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News From
The Coalition, Inc.

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News From
The Coalition, Inc.
Friday 19 February 2010 “Communication – Cooperation – Collaboration” Volume 4, Number 25
The Coalition, Inc.
Board of Directors
Gary R. Adams
(President/CEO), John
E. Churchville
Josephine Blow, Stanley
Daniels, Edwin
Desamour, Nijah
Famous, Kendall Hayes-
Fullard, Tom ‘Bunny’
Henry, Abdul Malik
Table of content
For Our Children … 02
This Week … 05
Employment and
Training Opportunities
… 09
Health Matters …10
Green Piece … 11
Personal and Home
Security …13
Grants, Scholarships &
Instruction… 14
SpotLight … 20
Arts for Awareness …
Coming Up …26
Computers and
Technology … 33
A Hand Up … 34
On The Airways … 36
Page 02
Greetings Coalition Family!
It looks like the Northeast is going to get a weather break. The worst
may be over, but we still need to be courteous to each other. Narrowed
streets minimized parking spaces and shortened tempers create
conditions more hazardous than the weather. Patience is the key to
avoiding volatile situations, use it freely. Take time to enjoy some
wintertime fun with the family.
This month we celebrate the life of one of the most famous black
persons in the 19th century, Frederick Douglass. Read more here
Unfortunately the tone of the times has so drastically changed that we
must take extra precaution to ensure the safety of our families and
homes. To this end, we are now featuring information on how to best
secure your person and home. See the new feature PERSONAL AND
We are looking forward to meeting with more of you this year, please
email or call to have a member of The
Coalition, Inc. at your next meeting or event.
“Freedom is not something that one people can bestow on another as a
gift. They claim it as their own and none can keep it from them”.
Kwame Nkrumah
If this publication is
being forwarded to
you, and you wish to
be placed on our
mailing list, send an
email to
with “subscribe” in the
If you are receiving
this publication
without consent, send
an email with
“unsubscribe” in the
subject to be removed
from our database.
If you would like to
report on a recent
community event, feel
free to send us a brief
account of what
happened in document
format, and we will
share it with our
Send your information
to: News From The
Coalition, Inc.
All entries for
submission should be
received by noon, the
Monday prior to
publish date and in
Press Release form.
“It is easier to build children than it is to repair men.”…Frederick Douglass
Dear Family and Friends
We are excited to announce the 5th Annual Philadelphia Fatherhood
Festival. The event will be held on Saturday, June 12, 2010 at the
Pennsylvania Convention Center. The Fatherhood Festival addresses
the issues that plague our families and communities. The event is a
FREE, full day conference consisting of discussion groups, notable
guest speakers, and educational roundtables for all fathers and fatherfigures.
Our goal is to change the lives of men, thereby changing the
lives of children and families forever. We are asking for your help.
Fatherhood Festival Planning Committee
Festival Planning Meeting
Strategic Planning
Please join Us at our Festival planning meeting. We need your thoughts,
ideas, and suggestions. Each day most of us are involved in meetings
and sessions that have minimal impact to our community. The Father
Festival will provide you with the opportunity to give back and help
strengthen our children and our families. We need you, your experience,
and your vision to make the festival a success. Please come out and help
us make a difference.
Our kickoff meeting will be held on
Monday, February 22, 2010
at the
School District of Philadelphia Main Building,
Parent Resource Center,
440 N. Broad Street (Broad & Spring Garden).
Please mark your calendars. The subsequent meetings will be held at
the same location on the following dates:
- February 22
- March 8
- March 22
- April 5
- April 19
Page 03
We are proud to
announce that News
From The Coalition,
Inc. is featured on the
acclaimed site Eight
Cities Map which is
read in more than 0ne
hundred fifty-five
Click here:
“Philadelphia’s Online
“Newsletter” from the
To join The Coalition
go to:
and download a copy
of the Pledge of
Commitment and
return it to us
- May 3
- May 17
- May 31
- June 7
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
The Conflict Hotline
A TV Show on Conflict Resolution and NVC
The Conflict Hotline! is a live conflict-resolution TV show facilitated by
certified CNVC (Center for Nonviolent Communication) trainer Dr.
Miki Kashtan. Each month, Miki and the Conflict Hotline! Cast
demonstrates how to use Nonviolent Communication to transform
situations and create solutions that work for all.
Check out past shows at
The next Conflict Hotline show will stream live at at
7:30p.m. on
Thursday, February 11.
Send your conflict situation or hard-to-hear one-liner message to, or call in live during the first 45 minutes of
the show at (510) 433-0700.
Read More: The Conflict Hotline!
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
CAP4Kids Hint of the week
There are many reasons that our city's children drop out of high school,
but for each non-graduate, it is OUR collective failure, our broken
promise, and we ALL must pay the price in lost wages, increased
violence, and dashed hopes and dreams.
A recent report from the Alliance for Excellent Education demonstrates
the cost to our city of having 16,400 student drop out in 2008.
From an early age we must all help children maximize their education
potential from quality early education, to early intervention, to Head
Start programs, literacy for both children and their parents, educational
resources, scholarship programs, and if a child does "drop out",
programs for Out-of-School youth that will reengage him/her to get their
On the website, there are listings for all
these issues. On the Education parent handout, many of the community
educational organizations can be found. PLEASE become familiar with
all of these great resources and help bridge the gap between families and
children in need and the social service agencies that serve them by using
Page 04
America is false to the past,
false to the present, and
solemnly binds herself to be
false to the future.
Frederick Douglass
If you have a
favorite relevant
quote, why not
share it with our
readers. send to
We will credit you
with the submission.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
With a little over 50% of our kids graduating high school on time
and only 18% graduating college, we MUST all work on this issue
together for the future of our city.
The Mayor's office recently created an office called
"PhillyGoes2College" that will start working to improve these statistics
_focus_on_increasing_college_admissions.html), and on the website, under the Education Handout,
you will find multiple sources for children, families and child advocates
to help, from an early age, on the road to educational success
Here you will find listings for various school choices, timelines,
resources for out-of-school youth, and college prep and college
admission tools.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Earn Free Trip to Egypt for Black Kids and Adults
The African Heritage Institute (also known as the D'zert Club) is
sponsoring a 2-year African History Program that, once completed, the
participants earn an all expense paid trip to Egypt. This program is
for Black kids from ages 7-14 and adults over the age of 21.
See the success stories of students that
completed the program and have gone to Egypt. They are amazing.
grades went up in school, lateness and absences decreased and there was
a remarkable increase in the students respect for their elders. One
brother who attended was able to get a full 4-year scholarship to school
as a result of being a part of the program.
Get all of the details at
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Help For Parents With School-Age Children
Page 05
From an actual newspaper
contest where entrants age
4 to 15 were asked to
imitate "Deep Thoughts by
Jack Handey."...
This feature will resume
Fri 05 March
To join The Coalition
go to:
and download a copy
of the Pledge of
Commitment and
return it to us
Are you a parent, relative, or health care professional with any of the
following scenarios?
* Not too sure how to register child for Kindergarten or Head Start.
* Trying to decide on what type of school best fits a child's needs. Public
or Charter or Magnet or Catholic?
* Want to get a child motivate and focused on college.
* Want to get child back in school after taking a leave, but don't know
what options there are for out-of-school youth.
* Child being bullied in school and don't know what to do.
* Child not doing well in school and may have a learning difference.
On the website, under the Education
parent handout
and the Resource tab there are
resources in the community to help advocates for children find help for
their child's educational needs. Please become familiar with the listed
resources and continue to bridge the gap between families in need and
the agencies and resources that serve them.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
The Food stamp program under the new stimulus package is now
called the SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program).
Did you know?
Eligibility for SNAP benefits changed so many more families in food
insecure households are now eligible.
On the website, under the Food and
Nutrition parent handout, you will find several organizations who can
help families find out if they are eligible. Also, on the COMPASS
website they can apply for these benefits and many others.
For more info you can also go to
Please continue to link families in need with the appropriate social
services agencies that serve them through Cap4Kids. Thanks.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Online resources for parents:,,
Hi WPEBers
Page 06
Many a revolution started
with the actions of a few.
Only 56 men signed the
Declaration of
Independence. A few
hanging together can lead a
nation to change. - Wynton
To join The Coalition
go to:
and download a copy
of the Pledge of
Commitment and
return it to us
Hope everyone is surviving through the weather. Just a reminder that
the Studio cleaning and improvement day will take place Saturday,
February 13th, from 10am - 2pm.
If you're interested in volunteering for any amount of time, feel free
to email or just show up at
541 B South 52nd Street
Philadelphia, PA 19143
We're also in need of volunteers who have home improvement and
building experience. Although we won't be pulling out the tools this
weekend, we will be discussing needed improvements and finalizing a
plan to get them done.
All the best,
Facilities Committee
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Philadelphia’s only 100% community operated radio station, WPEB
88.1 FM, launches its first annual radio-thon with determination to
solidify their position on the dial.
At a time when major radio franchises are filing for bankruptcy and
losing listeners to podcasts, HD, and satellite - WPEB 88.1 FM is
moving against the odds to keep community radio alive. After a major
overhaul, this 100% volunteer run radio station will kick off its first
annual radio-thon with goals to raise over $25,000.
Sunday February 14th
Sunday February 21st 2010
Experts say that both private and public broadcasters have had to do less
community-oriented programming because of budget cutting. In terms
of public radio there is more and more radio being done with less
people, and less - if any - focus on the residents Philadelphia. “WPEB is
a community effort from programming to sweeping, it doesn’t get done
unless someone volunteers to do it, but we still have expenses and more
that we want to bring to our listeners”, says Onisha Williams, a
fundraising volunteer. All week long listeners, volunteers, and friends
from all over Philadelphia will come together over the airwaves and at
the station to show their support through donations of time and dollars.
Being stewarded by Scribe Video Center, WPEB provides a host of
progressive talk and radio programs that speak to the ears of West
Page 07
To what does it speak of a
society that places value in
shiny stones (gold, silver,
diamonds, pearls
etc.)...Ga’Kufu Ngozi Madu
To join The Coalition
go to:
and download a copy
of the Pledge of
Commitment and
return it to us
Philadelphians. It is also an educational resource in the community for
youth and residents that are interested in broadcasting. The donations
raised will help with technology, equipment, classes, and community
Cell Phone: 267.303.0264
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Art Sanctuary Book Fair @ Barnes & Noble
Saturday, February 20, 2010, 12-6pm
Barnes & Noble - Rittenhouse Square
1805 Walnut Str.
Philadelphia, PA
Join Art Sanctuary at the Barnes & Noble Bookstore in Rittenhouse
Square for a day filled with writing workshops for teens and adults,
book signings and spoken word performances. Featured guests include:
Mahogany Browne, Muriel Feelings, Solomon Jones, Lori L. Tharps and
special performances by "In the Company of Poets."
Attendees are encouraged to use the promotional code 10115566 to
purchase any books at the store and a percentage of the proceeds will be
donated to Art Sanctuary.
Share the promotional code with family and friends!
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Position Opportunity Announcement
Position Title:
Economic Development Specialist
Summary of Qualifications:
Under general supervision, assists the Chief of Staff in the development
of programs and means to increase the Office of the Chairman’s income
base by encouraging new economic projects to be created and
Page 08
Freedom is never
voluntarily given by the
oppressor; it must be
demanded by the oppressed.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Provides economic development specifically; plans, organizes, and
implements programs necessary to solicit, consolidate, and induce
resource acquisition and development for and within the Chairman’s
Works with all applicable departments to provide the expertise in
economic development and redevelopment; attends conferences, and
other trainings to enhance growth and to stay abreast of what’s occurring
in the field of economic development.
The candidate considered for this position must have the ability to
network and raise the awareness of the Office of Chairman Omali
Yeshitela. Also must be able to build relationships and develop and
explore new and imaginative ways to bring economic development into
this office.
The candidate does not have to live in the city where the position is
located, but must participate in meetings via internet and phone
conferences on a bi-weekly basis and reports directly to the Chief of
Issued: February 10, 2010
***This will be a commission-based position***
To Apply:
If you would like work in an office where innovation is encouraged,
please contact Ona Zene’ Yeshitela at
or call 727-821-6621 to be considered for this position.
Please submit a resume.
Experts say 40 percent of cancers could be prevented
Kate Kelland
LONDON (Reuters) - Forty percent of the 12 million people diagnosed
with cancer worldwide each year could avert the killer disease by
protecting themselves against infections and changing their lifestyles,
experts said…
Read the full story
Page 09
For the Lexophiliacs
This feature will resume
Fri. 05 March
(We are ignoring the many
requests that this feature be
discontinued. Please stop
writing in.)
If you would like to
report on a recent
community event, feel
free to send us a brief
account of what
happened in document
format, and we will
share it with our
Send your information
to: News From The
Coalition, Inc.
All entries for
submission should be
received by noon, the
Monday prior to
publish date and in
Press Release form.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Get Fresh!
Volunteer with Philabundance Fresh for All
You recycle out the wazoo and consider yourself consigliore of the
enviro-sack mafia.
Hence, a cause you can believe in: Philabundance wants to fill those
ubiquitous bags with produce through its new Fresh for All program.
And you can help by volunteering.
The nonprofit hands out perishables at six sites in the Delaware Valley
— where nutritious diet staples are hard to come by,
especially in tough times.
With a minimum three-hour commitment, you’ll keep busy. Help with
admin, approve clients, or do community outreach (posting mailings,
making phone calls).
Looking for something physical?
Take food to sites, divide apples, and dole out the goods. You’ll be
doing a major part to help people get the fruits and veggies they need.
And that’s a green movement to be proud of.
To participate in Fresh for All, contact
Tunisia Garnett (215-339-0900 ext. 238 or
For more information, go to
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Tips for making oatmeal appealing to kids
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Montco Greens meeting Monday Night
Our next Montco Greens meeting will be
Monday Night
February 15th
7:00 pm
at the
437 Old York Rd.
Jenkintown Pa 19046
Page 10
Do you remember this
This feature will return Fri.
05 March - Emo Philips
To join The Coalition
go to:
and download a copy
of the Pledge of
Commitment and
return it to us
215 885-4656
Link - The Fig Café MAP
The owner has graciously set aside room for us from 7 to 9 pm.
Topics - Candidates, Issues, More...
Come and meet Hugh Giordano
Green Candidate for the 194th Legislative District
Hope to see you there. All are welcome.
For more information
Ed Bonsell 267 825-4654
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Don't throw your old TVs away!
All electronics can be dropped off for recycling at either
Domino Lane & Umbria St.
State Rd. & Ashburner St. in Philadelphia
at the
Streets Department Sanitation Convenience Centers,
Monday through Saturday
8:00 am to 6:00 pm.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Weavers Way #5 plastics recycling resumes
Fellow Recyclers,
Weavers Way collection of #5 plastics, which are not included in the
City’s recycling program, will be on the 3rd Saturday of each month:
February 20.
The collections take place at the co-op's garage,
at 542 Carpenter Lane,
which is across the street and a bit further down the block from the Big
Blue Marble bookstore.
Please note that we need volunteers to keep this project going. (Weavers
Page 11
My motto was always to
keep swinging. Whether I
was in a slump or feeling
badly or having trouble off
the field, the only thing to
do was keep swinging.
Hank Aaron
Coalition members!
Get ‘Your’ web link
on The Coalition,
Inc. web site
Way members can get work credit for helping us; work shifts are
available on co-op's the online calendar.)
The #5 category includes yogurt cups, sour cream containers, hummus
tubs, some medicine bottles, and more. Your recyclables must be clean
and dry to be accepted. Check to make sure there are no other materials
(paper, screws, other number plastics) on the items you bring in.
Impurities of any kind compromise the recycling process and usually
lead to the discarding of an entire batch. Exclude any lids unless they are
clearly marked #5. (Most lids from #5 containers are #4 plastic, but this
is not always the case.)
We ask recyclers for a small donation to cover postage costs of mailing
the recyclables to the Gimme 5 processing facility in New York.
Before bringing your #5s to the collection, be sure that they meet the
requirements for Gimme 5:
All items must be CLEAN and DRY. If they contained food or any oily
or dirty product, make sure they have been washed, not just rinsed.
Items stacked when wet tend to stay wet, so allow washed items to dry
fully before stacking or packing.
The #5 stamp needs to be visible on each item. Lids are separate items.
Don’t assume lids are the same number plastic as the container;
sometimes they are but usually they are not. Check to make sure there
are no other materials (labels, paper, other number plastics, metal) on the
items you bring in.
Brita filters are also welcome! Let them air dry for several days to make
sure they are completely dry.
We'll see you soon!
Carolyn, Helen, Priscilla and Stevik
of the Weavers Way Environment Committee
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Recycling Services Inc. in Pottstown takes styrofoam on Saturday and
Tuesday mornings.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
For sustainable enterprise go to Green Jobs Philly
Page 12
Almost always, the creative
dedicated minority has
made the world better.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
The Raw Family
To join The Coalition
go to:
and download a copy
of the Pledge of
Commitment and
return it to us
WARNING: 2010 Census Cautions from the Better Business Bureau Urge
that You Be Cautious About Giving Info to Census Workers
With the U.S. Census process beginning, the Better Business Bureau (BBB
advises people to be cooperative, but cautious, so as not to
become a victim of fraud or identity theft.
The first phase of the 2010 U.S. Census is under way, as workers have beg
verifying the addresses of households across the country.
Eventually, more than 140,000 U.S. Census workers will count
every person in the United States and will gather information about
every person living at each address
including name, age, gender, race, and other relevant data.
The big question is - how do you tell the difference between a U.S.
Census worker and a con artist?
BBB offers the following advice:
** If a U.S. Census worker knocks on your door, they will have a badge, a
handheld device, a Census Bureau canvas bag, and a confidentiality notice.
Ask to see their identification and their badge before answering their questio
However, you should never invite anyone you don't know into your home.
** Census workers are currently only knocking on doors to verify
address information.
Do not give your Social Security number, credit card or banking
information to anyone, even if they claim they need it for the U.S.
While the Census Bureau might ask for basic financial information,
such as a salary range, YOU DON'T HAVE TO ANSWER ANYTHING A
Page 13
If you have no confidence
in self, you are twice
defeated in the race of life.
Marcus Garvey
If you would like to
report on a recent
community event, feel
free to send us a brief
account of what
happened in document
format, and we will
share it with our
Send your information
to: News From The
Coalition, Inc.
All entries for
submission should be
received by noon, the
Monday prior to
publish date and in
Press Release form.
HIV/AIDS Prevention Workshop
Workshop Summary
Culturally-Relevant Communication about HIV/AIDS is an interactive
and user-friendly workshop. Ivan J. Juzang, MEE President and Founder
will examine the environmental influences, attitudes and behaviors and
unique communication style of urban, ethnic and other hard-to-reach
audiences; review theories and techniques for
developing cost-effective and culturally-relevant communication
strategies; and then show session attendees how to apply these learnings
to their own HIV/AIDS testing programs, prevention services and
outreach efforts.
Learning Objectives
After attending the session, attendees will have the background necessary
to more effectively communicate with their target audiences about sex,
sexuality and HIV/AIDS. They will also have a clearer understanding of
media consumption patterns and other social factors that impact sexual
decision-making; and the attitudes, motivations and perceptions of
minorities on healthy sexuality and HIV/AIDS prevention, testing and
treatment. Such information will help interventionists, community-based
organizations and service
providers develop innovative and effective messages and services
targeted to minority audiences.
Workshop Description:
Topics explored during the session include:
The environmental context, peer group dynamics and social interactions
that influence sexual behaviors;
How service providers can be more culturally aware, and increase the
effectiveness of their outreach, media and materials; and
Strategies for attracting the hardest-to-reach audiences to HIVprevention,
testing and treatment programs.
For more information on other workshops and schedules visit their
To inquire about a MEE Workshop at Your Organization call
215.829.4920 or Email here
Page 14
It isn't the mountains
ahead to climb that wear
you out; it's the pebble in
your shoe.
Muhammad Ali
If you would like to
report on a recent
community event, feel
free to send us a brief
account of what
happened in document
format, and we will
share it with our
Send your information
to: News From The
Coalition, Inc.
All entries for
submission should be
received by noon, the
Monday prior to
publish date and in
Press Release form.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
At- Risk Youth
Annie E. Casey Foundation
A private charitable organization dedicated to helping build better
futures for disadvantaged children in the United States. The foundation
offers community-focused grants. The site also has several publications.
Provides funding to both 501(c)(3) and local/state government.
Organizations wishing to send a proposal to the Foundation should
submit a letter of no more than three pages explaining the organization
and its project and how the money will be used. Send the letters to: The
AEC Foundation; Attn: Office of the President; 701 Saint Paul St.;
Baltimore, MD 21202.
Phone: 410-547-6600
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
AOL Time Warner Foundation
The AOL Time Warner Foundation is dedicated to using the power of
media, communications and information technology to serve the public
interest and strengthen society. However, rather than simply providing
grant monies or funding unsolicited requests, the foundation prefers to
enter into sustainable strategic partnerships with organizations that have
a demonstrated commitment to pioneering innovative ways of meeting
four priorities: Equipping kids for the 21st century; Extending Internet
benefits to all; Engaging communities in the arts; and Empowering
citizens and civic participation.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
AT&T Foundation
The AT&T Foundation seeks to educate, enrich, engage, and empower
the communities served by AT&T. The Foundation's funding areas are
education, civic and community service, and arts and culture.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Beaumont Foundation
The Beaumont Foundation of America (BFA), a non-profit philanthropic
organization, is dedicated to the enriching the lives of individuals by
providing technology to historically underserved schools and
communities. The foundation believes technologies are essential tools
Page 15
"We are confronted
primarily with a moral
issue… whether all
Americans are to be
afforded equal rights and
equal opportunities,
whether we are going to
treat our fellow Americans
as we want to be treated."
Referring to race riots in
Alabama in a radio
broadcast 11th June 1963.
To join The Coalition
go to:
and download a copy
of the Pledge of
Commitment and
return it to us
for progress in the 21st century, and that given access to digital
information, people will have an equal opportunity to advance socially,
economically and intellectually.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
The Student Achievement Grants program provides grants of $5,000
each to improve the academic achievement of students by engaging in
critical thinking and problem solving that deepen knowledge of
standards-based subject matter. The work should also improve
students’habits of inquiry, self-directed learning, and critical reflection.
Proposals for work resulting in low-income and minority student success
with honors, advanced placement, and other challenging curricula are
particularly encouraged. Grant funds may be used for resource materials,
supplies, equipment, transportation, software, and scholars-in-residence.
Applicants must be practicing U.S. public school teachers in grades K-
12, public school education support professionals, or faculty and staff at
public higher education institutions.
Visit the NEA Foundation Web site for complete grant program
RFP Link:
For additional RFPs in Education, visit:
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
NIH Summer Institute on Community-Based Participatory
The National Institutes of Health has announced the 2nd summer
institute. We are thrilled to see that the organizers have responded to
Community-Campus Partnerships for Health’s (CCPH) comments on
last year's summer institute.
When the 1st NIH institute on CBPR was announced, CCPH expressed
concern about its exclusive focus on academic researchers.
In CBPR, the community is involved at the very start of the research,
so it was incongruent that the institute did not include the community
partners or acknowledge the possibility of a community partner as a
principal investigator or co-PI.
This summer's institute has been designed for community-academic
partner teams (see below for details).
CCPH has successfully implemented community-academic partner
team-based model of CBPR training:
Page 16
“We have one life; it soon
will be past; what we do for
God is all that will last.”
Muhammad Ali
Submit your own
humor, and let our
readers know how
funny you can be. We
obviously need the help.
; ) (Family appropriate)
The training curriculum, "Developing and Sustaining CBPR
Partnerships" is available online at
If you're interested in bringing a CBPR training workshop or institute to
your location, contact CCPH senior consultant Rachel Vaughn at for more information.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Banta Company Foundation
The Banta Company Foundation provides funding for at-risk youth and
delinquency prevention initiatives. The funds can be used for equipment,
general/operating expenses, seed money, program development, as well
as other areas. For more information please contact: Banta Company
Foundation; 225 Main Street; PO Box 8003; Menasha,WI 54952-8003.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Best Buy Children's Foundation
The mission of the Best Buy Children's Foundation is to improve the
lives of youth aged 5 - 18 in communities where Best Buy maintains a
business presence. The Foundation awards grants to nonprofit
organizations with innovative approaches to developing life skills in
young people through education, mentoring, and leadership
development. Funds can be used for: program development; direct
project support; specific curriculum development; and scholarship aid
for participants in life skills or mentoring programs. The Foundation
typically awards grants ranging from $2000 - $10,000 to nonprofits.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Healthy Community Outreach Program
will be granted to nonprofit organizations to support grassroots efforts
which increase awareness on critical health initiatives through health
walks, health fairs and health education outreach.
Grants up to $25,000 will be considered.
Please provide all levels of event sponsorships on your application.
Nonprofit organizations with evidence of IRS 501(c)(3) designation or
de facto tax-exempt status may apply for a grant, with the following
exceptions: advertising; capital campaigns; grants or scholarships to
individuals; multiyear requests; political causes and events; or religious
organizations in support of their sacramental or theological functions.
Page 17
Kathy’s Korner!
This feature will resume
Fri. 05 March
(Kathy Parsons is a
regular contributor.)>Awards
Ongoing Deadline
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Ben and Jerry's Foundation
Ben and Jerry's Foundation has no specific program areas. The
Foundation seeks projects that lead to societal change or address the root
causes of problems. The Foundation awards grants ranging in amount
from $1,000 to $15,000. Applicants must submit a letter of interest at
any time during the year.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Even if you do not have a college-aged child at home, please share this
with someone who does, pass this scholarship information on to anyone
and everyone that comes to mind. Though there are a number of
companies and organizations that have donated moneys for scholarship
use to African Americans, a great deal of the money is being returned
because of a lack of interest.
No one is going to knock on our doors and ask if we can use a
Take the initiative to get your children involved. There is no need for
money to be returned to donating companies
because we fail to apply for it.
Please pass this information on to family members, nieces, nephews, and
friends with children etc. We must get the word out that money is
available. If you are a college student or getting ready to become one,
you probably already know how useful additional money can be.
Our youth really could use these scholarships. Thanks!!
For a list of scholarships please visit our group ‘The Coalition, Inc.’
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
SpotLight On Our Efforts
page 18
“In today's context,
revolution occurs when
people stop believing one
thing, and start believing
something else; when
people discard their old
ways of living, and begin to
live in new ways. When
enough people lose faith in
an institution and begin to
act as if it did not exist, that
institution disappears.”
If you would like to
report on a recent
community event, feel
free to send us a brief
account of what
happened in document
format, and we will
share it with our
Send your information
to: News From The
Coalition, Inc.
All entries for
submission should be
received by noon, the
Monday prior to
publish date and in
Press Release form.
Children’s Scholarship Fund of Philadelphia
With a simple mission of providing four-year, K-8th grade scholarships
to low-income families in Philadelphia and a small but passionate staff,
CSFP currently serves 3,000 children enrolled at approximately 200
private, and parochial schools. The demand for access to safe, high
quality primary schools is tremendous. Each year CSFP must turn away
more than 7,000 children desperate for better educational opportunities.
Through other scholarship programs exist, CSFP uniquely focuses on K-
8th grade, where the foundation of a child’s educational success is set.
These four year scholarships are awarded by random lottery and are
available for up to three children in a family. CSFP families have
become active partners in the educational process contributing a
minimum of $500 per family towards tuition. CSFP students’ average
attendance rate is more than 96%. And thanks to the vested interest of
parents and the commitment of the CSFP support system, CSFP alumni
are graduating high school on time, at rates of 95% compared to
Philadelphia’s public school rate of 49%.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Indiana Becomes the 34th State to Recognize
Juneteenth as a State Holiday Observance
Rep. William Crawford Champions Indiana Juneteenth Legislation
(Indianapolis, IN) - Indiana has become he 34th state to recognize
Juneteenth as a state holiday or state holiday observance thanks to
legislation introduced by State Representative William Crawford and
passed by the Indiana legislature.
"Indiana joins Texas, Florida, Oklahoma, Delaware, Alaska, Idaho,
Iowa, California, Wyoming, Illinois, Missouri, Connecticut, Louisiana,
New Jersey, New York, Colorado, Arkansas, Oregon, Kentucky,
Michigan, New Mexico, Virginia, Washington State, Tennessee,
Massachusetts, North Carolina, West Virginia, South Carolina,
Vermont, Nebraska, Kansas, Wisconsin, Minnesota and the District of
Columbia in recognizing the end of enslavement in America," states
Rev. Ronald V. Myers, Sr., M.D., Founder & Chairman of the National
Juneteeenth Holiday Campaign and the National Juneteenth Observance
Foundation (NJOF).
page 19
The revolution has always
been in the hands of the
young. The young always
inherit the revolution. -
Huey Newton
Juneteenth commemorates the day when slaves in the last geographic
area in America where slavery existed learned of their freedom. This
took place on June 19, 1865, in Galveston, Texas, when Union General
Gordon Granger read General Order #3, announcing that "all slaves are
free" by Proclamation of President Abraham Lincoln. The Emancipation
Proclamation was signed by President Abraham Lincoln on September
22, 1862, and issued on January 1, 1863. It took over two and a half
years for the news to travel to southwest Texas.
"We especially appreciate the efforts of State Representative William
Crawford for sponsoring legislation that has made all of this possible,"
states Elder Raymond Christian, Director of the Indiana Juneteenth
Holiday Campaign for the National Juneteenth Observance Foundation
(NJOF). "Now that Juneteenth is a state holiday observance in Indiana, I
and other Juneteenth supporters in the state will request that Sen.
Richard Lugar (R-IN) and Sen. Evan Byah (D-IN) co-sponsor legislation
in the U.S. Senate to make Juneteenth a National Day of Observance,
that will be introduced by lead sponsor Sen. Roland Burris (D-IL)."
Indianapolis native, Dr. Larry Ridley, master jazz bassist and Executive
Director of the African American Jazz Caucus (AAJC), will be honored
for his support for Juneteenth legislation at the annual Indianapolis
Juneteenth Jazz & Heritage Festival on June 24th, at the Madame C.J.
Walker Theatre Center. The festival is part of "June Is Black Music
Month!" - CELEBRATE JUNETEENTH JAZZ - "Preserving Our
African Amerian Jazz Legacy!" and is in partnership with the National
Association of Juneteenth Jazz Prsenters (NAJJP).
"As more states like Indiana pass Juneteenth legislation, we hope that
President Barack Obama will finally establish Juneteenth as a National
Holiday Observance by issuing a Presidential Proclamation, "This is
another significant development in our campaign to establish Juneteenth
a National Day of Observance in America," states Rev. Ronald V.
Myers, Sr., M.D."
Thousands of petitions have been forwarded to the White House urging
President Obama to make Juneteenth a National Day of Observance and
to establish a Presidential National Juneteenth Commission.
"The official recognition of Juneteenth Independence Day and the end of
enslavement by state governments and congress are very significant
steps in bringing healing to America from the legacy of enslavement,"
page 20
A leader or a man of action
in a crisis almost always
acts subconsciously and
then thinks of the reasons
for his action…Jawaharlal
states Rev., Dr. Myers, also Chairman of the National Juneteenth
Christian Leadership Council (NJCLC) and the Founder and Director of
the National Day of Reconciliation & Healing From the Legacy of
Enslavement during the annual WASHINGTON JUNETEENTH
National Holiday Observance.
For information on the National Juneteenth Holiday Campaign, the
National Day of Reconciliation & Healing From the Legacy of
Enslavement, National Association of Juneteenth Jazz Presenters
Observance, contact Rev. Ronald V. Myers, Sr., M.D. at 662-247-3364
or e-mail: or web sites:,, and
For information on the African American Jazz Caucus (AAJC) contact
Dr. Larry Ridley at 212-979-0304, e-mail,
web site:
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
The mission of
The Children's Advocacy Project (CAP)
is to help bridge the gap between the many quality social service
agencies in the Philadelphia area and the families that need their help the
most. To bridge this gap, we aim to empower and to inform those that
care for the children of Philadelphia through this web site. The CAP will
assist families, health care professionals, and social service providers by
furnishing the tools necessary to connect families in need to the
appropriate social service agencies that serve them.
To continue our series of Cap4Kids Hints of the Week and the root
causes of violence in our city, let's consider Lead Poisoning.
Lead poisoning directly affects our children's developing brain and
several studies (see attached PDF from Minneapolis Dept. of Health)
show a direct correlation between Lead exposure, anti-social behavior
and violence.
On the website, under the Safety
there are links to the Childhood Lead Prevention Program of
Philadelphia, as well as Free Home Safety inspections to pick up lead in
the environment BEFORE the toxic effects affects our children.
Page 21
“A leader is not an
administrator who loves to
run others, but someone
who carries water for his
people so that they can get
on with their jobs” – Robert
Daniel R. Taylor, D.O., FAAP
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Website Offers Revolutionary Green Alternatives
for Communities/Nations
Greetings. I hope that you and your business/ organizations are all
doing well. As we enter into a new year, I expect that many of us
have already envisioned what we would like to accomplish in this
new year. As long as we have positive intentions for not just ourselves
but also our fellow inhabitants on this planet
as well as the mother Earth herself, may the Creator of the Universe
bless our visions and goals to become a material manifestation.
I would like to invite everyone to visit
I am one of the co-founders of this organization. While the initiative
of this organization focuses on improving the lives of the African
Diaspora and building up eco-friendly, peaceful, self sustaining and prosper
communities in their ancestral lands, we extend a welcome hand for
all to check a part of our vision out by visiting our site.
Our site was put in video format for simplicity and visuals to keep
the interests of our visitors. When you first click on the provided
website address, you will notice that we begin with our goals on
dealing with electricity. There are actually two clips explaining the
same technology,
we recommend the second clip for a more detailed explanation on
how this technology works. The following two clips deals with how
we plan on providing clean water to the citizens and then water
The fifth video demonstrates how sewer systems are unnecessary.
There are many issues that we tackle on our site. We are currently in
talks with university and reverse engineers to have these technologies
made at a lower cost and with high quality specifications.
Any feedback or suggestions is welcome and any donations would
be highly appreciated.
There is a lot of useful information and we encourage all to take
advantage of of it and to view it for themselves, we're confident that
Page 22
Rarely do we find men who
willingly engage in hard,
solid thinking. There is an
almost universal quest for
easy answers and halfbaked
solutions. Nothing
pains some people more
than having to think.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
you will be excited as we are once you see the potential in such
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
From The Ramparts
Junious Ricardo Stanton
Why History Is Important
... We have to look at our situation politically and socially. So when hist
projected as irrelevant, as unprofitable, as a system of dates and events, as
of rarified causes and effects, it is projected that way, I think because it h
maintain the political and social status quo and because it serves a politico
function. People who are historical who have little knowledge of history ar
who are more gullible, more easily manipulated and people who can be mo
adapted to the capitalist machine than people who are historically knowled
History can become a basis for self-criticism, a basis for self-understanding
importantly the basis for understanding the motives and the psychology of o
Amos N. Wilson The Falsification of the Afrikan Consciousness Eurocentri
Psychiatry and the Politics of White Supremacy page 18
Here it is another February and African people, the people with the longe
greatest legacy of accomplishment and success on the planet once again
ourselves scrambling to cram a smidgen of our history and achievements
shortest month in the calendar year. Has it ever dawned on us to incorpor
history into our lives on a daily basis? To make matters worse, too many o
disinterested in history altogether; even more tragic; too many of our peopl
desire to learn about African genius and greatness. Too many are too com
perceiving themselves as coons, jiggaboos, niggas, thugs and hoochie mo
In the West, history like most things European is taught as something remo
far past detached from present reality or worse it has been reduced to a com
of fabrications, myths, disinformation and outright lies. We have been cond
society to denigrate the study of the past and eschew discerning how it exp
relates to the present and sets the tone for the future.
Malcolm X a.k.a El Hj Malik El Shabazz a.a.k.a. Omawali said, History is a
memory, and without a memory, man is demoted to the lower animals. B
reckoning Africans in America have lost our minds, literally and figurativel
in bad shape. We are worse off than animals because we have lost our m
When one loses one’s memory he or she has in fact lost much of their min
psychological orientation, their sense of self and who they are. This is the u
situation most Africans find ourselves in today early in 2010. We suffer
amnesia. When one has amnesia he or she has lost their past, their sense of
they don’t know who they are but also they don’t know who the people aro
are. This is why it is so easy for so many of us to call each other outside ou
to degrade and disrespect one another. Amnesia not only causes us not to k
Page 23
Find out just what any
people will quietly submit to
and you have the exact
measure of the injustice
and wrong which will be
imposed on them.
Frederick Douglass
we are now, it destroys our link to the past,
to our relatives, experiences and accomplishments.
The Dictionary of Psychology defines amnesia as: loss of memory, either p
total due to any reason, the inability to recall, functional amnesia because o
conflicts of psychological trauma, the individual seeks escape through for
(Emphasis mine.) The latter definition when you stop to reflect on the trau
have experienced during our sojourn under Arab and European attacks, w
subjugation, is one way we attempt to minimize the pain, suffering and sho
by trying to forget what has been done to us. In case studies of abused chil
spouses, often the victims attempt to block out memories of their abuse fro
conscious minds. When they go into therapy they are encouraged by their t
under controlled circumstances to recall the events of their past, to process t
through them with an eye towards healing their pain.
People talk about Post Traumatic Slavery Disorder as if the trauma of opp
ended following the US Civil War (an oxymoron if ever there was one, wha
you know that were fought civilly?). Our high illness rates, our addiction
poverty (just like the poverty of our Haitian brethren) and much of our
pathology are the direct and indirect results of ongoing, deliberate and syst
policies and practices. One clear example of this is the recent steering of tho
qualified Blacks into Sub-prime mortgage loans when they had the credit
(there’s that word history again) the income and collateral to qualify for pr
loans! Imagine the distress and angst these people are experiencing now as
their homes and their lives are turned upside down. Another example is the
disparity between the per capital spending for white and black public schoo
These are real and they are happening today.
When you visit a physician he, she or his or her nurse takes a family, clin
disease history. They ask you about your parents, their illnesses, your med
and the type of medications if any you are on. They need you to share yo
(history) so they can assist in your healing. Knowing our history as a peo
assist us in healing the psychological ravages of Eurocentric global white su
Knowing our people created great civilizations, great cultures and legac
accomplishment thousands of years before Europeans produced anythi
significance is important. It means we too can do great things. This is not de
get into a tit for tat, one-upmanship contest with Europeans. For what, mo
history they teach in school is a lie anyway. Our quest for the truth is desi
educate ourselves to the fact we are capable and creative, that we come fro
stock. The fact of the matter is, most of the accomplishments Europeans ta
for like the Nile Valley Civilizations, Sumer (Chaldea Babylon) , early Ch
India were actually created by black people thousands of years before the
Europeans appeared on the world stage.
Unfortunately many of the great civilizations created by Africans lie buried
the sands of time or suppressed in history books awaiting their discovery.
still see some of it in Kemet (Egypt). I encourage you to visit Africa at lea
Page 24
“When old people speak it
is not because of the
sweetness of words in our
mouths; it is because we see
something which you do
not see”… Chinua Achebe
during your life time. But healing ourselves is our responsibility. It would b
for us to think our adversary really wants us healed, self-actualized and em
They already view us as a major threat to their global hegemony and ph
survival; in our current benighted state. If we were to become truly enlight
empowered they would have major conniptions. But this is not about our
and their mental state. This is about us! By seeking and embracing our his
discover ourselves and facilitate our own healing.
Jus’ Words at Dowlings Place
1310 No. Broad St. Phila
Every Thurs. 9pm to 1am
• Poets
• Rappers
• Singers
• Spoken Word Artists
The Ladies of the Black Women's Educational Alliance
( Philadelphia Chapter)
An Evening of Elegance: Celebrating the First Ladies of
Friday, March 19, 2010
at the
Embassy Suites Hotel
9000 Bartram Ave.
Philadelphia, PA 19153
6:00 p.m. -10:00 p.m.
Speaker: Ms. Autumn Adkins, President of the Historical Girard College
First Ladies of Philadelphia Honorees:
Dr. Arlene Ackerman- Education Award
Bishop Audrey Bronson - Religious Commitment Award
Ms. Dee Phillips ( PFT/CASA) - Service to the School District of
Page 25
“We declare our right on
this earth to be a human
being, to be respected as a
human being, to be given
the rights of a human being
in this society, on this
earth, in this day, which we
intend to bring into
existence by any means
necessary”… El Hajj Malik
El Shabazz
Philadelphia Award
Ticket Price: $60.00 Attire:
Elegant Dress
For Ticket Information Contact:
Kim Collins. B.W.E.A. Membership Chairperson at
(Tickets are moving fast, so call or e-mail me to reserve your tickets)
**Proceeds will Benefit Our Black History Essay Contest Participants
other B.W.E.A. Educational Initiatives
* * * Outside PA * * *
You are cordially invited to a major event taking place in New York
City on February 17, 2010.
Anyone Can Whistle:
The Essential Role of the Whistleblower in American Society
Presented by GAP, Participant Media, and The Paley Center for Media
February 17, 2010, 7 p.m. EST
25 West 52nd St., New York, NY
This entertaining evening will feature elected officials, civic leaders, and
legendary whistleblowers whose heroism has put criminals behind bars
and saved countless lives. It will provide an uplifting message of what is
needed for whistleblowers to continue safeguarding the public, and what
actions you can take to support pending corporate whistleblower
This event also serves to kick off GAP's national campaign to obtain
protections for all corporate whistleblowers in the country, and is slated
to be available on satellite to over 100 colleges across the country, and
online -- live streamed and available to all.
Page 26
Do not mistake quantity for
quality. Quality of life is not
measured in goods, but
rather in the good of your
spirit... Ga’Kufu Ngozi
Noted guests for the event include:
Daniel Ellsberg -- The patriarch of modern whistleblowing, his
disclosures (the Pentagon Papers) as a Rand Corporation/DOD analyst
exposed the deceit and concealment endemic to the government's
initiation and prosecution of the Vietnam War.
Kit Foshee -- Meat safety whistleblower who exposed serious problems
with ammoniated beef product from a major supplier involving 70
percent of all hamburgers consumed in America.
Mike German -- Former uncover FBI agent who infiltrated terrorist
groups before blowing the whistle on his field office's illegal wiretaps on
Cathy Harris -- U.S. Customs official who blew the whistle on African-
Americans being abusively and unfairly targeted as potential drug
Dr. David Kessler -- Former FDA Commissioner who worked with "The
Insider" Dr. Jeff Wigand to challenge tobacco companies and
revolutionize the regulatory relationship between Big Tobacco and
American society.
Babak Pasdar -- Computer security expert who exposed that a major
telecommunication company provided the federal government illegal,
unfettered access to it customers' private information, during the George
W. Bush administration.
Colleen Rowley -- FBI whistleblower on intelligence breakdowns in
relation to the 9/11 attacks, and Time Magazine's "Person of the Year"
in 2002.
Frank Serpico -- NYPD whistleblower whose story is memorialized by
the film Serpico, and whose legendary impact set the standard for law
enforcement nationwide.
Juan Williams -- Analyst/Journalist for NPR and FOX News.
Government Accountability Project is co-producing this event in
conjunction with Participant Media -- producer of such popular films as
Charlie Wilson's War, An Inconvenient Truth, Syriana, and Good Night
Page 27
It is not light that we need,
but fire; it is not the gentle
shower, but thunder. We
need the storm, the
whirlwind, and the
earthquake. Frederick
and Good Luck -- and the magnificent Paley Center for the Media in
Manhattan, where the event will take place.
Reserve Your Spot Now! If you are interested in attending and would
like to reserve your spot, please email David Rosen at today! We'll release more information about
watching the event online next week.
Sponsored by Government Accountability Project , National Office |
1612 K Street, NW Suite #1100 | Washington, D.C. 20006 |
For all your black news
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Skip A Meal For Haiti
Most Americans eat at least three meals a day. Some eat more often.
Millions of people in Haiti have not had a meal in one week and a good
meal in recent memory. Will you skip a meal for the people of Haiti and
send the money to a relief agency?
Will you not eat one meal, on one day so that they can eat for a
The cost of lunch at almost any affordable restaurant in America is
between $5.00 and $14.00. Some restaurants have menus that serve four
and five course dinners that can cost as much as $100.00 per person, not
including beverages. For as little as two dollars a day, you can help
provide food, drinking water and some sanitation supplies for a Haitian
child or adult. A $14.00 contribution can help feed and hydrate a
Haitian child for a week. We can all afford to make a difference!
The Black Star Project is asking you to miss at least one meal this week
for the people of Haiti and to send the money that you would have spent
on your breakfast, lunch or dinner to a relief fund that is on the ground
working in Haiti.
Many people say they want to go to Haiti to help those affected by the
earthquake. The cost of a round trip flight from New York City to Portau-
Prince, Haiti is more than $2,000.00. Decent hotel lodging, which is
Page 28
I have no desire to take all
black people back to Africa;
there are blacks who are no
good here and will likewise
be no good there. Marcus
virtually impossible to find in Haiti, might cost another $2,000.00 for
one week. And your mouth would become another mouth to feed of
more than 2 million people who need food and water day.
Instead of going to Haiti, will you miss a lunch for Haiti and send the
money you would have spent on that lunch to one of the on-the-ground
relief agencies listed below:
The Black Star Project (773.285.9600) recommends that you send your
contributions to:
Yele Haiti (Wyclef Jean's Relief Effort) at or text YELE
to 501501 to donate $5.00 on your phone bill
UNICEF at or call 800.367.5437
Doctors Without Borders at or call
American Red Cross at or call 800.REDCROSS
(800.733.2767) or 800.257.7575 (Espanol)
Partners in Health at or call 617.432.5256
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
As Salaamu Alaikum,
Remember Surah Al Maun 107. Providing the daily necessities. We
know that unemployment is high, people are losing their homes, health
insurance (if they had it to begin with) and put on top of that marital
problems, etc. We
need your help today! We are getting more phone calls from people in
We have women who are being abandomed by husbands who have
children. Older women who for various reasons are alone (children
grown) no husband. We need your help. We are asking for your help to
raise $1,650 by Sunday to help keep some people off the streets.
Our deadline is Monday 5 pm to pay for their shelter, insh'Allah.
Send your donations by Paypal to
or mail to:
Baitul Salaam Network, Inc.
PO Box 115470,
Atlanta, GA 30310.
Send this note to all you know.
ma salaam
Hadayai Majeed
Page 29
“I wish people would love
everybody else the way they
love me. It would be a
better world.”
Muhammad Ali
Peace Women Across the Globe
Baitul Salaam Network, Inc.
Entrepreneur/Community Organizer
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
African Holistic Health Chapter of NY Newsletter
January & February Upcoming Event
Greetings Holistic Health Community,
Below is the balance of Holistic Health Events for January & February.
We are planning an upcoming class with Brother Hank Rising Sun on
assisting healers in protecting themselves when doing healing work on
others. Your healing work/gift should not tax you or leave you left
depleted. There are tools you need as a practitioner where you are left
energized at the end of a consultation, massage, reflexology, public
speaking, writing or whatever you healing system---Keep you posted
when all is confirmed.
For all those who have joined the African Holistic Health Chapter, your
membership cards will be in the mail this week and I hope you enjoy the
materials you will receive. For those who have not joined, click link
In addition to Life Spring Rejuvenation Center Open House 10/23rd
(below), Brother Heru Unikh & Sistah Shakti are having an Open House
of their new holistic center this Sunday, Oct 24th 2p to 6pm. The Open
will take place at: WholeSoul Community Center @ 248 Tompkins
Street, Brooklyn, NY (Bushwick) The name of their new center is
"Living Lotus Wellness Center." Heru Unikh is a recent graduate of Dr.
Llaila Afrika Holistic Health Certification Training. These practitioners
need support of both events (both are free but donations are welcomed).
They are all well trained and ready to offering their services to the
Page 30
“Those who profess to
favor freedom, and yet
depreciate agitation, are
men who want crops
without plowing up the
ground”. Frederick
Dr. Akua Gray will be teaching Reiki I to Reiki III Certification at Life
Spring Rejuvenation Center in the Bronx. For further details, remittance
of payment and downloadable flyer, click link below. There will be a 1
hour lunch break. We may order out or your may bring your own lunch.
Yirser Ra Hotep will be teaching a 2-Day Breath & Meditation
Workshop on 2/13 and 2/14/10 at 10a to 3p at Life Spring Rejuvenation
Center $400. There will be a one hour lunch break. This is the prerequisite
course to the 3-Month Khamitik Yoga Teacher Training. Click
link below for further details, payment remittance and downloadable
For information on the 3-Month Khamitik Yoga Teacher Training, click
link below:
Brother Ra-Min Heru (Gregory Felix) will be teaching Introduction of
Iridology on 2/20/10 at 12p-4p $100 at Life Spring Rejuvenation Center.
This is an introductory course for those contemplating taking the
Iridology Certification with Dr. Paul Goss in September. There will be a
1/2 hour lunch break or you may bring your own food. Click link below
for further details, payment remittance and downloadable flyer:
We encourage your to bring at least 2 to 5 friend to all these events. The
sooner we take our health into our own hands, the better!
Much Love & Respect,
Sista Shai (Shy-ee
Contact Information
Sista Shai (Shy-ee)
African Holistic Health Chapter of NY
Page 31
“Where justice is denied,
where poverty is enforced,
where ignorance prevails,
and where any one class is
made to feel that society is
an organized conspiracy to
oppress, rob and degrade
them, neither persons nor
property will be safe.”
Frederick Douglass
You may rsvp at
Email Marketing by
African Holistic Health Chapter of NY | 132-20 116th Avenue | South
Ozone Park | NY | 11420
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Group offers low-cost web access to nonprofits
Mobile Citizen, a provider of mobile broadband for education and
nonprofits, will offer a Technology Assistance Grant program beginning
in January to provide non-profit organizations with affordable access to
the Internet.
Available only in Portland, Oregon, Las Vegas, and Philadelphia, the
grant includes reduced-price service from Mobile Citizen, with
unlimited usage for only $10/month or $120/year per account. It
bundles Mobile Citizen’s wireless broadband, powered by WiMAX, a
fourth generation (4G) technology from Clearwire Corporation with a
variety of benefits available only to grantees, including:
-- 12 months of service from Mobile Citizen extended to 15 months at
no additional charge. With this, nonprofits receive three free months of
service per account.
-- Dedicated Mobile Citizen Customer Care customized for non-profit
-- A free one-year membership to NTEN, a nonprofit technology
network, ongoing information and news as well as access to a support
-- A choice of additional benefits including an educational webinar
For more information, email Kecia Carroll.
LIHEAP Extension
1. The LIHEAP program (Cash and Crisis) end date has been
Page 32
“Property is intended to
serve life, and no matter
how much we surround it
with rights and respect, it
has no personal being. It is
part of the earth man walks
on. It is not man.” Martin
Luther King, Jr.
extended from March 15 to April 2, 2010.
2. A $100 supplemental LIHEAP Cash payment will be made to
all LIHEAP households who are eligible for a cash grant.
Households that were already
approved for LIHEAP cash will automatically receive another
$100 (most payments will go directly to utility/vendor).
An additional $100 supplemental LIHEAP Cash payment will
be made to LIHEAP households with a “vulnerable household
member”. Vulnerable is defined as 60 or over, 5 or younger,
or with a disability. This supplemental payment will be in
addition to the $100 Cash grant supplement which
will be provided to all LIHEAP households
eligible for a cash grant (discussed in #2).
4. As of February 8, 2010, DPW will accept all regulated utility
termination notices, dated February 1 or later for the purpose of
providing Crisis grants. In Philadelphia, shut-off notices from
PGW and PECO dated February 1 or later will be accepted as
proof of a Crisis.
Until now, only applicants without heat were eligible for Crisis.
5. As of February 8, 2010, individual households will be able to
apply for a second Crisis grant up to the maximum total amount of
$400. The “one and done” rule has been waived.
A second Crisis grant may be issued to households who have
previously received one of less than $400. Both grants cannot total mo
than $400.
The second grant must be accepted by the fuel vendor or
utility company as sufficient to resolve the crisis.
The utility must agree to accept the Crisis amount as sufficient to
Avert termination until May 1, as per the LIHEAP State Plan.
Download LIHEAP Applications in English and Spanish at:
To apply for LIHEAP Cash and/or Crisis, mail or take the
application to:
LIHEAP District County Assistance Office (formerly Tioga)
1348 W. Sedgley Avenue
Page 33
“That old law about 'an eye
for an eye' leaves everybody
blind. The time is always
right to do the right
thing…” Martin Luther
King, Jr.
Philadelphia, PA 19132
Monday – Friday
8 a.m. – 4 p.m.
you can also apply for LIHEAP Crisis by going to:
District Boulevard District
5740 Market Street, 1st Floor 4109 Frankford Avenue
Philadelphia, PA
19139 Philadelphia, PA 19124
8 a.m. – 4 p.m. 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Questions? Contact Thu Tran,, or
Maripat Pileggi,
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Volunteer In Africa
Explore a Continent of Contrasts while Volunteering in Africa
For over a decade, Cross-Cultural Solutions has supported thousands of
volunteers in Africa on programs in Ghana, Morocco, South Africa and
CCS volunteers work side-by-side with local people in community
organizations focused on supporting social services, education, and
health initiatives.
Discover one of the world’s most diverse continents and see firsthand
the challenges it faces and how you can make a positive impact with
Go to:
Page 34
“People might not get all
they work for in this world,
but they must certainly
work for all they get.”
Frederick Douglass
indomitable \in-
Incapable of being
subdued or
Our group A HAND UP! Is now open, please go to:
In response to the needs of many grassroots organizations for the basic
tools to implement and sustain their ideas and projects, The Coalition,
Inc. members have come together to establish a network to facilitate the
distribution/re-distribution of unwanted, unneeded, surplus and even
repairable items for recycling.
To join: A Hand Up!
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Remember to support The Coalition, Inc.’s on-air personalities…
Straight Up WORD with Dr. John Elliott Churchville, Senior Pastor of
The Liberation Fellowship Church of Jesus. Future verse by verse
exploration of Holy Scriptures “…for liberation of the oppressed and
social justice for the poor.” will be available on their new website
Civil Alert World with Brother Sabir Bey Saturdays 5:30pm to 6:30pm
on WNJC 1360 AM. Also listen in on WKDU 91.7 AM Friday, 12am to
Sister Phile Chionesu, organizer of the Million Woman March,
“Nu Day Resurrection and Liberation" Show LIVE each Saturday
evening 10:30 PM--12:00 midnight EST.
"NU Day" is heard in Philly and, worldwide, through the internet at: Or you can tune in via podcast at
Call in and give your thoughts, comments, opinions at 1-646-652-2232
or send an instant message to to chat on line.




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