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News From
The Coalition, Inc.

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Friday 01 July 2011 News From The Coalition, Inc.


Greetings Friends and Members of The Coalition, Inc.,

Happy Independence Day! Be safe!

Our free Community Improvement Workshops are back with a bang!
Last evening Early Jackson presented Brand University to a roomful of
enrapt attendees. Mr. Jackson’s insight, analysis and solutions were
both eye-opening and empowering. Those in attendance learned to employ
new strategies toward self-improvement and self-image. He has promised
to return at a future with more techniques to help us to another

We try not to turn anyone away, but space is limited, RSVP for the
next workshop now! Call Michael Rice at 215.683.4027, 267.303.0653 or
Gary R. Adams at 215.387.2734 to register or email

NEW! The next scheduled workshops are: ‘Building Your Inner Game –
Urban Networking 102’ which will take place on Tuesday, July 12th 6 –
8:30 pm and ‘Leading From The Margin – Changing My Behavior’ Thursday
July 14th 6 – 8:30 pm. All workshops take place at the Philadelphia
School District Bldg 440 N. Broad St., unless otherwise noted.
RSVP now to ensure your spot. We look forward to seeing you there.

Ever hear of geophagy? Well, it’s the eating of dirt, and it can be
beneficial! Who’d-a-thunk-it? Check out the article in ‘Health

Education cuts and prison profits are two sides of the same coin see :
Private Prison Companies: Astronomical Profits  in our Google group.
Stop the business of youth trafficking.

Five years ago we convened an organizational summit to gather input
from local groups with the intention of creating an entity that could
serve to promote “Communication, Cooperation and Collaboration” among
those striving tirelessly to create a better environment and greater
opportunities to the disadvantaged, particularly our youth. The result
was the forming of The Coalition, Inc. network.

Now we are taking the next logical step in announcing the First
National Organizational Policy Summit We are inviting Coalition
members and organizational representatives from all over the country
to participate in the setting of policies that will enable us to bring
the combined force of our network to bear on those problems and
individuals who are purposely or unwittingly inhibiting the progress
of our efforts. As you know by now, the general population of the
United states of America is in crisis. We are at a point comparable to
the conditions leading up to the Boston Tea Party. And to those
already suffering from the effects of chronic cuts to the education
budget, that was the incident that began the American Revolution.

The government is tightening its belt, and WE are the first 4 notches!
Both political parties are bailing out and protecting the rich from
increased taxes and financial reciprocation. Be keenly aware that the
economically malnourished are again being called upon to bear the
disproportionate bulk of the load—i.e., cutting social services that
more and more of us are going to need in order to span this crisis;
increasing real estate taxes while we are fending off foreclosures;
threatening social security. Isn’t that our money? And the
aforementioned education cuts that all levels of government seem to be
so fond of. Let’s have a show of hands… How many of you agreed to
this? Since I don’t see any hands, I can assume that there are no rich
people or regressive politicians on this list. Many of us have
launched protests against these—and I’m putting it mildly—unfair
measures to right an economy we are not responsible for screwing up in
the first place.

Thus far, the powers-that-be have been able to largely ignore our
complaints. Why? Because our demonstrations have not been big enough,
loud enough or strong enough! It’s time we realized that we all want
the same thing, a decent quality of life for ourselves and our
families. We want to be able to earn a dollar and have that dollar buy
a dollar’s worth of goods. We want quality education for our children
so that they can compete in the now global job market. We want
representation that realizes that not all jobs come with comprehensive
health care, liberal retirement benefits and all the perks of
political office. We want the planet to last at least another hundred
years. We want decent food that won’t make us glow in the dark. We
want politicians who are incapable of running their own homes to stay
out of ours! How do we obtain these things?

We must put our voices together. We must set limits of tolerance that
determine that we will rise up as one. We must understand and agree!
We must come together and set policy that will allow us to be united
against common threats. We must be represented at the

First National Organizational Policy Summit
Saturday September 10th 2011
10am to 1pm
The School District Bldg. Main Auditorium
440 No. Broad St.
Philadelphia, PA

 Your voice must be heard, and the time is now! Come prepared with
your knowledge and experience to make this the most intense brainstorm
If you are like-minded, see you in September.

Call or write to register your organization by July 31st.
John Elliott Churchville, Ph.D., J.D. Project Director
Tel: 215.848.8511 or
Gary R. Adams, President
Tel: 215.387.2734

The Eighth Annual Weekend Of Peace will be held on July 29th through
31st 2011 at Eastwick, Kingsessing, Simons, 12th & Cambria,
Connestoga, Cobbs Creek, McVeigh and Christy Recreation Ctrs.
Lancaster, 60th Street and Chester Avenue Business Associations,
Althea Gibson Tennis and Education Center and the Episcopal Church of
the Advocate. Additional locations (TBA).

This is an invitation for your organization/institution/business to
participate in this ambitious project. We invite you to contribute in
whatever way you can, we also invite you to take advantage of our
broad platform and set up an exhibit outlining your services to the
community at one of our many event locations. Contributors and
Coalition members: free; Non-contributing businesses: (fee to be
determined). We reserve the right to determine which services are
healthy to the community.

This year we are asking that on Saturday, July 30th 12 noon, every
organization, block and concerned business participate by releasing
symbolic Balloons of Peace and offering prayer in memory of those lost
to the epidemic of violence in our communities.

Coalition members are particularly urged to be involved as The
Coalition, Inc. came into being as a direct result of community
leaders “Communicating, Cooperating and Collaborating” to provide safe
activities and a sense of purpose to our youth. This is not a one
weekend a year event. Programs are launched in recognition of
community needs, and existing programs are brought to the attention of
those people whom they are designed to serve. For more information on
the Weekend Of Peace and how your organization/location can
participate, contact Abdul Malik Raheem 215.410.2859 email:; or Calvin Johnson 215.738.5181

To join The Coalition, obtain a Pledge of Commitment by sending
request via email or calling 215.387.2734
to request one via traditional mail.

The economy will get worse before it gets better, so The Coalition is
looking to collaborate with all local food banks, organizations and
volunteers to ensure we have the means to identify and distribute
necessities to needy families as the numbers increase. Please contact
us or 215.387.2734

FEMA positions up to six figures available in our online Coalition
Group ongoing updates will be posted as they become available.

"Fellow-citizens, pardon me, allow me to ask, why am I called upon to
speak here today? What have I, or those I represent, to do with your
national independence? Are the great principles of political freedom
and of natural justice, embodied in that Declaration of Independence
extended to us? And I, therefore called upon to bring our humble
offering to the national altar, and to confess the benefits and
express devout gratitude for the blessings resulting from your
independence to us?

… "What, to the American slave, is your 4th of July? I answer; a day
that reveals to him, more than all other days in the year, the gross
injustice and cruelty to which he is the constant victim… Frederick
Douglass July 4th 1852
Full text available at

Look for our new website opening soon!
Coalition members are invited to send us a brief description of your
services for our Community Resources page along with your web link if

You may be receiving this E-newsletter because you were referred to us by a
friend. Please confirm your continued interest in receiving this email from
us, or if this E-news is being forwarded to you, and you wish to be placed
on our mailing list please contact us at:

News From The Coalition, Inc.
"Communication, Cooperation and Collaboration"

*Please share electronically. Help sustain our environment - only print this
 if truly necessary.*

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