Ready Campaign
released a new NPM Widget to help promote the month.
"National Preparedness Month is a great way to get Americans and our
communities and businesses to come together in planning and preparing
for a disaster," said FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate. "Disasters can hit
any place, any time, so it's essential that we take concrete steps together,
now, to ensure a better response later."
This year, NPM focuses on encouraging all Americans to take active steps
toward getting involved and becoming prepared. Preparedness is
everyone's responsibility. Americans have to work together as a team to
ensure that individuals, families and communities are ready. Individuals
are encouraged to: make a family emergency plan; put together an
emergency supply kit; be prepared to help your neighbor; and work as a
team to keep everyone safe.
National Preparedness Month Coalition membership is open to all public
and private sector organizations. Click here
to register for membership.
Follow FEMA online at,, and Also, follow
Page 18
Middle age is when you
choose your cereal for the
fiber, not the toy.
Administrator Craig Fugate's activities at
The social media links provided are for reference only. FEMA does not
endorse any non-government websites, companies or applications.
FEMA's mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure
that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our
capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and
mitigate all hazards.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Don't throw your old TVs away!
All electronics can be dropped off for recycling at either
Domino Lane & Umbria St.
State Rd. & Ashburner St. in Philadelphia
at the
Streets Department Sanitation Convenience Centers,
Monday through Saturday
8:00 am to 6:00 pm.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Weavers Way #5 plastics recycling resumes
Fellow Recyclers, Weavers Way collection of #5 plastics, which are not
included in the City’s recycling program, will be on the 3rd Saturday of
each month: The collections take place at the co-op's garage,
at 542 Carpenter Lane,
which is across the street and a bit further down the block from the Big
Blue Marble bookstore.
Please note that we need volunteers to keep this project going. (Weavers
Way members can get work credit for helping us; work shifts are
available on co-op's the online calendar.)
The #5 category includes yogurt cups, sour cream containers, hummus
tubs, some medicine bottles, and more. Your recyclables must be clean
and dry to be accepted. Check to make sure there are no other materials
(paper, screws, other number plastics) on the items you bring in.
Impurities of any kind compromise the recycling process and usually lead
to the discarding of an entire batch. Exclude any lids unless they are
clearly marked #5. (Most lids from #5 containers are #4 plastic, but this is
not always the case.)
Page 19
To join The Coalition go
and download a copy of
the Pledge of
Commitment and
return it to us
We ask recyclers for a small donation to cover postage costs of mailing
the recyclables to the Gimme 5 processing facility in New York.
Before bringing your #5s to the collection, be sure that they meet the
requirements for Gimme 5:
All items must be CLEAN and DRY. If they contained food or any oily or
dirty product, make sure they have been washed, not just rinsed. Items
stacked when wet tend to stay wet, so allow washed items to dry fully
before stacking or packing.
The #5 stamp needs to be visible on each item. Lids are separate items.
Don’t assume lids are the same number plastic as the container;
sometimes they are but usually they are not. Check to make sure there are
no other materials (labels, paper, and other number plastics, metal) on the
items you bring in.
Brita filters are also welcome! Let them air dry for several days to make
sure they are completely dry.
We'll see you soon!
Carolyn, Helen, Priscilla and Stevik
of the Weavers Way Environment Committee
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Recycling Services Inc. in Pottstown takes styrofoam on Saturday and
Tuesday mornings.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
For sustainable enterprise go to Green Jobs Philly
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40 Ways to Save on Almost Anything
Tips on Being Safe at Home
By Natalie Grace, eHow Contributing Writer
Safety at home
Many people believe that if they stay inside their homes no harm will
come to them. This is wishful thinking, as many reported injuries and
crimes occur inside the home. As a result, homeowners are encouraged to
implement precautionary measures to help protect their family. Though
Page 20
What you see depends on
what you're looking for. -
All entries for
submission should be
received by noon, the
Monday prior to
publish date and in
Press Release form.
this does not always guarantee safety, it can reduce the risk of injuries and
1. When a guest rings the doorbell or knocks on the door, use your
peephole to identify the caller. If you do not have a peephole, ask the
visitor to identify himself. Only open your door if you know and trust
the caller. Talk to repair people through closed doors and do not allow
them in unless you have verified their credentials (company name and
phone number, ID badge). If an unknown visitor asks to use your
phone, direct him to the closest public telephone.
Do not divulge any personal data about yourself or anyone who lives
in your home to unknown callers. Keep police and paramedics contact
information handy and record the numbers on your speed dial. In the
case of nuisance calls, do not respond; instead, hang up the phone and
call your telephone company for assistance. Establish a signal with
your neighbors, such as a bell or continuous car horn honking to alert
them if you are in danger. Encourage them to report any suspicious
persons they see prowling around your home to the police.
2. If you experience a break-in while you are inside the home, try to
get to the burglar alarm and activate it, or try go to the nearest
bedroom and call the police. If you hear the burglar, but do not see
him, make a lot of noise shuffling around but refrain from confronting
him. Some burglars will evacuate the home immediately upon hearing
sounds. Distance yourself from the intruder as much as possible, but if
you are confronted by him try to stay calm. Do not enter the house if
you arrive home and feel that a burglar is inside--run to the neighbor's
home and call the police. If you get a glimpse of the intruder, try to
keep a mental picture of his features (height, race, suspected age, type
of clothing and any outstanding features).
Read more: Best Way - Tips on Being Safe at Home |
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Page 21
Live nutty. Just
occasionally. Just once in
a while. . . And see what
happens. It brightens up
the day! - Leo Buscaglia
To join The Coalition
go to:
and download a copy
of the Pledge of
Commitment and
return it to us
For a more aggressive role in your protection:
Philadelphia Development Partnership's
Business Skills Course
The Bourse Building.
111 S. Independence Mall East, Suite 810
Philadelphia Development Partnership’s Business Skills Course is a
multi-part course that is designed to teach the fundamentals of running a
small business.
• Obtain financing
• Learn from experts in your industry
• Network with fellow entrepreneurs
• Work with business consultants FREE!
The multi-part class begins on
September, 21st 2010
Orientation - September 14th
Cost: $95.00
Contact: Theo Thompson
(215) 545-3100 ext 222
Philadelphia Development Partnership's
Business Skills Course
The Bourse Building.
111 S. Independence Mall East, Suite 810
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
USDA offers Hunger-Free Communities grants
The US Department of Agriculture is offering Hunger- Free Communities
grants to help cities and towns across the country fight hunger and food
insecurity and promote healthy eating.
The grants will help fund research, planning and hunger relief activities
such as food distribution, community outreach, development of new
resources, and strategies to reduce or prevent hunger and food insecurity.
Two models of grants are available: planning and assessment grants or
implementation grants.
For more information, go here.

----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Page 22
True friendship comes
when silence between two
people is comfortable.
Send your information
to: News From The
Coalition, Inc.
All entries for
submission should be
received by noon, the
Monday prior to
publish date and in
Press Release form.
Foundation offers Banned Books Week grants
The American Library Association’s Freedom to Read Foundation will
provide two grants — one for $2,500 and one for $1,000 — to two
organizations to support "Read-Outs" celebrating Banned Books Week
2010, from
September 25th to October 2nd.
A Banned Books Week Read-Out is an event during which people
celebrate the freedom to read by gathering to read from books that have
been banned or challenged over the years.
To apply for a grant, organizations are required to submit an event
description, timeline, and budget with their application, as well as agree to
provide a written report and video to FTRF following Banned Books
For more information, go here.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Aspen Institute offers scholarships to students of color
The Aspen Institute Program on Philanthropy and Social Innovation in
Washington is offering scholarships to introduce a diverse group of
students to issues and challenges affecting philanthropy, social
enterprise, nonprofit organizations, and other actors in the social sector.
The $2,000 fellowship, which is based on academic excellence and need,
is open to both undergraduate and graduate students of color. Fellows
undertake research, writing, logistical, and administrative support for
PSI's leadership initiatives, public programs, and convenings.
Application guidelines are available here.
200 Free Scholarships For Minorities (NEW UPDATED 2010
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
HIV/AIDS Prevention Workshop
Workshop Summary
Culturally-Relevant Communication about HIV/AIDS is an interactive
and user-friendly workshop. Ivan J. Juzang, MEE President and Founder
Page 23
If you want others to be
happy, practice
compassion; if you want to
be happy, practice
compassion! - Mary
To join The Coalition
go to:
and download a copy
of the Pledge of
Commitment and
return it to us
will examine the environmental influences, attitudes and behaviors and
unique communication style of urban, ethnic and other hard-to-reach
audiences; review theories and techniques for developing cost-effective
and culturally-relevant communication strategies; and then show session
attendees how to apply these learnings to their own HIV/AIDS testing
programs, prevention services and outreach efforts.
Learning Objectives
After attending the session, attendees will have the background necessary
to more effectively communicate with their target audiences about sex,
sexuality and HIV/AIDS. They will also have a clearer understanding of
media consumption patterns and other social factors that impact sexual
decision-making; and the attitudes, motivations and perceptions of
minorities on healthy sexuality and HIV/AIDS prevention, testing and
treatment. Such information will help interventionists, community-based
organizations and service providers develop innovative and effective
messages and services targeted to minority audiences.
Workshop Description:
Topics explored during the session include:
The environmental context, peer group dynamics and social interactions
that influence sexual behaviors;
How service providers can be more culturally aware, and increase the
effectiveness of their outreach, media and materials; and
Strategies for attracting the hardest-to-reach audiences to HIV-prevention,
testing and treatment programs.
For more information on other workshops and schedules visit their
To inquire about a MEE Workshop at Your Organization call
215.829.4920 or Email here
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
At- Risk Youth
Annie E. Casey Foundation
A private charitable organization dedicated to helping build better futures
for disadvantaged children in the United States. The foundation offers
community-focused grants. The site also has several publications.
Provides funding to both 501(c)(3) and local/state government.
Page 24
Who speaks, sows; Who
listens, reaps. - Argentine
Organizations wishing to send a proposal to the Foundation should submit
a letter of no more than three pages explaining the organization and its
project and how the money will be used. Send the letters to: The AEC
Foundation; Attn: Office of the President; 701 Saint Paul St.; Baltimore,
MD 21202.
Phone: 410-547-6600
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
AOL Time Warner Foundation
The AOL Time Warner Foundation is dedicated to using the power of
media, communications and information technology to serve the public
interest and strengthen society. However, rather than simply providing
grant monies or funding unsolicited requests, the foundation prefers to
enter into sustainable strategic partnerships with organizations that have a
demonstrated commitment to pioneering innovative ways of meeting four
priorities: Equipping kids for the 21st century; Extending Internet benefits
to all; Engaging communities in the arts; and Empowering citizens and
civic participation.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
AT&T Foundation
The AT&T Foundation seeks to educate, enrich, engage, and empower the
communities served by AT&T. The Foundation's funding areas are
education, civic and community service, and arts and culture.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Beaumont Foundation
The Beaumont Foundation of America (BFA), a non-profit philanthropic
organization, is dedicated to the enriching the lives of individuals by
providing technology to historically underserved schools and
communities. The foundation believes technologies are essential tools for
progress in the 21st century, and that given access to digital information,
people will have an equal opportunity to advance socially, economically
and intellectually.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
The Student Achievement Grants program provides grants of $5,000
each to improve the academic achievement of students by engaging in
critical thinking and problem solving that deepen knowledge of standardsPage
Friendship can weather
most things and thrive in
thin soil – but it needs a
little mulch of letters and
phone calls and small silly
presents every so often -
just to save it from drying
out completely. - Pam
To join The Coalition
go to:
and download a copy
of the Pledge of
Commitment and
return it to us
based subject matter. The work should also improve students’ habits of
inquiry, self-directed learning, and critical reflection. Proposals for work
resulting in low-income and minority student success with honors,
advanced placement, and other challenging curricula are particularly
encouraged. Grant funds may be used for resource materials, supplies,
equipment, transportation, software, and scholars-in-residence.
Applicants must be practicing U.S. public school teachers in grades K-12,
public school education support professionals, or faculty and staff at
public higher education institutions.
Visit the NEA Foundation Web site for complete grant program
RFP Link:
For additional RFPs in Education, visit:
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
NIH Summer Institute on Community-Based Participatory Research
The National Institutes of Health has announced the 2nd summer institute.
We are thrilled to see that the organizers have responded to Community-
Campus Partnerships for Health’s (CCPH) comments on last year's
summer institute.
When the 1st NIH institute on CBPR was announced, CCPH expressed
concern about its exclusive focus on academic researchers.
In CBPR, the community is involved at the very start of the research,
so it was incongruent that the institute did not include the community
partners or acknowledge the possibility of a community partner as a
principal investigator or co-PI.
This summer's institute has been designed for community-academic
partner teams (see below for details).
CCPH has successfully implemented community-academic partner teambased
model of CBPR training: CBPRInstitute
and SummerInstituteAgenda.pdf
The training curriculum, "Developing and Sustaining CBPR Partnerships"
is available online at
If you're interested in bringing a CBPR training workshop or institute to
your location, contact CCPH senior consultant Rachel Vaughn at for more information.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Banta Company Foundation
The Banta Company Foundation provides funding for at-risk youth and
Page 26
Q. Why do bagpipers walk
when they play?
A. They're trying to get
away from the noise.
(Ethan Pollard age 9)
To join The Coalition
go to:
and download a copy
of the Pledge of
Commitment and
return it to us
delinquency prevention initiatives. The funds can be used for equipment,
general/operating expenses, seed money, program development, as well as
other areas. For more information please contact:
Banta Company Foundation
225 Main Street
PO Box 8003
Menasha,WI 54952-8003.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Best Buy Children's Foundation
The mission of the Best Buy Children's Foundation is to improve the lives
of youth aged 5 - 18 in communities where Best Buy maintains a business
presence. The Foundation awards grants to nonprofit organizations with
innovative approaches to developing life skills in young people through
education, mentoring, and leadership development. Funds can be used for:
program development; direct project support; specific curriculum
development; and scholarship aid for participants in life skills or
mentoring programs. The Foundation typically awards grants ranging
from $2000 - $10,000 to nonprofits.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Healthy Community Outreach Program
will be granted to nonprofit organizations to support grassroots efforts
which increase awareness on critical health initiatives through health
walks, health fairs and health education outreach.
Grants up to $25,000 will be considered.
Please provide all levels of event sponsorships on your application.
Nonprofit organizations with evidence of IRS 501(c)(3) designation or de
facto tax-exempt status may apply for a grant, with the following
exceptions: advertising; capital campaigns; grants or scholarships to
individuals; multiyear requests; political causes and events; or religious
organizations in support of their sacramental or theological functions.>Awards
Ongoing Deadline
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Ben and Jerry's Foundation
Ben and Jerry's Foundation has no specific program areas. The
Foundation seeks projects that lead to societal change or address the root
causes of problems. The Foundation awards grants ranging in amount
from $1,000 to $15,000. Applicants must submit a letter of interest at any
time during the year.
Page 27
Steve, Bob, and Jeff were
working on a very high
scaffolding one day when
suddenly, Steve falls off and
is killed instantly. After the
ambulance leaves with
Steve's body, Bob and Jeff
realize that one of them is
going to have to tell Steve's
Bob says he's good at this
sort of sensitive stuff, so he
volunteers to do the job.
After two hours he returns,
carrying a six-pack of beer.
"So did you tell her?" asks
"Yep", replied Bob.
"Say, where did you get the
Bob informs Jeff. "She
gave it to me!"
"What??" exclaims Jeff,
"you just told her her
husband died and she gave
you a six-pack??"
"Sure," Bob says.
"Why?" asks Jeff.
"Well," Bob continues,
"when she answered the
door, I asked her, 'are you
Steve's widow?'
'Widow?', she said, 'no, no,
you're mistaken, I'm not a
So I said: "I'll bet you a
six-pack you ARE!'"
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Even if you do not have a college-aged child at home, please share this
with someone who does, pass this scholarship information on to anyone
and everyone that comes to mind. Though there are a number of
companies and organizations that have donated moneys for scholarship
use to African Americans, a great deal of the money is being returned
because of a lack of interest.
No one is going to knock on our doors
and ask if we can use a scholarship.
Take the initiative to get your children involved. There is no need
for money to be returned to donating companies
because we fail to apply for it.
Please pass this information on to family members, nieces, nephews, and
friends with children etc. We must get the word out that money is
available. If you are a college student or getting ready to become one, you
probably already know how useful additional money can be.
Our youth really could use these scholarships. Thanks!!
For a list of scholarships please visit our group ‘The Coalition, Inc.’
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
SpotLight On Our Efforts
Lest We Forget Slavery and Holocaust Museum
To all who have visited our museum and supported us in the past, to those
who have heard of us, have talked about us, and want to know about it,
and those that are asking if they can help,
the answer is yes you can!
Here’s how!
We of
are having a "Fundraiser to remember and honor those who passed thru
the ‘doors of no return’ by the building of a
Page 28
Send your information
to: News From The
Coalition, Inc.
All entries for
submission should be
received by noon, the
Monday prior to
publish date and in
Press Release form.
"Tunnel of Remembrance"
To our ancestors and all those who fought and died for the great cause of
"freedom". This tunnel is dedicated to those devoted to the freedoms for
all people and the eradication of that awful slave trade. As we share our
memories with in this tunnel, we ask that you place a piece of your history
in it also, by the purchase of a
"Brick of Remembrance".
Bricks can be purchased on our web site,
or mail in the brochure, Be sure to print legibly, Each brick will be etched
with the names and memories of loved ones, Friendship, Sacrifice,
Courage, and those who are gone but not forgotten, those brave
abolitionists White and black, whose lives were not spared but suffered
the same fate, Let us also keep in mind those still with us on the front
lines letting us know for sure, Freedom is not free "Lest We Forget".
J. Justin Ragsdale Director/Chief Curator
LWF/Lest We Forget Museum of Slavery
Telephone: 215-397-6060
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Dear Friends:
We are reaching out to you today with exciting news. Moms Against
Guns is officially joining forces with CeaseFirePA.
This union represents more voices, more power and more resources to
fight one Pennsylvania's most contentious issues: illegal guns. While we
have loosely partnered with CeaseFirePA in the past and stand at their
side as they advocate for better gun laws, there has never been a formal
partnership. Tomorrow, that will change.
And we wanted to make sure that you're the first to know before this
news goes public. You've been a staunch supporter of Moms Against
Guns - many since we began this fight together at a public rally in
Philadelphia's Love Park in 2007.
Since then - we've made great strides.
Page 29
To join The Coalition
go to:
and download a copy
of the Pledge of
Commitment and
return it to us
But the economic and political climate is now different than it was in
2007. Since our economy took such a dramatic turn two years ago,
nonprofit groups like CeaseFirePA and other advocacy and service
organizations have been trying to do more with less.
In a rocky political and economic environment, it's increasingly difficult
to get an issue - like limiting illegal guns and the violence they create in
our state - in front of the most influential decision makers in Harrisburg.
Without a unified voice on this issue, we are all at risk of appearing less
organized and powerful when we stand against the gun lobby.
We feel proud and privileged to serve among Ceasefire's constituencies
and we know this affiliation offers new strength and opportunity. We
have the utmost respect, confidence and admiration for the leadership of
Phil Goldsmith, its board president, and Joe Grace, its executive director.
It is our hope that our participation on the board and the force of our
combined voices will increase the overall capacity and power to fight in
a more organized way for better, safer gun laws.
Today we have garnered close to 7,000 signatures on our petition -
thanks to your efforts. But we're far from our goal. We set an ambitious
goal of 50,000 signatures, but that goal was not arbitrary. We were told
by political advisors that 10,000 signatures would get some
policymakers' attention; and 25,000 would show we were serious. But
50,000 could turn a vote - that's why we set this bold goal.
Our joining with CeaseFirePA offers us the opportunity to reach more
people (voters) so we can reach our 50,000 signature goal. In turn, we
offer CeaseFirePA new constituents, new ideas, and more leverage.
We will continue to personally answer your emails and we'd like to hear
from you. After our websites have been integrated, which should happen
by mid- summer, you will have the full capacity of CeaseFire's
advocacy, strategic advice and direction, as well as the opportunity to
volunteer, donate if you wish, or help secure more petition signatures.
As founder of Moms Against Guns, I have been invited to be a new vice
president of the CeaseFirePA board, and one of Philadelphia's most
influential social activists - Project H.O.M.E. president and co-founder,
Sister Mary Scullion - has also agreed to join the CeaseFirePA board
with me.
Page 30
Don't fill your time with
worry - fix what you can
and let the rest take care of
To join The Coalition
go to:
and download a copy
of the Pledge of
Commitment and
return it to us
We hope you will continue to partner with the new and improved "us" --
CeaseFire and Moms Against Guns. Your voices and vision have never
been more needed.
Thank you with all of our hearts for all you have done so far. If we work
together - we can and will prevail.
Lynne Honickman
Moms Against Guns
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Website Offers Revolutionary Green Alternatives
for Communities/Nations
Greetings. I hope that you and your business/ organizations are all
doing well. As we enter into a new year, I expect that many of us
have already envisioned what we would like to accomplish in this
new year. As long as we have positive intentions for not just ourselves
but also our fellow inhabitants on this planet
as well as the mother Earth herself, may the Creator of the Universe bless
our visions and goals to become a material manifestation.
I would like to invite everyone to visit
I am one of the co-founders of this organization. While the initiative
of this organization focuses on improving the lives of the African
Diaspora and building up eco-friendly, peaceful, self sustaining and
prosperous communities in their ancestral lands, we extend a welcome
hand for all to check a part of our vision out by visiting our site.
Our site was put in video format for simplicity and visuals to keep
the interests of our visitors. When you first click on the provided
website address, you will notice that we begin with our goals on
dealing with electricity. There are actually two clips explaining the
same technology, we recommend the second clip for a more detailed
explanation on how this technology works. The following two clips
deals with how we plan on providing clean water
to the citizens and then water recycling.
The fifth video demonstrates how sewer systems are unnecessary.
There are many issues that we tackle on our site. We are currently in
talks with university and reverse engineers to have these technologies
Page 31
We must be willing to let go
of the life we planned so as
to have the life that is
waiting for us. - E. M.
To join The Coalition
go to:
and download a copy
of the Pledge of
Commitment and
return it to us
made at a lower cost and with high quality specifications.
Any feedback or suggestions is welcome and
any donations would be highly appreciated.
There is a lot of useful information and we encourage all to take
advantage of it and to view it for themselves, we're
confident that you will be excited as we are once you see
the potential in such technology.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
I see little of more importance to the future of our country and of civilization than full recognition of the
place of the artist. If art is to nourish the roots of our culture, society must set the artist free to follow
his vision wherever it takes him. Pauline Kael
Ursula Rucker comes to
Scribe Video
Thursday evenings
to teach Poetry for Stage and Camera.
Register today at 215-222-4201.
Scribe Video Center
4212 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia PA 19104
Hours of Operation:
Monday through Friday, 11:00 am to 7:00 pm
(or 9:00 pm on workshop nights).
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Jus’ Words at Dowlings Place
1310 No. Broad St. Phila
Every Thurs. 9pm to 1am
• Poets
• Rappers
• Singers
• Spoken Word Artists
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
The National Success Fair
Page 32
"Kind words can be short
and easy to speak, but their
echoes are truly endless." -
Mother Teresa
To join The Coalition
go to:
and download a copy
of the Pledge of
Commitment and
return it to us
Tea Talk, Inc. in Partnership with the Mayors Office of Community
Service presents "The National Success Fair. The Success Fair aims to
prepare our guest for success and provide opportunities for them to take
their life, business, and career to the next level.
This two day dynamic event will begin its tour in Philadelphia, PA.
It is the mission of the Philadelphia Success Fair to ensure all guests of
this event are
Success Ready is a Mentality to Achieve beyond all barriers
internal and external;
Success Ready is believing in ones dreams and devising a life strategy for
the fulfillment of set goals.
The National Success Fair will spark that ingenious that is in everyone
while providing them with tools, training, resources, and relationships to
bring about evolution and growth holistically.
Date: October 13th & 14th, 2010
Time: 12pm to 6pm
Location: First District Plaza
3801 Market Street
Cost: $20 (entrance both days)
Contact for more Information:
Vendors and Exhibitors Space Available:
To become a sponsor please contact: Kym at
or 267-386-8204 ext. 7
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
The Fishtown Neighbors Association has a long tradition of community
involvement. We are a coalition of neighbors who strive to make
Fishtown a great place to live, work and play.
The Fishtown Neighbors Association is proud to present the 3rd Annual
RiverCity Festival at Penn Treaty Park on Saturday October 2, 2010.
Beginning with the RiverCity 5K Run, the festival will feature fun, food,
entertainment and memories for everyone. An eclectic mix of bands will
play on the main stage, while organizations and institutions will have
presentations in an educational area. Local artists and businesses will be
Page 33
Send your information
to: News From The
Coalition, Inc.
All entries for
submission should be
received by noon, the
Monday prior to
publish date and in
Press Release form.
on hand to sell their creations and promote their services. Children and
families will have plenty of games, face painting, contests and activities to
keep them busy. We will all learn of the deep Native American heritage
of the waterfront with a special presentation from the Leni Lenape tribe.
Of course, no festival would be complete without the best food in the area
from Fishtown’s famous eateries.
Penn Treaty Park
Penn Treaty Park, 1199 N Delaware Ave,
Philadelphia, PA
Saturday October 2, 2010-
10am (for RiverCity 5k Run),
12pm (for Music, Vendors and Other Festivities)
until 5pm.
As part of a Citywide effort to reinvent the waterfront, the Fishtown
Neighbors Association aims to draw people to both Fishtown and the
water as well as provide a fun atmosphere to get to know the
neighborhood and all it has to offer.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
The National Success Fair
Tea Talk, Inc. in Partnership with the Mayors Office of Community
Service presents "The National Success Fair. The Success Fair aims to
prepare our guest for success and provide opportunities for them to take
their life, business, and career to the next level.
This two day dynamic event will begin its tour in Philadelphia, PA.
It is the mission of the Philadelphia Success Fair to ensure all guests of
this event are
Success Ready is a Mentality to Achieve beyond all barriers internal and
Success Ready is believing in ones dreams and devising a life strategy for
the fulfillment of set goals.
The National Success Fair will spark that ingenious that is in everyone
while providing them with tools, training, resources, and relationships to
bring about evolution and growth holistically.
Date: October 13th & 14th, 2010
Time: 12pm to 6pm
Page 34
To join The Coalition
go to:
and download a copy
of the Pledge of
Commitment and
return it to us
Send your information
to: News From The
Coalition, Inc.
All entries for
submission should be
received by noon, the
Monday prior to
publish date and in
Press Release form.
Location: First District Plaza
3801 Market Street
Cost: $20 (entrance both days)
Contact for more Information:
Vendors and Exhibitors Space Available:
To become a sponsor please contact: Kym at
or 267-386-8204 ext. 7
* * * Outside PA * * *
Urban Women's Health
An Empowering Evening Gathering to Support
Our Female Health with Brooklyn Healing Practitioners
Rebecca Hart & Diana Stevens*
Join us for an empowering lecture and interactive exchange on urban
women's digestive and neurological health with Rebecca Hart and Diana
Stevens on Friday, Oct 1 at 7pm. These two local healing practitioners
will be discussing some of the effects urban living has on the feminine
digestive and neurological systems and how these interact with the body
mind and spirit. They will also be introducing practical ways we can
begin to support each of these systems.
Diana and Rebecca will include short exercises, demonstrations
and time for questions and answers.
Come prepared for straight-up and surprising responses to questions about
you your own mental, physical, and spiritual health. And learn how we
are all connected in our health issues as urban women!
Limited to the first twelve women who sign up, there will be a waiting list
for a December evening conversation with these
two remarkable practitioners.
Friday, Oct 1
To start on time we ask that you arrive between 6:45-6:55pm
Start time 7pm (till 9pm)
Your investment $20
In order for us to bring you these 2 fabulous teachers this event has an
enrollment quota that must be met by Monday, Sept 27
Page 35
Accept the challenges so
that you may feel the
exhilaration of victory. -
George S. Patton
Send your information
to: News From The
Coalition, Inc.
All entries for
submission should be
received by noon, the
Monday prior to
publish date and in
Press Release form.
521 9th Street between 8th Ave & Prospect Park West in Park Slope,
Brooklyn, NY
(F Train to the 7th Ave Stop in Park Slope, Brooklyn)
To register with PayPal click here
Make checks to CREATINGSPACE and mail to:
521 9th Street, Brooklyn NY, 11215
Questions? 646.623.2522
* Rebecca Hart Malter is a medical intuitive who specializes in
assessing root causes of disease and distress in the mind-body-spirit
system. She is licensed and certified in medical massage therapy,
nutrition, and herbology, and she uses these modalities in conjunction
with her deep empathic nature to nourish her clients to new levels of
health and well-being.
In her past life (1976 – 1996), Diana Stevens was an actress/comedienne.
In 1997 she survived and thrived after breast cancer. Incorporating her
unique sense of humor she segued into a new and mystical career that she
always knew existed - Energy Medicine. Diana is certified in Therapeutic
Reflexology, Ancient Shamanic Healing and Reconnective Healing. She
is a compassionate minister/counselor who uses physical and unseen tools
to facilitate a unique approach to bringing one's fragmented parts together
in body, mind and soul.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
African Women's and Youth Conference in Oakland
Page 36
The Bible, Through the
Eyes of a Child
Here's our version of the
stories of the Bible if they
were to be told by a child.
After Solomon came a
whole lot of major league
prophets. Jonah was one of
them. He was swallowed by
a whale, then barfed up on
the beach.
There were some other
minor league prophets, but
they weren't too important.
Saturday, 16 October 2010
10 AM – 5 PM
Panel Topics Include
• The Necessity of Organization for the Unification of Africa
• The Importance of Women’s Leadership in the Unification of
• The Role of Youth in the Unification of Africa
• Solidarity with Women and Youth of the World and World Unity
• Men for the Emancipation of Women
• The Relationship between the Unification of Africa and Self-
For participation or other information please contact:
African Women’s Charity Organization
PO Box 23074 Oakland ,
CA 94623-0074 USA
Phone: 415 789-7360
This Conference is FREE so that the cost of the conference itself won’t be
the reason for anyone not attending.
We do not sponsor transportation or accommodations.
Please wear white as a symbol of unity and solidarity.
Why this Conference
We are in the process of building powerful African Women’s and Youth
Movements throughout the world that will connect all African women and
youth, inside and outside of Africa. This is a very important part of the
African independence movement. An African Women’s and Youth
Page 37
All entries for
submission should be
received by noon, the
Monday prior to
publish date and in
Press Release form.
movement is necessary to educate, mobilize, and organize the largest
number of African Women and Youth as possible. Our vision includes
collectively solving our problems to obtain proper childcare, housing,
collective kitchens, transportation, healthcare, clean drinking water for all
and employment/skills, etc. We must build a strong infrastructure in
Africa and we must be tightly organized inside and outside of Africa. In
order to be in the African Women’s and Youth Movements you must
study two books, Class Struggle in Africa by Kwame Nkrumah and
Women in Society by Sekou Toure. The study must be with a group of
The African Women’s Charity Organization is proud to announce that we
are organizing an African Women’s and Youth Conference at West
Oakland Branch Public Library in Oakland, California USA on Saturday
16 October 2010 10:00 am – 5:00 pm. This will be the 22nd conference
that we have organized since we started having conferences the year
2000; the first eleven having been in the United States and ten
conferences in Africa; Senegal, Guinea, Ghana, Mali, Gambia, and
Rwanda. This is going to be our twelfth conference organized in the USA.
The theme of this conference is “The Unification of Africa through the
Emancipation of Women”
On Independence Day for Ghana, March 6, 1957 President Nkrumah
declared that the independence of Ghana was meaningless unless it was
connected to the unification of Africa. President Nkrumah came to the
conclusion that the unification of Africa will not be a reality if organized
from the top down like the Organization of African Unity (OAU) or the
African Union (AU); it must be organized from the bottom up.
To organize African society from the bottom up means to organize the
women of Africa.
President Sekou Toure has said, “The African woman has participated
everywhere in Africa in a conscious, constant and often decisive manner,
in the anti-colonialist struggle and in the fight for national liberation.”…
“Our women organizations have a political character which imposes on
each woman a conscious and constant militancy,
a high degree of political consciousness, a real and continued
participation in all fields of activities.”
“Women’s struggle for liberation must be seen as a part of the more
general struggle against capitalism, and never as an isolated struggle
directed against men.” “If we want to strike at the root of evil it is the
mode of production that must be aimed at. We must first of all commit
ourselves to the building of a society whose mode of production excludes
any exploitation.” Women have been in the leadership of humanity for
90% of the time that humanity has been on earth in a mode of production
called communalism. Under communalism, for example, all land and
Page 38
Believe deep down in your
heart that you're destined to
do great things.
Joe Paterno
To join The Coalition
go to:
and download a copy
of the Pledge of
Commitment and
return it to us
means of production belonged to the community. There was people’s
ownership. Labor was the need and habit
of all and there was not exploitation.
“The most serious ideological blindness, it must be emphasized, lies in
reducing the emancipation of the woman solely to the female element;
presenting woman’s emancipation as a problem particular to women is a
monumental error.” This is why we have organized within the African
Women’s Charity Organization an organization called “Men for the
Emancipation of Women.” We understand that the emancipation of
women is necessary for the emancipation of men. Organization is the
weapon of the oppressed. Every person must join an organization and the
strategy must be the organizing of organizations. It is our goal to become
so organized that we can do in one day what previously took 20 years.
The radicalization of the revolution is the unification of Africa
through the emancipation of women.
We can not be defeated if women come to love the work for the
unification of Africa like she loves her family; and there is nothing more
positive for her family than the unification of Africa. Women are the
primary educators for the boys and the girls in society and the
consciousness that she will gain from working for the unification of
Africa will come out though her children’s love for Africa, and the
children’s determination to use their education to build a strong Africa. In
Africa we have everything that we need for the liberation and unification
of Africa. Confidence and organization is what is now necessary.
Group offers low-cost web access to nonprofits
Mobile Citizen, a provider of mobile broadband for education and
nonprofits, will offer a Technology Assistance Grant program beginning
in January to provide non-profit organizations with affordable access to
the Internet.
Available only in Portland, Oregon, Las Vegas, and Philadelphia, the
grant includes reduced-price service from Mobile Citizen, with unlimited
usage for only $10/month or $120/year per account. It bundles Mobile
Citizen’s wireless broadband, powered by WiMAX, a fourth generation
(4G) technology from Clearwire Corporation with a variety of benefits
available only to grantees, including:
-- 12 months of service from Mobile Citizen extended to 15 months at no
additional charge. With this, nonprofits receive three free months of
service per account.
-- Dedicated Mobile Citizen Customer Care customized for non-profit
Page 39
If this publication is
being forwarded to
you, and you wish to
be placed on our
mailing list, send an
email to
with “subscribe” in the
-- A free one-year membership to NTEN, a nonprofit technology network,
ongoing information and news as well as access to a support community.
-- A choice of additional benefits including an educational webinar series.
For more information, email Free Trial.
"None of us has gotten where we are solely by pulling ourselves up from our own bootstraps. We got
here because somebody bent down and helped us." - Thurgood Marshall
I am the founder of the
C.N.A.s (Christians "N" Action)
which is a ministry that has a heart for people and their needs.
We feed our community on a weekly basis and provide clothing to them
but, lately we haven't been able to because we have been out of funds. I
have tried to solicit funds for some time now. No one seems to be able to
help. While prayers are fine people still need food. The provisions have
come out-of-pocket (mine) up until this time, but I have run dry. I believe
that people want to make a change in their lives if some of us are willing
to lend a hand.
(864) 207-0488
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Skip A Meal For Haiti
Most Americans eat at least three meals a day. Some eat more often.
Millions of people in Haiti have not had a meal in one week and a good
meal in recent memory. Will you skip a meal for the people of Haiti and
send the money to a relief agency?
Will you not eat one meal, on one day so that they can eat for a week?
The cost of lunch at almost any affordable restaurant in America is
between $5.00 and $14.00. Some restaurants have menus that serve four
and five course dinners that can cost as much as $100.00 per person, not
including beverages. For as little as two dollars a day, you can help
provide food, drinking water and some sanitation supplies for a Haitian
child or adult. A $14.00 contribution can help feed and hydrate a Haitian
child for a week. We can all afford to make a difference!
Page 40
Life is a gift of nature; but
beautiful living is the gift of
wisdom. - Greek
Send your information
to: News From The
Coalition, Inc.
All entries for
submission should be
received by noon, the
Monday prior to
publish date and in
Press Release form.
The Black Star Project is asking you to miss at least one meal this week
for the people of Haiti and to send the money that you would have spent
on your breakfast, lunch or dinner to a relief fund that is on the ground
working in Haiti.
Many people say they want to go to Haiti to help those affected by the
earthquake. The cost of a round trip flight from New York City to Portau-
Prince, Haiti is more than $2,000.00. Decent hotel lodging, which is
virtually impossible to find in Haiti, might cost another $2,000.00 for one
week. And your mouth would become another mouth to feed of more
than 2 million people who need food and water day.
Instead of going to Haiti, will you miss a lunch for Haiti and send the
money you would have spent on that lunch to one of the on-the-ground
relief agencies listed below:
The Black Star Project (773.285.9600) recommends that you send your
contributions to:
Yele Haiti (Wyclef Jean's Relief Effort) at or text YELE to
501501 to donate $5.00 on your phone bill
UNICEF at or call 800.367.5437
Doctors Without Borders at or call
American Red Cross at or call 800.REDCROSS
(800.733.2767) or 800.257.7575 (Espanol)
Partners in Health at or call 617.432.5256
Charity water at
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
America’s Original Savings Network
As amazing as it may sound many people do not realize how easy it is
to LEGALLY stop paying for their groceries! This is how the one hour
television show began for the company whose website is at:
Q: Are these manufacturer coupons or coupons that I print on my
A: All of our coupons are actual manufacturer coupons. Fewer and fewer
retailers accept coupons that are printed from your computer because of a
Page 41
Send your information
to: News From The
Coalition, Inc.
All entries for
submission should be
received by noon, the
Monday prior to
publish date and in
Press Release form.
huge increase in counterfeit coupons. Actual manufacturer coupons which
we issue are accepted everywhere that coupons are accepted.
Q: Can these coupons be doubled?
A: Yes. These are manufacturer issued coupons and may be doubled in
any store that offers double coupons.
Q: What are the face values and the expiration dates of these coupons?
A: Being manufacturer coupons, the manufactuer determines the face
values of the coupons. We currently stock coupons ranging in value from
40 cents to 5.00 dollars. The coupon expiration dates are generally valid
for 90 days.
Q: How can I use $1,000.00 worth of coupons in 90 days?
A: With our program, you get to choose the coupons you want, when you
want them. This way you never have to worry about the coupons expiring.
Q:How do I choose the coupons I want?
A: Each coupon book contains coupon request slips which you fill out and
send in. Those coupons are then mailed to you.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Ladies and Gentlemen:
I know of an excellent Charter School, you may have heard of it,
“Knowledge Is Power Program"
It has 80% of its students continue on to college and it only goes up to the
8th grade. It’s fairly new with such a high success rate already.
You may have heard of it.
Now they are expanding to 9th grade and possibly beyond, but they are in
need of a building. I was hoping if anyone could help find a location or
know of somewhere. It would be greatly appreciated by our future
professionals, CEO's and potential politicians of America and me :)
Please contact me, my information is below, or
Mr. Aaron Bass, Principal 267-249-6089.
Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Have a Great Day.
Virginia D. Smith, Asst - MDT
Department of Human Services
Special Family Focus Services
215-300-2949 - Cell
Page 42
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to: News From The
Coalition, Inc.
All entries for
submission should be
received by noon, the
Monday prior to
publish date and in
Press Release form.
extraordinary size;
gigantic; enormous.
(from Brobdingnag,
a country of giants
in Swift's Gulliver's
Travels. i.e
215-683-6381 - Office
215-683-6408 - Fax
May God Bless You Always in All Ways
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Volunteer In Africa
Explore a Continent of Contrasts while Volunteering in Africa
For over a decade, Cross-Cultural Solutions has supported thousands of
volunteers in Africa on programs in Ghana, Morocco,
South Africa and Tanzania.
CCS volunteers work side-by-side with local people in community
organizations focused on supporting social services, education,
and health initiatives.
Discover one of the world’s most diverse continents and see firsthand the
challenges it faces and how you can make a positive impact with CCS.
Go to:
Our group A HAND UP! Is now open, please go to:
In response to the needs of many grassroots organizations for the basic
tools to implement and sustain their ideas and projects, The Coalition, Inc.
members have come together to establish a network to facilitate the
distribution/re-distribution of unwanted, unneeded, surplus and even
repairable items for recycling.
To join: A Hand Up!
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Remember to support The Coalition, Inc.’s on-air personalities…
Sister Phile Chionesu, organizer of the Million Woman March,
“Nu Day Resurrection and Liberation" Show LIVE each Saturday
evening 10:30 PM--12:00 midnight EST.
"NU Day" is heard in Philly and, worldwide, through the internet at: Or you can tune in via podcast at
Call in and give your thoughts, comments, opinions at 1-646-652-2232
Or send an instant message to to chat on line.




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