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In Grateful Remembrance


"When you were born,
you cried and the world rejoiced.
Live your life so that when you die,
the world cries and you rejoice."

- Cherokee Expression

"Memories of yesterday
and dreams of tomorrow
make us who we are today.
Grief is the price we pay for love."

- Queen Elizabeth II

Sometimes when we wonder:

The answer is:
(Isaiah 57:1 - 2)





The Honor Roll
Contuinues to Grow

Dr. Benjamin Hooks

Lena Horne

Sid Smalls

More Information
Coming Soon





Dr. Ronald W. Walters
1938 - 2010

Human Rights Pioneer & Scholar

“August 28 & Every Day -
Where Ever You Are!

Related News Item

Related News Item

The Legacy Must Live On!







Aminata Moseka
Abbey Lincoln
(1930 - 2010)

"An Outstanding musician
and Human Rights champion."

"A voice of vision and courage
that inspired many freedom fighters."

- The Editor


Remembering Jazz Singer And Activist
Abbey Lincoln


We Remember:
Abbey Lincoln


Abbey Lincoln:
The Power Of Voice


Jazz Singer Abbey Lincoln:
"The First Song"


Gil Noble
Aminata Moseka
(Broadcast Date:
22 August 2010)







Dr. Dorothy Height
1912 - 2010

“I would like very much to see our younger generation, who have inherited open doors, take more time to learn their own history so that they will see how they build on what has happened.”

-- Dr. Dorothy Height
(1912 - 2010)

The Legacy Must Live On!






Teddy Pendergrass
1950 - 2010

“Somebody told me to deliver this message:”

“Wake up everybody!”

The Legacy Must Live On!





Jean Biden
1917 - 2010

Beloved Mother of our Vice President


An inspiration to millions of people around the world.

“My mother's creed is the American creed: No one is better than you.

Everyone is your equal, and everyone is equal to you.

My parents taught us to live our faith, and to treasure our families.”

-Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr.

Farewell “Aunt Jean”
you will be missed.

More coming soon.





Thank God
for giving us
Mr Percy Ellis Sutton!

Condolences to the Sutton Family
Thank You for sharing him with us.

“I would like to be remembered
for my love of my brothers and sisters.”

Percy Ellis Sutton
(1920 - 2009)


Tuskegee Airman

Founder and Chairman Emeritus
Inner City Broadcasting Corporation

In lieu of flowers, the family asks that charitable donations be made to the NAACP NYS Conference, and sent to NAACP, 1085 Avenue of the Americas, Suite 300, New York, NY 10018.

Chairman Percy Ellis Sutton&rdquo
Chairman Percy Ellis Sutton&rdquo





Edward M Kennedy
1932 - 2009


Thank You "Teddy"

The DREAM Lives On!

("O beautiful for heroes proved
In liberating strife,
Who more than self their country loved,
And mercy more than life!")

You can help continue
his living legacy of public service.





Walter Cronkite
1916 - 2009

He set the highest standards of trustworthiness and responsibility in journalism.

" That's the way it is. "

The Legacy Must Live On!







Michael Jackson

(1958 - 2009)

The "Gloved One"
will always be a
LOVED one.

"I'll Be There"
should be the
"INTERnational ANTHEM"
"Man In The Mirror"
"You Are Not Alone"
ought to be the
international admonitions.



"A Message
to Michael!"
"A Message
to Michael!"





He Taught Us To
"Always Question"!

Ivan Van Sertima
(1935 - 2009)




"Mirror to America"
& the World!

John Hope Franklin
(1915 - 2009)




Dr. Barbara Ann Teer
1937 - 2008

Founder and CEO
The National Black Theatre -
Institute of Action Arts
" The Legacy Lives On " !

Please Read More Here.






1950 - 2008

(host of

Meet the Press

We Share the Loss

We share the sorrow of the passing of Tim Russert with our colleagues in the Press and extend sincere condolences to his immediate and extended families.

We are all challenged to measure up to the standards of fairness, civility, integrity and responsibility that he exemplified and to carry on his legacy of excellence.

The Editor
Urban Cartographer Online







Luciano Pavorotti

A great musician who,
to paraphrase Aretha Franklin,
showed all of the families of humanity
" R-E-S-P-E-C-T " !

Please Read More Here.







Max Roach
(1924 - 2007)

"An Outstanding musician
and Human Rights advocate."

"A voice of vision and sanity
during some very troubled times."

"Many people shall be eternally grateful
for the contributions of Max Roach
for the uplift of humanity."

- The Editor


"What he leaves is very, very important . . .
He was class and intelligent
and he was a teacher. "

- Bill Cosby

Read More Here


"Human Rights Activists and Jazz World
Mourn the Loss of Max Roach"

Read More Here


"Family Issues Statement
on the Occasion of Max Roach's Passing "

Read More Here


"Max Roach,
Legendary Musician, Composer and Educator "

Read More Here


"Max Roach's
funeral photographs"

Read More Here








In Loving Memory

Yolanda Denise King

(November 17, 1955 - May 15, 2007)

"The LORD has given,
and the LORD has taken away;
blessed be the name of the LORD."

(Job 1:21)

We Send Sincere Condolences
to the
King Family,

and to all of the
Freedom Fighters for Human Rights.

Keep standing on the promises
and leaning on the Everlasting Arms.

"Memories of yesterday
and dreams of tomorrow
make us who we are today.
Grief is the price we pay for love."
- Queen Elizabeth

"He [and she] who has an ear
[please] hear what the Spirit says . . . . "

(Matthew 11:15,13:9, Luke 8:8, 14:35,
Revelation 2:7, 11, 17, 29, 3:6, 13, 22, 13:9)

Please Read More Here


The Editor

God has called "Yoki,"
Yolanda King,
the "First Daughter"
of the modern Freedom Movement
for Human Rights
home to glory.

Earl Ofari Hutchinson
Remembers Yolanda King.

Higher Ground Productions

Remembers Yolanda King
Memorial Service Set:

It is with deepest sadness
that we say goodbye
to our founder and CEO
Yolanda Denise King.

Read More Here.

Farewell to "Yoki"

"We can rejoice in her beautiful life"
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Published on: 05/25/07

Read More Here.


Statement of
Darryl R. Matthews, Sr.
General President
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Read More Here.


Atlanta pays tribute to Yolanda King

Read More Here.


A Note of Thanks
From the Family

Read More Here.





 James Brown
(1933 - 2006)





James Brown Speaks
About Today's Songs

"I firmly believe that Black music should never be 'dirty.'
And if you think about it, how could it be, unless someone . . . was allowing it?"


"The FCC controls the licensing of everything
connected to broadcasting.
If they don't want something on the air,
it doesn't get on.
Conversely, whatever material does make it on the airwaves
is the material that they have deemed 'appropriate.' "

Read More Here






Gerald Rudolph Ford
(1913 - 2006)

(If not home by Christmas,
At least by New Year's Eve.)

"God only wants the Good Stuff"
( - Mama)

Is it time for
another Ford in our future?

Learn more at the
Ford Presidential Library







President Gerald Ford speaks about
Personal & Social Responsibility:

"No man should have to clean up
after another man's dog."

Read More Here
about his Moral Leadership
With More Information Here.






"Lady Bird" Johnson
(1912 - 2007)

We gratefully remember and honor the life and work of Claudia Alta Taylor "Lady Bird" Johnson.

As we do, it would do us all well to ask:

How do the elements of today's society (religious, government, education, corporate, entertainment, news media, sports and personal) measure up under the scrutiny and spotlight of the ideals of America -- "We the People" who claim to "hold these truths to be self-evident . . . . " ?

It is a sobering challenge to live up to.

Learn more at the
LBJ Presidential Library








Momma taught me. Momma brought me.
Momma kept me from becoming too haughty.
Momma sought me. Momma fought me.
And showed me with what a true Christian ought to be.

Momma taught me how to love.
Momma taught me how to pray.
Momma taught me how to sing.
Praises to my God every day.

Momma taught me how to smile,
Even when my heart was breaking.
Momma taught poise and style,
In the midst of my undertaking.

Momma taught me to respect.
Momma taught me not to neglect,
Momma taught me to preserve and protect
Those not blessed with my intellect.

Yes, momma taught us, and taught us well.
That is why we would like to tell
All you good people, that our mom is swell:
She just may have saved our souls from hell.

Copyright © 1995 by 
Prince L. Manley,
Son, in loving memory of, and tribute to,
Surella Jane Spry
(1937 - 2007).
Reprinted with permission.







“Look Forward With Hope”

“Hark! The Herald Angels Sing”
Felix Mendelssohn)

Copyright © 2009
Stan Daniels, Editor,
Urban Cartographer Online
All Rights Reserved

No more a baby in a manger
No more hanging on a cross
When He returns don't be a stranger
For He sho' enough is the Boss

Folks from ev'ry nation rise
Shout in triumph through the skies
Hark you herald angels sing
Welcome back our coming King

Hark you herald angels sing
Welcome back our coming King

(Dedicated in grateful and loving memory of
Leslie A. Schmedes (1931 - 2013)
Carlos Errol Perkins (1927 - 2012)
Naomi Sumter (1931 - 2010)
Horace Irving Manley Jr. (1955 - 2010)
Donna Marie Daniels (1957 - 2010)
Ra'mon R. Quinones (1965 - 2010)
Shawn M. Carson (1965 - 2005)
Glenn D. Cunningham (1943 - 2004)
Ronald Robinson (1947 - 2000)
and all who have faithfully lived
and become an inspiration to others.)


Season's Greetings







In Memory of Police Officers
Shawn Carson & Robert Nguyen 

Police Officer Shawn Carson

Police Officer Shawn Carson


Police Officer Robert 

Police Officer Robert Nguyen


A living memorial for
Officer Shawn Carson and
his partner, Officer Robert Nguyen
Read More Here






Many saints and scoundrels have left the land of the living since 2006.

Knowing this, we all ought to consider our own mortality and resolve to creatively solve in a positive manner the many problems and issues confronting us without the mean spiritedness that has been a hallmark of the past.

"Polar bears are drowning while nitwits, nincompoops and nutty numbskulls are clowning."

Yes there are other "N - words" if you choose to use them.

It's way past time to wake up!

Truth, peace and reconciliation are long overdue.

"God bless America, my home sweet home.

God spare America the fate of Rome!"

Please read Proverbs 3:5-6, (1-35)

As many people remember the life and work of Dr Martin Luther King, Jr on the anniversary of his untimely death, prayers are extended that all of the families of humanity and their leaders will soon understand and act constructively on his message.

Yes, Jesus loves YOU!

The Bible tells me so.


The Editor





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