The Urban Cartographer Online



News From
The Coalition, Inc.

The newsletter is now available
in .pdf format.


Click Here if you need to download
a free PDF reader.


We are glad to be back up and running.

Greetings Friends and Members of The Coalition, Inc.,

We are glad to be back up and running after our equipment was attacked by a
persistent and debilitating virus. I guess it was our turn, many of our
members and associates had also been victims. We are grateful for all the
inquires about the status of the newsletter, you may never know who’s paying
attention until you stop doing what you’re doing. We also have to thank the
folks who worked so hard to get us back up and running, William Towns,
Brandon Szali and Peter Lo. If we had the budget, they would be our
technical crew. Thanks guys!

Updated Edition Coming Soon.

We are glad to be back up and running.


Before you forward that message or send that e-mail,

The Editor

please read this





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