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News From
The Coalition, Inc.

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News From
The Coalition, Inc.
Friday 23 July 2010 “Communication – Cooperation – Collaboration” Volume 5, Number 01
The Coalition, Inc.
Board of Directors
Gary R. Adams
(President/CEO), John
E. Churchville
Josephine Blow, Stanley
Daniels, Edwin
Desamour, Nijah
Famous, Kendall Hayes-
Fullard, Tom ‘Bunny’
Henry, Abdul Malik
Table of content
For Our Children … 02
This Week … 08
Employment and
Training Opportunities
… 14
Health Matters …16
Green Piece … 22
Personal and Home
Security …25
Grants, Scholarships &
Instruction… 27
SpotLight … 32
Arts for Awareness …
Coming Up …36
Computers and
Technology … 43
A Hand Up … 44
On The Airways … 48
Greetings Coalition Family!
We are entering our fifth year of cooperation! That means we have
completed four years of doing what some folks promised us we could
not do. Thanks to all who believed and supported the concept, we truly
appreciate it. Please continue to communicate with and support one
another… it works!
Hope alone is like having hot, freshly brewed coffee without
a cup from which to drink it. Tenacity is hope's cup and
dogged determination the spoon with which to stir it.
Keep hope hot and fresh by refusing to accept the present
and deciding to create the future. – John Elliott Churchville
Ph., D
Help reduce organizational paranoia, share ideas and solutions,
“Communicate… Cooperate… Collaborate” We each hold a piece to
the puzzle.
Page 02
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If you are receiving
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without consent, send
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“unsubscribe” in the
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from our database.
If you would like to
report on a recent
community event, feel
free to send us a brief
account of what
happened in document
format, and we will
share it with our
Send your information
to: News From The
Coalition, Inc.
All entries for
submission should
be received by
noon, the Monday
prior to publish
date and in Press
Release form.
“It is easier to build children than it is to repair men.”…Frederick Douglass
West Philly Y holds weekly fathers groups
The West Philadelphia Y,
in partnership with
Daddy UniverseCity,
has started a summer series of
workshops and seminars every
Thursday from 6-8pm through August 12th.
Led by DU president Joel Austin, the series is aimed at fathers, their
families and their friends to help them learn how to raise the next
The sessions will be held at the
West Phila Branch Y,
52nd and Chestnut Streets.
For more details, email Joel Austin or call 215-476-2700 x 2012.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Breakfast & Summer Tours
Breakfast Reception
There is still time to reserve a place at our upcoming breakfast event at
Messiah College on Thursday July 28 at 8:30 am in the private dining
room in Eisenhower Hall. You will hear from Dr. Melvin Allen, Founder
and Danielle Brown, alumna and Chief Academic Office about the new
initiatives to further improve curriculum rigor and outcomes for PFL
students. Please contact Chavar Hollinger 215-568-2344 x107 or
You can also register online. Click on the appropriate link below.
Messiah College
Wednesday July 28
8:00 - 10:00 am
Eisenhower Campus Center
Summer Residential Institute Tours
A tour of the summer program is one of the best ways to see why Project
Forward Leap makes such a difference in the educational outcomes for
the children enrolled in the program. To see the teachers in action, to meet
the residential staff and to engage with the extraordinary young people
learning in our classrooms is an experience not to be missed. Tours can be
Page 03
Let not what you cannot do
tear you from what you can
Ghanaian Proverb
We are proud to
announce that News
From The Coalition,
Inc. is featured on the
acclaimed site Eight
Cities Map which is
read in more than One
hundred seventy
Click here:
“Philadelphia’s Online
“Newsletter” from the
arranged to suit your schedule, but hurry! The institutes close at
Bryn Mawr College on July 30 and at Millersville University and at
Messiah College on August 5.
To book a tour contact Chavar Hollinger 215-568-2344 or
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Cheyney University Center City
is offering a pre-college program,
for high school students entering grades 9-12. Students will learn how to
enhance their study skills, handle stress, resolve conflicts peacefully, and
increase their ability to be successful. More information can be obtained
by calling (215) 560-3891 or
emailing .
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Paul “Earthquake” Moore
Community Boot Camp
Through SEPTEMBER 2010
All young people are invited to experience a weekend of fun, discipline,
and leadership activities.
It is the first of seven individual weekend sessions for youth scheduled to
be held from April through September 2010
Hosted by Paul “Earthquake” Moore, Community Boot Camp is an
exciting and positive weekend for youth in the
Philadelphia and Delaware County areas.
For two days and one night, children ages 8-15
will have the opportunity to spend time with positive role models from
various industries including city officials, TV and radio personalities, and
sports figures. The aim is to show young people a better way of life
through positive activities and role models and make them believe they
can have an impact on their surrounding communities and future careers.
Young people will spend the night in the field, sleeping in tents, during
which time they will be mentored by the men and women of the
U.S. Army Reserve.
Activities to take place will include:
Page 04
Whatever you vividly
imagine, ardently desire,
sincerely believe, and
enthusiastically act upon...
must inevitably come to
pass! - Paul J. Meyer
If you have a
favorite relevant
quote, why not
share it with our
readers. send to
We will credit you
with the submission.
To join The Coalition
go to:
and download a copy
of the Pledge of
Commitment and
return it to us
~ Community Clean up
~ Salute Report
~ Military Alphabet Code
~ Military Time
~ Violence, Drug and Alcohol Prevention
~ Community Basketball
~ Drilling Ceremony
Community Boot Camp is being sponsored in part by
a community activist, Moore has had the privilege of developing
programs and activities that support positive teen development. Holds
basketball tournaments, skating parties, Black History Month activities,
and neighborhood clean-ups.
In addition, the organization has supported youth in
developing relationships with the church.
Don’t miss the opportunity to register your child for Community Boot
Camp. Parents can register by calling 215-385-2696 or
Camps run through to
September 2010
Donations are needed to buy daily meals, sleeping bags, and equipment
for the youth who attend. Those who wish to donate to the Community
Boot Camp should call 215-385-2696, or email Paul “Earthquake” Moore
All checks should be and sent to
P.O. Box 5323
Philadelphia, PA 19142. Video
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Hunger Coalition publishes summer meals directory
The Greater Philadelphia Coalition Against Hunger
has published a directory of programs offering free meals for children in
Philadelphia over the summer.
Tens of thousands of Philadelphia children who rely on school breakfasts
and lunches can go without during summer vacation. This year, free
breakfasts, lunches or snacks will be available to low-income children at
more than a thousand recreation centers, churches, schools, parks and
community centers throughout the city.
Go here for more information or to download the directory.
Page 05
To join The Coalition
go to:
and download a copy
of the Pledge of
Commitment and
return it to us
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
ASAP seeks info for annual after school directory
ASAP/After School Activities Partnerships is updating its annual
directory of after school programs to be published in
September in the Philadelphia Daily News.
The directory is also available on the web as a service to parents,
caregivers and youth workers.
To be listed, after school sites or programs can go here or call 215-545-
2727 ext. 12.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Partners sought for youth action teams
Since 1997, Motivational Educational Entertainment, Inc has
implemented a unique youth employment model in which it hires and
trains local youth to conduct peer-to-peer outreach to deliver health
promotion messages to their community.
Most recently, MEE implemented Community Action Teams as part of its
Blueprint for a Safer Philadelphia campaign, through which it provided
employment, life skills and self efficacy and leadership training for
100 young people.
MEE is seeking strategic partners to pursue or use available grant money
for summer employment programs in other locations, and is reaching out
to organizations that have access to
youth and workforce development funds.
CAT participants can help in developing leadership skills and a positive
self-image, receive training in important life, academic and
communications skills, gain exposure to new experiences, people and
places, earn money and incentives as compensation for their participation,
build their resumes with outreach and communications experience, and
earn community service credits for high school.
For more information, call William Juzang at 215-829-4920 or email
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
The more we learn about early brain development, the more we realize how
incredibly important prenatal and infant care is. On the
website, under the Pregnancy and Infant handout
s_and_infants.html) you will find several home visitation and infant
Page 06
There are no secrets to
success. It is the result of
preparation, hard work,
learning from failure. -
Colin Powell
To join The Coalition
go to:
and download a copy
of the Pledge of
Commitment and
return it to us
resources to help team up with families to get the support they need
~ ~ ~
Teen pregnancy is a major issue that many of our communities face.
Here are the facts:
The U.S. has the highest teen pregnancy rate in the industrialized world –
twice as high as in England or Canada.
2006 saw the first rise in the U.S. teen pregnancy rate in 15 years.
An estimated 750,000 teens will become pregnant this year.
• About 1 in 3 women become pregnant at least once before they're
• A sexually active teen girl who does not use contraceptives has a
90% chance of becoming pregnant within a year.
• It affects education - only a third of teen mothers earn their high
school diploma. And only 1.5% has a college degree by age 30.
• It also affects their kids - girls born to teen mothers are more likely
to be teen mothers themselves. Boys born to teen moms are more
likely to end up in prison.
• 75% of girls and over half of boys report that girls who have sex do
so because their boyfriends want them to.
• 8 in 10 girls and 6 in 10 boys say they wish they had waited until
they were older to have sex.
Most teens (6 in 10) and adults (3 in 4) believe
that teen boys often receive the message
that they are “expected to have sex.”
Diapers are expensive, but it's nothing compared to the $9 billion that teen
pregnancy costs the United States each year. This includes increased
spending in child welfare costs and public sector health care.
To address these issues, on the
website, under Pregnancy and Infant Resources,
there is a section on Teen Pregnancy resources
including the ELECT Teen CPC centers with a newly posted referral
sheet, fact sheet (see attached), and Middle Years and MARS programs.
Please become familiar with these resources and
refer families and teens in need.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Black College Tours 2010 (40+)
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Page 07
The quieter you become the
more you can hear. –
To join The Coalition
go to:
and download a copy
of the Pledge of
Commitment and
return it to us
With a little over 50% of our kids graduating high school on time
and only 18% graduating college, we MUST all work on this issue
together for the future of our city.
The Mayor's office recently created an office called "PhillyGoes2College"
that will start working to improve these statistics
ocus_on_increasing_college_admissions.html), and on the website, under the Education Handout,
you will find multiple sources for children, families and child advocates
to help, from an early age, on the road to educational success
Here you will find listings for various school choices, timelines, resources
for out-of-school youth, and college prep and college admission tools.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Earn Free Trip to Egypt for Black Kids and Adults
The African Heritage Institute (also known as the D'zert Club) is
sponsoring a 2-year African History Program that, once completed, the
participants earn an all expense paid trip to Egypt. This program is
for Black kids from ages 7-14 and adults over the age of 21.
See the success stories of students that
completed the program and have gone to Egypt. They are amazing.
grades went up in school, lateness and absences decreased and there was
a remarkable increase in the students respect for their elders. One
brother who attended was able to get a full 4-year scholarship to school
as a result of being a part of the program.
Get all of the details at
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Help For Parents With School-Age Children
Are you a parent, relative, or health care professional with any of the
following scenarios?
* Not too sure how to register child for Kindergarten or Head Start.
Page 08
Freedom from desire leads
to inner peace. - Lao Tse
All entries for
submission should
be received by
noon, the Monday
prior to publish
date and in Press
Release form.
* Trying to decide on what type of school best fits a child's needs. Public
or Charter or Magnet or Catholic?
* Want to get a child motivate and focused on college.
* Want to get child back in school after taking a leave, but don't know
what options there are for out-of-school youth.
* Child being bullied in school and don't know what to do.
* Child not doing well in school and may have a learning difference.
On the website, under the Education
parent handout
and the Resource tab there are resources
in the community to help advocates for children find help for their child's
educational needs. Please become familiar with the listed resources and
continue to bridge the gap between families in need and the agencies and
resources that serve them.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
The Food stamp program under the new stimulus package is now
called the SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program).
Did you know?
Eligibility for SNAP benefits changed so many more families in food
insecure households are now eligible.
On the website, under the Food and
Nutrition parent handout, you will find several organizations who can
help families find out if they are eligible. Also, on the COMPASS website
they can apply for these benefits and many others.
For more info you can also go to
Please continue to link families in need with the appropriate social
services agencies that serve them through Cap4Kids. Thanks.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Online resources for parents:,,
Georgie Woods Scholarship Foundation
Philadelphia R&B Quarter
Blue Magic
Page 09
In the last five or six
thousand years, empires
one after another have
arisen, waxed powerful by
wars of conquest, and
fallen by internal revolution
or attack from without. -
John Boyd Orr
If you would like to
report on a recent
community event, feel
free to send us a brief
account of what
happened in document
format, and we will
share it with our
Send your information
to: News From The
Coalition, Inc.
All entries for
submission should be
received by noon, the
Monday prior to
publish date and in
Press Release form.
July 24th
Clef Club
736 So. Broad St
Tickets: $35 - $40
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
PECO Green Roof Tour
July 24th
PECO Bldg.
2301 Market St.
Cost: $5 - $10
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
“Gospel Music Presents: Great Performances” 2q10
Set Your VCR, DVR to record or TIVO “Gospel Music Presents”.
Watch Us Again or Watch US Later!!!!
Email us by clicking Contact Us so we can read your comments and
notify you when we are next on.
Frank Badami
"Gospel Music Presents Great Performances"
Badami Productions presents a tribute to Tyscot Records, the oldest
African American owned Gospel Music label thru Gospel Music
performances of the label's many stars.
This show stars classic performances by: Fred Hammond, The Anointed
Pace Sisters, Deitrick Haddon, Damita Haddon, John P. Kee, Albertina
Walker, Rance Allen Group, Bishop Leonard Scott, Lucinda Moore, Kirk
Franklin, DeAndre Patterson, Nikki Ross and many great Choirs.
Please tell your friends and family to watch the airing of this show.
And If they email us
we will notify them when we are next on.
Frank Badami
Page 10
When what you are doing
isn't working, you tend to
do more of the same and
with greater intensity.
- Dr. Bill Maynard & Tom
Champoux Heart, Soul and
To join The Coalition
go to:
and download a copy
of the Pledge of
Commitment and
return it to us
Visit us at
Viewing and Recording this show supports Gospel Music which is the
foundation of all contemporary music.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
The Chester Environmental Partnership (CEP) is hosting
"Environmental Justice in Chester: Solutions for Change."
This conference will be held at
Widener University in
Chester, PA on
July 27-28, 2010.
Registration: 8-8:30am
The primary goal of this event is to educate participants
from all sectors about the concept and strategies
of environmental justice (EJ), as well as challenge
the conference participants to think about ways that
Chester can develop a model that incorporates ideas that
seem most viable for change in Chester.
The conference will focus on Chester’s Booth Street
rehabilitation/relocation issue as a case study. Booth Street is an area in
close proximity to many waste processing facilities whose residents
experience numerous health and safety issues. Challenges include
rehabilitation of the site for residential living, and/or areas for relocation
and how to fund the rehabilitation/relocation. We will discuss the best
methods to solve these issues and how to apply them. These solutions
will be a model for handling similar issues in other environmental justice
(EJ) communities.
General Conference Goals
Creating pro-active solutions to common environmental justice (EJ)
issues such as waste, proximity to industries, & pollution
Working with industry & government break down barriers
to environmental justice
Looking at the past & present of Chester to create a vision for the future
Develop new paradigms to resolve health disparities and environmental
injustice in Chester and other EJ Communities
About Chester, PA
Chester, PA has a prominent place in the history of the environmental
Page 11
Don't be afraid to take a big
step when one is indicated.
You can't cross a chasm in
two small steps.
- David Loyd George
Coalition members!
Get ‘Your’ web link
on The Coalition,
Inc. web site
justice movement. Located 15 miles south of Philadelphia along the
Delaware River, Chester has no supermarket, a high concentration of
industrial facilities, a number of waste-processing plants, and substantial
truck traffic. In the early 1990s Reverend Horace Strand of the Faith
Temple Holy Church founded Chester Residents Concerned for Quality
Living (CRCQL). This organization became a major figure in the suit
CRCQL v. Seif that went to the US Supreme Court in 1995. In 2005 Rev.
Strand formed the Chester Environmental Partnership, and its work has
been key to many recent environmental health improvements in Chester.
John Hanger - Secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of
Environmental Protection
Jerome Balter - Former Attorney for the Public Interest Law Center of
Arthur J. Frank, MD, PhD - Professor, Drexel University, Chair for the
PA Department of Environmental Protection
Barry Seymour - Executive director of the Delaware Valley Regional
Planning Commission (DVRPC)
Dr. Horace W. Strand, Sr. - Chairman of the Chester Environmental
Partnership (CEP) and former Chairman of Chester Residents Concerned
for Quality Living (CRCQL)
Adam Cutler - Director, Public Health and Environmental Justice Law
Clinic at the Public Interest Law Center of Philadelphia
Carole Burnett and Desire Grover - Delco Alliance for Environmental
Dr. Kathleen Hornberger - Professor at Widener University and
conference chairperson
Traci Confer and Amy Wilson - Energy Justice Network
Edward A. Emmett – Professor and Director of the Community Outreach
and Education Core (COEC), Center of Excellence in Environmental
Toxicology (CEET) at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
Dr. Phil Lewis - Former trustee of Widener University
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Summer Grand Slam and BBQ
Our Summer Grand Slam is Saturday, July 24th at 8pm with a pre-Slam
BBQ, all at the Painted Bride Art Center. Our pre-Slam party kicks off the
night with Sweet Lucy’s BBQ, so grab some napkins because you’ll need
‘em! While you rinse down your pulled pork sandwich with lager from
Page 12
Why did the chicken cross
the road?
Asking this question denies
your own chicken nature.
Colonel Sanders:
Damn, I missed one!
Anderson Consulting:
Deregulation of the
chicken's side of the road
was threatening its
dominant market position.
The chicken was faced with
significant challenges to
create and develop the
competencies required for
the newly competitive
market. Andersen
Consulting, in a partnering
relationship with the client,
helped the chicken by
rethinking its physical
distribution strategy and
implementation processes.
Using the Poultry
Integration Model (PIM),
Andersen helped the
chicken use its skills,
methodologies, knowledge,
capital and experiences to
align the chicken's people,
processes and technology in
support of its overall
strategy within a Program
Management framework.
Andersen Consulting
convened a diverse crossspectrum
of road analysts
and best chickens along
with Anderson consultants
with deep skills in the
transportation industry to
engage in a two-day
itinerary of meetings in
order to leverage their
personal knowledge capital,
Narragansett Brewery, enjoy retro-rock tunes from Brooklyn indie band
Peculiar Gentlemen. This hot band will set the stage for our grand finale,
featuring Philly’s finest storytellers. The Grand Slam will determine once
and for all who is the Greatest Storyteller in Philadelphia! (At least until
our Fall Grand Slam!) The theme is Show and Tell. Buy your tickets here.
The deets! Saturday, July 24, 8pm with a BBQ featuring Peculiar
Gentlemen at 5pm. $30 for BBQ and Grand Slam ($24 for members)/ $15
for just the Grand Slam ($12 for members).
Painted Bride Art Center
A230 Vine Street
Philadelphia, PA 19106
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Peace Vigil
Wednesday July 28, 2010
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
(This event repeats every week.)
Location: Outside Border's Bookstore
Street: Germantown Avenue and Bethlehem Pike in Chestnut Hill
City State Zip: Philadelphia, PA 19118
Phone: 215-843-4256
1,033,000 civilians dead during the U.S. occupation of Iraq! More than
5,735 U.S. soldiers dead in Iraq and Afghanistan, 825 of them under
Obama's command. If you object, please join our peace vigil.
All Rights Reserved
Copyright © 2010
Yahoo! Inc.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
ASAP sets 2010 Youth Chess Challenge
The Philadelphia Youth Chess Challenge brings together students to
checkmate violence in the summer in the atrium at the
Shops at Liberty Place,
Page 13
both tacit and explicit, and
to enable them to synergize
with each other in order to
achieve the implicit goals of
delivering and successfully
architecting and
implementing an
enterprise-wide value
framework across the
continuum of poultry crossmedian
processes. The
meeting was held in a parklike
setting, enabling and
creating an impactful
environment which was
strategically based,
industry-focused, and built
upon a consistent, clear,
and unified market message
and aligned with the
chicken's mission, vision,
and core values. This was
conducive towards the
creation of a total business
integration solution.
Andersen Consulting
helped the chicken change
to become more successful.
(thx. Lorraine Marshall)
Submit your own humor,
and let our readers know
how funny you can be. We
obviously need the help. ; )
(Family appropriate)
(thx. Kaylee Park)
1625 Chestnut Street,
in the atrium on
Thursday, July 29th from noon to 2pm.
Chess Challenge students will play informal games with the public,
sponsored by ASAP/After School Activities Partnerships.
ASAP is a friend of The Coalition, Inc.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
SPace Muzik & B.L.A.C. ECONOMY
First Annual Youth Summer Showcase.
Calling all Mc's, Poets, spoken word Artists, singers, drill teams, and
Community Leaders.
This is a must attend event. It's time to
Come join us
Sat, July 31st
Jefferson Square Park
3rd St. & Washington Ave.
This is a multi-cultural event...
Contacts. Marc Purvis, Founder and CEO:
SPace Muzik LLC.
Hanif Khalil Ali, CEO:
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Lest We Forget Traveling Slavery Museum
will be on exhibit at the upcoming:
Senator Hardy Williams Day observance of
The Weekend Of Peace
Saturday July 31st
Eastwick Recreation Center
80th & Mars Place
11 am - 5:00PM
Page 14
7/5th of all people do not
understand fractions.
If you would like to
report on a recent
community event, feel
free to send us a brief
account of what
happened in document
format, and we will
share it with our
Send your information
to: News From The
Coalition, Inc.
All entries for
submission should be
received by noon, the
Monday prior to
publish date and in
Press Release form.
The Raw Family
Come see our amazing collection of Slavery Artifacts, Documents & Jim
Crow Items. These objects reveal the true story of how different coming
to America was for enslaved Africans. In addition, we will be hosting
FREE film screenings of our Award Winning documentaries throughout
the day. "Lest We Forget" & "My Slave Sister Myself"
To view our movie trailers go to:
"Everyone should have a copy of these remarkable documentaries in their
video library to share with family & friends".
We will also have our ever popular Lest We Forget Little Known Black
History Facts Booklet (BRAND NEW DOCUMENTS!) as well as other
LWF products available for sale. We hope to see you at Global Fusion.
Plan a vist to Lest We Forget Black Holocaust Slavery Museum
3650 Richmond St.
Phila. PA 19134 (Near I-95 & Allegheny Ave.
Just minutes from Center City)
Call (888) 886-LEST(5378)
Hours: Wed - Sun 10 am - 6 pm
Admission: $10 Per Person
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
WURD-AM sponsors Radio Idol contest
WURD 900 AM is looking for people who want to be a talk show host.
The contest runs through Labor Day. A Radio Idol winner will be
selected at the end of August 2010 with the prize of
hosting their own show in the fall.
Demo tapes for the contest can be emailed via mp3 files to
1341 N. Delaware Avenue,
Suite 300;
Philadelphia, PA 19125.
Audio Cassette, CD or 5-minute DVD videotapes can also be sent.
Call 215-425-7875 for more information.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Temporary Summer Jobs for Oil Spill Clean-up
Please note the following announcement from Shamrock Environmental
Page 15
Dr. Jones goes to the
retirement home for his
monthly rounds. He sees
Joe and asks him, "Joe,
how much is three times
three?" Joe responds "59."
He goes over to Tom and
asks, "Tom, how much is
three times three?" Tom
responds, "Wednesday."
He finally goes over to
John and asks, "John, how
much is three times three?"
"NINE" replies John.
"That's right how
did you come to that
"It was easy...I just
subtracted 59 from
To join The Coalition
go to:
and download a copy
of the Pledge of
Commitment and
return it to us
Corporation. Read carefully and respond as instructed.
Shamrock Environmental Corporation has been contracted to provide
support personnel to assist with the oil spill clean-up throughout the Gulf
Areas where work may be performed are Louisiana, Mississippi,
Alabama and Florida.
All workers will require OSHA 40-hour Hazardous Waste
Operator Training (WE WILL PROVIDE). Successful completion of a
physical and drug screen are also required. Each applicant must be 18
years of age or older. The hours will vary but expect LOTS of overtime.
RATE OF PAY: $13.00/hr. straight time
$19.50/hr. overtime (after 40 hours/week)
PER DIEM: $26.00/day for meals
LODGING: Provided
Work may include, but is not limited to manual labor associated with
removing crude oil from impacted beaches, rocks, boom, or any other
items that have come in contact with the oil. Technicians may be
required to operate pressure washers, mops, rakes, shovels or a variety of
other hand tools or small pieces of equipment while wearing proper
protective gear. Work environment may include working on or near
water, in marshland, beach and estuary locations in hot and humid
conditions day or night.
Work is available IMMEDIATELY for safety conscious workers.
Transportation to the Gulf Coast will be provided. The HR Group has
been contracted to conduct this recruitment.
*Applications MUST be completed at:
Send resume to:
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Page 16
Anger will never disappear
so long as thoughts of
resentment are cherished in
the mind. Anger will
disappear just as soon as
thoughts of resentment are
forgotten. -- Buddha.
To join The Coalition
go to:
and download a copy
of the Pledge of
Commitment and
return it to us
AFRICOM, the Coalition of African Communities – Philadelphia, is
collaborating with the Mayor’s Commission on African & Caribbean
Immigrant Affairs and the City of Philadelphia Department of Public
Health along with other community organizations to
organize a community health fair on
Sunday, August 8, 2010.
Several officials from the city government are expected to attend the
event, which will be held at
Kingsessing Recreation Center,
4901 Kingsessing Ave.,
Philadelphia, PA 19143
12 noon to 8 PM.
Health professionals and other service providers will provide general
information about health services that are available at no cost to
Philadelphia residents. Community members will be able to discuss their
concerns with staff and volunteers in English, French and Creole. Trained
health workers and volunteers will offer blood pressure screenings,
diabetes evaluations, HIV/AIDS and provide information on prenatal
care, oral health, nutrition, sexually transmitted diseases, Sickle Cell
disease and cancer. There will also be information on vector control and
lead toxicity. In addition to health services, the fair will include a soccer
tournament, children’s activities and African and Caribbean music.
The Greater Philadelphia area is home to approximately 100,000 residents
from Africa and the Caribbean. Many of these diverse communities have
established non-profit organizations to maintain social and cultural ties
and to assist newcomers. In May 2001, fifteen organizations founded the
Coalition of African Organizations – Philadelphia, with a mission to
empower the African and Caribbean refugee and immigrant communities
by: (1) Facilitating family access to health and social services
with special focus on women, children and youth,
(2) Promoting economic development,
(3) Facilitating resolutions of inter-and intra-group conflicts,
(4) Advocating on issues of concern to African communities, and
(5) Educating the media and broader public on African cultures and
experiences. The coalition proactively seeks and develops
partnerships with non-profit, private, educational and
Page 17
Kathy’s Korner!
Did you hear about the
lawyer on vacation whose
sailboat capsized in
dangerous, shark-infested
waters? He surprised his
traveling companions by
volunteering to swim to the
far-off shore for help. As he
swam, his companions were
startled by the appearance
of two dorsal fins -- great
white sharks, heading
straight toward the lawyer.
To their surprise, the
sharks allowed the lawyer
to take hold of their fins,
and escorted him safely to
shore. When the lawyer
returned with help, his
companions asked him how
he had managed such an
incredible feat. The lawyer
answered, "Professional
(Kathy Parsons is a
regular contributor.)
If you would like to
report on a recent
community event, feel
free to send us a brief
account of what
happened in document
format, and we will
share it with our
Send your information
to: News From The
Coalition, Inc.
All entries for
submission should be
received by noon, the
Monday prior to
publish date and in
Press Release form.
African American institutions in the Greater Philadelphia area
to achieve its mission.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Too much fructose could raise your blood pressure
By Frederik Joelving
(Reuters Health) - Do you need a reason to cut down on sweetened
beverages? Their fructose content might increase your blood pressure,
doctors said Thursday.
Although not all studies agree, the findings add to a growing body of
evidence that too much of the ubiquitous sugar -- found in fruits as well as
high-fructose corn syrup and table sugar -- can have important health
consequences. (See Reuters Health story of May 24, 2010.)
High blood pressure, for example, increases the risk of strokes, heart
disease and kidney failure.
Close to one in three Americans suffer from elevated blood pressure, a
rate that has tripled in the past century, the researchers say in the Journal
of the American Society of Nephrology. While the reasons aren't clear,
diet and lifestyle changes are the main suspects.
To test the link between blood pressure and fructose, they used nationally
representative survey data from more than 4,500 adults. The survey
included questions about all sources of fructose, whereas most earlier
studies had focused on soft drinks.
On average, they found, people said they consumed 74 grams of fructose
per day -- roughly the amount in four soft drinks. Even though none of
them had experienced blood pressure problems, about a third turned out to
have borderline high blood pressure and eight percent had hypertension
(readings of at least 140/90 mmHg, compared with normal values of
120/80 or less).
The more fructose their diet included, the more likely they were to have
high blood pressure. Of course, that could have been influenced by a
variety of factors, such as obesity and disease, or getting too much of
other sugars, salt or alcohol.
But even when adjusting for all these factors, the odds of having high
blood pressure increased in those whose fructose intake was above
Page 18
Battle of the sexes: (This is
a new feature, please send
in your observations…fight
Mid-life is when the growth
of hair on our legs slows
down. This gives us plenty
of time to care for our
newly acquired mustache.
In mid-life women no
longer have upper arms ,
we have wingspans. We are
no longer women in
sleeveless shirts, we are
flying squirrels in drag.
Mid-life is when you can
stand naked in front of a
mirror and you can see
your rear without turning
around. Mid-life is when
you go for a mammogram
and you realize that this is
the only time someone will
ask you to appear topless.
Mid-life is when you want
to grab every firm young
lovely in a tube top and
scream, "Listen honey,
even the Roman empire fell
and those will too." Midlife
brings wisdom to know
that life throws us curves
and we're sitting on our
biggest ones. Mid-life is
when you look at yourknow-
it-all, beeper-wearing
teenager and think: "For
this I have stretch marks?"
In mid-life your memory
starts to go. In fact the only
thing we can retain is
water. Mid-life means that
your Body By Jake now
includes Legs By Rand
McNally -- more red and
blue lines than an
accurately scaled map of
Wisconsin. Mid-life means
that you become more
reflective...You start
pondering the "big"
questions. (cont.)
average. For the most severe form -- stage 2 hypertension -- the odds were
77 percent higher.
Given the new findings, people might want to think twice about what they
throw into their shopping carts, said Dr. Michel Chonchol of the
University of Colorado Denver, who worked on the study.
"In the grocery store, you see food without high-fructose corn syrup," he
said, adding that it would make sense to reduce fructose intake by
choosing those products and avoiding the ones containing added sugars.
"There is no question that fructose itself appears to have effects that other
sugars don't have," said Chonchol. The exact mechanisms are unclear,
although several have been proposed, he added.
"What we need now are clinical trials, where you take people with
hypertension and place them on a diet with low fructose and see if that
lowers their blood pressure," said Rachel K. Johnson, a professor of
nutrition at the University of Vermont in Burlington, who was not
involved in the research.
Until then, she said the message is clear: "Sugar-sweetened beverages --
avoid, avoid, avoid! That's the major source of added sugars for
Getting fructose from eating fruits appears to be less of a problem, she
said, perhaps because they also contain many healthful substances like
antioxidants and fiber. Fruit has just 4 to 10 grams of fructose per serving,
while a can of Coca-Cola has 39 grams of high-fructose corn syrup, about
half of which is fructose (the rest is glucose).
Last year, Johnson helped prepare a statement about sugar and heart
disease from the American Heart Association, which included dietary
"For most American women," she advises, "no more than six teaspoons or
100 calories a day of added sugars, and no more than nine teaspoons for
That is less than one can of Coca-Cola.
In a press release about the new study, the Corn Refiners Association, a
U.S. trade group, said the researchers had muddled the differences
between fructose and glucose, the other half of high-fructose corn syrup
Page 19
What is life? Why am I
here? How much Healthy
Choice ice cream can I eat
before it's no longer a
healthy choice? But midlife
also brings with it an
appreciation for what is
important. We realize that
breasts sag, hips expand
and chins double, but our
loved ones make the
journey worthwhile. Would
any of you trade the
knowledge that you have
now for the body you had
way back when? Maybe our
bodies simply have to
expand to hold all the
wisdom and love we've
acquired. That's my
philosophy and I'm sticking
to it!
To join The Coalition go
and download a copy of
the Pledge of
Commitment and
return it to us
and table sugar.
"The rise in glucose consumption also mirrors the dramatic rise in
hypertension," the release said.
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, online July 1, 2010.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Viagra-popping seniors lead the pack for STDs
By Frederik Joelving
(Reuters Health) - Even if you're past your prime and have a hard time
getting an erection, you might still need to worry about unprotected sex,
according to U.S. doctors.
In fact, they report in the Annals of Internal Medicine, the rate of sexually
transmitted diseases (STDs) in older men taking erectile dysfunction
drugs like Viagra is twice as high as in their non-medicated peers.
In both groups, however, the numbers are swelling. According to the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there were more than six new
cases of STDs per 10,000 men over 40 in 2008, up almost 50 percent
since 1996.
"Younger adults have far more STDs than older adults, but the rates are
growing at far higher rates in older adults," said
Dr. Anupam B. Jena of Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, who
led the study.
While the reasons for this development aren't well understood, he said
more divorces and better health might have conspired to boost sexual
prowess and activity among graying heads.
The problem, however, is that older adults appear to flout safe sex
practices. For instance, the researchers note, 50-year-olds are six times
less likely to use a condom than men in their 20s.
"We are typically unaccustomed to practice safe sex over the age of 50,
because the risk of pregnancy is eliminated," Jena told Reuters Health.
To test whether the introduction of Viagra in 1998 might explain some of
Page 20
It is time to effect a
revolution in female
manners - time to restore to
them their lost dignity. It is
time to separate
unchangeable morals from
local manners. - Mary
If you would like to
report on a recent
community event, feel
free to send us a brief
account of what
happened in document
format, and we will
share it with our
Send your information
to: News From The
Coalition, Inc.
All entries for
submission should be
received by noon, the
Monday prior to
publish date and in
Press Release form.
the STD surge, Jena and colleagues examined insurance records for more
than 1.4 million U.S. men over 40. The average age in the study was
about 60 years.
The most commonly found STD was HIV, followed by chlamydia,
syphilis and gonorrhea.
Among the few percent of men who had filled prescriptions for erectile
dysfunction drugs, more than two in a thousand had been treated for an
STD in the year before they got the drug.
A year later, the number dropped to half that, suggesting that Viagra and
its chemical cousins didn't fuel STDs.
However, the risk of contracting an STD turned out to be more than twice
as high in men taking erectile dysfunction drugs compared with those who
"These users have a different sexual risk profile than non-users," said
Jena, adding that the data didn't reveal any good explanation.
In an editorial, Dr. Thomas Fekete, of Temple University School of
Medicine in Philadelphia, noted that it would have been valuable to know
more about the frequency of sexual encounters, sexual partners and
He added that prevention strategies should still be directed at younger age
groups, whose STD risk is at least 10 times higher than in middle-aged
and older adults.
Still, he said, the authors remind us "that men older than 40 years remain
sexually active, even if they need chemical assistance to do so. This study
also serves as a reminder that sex after age 40 years is not necessarily
Jena recommended that doctors take a few minutes to discuss safe sex
with older men when they prescribe Viagra.
His advice? "Look, just realize that you are at higher risk for STDs, and
try to be careful like you used to be 30 years ago."
Annals of Internal Medicine, online July 5, 2010.
Page 21
He who begins by loving
Christianity better than
Truth will proceed by
loving his own sect or
church better than
Christianity, and end by
loving himself better than
all. - -- Samuel Taylor
To join The Coalition
go to:
and download a copy
of the Pledge of
Commitment and
return it to us
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Experts say 40 percent of cancers could be prevented
Kate Kelland
LONDON (Reuters) - Forty percent of the 12 million people diagnosed
with cancer worldwide each year could avert the killer disease by
protecting themselves against infections and changing their lifestyles,
experts said…
Read the full story
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Get Fresh!
Volunteer with Philabundance Fresh for All
You recycle out the wazoo and consider yourself consigliore of the
enviro-sack mafia.
Hence, a cause you can believe in: Philabundance wants to fill those
ubiquitous bags with produce through its new Fresh for All program.
And you can help by volunteering.
The nonprofit hands out perishables at six sites in the Delaware Valley —
where nutritious diet staples are hard to come by, especially in tough
With a minimum three-hour commitment, you’ll keep busy. Help with
admin, approve clients, or do community outreach (posting mailings,
making phone calls).
Looking for something physical?
Take food to sites, divide apples, and dole out the goods. You’ll be doing
a major part to help people get the fruits and veggies they need.
And that’s a green movement to be proud of.
To participate in Fresh for All, contact
Tunisia Garnett (215-339-0900 ext. 238 or
For more information, go to
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Tips for making oatmeal appealing to kids
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Page 22
Government employees
(Bureaucrats) like to solve
problems. If there are no
problems handily available,
they will create their own
problems. -- George Van
If you would like to
report on a recent
community event, feel
free to send us a brief
account of what
happened in document
format, and we will
share it with our
Send your information
to: News From The
Coalition, Inc.
All entries for
submission should be
received by noon, the
Monday prior to
publish date and in
Press Release form.
Philadelphia is a huge underutilized asset.
From Dust to Dollars: Creating Value from Underutilized Assets
By Rosabeth Moss Kanter
The green movement focuses attention on numerous resources going to
waste that could be turned into cost savings, revenue streams, and
profitable businesses while saving the earth — wind power, solar energy,
fuels from burning biomass. That sensibility signals an important new
value proposition: From dust to dollars! Build innovation around existing
but underutilized assets.
Waste was an industrial age motif. To have more of something than one
could possibly use signified affluence and high status. That was the point
of the impractical extra space at Donald Trump's palace, Mar a Lago, or
the hundreds of pairs of shoes owned by former Philippines First Lady
Imelda Marcos. In that context, growth came from selling bigger portions,
larger cars, and more of everything, guaranteeing waste. Of course, one
person's waste was another person's waste management company; I know
many immigrants who attained the American dream through scrap metal.
In today's less-forgiving times, it's not enough to hide conspicuous
consumption behind gated communities, cloth coats,
or vans instead of limousines, and to give up corporate jets
and lavish parties. It is imperative (and good business)
to better use underutilized assets, not simply to reduce waste.
Munch on some food examples. In Boston, order Peking duck, and get the
skin and some meat. In Hong Kong, Peking duck includes the skin, meat,
and broth in separate courses. In Beijing, Peking duck uses all of the
above plus adds the bones — no waste. A Taiwanese executive friend
who summers on Cape Cod visits the docks most mornings to ask
fishing crews for the fish heads they discard. Creative cooks
invent wonderful dishes out of leftovers, tossing the rest in the
compost pile to enrich the soil.
Don't take me literally. The idea is unlock the hidden value of something
Page 23
We really don't have
enemies. It's just that
some of our best friends
are trying to kill us.
-- Unknown
To join The Coalition
go to:
and download a copy
of the Pledge of
Commitment and
return it to us
that would otherwise be wasted. Used tires — a major pollution problem
— are being used by Cemex in road beds in Mexico and by Brazilian
artists in Sao Paulo to create attractive, comfortable furniture.
Companies recycle cans and bottles but rarely create innovations out of
them. An entrepreneur friend made watch faces out of discarded soda
bottle caps, selling them as fashion watches (at high margins considering
the zero cost of the bottle caps). Students in a high school chemistry class
in New Hampshire collected used cooking oil from local restaurants to
convert into fuel that they hoped would run school buses, while extracting
the glycerin to make soap that they sold to fund their experiment.
Talk about synergies.
What byproducts have hidden value? Companies are experimenting with
carbon capture that can reduce carbon footprints while being used for
carbonated beverages. Zoos have been particularly creative with the kind
of waste-we-don't-talk-about-in-polite-company (and I don't mean
composting toilets, although that might be a good idea too). Toronto and
Singapore zoos took the lead in creating a profitable line of fertilizers for
home gardens by processing and packaging animal waste under the brand
name "Zoo Doo."
Space often goes to waste. Companies can turn unused conference rooms
into training centers for other organizations. Airports recognize that the
areas between gates are retail sales opportunities; the Pittsburgh airport
was among the first to be a destination shopping mall, not just a
transportation platform. WPP grew to a global advertising giant from a
company making wire shopping carts when managers realized the carts
could hold advertising placards. Minute Clinics in CVS pharmacies offer
routine health services in underutilized areas near aspirins and greeting
cards. I've urged branch banks to give floor space to neighborhood
merchants for displays and demonstration, building community value and
bringing traffic to the branch.
Human energy can also be put to better use. Years ago I joked that
communities could generate electricity by from runners on a giant
treadmill. Then I discovered that this idea is the basis of actual
Bicycles power computers for children in remote
villages that lack electricity.
So why not go further? What if every office had a health center connected
to a generator? Employees could get exercise
while displays show them how much power they are producing.
Page 24
Joe has been seeing a
psychoanalyst for four
years for treatment of the
fear that he had monsters
under his bed. It had been
years since he had gotten a
good night's sleep.
Furthermore, his progress
was very poor, and he knew
it. So, one day he stops
seeing the psychoanalyst
and decides to try
something different. A few
weeks later, Joe's former
psychoanalyst meets his old
client in the supermarket,
and is surprised to find him
looking well-rested,
energetic, and cheerful.
"Doc!" Joe says, "It's
amazing! I'm cured!"
"That's great news!" the
psychoanalyst says. "you
seem to be doing much
better. How?" "I went to
see another doctor," Joe
says enthusiastically, "and
he cured me in just ONE
session!" "One?!" the
psychoanalyst asks
incredulously. "Yeah,"
continues Joe, "my new
doctor is a behaviorist." "A
behaviorist?" the
psychoanalyst asks. "How
did he cure you in one
session?" "Oh, easy," says
Joe. "He told me to cut the
legs off of my bed."
Get fit and keep the lights on at the same time.
Of course, it's also essential to better utilize the most underutilized asset
of all in many companies: brainpower. Employee imagination could be
used to search for trash, literal or figurative, with innovation value.
Mount a campaign for the best ideas about using underutilized or
discarded assets. There's nothing to lose — it's wasted anyway — and a
great deal to gain. Besides, chairs made out of used tires are great for the
beach, and compost plus Zoo Doo grow wonderful gardens.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Don't throw your old TVs away!
All electronics can be dropped off for recycling at either
Domino Lane & Umbria St.
State Rd. & Ashburner St. in Philadelphia
at the
Streets Department Sanitation Convenience Centers,
Monday through Saturday
8:00 am to 6:00 pm.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Weavers Way #5 plastics recycling resumes
Fellow Recyclers,
Weavers Way collection of #5 plastics, which are not included in the
City’s recycling program, will be on the 3rd Saturday of each month:
June 19th.
The collections take place at the co-op's garage,
at 542 Carpenter Lane,
which is across the street and a bit further down the block from the Big
Blue Marble bookstore.
Please note that we need volunteers to keep this project going. (Weavers
Way members can get work credit for helping us; work shifts are
available on co-op's the online calendar.)
The #5 category includes yogurt cups, sour cream containers, hummus
tubs, some medicine bottles, and more. Your recyclables must be clean
and dry to be accepted. Check to make sure there are no other materials
(paper, screws, other number plastics) on the items you bring in.
Page 25
I start with the premise that
the function of leadership is
to produce more leaders,
not more followers
- Ralph Nader
To join The Coalition
go to:
and download a copy
of the Pledge of
Commitment and
return it to us
Impurities of any kind compromise the recycling process and usually lead
to the discarding of an entire batch. Exclude any lids unless they are
clearly marked #5. (Most lids from #5 containers are #4 plastic, but this is
not always the case.)
We ask recyclers for a small donation to cover postage costs of mailing
the recyclables to the Gimme 5 processing facility in New York.
Before bringing your #5s to the collection, be sure that they meet the
requirements for Gimme 5:
All items must be CLEAN and DRY. If they contained food or any oily or
dirty product, make sure they have been washed, not just rinsed. Items
stacked when wet tend to stay wet, so allow washed items to dry fully
before stacking or packing.
The #5 stamp needs to be visible on each item. Lids are separate items.
Don’t assume lids are the same number plastic as the container;
sometimes they are but usually they are not. Check to make sure there are
no other materials (labels, paper, other number plastics, metal) on the
items you bring in.
Brita filters are also welcome! Let them air dry for several days to make
sure they are completely dry.
We'll see you soon!
Carolyn, Helen, Priscilla and Stevik
of the Weavers Way Environment Committee
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Recycling Services Inc. in Pottstown takes styrofoam on Saturday and
Tuesday mornings.
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For sustainable enterprise go to Green Jobs Philly
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40 Ways to Save on Almost Anything
Staying Safe on the Mean Streets of Life
Others won't always rush to your aid if you are under attack - learn
why and what you can do to make others help.
Page 26
"Doctor, doctor, I've lost
my memory."
"When did this happen?"
"When did what happen?"
(Ethan Pollard age 9)
To join The Coalition
go to:
and download a copy
of the Pledge of
Commitment and
return it to us
There are very few things as hard to understand as the senseless murder
of a young person. Murder is never easy to come to terms with but when
it is the murder of somebody young, somebody who is just starting to
live, it is even harder. In my community we are struggling with such an
event. On December 7, 2002 a 19-year-old girl named Breann Voth was
murdered while walking to work. Her body was found a few hours later
on the side of a river. She was face down and nude - she had been
assaulted and murdered. As the story started to unfold it came out that
several people had heard her cries for help but had done nothing; they
had not even called 911. Her cries were said to have lasted over 10
minutes and still, nobody so much as called the police. Why?
The answer is a well-documented psychological phenomenon known as
the Diffusion of Responsibility. Diffusion of Responsibility is a part of a
bigger phenomenon known as Bystander Apathy. Bystander Apathy and
the Diffusion of Responsibility happen when witnesses to a crime
believe that they do not need to act to help because there are so many
others around that somebody else will come to the rescue. It does not
mean that these people are heartless and uncaring, it does not mean that
they do not want to help, it just means that they think somebody else will
do it so they do not feel as strong an urge to rise to the occasion. This
phenomenon was first studied in 1964 when New York was shocked by
the brutal murder of Kitty Genovese in plain sight of her neighbors.
In the Genovese case the bystanders not only heard the crime as it
happened, 38 of them watched as she was assaulted and beaten to death.
The assault lasted half an hour, plenty of time to either intervene or alert
the police, and yet at least 38 of Kitty's neighbors did nothing but watch.
In answer to this unsettling situation psychologists coined a new theory
called Bystander Apathy. According to the theory Bystander Apathy
only occurs in groups and the larger the group the greater the apathy. The
mechanism that fuels the apathy is the Diffusion of Responsibility. It is a
phenomenon that people only feel when they are in a group or when
there appears to be somebody of authority (like a police officer, doctor,
nurse, firefighter...) on the scene. They convince themselves that
somebody else, somebody more qualified or who has a better
understanding of the situation, will help so they do not have to. It is a
very common reaction to an uncommon situation and it has nothing to do
with how good people are, how much empathy they feel or how capable
they are of helping.
Page 27
A college physics professor
was explaining a
particularly complicated
concept to his class when a
pre-med student interrupted
"Why do we have to learn
this stuff?" one young man
blurted out.
"To save lives," the
professor responded before
continuing the lecture.
A few minutes later the
student spoke up again. "So
how does physics save
The professor stared at the
student for a long time
without saying a word.
Finally the professor
continued. "Physics saves
lives," he said, "because it
keeps the idiots out of
medical school."
For a more aggressive role in your protection:
Aspen Institute offers scholarships to students of color
The Aspen Institute Program on Philanthropy and Social Innovation in
Washington is offering scholarships to introduce a diverse group of
students to issues and challenges affecting philanthropy, social
enterprise, nonprofit organizations, and other actors in the social sector.
The $2,000 fellowship, which is based on academic excellence and need,
is open to both undergraduate and graduate students of color. Fellows
undertake research, writing, logistical, and administrative support for
PSI's leadership initiatives, public programs, and convenings.
Application guidelines are available here.
200 Free Scholarships For Minorities (NEW UPDATED 2010
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
HIV/AIDS Prevention Workshop
Workshop Summary
Culturally-Relevant Communication about HIV/AIDS is an interactive
and user-friendly workshop. Ivan J. Juzang, MEE President and Founder
will examine the environmental influences, attitudes and behaviors and
unique communication style of urban, ethnic and other hard-to-reach
audiences; review theories and techniques for developing cost-effective
and culturally-relevant communication strategies; and then show session
attendees how to apply these learnings to their own HIV/AIDS testing
programs, prevention services and outreach efforts.
Learning Objectives
After attending the session, attendees will have the background necessary
to more effectively communicate with their target audiences about sex,
sexuality and HIV/AIDS. They will also have a clearer understanding of
media consumption patterns and other social factors that impact sexual
Page 28
Frank always looked on the
bright side. He would
constantly irritate his
friends with his eternal
optimism. No matter how
horrible the circumstance,
he would always reply, "It
could have been worse." To
cure him of his annoying
habit, his friends decided to
invent a situation so
completely bad, so terrible,
that even Frank could find
no hope in it.
On the golf course one day,
one of them said, "Frank,
did you hear about Tom?
He came home last night,
found his wife in bed with
another man, shot them
both and then turned the
gun on himself!"
"That`s awful," said
Frank, "But it could have
been worse."
"How in the hell," asked
his bewildered friend,
"Could it have been
"Well," replied Frank, "If
it happened the night
before, I`d be dead now!
To join The Coalition
go to:
and download a copy
of the Pledge of
Commitment and
return it to us
decision-making; and the attitudes, motivations and perceptions of
minorities on healthy sexuality and HIV/AIDS prevention, testing and
treatment. Such information will help interventionists, community-based
rganizations and service providers develop innovative and effective
messages and services targeted to minority audiences.
Workshop Description:
Topics explored during the session include:
The environmental context, peer group dynamics and social interactions
that influence sexual behaviors;
How service providers can be more culturally aware, and increase the
effectiveness of their outreach, media and materials; and
Strategies for attracting the hardest-to-reach audiences to HIV-prevention,
testing and treatment programs.
For more information on other workshops and schedules visit their
To inquire about a MEE Workshop at Your Organization call
215.829.4920 or Email here
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
At- Risk Youth
Annie E. Casey Foundation
A private charitable organization dedicated to helping build better futures
for disadvantaged children in the United States. The foundation offers
community-focused grants. The site also has several publications.
Provides funding to both 501(c)(3) and local/state government.
Organizations wishing to send a proposal to the Foundation should submit
a letter of no more than three pages explaining the organization and its
project and how the money will be used. Send the letters to: The AEC
Foundation; Attn: Office of the President; 701 Saint Paul St.; Baltimore,
MD 21202.
Phone: 410-547-6600
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
AOL Time Warner Foundation
The AOL Time Warner Foundation is dedicated to using the power of
media, communications and information technology to serve the public
interest and strengthen society. However, rather than simply providing
Page 29
There is no failure except
in no longer trying. There
is no defeat except from
within, no insurmountable
barrier except our own
inherent weakness of
purpose. - Elbert Hubbard
If you would like to
report on a recent
community event, feel
free to send us a brief
account of what
happened in document
format, and we will
share it with our
Send your information
to: News From The
Coalition, Inc.
All entries for
submission should be
received by noon, the
Monday prior to
publish date and in
Press Release form.
grant monies or funding unsolicited requests, the foundation prefers to
enter into sustainable strategic partnerships with organizations that have a
demonstrated commitment to pioneering innovative ways of meeting four
priorities: Equipping kids for the 21st century; Extending Internet benefits
to all; Engaging communities in the arts; and Empowering citizens and
civic participation.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
AT&T Foundation
The AT&T Foundation seeks to educate, enrich, engage, and empower the
communities served by AT&T. The Foundation's funding areas are
education, civic and community service, and arts and culture.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Beaumont Foundation
The Beaumont Foundation of America (BFA), a non-profit philanthropic
organization, is dedicated to the enriching the lives of individuals by
providing technology to historically underserved schools and
communities. The foundation believes technologies are essential tools for
progress in the 21st century, and that given access to digital information,
people will have an equal opportunity to advance socially, economically
and intellectually.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
The Student Achievement Grants program provides grants of $5,000
each to improve the academic achievement of students by engaging in
critical thinking and problem solving that deepen knowledge of standardsbased
subject matter. The work should also improve students’ habits of
inquiry, self-directed learning, and critical reflection. Proposals for work
resulting in low-income and minority student success with honors,
advanced placement, and other challenging curricula are particularly
encouraged. Grant funds may be used for resource materials, supplies,
equipment, transportation, software, and scholars-in-residence.
Applicants must be practicing U.S. public school teachers in grades K-12,
public school education support professionals, or faculty and staff at
public higher education institutions.
Visit the NEA Foundation Web site for complete grant program
RFP Link:
For additional RFPs in Education, visit:
Page 30
A man who does not
know how to be angry,
does not know how to be
good. Now and then a
man should be shaken to
the core with indignation
over things evil. -- Henry
Ward Beecher.
To join The Coalition
go to:
and download a copy
of the Pledge of
Commitment and
return it to us
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
NIH Summer Institute on Community-Based Participatory Research
The National Institutes of Health has announced the 2nd summer institute.
We are thrilled to see that the organizers have responded to Community-
Campus Partnerships for Health’s (CCPH) comments on last year's
summer institute.
When the 1st NIH institute on CBPR was announced, CCPH expressed
concern about its exclusive focus on academic researchers.
In CBPR, the community is involved at the very start of the research,
so it was incongruent that the institute did not include the community
partners or acknowledge the possibility of a community partner as a
principal investigator or co-PI.
This summer's institute has been designed for community-academic
partner teams (see below for details).
CCPH has successfully implemented community-academic partner teambased
model of CBPR training:
The training curriculum, "Developing and Sustaining CBPR Partnerships"
is available online at
If you're interested in bringing a CBPR training workshop or institute to
your location, contact CCPH senior consultant Rachel Vaughn at for more information.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Banta Company Foundation
The Banta Company Foundation provides funding for at-risk youth and
delinquency prevention initiatives. The funds can be used for equipment,
general/operating expenses, seed money, program development, as well as
other areas. For more information please contact:
Banta Company Foundation
225 Main Street
PO Box 8003
Menasha,WI 54952-8003.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Page 31
Never wrestle with a pig.
You both get all dirty,
and the pig likes it.
-- Unknown
To join The Coalition
go to:
and download a copy
of the Pledge of
Commitment and
return it to us
Best Buy Children's Foundation
The mission of the Best Buy Children's Foundation is to improve the lives
of youth aged 5 - 18 in communities where Best Buy maintains a business
presence. The Foundation awards grants to nonprofit organizations with
innovative approaches to developing life skills in young people through
education, mentoring, and leadership development. Funds can be used for:
program development; direct project support; specific curriculum
development; and scholarship aid for participants in life skills or
mentoring programs. The Foundation typically awards grants ranging
from $2000 - $10,000 to nonprofits.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Healthy Community Outreach Program
will be granted to nonprofit organizations to support grassroots efforts
which increase awareness on critical health initiatives through health
walks, health fairs and health education outreach.
Grants up to $25,000 will be considered.
Please provide all levels of event sponsorships on your application.
Nonprofit organizations with evidence of IRS 501(c)(3) designation or de
facto tax-exempt status may apply for a grant, with the following
exceptions: advertising; capital campaigns; grants or scholarships to
individuals; multiyear requests; political causes and events; or religious
organizations in support of their sacramental or theological functions.>Awards
Ongoing Deadline
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Ben and Jerry's Foundation
Ben and Jerry's Foundation has no specific program areas. The
Foundation seeks projects that lead to societal change or address the root
causes of problems. The Foundation awards grants ranging in amount
from $1,000 to $15,000. Applicants must submit a letter of interest at any
time during the year.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Even if you do not have a college-aged child at home, please share this
with someone who does, pass this scholarship information on to anyone
and everyone that comes to mind. Though there are a number of
Page 32
It is easier to prevent bad
habits than to break them.
Benjamin Franklin
To join The Coalition
go to:
and download a copy
of the Pledge of
Commitment and
return it to us
companies and organizations that have donated moneys for scholarship
use to African Americans, a great deal of the money is being returned
because of a lack of interest.
No one is going to knock on our doors
and ask if we can use a scholarship.
Take the initiative to get your children involved. There is no need
for money to be returned to donating companies
because we fail to apply for it.
Please pass this information on to family members, nieces, nephews, and
friends with children etc. We must get the word out that money is
available. If you are a college student or getting ready to become one, you
probably already know how useful additional money can be.
Our youth really could use these scholarships. Thanks!!
For a list of scholarships please visit our group ‘The Coalition, Inc.’
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
SpotLight On Our Efforts
Dear Friends:
We are reaching out to you today with exciting news. Moms Against
Guns is officially joining forces with CeaseFirePA.
This union represents more voices, more power and more resources to
fight one Pennsylvania's most contentious issues: illegal guns. While we
have loosely partnered with CeaseFirePA in the past and stand at their
side as they advocate for better gun laws, there has never been a formal
partnership. Tomorrow, that will change.
And we wanted to make sure that you're the first to know before this
news goes public. You've been a staunch supporter of Moms Against
Guns - many since we began this fight together at a public rally in
Philadelphia's Love Park in 2007.
Since then - we've made great strides.
But the economic and political climate is now different than it was in
Page 33
If you would like to
report on a recent
community event, feel
free to send us a brief
account of what
happened in document
format, and we will
share it with our
Send your information
to: News From The
Coalition, Inc.
All entries for
submission should be
received by noon, the
Monday prior to
publish date and in
Press Release form.
2007. Since our economy took such a dramatic turn two years ago,
nonprofit groups like CeaseFirePA and other advocacy and service
organizations have been trying to do more with less.
In a rocky political and economic environment, it's increasingly difficult
to get an issue - like limiting illegal guns and the violence they create in
our state - in front of the most influential decision makers in Harrisburg.
Without a unified voice on this issue, we are all at risk of appearing less
organized and powerful when we stand against the gun lobby.
We feel proud and privileged to serve among Ceasefire's constituencies
and we know this affiliation offers new strength and opportunity. We
have the utmost respect, confidence and admiration for the leadership of
Phil Goldsmith, its board president, and Joe Grace, its executive director.
It is our hope that our participation on the board and the force of our
combined voices will increase the overall capacity and power to fight in
a more organized way for better, safer gun laws.
Today we have garnered close to 7,000 signatures on our petition -
thanks to your efforts. But we're far from our goal. We set an ambitious
goal of 50,000 signatures, but that goal was not arbitrary. We were told
by political advisors that 10,000 signatures would get some
policymakers' attention; and 25,000 would show we were serious. But
50,000 could turn a vote - that's why we set this bold goal.
Our joining with CeaseFirePA offers us the opportunity to reach more
people (voters) so we can reach our 50,000 signature goal. In turn, we
offer CeaseFirePA new constituents, new ideas, and more leverage.
We will continue to personally answer your emails and we'd like to hear
from you. After our websites have been integrated, which should happen
by mid- summer, you will have the full capacity of CeaseFire's
advocacy, strategic advice and direction, as well as the opportunity to
volunteer, donate if you wish, or help secure more petition signatures.
As founder of Moms Against Guns, I have been invited to be a new vice
president of the CeaseFirePA board, and one of Philadelphia's most
influential social activists - Project H.O.M.E. president and co-founder,
Sister Mary Scullion - has also agreed to join the CeaseFirePA board
with me.
We hope you will continue to partner with the new and improved "us" --
CeaseFire and Moms Against Guns. Your voices and vision have never
Page 34
To join The Coalition
go to:
and download a copy
of the Pledge of
Commitment and
return it to us
If you would like to
report on a recent
community event, feel
free to send us a brief
account of what
happened in document
format, and we will
share it with our
Send your information
to: News From The
Coalition, Inc.
All entries for
submission should be
received by noon, the
Monday prior to
publish date and in
Press Release form.
been more needed.
Thank you with all of our hearts for all you have done so far. If we work
together - we can and will prevail.
Lynne Honickman
Moms Against Guns
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Website Offers Revolutionary Green Alternatives
for Communities/Nations
Greetings. I hope that you and your business/ organizations are all
doing well. As we enter into a new year, I expect that many of us
have already envisioned what we would like to accomplish in this
new year. As long as we have positive intentions for not just ourselves
but also our fellow inhabitants on this planet
as well as the mother Earth herself, may the Creator of the Universe
bless our visions and goals to become a material manifestation.
I would like to invite everyone to visit
I am one of the co-founders of this organization. While the initiative
of this organization focuses on improving the lives of the African
Diaspora and building up eco-friendly, peaceful, self sustaining and
prosperous communities in their ancestral lands, we extend a welcome
hand for all to check a part of our vision out by visiting our site.
Our site was put in video format for simplicity and visuals to keep
the interests of our visitors. When you first click on the provided
website address, you will notice that we begin with our goals on
dealing with electricity. There are actually two clips explaining the
same technology, we recommend the second clip for a more detailed
explanation on how this technology works. The following two clips
deals with how we plan on providing clean water to the citizens and
then water recycling.
The fifth video demonstrates how sewer systems are unnecessary.
There are many issues that we tackle on our site. We are currently in
talks with university and reverse engineers to have these technologies
made at a lower cost and with high quality specifications.
Any feedback or suggestions is welcome and any donations would be
Page 35
Televangelists: The Pro
Wrestlers of religion
highly appreciated.
There is a lot of useful information and we encourage all to take
advantage of of it and to view it for themselves, we're
confident that you will be excited as we are once you see
the potential in such technology.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
I see little of more importance to the future of our country and of civilization than full recognition of the
place of the artist. If art is to nourish the roots of our culture, society must set the artist free to follow
his vision wherever it takes him. Pauline Kael
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Beginning July 29
homegrown poet and recording artist
Ursula Rucker comes to
Scribe Video
Thursday evenings
to teach Poetry for Stage and Camera.
Register today at 215-222-4201.
Scribe Video Center
4212 Chesntut Street
Philadelphia PA 19104
Hours of Operation:
Monday through Friday, 11:00 am to 7:00 pm
(or 9:00 pm on workshop nights).
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Jus’ Words at Dowlings Place
1310 No. Broad St. Phila
Every Thurs. 9pm to 1am
• Poets
• Rappers
• Singers
• Spoken Word Artists
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Scribe Video Center Youth Workshop
Stay fresh and on the cutting edge. Register today for Scribe’s two youth
Page 36
A friend of mine once sent
me a post card with a
picture of the entire planet
Earth taken from space. On
the back it said, 'Wish you
were here.'
--Steven Wright
To join The Coalition
go to:
and download a copy
of the Pledge of
Commitment and
return it to us
workshops Introduction to Animation starting Tuesday August 3 and Flip
Out! - Video Journalism Workshop for Teens beginning on August 2.
Scholarships are available.
Register today by calling 215-222-4201 or visit for more
Monica Peters
Program Coordinator
Scribe Video Center
4212 Chestnut Street, 3rd Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19104
p. 215-222-4201
f. 215-222-4205
is taking applications for participants and volunteers.
Lose the Training Wheels™, a program that teaches individuals with
disabilities to independently ride a conventional two wheel bicycle, is
now taking applications. Five-day camp sessions will take place
August 9-13, 2010 at
Saint Joseph’s University.
Lose the Training Wheels, Inc. is a national organization that works with
local organizations to host camps in their communities. Lose the Training
Wheels™ uses adapted equipment, trained professionals and volunteers.
With 75 minutes of daily instruction over five days, approximately 85
percent of campers learn to ride a conventional bicycle independently. To
be eligible to enroll, participants must be at least eight years old. They
must have a disability but be able to walk without an assistive device such
as a walker or cane. They must be able to side-step quickly to both
sides. Participants must have a minimum inseam measurement of 20
inches and weigh no more than 250 pounds. All participants must wear a
properly-fitted bike helmet at all times when on the bicycles. Participants
will be most successful if willing to follow instructions and have a desire
to ride a bicycle. This is a wonderful and rewarding volunteer opportunity
for anyone interested in dedicating 75 minutes each day over the 5 days of
camp teaching a disabled person to ride a bike….And you will get
exercise from walking/jogging alongside your assigned participant!
Cost of the camp is $175. Applications for participants and payment
Page 37
If you would like to
report on a recent
community event, feel
free to send us a brief
account of what
happened in document
format, and we will
share it with our
Send your information
to: News From The
Coalition, Inc.
All entries for
submission should be
received by noon, the
Monday prior to
publish date and in
Press Release form.
must be received by July 24, 2010. Applications for participants and
volunteers can be downloaded at
OR e-mail Lose the Training Wheels with any questions about
participating or volunteering at
Southwest Action Coalition
The Southwest Philadelphia
One of the first steps to creating peace is finding a way to initiate peace
in our own community. When this happens you can begin to feel your
viewpoint change from "peace is impossible" to "peace is possible" and
finally to "peace is inevitable".
We would like to take this opportunity to ask for your organization
participation in our Southwest Philadelphia Weekend of Peace Family
Day Festival march on Saturday, July 31, 2010. The march will begin
at 11:00am at Myers Recreation Center located at 58th & Kingsessing
Avenue and ending at the Kingsessing Recreation Center located at 50th
& Kingsessing Avenue. This will be a great opportunity to showcase
your agencies service and to demonstrate unity in the Southwest
Philadelphia community
Also, your agency can host an information table, providing the
community with information about your organization. We strongly
encourage pamphlets, brochures, and giveaways. This is a great
opportunity to increase the health and safety awareness to the Southwest
Philadelphia community. If you are willing to participate, please fill out
the enclosed confirmation form. Please indicate the topic addressed at
your table and return to:
Lorraine Thomas or Sharon McCollum
Phone: 215-727-4721 ext.5141 or 5179
Fax: 267-350-5931
Email: or
We would also be very happy to display any promotional items that you
wish to present. This event will be advertised in both newspapers and
radio, and the name of your agency will be mentioned as a participant in
the event through media venues.
If you have any question, feel free to call Lorraine Thomas or Sharon
McCollum. We hope you will help us make the Southwest Philadelphia
Page 38
Leadership is
understanding people and
involving them to help you
do a job. That takes all of
the good characteristics,
like integrity, dedication of
purpose, selflessness,
knowledge, skill,
implacability, as well as
determination not to accept
failure. - Admiral Arleigh
A. Burke
If you would like to
report on a recent
community event, feel
free to send us a brief
account of what
happened in document
format, and we will
share it with our
Send your information
to: News From The
Coalition, Inc.
All entries for
submission should be
received by noon, the
Monday prior to
publish date and in
Press Release form.
Weekend of Peace Family Day Festival march fun and educational for
Lorraine Thomas
Director of Outreach
S.W.A.C. is a founding member of The Coalition, Inc.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
The AAFRL Welcomes
Professor Daud Malik Watts
Temple University’s Department of African American Studies
Professor Watts’ topic will be
Rethinking African History in Early America
Our guest this month, has traveled and lived in several countries in West
Africa and is able to relate his experiences and his knowledge of history
in a distinct and clear manner.
You’ve heard Professor Watts on his several appearances on “People
Never Give Up” and you’ve seen his other presentations on Africa and
African American History at League meetings. To increase your
knowledge of self, please come out to hear his latest treatise on our
culture and heritage in early America.
Date: Saturday, July 31, 2010
Time: 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Location: Joseph Coleman Library
68 West Chelten Ave
Between Germantown Ave & Greene St
Philadelphia, PA 19144
Admission is free to the public
For more information, call: 215-474-3577c
The African American Freedom & Reconstruction League
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
FunTimes Magazine
Welcome to our special edition recognizing women in the media.
They wield a lot of influence, serve as inspiration to
Page 39
An empowered
organization is one in
which individuals have the
knowledge, skill, desire,
and opportunity to
personally succeed in a way
that leads to collective
organizational success. -
Stephen R. Covey,
If this publication is
being forwarded to
you, and you wish to
be placed on our
mailing list, send an
email to
with “subscribe” in the
If you are receiving
this publication
without consent, send
an email with
“unsubscribe” in the
subject to be removed
from our database.
countless people in our community especially our youth and
ultimately are the voice to the voiceless.
Currently the magazine is available in Brown's Family Shoprite's, local
store and at our local West Philadelphia office.
Inside this issue we featured Philly's "Women On Air." They made their
careers raising the awareness of the public and connecting people to the
services and opportunities that could benefit them, not to mention the fact,
they provide us the music of our lives.
Our Women on Air are Thera Martin Connelly-WURD, Hip Hop Pioneer
Lady B-107.9FM WRNB, Loraine Ballard Morrill-Clear Channel, Radio
personality Tiffany Bacon ñ 107.9FM WRNB, Lori Wilson -NBC10 The
10! Show, radio personality Golden Girl -Power 99FM, Lehronda Upshur
formerly of Power 99FM,
Also gracing our cover is Nigerian's own Gina Yashere, HBO Def Jam
Comedienne and Nollywood actress Benita Nzeribe, keeping us updated
on the world of entertain both in the U.S. and overseas. Because of
articles like these, we can assure our readers a solid and well rounded
publication. Let us tell you why you should read FunTimes Magazine. It
is a high quality magazine, unique and dedicated to Africa and the
Diaspora audience, has multiple media outlet, great content, and fast
growing readership, cost effective and has a huge impact on what matter
Everyone will naturally love this issue for its wit, humor, honesty, and
real life stories. Make sure you don't miss out, dive into the latest in
culture, health, relationships and the community information -- check us
out at
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
ACANA 3rd Annual African Festival
August 7, 2010
2:00PM -8:00PM
Great Plaza @ PENN LANDING
Philadelphia, PA
Contact Information:
5530 Chester Ave
Philadelphia, PA 19143
Page 40
To join The Coalition
go to:
and download a copy
of the Pledge of
Commitment and
return it to us
Ext. 109
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Competition seeks innovative civic engagement projects
Through the Strong Communities: Engaging Citizens, Strengthening
Place, Inspiring Change competition,
Ashoka's Changemakers and CommunityMatters are inviting
individuals and organizations to submit innovative projects
and ideas to engage citizens in building strong communities.
The competition is open to all types of individuals and organizations,
including charitable and nonprofit organizations, private companies,
and public entities.
The competition will consider all entries that reflect the theme of the
challenge. To be considered for an award, entries must indicate growth
beyond the conceptual stage and have demonstrated social impact and
sustainability. While the program supports new ideas at every stage and
encourages their entry, the judges are better able to evaluate projects
that are beyond the conceptual stage and have demonstrated proof
of impact.
CommunityMatters has a special interest in receiving submissions from
young people.
Online competition submissions will be accepted until
August 11th, 2010
The top three finalists will win $5,000 each.
Visit here for guidelines.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Harvest Time Christian Fellowship Church is hosting their
"Annual International Women United For His Glory Women's
August 26th - 28th, 2010
The Sheraton Suites Hotel,
4101 Island Avenue,
Philadelphia, PA 19153.
Vendors will be available with incredible merchandise for purchase and
SPA Services are available at an additional cost.
For more information, please contact Ms. Renee Merritt at: (215) 225-
Make your reservations today.
Page 41
If you would like to
report on a recent
community event, feel
free to send us a brief
account of what
happened in document
format, and we will
share it with our
Send your information
to: News From The
Coalition, Inc.
All entries for
submission should be
received by noon, the
Monday prior to
publish date and in
Press Release form.
The Business Center For Entrepreneurship
Social Enterprise Business Plan Classes
7500 Germantown Avenue,
Elders Hall, Suite 113.
12 Week Classes: Thurs, Sept 16 - Dec 16 @ 6:30PM - 8:30PM
8 Week Classes: Saturdays, Sept 25 - Nov 20 @ 9AM - 12PM
Cost: $300 before August 6th
$350 after August 6th
Contact: 215-247-2473
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
* * * Outside PA * * *
United National Peace Conference
July 23 - 25, 2010, Albany, NY
Casting aside any intention that Washington plans to end its occupation
and war against Afghanistan in 2011 or anytime in the foreseeable future,
Gen. David Petraeus declared "We are in this to win. That is our clear
Commenting on the General's statement, New York Tines reporter Dexter
Filkins wrote, "Almost every phase of the war [in Afghanistan] is going
badly. In June, 102 American and NATO troops lost their lives, more than
in any month since the war began. The major offensive in Kandahar , the
most important city in the Taliban heartland, has been slowed because of
worries over the lack of local support. The Afghan government and army
show few signs of being able, or even willing, to take over.. In the United
states, public opinion polls show that a majority of Americans have turned
against the war." (7/5/10)
The most important question facing the antiwar and social justice
movements is: What do we do now?
If ever there was a time for these movements to join together to plan
united protest actions, this is it. Hundreds of movement activists have
Page 42
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All entries for
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date and in Press
Release form.
already registered for the National Conference to Bring the Troops Home
Now to be held in Albany, New York on July 23-25.and many more have
expressed plans to attend. PLEASE JOIN US!
Register online at or use the
In peace and unity,
Jerry Gordon
Secretary, National Peace Conference or UNAC at P.O. Box 21675, Cleveland, OH 44121
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
AUGUST 13TH,14TH, AND 15TH 2010
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
A Celebration of Black Women! An empowering, motivational, and
entertaining forum that targets the specific needs and interests of Black
Page 43
To join The Coalition
go to:
and download a copy
of the Pledge of
Commitment and
return it to us
Women! General sessions and seminars addressing critical issues facing
Black Women from a pool of critically acclaimed presenters! Live
Entertainment from some of today's hottest new talent.
The Women of Color Expo 2010 offers your company the opportunity to
participate in an integrated consumer-marketing platform geared to drive
awareness and promote the trial of your products. Key areas of the expo
include beauty treatments, hair demonstrations, educational seminars and
live entertainment featuring some of today's hottest talent.
The purpose of the "Women of Color Expo" is to reach out to aspiring and
achieving women in the community from entry level to professionals. The
expo will serve as a nucleus of support to identify and address the critical
needs of women of color in the workforce as it relates to their career
mobility and personal achievements.
The Chris Kerry group would be honored to have you attend the
"Women of Color Expo"
held at the
GlenPointe Marriott
Teaneck, New Jersey
August 14th 2010.
Dates for Baltimore and Detroit coming soon.
For questions about: sponsorship, vending and general inquiries
please contact Kym at Raveena Media Group for more
Ph: 267-386-8204 ext. 2 or
Subj:"Women of Color"
Group offers low-cost web access to nonprofits
Mobile Citizen, a provider of mobile broadband for education and
nonprofits, will offer a Technology Assistance Grant program beginning
in January to provide non-profit organizations with affordable access to
the Internet.
Available only in Portland, Oregon, Las Vegas, and Philadelphia, the
grant includes reduced-price service from Mobile Citizen, with unlimited
usage for only $10/month or $120/year per account. It bundles Mobile
Page 44
To join The Coalition
go to:
and download a copy
of the Pledge of
Commitment and
return it to us
Citizen’s wireless broadband, powered by WiMAX, a fourth generation
(4G) technology from Clearwire Corporation with a variety of benefits
available only to grantees, including:
-- 12 months of service from Mobile Citizen extended to 15 months at no
additional charge. With this, nonprofits receive three free months of
service per account.
-- Dedicated Mobile Citizen Customer Care customized for non-profit
-- A free one-year membership to NTEN, a nonprofit technology network,
ongoing information and news as well as access to a support community.
-- A choice of additional benefits including an educational webinar series.
For more information, email Kecia Carroll.
"None of us has gotten where we are solely by pulling ourselves up from our own bootstraps. We got
here because somebody bent down and helped us." - Thurgood Marshall
I am the founder of the
C.N.A.s (Christians "N" Action)
which is a ministry that has a heart for people and their needs.
We feed our community on a weekly basis and provide clothing to them
but, lately we haven't been able to because we have been out of funds. I
have tried to solicit funds for some time now. No one seems to be able to
help. While prayers are fine people still need food. The provisions have
come out-of-pocket (mine) up until this time, but I have run dry. I believe
that people want to make a change in their lives if some of us are willing
to lend a hand.
(864) 207-0488
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Skip A Meal For Haiti
Most Americans eat at least three meals a day. Some eat more often.
Millions of people in Haiti have not had a meal in one week and a good
meal in recent memory. Will you skip a meal for the people of Haiti and
send the money to a relief agency?
Will you not eat one meal, on one day so that they can eat for a week?
Page 45
The cost of lunch at almost any affordable restaurant in America is
between $5.00 and $14.00. Some restaurants have menus that serve four
and five course dinners that can cost as much as $100.00 per person, not
including beverages. For as little as two dollars a day, you can help
provide food, drinking water and some sanitation supplies for a Haitian
child or adult. A $14.00 contribution can help feed and hydrate a Haitian
child for a week. We can all afford to make a difference!
The Black Star Project is asking you to miss at least one meal this week
for the people of Haiti and to send the money that you would have spent
on your breakfast, lunch or dinner to a relief fund that is on the ground
working in Haiti.
Many people say they want to go to Haiti to help those affected by the
earthquake. The cost of a round trip flight from New York City to Portau-
Prince, Haiti is more than $2,000.00. Decent hotel lodging, which is
virtually impossible to find in Haiti, might cost another $2,000.00 for one
week. And your mouth would become another mouth to feed of more
than 2 million people who need food and water day.
Instead of going to Haiti, will you miss a lunch for Haiti and send the
money you would have spent on that lunch to one of the on-the-ground
relief agencies listed below:
The Black Star Project (773.285.9600) recommends that you send your
contributions to:
Yele Haiti (Wyclef Jean's Relief Effort) at or text YELE to
501501 to donate $5.00 on your phone bill
UNICEF at or call 800.367.5437
Doctors Without Borders at or call
American Red Cross at or call 800.REDCROSS
(800.733.2767) or 800.257.7575 (Espanol)
Partners in Health at or call 617.432.5256
Charity water at
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
America’s Original Savings Network
As amazing as it may sound many people do not realize how easy it is
to LEGALLY stop paying for their groceries! This is how the one hour
television show began for the company whose website is at:
Page 46
Q: Are these manufacturer coupons or coupons that I print on my
A: All of our coupons are actual manufacturer coupons. Fewer and fewer
retailers accept coupons that are printed from your computer because of a
huge increase in counterfeit coupons. Actual manufacturer coupons which
we issue are accepted everywhere that coupons are accepted.
Q: Can these coupons be doubled?
A: Yes. These are manufacturer issued coupons and may be doubled in
any store that offers double coupons.
Q: What are the face values and the expiration dates of these coupons?
A: Being manufacturer coupons, the manufactuer determines the face
values of the coupons. We currently stock coupons ranging in value from
40 cents to 5.00 dollars. The coupon expiration dates are generally valid
for 90 days.
Q: How can I use $1,000.00 worth of coupons in 90 days?
A: With our program, you get to choose the coupons you want, when you
want them. This way you never have to worry about the coupons expiring.
Q:How do I choose the coupons I want?
A: Each coupon book contains coupon request slips which you fill out and
send in. Those coupons are then mailed to you.
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Ladies and Gentlemen:
I know of an excellent Charter School, you may have heard of it,
“Knowledge Is Power Program"
It has 80% of its students continue on to college and it only goes up to the
8th grade. It’s fairly new with such a high success rate already. You may
have heard of it.
Now they are expanding to 9th grade and possibly beyond, but they are in
need of a building. I was hoping if anyone could help find a location or
know of somewhere. It would be greatly appreciated by our future
Page 47
professionals, CEO's and potential politicians of America and me :)
Please contact me, my information is below, or Mr. Aaron Bass, Principal
Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Have a Great Day.
Virginia D. Smith, Asst - MDT
Department of Human Services
Special Family Focus Services
215-300-2949 - Cell
215-683-6381 - Office
215-683-6408 - Fax
May God Bless You Always in All Ways
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Volunteer In Africa
Explore a Continent of Contrasts while Volunteering in Africa
For over a decade, Cross-Cultural Solutions has supported thousands of
volunteers in Africa on programs in Ghana, Morocco, South Africa and
CCS volunteers work side-by-side with local people in community
organizations focused on supporting social services, education, and health
Discover one of the world’s most diverse continents and see firsthand the
challenges it faces and how you can make a positive impact with CCS.
Go to:
Our group A HAND UP! Is now open, please go to:
In response to the needs of many grassroots organizations for the basic
tools to implement and sustain their ideas and projects, The Coalition, Inc.
members have come together to establish a network to facilitate the
distribution/re-distribution of unwanted, unneeded, surplus and even
repairable items for recycling.
To join: A Hand Up!
----- Coalition members! Activate ‘Your’ web link on The Coalition, Inc. web site -----
Page 48
sotto voce \SAHtoh-
Spoken low or in an
undertone, as not to
be overheard.
Remember to support The Coalition, Inc.’s on-air personalities…
Sister Phile Chionesu, organizer of the Million Woman March,
“Nu Day Resurrection and Liberation" Show LIVE each Saturday
evening 10:30 PM--12:00 midnight EST.
"NU Day" is heard in Philly and, worldwide, through the internet at: Or you can tune in via podcast at
Call in and give your thoughts, comments, opinions at 1-646-652-2232
Or send an instant message to to chat on line.




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