May 19 is Malcolm X Day

"Find something




-- Dr Betty Shabazz

May 28, 1938 - June 23, 1997

Copyright   © 1998 , Intercity Sports Review
Reprinted with permission.



     On  Sunday, June 21, 1998, on Channel 7 (WABC-TV) in New York City, Gil Noble hosted Ilyasah Shabazz on his weekly "Like It Is" telecast. The above quotation was attributed to our much beloved "Sister Betty" by one of her daughters. It was often given as encouragement and motivation to both the physical and spiritual "children"  of Malcolm X and Betty Shabazz. Powerful! Truthful! Beautiful! Thanks!

    This message of remembrance and tribute is too utterly feeble and inadequate to pay proper respect to someone who has given us so much. To say nothing, however, would be ungrateful and disrespectful. The least any of us can say is "Thanks!" To the Family and friends, we say "Keep on with the keepin' on! God loves you and so do we!"    

     As an African "Queen Mother," and now a beloved "Ancestor," we now have some serious footsteps within which to follow. It can be done with the help of the Almighty Creator and Ruler of the Universe,  (known as "God"," Allah", "Yahweh", "Jehovah", the "LORD" and other expressions of Deity from the various languages and dialects of humanity [which according to Judeo-Christian-Islamic theology as summarized in Genesis 11:1-9 were the result of the rebellion of humanity against Divine authority in the first place]). We can and must carry on with gratitude an awesome legacy of LOVE ( see John 3:16 and 1 John 4:8, and corresponding sections of the Torah and Quran ) that can present solutions for our current crises and responses to the challenges facing us as we head into the new  millennium.  

      (Courtesy of  "The Manhattan Tan-Hat-Man," copyright   © 1998 , Intercity Sports Review.)





The Malcolm X & Dr. Betty Shabazz
Memorial & Educational Center

The Malcolm X and Dr. Betty Shabazz Memorial and Educational Center continues the work of Malcolm X and Dr. Betty Shabazz through the advancement of human rights and social justice.

Please Learn More.







Listen to

                    A Message in the MUSIC                     Please contact us for more information                     A Message in the MUSIC                     Please contact us for more information                     A Message in the MUSIC                     Please contact us for more information                     A Message in the MUSIC                     Please contact us for more information                     A Message in the MUSIC


“Beautiful In My Sight”



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 // Malcolm's Program // Remembering Dr Betty Shabazz // Media Manipulation Exposed // 




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