The Urban Cartographer Online



News From
The Coalition, Inc.

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in .pdf format.

and in .doc format.


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News From

The Coalition, Inc.

6th Day January 11, 2013

Communication – Cooperation – Collaboration” Volume 7, Number 18

The Coalition, Inc. Board of Directors

Gary R. Adams (President/CEO), John E. Churchville (Treasurer),


Abu Mashkuwr Naadim Abdulkhabir, Josephine Blow, Stanley Daniels, Nijah Famous, Lansana Koroma, Abdul Malik Raheem, Lewis Williams

Table of content

For Our Children … 02

This Week … 02

Employment and Training Opportunities … 02

Health Matters …04

Green Piece … 07

Grants, Scholarships & Instruction… 09

SpotLight … 11

Arts for Awareness … 13

Coming Up …14

Computers and Technology … 17

A Hand Up … 18

Word-of-the-Week … 19

Page 02

If this publication is being forwarded to you, and you wish to be placed on our mailing list, send an email to

with “subscribe” in the subject.

If you are receiving this publication without consent, send an email with “unsubscribe” in the subject to be removed from our database.

If you would like to report on a recent community event, feel free to send us a brief account of what happened in document format, and we will share it with our readers.

Send your information to: News From The Coalition, Inc.

All entries for submission should be received by noon, the Monday prior to publish date and in Press Release form.

Page 03

Let not what you cannot do tear you from what you can do.

~Ghanaians Proverb

We are proud to announce that News From The Coalition, Inc. is featured on the internationally acclaimed site Eight Cities Map which is read in more than One hundred eighty countries!

Click here: EightCitiesMAP Choose “Philadelphia’s Online Community 

Newsletter” from the menu.

Page 04

"It is the long history of humankind (and animal kind, too) those who learned to collaborate and improvise most effectively have prevailed." - Charles Darwin

If you have a favorite relevant quote, why not share it with our readers. send to

We will credit you with the submission.


To join The Coalition go to: and download a copy of the Pledge of Commitment and return it to us

Page 05

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world.  Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.  ~Margaret Meade

If you would like to report on a recent community event, feel free to send us a brief account of what happened in document format, and we will share it with our readers.

Send your information to: News From The Coalition, Inc.

All entries for submission should be received by noon, the Monday prior to publish date and in Press Release form.

Page 06

"If two men on the same job agree all the time, then one is useless. If they disagree all the time, both are useless." - Darryl F. Zanuck


To join The Coalition go to: and download a copy of the Pledge of Commitment and return it to us

Page 07

"The strength of the team is each individual member. The strength of each member is the team." - Phil Jackson

If you have a favorite joke or quote, why not share it with our readers. send to

We will credit you with the submission.

We will be spotlighting members and organizations weekly, if you wish to have your organization spotlighted, forward to us information on your primary mission, your current projects and/or how you would want other members of The Coalition to be involved. Many of us are already being a support to one another, but there is plenty of room for improvement.

Page 08

"If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." - Isaac Newton

If you would like to report on a recent community event, feel free to send us a brief account of what happened in document format, and we will share it with our readers.

Send your information to: News From The Coalition, Inc.

All entries for submission should be received by noon, the Monday prior to publish date and in Press Release form.

Page 09

Those who seek the harmony of life rather than discord, inherit the kingdom of love.” – Joe Williams

If you have a favorite relevant quote, why not share it with our readers. send to

We will credit you with the submission.

We are proud to announce that News From The Coalition, Inc. is featured on the internationally acclaimed site Eight Cities Map which is read in more than One hundred eighty-five countries!

Click here: EightCitiesMAP Choose “Philadelphia’s Online Community 

Newsletter” from the menu.

Page 10

Hereeeeeeeeeeeeees... Kathy’s Korner!

Mary was having a tough day and had stretched herself out on the couch to do a bit of what she thought to be well-deserved complaining and self- pitying.
She moaned to her mom and brother, "Nobody loves me ... the whole world hates me!"
Her brother, busily occupied playing a game, hardly looked up at her and passed on this encouraging word: "That's not true, Mary. Some people don't even know you."

(Kathy Parsons is a regular contributor.)

Page 11

"It is literally true that you can succeed best and quickest by helping others to succeed." - Napoleon Hill

Page 12

Nothing real can be threatened.
Nothing unreal exists.
Herein lies the peace of GOD.

Page 13

Now that it's all over, what did you really do yesterday that's worth mentioning?  ~Coleman

Page 14

We have to live today by what truth we can get today and be ready tomorrow to call it falsehood.  ~William James

Page 15

The important thing is this:  To be able at any moment to sacrifice that which we are for what we could become.  ~Charles DuBois

Page 16

We have a choice every day - to act on yesterday's good intentions or get an early start on tomorrow's regrets.  ~Robert Brault

Page 17

You do not have the right to quit trying. (The universe wobbles when you do.) You have the right to quit Toxic People. (They're contagious.) ~Dr. SunWolf

Page 18

When "Why not do it?" barely outweights "Why do it?" - don't do it.  ~Mignon McLaughlin

Page 19

Giving up doesn't always mean you are weak.  Sometimes it means that you are strong enough to let go.  ~Author Unknown


supposititious \suh-poz-uh-TISH-uhs\ Fraudulently substituted for something else; not being what it purports to be; not genuine; spurious; counterfeit; Hypothetical; supposed.

Greetings Coalition Family!


If you ask this question of anyone who lives under the authority/influence of the european, the answer would be the particular dark people of that region. If you look at the actual, or as close to actual as you will be allowed to get, you will see that dark people are by far the majority. Even groups of people called europeans such as the Greek, Italian, Spanish and French are infused with melanin.

The minority ‘problem’ is so pervasive, that birth control and abortions are made free to those of color, and while more fertility drugs are being developed for the true minorities. They have even influenced dark people to embrace the philosophy of ‘pro-choice’ groups and to echo the chants of “our bodies, ourselves”. All part of the master plan of genocide for the earth’s darker nations.

Copyright © 2004 G. R. Adams

We are not immigrants; we did not seek entry into this country bringing the flavor and culture of our homeland with us to contribute to the ‘melting pot’. We are descendents of those kidnapped and forced to assimilate into this society, and prohibited to retain any of our original culture. So when you ask “Why don’t Blacks stick together like other immigrants?” The answer: is 400 years of slavery successfully eradicated the glue of commonality that all other immigrants brought with them to this land”. - Madu

We each hold a piece to the puzzle.” – Dr. John Elliott Churchville

Communicate… Cooperate… Collaborate”


It is easier to build children than it is to repair men.”…Frederick Douglass

Office of Specialized Services of the School District of Phila.

The Office of Specialized Services (OSS) is committed to the educational, social, physical, and emotional well being of students within the School District of Philadelphia. The OSS provides comprehensive special education, behavioral health, school health, and prevention/intervention programs. 215-400-4170

On the website

Please also remember that this and all content on CAP4Kids can be translated into almost any language using the flags at the bottom of each page. Thanks.

----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----



PLBC Virtual Job Fair

Are you job searching? 

The PLBC has added a Virtual Job Fair to the online Employment Center to assist you in beginning your job search. Employers across the state are looking to add qualified, hardworking individuals to their respective teams, and many of them are hiring now!

I recommend that you have an updated resume and reference list and be prepared to fill out applications and cover letters for each job to which you apply.

The Employment Center also features many tools that can helpprepare you for employment, including resume writing tips and samples.

The road to employment is littered with obstacles, but I will continue to partner with you through the process. I encourage you to take advantage of this resource.

If you are unable to reach the Virtual Job Fair through the link provided, you can also visit by typing in the URL

----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----


Jobs Gone Wild

Wednesday, January 16, 2013, 10AM - 2:30PM

Harrah’s Philadelphia

777 Harrah’s Boulevard

Chester, PA 19013


King of Prussia Job Fair

Tuesday, January 22, 2013, 11AM - 2PM

DoubleTree by Hilton Philadelphia Valley Forge

301 West Dekalb Pike

King of Prussia, PA 19406


Hiring Our Heroes - Philadelphia 76ers Armed Forces Job and Opportunity Fair

Monday, January 28, 2013, 1PM – 4PM

Wells Fargo Center

3601 South Broad Street

Philadelphia, PA 19148


Diversity / Professional Job Fair

Wednesday, February 13, 2013, 10AM - 2PM

Doubletree Hotel Philadelphia

237 South Broad Street

Philadelphia, PA 19107


The Job Fair of Philadelphia

Monday, February 25, 2013, 10AM - 1PM

Doubletree Guest Suites Hotel

640 West Germantown Pike

Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462


Philadelphia Job Fair

Monday, March 4, 2013, 11AM - 2PM

Crowne Plaza Philadelphia West

4010 City Avenue

Philadelphia, PA 19131


Valley Forge Job Fair

Tuesday, March 5, 2013, Job Fair 9:30AM - 2:30PM

Classes 8AM - 3:30PM

Valley Forge Casino Resort

1160 First Avenue

King of Prussia PA 19406


King of Prussia Career Fair

Monday, March 18, 2013 11AM - 2PM

Crowne Plaza Hotel Valley Forge

260 Mall Boulevard

King of Prussia, PA 19406


Philadelphia Career Fair

Monday, April 8, 2013, 11AM - 2PM

Crowne Plaza

4010 City Avenue

Philadelphia, PA 19131


The Diversity Job Fair of Philadelphia

Tuesday, April 23, 2013, 10AM - 1PM

Doubletree Guest Suites Hotel

640 West Germantown Pike

Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462



Don Ringgold's Health Wealth(sm): The Genesis Project (Article VIII)

 Eating one thing at a time is ideal. The body processes that one thing without the power of that food being diluted. . Combinations should be limited to three different foods at a meal ideally. The stomach two thirds full will bless one with the best digestion. These are literal examples why moderation is the key.

 In regard to breads toasted eliminates the yeast that would produce mucus in the system. Pumpernickel, rye, whole wheat, brown breads with no preservatives, are most nutritious. Unleavened bread is a good choice.

Although not recommended, if one chooses dark beer or ale, they are less mucus producing choices as well.  They are good choices toward transitioning to no alcohol or poisonous consumption. As the transition from non- living, to living foods are experienced, the taste buds change. Food tastes better and the cravings for food and drink that were stimulants begin to dissipate. The eyes, skin, and tongue are barometers for detecting encumbrance in the system. For instance, if the whites of the eyes are yellow, the liver is sending the message for help. A facial eruption, or an eruption somewhere else on the skin, is the warning system of the body. The tongue that is coated is indicating a build up of mucus and poison in the system. It’s wonderful when the individual can listen to his or her body. The more you try, the more you will be able to hear the physician in your heart; the true doctor you can ask about what condition your body is in.

 “The closer you get to God, the closer God will get to you.” As time reveals the truth, an attunement with the inner self will emerge. One will hear what solutions are best. In fact we are already healed. It is our job to increase the resources of knowledge, understanding, and wisdom in order to make harmonious judgments.

 As the waste is loosened by proper diet and herbal application some people are confronted with the pull between the forces of good and evil or love and evil. The question is whom do we belong to? To whom do we belong?  This is where things can become critical. The person may feel tired or sick because the poisons are leaving the system. At this point there’s a real war going on. One force wants to give you life in abundance. The other wants to kill you. It can be a struggle. It is a struggle. We can learn to enjoy the struggle because; in the final analysis we will be in paradise.
Copyright Don Ringgold,2013

----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----

Season's Greetings to everyone and hope your holidays are safe & peaceful thus far. 

Its been an awesome year but the Winter Solstice is closely upon us. Hope everyone will be doing their spiritual work, cleaning out the clutter to receive the new energy which is coming thru!!!

Below is a link to upcoming classes & workshops and hope you can attend. Do share with those of open mind to holistic health & wellness.

We are thankful for everyone's support during a very tough economy and we hope we have assisted in improving your health & wellness. A cleansed & well body is a great way to receive the new year. If you have not started your cleanse, do give your holistic health practitioner a call to get started. If you do not have a holistic health practitioner, do click link below of our Chapter's Member Wellness Centers:

During this holiday season, we would appreciate your support of our wellness store & gift shop. It is your support that keeps us thriving !!

Our final newsletter for 2013 is about the launch. If you have a wellness product or service you would like to advertise, there is a $25 donate per issue per ad. We would need your ad copy, commercial asap. Newsletter is getting pretty full since it is the last one of 2013. Hope you will consider advertising with us. Those who are Members of our Chapter, advertise for free !!

In the meantime, be safe & stay in touch!

Much Luv & Respect,

Sista Shai (Shy-ee)
African Holistic Health Chapter of NY

Facebook: African Holistic Health Chapter of NY
Twitter: Africanholistic


Mill Creek Farm stand, 49th and Brown (no chemicals)

Saturdays 11 am – 2 pm

Farmers’ Market, 52nd and Haverford

Wednesdays 1 pm – 5 pm


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More ways to save water.

The silent seeper.

A leaky toilet may go unnoticed, as will the extra cash absorbed by your water bill. To check for leaks, add enough food coloring to your toilet tank to really brighten the water. After 30 minutes look to see if any of the dye has leaked into the bowl.

Every flush counts.

An estimated 30% of household water usage is flushed down the toilet. If your toilet is more than 30 years old, upgrading to a low-consumption toilet can save you up to 4 gallons per flush.

Rain, rain...please stay!”

Use barrels to capture rain from your eaves trough and save it for the next time you have to water your garden or lawn.

Be conservative, cover up.

Keep a cover on your swimming pool when it's not in use. This will decrease water loss due to evaporation by 90%.

Reduce by filling up.

You'll use a lot less water if you only run your laundry or dishwasher with a full load. Running two half loads uses twice as much water.

Stock up.

Use water you've boiled your veggies in to make stocks, soups or, pour it on your garden when it's cooled.

Catch the savings.

If you're running the bath or shower waiting for the water to heat up, put a large bucket under to catch the water. Use this water for plants, pets, cleaning etc.

Washing away your worth.

Get into the habit of turning the tap off when washing your face, brushing your teeth or shaving, and only have it on when necessary. Water running when it's not in direct use is needlessly soaking up your money.

Think before you print

Do you really need a hard copy? Use both sides of the paper if you do and add a 'think before you print' footer to your emails.

See for yourself.

Conduct a household water audit to help identify areas that you can cut water usage. Click here for water audit guidelines.

Switch off to lather.

Half the time we're in the shower is spent avoiding the water while we soap up - so switch off while you lather for big water and energy savings.

Cool it.

Keep some water in the fridge for an instant refreshing ice cold glass of water. No need to run the tap.


Copyright 2012 Boulder Daily Camera. All rights reserved. Copyright 2012 Boulder Daily Camera. All rights reserved.----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----

Recycling Services Inc. in Pottstown takes styrofoam on Saturday and Tuesday mornings.

For sustainable enterprise go to Green Jobs Philly

----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----


United Way seeks applicants for Philly Roots Fellowship

   United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey has released an application to select 15 individuals to participate in the Philly Roots Fellowship.
   The Philly Roots Initiative was developed by United Way and its partners in an attempt to systemically, yet creatively, ensure that young African American men graduate from high school and are college and career ready. The program equips formal and informal adult mentors with the tools they need to assist young men in achieving these goals.
   Eligible applicants include:
   * Individuals (coaches, community members, leaders of groups or small grassroots organizations) that have worked with the same group of at least five young black men in grades 6-12, for at least one year
   * Individuals who can commit to making a strong contribution to this emerging community of practice, and who will make a serious effort to increase the capacity and impact of their mentoring work and the broader Philadelphia community
   * Individuals who have been and will continue to do the work they’ve been doing regardless of whether there is funding or not, or whether they are being compensated to do it, and regardless of where they are employed. Individuals need not be employed or affiliated with a 501(c)(3) organization to apply.
   Preference will be given to those applicants who can demonstrate that they are serving young black men in grades 6-12 at risk of dropping out of school, who attend schools on United Way’s Targeted Schools List.
   To download the application, go here.

Grants for Women

You May Qualify for Grants to Earn a Degree Online. Search Schools.

Apply For Scholarships

Stop Paying For College! Apply For Scholarships Online Today.

$10,000 Scholarship

No GPA, No Essay, No Stress! Takes Only 3 Short Min. Don't Wait

----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----

2013 Bill Gates Scholars Program Giving Away 1,000 Scholarships to

Minority Students

Nationwide ( -- In recognition of Black History Month,

Nationwide Insurance is encouraging consumers to get on line to share, build and capture important family history in celebration of the rich heritage and legacy of the African American family. In addition, consumers can visit to build a personalized music library and support the

United Negro College Fund (UNCF).

Every year, the Gates Millennium Scholars (GMS) Program selects 1,000

talented minority students to receive a good-through-graduation scholarship to use at any college or university of their choice. The program provides scholars with personal and professional development through our leadership programs along with academic support throughout their college career.

Administered by the United Negro College Fund, the program was initially funded by a $1 billion grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Since 1999, it has funded the education of more than 16,000 students, awarding them more than $614 million dollars to pay for tuition, fees, books and housing.

The program aims to reduce financial barriers for African American,

American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian Pacific Islander American and Hispanic American students with high academic and leadership promise who have significant financial need; increase the representation of these target groups in the disciplines of computer science, education, engineering, library science, mathematics, public health and the sciences, where these groups are severely underrepresented; develop a diversified cadre of future leaders for America by facilitating successful completion of bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees; and provide seamless support from undergraduate through doctoral programs, for students selected as Gates Millennium Scholars entering target disciplines

The deadline for submission is January 16, 2013.

To apply for the 2013 Gates Millennium Scholars program, visit:

ml_ (

To find hundreds of other scholarship opportunities, visit:

_www.ScholarshipsOnline.org_ (

SpotLight On Our Efforts

Great Work Deserves Recognition!

Each year the Preservation Alliance for Greater Philadelphia presents the Preservation Achievement Awards to a select group of individuals, organizations, businesses and projects from throughout the region that exemplifyoutstanding achievement in the field of historic preservation.

The awards honor projects involving the preservation or protection of historic resources including the restoration, rehabilitation or adaptive reuse of historic properties; sympathetic new construction or additions to historic properties; or education, documentation and advocacy work on behalf of historic preservation.

If you have been directly involved in a preservation project or are aware of an outstanding effort that deserves attention, please let us know by submitting a nomination. 

Learn more about the awards and see past winners here.

Nomination deadline is Thursday, January 24, 2013, 5:00pm.

We are also asking for your help in getting the word out about these prestigious awards. Please forward this information to your colleagues and any organizations or individuals who may be interested. Thank you!

If you have any questions, please contact:
Patrick J. Hauck
215.546.1146 x4


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Family Survival Inc. is a 501(c)3 organization provides cultural, educational, spiritual and economic tools needed to create a positive and lasting legacy within the African American community. 

Family Survival Inc., a 501(c)3 organization, was founded by Brothers Rashie Abdul Samad and Rashie Abdur Rahim after realizing that the key to reclaiming the African American community lies in re-establishing connection with Africa, it's art, history, culture, economy and people.  The program started with exposing young people to the culture of African music and art, as well as learning the basics of business.  While the founding principles remain intact, the program has expanded by partnering with other community organizations and businesses in the spirit of umoja (unity) to ensure our collective Family Survival. Together, these organizations will make an even greater impact on the youth and elders in the community for the benefit of whole.

----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----


I see little of more importance to the future of our country and of civilization than full recognition of the place of the artist. If art is to nourish the roots of our culture, society must set the artist free to follow his vision wherever it takes him. Pauline Kael

Dear Friends,
I am so pleased to share with you that my first book of poetry "Eclectic Insights" is now available both at and for the holidays.  Please help me to spread the word… I hope you will buy a copy, write a review and tell others. 
Thank you so much for your support.
 Happy Holidays,
Dr. Alicia B. Harvey-Smith
"The highest good is like water, nourishing life effortlessly,
  flowing without prejudice to the lowliest places."
From the Tao Te Ching, Verse 8
Phone:    (443) 992-1156 
              (410) 747-6713
Fax:        (410) 747-6061

Peace Family,
If you're looking for something for the Holidays I have the gift for you...ECLECTIC INSIGHTS written by Dr. Alicia Harvey Smith. This amazing book of poetry is a must have.
 Also if you're in the Baltimore area you can see her

event entitled: Bare Soul: An Artist Refuge live at the

Terra Cafe'

Friday, Jan.11th.

101 East 25th Street. 

(Corner of St. Paul Street and East 25th Street)

Baltimore, MD 21218.

The event will showcase other poets, but Dr. Harvey-Smith 
will be the featured poet and author as she will be signing copies of 
her poetry book, Eclectic Insights.  The doors will open at Terra for the event at 7:45pm.
Please spread the word on your websites, facebook pages, yahoo

groups and other social media. 
Thanks in advance
Carlos Muhammad

----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----

Jus’ Words at Dowlings Place

1310 No. Broad St. Phila

Every Thurs. 9pm to 1am

  • Poets

  • Rappers

  • Singers

  • Spoken Word Artists

----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----


We are recruiting 1000 volunteers for MLK Day

to cleanup neighborhoods in our Great City. Come join as we continue to transform our neighborhoods!!!! 

These are sites so far for MLK Day The time is from 9am to 1pm. Thank You for your time in this matter. 
Ray Gant 

1. 6200 Chew Ave - Neighborhood cleanup 150 volunteers needed. 

  2. 3000 N. Clifford Street - Neighborhood cleanup 50 volunteers needed. 

3. 1800 N. Etting Street - Neighborhood cleanup 25 volunteers needed. 

4. 2000 N. Etting Street - Neighborhood cleanup 25 volunteers needed. 

5. 2800 N. Boudinot Street - Neighborhood cleanup 25 volunteers needed. 

6. 3000 N. Page Street - Neighborhood cleanup 25 volunteerts needed. 

7. 5000 N. 3rd Street - Neighborhood cleanup 25 volunteers needed. 

8. 2200 W. Thompson Street - Neighborhood cleanup 25 volunteers needed. 

9. 2700 Coral Street - Neighborhood cleanup 50 volunteers needed. 

10. 1200 W. Glenwood Avenue - Neighborhood cleanup 25 volunteers needed. 

11. 400 E. Mechanic Street - Neighborhood cleanup 50 volunteers needed. 

12. 1300 Ruan Street - Neighborhood cleanup 25 volunteers needed. 

13. 2500 W. Master St. - Neighborhood cleanup 50 volunteers needed. 

14. 2800 Jasper Street - Neighborhood cleanup 25 volunteers needed. 

15. 3000 Gordon Street - Neighborhood cleanup 25 volunteers needed. 

16. 400 E. Indiana Avenue - Neighborhood cleanup 25 volunteers needed. 

17. 200 E. Cambria Street - Neighborhood cleanup 50 volunteers needed. 

18. C Street & Indiana Ave.(hissey playground) Neighborhood and Playground cleanup 100 volunteers needed.

* * Outside PA * * *

On Saturday, January 19th, the Malcolm X Commemoration Committee will host its 17th annual dinner tribute to our political prisoners and their families!
          This highly anticipated and moving event will take place at the Martin Luther King Jr. Labor Center, 1199 Union Headquarters, 310 West 43rd Street, (near 8th Avenue), in Manhattan.
          The event will be from 3-7pm with dinner served promptly at 4pm. Donations for this now time-honored event are $40 in advance and $45 at the door. Proceeds from this gathering go to the commissary of the political prisoners who are represented at the dinner by their families.
          The theme for this year’s dinner is “Transforming Solidarity: Working Together To End Political Imprisonment and Mass Incarceration.”
          “We chose this theme because it’s time to critically look at what we’re doing and how we’re doing it,” Dequi Kioni-Sadiki, co-chair of the Committee and co-chair of WBAI’s ‘Where We Live.’
          “At some point it becomes important to recognize that it is not enough to say ‘I am doing something’; At some point, we have to figure out just what must be done to get results,” she finished emphatically.
          Special guests presenters for this year are Johanna Fernandez, producer of the critically acclaimed film ‘Justice On Trial,’ about Mumia Abu-Jamal, Malik Rhasaan of Occupy The ‘Hood and people’s hip hop artist Jasiri X!
          This year’s dinner comes on the heels of Mumia Abu-Jamal’s death sentence being tossed and on the heels of political prisoners like Jalil Muntaqim being denied parole again. Muntaqim has been in prison since 1973.
          The Malcolm X Commemoration Committee was launched in 1993 with former political prisoner Herman Ferguson serving as chairman. Ferguson, now 91, was also a founding member of the Organization of AfroAmerican Unity with Malcolm X and was with him up until that fateful day February 21, 1965, when Malcolm was tragically assassinated.
          In addition to combating misinformation surrounding the legacy of Malcolm X and multiplying the presence of the community for the very moving annual pilgrimage to Malcolm’s gravesite on his birthday, the Committee also initiated this dinner 17 years ago to bring the community together to build greater support for Black and New Afrikan political prisoners and to instill greater appreciation for their humanity and for what their families have to endure in the face of their wrongful incarceration.
          The Malcolm X Commemoration Committee has always said that Black and New Afrikan political prisoners, who were young men who were directly inspired by Malcolm to join the Black Liberation Movement, make up “the hidden legacy” of Malcolm X. Many were viciously targeted by the government’s COINTELPRO operations of the late 60s early 70s. Those operations assassinated activists, framed activists, fostered violence between activists and the police and even fostered violence between activists themselves. To this date, there are dozens of political prisoners and prisoners of war who are still in prison from frameups dating back to the 60s in most cases!
          For more reservations and more information, please call 718-512-5008. ‘Like’ us on Facebook at X Commemoration Committee...

----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----


Free online journal focuses on technology for nonprofits
   Technology can help nonprofits create the change they want to see in

the world. But even with daily evidence of world-changing innovations

and applications of technology, it's difficult for nonprofit leaders to

know how to apply it to their missions.
   NTEN:Change, a free online journal from the

Nonprofit Technology Network, provides the guidance and practical considerations nonprofits need to

make the sound investments and decisions that will help them meet

their goals.
   Free subscriptions are available here.

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Group offers low-cost web access to nonprofits

Mobile Citizen, a provider of mobile broadband for education and nonprofits, will offer a Technology Assistance Grant program beginning in January to provide non-profit organizations with affordable access to the Internet.

Available only in Portland, Oregon, Las Vegas, and Philadelphia, the grant includes reduced-price service from Mobile Citizen, with unlimited usage for only $10/month or $120/year per account. It bundles Mobile Citizen’s wireless broadband, powered by WiMAX, a fourth generation (4G) technology from Clearwire Corporation with a variety of benefits available only to grantees, including:

-- 12 months of service from Mobile Citizen extended to 15 months at no additional charge. With this, nonprofits receive three free months of service per account.

-- Dedicated Mobile Citizen Customer Care customized for non-profit organizations.

-- A free one-year membership to NTEN, a nonprofit technology network, ongoing information and news as well as access to a support community.

-- A choice of additional benefits including an educational webinar series.

For more information, email Free Trial.

----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----


"None of us has gotten where we are solely by pulling ourselves up from our own bootstraps. We got here because somebody bent down and helped us." - Thurgood Marshall

America’s Original Savings Network

As amazing as it may sound many people do not realize how easy it is

to LEGALLY stop paying for their groceries! This is how the one hour

television show began for the company whose website is at:


Q: Are these manufacturer coupons or coupons that I print on my computer?

A: All of our coupons are actual manufacturer coupons. Fewer and fewer retailers accept coupons that are printed from your computer because of a huge increase in counterfeit coupons. Actual manufacturer coupons which we issue are accepted everywhere that coupons are accepted.

Q: Can these coupons be doubled?
A: Yes. These are manufacturer issued coupons and may be doubled in any store that offers double coupons.

Q: What are the face values and the expiration dates of these coupons?
A: Being manufacturer coupons, the manufacturer determines the face values of the coupons. We currently stock coupons ranging in value from 40 cents to 5.00 dollars. The coupon expiration dates are generally valid for 90 days.

Q: How can I use $1,000.00 worth of coupons in 90 days?
A: With our program, you get to choose the coupons you want, when you want them. This way you never have to worry about the coupons expiring.

Q: How do I choose the coupons I want?
A: Each coupon book contains coupon request slips which you fill out and send in. Those coupons are then mailed to you. ----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----

Remember to support The Coalition, Inc.’s on-air personalities…

Please listen to the "Time For An Awakening" Program with Bro. Elliott, this and every Sunday at 7 pm. Listen at Call 215.634.8065 or toll free 1-866-361-0900 to join the discourse!!!!

Sister Phile Chionesu, organizer of the Million Woman March,

Nu Day Resurrection and Liberation" Show LIVE each Saturday evening 10:30 PM--12:00 midnight EST.

"NU Day" is heard in Philly and, worldwide, through the internet at: Or you can tune in via podcast at 646-652-2232

Call in and give your thoughts, comments, opinions at 1-646-652-2232

Or send an instant message to to chat on line.

Civil Alert Radio with Sabir Bey- Every Tuesday 9:30 p.m. EST (6:30 P.M. PST)

Format Style: Open forum along with special invited guests.

Listen via your cell: 858.357.8450 On the web:

This spot reserved for The Coalition, Inc. friend and supporter Jeff Hart**




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