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News From
The Coalition, Inc.

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News  From

The  Coalition, Inc.

Friday 07 October 2011

                                       “Communication – Cooperation – Collaboration”            Volume  6, Number 10

The Coalition, Inc. Board of Directors

Gary R. Adams (President/CEO), John E. Churchville  (Treasurer), 


Josephine Blow, Stanley Daniels, Quibila Divine, Nijah  Famous, Tom ‘Bunny’ Henry, Lansana Koroma, Abdul Malik Raheem, Lewis  Williams,

Table of content

For Our Children … 02

This Week … 02

Employment and Training Opportunities … 07

Health Matters …08

Green Piece … 09

Grants, Scholarships   & Instruction… 10

SpotLight … 11

Arts for Awareness … 12

Coming Up …13

Computers and Technology … 16

A Hand Up … 18

Word-of-the-Week … 19





Page  02




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If you are receiving this  publication without consent, send an email with “unsubscribe” in the subject  to be removed from our database.


If you would like to report on a recent community event,  feel free to send us a brief account of what happened in document format, and  we will share it with our readers.

Send your information to: News From The Coalition, Inc.


All  entries for submission should be received by noon, the Monday prior to  publish date and in Press  Release form.









Page 03


When you are sitting in your own house, you don’t  learn anything. You must get out of your house to learn. - Ghanaian  Proverb


We  are proud to announce that News From The Coalition, Inc. is featured on the  internationally acclaimed site Eight Cities Map which is read in more than  One hundred eighty countries!

Click here: EightCitiesMAP  Choose “Philadelphia’s Online Community 

“Newsletter”  from the menu.































Page 04



"The lightning spark of thought generated in  the solitary mind awakens its likeness in another mind." -- Thomas  Carlyle


If you have a  favorite relevant quote, why not share it with our readers. send to

We  will credit you with thesubmission.








To join The Coalition go to:TheCoalitionInc.netand  download a copy of the Pledge of Commitment and return it to

















Page 05


You only have to do a  very few things right in your life so long as you don't do too many things  wrong. - Warren Buffett


If you would like to report on a recent community event,  feel free to send us a brief account of what happened in document format, and  we will share it with our readers.

Send your information to: News From The Coalition, Inc.


All  entries for submission should be received by noon, the Monday prior to  publish date and in Press  Release form.




























Page 06


Keep your  dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in  yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember all  things are possible for those who believe.” – Gail Devers



To join The Coalition go to: and download a  copy of the Pledge of Commitment and return it to us

































Page 07


It's good to shut up sometimes. -  Marcel Marceau


If you have a  favorite joke, why not share it with our readers. send to

We  will credit you with thesubmission.











































Page 08


"Ours is an  abiding faith in the cause of human freedom. We know it is God's cause."  - Thomas E. Dewey


If you have a  favorite relevant quote, why not share it with our readers. send to

We  will credit you with thesubmission.


















Page 09

The New York Times, among other papers, has published a new  Hubble photograph of distant galaxies colliding.
 Of course, astronomers have had pictures of colliding galaxies for quite some  time now, but with the vastly improved resolution provided by the Hubble  Space Telescope, you can actually see the lawyers rushing to the scene...










To join The Coalition go to:TheCoalitionInc.netand  download a copy of the Pledge of Commitment complete, and return it to
















Page 10


Practical  life teaches us that people may differ and that both may be wrong: it also  teaches us that people may differ and both be right.  Anchor yourself  fast in the latter faith, or the former will sweep your heart away.   ~Augustus William Hare and Julius Charles Hare, Guesses at Truth, by Two  Brothers, 1827





If you would like to report on a recent community event,  feel free to send us a brief account of what happened in document format, and  we will share it with our readers.

Send your information to: News From The Coalition, Inc.


All  entries for submission should be received by noon, the Monday prior to  publish date and in Press  Release form.




















Page  11


It is easier to find a score of  men wise enough to discover the truth than to find one intrepid enough, in  the face of opposition, to stand up for it.  ~A.A. Hodge



Coalition  members! Get ‘Your’web linkon The Coalition, Inc. web site

















































Page 12



Leaders  aren't born, they are made. And they are made just like anything else,  through hard work. And that's the price we'll have to pay to achieve that  goal, or any goal. - Vincent Lombardi
























































Page 13

Unity to be real must stand the severest strain without breaking.   ~Mahatma Gandhi










If you would like to report on a recent community event,  feel free to send us a brief account of what happened in document format, and  we will share it with our readers.

Send your information to: News From The Coalition, Inc.


All  entries for submission should be received by noon, the Monday prior to  publish date and in Press  Release form.






















Page 14


The  important thing is this:  To be able at any moment to sacrifice that  which we are for what we could become.  -  Charles Dubois



If your group or organization is planning an event, send us  notice in document format, and we will share it with our readers.

Send your information to: News From The Coalition, Inc.


All  entries for submission should be received by noon, the Monday prior to  publish date and in Press  Release form.

































Page 15


A DEA officer stopped at a ranch in Texas and talked with the  old rancher. "I need to inspect your ranch for illegally grown  drugs." "Okay, but don't go in that field over there." The DEA  officer verbally exploded saying, "Mister, I have the authority of the  Federal Government with me!" Reaching into his pocket, he removed his badge  and proudly displayed it to the rancher. "See this badge? This badge  means I am allowed to go wherever I wish, on any land! No questions asked or  answers given. Have I made myself clear? Do you understand?" The rancher  nodded politely. "I'm sorry," and with that he went about his  chores. A short time later, the old rancher heard loud screams. He looked up  and saw the DEA officer running for his life with the rancher's big Santa Gertrudis  bull in hot pursuit. The bull was gaining ground on the officer with every  step and it seemed just a matter of a few more steps before the officer would  be gored. The rancher threw down his tools, ran to the fence and yelled at  the top of his lungs: "Your badge! Show him your BADGE!!" (thx to  Stan Daniels)















Page 16






If you would like to report on a recent community event,  feel free to send us a brief account of what happened in document format, and  we will share it with our readers.

Send your information to: News From The Coalition, Inc.


All  entries for submission should be received by noon, the Monday prior to  publish date and in Press  Release form.


































Page 17



Hereeeeeeeeeeeeees...  Kathy’s Korner!


A woman was chatting with her next-door neighbor. "I feel really  good today. I started out this morning with an act of unselfish generosity. I  gave a twenty dollar bill to a bum."
 "You gave a bum twenty whole dollars? That's a lot of money to just give  away. What did your husband say about it?"
 "Oh, he thought it was the proper thing to do. He took it and said,  'Thanks.'"


 (Kathy  Parsons is a regular contributor.)









































Page 18




Nature gave men two ends - one to sit on and one to think  with.  Ever since then man's success or failure has been dependent on  the one he used most.  ~George R. Kirkpatrick









If your group or organization is planning an event, send us  notice in document format, and we will share it with our readers.

Send your information to: News From The Coalition, Inc.


All  entries for submission should be received by noon, the Monday prior to  publish date and in Press  Release form.























Page 19







We  are proud to announce that News From The Coalition, Inc. is featured on the  internationally acclaimed site Eight Cities Map which is read in more than  One hundred eighty countries!

Click here: EightCitiesMAP  Choose “Philadelphia’s Online Community 

“Newsletter”  from the menu.












fungible \FUHN-juh-buhl\,: (Law) Freely  exchangeable for or replaceable by another of like nature or kind in the  satisfaction of an obligation; Interchangeable; Something that is  exchangeable or substitutable. Usually used in the plural.

Greetings Coalition  Family!


A  physics professor was on his way to make a presentation that was sure to put  him the running for the Nobel Prize for Science. As he was driving to his  destination his car began to wobble and then shake violently. Clutching the  steering wheel tightly, he looked for an exit to get off the highway. He was  finally able to pull off just as he saw his right rear tire pass him on the  sidewalk. Using some not-so-scientific language, he retrieved his tire and  stood perplexed as to how he would now make what may be the most important  appointment of his career. Finally he just collapsed against his car and hung  his head. “Mister, mister.” he heard a subdued voice call out to him. Looking  up he saw a on the other side of a tall iron fence with a sign that read  Hillside Asylum. “Oh no”, he thought to himself. “I need some nut to add to  problems” “Mister, why don’t you take one lug nut from the other three wheels  to get you to a garage?” the voice said. “Why that’s brilliant,” exclaimed  the scientist. “You have solved my dilemma!” “Tell me sir, why is a man of  your obvious problem solving ability in an asylum?” The man replied, “Well I  may be crazy, but I ain’t stupid.”



“A wise man can learn more from a fool than the  other way around.” St. Francis of Asisi





 “We  each hold a piece to the puzzle.” – Dr. John Elliott Churchville

“Communicate… Cooperate… Collaborate”


“It is easier to build  children than it is to repair men.”…Frederick Douglass


Teen Shop recruiting adolescent girls for  support program

Teenshop Inc. is recruiting girls aged 13  to 18 for its program that provides college tours, career days, health and  fitness, etiquette and self-defense programs.

Teenshop chapters are located in North  Philadelphia, Germantown, and West Philadelphia.  For more information, call 215-851-1842

----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’web link on The  Coalition, Inc. web site -----



Cap4Kids  Hint of the Week


Fall is finally here and the temperature  outside is dropping. With this is the reminder that PECO and PGW bills will  start to rise. Unfortunately, for many families that cannot afford high  utility costs as well as putting food on the table, the "heat or  eat" decision is looming.

On the  website, under Housing and Utilities (,   you will find many resources for  families to help lower their monthly bills (Energy Saving Ideas document),  how to finance energy efficient home improvements (Keystone HELP), as well as  helping with energy assistance (Low Income Utility Information from CLS).

Please check out this important information  and help those most in need.

----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’web link on The  Coalition, Inc. web site -----





Event  to recognize anniversary of Million Man March

Events  celebrating the 16th anniversary of the 1995 Million Man March will be held

October  7-9 at the

Pennsylvania  Convention Center.

The  local organizing committee hopes to “re-energize, refocus and redirect the  energy that was experienced and determined that day on the

National  Mall in Washington, D.C.”

A  press release from the group indicated that Philadelphia is the site of the  anniversary celebration because it had one of the largest contingents at the  original march.

This  year’s event will highlight issues related to hunger, street violence and  political accountability.

Those  attending the main event on Sunday the 9th will be asked to bring at least  one non-perishable food item for donation.

----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’web link on The  Coalition, Inc. web site -----



Philadelphia Med  Week Awards Reception Keynote Speaker: Dr. Randal Pinkett Scholar,  Entrepreneur, Chairman & CEO, BCT Partners; Author of Black Faces in  White Places, No-Money Down CEO and Campus CEO Master of Ceremonies: Dave  Huddleston Co-Anchor,… morePhiladelphia  Minority Enterprise Development Week Awards Reception


Keynote Speaker: Dr. Randal Pinkett  Scholar, Entrepreneur, Chairman & CEO, BCT Partners; Author of Black  Faces in White Places, No-Money Down CEO and Campus CEO Master of Ceremonies:  Dave Huddleston Co-Anchor, Eyewitness News at 10 on The CW Philly Fernando  Mendez Co-Host, En Portada en WWSI Friday, October 7th, 2011

6:00 PM

Pennsylvania Convention Center

1101 Arch Street,

Philadelphia, Pa 19107

Tickets REQUIRED!!!! You may also mail a  check: Make checks payable to... Philadelphia Med Week Committee

Denise Liburd c/o Mitchell & Titus LLP

1818 Market Street, 29 th Floor

Philadelphia, Pa 19103

Phone: 215-825-8019 More information  available at

----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’web link on The  Coalition, Inc. web site -----


1st Annual EweNique Empowerment Expo

Super Saturday Power Networking Event

the Enterprise Center

4548 Market St.

October 8, 2011

11 am - 8.30 p.m.

Presented by Earl Harvey and Wanda Davis


Mr. George Fraser, the most sought after  motivational speaker on

the subject of networking and relationship  building.

He is the CEO of FraserNet, the world's No.  1 networking organization for black professionals and the Power Networking  Conference

You are invited to attend a special  networking presentation by Mr. Fraser,

free workshops and business card exchange  presented by EweNique Productions

and The Black Professionals News and hosted  by

Philadelphia Chapter of 100 Black Men  National Mentoring Association, City of Philadelphia, Michael Rice, Kemlon  Marketing, Lambert Worldwide, The Philadelphia Tribune, WURD Radio,  Significant Business Results, LadyBug Marketing, Constant Contact,

Public Power, Chef Kahlil, The Enterprise  Center, Sam's Connection, and more   to register, vending tables are available

Free admission call Earl Harvey  267-244-3860 email

----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’web link on The  Coalition, Inc. web site -----



OIC  celebrates 47th   Anniversary

The  Philadelphia Opportunities Industrialization Center will celebrate 47 years  of services with a black-tie gala on, October 8th from 6-10pm in the Grand  Ballroom of the Pennsylvania Convention Center, 12th and Arch Streets.

Please  join the OIC Family as we celebrate 47 years of

“Helping  People Help Themselves”

Saturday  October 8th, 2011

6pm  to 10pm (Black tie Attire)

Grand  Ballroom of the Pennsylvania Convention Center

12th  & Arch Sts.

Philadelphia,  PA

Great  food provided by Aramark

A  short program & Live Music

To  register:

----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’web link on The  Coalition, Inc. web site -----

Parenting  classes to start at North Philadelphia YMCA

Educating  Communities for Parenting is offering its fall/winter parenting classes at  the

Columbia  North YMCA, located at

1400  N. Broad Street in

North  Philadelphia.

Classes  will begin October 12th and end January 18th, from

6pm  to 8pm.

All  participants must be registered for class no later than October 11th. To  register, call Gloria Price at 215-496-9780, ext. 203.  For more details:

----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’web link on The  Coalition, Inc. web site -----


Community Legal Services of Philadelphia


Second Annual Justice For All! 5K

Sunday October 09, 2011

8:30 AM

Memorial Hall in  Fairmount Park

4231 Avenue of the  Republic

Philadelphia, PA

Community Legal  Services of Philadelphia will be holding

Second Annual Justice  For All! 5k Run

October 9, 2011 at  8:30 a.m. (rain or shine)

beginning at Memorial  Hall in Fairmount Park,

4231 Avenue of the  Republic

Philadelphia, PA  19131.

The Justice For All 5K  is an opportunity for CLS staff, alumni, local attorneys, law students, and  community members to celebrate the impact of CLS' work. All proceeds from the  event will support CLS' mission of providing equal access to justice to low  income Philadelphians.

In addition to individual,  legal/corporate, and club team competitions, the Justice For All 5K will  feature a Law School Challenge in which teams from area law schools will  compete against one another.

Our 5K is a one-loop,  USATF-certified course (#PA10012WB) and is sanctioned by USA Track &  Field.

All participants will  receive a short-sleeved race T-shirt while supplies last.

Registration Fees:

  • $20 to Walk
  • $25 to Run
  • $25 for Law School Challenge Participants
  • $30 for Club Team Competition participants
  • $30 to Register on Race Day
  • $35 for Legal/Corporate Competition participants

Contact Lauren  Kobylarz at  for more information.

 ----- Coalition members!  Activate ‘Your’web link on The  Coalition, Inc. web site -----

Moore College of Art  & Design to Honor

Jaune Quick-to-See Smith

Jaune Quick-to-See Smith, Artist, Curator and Educator

Jaune Quick-to-See  Smith is an internationally known artist, curator, lecturer, and educator.  One of the most acclaimed American Indian artists, her work is in the Whitney  Museum, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Brooklyn Museum, Smithsonian  American Art Museum, the Museum of Modern Art, and the Victoria and Albert  Museum. Smith has received awards such as the Academy of Arts and Letters  Purchase Award, the Joan Mitchell Foundation Painters Grant, the Women’s  Caucus for the Arts Lifetime Achievement, and the College Art Association  Women's Award.

Moore College of Art  & Design will present its 2011 Visionary Woman Award to Jaune  Quick-to-See Smith, Jane Walentas and Signe Wilkinson. Now in its ninth year,  the annual Visionary Woman Awards celebrate exceptional women who have made  significant contributions to the arts and are national leaders in their  fields.

The Visionary Woman Awards Gala

Wednesday October 12th

6:00 - 9:00pm

20th Street and The  Parkway

The Great Hall

Philadelphia, PA 19103


 Tickets are $350 each.

----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’web link on The  Coalition, Inc. web site -----





FEMA positions up to six  figures available in our online Coalition  Group ongoing updates will be posted as they become available.



King of Prussia Career Fair

Monday, October 24, 2011,

11AM - 2PM

Dolce Valley Forge Hote

l301 West Dekalb Pike

King of Prussia, PA 19406


NAACP Professional Career Reception

Tuesday, October 25, 2011, 10AM – 3PM

Embassy Suites Philadelphia – Airport

9000 Bartram Avenue

Philadelphia, PA 19153





Kingsessing Fifth Division Community of  Neighbors







P.O. Box 19974




Gregory R. Benjamin-Chairman

Gilbert Wesley Johnson-Treasure

Phil Hughes-Secretary

Ronald Currie-Sergeant At Arms

----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’web link on The  Coalition, Inc. web site -----





Philadelphia,  PA- Christians United Against Addictions presents

Addictions  Support Group Training

October  29, 2011 from

10am  to 1pm. 

Why  Not Prosper, Inc. 

717  E. Chelten Avenue,

Philadelphia,  PA 19144 

Some  of the topics include:

What  is Addiction?     Co-Dependency

Steps  to Recovery       Tough Love

Christ  Center Support Groups

How  to Start a Biblical Based Support Group

Registration  is required.  Freewill offering.

Why  Not Prosper, Inc, a faith-based non-profit organization was started by Rev.  Michelle Simmons in 2001.  The mission  of the organization is to help female ex-offenders discover their own  strength by providing them with the support and resources needed to empower  them to become responsible, economically self-sufficient and contributing  members of the community.

Christians  United Against Addiction (CUAA) has for 25 years served the faith-based  community, those caught in addiction and their families. The vision of CUAA  is simply to see those affected by addiction restored to wholeness and  health. Its mission is to equip churches to help individuals and families  achieve recovery through education, training, support groups, and referral  assistance.

Contact:  Christians United Against Addiction

Sherry  Jones at 215-248-0260 or                           

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The Electronic Industries Alliance  provides a list of local electronic recycling facilities, including Philly’s  Northeast Drop-off Center at State Road & Ashburner Street and Northwest  Drop-Off Center at Domino Lane & Umbria Street.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’web link on The  Coalition, Inc. web site -----

Recycling Services Inc. in Pottstown takes styrofoam on Saturday  and Tuesday mornings.

For sustainable enterprise go to Green Jobs Philly

-----  Coalition members!  Activate ‘Your’web link on The  Coalition, Inc. web site -----

Get Fresh!

Volunteer  with Philabundance Fresh for All

You  recycle out the wazoo and consider yourself

consigliore  of the enviro-sack mafia.

Hence,  a cause you can believe in: Philabundance wants to fill those ubiquitous bags  with produce through its new Fresh for All programs.

And  you can help by volunteering.

The  nonprofit hands out perishables at six sites in the

Delaware  Valley — where nutritious diet staples are hard to come by, especially in  tough times.

With  a minimum three-hour commitment, you’ll keep busy. Help with admin, approve clients,  or do community outreach

(posting  mailings, making phone calls).

Looking  for something physical?

Take  food to sites, divide apples, and dole out the goods. You’ll be doing a major  part to help people get the fruits and veggies they need.

And  that’s a green movement to be proud of.

To  participate in Fresh for All, contact

Tunisia Garnett (215-339-0900 ext.  238 or 

For  more information, go to 




Are you currently in shut off status with  your utility companies?

ACHIEVEability now accepting UESF utility  applications. See flyer attached. Utility Grant Program: Will assist with gas  (PGW), electric (PECO) and water (PWD) accounts in shut off status or already  terminated.  Maximum amount for gas  and electric is $1,500 and water is $500.   All grants must be applied to the utility account and reach a zero  balance.  If the bill is an excess of  the grant the applicant is responsible for the balance at time of their  application.  ELIGIBILITY· Applicant  must have notice from utility company of termination or impeding shut off.·  When LiHeap Cash and Crisis opens, applicant must have notice of award amount  or denial letter.· Applicant must be a Philadelphia resident.· Applicant must  not have received Utility Grant in past 24 months.· Applicant must have  social security cards and 30-day income information for everyone in  household.· Applicant must provide utility bill in their name.· Applicant  must be within the below income guidelines:

House-hold Size           Per  Month

1 person                $1,588

2 persons              $2,145

3 persons              $2,702

4 persons              $3,259

5 persons              $3,816

6 persons                        $4,374

Contact ACHIEVEability’s Community Office  at 215-748-8838 for more information or to schedule an appointment.

-----  Coalition members!  Activate ‘Your’web link on The  Coalition, Inc. web site -----



LIFT-Philadelphia  sponsors free workshop series for community

LIFT-Philadelphia  is sponsoring a free workshop series starting this October on topics such as  Food and Nutrition, Rock Your Resume, Dental Health and Screening,  Interviewing, Financial Recovery, and Basics of Computer Use.

For  more information:



SpotLight On Our Efforts


Show Me the Money: The fundamentals of  FUNdraising workshop

Back by popular demand is this vital  capacity building workshop-

Show Me The Money: The Fundamentals of  Fundraising Workshop.

As a leader of an organization, your know  that raising money is one of the greatest challenges that an organization  faces especially in these

economic times. It does not matter whether  you’re the leader of the

national organization or the lead person of  the fund-raising committee,

your organization’s viability and  sustainability is based upon its ability

to raise the necessary capital to survive.


With this in mind, The Coalition, Inc. in  collaboration with Professional

Networking Associates is sponsoring:

Show Me the Money – The FUNdamentals of  FUNdraising


This workshop is facilitated by Kendall  Hayes, CEO, H.E.R

organization and former Event Coordinator  for the

African American Chamber of Commerce.

The workshop is offered on

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

6- 8 pm

at the

School District Building,

440 N. Broad Street in


This basic workshop will help the layman  develop strategies and tactics

for raising capital for their organization.

Topics include:

Developing Fund-raising ideas

Organizing Fund-raising events

Types of Fund-raisers



To register go  to  or call 267-303-0653 or 215-387-2734. 


The Community  Improvement Workshops are a community leadership series developed by the  collaboration between The Coalition, Inc., an alliance of community  organizations focusing on “Communication, Cooperation and Collaboration” and  Professional Networking Associates, an organization created to establish a  foundation for building mutually beneficial relationships between  individuals, organizations and businesses.

For more  information on the Coalition call Gary R. Adams at the  Coalition 215-387-2734 or find out more on upcoming  training  , events or to RSVP  call 215-339-8208 or go to:\urbanleadership 




I see little of more importance to the  future of our country and of civilization than full recognition of the place  of the artist. If art is to nourish the roots of our culture, society must  set the artist free to follow his vision wherever it takes him. Pauline Kael


African  American Museum seeks volunteers

The  African American Museum in Philadelphia collects and preserves art and  artifacts and, through exhibitions and programs, interprets the history and  stories of African Americans and those of the African Diaspora.

AAMP  welcomes volunteers primarily for clerical duties, including updating the  website and mailing newsletters. Volunteers for special events are also  welcome.

The  museum offers one-time and ongoing volunteer opportunities. Generally,  volunteers work normal business hours on weekdays or weekends, but special  events may take place during the evenings. Although a background check isn’t  necessary, volunteers will be asked for a resume, as well as undergo an  interview.

For  more information, call Cassandra Murray at 215-574-0380 x227

----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’web link on The  Coalition, Inc. web site -----



White House AAPI Initiative Asks

Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders

To Submit 3-Minute Videos

Highlighting Community's Change Makers

The White House Initiative on Asian  Americans and Pacific Islanders has launched an online video challenge,  asking participants to submit personal stories about people who have had an  impact on the people around them.

The effort, called "What's Your  Story" aims to highlight community service by Asian Americans and  Pacific Islanders whose dedication to a cause has made a difference in their  communities.

Participants are asked to submit a video  describing unique experiences

that have shaped who they are in less than  three minutes.


White House Initiative on Asian Americans  and Pacific Islanders

director Kiran Ahuja said the video  challenge is designed to help

understand more about important issues  facing the community and to

highlight their contributions.


Entries are accepted in any form, including  music video, public

service announcement, short film, video  blog or in an interview

format. Essays will also be accepted in the  place of video entries.

All entries should showcase someone's work  around a specific issue

facing the AAPI community in under three  minutes or with fewer than

1,000 words.


Entries should be submitted online at

by Tuesday, Nov. 1, 2011.


A video describing the Initiative?s effort  is available at


A select number of entries will be posted  on the White House website

and a group of exceptional leaders  highlighted will be selected to

attend a White House briefing this fall and  given the opportunity to

share their stories in-person.

----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’web link on The  Coalition, Inc. web site -----


Jus’  Words at Dowlings Place

1310  No. Broad St. Phila

Every  Thurs. 9pm to 1am

·       Poets

·       Rappers

·       Singers

·       Spoken Word Artists

----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’web link on The  Coalition, Inc. web site -----





Please join Physicians for Social  Responsibility at

The 12th Annual Soul of Medicine Brunch

Sunday October 23, 2011 from 11:00-1:00pm

College of Physicians

19 S. 22nd Street, Philadelphia, 19103

"Being a Physician: Not for the Faint  of Heart"

In its 12th year, this anticipated annual  event brings clinicians and students together to discuss their role and  survival in the current healthcare environment.  A themed, storytelling format is used to engage attendees  followed by informal small discussion groups between clinicians and students.

Featuring Guest Speaker Dr. Esther K. Chung

Esther K. Chung is Associate Professor of  Pediatrics at Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University and  Nemours. She is Director of the Newborn Nursery at Thomas Jefferson  University Hospital and Director of JeffSTARS, an advocacy training program  for residents and students. Dr. Chung received her MD/MPH joint degree from  Columbia University in 1991, and has devoted over 20 years of service to  families living in poverty.

Ken Ginsburg Soul of Medicine Award

Awarded annually to the 4th year student at  each of the 5 area medical schools who emulates the values of the Soul of  Medicine founder Ken Ginsburg. He/she cares for their patients with respect,  compassion, understanding and integrity.   Treats those around their patients, fellow students and faculty with  respect, understanding and appreciation.

Students are welcome as guests.   Faculty and practitioners are asked to contribute $25. Click  here to RSVP

Physicians for Social Responsibility is a member of The Coalition, Inc.

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The Harvest: Spoken Soul 215 Open Mic


Spoken Soul 215  is a spoken word artist collective dedicated to promoting open mic events  throughout the Philadelphia region. The collective is proud to bring you The  Harvest every month, where poets, vocalists, lyricists, emcees and musicians  come… moreSpoken  Soul 215 is a spoken word artist collective dedicated to promoting open mic  events throughout the Philadelphia region. The collective is proud to bring  you The Harvest every month, where poets, vocalists, lyricists, emcees and  musicians come to share their gifts.

Spoken Soul 215 consists of artists Just  Greg, Lyrispect, Rhapsode, Reuben Jones & Vision, hailing from all over  the country, but representing Philadelphia. They present The Harvest in  conjunction with Buje Concepts Marketing, Skyy Vodka, SP PHotography, Fur  Salon and more importantly, YOU!

8pm Tuesday, October 25th, 2011 &

Wednesday, November 30th, 2011

World Café Live

3025 Walnut St.,

Philadelphia,PA, 19104

Doors / Dinner seating at 7:00pm | Showtime  8:00pm | Downstairs Live Advance Tickets: General Admission Seating*: $10 ($9  ticket $1 processing fee) Day of Show Tickets: General Admission Seating*:  $12 ($11 ticket $1 processing fee)



Christians  United Against Addictions presents

Addictions  Support Group Training at

Why  Not Prosper, Inc. located at

717  E. Chelten Avenue,

Philadelphia,  PA 19144 on

October  29, 2011 from

10am  to 1pm.

Some  of the topics include:

What  is Addiction?          Co-Dependency

Steps  to RecoveryTough Love

Christ  Center Support Groups

How  to Start a Biblical Based Support Group

Registration  is required.  Freewill offering.

Why  Not Prosper, Inc, a faith-based non-profit organization was started by Rev.  Michelle Simmons in 2001.  The mission  of the organization is to help female ex-offenders discover their own  strength by providing them with the support and resources needed to empower  them to become responsible, economically self-sufficient and contributing  members of the community.

Christians United Against Addiction (CUAA) has for 25 years served  the faith-based community, those caught in addiction and their families. The vision  of CUAA is simply to see those affected by addiction restored to wholeness and health. Its mission is to equip  churches to help individuals and families achieve recovery through education,  training, support groups, and referral assistance.

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The Educational  Advocates Reaching Today’s Hardworking Students, Inc. (EARTHS) announced  that, in conjunction with PARENT POWER, Central North E.P.I.C. Stakeholders,  and Blues Babe Foundation, the

2nd  Annual Parent Appreciation Day event

will be held at the  

C. B. Moore  Recreation Center;

2551 North 22nd  Street (at Huntingdon)

Saturday, October  29, 2011

10:30 am to 2:30  pm.


FREE information  about children’s programs, money management, and parent advocacy will be  available.  Light refreshments will be  served and there will be FREE prizes and give-a-ways.


Parent Appreciation  Day is scheduled early in the school year to show parents/caregivers that  community members care and want to help them obtain the resources needed to  have a successful year.  We are  working with Councilwoman Blondell Reynolds Brown’s office to, once again,  have the month of October proclaimed Parent Appreciation Month in  Philadelphia.

Contact:       Quibila  A. Divine



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* *  *  Outside PA  *  *  *






Comcast  unveils new plan to combat digital divide

  Comcast has announced that it will begin offering a new  service, Internet  Essentials, in time for the 2011-12 school year.
    This initiative will directly address the major barriers that  many in our communities face for in-home broadband adoption:   affordability and lack of digital literacy.
    In today’s world, it is important for everyone to be digitally  literate.  Broadband adoption is vital for our communities because it  helps improve our children’s education, our local economy, and the ability  for members of our communities to find jobs and benefit from opportunities  available online.
    Comcast Internet Essentials will provide eligible families with:
    -- Affordable home Internet service ($9.95 per month)
    -- A low-cost computer ($149.99 plus taxes)
    -- Access to free internet training – online, in print and in  classroom (at established community training sites)
    Internet Essentials will be available everywhere that Comcast  offers its high-speed Internet service.  Students in more than 4,000  school districts in 39 states and the District of Columbia will be able to  participate.
    Comcast will accept new Internet Essentials participants for at  least three years, through the end of the 2013-14 school year.  Any  household that qualifies during this three-year period will remain eligible for  Internet Essentials, provided the household still qualifies for the program,  until that child graduates from high school.
    For more details, go here.
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Free online journal focuses on technology  for nonprofits
   Technology can help nonprofits create the change they want  to see in

the  world. But even with daily evidence of world-changing innovations

and  applications of technology, it's difficult for nonprofit leaders to

know  how to apply it to their missions.
  NTEN:Change, a free online journal from the

Nonprofit Technology Network,  

provides  the guidance and practical considerations nonprofits need to

make  the sound investments and decisions that will help them meet

their  goals.
    Free subscriptions are available here.

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Group  offers low-cost web access to nonprofits

Mobile  Citizen, a provider of mobile broadband for education and nonprofits, will  offer a Technology Assistance Grant program beginning in January to provide  non-profit organizations with affordable access to the Internet.

Available  only in Portland, Oregon, Las Vegas, and Philadelphia, the grant includes  reduced-price service from Mobile Citizen, with unlimited usage for only  $10/month or $120/year per account.   It bundles Mobile Citizen’s wireless broadband, powered by WiMAX, a fourth  generation (4G) technology from Clearwire Corporation with a variety of  benefits available only to grantees, including:

--  12 months of service from Mobile Citizen extended to 15 months at no  additional charge.  With this,  nonprofits receive three free months of service per account.

--  Dedicated Mobile Citizen Customer Care customized for non-profit  organizations.

--  A free one-year membership to NTEN, a nonprofit technology network, ongoing  information and news as well as access to a support community.

--  A choice of additional benefits including an educational webinar series.

For  more information, email Free  Trial.




"None of us has gotten where we are solely by pulling ourselves  up from our own bootstraps. We got here because somebody bent down and helped  us." - Thurgood Marshall


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Q:  Can these coupons be doubled?
 A: Yes. These are manufacturer issued coupons and may be doubled in any store  that offers double coupons.

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 A: Being manufacturer coupons, the manufactuer determines the face values of  the coupons. We currently stock coupons ranging in value from 40 cents to  5.00 dollars. The coupon expiration dates are generally valid for 90 days.

Q:  How can I use $1,000.00 worth of coupons in 90 days?
 A: With our program, you get to choose the coupons you want, when you want  them. This way you never have to worry about the coupons expiring.

Q: How do I choose the coupons  I want?
 A: Each coupon book contains coupon request slips which you fill out and send  in. Those coupons are then mailed to you.                                           ----- Coalition  members! Activate ‘Your’web link on The Coalition,  Inc. web site -----




















Remember to support The Coalition, Inc.’s  on-air personalities…

Sister Phile Chionesu, organizer of the Million Woman March,

“Nu Day Resurrection and Liberation" Show LIVE each Saturday  evening 10:30 PM--12:00 midnight EST.

"NU Day" is heard in  Philly and, worldwide, through the internet at:  Or you can tune in via podcast at 646-652-2232

Call in and give your  thoughts, comments, opinions at 1-646-652-2232 

Or  send an instant message tomwmsistahood@aol.comto chat on line.













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