The Barbershop
was traditionally a positive institution
in the Black community.

What Happened?


Traditionally the 
Barbershop was a positive institution in the Black community. 

Mrs Rosa Parks' husband, Raymond Parks, and the Editor's grandfather
were both from Alabama and both were professional barbers.
Urban Cartographer Online photograph of
Dan's Barbershop by Earl Daniels


For most critics of the movie,
there was never a question of censorship.
It was simply a matter of
"Responsibility in Free Speech!"

Responsibility in Free Speech.






A Note
From our Editor: 

Many Concerned Voices Raised

Many concerned people urged the entertainers and producers to consider the long term damaging consequences of parts of their film.

Outspoken voices included several notable community leaders including Reverend Al Sharpton, Dr Dick Gregory and Minister Louis Farrakhan.

They pointed out that future viewers, having little or no knowledge of the true history of the figures portrayed would take the film's message literally and incorrectly.

Constructive suggestions were offered that included one by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan.

By simply shifting some of the controversial lines in the script, he recommended, an elder could correct the error and buffoonery of a younger person lacking understanding.

This would be in the best tradition of cultures from all of the families of humanity.

This could have been done without either censorship or detracting from any humor or other entertainemnt value intended from the lines.


Minister Farrakhan
Meets The Black Press

By Herb Boyd

TBWT National Editor
Article Dated 10/18/2002

Of the current controversy about the movie "Barbershop," Farrakhan said he finally went to see it at the urging of Rev. Jesse Jackson, who is ridiculed in the film. "I didn't find anything funny," he said. "The movie divides us along the lines of elders and our youth."

While Farrakhan praised Cedric the Entertainer and Ice Cube, noting that they were "conscious brothers," the minister took exception to their characterization and disparaging remarks about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr and Rosa Parks. "We have to honor and recognize the struggle that Rosa Parks and Dr. King gave us," he continued. "I was never a civil rights activist; I was a nationalist, but I admired Martin Luther King, Jr. Whether we agree or not, we have to acknowledge their struggle."

Another Note
From our Editor: 

Media Presentations
Can Have Very Long Lives!

A daily television program guide recently listed several movies from past decades (including the 1950's, 1940's and 1930's).

One movie was 73 years old.

Most people who were born 73 years ago are either dead or on life support!

What will your grand and great grand children learn from today's media productions?







A Related Item

From October 2010









Nearly three years before
the world famous
Bill Cosby Speech
of May 17, 2004

Minister Louis Farrakhan
Challenged the Hip Hop community
to Accept the Responsibilities
of Leadership

at the Hip Hop Summit
in June of 2001!

More recently,
the "Beloved Minister":
Again Calls for Sanity.

Minister Farrakhan holds intimate conversation
with industry artists and executives
The true value of hip-hop.

In addition,
More Concerned Leaders
and Activists Call for Change.

Ministers & Communities Challenge
industry artists and executives
"It's time for responsibility!"









Honored by Congress and the President,
disrespected by ingrates who should know better.
("You go figure that one out!"
Please let us know if and when you do.) 


Mrs Rosa Parks is honored by President 



"Children are my passion and I believe that everyone can make a difference in their lives.


Our young people are curious, eager to learn,

and need the guidance of mentors who care about their development.


After all, they are our future and we must someday depend on their leadership.


We hope to encourage an environment of dignity, responsibility,

and a commitment to treat others as we wish to be treated."


Rosa Parks




Commemorating the establishment of the

Rosa and Raymond Parks Institute for Self Development.











The following correspondence
was first sent electronically
several days before hard copy
was sent via the postal service.

Please note that the mailing address in
Jersey City, NJ 07309
is no long valid due to post office closings.

For more information, please use the contact form on this web site






multimedia, technical, professional & consultant services

Producing INTERCITY SPORTS REVIEW - Online     and  Urban Cartographer Online         

   P.O. Box 9041        Jersey City, NJ 07309

E-mail:            "B2B E-Commerce"

Web site:



Rosa & Raymond Parks Institute for Self-Development

65 Cadillac Square - Ste 2200

Detroit, MI 48226


14 March 2003


Greetings Mrs Parks:


Your refusal to "move to the back of the 'barbershop'" is just as noteworthy as your earlier refusal to move to the back of the bus.

What are young people being taught by certain elements of the media?

Is a copy of your statement available?

I would like to add it to the Web page.


Gratefully yours,


Stan Daniels, Editor,









multimedia, technical, professional & consultant services

Producing INTERCITY SPORTS REVIEW - Online     and  Urban Cartographer Online         

   P.O. Box 9041        Jersey City, NJ 07309

E-mail:            "B2B E-Commerce"

Web site:  http://





4805 Mt. Hope Drive

Baltimore Maryland 21215

14 March 2003




Please convey my hopes to the appropriate administrators that the 2004 Image Awards activities shall be more positively reflective of our ancestry and more supportive of our posterity.




Stan Daniels, Editor,

Urban Cartographer Online,









 James Brown
(1933 - 2006)


James Brown Speaks
About Today's Songs

"I firmly believe that Black music should never be 'dirty.'
And if you think about it, how could it be, unless someone . . . was allowing it?"

Read More Here















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