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News From
The Coalition, Inc.

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The newsletter is now available
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News From

The Coalition, Inc.

Friday 05 August 2011

?Communication ? Cooperation ? Collaboration? Volume 6, Number 02

The Coalition, Inc. Board of Directors

Gary R. Adams (President/CEO), John E. Churchville (Treasurer),


Josephine Blow, Stanley Daniels, Quibila Divine, Nijah Famous, Tom ?Bunny? Henry, Lansana Koroma, Abdul Malik Raheem, Lewis Williams,

Table of content

For Our Children ? 02

This Week ? 02

Employment and Training Opportunities ? 04

Health Matters ?04

Green Piece ? 12

Grants, Scholarships & Instruction? 15

SpotLight ? 15

Arts for Awareness ? 16

Coming Up ?17

Computers and Technology ? 21

A Hand Up ? 22

Word-of-the-Week ? 24

Greetings Coalition Family!

We are now in our 6th year of service. Keep in mind that we are here to assist in the facilitation of uplifting families and communities. This is your network and news organ, help us to serve you in the most beneficial way.

This year we are inviting leaders from all over the country to participate in a gathering that will go a long way toward empowering those unknown, but important organizations that are working at the grass roots level with limited resources. Your participation is vital!

?Cooperation is the thorough conviction that nobody can get there unless everybody gets there.? ~ Virginia Burden

?We each hold a piece to the puzzle.? ? Dr. John Elliott Churchville

?Communicate? Cooperate? Collaborate?

Page 02

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If you would like to report on a recent community event, feel free to send us a brief account of what happened in document format, and we will share it with our readers.

Send your information to: News From The Coalition, Inc.

All entries for submission should be received by noon, the Monday prior to publish date and in Press Release form.


?It is easier to build children than it is to repair men.??Frederick Douglass

Cap4Kids Hint of the Week

Much to the dismay of many children in Philly, school is only a month away. To ensure that children are ready for kindergarten on up, there are several resources to help you transition kids into K-12 and beyond as well as reengage students who are presently "out-of-school" on the website under the Education Resources Handout ( including "How to Register your Child for Kindergarten" and Education is Key sites.

----- Coalition members! Activate ?Your? web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----



Why Not Prosper, Inc. celebrates its

10th anniversary on Thursday, August 4th at 6:30pm.

The celebration will take place at

Presidential Caterers,

2910 Dekalb Pike, Norristown, PA.

The cost is $60 per person.

Sponsorship and advertising opportunities are available.

Why Not Prosper, Inc, a faith-based non-profit organization was started by Rev. Michelle Simmons in 2001. The organization provides women in the prison system a comprehensive array of programs and resources to help them successfully transition from prison back to the community. To date the organization has assisted 3,000 formerly incarcerated women transition to self-sufficiency.

The mission of the organization is to help female ex-offenders discover their own strength by providing them with the support and resources needed to empower them to become responsible, economically self-sufficient and contributing members of the community.

Rev. Michelle Simmons Why Not Prosper, Inc. (215) 842-236 ----- Coalition members! Activate ?Your? web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----

African Cultural Festival slated for Penn?s Landing

The African Cultural Alliance of North America?s

Annual Cultural Festival

will celebrate its fourth year at

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"You cannot prevent the birds of sadness from passing over your head, but you can prevent their making a nest in your hair" - Chinese Proverb

We are proud to announce that News From The Coalition, Inc. is featured on the internationally acclaimed site Eight Cities Map which is read in more than One hundred seventy countries!

Click here: EightCitiesMAP Choose ?Philadelphia?s Online Community

?Newsletter? from the menu.

Philadelphia?s Penn?s Landing on

August 6th.

For more information, call Voffee Jabateh at 215-729-8225, x101 or email him here.

----- Coalition members! Activate ?Your? web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----

SW Phila. hosts African/Caribbean Health Fair The 11th Annual African and Caribbean Health Fair

will take place on

Sunday, August 7th from 11am to 8pm

at the

Kingsessing Recreation Center,

4901 Kingsessing Avenue

in Southwest Philadelphia. The event is organized by


the Coalition of African Communities.

AFRICOM is a proud member of The Coalition, Inc.

----- Coalition members! Activate ?Your? web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----



Norristown, PA- Why Not Prosper, Inc. celebrates its

10th anniversary on Thursday, August 4th at 6:30pm.

The celebration will take place at

Presidential Caterers,

2910 Dekalb Pike, Norristown, PA.

The cost is $60 per person.

Sponsorship and advertising opportunities are available.

Why Not Prosper, Inc, a faith-based non-profit organization was started by Rev. Michelle Simmons in 2001. The organization provides women in the prison system a comprehensive array of programs and resources to help them successfully transition from prison back to the community. To date the organization has assisted 3,000 formerly incarcerated women transition to self-sufficiency.

The mission of the organization is to help female ex-offenders discover their own strength by providing them with the support and resources needed to empower them to become responsible, economically self-sufficient and contributing members of the community.

Rev. Michelle Simmons Why Not Prosper, Inc. (215) 842-236 ----- Coalition members! Activate ?Your? web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----

Page 04

Wisdom doesn't necessarily come with age. Sometimes age just shows up all by itself. ~Tom Wilson

If you have a favorite relevant quote, why not share it with our readers. send to

We will credit you with the submission.


To join The Coalition go to: and download a copy of the Pledge of Commitment and return it to us

Urban League sponsors job training program The Urban League of Philadelphia will present

Connect to Work, a

free 6-week job training program,

to help attendees with job searching and resume writing assistance. An informational session will be held

Tuesday, August 9th at 10:15am at

Project H.O.M.E.?s Honickman Learning Center & Comcast Technology Labs, 1936 North Judson Street (near the intersection of 23rd & Norris Streets). To register, call 215-985-3220, ext. 210.


FEMA positions up to six figures available in our online Coalition Group ongoing updates will be posted as they become available.


12 Superfoods for Faster Weight Loss

Eat up and slim down with these fat-fighting foods.

Our old American diet has cost us dearly: One in three of us is now overweight or obese, and a third of American children will develop diabetes in their lifetimes. But the answer isn?t eating less food?it?s eating more of the right foods: 12 of them in particular, called the New American Diet Superfoods. Read on for the list of 12, and for more secrets on how to lose weight and keep it off for good.


Nuts are New American Diet smart bombs. They?re packed with monounsaturated fatty acids, those good-for-you fats

that lower your risk of heart disease and diabetes, and, according to new research, help you control your appetite.

Researchers from Georgia Southern University found that eating a high-protein, high-fat snack, such as almonds, increases your calorie burn for up to 3 1/2 hours. And just 1 ounce of almonds boosts vitamin E levels, increasing memory and cognitive performance, according to researchers

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"A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it." - Jean de La Fontaine

If you would like to report on a recent community event, feel free to send us a brief account of what happened in document format, and we will share it with our readers.

Send your information to: News From The Coalition, Inc.

All entries for submission should be received by noon, the Monday prior to publish date and in Press Release form.

at New York Presbyterian Hospital. In another study, people who ate pistachios for 3 months lost 10 to 12 pounds, on average.

Follow these 10 strategies

for successful weight loss and you're guaranteed to reach your goal.

Whole grains

It's not a magic disappearing act, but it's close: When Harvard University researchers analyzed the diets of more than 27,000 people over 8 years, they discovered that those who ate whole grains daily weighed 2.5 pounds less than those who ate only refined-grain foods.

Another study from Penn State University found that whole-grain eaters lost 2.4 times more belly fat than those who ate refined grains. Whole grains more favorably affect blood-glucose levels, which means they don?t cause wild swings in blood sugar and ratchet up cravings after you eat them. Plus, the antioxidants in whole grains help control inflammation and insulin (a hormone that tells your body to store belly fat). Whole grains also strengthen your heart, helping you live longer. Add even more years to your life by eating these 40 age-erasing superfoods.

Avocados and other healthy fats

Just because a food has plenty of fat and calories doesn?t mean it?s fattening. See, certain foods cause you to gain weight because they provoke hormonal changes that trigger cravings, or ?rebound hunger.? One hunger-control hormone, leptin, becomes blunted by starchy, sweet, fatty, and refined-carbohydrate foods. That's why a bagel is fattening: It's a high-calorie load of refined carbohydrates that double-crosses your natural satisfaction response. Avocados, on the other hand, aren't fattening, because they?re loaded with healthy fat and fiber and don't cause wild swings in insulin levels. So enjoy the fat in avocados, olive

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Those who educate children well are more to be honored than parents, for these only gave life, those the art of living well. - Aristotle


To join The Coalition go to: and download a copy of the Pledge of Commitment and return it to us

oil, and nuts. Research shows that diets containing upward of 50 percent fat are just as effective for weight loss as those that are low in fat. Discover the New Laws of Leanness.

Meats (pasture-raised and free-range)

Grass-fed beef, chicken, and pork are leaner and healthier than conventional livestock?and can help trim away pounds. A 3.5-ounce serving of grass-fed beef has only 2.4 grams of fat, compared with 16.3 grams for conventionally raised beef. In fact, grass-fed beef is so much more nutritious than commodity beef that it's almost a different food.

Grass-fed beef contains more conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), which has been shown to reduce abdominal fat while building lean muscle. It also has more omega-3s and less omega-6s than corn-fed beef. It?s the same with chickens. According to a recent study in the journal Poultry Science, free-range chickens have significantly more omega-3s than grain-fed chickens do, and less harmful fat and fewer calories than grain-fed varieties. This is important because omega-3s improve your mood, boost your metabolism, sharpen your brain, and help you lose weight.

Click here to learn the truth about packaged meat.

Environmentally sustainable fish

Choosing seafood these days isn't easy. Some species (swordfish, farmed salmon) contain obesity-promoting pollutants (dioxins, PCBs). Others are fattened with soy, which lowers their levels of healthy omega-3s. In fact, the American Heart Association recently urged people who are concerned about heart disease to avoid eating tilapia for just that reason. Wow. That goes against conventional wisdom, doesn?t it?

So what kind of fish should you eat, and how can the New American Diet help? Generally, small, oily ocean fish (herring, mackerel, sardines) are low in toxins and score highest in omega-3s. Wild Alaskan salmon, Pacific halibut, rainbow trout, and yellowfin tuna are generally low in toxins and high in nutrients. And then there are fish that we should avoid

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"I have good news and bad news," a defense attorney told his client. "First the bad news. The blood test came back, and your DNA is an exact match with that found at the crime scene." "Oh, no!" cried the client. "What's the good news?" "Your cholesterol is down to 140." (thx. Jeanette Ashe)

If you have a favorite joke, why not share it with our readers. send to

We will credit you with the submission.

at all times: farmed (or ?Atlantic?) salmon, farmed tilapia, Atlantic cod, Chilean sea bass, and farmed shrimp. (Follow this simple guide to prepare perfect fish, every time.)

Raspberries and other berries

A recent study by researchers at Yale University school of medicine discovered that after eating a high-carb, high-sugar meal, free radicals (rogue molecules produced when your body breaks down food) attack the neurons that tell us when we?re full. The result: It?s hard to judge when hunger is satisfied. Escape the cycle of overindulgence by eating foods that are rich in antioxidants. And berries top the charts.

The berries that give you the most antioxidant bang per bite, in order: cranberries, black currents, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, pomegranates.

Instant oats

Fiber is the secret to losing weight without going hungry. One U.S. Department of Agriculture study found that those who increased their daily fiber intake from 12 grams to 24 absorbed 90 fewer calories per day than those who ate the same amount of food but less fiber.

Instant oats are one of the easiest ways to get more real fiber into your diet. (Click to learn all the facts about fiber.) Plus, new research indicates that oats can also cut your risk of high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes, and even reduce your risk of weight gain. Oats also have 10 grams of protein per half-cup serving, so they deliver steady muscle-building energy. Choose oatmeal that contains whole oats and low sodium, like Uncle Sam Instant Oatmeal, which also has whole-grain wheat flakes and flaxseed.

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"The act of taking the first step is what separates the winners from the losers." - Brian Tracy

If you have a favorite relevant quote, why not share it with our readers. send to

We will credit you with the submission.

Cruciferous vegetables and other folate-rich greens

The more folate you have in your diet, the lower your risk of obesity, heart disease, stroke, cognitive impairment, Alzheimer?s and depression. And a recent study in the British Journal of Nutrition found that those with the highest folate levels lose 8.5 times more weight when dieting. And cruciferous vegetables, like broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, kale, cabbage, Swiss chard, and bok choy, are not only rich in folate, they?re also rich in potassium. Researchers at the Department of Agriculture's Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging, at Tufts University, found that foods rich in potassium help preserve lean muscle mass. Another stunner: New research shows that folate helps protect against damage from estrogenic chemicals like bisphenol-A (BPA), which have been linked to obesity. Use this guide to discover which foods pack the most nutritional benefit.

Apples and other fruits

What makes the apple so potent? In part, it?s because most of us eat the peel: It?s a great way to add fiber and nutrients to your diet. But there?s a downside: The peel is where the fruit tends to absorb and retain most of the pesticides they are exposed to, apples and peaches being the worst offenders. That?s why, for maximum weight-loss potential,

we strongly recommend you buy organic versions of apples, pears, peaches, and other eat-the-peel fruits.

You?ll experience a terrific payoff if you do: In a UCLA study, normal-weight people reported eating, on average, two servings of fruit and 12 grams (g) of fiber a day; those who were overweight had just one serving and 9 g. Credit that extra 3 g fiber?the amount in one single apple or orange?as the difference maker. Use these tips to pick the freshest, most nutrient-dense produce.

Navy beans and other legumes

Study after study reveals that bean eaters live longer and weigh less. One study showed that people who eat 3/4 cup of beans daily weigh 6.6 pounds less than those who don't eat beans. Another study in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition found that people who eat one and

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Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success. ~Henry Ford


To join The Coalition go to: and download a copy of the Pledge of Commitment complete, and return it to us

a half servings of beans a day (3/4 cup) have lower blood pressure and smaller waist sizes than those who skip beans in favor of other proteins. Imagine each bean you eat is a perfect little weight-loss pill. Gobble ?em up!

Follow these 7 strategies to lose weight

without ever feeling hungry.

Dark chocolate

A new study from Denmark found that those who eat dark chocolate consume 15 percent fewer calories at their next meal and are less interested in fatty, salty, and sugary foods. And research shows that dark chocolate can improve heart health, lower blood pressure, reduce LDL ("bad") cholesterol, decrease the risk of blood clots, and increase blood flow to the brain. Dark chocolate boosts serotonin and endorphin levels, which are associated with improved mood and greater concentration; it's rich in B vitamins and magnesium, which are noted cognitive boosters; it contains small amounts of caffeine, which helps with short-term concentration; and it contains theobromine, a stimulant that delivers a different kind of buzz, sans the jitters. Dark chocolate is also one of the best foods for better sex.

Ice cream and other healthy desserts

Calcium-rich desserts like ice cream bind to fatty acids in the digestive tract, blocking their absorption. In one study, participants who ate 1,735 mg of calcium from low-fat dairy products (about as much as in five 8-ounce glasses of milk) blocked the equivalent of 85 calories a day. Plus, half a cup of vanilla ice cream gives you 19 milligrams of choline, which translates to protection from cancer, heart attack, stroke, and dementia.

We?re not suggesting you have a bowlful of ice cream every night.

But a scoop (the size of a tennis ball) every few days isn?t the diet

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Teamwork is the ability to work as a group toward a common vision, even if that vision becomes extremely blurry. ~Author Unknown

If you would like to report on a recent community event, feel free to send us a brief account of what happened in document format, and we will share it with our readers.

Send your information to: News From The Coalition, Inc.

All entries for submission should be received by noon, the Monday prior to publish date and in Press Release form.

saboteur it?s made out to be.

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10 Tips to Boost Self-Confidence and Feel Great about Yourself

?Believe in your dreams and they may come true; believe in yourself and they will come true? ? Author Unknown.

Do you believe in yourself and your abilities? Do you feel that you can achieve anything you put your mind to? Do you wake up every day feeling accomplished, confident and great about yourself?

I do not. Sometimes I have writer?s block and I doubt my ability to write anything worth reading. Sometimes I am not sure if I can live up to my goals. And sometimes I simply have a bad day and I doubt that I can do anything to improve it. Maybe occasionally you have such days too, wishing that you appeared more confident around your colleagues, more outgoing at your friend?s party or more decisive in your actions.

If so, here are 10 Powerful Tips that will help you to boost your self-confidence and hush your negative self-talk whenever you need it:

1. Know your purpose.

When you know your intentions for the day, you have a good reason to feel good about yourself. Without purpose and not knowing what to do, you are likely to feel down. Usually, it gives way to boredom and ends in feeling unworthy because you don?t have anything to look forward to. But, but, but! If you plan and decide, you have a purpose. Pursuing it would be a meaningful act, achieving the same boosts your confidence all the more.

2. Surround yourself with wonderful people.

As much as grumpy, crabby people dampen the spirit, positive people heighten your self-esteem. They are those who would give you support, give you affirmations and help you see the brighter side of life. Yes, they are good source of laughter as well. Kind of like my friends who make me laugh after a really messy crying session.

3. Make your environment positive as well.

Say no to depressing clutter and disorganized surroundings. They remind you of negative stuff, cuts off your self appreciation and just make the whole picture muddled. So be surrounded with beauty, calm and cleanliness at all times. It boosts your self-appreciation.

4. Never compare yourself to others.

You are you. Enough said. So why try to be someone you?re not? Or worse, follow someone?s footsteps? You?re bound to be disappointed by two counts because you are different from everyone else. You have your own thoughts, body, actions and dreams. Heck, you even have your own name, a pet cat and your own iPhone. So why be like someone else or try

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Regardless of differences, we strive shoulder to shoulder... [T]eamwork can be summed up in five short words: "We believe in each other." ~Author Unknown

Coalition members! Get ?Your? web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site

to compete? There is no sense at all having someone as an icon and a measurement of how successful, happy or great you are. You are special because you?re an individual. So live with that special-ness and make it grow.

5. Write down your accomplishments.

Remember those stars your teacher gave classmate for his excellence in fourth grade math? Made you feel bad you never got one, huh? So what if you did get one? You would be rejoicing, right! So do that now. Like write down your accomplishments from grade school to yesterday?s score at Plants and Zombies! Better yet, starting today, buy star figurines or any symbolic representation of your successes. Like overcoming shyness when asked out, reading a mushy poem in front of your geeky Literature class or for surviving a bungee jump. Give yourself the stars!

6. Sweat it out.

Jog or walk, dance or do karate chops. Do hoops in your neighborhood, or use the apartment building stairs even if the elevator is fine. Just sweat it out. Why? You release endorphins which play a great role to feeling energetic and happier. Once you are getting giddy about being good enough for a date, or have a job interview in two days, run some more miles or go roller-skating. You?d surely feel tired, but feel so good about yourself. Guaranteed! Thanks to endorphins and clearer mind!

7. Be nice and easy on yourself.

Have fun, take a break, lighten up. Do not live like there?s a deadline or work like tomorrow?s Armageddon. Enjoy what you do, learn to just sit back and do nothing. Better yet, set aside hours to prepare good, nutritious food so you won?t have to eat a lot of pre-cooked meals and fast food junks. Exercise regularly to let loose those cramped muscles and veins due to hard work. Watch a good movie. Get hugged. Cuddle your cat. Visit your grandma. Just be easy on yourself.

8. Celebrate your achievements.

This is another way of saying treat yourself, if only to mark the good stuff that came your way. For a well-applauded presentation, enjoy the moment and grab your favorite dessert later. If you have finally completed all projects before deadline, go buy that nice bag.

9. Don?t take life as a corporate ladder.

Those who do end up feeling miserable, unworthy and helpless. There?s no certainty of movement in career, but there is growth in tending to your spiritual, emotional and physical health very well. Do not let predicaments become big-time problems, or be suspicious of people?s motives. In fact, don?t take life seriously like it is a competition or a tournament. Enjoy what you do and learn to do more things that make you happy.

10. Be grateful ? and expressive about thankfulness.

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Way back in the time of the samurai, there was a powerful emperor. This emperor needed a new head samurai. So, he sent out a message to everybody he knew for them to send a message to who they knew, and so forth. A year passes, and only three people show up: a Japanese samurai, a Chinese samurai, and a Jewish samurai. The emperor asks the Japanese samurai to come in and demonstrate why he should be head samurai. The Japanese samurai opens up a matchbox, and out pops a little fly. WHOOOOOSH. The fly drops dead on the ground in 2 pieces! The emperor says, "That is very impressive!" Then the emperor asks the Chinese samurai to come in and demonstrate why he should be head samurai. The Chinese samurai opens up a matchbox and out pops a little fly. WHOOOOOOSH. WOOOOOOOSH. The fly drops dead on the ground in 4 pieces! The emperor says, "That is really impressive!" Then the emperor asks the Jewish samurai to come in and demonstrate why he should be head samurai. The Jewish samurai thinks, "If it works for the other two..." So the Jewish samurai walks in, opens a matchbox, and out pops a little fly. WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSSSSHHHH. A gust of wind fills the room, but the fly is still buzzing around. The emperor says in disappointment, "Why is the fly not dead?" And the Jewish samurai replies, "If you look closely, you'll see that the fly has been circumcised."

When we display appreciation to others, there is a spiritual and mental unloading that happens deep inside us. Scientific basis? None. I just experience it each time I express thanks through words, short emails or a phone call. So does other people who I asked about this. When was the last time you said ?thank you? sincerely, and not as a routine? Did not you feel great? When you express gratitude, you acknowledge someone?s good deed, kindness or generosity. It further affirms your worth because you recognize yourself as a recipient of the good things. But do not take my word for it. Better try it yourself!


----- Coalition members! Activate ?Your? web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----

Voucher programs offer fresh produce to seniors and mothers

Each summer, the Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program

provides vouchers redeemable for fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs to senior citizens at approved local farmers markets, roadside stands and community-supported agriculture programs.

The program provides low-income seniors with four vouchers, totaling $20, which they can exchange for Pennsylvania-grown produce. To qualify for the program, individuals must be 60 or older by December 31, 2011, with a total household income before taxes of less than $20,147 for a single person and $27,214 for a couple, based on 2010 income. Proof of age and residency is required. To find out what senior centers are providing vouchers across the city, contact the PCA help line at 215-765-9040.

The vouchers will be made available at the Philadelphia Senior Center, Broad and Lombard from 2pm to 4pm Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays starting July 11th until they run out.

For information about voucher distribution at the Philadelphia Senior Center, contact Charles Brown at 215-546-5879.

A searchable list of participating farmers markets can be found here.

A similar program, the state's Farmers Market Nutrition Program, offers food for low-income women who are pregnant or who have a child up to age 5 who is at nutritional risk. Both programs run now through November 30th.

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40 Easy Ways to Go Greener at Home ? Besides Recycling

1. Plant an herb garden. It?s good to have a reminder around of where

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You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing that we call "failure" is not the falling down, but the staying down. - Mary Pickford

If you would like to report on a recent community event, feel free to send us a brief account of what happened in document format, and we will share it with our readers.

Send your information to: News From The Coalition, Inc.

All entries for submission should be received by noon, the Monday prior to publish date and in Press Release form.

our food originates.

2. Switch all your lightbulbs to CFLs (or at least switch a few).

3. Create a homemade compost bin for $15.

4. Switch one appliance to an energy efficient model (look for the ?energy star? label).

5. Stop using disposable bags ? order some reusable bags, or make your own. My favorites are Envirosax and Flip & Tumble.

6. Buy an inexpensive reusable water bottle, and stop buying plastic disposable bottles. Then watch The Story of Bottled Water, a short movie about the bottled water phenomena.

7. Wash laundry in cold water instead of hot.

8. Turn off lights when you leave the room.

9. Don?t turn on lights at all for as long as you can ? open your curtains and enjoy natural light.

10. Drive the speed limit, and combine all your errands for the week in one trip.


11. Better yet, walk or ride a bike to your errands that are two miles or closer.

12. Support your local economy and shop at your farmer?s market.

13. Turn off your computer completely at night.

14. Research whether you can sign up for green power from your utility company.

15. Pay as many bills as possible online.

16. Put a stop to unsolicited mail ? sign up to opt out of pre-screened credit card offers. While you?re at it, go ahead and make sure you?re on the ?do not call? list, just to make your life more peaceful.

17. Reuse scrap paper. Print on two sides, or let your kids color on the back side of used paper.

18. Conduct a quick energy audit of your home.

19. Subscribe to good eco-friendly blogs. My favorites are The Daily Green, TreeHugger, and Keeper of the Home. Of course, you gotta subscribe to Simple Organic.

20. Before buying anything new, first check your local Craigslist or Freecycle.

21. Support local restaurants that use food derived less than 100 miles away, and learn more about the benefits of eating locally.

22. Fix leaky faucets.

23. Make your own household cleaners. I?ve got quite a few recipes in my e-book.

24. Line dry your laundry.

25. Watch The Story of Stuff with your kids, and talk about the impact

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It is better to wear out than to rust out. - Richard Cumberland

If your group or organization is planning an event, send us notice in document format, and we will share it with our readers.

Send your information to: News From The Coalition, Inc.

All entries for submission should be received by noon, the Monday prior to publish date and in Press Release form.

your household trash has on our landfills.

26. Learn with your kids about another country or culture, expanding your knowledge to other sides of the world.

28. Lower the temperature on your hot water heater.

29. Unplug unused chargers and appliances.

30. Repurpose something ? turn one of your well-worn t-shirts into basic play pants for your baby. Or save egg cartons for paint wells, seed starters, treasure boxes, or a myriad of other crafts.

31. Collect rainwater, and use it to water your houseplants and garden.

32. Switch to cloth diapers ? or at least do a combination with disposables.

33. Switch to shade-grown coffee with the ?Fair Trade? label.

34. Use a Diva Cup for your monthly cycles.

35. Use cloth instead of paper to clean your kitchen. Be frugal, and make these rags out of old towels and t-shirts.

36. Use cloth napkins daily instead of paper.

37. Read Animal, Vegetable, Miracle, and open your eyes to the way conventional food is processed. Watch Food, Inc. while you?re at it.

38. Repurpose glass jars as leftover containers and bulk storage, especially in the kitchen.

39. Five-minute showers ? make it a goal for yourself.

40. Donate to ? and shop at ? thrift stores such as Goodwill. You?ll be recycling perfectly usable items, and you?ll be supporting your local economy.

----- Coalition members! Activate ?Your? web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----

The Electronic Industries Alliance provides a list of local electronic recycling facilities, including Philly?s Northeast Drop-off Center at State Road & Ashburner Street and Northwest Drop-Off Center at Domino Lane & Umbria Street. ----- Coalition members! Activate ?Your? web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----

Recycling Services Inc. in Pottstown takes styrofoam on Saturday and Tuesday mornings.

For sustainable enterprise go to Green Jobs Philly

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Get Fresh!

Volunteer with Philabundance Fresh for All

You recycle out the wazoo and consider yourself

consigliore of the enviro-sack mafia.

Hence, a cause you can believe in: Philabundance wants to fill those ubiquitous bags with produce through its new Fresh for All programs.

And you can help by volunteering.

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If you hear a voice within you say "you cannot paint," then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced. - Vincent Van Gogh

If you would like to report on a recent community event, feel free to send us a brief account of what happened in document format, and we will share it with our readers.

Send your information to: News From The Coalition, Inc.

All entries for submission should be received by noon, the Monday prior to publish date and in Press Release form.

The nonprofit hands out perishables at six sites in the

Delaware Valley ? where nutritious diet staples are hard to come by, especially in tough times.

With a minimum three-hour commitment, you?ll keep busy. Help with admin, approve clients, or do community outreach

(posting mailings, making phone calls).

Looking for something physical?

Take food to sites, divide apples, and dole out the goods. You?ll be doing a major part to help people get the fruits and veggies they need.

And that?s a green movement to be proud of.

To participate in Fresh for All, contact

Tunisia Garnett (215-339-0900 ext. 238 or

For more information, go to


SpotLight On Our Efforts


Henderson, North Carolina

Healthy Organic Vegetables from the field


Various kinds of greens (Collard, Kale, Turnip & Mustard)

Sweet Potatoes (White & Orange)

Green Peppers, Red Potatoes, Squash, Cantaloupes, Onions, Apples, Watermelons, etc.

For more information and the next date?

contact Tom Henry 215-901-5639

or Alia Walker 267-738-3842

Reggie 215-370-3038 or Elliot 267-205-1570 Email:

This is a


Radio Program

Agricultural Initiative in conjunction with




Page 16

When I can look Life in the eyes, Grown calm and very coldly wise, Life will have given me the Truth, And taken in exchange - my youth. ~Sara Teasdale


To join The Coalition go to: and download a copy of the Pledge of Commitment complete, and return it to us


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I see little of more importance to the future of our country and of civilization than full recognition of the place of the artist. If art is to nourish the roots of our culture, society must set the artist free to follow his vision wherever it takes him. Pauline Kael

National Black Authors Tour


National Black Arts Spoken Word Tour


R.E.A.L. (Research in Exemplary African Literature)


2011 Summer/Fall Black Writers Institute

(Free classes in writing, publishing and performance)

11:00am - 2:00pm on Saturdays (August/September)

Dates: Saturday, August 20, 27, September 3, 17, 24

Topics: How to Write a Book and Get Published How to Create Promotions, Publicity and

schedule Bookings for a National Tour How to get interviews for Newspapers, Radio and Television How to prepare and utilize your Voice for Public Speaking,

Performance and Readings How to Write for the Stage, Film, Print and Broadcast Media How to Break into the Entertainment

Business and Performing Arts Field How to Write and Apply for Grants,

Fellowships and Writing/Book Awards How to become an Outstanding Media Personality How to get your articles or OP/Ed published nationally and syndicated How to Produce a Radio Show, TV Program or CD Recording How to get your Poetry or Prose published in Anthologies How to Develop a One Person Show,

Solo Performance or Compelling Lecture How to Option your Talent, Skills and Abilities for Artistic Licensing, Serial Rights Options, Name Branding and Merchandising

Page 17

Hereeeeeeeeeeeeees... Kathy?s Korner!

A man approached a local person in a village he was visiting.

"What's the quickest way to York?"

The local scratched his head.

"Are you walking or driving?" he asked the stranger.

"I'm driving."

"That's the quickest way!"


To join The Coalition go to: and download a copy of the Pledge of Commitment complete, and return it to us

*** SPECIAL GUEST APPEARANCES BY AWARDWINNING AND CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED WRITERS OF BOOKS AND FOR STAGE AND SCREEN!!!!! Seating is Limited!!!! Please RSVP as soon as possible!!!!! For more information contact Maurice Henderson at (215) 820-7571 or ( or

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Tides announces 35th anniversary social justice poster design contest Professional and amateur artists from all backgrounds are invited to submit designs celebrating Tides Foundation's social change work and compete for a cash award of $500 and other honors.

The deadline for submissions is August 15th. For more details, go here.

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Jus? Words at Dowlings Place

1310 No. Broad St. Phila

Every Thurs. 9pm to 1am

  1. Poets
  2. Rappers
  3. Singers
  4. Spoken Word Artists

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Nicetown CDC Calls Community & Businesses to Step Up For

NTCDCs 9th Annual Give Back To The Community Festival,

Walk For Peace, & Evening Concerts

The Nicetown CDC Give Back to the Community Festival, fondly known as ?The Give Back,? was started by Nicetown CDC with the generous help of Nicetown community residents and celebrity natives. Volunteer Coordinator Joseph McFadden, (Also President of the NTCDC/NAC) has taken a leadership role in mobilizing hundreds of local community volunteers over the years, who work together with

Page 18

We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience. - Teilhard de Chardin

If you would like to report on a recent community event, feel free to send us a brief account of what happened in document format, and we will share it with our readers.

Send your information to: News From The Coalition, Inc.

All entries for submission should be received by noon, the Monday prior to publish date and in Press Release form.

faith and community based groups in Northwest Philadelphia. This includes the Nicetown CDC/NAC, Nicetown Business Association, Block Captain Committee of Nicetown, City Year, Global Citizen 365, and YouthBuild.

The organization has also built strong relationships with City, State and Federal agencies, which supports its economic, housing, and social service programs. The Nicetown CDC has focused on strategic planning, to stabilize and sustain the local economy, which is primarily situated on Nicetown?s commercial corridor. The residential blocks that connect to the corridor have also been targeted in the first phase of major development, which includes Nicetown Court, a $15 million affordable housing project that will yield 37 rental apartments and over 4,000 square feet of commercial space on the street level. Temple Physicians Inc. is anticipated to lease space there, expanding and improving upon an existing facility, to bring accessible medical care to a community with increasing health care disparities. The Nicetown CDC is currently engaged in a targeted housing preservation and improvement project, with a goal to restore and preserve a minimum of 30 homes around the Nicetown Court project and surrounding areas. Development projects are in phases to be implemented over the next 10 years.

On Friday August 12th the 2-day Give Back Festival focuses on recreation, youth and education, beginning with the

Ivan Robinson Amateur Boxing Exhibitions

in Nicetown Park located in the

4300 block of Germantown Avenue

in Philadelphia, PA.

at 1PM.

The Nicetown native will excite the audience with more than a dozen bouts, with youth that are training with a boxing discipline. A weigh-in will take place at 11Am prior to the start of the boxing venue, and invited guests include Tim Witherspoon, Jackie Frazier, and Bernard Hopkins.

The Zakee Z. Abdur Rahman Education Scholarships were established to ensure a positive legacy for a young businessman and entrepreneur, who lost his life to senseless violence on June 12, 2009. He was a valuable part of the family business that he was to inherit, and was the eldest son of Zakariyya Abdur Rahman, Nicetown CDC?s President and CEO. Education is taken to the next level with the Give Back College Fair, intended to provide on-site resource information regarding enrollment to universities and colleges.

Page 19

If your group or organization is planning an event, send us notice in document format, and we will share it with our readers.

Send your information to: News From The Coalition, Inc.

All entries for submission should be received by noon, the Monday prior to publish date and in Press Release form.

More than 15 recruiters will be in attendance.

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Human Relations Commission seeks nominees for Human Rights Awards The Philadelphia Commission on Human Relations

is accepting nominations for

2011 Human Rights Awards.

For more than 25 years, the PCHR has hosted an awards event to recognize individuals, nonprofits and business organizations for encouraging intergroup harmony in Philadelphia. The Awards will be presented at the PCHR Annual Human Rights Awards Ceremony and 60th Anniversary Celebration on Wednesday, October 5th. Award categories include Arts & Culture, Community Service, Law Enforcement, Corporate Responsibility, and Nonprofit Organization. Receiving the 2011 PCHR Clarence Farmer Service Award will be the Rev. Luis Cortes, Jr., President of Esperanza, a national organization that brings hope to Latino communities across America. In addition, Carol E. Tracy, Esq., Executive Director of the Women?s Law Project, whose mission is to advance the rights and status of women throughout their lives, will receive the inaugural PCHR Sadie Alexander Leadership Award. To nominate an individual or organization, call 215-686-4675 or send an e-mail to Jack Fingerman. All nominations must include the name, mailing address, telephone number, and e-mail address of the nominee and the person submitting the nomination. Nominations must also include a brief narrative that describes why the individual or organization should receive a 2011 PCHR Human Rights Award.

The deadline to receive nominations is August 31st.

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The Agogo Cultural Center in Philadelphia, in association with the Agogo World Wide Association and the New Jersey and Delaware Chapters will present the

2nd Annual Philadelphia Sankofa Festival

Saturday August 13, 2011.

Promoting the theme, ?GO BACK AND FETCH YOUR CULTURAL HERITAGE: HONORING QUEEN MOTHERS & WOMANHOOD?, the festival is a celebration of the African cultural heritage of

Africans born in America.

Page 20

Give thanks for what you are now, and keep fighting for what you want to be tomorrow. ~Fernanda Miramontes-Landeros


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Marking its 8th year anniversary and spearheading the event is the Agogo Cultural

Center in Philadelphia which was co-founded by Donald Lewis, a prominent Philadelphia based African American business leader. Mr. Lewis, who was Enstooled as Unity King in Agogo, Ghana, is officially known as Nana Kofi Tuuda, the Agogo Nkabomhene (Unity King). The yearly event was launched in honor of

Nana Tuuda?s 15 years on the Stool.

According to Charles Yamoah, New Jersey Chapter of the Agogo World Wide Association, the rationale for the festival is to ?create awareness of the good things in Africa and in the process transform the African born in the USA to realize the need to go back to Africa to reconnect with their indigenous brothers and sisters.?

Program festivities will be held on the

500 Block of Snyder Avenue (5th and Snyder Avenue),


in the area around the Philadelphia Agogo Cultural Center from

12PM - 6PM.

The Philadelphia Sankofa Festival is a celebration of African Heritage complete with African Royalty.

It?s a fun filled afternoon of children at play (face painting, crafts) and a variety of workshops, including drumming, dance and yoga. As a special feature, this year it will showcase films from local African American female filmmakers and live entertainment from local youth organizations. Visitors will enjoy a variety of food dishes, textile creations and artifacts provided by vendors.

?Sankofa? is a Ghanaian Akan word meaning ?it is not taboo to go back and fetch what you forgot?

Visually and symbolically "Sankofa" is expressed as a mythic bird that flies forward while looking backward with an egg (symbolizing the origin) in its mouth.

For Philadelphia Local information, please contact Sean Coleman at 484-466-1864 or email

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* * * Outside PA * * *

Millions March In Harlem

Against the Attack on African People


the Bombing of Libya

the Illegal Sanctions in Zimbabwe

Bloomberg's Destruction

Page 21

I was thinking about how people seem to read the Bible a whole lot more as they get older; then it dawned on me - they're cramming for their final exam. George Carlin

If you would like to report on a recent community event, feel free to send us a brief account of what happened in document format, and we will share it with our readers.

Send your information to: News From The Coalition, Inc.

All entries for submission should be received by noon, the Monday prior to publish date and in Press Release form.

of Education, Housing, Health Care, Jobs and more!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Pan Africanism Rising Against Imperialism!

Assemble at 10 AM

110th Street and Malcolm X Blvd

Harlem New York

Pan Africanism or Perish!

For more information and participation call (718) 398-1766

Forward to all your contacts and let us know how many will be attending!


Neighborhood Opportunities through Mobile Accessible Destinations

seeks host agencies

OIC seeks agencies to host computer, internet trainings

Philadelphia OIC?s NOMAD (Neighborhood Opportunities through Mobile Accessible Destinations) Program is currently seeking community partnerships with organizations that want to host computer & Internet trainings at their site(s) during the NOMAD?s

September-October 2011 training cycle.

The NOMAD Program can deploy a mobile computer lab to partnership sites on a regular schedule to conduct basic-to- intermediate computer trainings, general Internet-usage classes, and informational technology sessions. Additionally, the labs can be used to support current or planned workshops & classes developed by other organizations.

Go here to become a NOMAD partner today OR call Erich Smith at 215-236-7700 for more information.

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Free online journal focuses on technology for nonprofits Technology can help nonprofits create the change they want to see in

the world. But even with daily evidence of world-changing innovations

and applications of technology, it's difficult for nonprofit leaders to

know how to apply it to their missions. NTEN:Change, a free online journal from the

Nonprofit Technology Network,

provides the guidance and practical considerations nonprofits need to

Page 22

Live your beliefs and you can turn the world around.? - Henry David Thoreau


To join The Coalition go to: and download a copy of the Pledge of Commitment complete, and return it to us

make the sound investments and decisions that will help them meet

their goals. Free subscriptions are available here.

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Group offers low-cost web access to nonprofits

Mobile Citizen, a provider of mobile broadband for education and nonprofits, will offer a Technology Assistance Grant program beginning in January to provide non-profit organizations with affordable access to the Internet.

Available only in Portland, Oregon, Las Vegas, and Philadelphia, the grant includes reduced-price service from Mobile Citizen, with unlimited usage for only $10/month or $120/year per account. It bundles Mobile Citizen?s wireless broadband, powered by WiMAX, a fourth generation (4G) technology from Clearwire Corporation with a variety of benefits available only to grantees, including:

-- 12 months of service from Mobile Citizen extended to 15 months at no additional charge. With this, nonprofits receive three free months of service per account.

-- Dedicated Mobile Citizen Customer Care customized for non-profit organizations.

-- A free one-year membership to NTEN, a nonprofit technology network, ongoing information and news as well as access to a support community.

-- A choice of additional benefits including an educational webinar series.

For more information, email Free Trial.


"None of us has gotten where we are solely by pulling ourselves up from our own bootstraps. We got here because somebody bent down and helped us." - Thurgood Marshall

America?s Original Savings Network

As amazing as it may sound many people do not realize how easy it is

to LEGALLY stop paying for their groceries! This is how the one hour

television show began for the company whose website is at:


Q: Are these manufacturer coupons or coupons that I print on my computer?

Page 23

Give me the gift of a listening heart. - King Solomon

If you would like to report on a recent community event, feel free to send us a brief account of what happened in document format, and we will share it with our readers.

Send your information to: News From The Coalition, Inc.

All entries for submission should be received by noon, the Monday prior to publish date and in Press Release form.

A: All of our coupons are actual manufacturer coupons. Fewer and fewer retailers accept coupons that are printed from your computer because of a huge increase in counterfeit coupons. Actual manufacturer coupons which we issue are accepted everywhere that coupons are accepted.

Q: Can these coupons be doubled? A: Yes. These are manufacturer issued coupons and may be doubled in any store that offers double coupons.

Q: What are the face values and the expiration dates of these coupons? A: Being manufacturer coupons, the manufactuer determines the face values of the coupons. We currently stock coupons ranging in value from 40 cents to 5.00 dollars. The coupon expiration dates are generally valid for 90 days.

Q: How can I use $1,000.00 worth of coupons in 90 days? A: With our program, you get to choose the coupons you want, when you want them. This way you never have to worry about the coupons expiring.

Q: How do I choose the coupons I want? A: Each coupon book contains coupon request slips which you fill out and send in. Those coupons are then mailed to you.

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Our group A HAND UP! Is now open, please go to:


In response to the needs of many grassroots organizations for the basic tools to implement and sustain their ideas and projects, The Coalition, Inc. members have come together to establish a network to facilitate the distribution/re-distribution of unwanted, unneeded, surplus and even repairable items for recycling.

To join: A Hand Up!

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Page 24

If your group or organization is planning an event, send us notice in document format, and we will share it with our readers.

Send your information to: News From The Coalition, Inc.

All entries for submission should be received by noon, the Monday prior to publish date and in Press Release form.


perfunctory \pur-FUNGK-tuh-ree\, Done merely to carry out a duty; performed mechanically or

Remember to support The Coalition, Inc.?s on-air personalities?

Sister Phile Chionesu, organizer of the Million Woman March,

?Nu Day Resurrection and Liberation" Show LIVE each Saturday evening 10:30 PM--12:00 midnight EST.

"NU Day" is heard in Philly and, worldwide, through the internet at: Or you can tune in via podcast at 646-652-2232

Call in and give your thoughts, comments, opinions at 1-646-652-2232

Or send an instant message to to chat on line.





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