Recording Video to DVD

Camera or VCR

Video Out

Audio Left Out

Audio Right Out

Antenna Out












DVD Recorder

Video In

Audio Left In

Audio Right In

Antenna In

DVD Recorder

Video Out

Audio Left Out

Audio Right Out

Antenna Out












Monitor or Television

Video In

Audio Left In

Audio Right In

Antenna In

Recording from a camera or

Copying content from a VCR videocassette

to a DVD+R or DVD+RW disc


The following instructions are provided for a general connection in case you want to record the output of your video camera  or copy your VCR videocassettes to disc.


The backs of your TV and VCR probably don't exactly match the ones shown here.


In general, you just need to connect the camera or VCR Output jacks to the DVD recorder Input jacks.


Also, you need to be able to see what you are recording or copying, so the TV or a video monitor needs to be connected.


1.      Connect the DVD recorder to the Camera or VCR. Connect a set of audio/video cables to the DVD recorder's INPUT VIDEO (yellow),  AUDIO L (white), and AUDIO R (red) jacks from the Camera or from the VCR's OUTPUT Jacks (sometimes, labeled OUTPUT VIDEO and AUDIO L and R).


2.      Connect the DVD recorder to the Monitor or TV. Connect a set of audio/video cables to the DVD recorder's OUTPUT VIDEO  (yellow),AUDIO L (white), and AUDIO R(red) jacks, to the Monitor or TV's INPUT jacks (sometimes labeled INPUT VIDEO, L and R).


3.      Or, use the RF coaxial cable that was packed with your unit, and connect one end to the CABLE/ANTENNA OUTPUT jack on the  DVD recorder. Connect the other end to the Cable/Antenna Input jack on your  Monitor or TV (sometimes labeled CABLE/ANTENNA).


4.      Make sure all of the components (TV,VCR, and DVD recorder) are plugged into working power outlets.


5.      Turn on all of the components.


6.      Tune the TV or monitor to the Video Input Channel that corresponds with the Audio/Video Input jacks you use to  connect it to the DVD recorder.


7.      Turn on your camera or insert the videocassette you want to record onto disc into the VCR, and cue it up.


8.      Tune the DVD recorder to its Video Input Channel (press the DVD button and then the INPUT button on the DVD  recorder's remote control).


9.      Put a DVD+R or DVD+RW disc into the DVD recorder, and press RECORD.


10.     Start your camera or press PLAY on the VCR.


11.     When you're finished recording, press STOP on the DVD recorder and tune the TV to its Video Input Channel so it  displays content playing in the DVD recorder.


12.     Make sure the content was properly recorded or copied by playing the disc.


Graphics contained within this publication are for representation only.


Camera or VCR

Video Out

Audio Left Out

Audio Right Out

Antenna Out












DVD Recorder

Video In

Audio Left In

Audio Right In

Antenna In

DVD Recorder

Video Out

Audio Left Out

Audio Right Out

Antenna Out












Monitor or Television

Video In

Audio Left In

Audio Right In

Antenna In





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