The Urban Cartographer Online



News From
The Coalition, Inc.

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in .pdf format.

and in .doc format.


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News From

The Coalition, Inc.

6th Day May 10, 2013

Communication – Cooperation – Collaboration” Volume 7, Number 32

The Coalition, Inc. Board of Directors

Gary R. Adams (President/CEO), John E. Churchville (Treasurer),


Abu Mashkuwr Naadim Abdulkhabir, Josephine Blow, Stanley Daniels, Nijah Famous, Lansana Koroma, Abdul Malik Raheem, Lewis Williams

Table of content

For Our Children … 03

This Week … 03

Employment and Training Opportunities … 04

Health Matters …05

Green Piece … 07

Grants, Scholarships & Instruction… 07

SpotLight … 08

Arts for Awareness … 09

Coming Up …10

Computers and Technology … 11

A Hand Up … 12

Word-of-the-Week … 14

Page 02

Beware of a man of one book.  ~English Proverb

If this publication is being forwarded to you, and you wish to be placed on our mailing list, send an email to

with “subscribe” in the subject.

If you are receiving this publication without consent, send an email with “unsubscribe” in the subject to be removed from our database.

If you would like to report on a recent community event, feel free to send us a brief account of what happened in document format, and we will share it with our readers.

Send your information to: News From The Coalition, Inc.

All entries for submission should be received by noon, the Monday prior to publish date and in Press Release form.

Page 03

Whatever we worship, short of God, is sure to be our undoing.  ~Mignon McLaughlin

We are proud to announce that News From The Coalition, Inc. is featured on the internationally acclaimed site Eight Cities Map which is read in more than One hundred eighty countries!

Click here: EightCitiesMAP Choose “Philadelphia’s Online Community 

Newsletter” from the menu.

Page 04

If you keep rephrasing the question, it gradually becomes the answer.  ~Robert Brault

If you have a favorite relevant quote, why not share it with our readers. send to

We will credit you with the submission.


To join The Coalition go to: and download a copy of the Pledge of Commitment and return it to us

Page 05

Do not condemn the judgment of another because it differs from your own.  You may both be wrong.  ~Dandemis

If you would like to report on a recent community event, feel free to send us a brief account of what happened in document format, and we will share it with our readers.

Send your information to: News From The Coalition, Inc.

All entries for submission should be received by noon, the Monday prior to publish date and in Press Release form.

Page 06

One should always play fair when one has the winning cards.  ~Oscar Wilde


To join The Coalition go to: and download a copy of the Pledge of Commitment and return it to us

Page 07

There are two kinds of light - the glow that illuminates, and the glare that obscures.  ~James Thurber

If you have a favorite joke or quote, why not share it with our readers. send to

We will credit you with the submission.

We will be spotlighting members and organizations weekly, if you wish to have your organization spotlighted, forward to us information on your primary mission, your current projects and/or how you would want other members of The Coalition to be involved. Many of us are already being a support to one another, but there is plenty of room for improvement.

Page 08

As bread the better for kneading? so is the heart.  Knead it then by spiritual exercises; or God must knead it by afflictions.  ~Augustus William Hare and Julius Charles Hare

If you would like to report on a recent community event, feel free to send us a brief account of what happened in document format, and we will share it with our readers.

Send your information to: News From The Coalition, Inc.

All entries for submission should be received by noon, the Monday prior to publish date and in Press Release form.

Page 09

"He who asks a question is a fool for five minutes; he who does not ask a question remains a fool forever." - Chinese Proverb

If you have a favorite relevant quote, why not share it with our readers. send to

We will credit you with the submission.

We are proud to announce that News From The Coalition, Inc. is featured on the internationally acclaimed site Eight Cities Map which is read in more than One hundred eighty-five countries!

Click here: EightCitiesMAP Choose “Philadelphia’s Online Community 

Newsletter” from the menu.

Page 10

Hereeeeeeeeeeeeees... Kathy’s Korner!

Have you ever been guilty of looking at others your
own age and thinking, "Surely I can't look that old"?

My name is Alice. One day as I was sitting in the
waiting room for my first appointment with a new
dentist I noticed his diploma on the wall, which bore
his full name. Suddenly I remembered a tall, handsome,
dark-haired boy with the same name who had been in my
high school class some 30-odd years ago. Could he be
the same guy that I had a secret crush on way back then?

Upon seeing him, however, I quickly discarded any such
thought. This balding, gray-haired man with the deeply-
lined face was way Too old to have been my classmate.

After he examined my teeth, I asked him anyway, "Did you
attend Schreiber High School?"

"Yes. Yes, I did. I'm a Bulldog," he gleamed with pride.

"When did you graduate?"

"In 1979. Why do you ask?"

"You were in my class!"

He looked at me closely. Then that ugly, Old, Bald, Wrinkled,
Fat, Gray-haired, Decrepit

Asked, "What did you teach???"

(Kathy Parsons is a regular contributor.)

Page 11

Life at any time can become difficult. Life at any time can become easy. It all depends upon how one adjusts oneself to life.- Morarji Desai

Page 12

I have said it already; I am convinced that the way to build a new and better world is not capitalism. Capitalism leads us straight to hell.
Hugo Chavez

Page 13

Desire is the key to motivation, but it's determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of the goal-a commitment to excellence-that will enable you to attain the success you seek.- Mario Andretti

Page 14

We must confront the privileged elite who have destroyed a large part of the world.
Hugo Chavez

WORD-OF-THE-WEEK (words often confused or misused)

The old school rule is you use hopefully only if you’re describing the way someone spoke, appeared, or acted.

•    Smart: I hope she says yes.
•    Wrong: Hopefully, she says yes.
•    Wrong: Hopefully, the weather will be good.
•    Smart: It is hoped that the weather cooperates.
•    Smart: She eyed the engagement ring hopefully.

Greetings Coalition Family!

Why Not Us?

The u.s. is a nation of immigrants, from the landing of the first convicts, to the Africans and middle-easterners of today. Each group comes here with a plan, they know what city and neighborhood they will live in, and they know what schools or business they will become involved in and where it will be established. They share common history and tradition, they have the same or similar diet, their mode of dress is familiar and they speak the same language, but most importantly… they share the indigenous spirituality, and spirituality to a human being is one of the most important motivating and unifying forces.

Every immigrant, whether they wish to hold on or not, came here with these and other traditions from their homeland that makes them unique and keeps them ‘related’, and no matter how far the succeeding offspring may drift from the mores and customs of the ‘Old World’, they will always have a safe haven to retreat to should times get really tough.

We are not immigrants; we did not seek entry into this country bringing the flavor and culture of our homeland with us to contribute to the ‘melting pot’. We are descendents of those kidnapped and forced to assimilate into this culture, and prohibited to retain any of our original traditions. So when you ask “Why don’t Blacks stick together like other immigrants?” The answer: is 400 years of slavery successfully eradicated the glue of commonality that all immigrants brought with them to this land. …Madu

In order to cure a disease, you must first understand how the virus infects and affects the body it attacks. In order to reverse the affects of colonialism on the psyche of kidnapped and enslaved Afrikans, you have to understand how this system of colonialism works. Most of us, in the early stages of our awakening learned that the first step to colonizing a people is to upset the spiritual harmony of the people. In Afrika, the Muslims did it, the Catholics did it, and now every denomination of the Christian religion is doing it.

Once in place, they target the children; they target the children so they can produce the types of subjects they can control. They bleach out the culture, self-esteem, national pride and nationhood and replace it with the mores and values of the new dominant culture. The children are taken away from the family and placed in institutions, where they are institutionalized into a type of hybrid being. They are forbidden to speak the native language, wear native clothing, observe the spirituality or practice the cultural things necessary to preserving a heritage. They are taught to fear and revere the colonialists, they desire to mate with them, they produce mixed children, and the more mixed the better.

The older people are also isolated; they are forced to live in misery below poverty level as an example of what not to aspire to. Their communities are oppressed and foreign vices are introduced, as a result, crime increases and is allowed to run rampant, Anyone not willing to assimilate gets relegated to this status, while certain limited opportunities are granted the institutional graduates. These communities are labeled ‘Ghetto’ ‘depressed areas’ ‘projects’ and these negative labels are accepted, and thus actualized and perpetuated by the inhabitants. You have now produced the perfect self-hating being that will do anything to be included in the dominant culture. You have created the house Negro.

Self-hate, the colonial hatred transferred from dominant culture to dependent culture keeps us from coming together, and keeps us seeking to fulfill the oppressor’s mission of destroying our own people. And when we seek to fall back on our commonalities, the only recourse we have is to revert to the culture and spirituality of an oppressor.

Our folk have long echoed, “Education is the solution”, and they are and always have been right. But the difference between education and institutionalization must be understood before we can truly free our minds. We must educate ourselves about the systems we seek to overturn. And no matter how you call it, what we seek will overturn the current systems. We must know where the poison came from, when it was applied, how it works before we can produce and administer an antidote. We must know who we were before we were poisoned. We must understand our role in the maintenance of the colonial system before we can plan a way to extricate our families and ourselves. We must understand that we may never again as a people share a common spirituality, and keep our dogma and religious arguments to ourselves while we work myopically for psychological and organizational unity. That is the only way we can ever hope to reach the level of power promised by each of our individual spiritualities.

Copyright © 2009 G. R. Adams

We each hold a piece to the puzzle.” – Dr. John Elliott Churchville

Communicate… Cooperate… Collaborate”


It is easier to build children than it is to repair men.”…Frederick Douglass

Office of Specialized Services of the School District of Phila.

The Office of Specialized Services (OSS) is committed to the educational, social, physical, and emotional well being of students within the School District of Philadelphia. The OSS provides comprehensive special education, behavioral health, school health, and prevention/intervention programs. 215-400-4170

On the website

Please also remember that this and all content on CAP4Kids can be translated into almost any language using the flags at the bottom of each page. Thanks.

----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----


Malcolm X Birthday Celebration

Doors open 1pm; showing of documentary ‘Make it Plain’ 2pm; Panel discussion with Norm Bond of Norm Bond associates, Imam Kenneth Nuriddin of the Philadelphia masjid, Muhammad Ahmad of OAAU, Tracey Gordon community activist. Moderated by Michael Coard of ATAC 3:30pm.

Sunday May 19th

1:00PM until 7:00PM

Dowling’ Palace

1310 No. Broad St.

Philadelphia, Pa

Tickets $10.00

For information Gerald Pilgrim 1(609)790.4845

----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----

There is still time to get your Federal and State taxes done at ACHIEVEability

We offer free filing of your Federal & State personal income tax returns at our Community Office located at 59 North 60th Street Philadelphia, PA 19139. We are an appointment only site (see flyer attached). To schedule an appointment, please call the Community Office at 215-748-8838.

----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----

Uhuru Flea Market
in Clark Park
an economic development project of the
African People's Education & Defense Fund •

Sat May 18th
Rain Date SUN 19th

Clark Park "B" - 43rd St and Chester Ave 
from  9am - 5pm

antiques • collectibles • food • arts & crafts • bikes
records • books • jewelry • clothing • housewares

Uhuru! (Freedom Greetings)

The African People’s Education and Defense FundUhuru Furniture and Uhuru Flea Market  want to extend our deepest thank you to everyone who participated in making the Uhuru Health Fest and Flea Market a huge success. The turn out was excellent, the weather was perfect, hundreds of people got needed health information, the vendors all had successful sales and everyone loved it!


Amtrak Is Hiring

Great jobs for young men who aren't in college and strong young women also! This is Obama money for "infrastructure" the jobs are located all over, paid training in Atlanta, for Track Workers and Machine Operators. These jobs pay good wages. Training: You will attend two or three weeks of training at the Railroad Education & Development Institute in Atlanta, GA. CSX will pay for travel, lodging and meals as required by collective bargaining agreement.

At CSX, two of the company's core values are People Make The Difference and Safety Is A Way of Life. We are committed to offering our team members the most competitive compensation and benefits package available, unlimited opportunities for development and growth throughout an exciting and rewarding career, and the safest work environment possible. CSX is an Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer that supports diversity in the workplace. Apply online to this and other positions:

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PLBC Virtual Job Fair

Are you job searching? 

The PLBC has added a Virtual Job Fair to the online Employment Center to assist you in beginning your job search. Employers across the state are looking to add qualified, hardworking individuals to their respective teams, and many of them are hiring now!

I recommend that you have an updated resume and reference list and be prepared to fill out applications and cover letters for each job to which you apply.

The Employment Center also features many tools that can helpprepare you for employment, including resume writing tips and samples.

The road to employment is littered with obstacles, but I will continue to partner with you through the process. I encourage you to take advantage of this resource.

If you are unable to reach the Virtual Job Fair through the link provided, you can also visit by typing in the URL

----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----




International Men’s Health Week

Millions of women throughout the United States will be showered with gifts on Mother’s Day – Sunday, 12 May 2013. But what do Mothers really want? For African American mothers, having healthy sons and husbands are the ultimate Mother’s Day gift. Too many women in the African American community find themselves burying their sons and husbands whose lives have been shortened by strokes, diabetes, and
cancer. Every four hours in the City of Philadelphia, someone dies
from a heart attack or stroke. African Americans have a forty
percent (40%) greater prevalence of hypertension compared to other
ethnic groups in the United States. A higher prevalence among African
Americans exists for diabetes and cancer – particularly prostate
cancer and the highest overall coronary disease mortality rates and
the highest out-of-hospital coronary death rates.
The House of Umoja, Inc. is embarking on a mission to save the lives
of men in the African American community through its kickoff of the
City of Philadelphia’s observance of International Men’s Health
Week. International Men’s Health Week, which was launched in 2002
in Vienna, Virginia is observed throughout the United States and in a
number of countries which include Australia, Mexico, New Zealand,
Spain, The Netherlands, Brazil, Denmark, Ireland, and the United
Kingdom. On Saturday, 8 June 2013 from 9:00 A.M. through 11:00 A.M. in partnership with AmeriHealth Mercy, Spectrum Health Services, and Triumph Baptist Church, Vine Memorial Baptist Church and the House of Umoja, Inc. will host a “Prostate Cancer Lecture”. 

On Saturday, 15 June 2013 from 10:00 A.M. through 3:00 P.M., the
House of Umoja, Inc. will host “Give Dad The Gift Of Life” at
1400 North Frazier Street and 5600 West Master Streets in
Philadelphia. The event will provide free screenings with a rain
date scheduled for Sunday, 16 June 2013.

“The House of Umoja, Inc.’s ‘kick off’ of the observance of
International Men’s Health Week in the City of Philadelphia. The
events that we have planned are in alignment with the multi-tiered
components of our ‘Think Green Peace Campaign’ which was launched
in 2008 and our goals to move the African American community to eat
healthier through the creation and maintenance of urban gardens which
yield over 30 varieties of produce and has fed over 40 families;
decrease violence and the current dropout rate, and develop a kinship
in our community which will spread throughout the City of
Philadelphia,” explained Queen Mother Falaka Fattah.

For further information about the House of Umoja, Inc.’s kick off
of the observance of International Men’s Day in the City of
Philadelphia, contact Queen Mother Falaka Fattah at (215) 473-5893 or
send an e-mail to:

----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----


Mill Creek Farm stand, 49th and Brown (no chemicals)

Saturdays 11 am – 2 pm

Farmers’ Market, 52nd and Haverford

Wednesdays 1 pm – 5 pm


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Recycling Services Inc. in Pottstown takes styrofoam on Saturday and Tuesday mornings.

For sustainable enterprise go to Green Jobs Philly

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United Way seeks applicants for Philly Roots Fellowship

   United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey has released an application to select 15 individuals to participate in the Philly Roots Fellowship.
   The Philly Roots Initiative was developed by United Way and its partners in an attempt to systemically, yet creatively, ensure that young African American men graduate from high school and are college and career ready. The program equips formal and informal adult mentors with the tools they need to assist young men in achieving these goals.
  Eligible applicants include:
   * Individuals (coaches, community members, leaders of groups or small grassroots organizations) that have worked with the same group of at least five young black men in grades 6-12, for at least one year
   * Individuals who can commit to making a strong contribution to this emerging community of practice, and who will make a serious effort to increase the capacity and impact of their mentoring work and the broader Philadelphia community
   * Individuals who have been and will continue to do the work they’ve been doing regardless of whether there is funding or not, or whether they are being compensated to do it, and regardless of where they are employed. Individuals need not be employed or affiliated with a 501(c)(3) organization to apply.
   Preference will be given to those applicants who can demonstrate that they are serving young black men in grades 6-12 at risk of dropping out of school, who attend schools on United Way’s Targeted Schools List.
   To download the application, go here.

----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----

Grants for Women

You May Qualify for Grants to Earn a Degree Online. Search Schools.

Apply For Scholarships

Stop Paying For College! Apply For Scholarships Online Today.

$10,000 Scholarship

No GPA, No Essay, No Stress! Takes Only 3 Short Min. Don't Wait

SpotLight On Our Efforts

The Green Party of Philadelphia is both a political party and a grassroots political activist organization. All are welcome to join. We are an association of citizens who strive to make our city a more just and sustainable community. We work through education, direct action, and inclusive electoral politics.

The Green Party is an officially recognized political party in Pennsylvania and is one of the only parties that is actually growing.  As with Greens throughout the United States and the world, we are guided by the Four Pillars and Ten Key Values.

Our structure is is grounded on democratic principles. We strive to make decisions by consensus or by carefully delegated authority. The highest body in the organization is the General Membership. Most of the day-to-day work is performed by the Working Groups, volunteers, and the City Committee. We have recently compiled a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about GPOP and the Green Party in general.

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OpportUNITY, Inc @ The Willie G. Williams Community Center
A Construction Training Program Providing Human Services

1016-18 South Street
Philadelphia, PA 19147

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Family Survival Inc. is a 501(c)3 organization provides cultural, educational, spiritual and economic tools needed to create a positive and lasting legacy within the African American community. 

Family Survival Inc., a 501(c)3 organization, was founded by Brothers Rashie Abdul Samad and Rashie Abdur Rahim after realizing that the key to reclaiming the African American community lies in re-establishing connection with Africa, it's art, history, culture, economy and people.  The program started with exposing young people to the culture of African music and art, as well as learning the basics of business.  While the founding principles remain intact, the program has expanded by partnering with other community organizations and businesses in the spirit of umoja (unity) to ensure our collective Family Survival. Together, these organizations will make an even greater impact on the youth and elders in the community for the benefit of whole.

----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----


I see little of more importance to the future of our country and of civilization than full recognition of the place of the artist. If art is to nourish the roots of our culture, society must set the artist free to follow his vision wherever it takes him. Pauline Kael

Jus’ Words at Dowlings Palace

Celebrating ten years as a venue to local, national and international talent!!!

1310 No. Broad St. Phila

Every Thurs. 9pm to 1am

  • Poets

  • Rappers

  • Singers

  • Spoken Word Artists

----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----

2013 20th New York African Film Festival
The New York African Film Festival returns to Maysles Cinema Institute in Harlem May 2 to 6. NYAFF closes over Memorial Day Weekend May 24 to 27 at the Brooklyn Academy of Music BAMcinématek—part of the dance and music festival DanceAfrica.
Maysles Cinema
Screening Venue:
Maysles Cinema, 343 Lenox Avenue, between 127th & 128th Streets.
Friday, May 24
2:00PM, 7:00PM Africa Shafted: Under One Roof (55 min.) + Farewell Exile (15 min.)
4:30PM, 9:30PM Our Beloved Sudan (92 min.)
Saturday, May 25
2:00PM, 7:00PM Black Africa, White Marble (77 min.)
4:30PM, 9:30PM How to Steal 2 Million (90 min.)
Sunday, May 26
2:00PM, 4:30PM Zarafa (78 min.)
7:00PM, 9:30PM Tey/Aujourd’hui (86 min.)
Monday, May 27
2:00PM, 7:00PM Monica Wangu Wamwere: The Unbroken Spirit (71 min.)

4:30PM, 9:30PM Microphone (120 min.)
Peters projection map Africa's true size and center place in the world

"Good morning! It is good to be an African today!"

©2013 Balafon Communications | New York, NY 10032


* * Outside PA * * *

2013 20th New York African Film Festival
The New York African Film Festival returns to Maysles Cinema Institute in Harlem May 2 to 6. NYAFF closes over Memorial Day Weekend May 24 to 27 at the Brooklyn Academy of Music BAMcinématek—part of the dance and music festival DanceAfrica.
Maysles Cinema
Screening Venue:
Maysles Cinema, 343 Lenox Avenue, between 127th & 128th Streets.

Friday, May 24
2:00PM, 7:00PM Africa Shafted: Under One Roof (55 min.) + Farewell Exile (15 min.)
4:30PM, 9:30PM Our Beloved Sudan (92 min.)
Saturday, May 25
2:00PM, 7:00PM Black Africa, White Marble (77 min.)
4:30PM, 9:30PM How to Steal 2 Million (90 min.)
Sunday, May 26
2:00PM, 4:30PM Zarafa (78 min.)
7:00PM, 9:30PM Tey/Aujourd’hui (86 min.)
Monday, May 27
2:00PM, 7:00PM Monica Wangu Wamwere: The Unbroken Spirit (71 min.)
4:30PM, 9:30PM Microphone (120 min.)

Peters projection map Africa's true size and center place in the world

"Good morning! It is good to be an African today!"

©2013 Balafon Communications | New York, NY 10032

----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----


FREE Computer Training @ The School District of Philadelphia

Every Wednesday, from April 3rd until May 16th 2013

440 N. Broad St. Philadelphia,  PA 19130

Computer Lab A


RSVP with Stacie Leap, Digital Service Fellow AmeriCorps Member or call215-385-3131

----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----

Philadelphia OIC launches public digital literacy training with LIFT, Comcast on North Broad Street

The lessons, which are free and open to the public, are meant to teach citizens how to use the Internet in a safe and effective way.

OIC’s other training sessions include success through social networking and getting the most out of Gmail. Classes are also held in LIFT’s West Philadelphia offices at 57th & Chestnut Sts.

----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----

Free online journal focuses on technology for nonprofits
   Technology can help nonprofits create the change they want to see in

the world. But even with daily evidence of world-changing innovations

and applications of technology, it's difficult for nonprofit leaders to

know how to apply it to their missions.
   NTEN:Change, a free online journal from the

Nonprofit Technology Network, provides the guidance and practical considerations nonprofits need to

make the sound investments and decisions that will help them meet

their goals.
   Free subscriptions are available here.

----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----

Group offers low-cost web access to nonprofits

Mobile Citizen, a provider of mobile broadband for education and nonprofits, will offer a Technology Assistance Grant program beginning in January to provide non-profit organizations with affordable access to the Internet.

Available only in Portland, Oregon, Las Vegas, and Philadelphia, the grant includes reduced-price service from Mobile Citizen, with unlimited usage for only $10/month or $120/year per account. It bundles Mobile Citizen’s wireless broadband, powered by WiMAX, a fourth generation (4G) technology from Clearwire Corporation with a variety of benefits available only to grantees, including:

-- 12 months of service from Mobile Citizen extended to 15 months at no additional charge. With this, nonprofits receive three free months of service per account.

-- Dedicated Mobile Citizen Customer Care customized for non-profit organizations.

-- A free one-year membership to NTEN, a nonprofit technology network, ongoing information and news as well as access to a support community.

-- A choice of additional benefits including an educational webinar series.

For more information, email Free Trial.

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"None of us has gotten where we are solely by pulling ourselves up from our own bootstraps. We got here because somebody bent down and helped us." - Thurgood Marshall

America’s Original Savings Network

As amazing as it may sound many people do not realize how easy it is

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A: Being manufacturer coupons, the manufacturer determines the face values of the coupons. We currently stock coupons ranging in value from 40 cents to 5.00 dollars. The coupon expiration dates are generally valid for 90 days.

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A: With our program, you get to choose the coupons you want, when you want them. This way you never have to worry about the coupons expiring.

Q: How do I choose the coupons I want?
A: Each coupon book contains coupon request slips which you fill out and send in. Those coupons are then mailed to you. ----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----

Remember to support The Coalition, Inc.’s on-air personalities…

Please listen to the "Time For An Awakening" Program with Bro. Elliott, this and every Sunday at 7 pm. Listen at Call 215.634.8065 or toll free 1-866-361-0900 to join the discourse!!!!

Empress Phile Chionesu, organizer of the Million Woman March,

Nu Day Resurrection and Liberation" Show LIVE each Saturday evening 10:30 PM--12:00 midnight EST.

"NU Day" is heard in Philly and, worldwide, through the internet at: Or you can tune in via podcast at 646-652-2232

Call in and give your thoughts, comments, opinions at 1-646-652-2232

Or send an instant message to to chat on line.

Civil Alert Radio with Sabir Bey- Every Tuesday 9:30 p.m. EST (6:30 P.M. PST)

Format Style: Open forum along with special invited guests.

Listen via your cell: 858.357.8450 On the web:

This spot reserved for The Coalition, Inc. friend and supporter Jeff Hart**




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