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News From
The Coalition, Inc.

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Updated Edition Coming Soon

Subject: Friday 06 May News From The Coalition, Inc.

Greetings Friends and Members of The Coalition, Inc.,

Happy Mother’s Day to all the hard working mothers who do a phenomenal
job of raising some of the best people ever, community volunteers who
give selflessly year after year to raise the quality of life for
people they may never meet. For them we share a bit of whimsy that may
not be whimsical at all…

You're Really A Mom When...
•	You count the number of sprinkles on each kid's cupcake to make sure
they are equal.
•	You want to take out a contract on the kid who broke your child's
favorite toy and made him/her cry.
•	You have time to shave only one leg at a time.
•	You hide in the bathroom to be alone.
•	Your child throws up and you catch it.
•	Someone else's kid throws up at a party and you keep eating.
•	You consider finger paint to be a controlled substance.
•	You mastered the art of placing food on a plate without anything touching.
•	Your child insists that you read "Once upon a Potty" out loud in the
lobby of the doctor's office and you do it.
•	You hire a baby sitter because you haven't been out with your
husband in ages, then you spend half the night talking about and
checking on the kids.
•	You hope ketchup is a vegetable because it's the only one your child eats.
•	You find yourself cutting your husband's sandwiches into unusual shapes.
•	You fast-forward through the scene when the hunter shoots Bambi's mother.
•	You obsess when your child clings to you upon parting during his
first month at school, then you obsess when he skips in without
looking back.
•	You can't bear to give away baby clothes--it's so final.
•	You hear your mother's voice coming out of your mouth when you say,
"Not in your good clothes."
•	You stop criticizing the way your mother raised you.
•	You read that the average-five-year old asks 437 questions a day and
feel proud that your kid is "above average."
                                     HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY!
                   (see inside for quotes from some famous mothers)

Our Community Improvement Workshops are back! Our next scheduled
workshops are Computer Basics with Yvonne Haughton Tuesday May 10th
and  We Be Bloggin’ with Tech Guru J C Lamkin Thursday May 12th ,
Urban Networking with Michael Rice and Leading From The Bottom with
Dr. John Elliott Churchville are scheduled for Tuesday May 24th and
Thursday May 26th respectively. RSVP required.
These are very popular workshops and class size is intentionally
limited, so register now! We look forward to seeing you there.

The Eighth Annual Weekend Of Peace will be held on July 29th through
31st 2011 at various locations (TBA). This event, occurring annually
since it’s humble beginning in 2004 as an invitational citywide youth
basketball tournament, brings healthy alternatives to violence in its
myriad of forms (physical; economic; educational; health; sexual;
environmental; self-inflicted... et al) to people and communities who
may otherwise not be aware of these resources, or know how to gain
access. This free-to-the-community event is open to all entities who
wish to offer positive programs and services to our communities
intended to promote better personal, family, community and global
health. We encourage all who value life to participate.

This is an invitation for your organization/institution/business to
participate in this ambitious project. We invite you to contribute in
whatever way you can, we also invite you to take advantage of our
broad platform and set up an exhibit outlining your services to the
community at one of our many event locations. Contributors and
Coalition members: free; Non-contributing businesses: (fee to be
determined). We reserve the right to determine which services are
healthy to the community.

Coalition members are particularly urged to be involved as The
Coalition, Inc. came into being as a direct result of community
leaders “Communicating, Cooperating and Collaborating” to provide safe
activities and a sense of purpose to our youth. This is not a one
weekend a year event. Programs are launched in recognition of
community needs, and existing programs are brought to the attention of
those people whom they are designed to serve. To join The Coalition,
obtain a Pledge of Commitment by sending request via email or calling 215.387.2734 to request one via
traditional mail.

For more information on the Weekend Of Peace, contact Abdul Malik
Raheem 215.410.2859 email:; or Calvin Johnson

For seven years members of The Coalition, Inc. has been working to
build a network for community groups to increase their efficiency,
effectiveness and visibility. We created News From The Coalition, Inc.
to be a news organ to maintain communication, promote cooperation and
inspire collaboration among entities who have the same goals. Since
then we have become international, we wish that all information
pertinent to the betterment of families and communities world wide be
accessible to all the groups concerned. In the same spirit we have
created The Coalition E-group to share information that may not make
it to the weekly E-newsletter.

Please accept this invitation and use this group to share your projects and
concerns with other members and the general public.
Access to The Coalition E-Group can be gained at

The economy will get worse before it gets better, so The Coalition is
looking to collaborate with all local food banks, organizations and
volunteers to ensure we have the means to identify and distribute
necessities to needy families as the numbers increase. Please contact
us or 215.387.2734

The opportunity to become a member of The Coalition Board of Directors
is here again. If you were nominated previously and did not get
selected, you are still eligible to present your request again.
Members are elected to one-year terms beginning in January or June. We
will be accepting nominations for additional board members to fill any
vacated seats to be considered in our June 2011 elections. So if
working with some of the most progressive minds ever come together for
a single cause appeals to you, please send all nominations with
resume’/bio to  Place ‘Nomination’ in the
subject line.

Resistance to oppression is often based on a love that leads us to
value ourselves, and leads us to hope for more than the established
cultural system is willing to grant ... such love is far more
energizing than guilt, duty, or self-sacrifice. Love for others leads
us to accept accountability (in contrast to feeling guilt) and
motivates our search for ways to end our complicity with structures of
oppression. Solidarity does not require self-sacrifice, but an
enlargement of the self to include community with others. - Sharon

Look for our new website opening soon!
Coalition members are invited to send us a brief description of your
services for our Community Resources page along with your web link if

More and more we must realize that we need each other to attain our
ultimate goals, we must remain focused and open to new and different
ideas and methods. “Communicate… Cooperate… Collaborate.” The
Coalition, Inc. is committed to affecting real change in our
communities, if you are committed, seek collaboration with other
projects that are also committed and use your combined resources to
attain your goals. If you require assistance, we will be happy to
refer you to reputable efforts to collaborate with. Call us
(215.387.2734) or email us at

News From The Coalition, Inc.
"Communication, Cooperation and Collaboration"

Updated Edition Coming Soon




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