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News From
The Coalition, Inc.

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Seems as if we are experiencing problems with our attachments. We will
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Meanwhile here is the news in embedded form. We apologize for any

News From
The Coalition, Inc.
Friday 13 May 2011	
“Communication – Cooperation – Collaboration”            Volume 5,
Number 35
The Coalition, Inc. Board of Directors
Gary R. Adams (President/CEO), John E. Churchville (Treasurer),
Josephine Blow, Stanley Daniels, Edwin Desamor, Nijah Famous, Tom
‘Bunny’ Henry, Abdul Malik Raheem, Lewis Williams,
Table of content
For Our Children … 02
This Week … 03
Employment and Training Opportunities … 04
Health Matters …05
Green Piece … 09
Grants, Scholarships  & Instruction… 10
SpotLight … 11
Arts for Awareness … 13
Coming Up …13
Computers and Technology … 16
A Hand Up … 17
Word-of-the-Week … 18

Page 02

If this publication is being forwarded to you, and you wish to be
placed on our mailing list, send an email to
with “subscribe” in the subject.

If you are receiving this publication without consent, send an email
with “unsubscribe” in the subject to be removed from our database.

If you would like to report on a recent community event, feel free to
send us a brief account of what happened in document format, and we
will share it with our readers.
Send your information to: News From The Coalition, Inc.

All entries for submission should be received by noon, the Monday
prior to publish date and in Press Release form.

Page 03

A Friend is one to whom one may pour out the contents of  one's heart,
chaff and grain together, knowing that the gentlest of hands will take
and sift it, keep what is worth  keeping and with a breath of kindness
blow the rest away.  - Arabian Proverb

We are proud to announce that News From The Coalition, Inc. is
featured on the internationally acclaimed site Eight Cities Map which
is read in more than One hundred seventy countries!
Click here: EightCitiesMAP Choose “Philadelphia’s Online Community
“Newsletter” from the menu.

Page 04
The challenge may not be easy, but it is possible. - Unknown

If you have a favorite relevant quote, why not share it with our
readers. send to
We will credit you with the submission.

To join The Coalition go to: and download a copy
of the Pledge of Commitment and return it to us

Page 05

“Forgive or relive!” - Unknown

To join The Coalition go to: and download a copy
of the Pledge of Commitment and return it to us

Page 06

"What you RESIST, PERSISTS. If you take ownership and deal with things
that are bothering you, then, in the very process of dealing with them
they very often will go away." - Unknown

To join The Coalition go to: and download a copy
of the Pledge of Commitment and return it to us

Page 07

"Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing
himself." - Leo Tolstoy

To join The Coalition go to: and download a copy
of the Pledge of Commitment and return it to us

Page 08

"If you would win a man to your cause, first convince him that you are
his sincere friend. Therein is a drop of honey that catches his heart,
which, say what you will, is the great high-road to his reason, and
which, when once gained, you will find but little trouble in
convincing his judgment of the justice of your cause." - Abraham

All entries for submission should be received by noon, the Monday
prior to publish date and in Press Release form.

Page 09
Adversity is sometimes hard upon a man; but for one man who can stand
prosperity, there are a hundred that will stand adversity. - Thomas

To join The Coalition go to: and download a copy
of the Pledge of Commitment and return it to us

Page 10

Loss is nothing else but change, and change is Nature's delight. -
Marcus Aurelius

To join The Coalition go to: and download a copy
of the Pledge of Commitment and return it to us

Page 11

Leaders don't wait. They shape their own frontiers. The bigger the
challenge, the greater the opportunity. - Unknown

Coalition members! Get ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site

Page 12

Manifest plainness, embrace simplicity, reduce selfishness, have few
desires. - Lao Tzu

Page 13

Reading is knowledge and knowledge is power. - Unknown

Page 14

Fashion is what you adopt when you don't know who you are. - Quentin Crisp

If you would like to report on a recent community event, feel free to
send us a brief account of what happened in document format, and we
will share it with our readers.
Send your information to: News From The Coalition, Inc.

All entries for submission should be received by noon, the Monday
prior to publish date and in Press Release form.

Page 15

"Destiny is not a matter of chance, but of choice. Not something to
wish for, but to attain." - William Jennings Bryan

Page 16

"There is no such thing in anyone's life as an unimportant day." -
Alexander Woollcott

If you would like to report on a recent community event, feel free to
send us a brief account of what happened in document format, and we
will share it with our readers.
Send your information to: News From The Coalition, Inc.

All entries for submission should be received by noon, the Monday
prior to publish date and in Press Release form.

Page 17

Hereeeeeeeeeeeeees... Kathy’s Korner!

I’ll be sharing some signs seen on churches from around the country,
not meant to be offensive, but may even be inspirational!

"No God -- No Peace. Know God -- Know Peace."

"Free Trip to heaven. Details Inside!"

"Try our Sundays. They are better than Baskin-Robbins."

"Searching for a new look? Have your faith lifted here!"

 (Kathy Parsons is a regular contributor.)

Page 18

Sage Advice from Children
 (Thanks, Tom)

Don't ever be too full for dessert.
     Kelly, Age 10

biddable \BID-uh-buhl\, Easily led or commanded; obedient. Capable of being bid.
	Greetings Coalition Family!

Now you know we don’t do shout-outs, but if we did… Coalition member,
Jus’ Words held its’ 8th anniversary celebration at Dowlings Place
last night and the house was crazy with talent! I stopped in for a
moment (work the next day) and stayed until nearly 1AM! Music! Comedy!
Spoken Word artists raising the ceiling and lowering the floor.
Special ups to our own Mrs. Betty’s Son (Sheister) who did not let us
forget that this is his house.
Featured artist Taalam Acey, who was presented with the People’s
choice Award, grabbed the audience’s collective conscience by the
collar and slapped it to attentiveness and went nose to nose with
apathy’s they didn’t know they had, then forced an anti–ignorance pill
down its’ throat and walked off stage leaving them exhausted from the
experience. Regular contributors showed why they are the staple of the

Gotta get back there!

Jus’ Words at Dowlings Place
1310 No. Broad St. Phila
Every Thurs. 9pm to 1am

“I see little of more importance to the future of our country and of
civilization than full recognition of the place of the artist. If art
is to nourish the roots of our culture, society must set the artist
free to follow his vision wherever it takes him.”- Pauline Kael

“Communicate… Cooperate… Collaborate”
“We each hold a piece to the puzzle.” – Dr. John Elliott Churchville
“It is easier to build children than it is to repair men.”…Frederick Douglass

Cap4Kids Hint of the Week

Have you heard of the Beehive Philadelphia? This site, listed on the website, lists numerous resources for
Philadelphians to help them succeed including information on Health;
Employment; Schools; Finances; and Housing. Listed in the Employment
and Education (
please become familiar with the Beehives many capabilities.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition,
Inc. web site -----

Phila. Children’s Foundation
sponsors NE Summer Resource Fair
   The Philadelphia Children’s Foundation will sponsor its
2011 Summer Resource Fair on
Saturday, May 21st  from
10am to 1pm at the
Mayfair Community Center at
2990 St. Vincent St. in Philadelphia.
   For more details and to register, visit here.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition,
Inc. web site -----

School District publishes summer course guide for parents

   The School District of Philadelphia has published the summer course
descriptions for its Parent University.
   Parent University is based on research which shows that when
families are involved in learning, they will play an active role in
the educational process. This increase in parental engagement will
positively contribute to the child’s academic and social success.
   The program engages parents in innovative and meaningful
partnerships for learning. By offering workshops and classes, Parent
University develops a strong professional learning community to
increase student achievement.
   To download the summer catalog, go here.


Kensington coalition to hold provider summit
   The Our Communities Connect is sponsoring a Provider and Community
Summit on Friday, May 6th from 12:30 TO 3:30pm at the Community
Women’s Education Project, 2801 Frankford Avenue in Philadelphia’s
Kensington section.  The event includes lunch.
   The coalition has been formed to increase access to behavioral
health, spiritual health, and physical health services in North
   The purpose of the summit is to engage providers in becoming a part
of the OCC new referral system of resources and services available for
vulnerable children, youth, and families that reside in the 24th and
25th police districts.  Participants are urged to bring information
about your organization and programs to share with the attendees.
   To RSVP, email here or call 215-426-2200.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition,
Inc. web site -----

Drexel, Sesame Workshop schedule workshop on hunger
   Dr. Jeanette Betancourt, a senior vice president at the Sesame
Workshop, will deliver a special lecture on hunger and
Sesame Workshop’s Food for Thought project on
Wednesday, May 18th at
4:30om at the
Friends Center,
1501 Cherry Street
   The lecture is sponsored by the Drexel University School of Public
Health and its Center for Hunger Free Communities, in partnership with
Sesame Workshop and St. Christopher's Hospital Children.
   RSVPs are requested here.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition,
Inc. web site -----

Teen program seeks donations for Shoes for Life event
   Teenshop is collecting new and “gently worn” shoes to be donated at its
upcoming event to take place on Saturday, May 14th.
Shoes of all sizes and for all ages are being accepted.
   The Shoes for Life Community Service Project
provides shoes for people in need.
The shoes have been collected by the more than one hundred girls
enrolled in its Philadelphia chapters. They will be made available to
people referred through local social service organizations who will
pick them up at a community center which is being turned into a shoe
store. The Temple University School of Podiatry is participating by
providing podiatrists onsite to do foot care evaluations.
   The event will take place at the
Laborers’ Local 332 Union Hall,
1310 Wallace Street, at
For additional information or to donate shoes, call 215-851-1842.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition,
Inc. web site -----


FEMA positions up to six figures available in our online Coalition
Group ongoing updates will be posted as they become available.

Urban Affairs Coalition publishes new foreclosure guide
   The Urban Affairs Coalition and the UAC Foreclosure Prevention Task
Force have announced the publication of the Foreclosure Prevention
Resource Guide Winter/Spring 2011 Edition.
   The Guide is designed to help professional housing counselors and
homeowners in the Philadelphia five-county region better navigate the
mortgage foreclosure process and the foreclosure prevention programs
available to homeowners.
   Highlights of updates from the last edition include information on
the termination of some programs and the creation of new ones, such as
the FHA Short Refinance program for “underwater” homeowners with
non-FHA mortgages and the Emergency Homeowners’ Loan Program, which is
anticipated to help homeowners in foreclosure who experience
involuntary unemployment, underemployment or loss of income due to a
medical condition.  Through EHLP, Pennsylvania will receive nearly
$10.6 million to assist struggling homeowners.
   To download the guide, go here.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition,
Inc. web site -----

Accounts Payable/Receivable Clerk

Philly Temps is currently recruiting for Accounts Payable and
Receivable Clerks for several clients in the Philadelphia area.
Qualified candidates will be responsible for all general accounting
work and other office duties as assigned. Must have Associates degree
or an Accounting Certificate, 1-3 years experience, good Microsoft
Excel skills and QuickBooks is a plus.

All qualified candidates please email your resume’ to or call 215.731.1010 for more

Please tell them Saundra Ali/WORD 900AM sent you.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition,
Inc. web site -----

9 Reasons To Drink Water
by Mr. Review under Featured Articles
We all know that water is good for us, but often the reasons are a
little fuzzy. And even if we know why we should drink water, it’s not
a habit that many people form.
But there are some very powerful reasons to drink lots of water every
day, and forming the habit isn’t hard, with a little focus.
The thing about it is, we don’t often focus on this habit. We end up
drinking coffee, and lots of soda, and alcohol, not to mention fruit
juices and teas and milk and a bunch of other possibilities. Or just
as often, we don’t drink enough fluids, and we become dehydrated — and
that isn’t good for our health.
I’ve made drinking water a daily habit, although I will admit that a
couple of years ago I was more likely to drink anything but water. Now
I don’t drink anything but water, except for a cup of coffee in the
morning and once in awhile a beer with dinner. I love it.
Here are 9 powerful reasons to drink water (with tips on how to form
the water habit afterwards):
1.	Weight loss
Water is one of the best tools for weight loss, first of all because
it often replaces high-calorie drinks like soda and juice and alcohol
with a drink that doesn’t have any calories. But it’s also a great
appetite suppressant, and often when we think we’re hungry, we’re
actually just thirsty. Water has no fat, no calories, no carbs, no
sugar. Drink plenty to help your weight-loss regimen.
2.	Heart healthy
Drinking a good amount of water could lower your risks of a heart
attack. A six-year study published in the May 1, 2002 American Journal
of Epidemiology found that those who drink more than 5 glasses of
water a day were 41% less likely to die from a heart attack during the
study period than those who drank less than two glasses.
3.	Energy
Being dehydrated can sap your energy and make you feel tired — even
mild dehydration of as little as 1 or 2 percent of your body weight.
If you’re thirsty, you’re already dehydrated — and this can lead to
fatigue, muscle weakness, dizziness and other symptoms.
4.	Headache cure
Another symptom of dehydration is headaches. In fact, often when we
have headaches it’s simply a matter of not drinking enough water.
There are lots of other causes of headaches of course, but dehydration
is a common one.
5.	Healthy skin
Drinking water can clear up your skin and people often report a
healthy glow after drinking water. It won’t happen overnight, of
course, but just a week of drinking a healthy amount of water can have
good effects on your skin.
6.	Digestive problems
Our digestive systems need a good amount of water to digest food
properly. Often water can help cure stomach acid problems, and water
along with fiber can cure constipation (often a result of
7.	Cleansing
Water is used by the body to help flush out toxins and waste products
from the body.
8.	Cancer risk
Related to the digestive system item above, drinking a healthy amount
of water has also been found to reduce the risk of colon cancer by
45%. Drinking lots of water can also reduce the risk of bladder cancer
by 50% and potentially reduce the risk of breast cancer.
9.	Better exercise
Being dehydrated can severely hamper your athletic activities, slowing
you down and making it harder to lift weights. Exercise requires
additional water, so be sure to hydrate before, during and after
How to form the water habit
So you’re convinced that water is healthier, but you’d like to know
more about how to make drinking water a daily habit.
Here are some tips that have helped me:
•	How much water?
This is a debatable question. What’s clear is that the old
recommendation of “eight 8-ounce glasses a day” isn’t right, for
several reasons: that amount includes all dietary water intake,
including food and non-water beverages; it also ignores a person’s
body weight, which is an important factor in figuring the amount; it
also varies if you are sick or exercise. It’s also not good to just
drink when you’re thirsty — you’re already dehydrated by then. Best is
to form a routine: drink a glass when you wake up, a glass with each
meal, a glass in between meals, and be sure to drink before, during
and after exercise. Try to generally keep yourself from getting
•	Carry a bottle
A lot of people find it useful to get a big plastic drinking bottle,
fill it with water, and carry it around with them all day. I like to
keep a glass of water at my desk, and I drink from it all day long.
When it’s empty, I fill it up again, and keep drinking.
•	Set a reminder
Set your watch to beep at the top of each hour, or set a periodic
computer reminder, so that you don’t forget to drink water.
•	Substitute water
If you would normally get a soda, or an alcoholic beverage, get a
glass of water instead. Try sparkling water instead of alcohol at
social functions.
•	Filter
Instead of spending a fortune on bottled water, invest in a filter for
your home faucet. It’ll make tap water taste like bottled, at a
fraction of the price.
•	Exercise
Exercising can help make you want to drink water more. It’s not
necessary to drink sports drinks like Gatorade when you exercise,
unless you are doing it for more than an hour. Just drink water. If
you’re going to exercise, be sure to drink water a couple hours ahead
of time, so that it will get through your system in time, and again,
drink during and after exercise as well.
•	Track it
It often helps, when forming a new habit, to keep track of it — it
increases awareness and helps you ensure that you’re staying on track.
Keep a little log (it can be done on an index card or a notebook),
which can be as simple as a tick mark for each glass of water you
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition,
Inc. web site -----

Break The Habit!
How many of us have lost, or are losing loved ones to the many
ailments caused by tobacco use? Having been personally affected, we at
News From The Coalition, Inc., will continue to share information on
the dangers and present paradigms in efforts to free those
intentionally ensnared in these vices.

In our continuing efforts to help the tobacco addicted to help
themselves, we are presenting the American Cancer Society’s Ten Point
Plan. This is the fifth of the series. We hope you find it helpful.

5- How to quit- Your Quit Day
On your Quit Day:
•	Do not smoke. This means none at all -- not even one puff!
•	Keep active -- try walking, exercising, or doing other activities or hobbies.
•	Drink lots of water and juices.
•	Begin using nicotine replacement if that is your choice.
•	Attend stop-smoking class or follow your self-help plan.
•	Avoid situations where the urge to smoke is strong.
•	Avoid people who are smoking.
•	Reduce or avoid alcohol.
•	Think about how you can change your routine. Use a different route
to go to work, drink tea instead of coffee. Eat breakfast in a
different place or eat different foods.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition,
Inc. web site -----

Get Fresh!
Volunteer with Philabundance Fresh for All
You recycle out the wazoo and consider yourself
consigliore of the enviro-sack mafia.
Hence, a cause you can believe in: Philabundance wants to fill those
ubiquitous bags with produce through its new Fresh for All programs.
And you can help by volunteering.
The nonprofit hands out perishables at six sites in the
Delaware Valley — where nutritious diet staples are hard to come by,
especially in tough times.
With a minimum three-hour commitment, you’ll keep busy. Help with
admin, approve clients, or do community outreach
(posting mailings, making phone calls).
Looking for something physical?
Take food to sites, divide apples, and dole out the goods. You’ll be
doing a major part to help people get the fruits and veggies they
And that’s a green movement to be proud of.
To participate in Fresh for All, contact
Tunisia Garnett (215-339-0900 ext. 238 or
For more information, go to


Easy-To-Build Solar Panel
See simple instructions using free and inexpensive materials HERE

How do we bring up ALL people through the movement to build a more
Sustainable City? There are some starter ideas FYI (For Your
Inspiration) below.

Environmental Justice Videos
1.	Van Jones at GreenFest 2007 in Chicago:
2.	Majora Carter – “Greening the Ghetto” :

Free E-Newsletters
1.	Public Education Network e-newsletter (Nice resources.):
2.	Next Great City e-Newsletter (Lots of events):
3.	Philadelphia Higher Education Network for Neighborhood Development
(PHENND) e-newsletter (Just awesome!):

Philadelphia Initiatives
1.	City of Philadelphia Going Green:
2.	East Coast Greenway Pennsylvania:
3.	Greater Philadelphia Environmental Network:
4.	Next Great City Initiative:
5.	Urban Green Partnership:
6.	Urban Sustainability Forum:
7.	SustainLane City Rankings:

The National Religious
1.	Partnership for the Environment
2.	PennFuture:
3.	PennEnvironment:
4.	The Pennsylvania Environmental Council
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition,
Inc. web site -----

----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition,
Inc. web site -----

Recycling Services Inc. in Pottstown takes styrofoam on Saturday and
Tuesday mornings.
For sustainable enterprise go to Green Jobs Philly
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition,
Inc. web site -----
40 Ways to Save on Almost Anything


Financial Literacy for Non-Profit Professionals
Financial Literacy for Non-Profit Professionals
Terry Travis, Assistant VP for Development at La Salle University with
some practical information about financial literacy  – from a basic
explanation of  developing and managing a budget,  to balance sheet
terms, to reporting fundraising numbers, or speaking with potential
donors – here are the terms and concepts you need to be able to use
with confidence.
The workshop is free and open to the community.
May 20th
Music Room on the second floor in the
La Salle Union building from
9:00  to 11:30
with a light breakfast starting at 8:30.
Please contact Louise Giugliano,
Director of Service-Learning
with your name, organization and email to register.
Louise C. Giugliano
Director of Service Learning
La Salle University, Box 829
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition,
Inc. web site -----

Internship Grants for Economic Recovery Organizations

Internship Grants for Economic Recovery Organizations
With funding made available from Learn and Serve America, PHENND will
be awarding approximately 50 interns to qualified nonprofit agencies
to employ college student interns for capacity-building projects.
Organizations must be working in the following areas: public benefit
screening and enrollment, volunteer income tax assistance, financial
education for youth or adults, micro-entrepreneurship training,
workforce development, housing counseling, and other similar services
aimed at low-income people. Interns will be paid a modest stipend by
the organization; the organization will be reimbursed by PHENND upon
completion of the project.
Organizations interested in the program can download the application.
Organizations are also encouraged to contact Hillary Kane to ask
questions and learn more about the program. Hillary may be contacted
at or 215-573-2379.
Read more at:
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition,
Inc. web site -----

SpotLight On Our Efforts

May Day of Honor for WWII veterans

We at ACES Museum would like to host a collaboration with you all
to help raise money and awareness for our roles as community
stakeholders in these destructive budget cuts.  Here is some
information about us and our website is,

For the past seven years, the May Day of Honor for WWII veterans
Has been celebrated with a full day of programming involving
ACES Museum and Vernon Park.
ACES Museum at 5801-3 Germantown Avenue houses the
historic Parker Hall, a functioning USO for black soldiers during WWII
and, the site of Makin’ Da Nade slave exhibit and field trip program.

ACES Museum is a historically certified building, a 501 c 3
organization, and a member of Germantown Historical Society and other
historical organizations. The ACES Day of Honor Program is number one
on the Google search engine.

ACES Museum has systematically expanded innovative services in support
of our communities, children and youth.

We advocate for our community development
and created several programs
to help sustain our communities. We have Reading Rangers our program
that assist clients in transition from welfare to work. We have an
Educational Enhancement Program for youth, we focus on science, math
and reading and will soon introduce chess and sewing to our youth and
adults. We also offer a History Puppet Show to teach
about our Veterans who served this country and were not
recognized for their service.

We would like to arrange a meeting with you all to discuss a city wide
tour, that we hope to make national, addressing our
role in building our community.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
10am at
ACES Museum
Light refreshments will be served.
Please let us know if this works for you.

Alicia Dorsey
Make It Happen!! LLC
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Inc. web site -----

“One House at a Time” and Beds for Kids”
 A furniture and bed ministry for families and children in need.
 The One House at a Time ministry is a joint effort with Upper Dublin
Lutheran Church. The use of our Welsh Road building is a huge plus for
this ministry.  Our goal is new beds for kids and outfitting as many
homes with furniture as we can.
 If you have gently used furniture that you would like to donate to
families in need, please contact “One House at a Time” at
215-646-7812.  Leave a message of what you wish to donate and a number
where you can be reached. Your furniture will be picked up by
volunteers and stored until it can be delivered to families in need.
Within this ministry there is a ministry called “Beds for Kids” that
provides children with a new bed to sleep on.
You can volunteer to help with pick-ups, deliveries, or by sorting and
boxing table settings, linens, kitchen appliances, pots and pans, and
other goods, or  phone hours, please
Contact Anthony Brummans
267-825-5127 or

I see little of more importance to the future of our country and of
civilization than full recognition of the place of the artist. If art
is to nourish the roots of our culture, society must set the artist
free to follow his vision wherever it takes him. Pauline Kael

Jus’ Words at Dowlings Place
1310 No. Broad St. Phila
Every Thurs. 9pm to 1am
•	Poets
•	Rappers
•	Singers
•	Spoken Word Artists
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition,
Inc. web site -----


Join us May 21, 1pm - 4pm @ Church of the Advocate, 18th & Father Paul
Washington Avenue as we bring back the good times of the 60's & 70's.
The drummers are calling us together to honor Fr. Paul and the
Advocate. As we bestow honors and recall those times, we also honor
African drummers Baba Robert Crowder, Baba Robert Kenyatta, Baba Bobby
Artis, Baba John Wilkie and Baba Leonard "Doc" Gibbs. These drummers
are legends who have learned from the masters, passed on the knowledge
and have taught young and old as well the art of drumming. Speakers
and presenters include those who were the important figures the Black
Power movement.

We are now selling advertisements in our souvenir booklet. Space is
limited and time is short. Cut-off time is Friday May 6.
Prices are as follows:
Full Page                       $100
1/2 Page                          $60
1/4 Page                          $35

Send art work electronically to,  please put
"souvenir booklet" in subject box.
Check or money to be addressed to Washington Center Outreach
Foundation (WCOF) and mailed to P.O. Box 444   Secane, Pa. 19018
(Please include paper copy of art work).

For 21st century users:
    Ads need to be 300DPI, CMYK color with 1/8 inch bleeds (keep all
important text .25 inches in from the artwork's edge). Sizing is as

    1/4 Page: 4.25x5.5 (4.5x5.75 w/bleeds)
    1/2 Page: 5.5x8.5 (5.75x8.75 w/bleeds)
    Full Page: 8.5x11 (8.75x11.25 w/bleeds)

Listen for us on Thursday April 28th on WURD 900 AM with Jeffrey Hart
@ 4pm - 7pm & Friday May 6th on WURD with Fatima Ali  10:30am - 11:00

For more information
Kemah   484-432-1242
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition,
Inc. web site -----

Peace walk seeks to strengthen interfaith partnerships
   The eighth annual Philadelphia Interfaith Walk for Peace and
Reconciliation, billed as a “walking dialogue” among, Jews, Muslims,
Christians, Buddhists, Sikhs, Hindus and others, will take place on
Sunday, May 22nd from 2-6pm.
   The walk steps off from three Philadelphia locations:
African Episcopal Church of St. Thomas,
6361 Lancaster Ave.;
Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship,
5820 Overbrook Ave.; and
Overbrook Presbyterian Church,
6376 City Avenue.
   There will be scheduled stops along the route with prayers,
music, poems, stories, words of wisdom.
   There will also be a pre-walk gathering for people from downtown at
12:30pm at
Al Aqsa Islamic Society,
1501 Germantown Ave.
A bus will transport people at 12:00 p.m. to the starting point of the
walk at African Episcopal Church.
A bus will bring people back to Al Aqsa at the end, and it will
accompany the walk for people who are unable to walk the distance.
   For more information, go here.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition,
Inc. web site -----

Straight Up! Men's HIV Prevention Initiative
will be hosting it's

4th annual men's 3 on 3 Men's Basketball Tournament
Saturday June 4, 2011
Shepard Recreation Center
5700 Haverford Avenue .

The event will include HIV counseling and testing, screenings, other
health information and of course a basketball tournament
for men 18 years of age and older.
There is a cash prize for 1st and 2nd place, in the previous years it
is an average of $300 to the winner.
We are looking for teams interested in participating but keep in mind
that the event is open to the public and will serve as a good way to
promote HIV testing in the community.
I hope that you can assist Straight Up! in promoting this event, if I
can provide additional information please feel free to contact me.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Adonis M. Banegas, M.S.H.Ed.

Men's HIV Prevention Initiative Manager
Circle of Care, Family Planning Council
1700 Market Street, 18th Floor
Philadelphia PA, 19103

* *  *  Outside PA  *  *  *


Free online journal focuses on technology for nonprofits
   Technology can help nonprofits create the change they want to see in
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   NTEN:Change, a free online journal from the
Nonprofit Technology Network,
provides the guidance and practical considerations nonprofits need to
make the sound investments and decisions that will help them meet
their goals.
   Free subscriptions are available here.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition,
Inc. web site -----

Group offers low-cost web access to nonprofits
Mobile Citizen, a provider of mobile broadband for education and
nonprofits, will offer a Technology Assistance Grant program beginning
in January to provide non-profit organizations with affordable access
to the Internet.
Available only in Portland, Oregon, Las Vegas, and Philadelphia, the
grant includes reduced-price service from Mobile Citizen, with
unlimited usage for only $10/month or $120/year per account.  It
bundles Mobile Citizen’s wireless broadband, powered by WiMAX, a
fourth generation (4G) technology from Clearwire Corporation with a
variety of benefits available only to grantees, including:
-- 12 months of service from Mobile Citizen extended to 15 months at
no additional charge.  With this, nonprofits receive three free months
of service per account.
-- Dedicated Mobile Citizen Customer Care customized for non-profit
-- A free one-year membership to NTEN, a nonprofit technology network,
ongoing information and news as well as access to a support community.
-- A choice of additional benefits including an educational webinar series.
For more information, email Free Trial.

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A: Each coupon book contains coupon request slips which you fill out
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----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition,
Inc. web site -----

Our group A HAND UP! Is now open, please go to:

In response to the needs of many grassroots organizations for the
basic tools to implement and sustain their ideas and projects, The
Coalition, Inc. members have come together to establish a network to
facilitate the distribution/re-distribution of unwanted, unneeded,
surplus and even repairable items for recycling.
To join: A Hand Up!
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition,
Inc. web site -----

Remember to support The Coalition, Inc.’s on-air personalities…

Sister Phile Chionesu, organizer of the Million Woman March,
“Nu Day Resurrection and Liberation" Show LIVE each Saturday evening
10:30 PM--12:00 midnight EST.
"NU Day" is heard in Philly and, worldwide, through the internet at: Or you can tune in via podcast at
Call in and give your thoughts, comments, opinions at 1-646-652-2232
Or send an instant message to to chat on line.


News From The Coalition, Inc.
"Communication, Cooperation and Collaboration"

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