"W. F. F. F."


Earth from Space










"I, for one, believe that if you give people a thorough understanding
of what confronts them
and the basic causes that produce it,
they'll create their own program,
and when the people create a program,
you get action."
-Malcolm X


"It is in your hands to make
our world a better one
for all, especially the poor,
vulnerable and marginalised."
- Nelson Mandela


"He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps perpetrate it."

"We must work on . . . attacking the causes and healing the effects."
-Martin Luther King Jr.




This page is a direct inspiration of the "Black Forum" series produced by Berry Gordy and Motown during the "sixties" when the Freedom Movement for Human Rights and social justice was transforming the world.

A voice was given to many people with diverse experiences and viewpoints to communicate and share their ideas.

Among the historic productions was the recording of the march in Detroit on June 23, 1963 during which Dr Martin Luther King, Jr presented his "I Have A Dream" message to a half million people more than two months before the now more remembered March on Washington that occured later that same year on August 28.


A Call to Conscience:
A Landmark Speech of
Martin Luther King, Jr.

"I Have A Dream" -

Speech at the Great March on Detroit

23 June 1963
Detroit, Mich. 

We have more material coming soon so please visit often for updates.






Recent Events Prove
The July 4th Words of
Frederick Douglass







On a planet
camel flatulence
away from

The time to heed
the message of
Dr Martin Luther King, Jr.
is long overdue !

Around the world we see dysfunctional households, domestic disputes, divided communities, international atrocities, acts of terrorism and genocide.

News reports constantly display reiterations of Jezebel and Ahab, Cain and Abel, Samson and Delilah as well as accounts of Hard Hearted Hannah and Hard Headed Homeboy.

People of the Planet

For the sake of
your posterity
and your posteriors,
Please Heed
Dr Martin Luther King, Jr's
Keys to Peace !

wins when
the prize




The lynching of Trayvon Martin

America's Unfinished Business!






“People are often unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered; Forgive them anyway.

If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; Be kind anyway.

If you are successful you will win some false friends and true enemies; Succeed anyway.

If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you; Be honest and frank anyway.

What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight; Build anyway.

If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous; Be happy anyway.

The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow; Do good anyway.

Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough; Give the world the best you've got anyway.

You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and God; It was never between you and them anyway.”

-- Mother Teresa






                    "We Shall Overcome"                     "Precious Lord"                     "Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen"                     "Keep On Pushing"                     "Some Day We'll Be Together"                     "Say It Loud, I'm Black and Proud"                     "I'll Be There"                     "Man In The Mirror"                     "You Are Not Alone"                     "Maybe Tomorrow"                     "I Feel Good"

June is
Black Music History and Heritage Month

                    "Will You Be There ?"                     "Going Up Yonder"                     "Soon and Very Soon (Going to See The King)"                     "R-E-S-P-E-C-T"                     "Lift Ev'ry Voice And Sing"                     "Love's In Need of Love Today"                     "What's Going On"                     "Get Ready"                     "Eyes on the Prize"                     "Oh Freedom"                     "Free At Last"

Read More Here






Editor's Note:
Another "Wake-up Call"!

Copyright © 2007 - 2012 by Stan Daniels,
Urban Cartographer Online 

(Please read Psalm 4:4, Ephesians 4:26 - 27
and 2 Chronicles 7:14)

The United States of America has now become the home of the "Grateful Dead" and far too many ungrateful living.

Arrogantly excluding hundreds of millions of fellow inhabitants of the hemisphere, in greedy pursuit of material gain with depraved indifference to human life, misguided persons hypocritically defile the name "America" around the planet.

We now see a land of sagging breeches, collapsing bridges and media manipulated people who are as clueless as a barefoot man is shoeless.

In a state of extreme spiritual depravity, many cannot (or will not) "connect the dots" and see the relationship between the "money trail" and the "bunny's tail."

Decades before the present media and entertainment fueled "ball of confusion," there were clear warnings of impending danger from many people.


Among them Malcolm X issued many clear wake up calls and Martin Luther King, Jr repeatedly challenged people to think. Both urged constructive action.

The renowned call-out from Malcolm X rings just as true today as when he first proclaimed it: "You've been hoodwinked. You've been had. You've been took. You've been led astray . . . You've been bamboozled!"

This was long before the "Ghetto Dogs" (howling, scowling, growling and prowling), and other walking and talking weapons of mass destruction and suicidal havoc were unleashed on many unsuspecting communities and families.

Ossie Davis, the world famous and respected actor and his wife and acting partner, Ruby Dee, helped to open doors and widen horizons for Black people on stage and screen.

They fought zealously for Human Rights from Washington to Hollywood.
Ossie Davis gave the Eulogy for Malcolm X.

When the couple was honored at the Kennedy Center in December, 2004, Ossie Davis stated: "We knew that every time we got a job and every time we were onstage, America was looking to make judgments about all black folks on the basis of how you looked, how you sounded, how you carried yourself. So any role you had was a role that was involved in the struggle for black identification. You couldn't escape it."

Artists and entertainers have had a major impact on societies throughout history.

Whether the influence was positive or negative depended on the message being proclaimed.




This is not a question of censorship.
It is simply a matter of
"Responsibility in Free Speech!"

Responsibility in Free 






Do YOU Remember?


Most people with any knowledge of the history of the American Revolution are familiar with the account of the famous ride of Paul Revere.





Few, if any, however, could tell you the name of his horse.


Do you know why?


The solution to the mystery -

The horse did not record the history.


If we do not record and tell our own history and heritage, it too may become lost and forgotten knowledge.


While we may not know the name of Paul Revere's horse, we can know the name of Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Warren's chauffeur.

Edgar Patterson, was the driver for Earl Warren and helped shape the justice's views on race relations.

Patterson befriended Warren when the politician was California attorney general.

It was Warren who wrote the landmark decision in Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka, Kan., which prohibited school segregation.

Please read more about Mr Patterson here

and in a May 1974 Ebony Magazine article here.


When we celebrate and share our heritage everyone benefits.



A special note of thanks to Mr Gil Noble and all those working to preserve and share our heritage.










                    Allah U Akbar                                         Nkosi Sikelel' IAfrica                                         Ishe Oluwa Koleba Jeo                                         Lift Every Voice And Sing


Tweets and Reflections


Please Read More Here








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