When Disasters Strike

TSUNAMI!                     HURRICANE!                     EARTHQUAKE!                     TYPHOON!                     FLOOD!                     TORNADO!                     CYCLONE!                     STRUCTURAL  COLLAPSE!

Caring People Respond!



"Caring people are the first responders" !


On the front lines of disaster relief efforts
are many volunteers who are willing to serve humanity
often at the risk of their own lives.



You can help those on the front lines of disaster relief efforts.
Local branches of disaster relief agencies,
houses of worship and congregations of faith
offer many opportunities for volunteers who are willing to serve humanity.

For example, One agency informs us:
"We could use help answering phones...
and making phone calls during business hours...
If you are available at all this week... please let us know.
Thank you"




"Caring people are the first responders" !


"O beautiful for heroes proved
In liberating strife
Who more than self their country loved
And mercy more than life"




This directory is for the convenience of our customers and visitors.

A listing in it does not necessarily imply our endorsement of, or by, the listed site(s).







International Federation
Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

(flags photo)


The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) is the world's largest humanitarian organization, with 186 member National Societies.

As part of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, our work is guided by seven fundamental principles; humanity, impartiality, neutrality, independence, voluntary service, unity and universality.

Please Read More Here.










You can help immediately by donating to the Red Cross at 1-800-797-8022 to assist the relief effort.


You may contribute online to the Red Cross at:



or donate $10 to be charged to your cell phone bill by texting "HAITI" to "90999."


Yele Haiti is a movement led by Wyclef Jean that is helping to bring hope back to Haiti.

You may contribute online to Yele Haiti at:



or donate $5 to be charged to your cell phone bill by texting "YELE" to "501501."


Find more ways to help through the Center for International Disaster Information at:




and to support the urgent humanitarian efforts you may also go to:




to learn more ways to contribute.




The Editor,








Donate to the NAACP
Disaster Relief Fund

Click Here

Give Your Support
to Help Victims of the
earthquake in Haiti,
Hurricane Katrina
and other catastrophes.






Yes YOU CAN Help!

There to Care

Helping You Share


American Red Cross




The Salvation Army
The Army of Compassion








"National Next Of Kin Registry"
National Next Of Kin Registry   


The National Next Of Kin Registry (NOKR) is a new high-speed solution to locating your Next Of Kin in urgent situations.
NOKR is designed as an emergency contact system to help if you or your family member is missing, injured or deceased.
NOKR is a free service to the public as well as the Local and State agencies using the search service.







When Disasters Strike -

Caring People Respond!


Blogs Provide Raw Details From Scene of the Disaster


Published: December 28, 2004
New York Times






The South-East Asia Earthquake and Tsunami Blog

The SEA-EAT blog for short.

News and information about resources, aid, donations and volunteer efforts.









How we respond to the needs of the family of humanity is a measure of
our relationship with our Creator. -

(Matthew 25:31 - 46)!




You can help those on the front lines of disaster relief efforts.
Local branches of disaster relief agencies,
houses of worship and congregations of faith
offer many opportunities for volunteers who are willing to serve humanity.


Metacrawler Search


The Internet is also an excellent resource for information about rescue, recovery and rebuilding.







We have more helpful information on our site.


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