Opening Girard College !

Copyright © 2012 by Stan Daniels, Editor,
Urban Cartographer Online - all rights reserved.




Many historians consider the School Desegregation and Civil Rights Supreme Court decision regarding Girard College in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to rank only after that Court's Brown vs. Board decision in securing equal educational opportunity for all people.

While many deep south communities have been stigmatized for their notorious racist atrocities, the struggles for Human and Civil Rights and social justice were major activites throughout the United States.

Brown vs. Board was not in the deep south and several areas specified for Federal scrutiny by the Voting Rights Act of 1965 were in northern states with their own rich history of violence and bigotry.

Ironically, Indiana served as host state to some of the largest Klan activities and several northern cities were where some of the greatest battles for educational. employment and housing equality have been (and are still being) fought.

It should not, therefore, be a surprise to see that the following outlined events occurred in a locality where certain truths were observed to be “self-evident.”

Cecil B. Moore, Esq., President of the Philadelphia NAACP, was a key leader in the fight to desegregate Girard College. He was on the front lines of the freedom marches and in the courts.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Rev. Ralph Abernathy and Malcolm X Shabazz were among several other prominent personalities instrumental in breaking down the walls of bigotry in the Girard College case.

Greed and hypocrisy, however, have paralyzed and continue to incapacitate the cognitive abilities of far too many people.

We hope that by sharing the following information we will contribute to constructive solutions to many contemporary (and long standing) issues.

-- 30 --
The Editor





Opening Girard College

Photograph copyright © 1965 by Stan Daniels, Editor,
Urban Cartographer Online - all rights reserved.

Opening Girard College

Photograph copyright © 1965 by Stan Daniels, Editor,
Urban Cartographer Online - all rights reserved.

Opening Girard College

Photograph copyright © 1965 by Stan Daniels, Editor,
Urban Cartographer Online - all rights reserved.

Opening Girard College

Kwame Toure (Stokely Carmichael) of SNCC is at the microphone of WDAS radio in Philadelphia.
With him in the studio in a live broadcast of Joe Rainey's “Listening Post” program are
Julian Bond of SNCC and Barry Dawson of the Young Militants.
Read more about these historic times on the WDAS History site.

Photograph copyright © 1965 by Stan Daniels, Editor,
Urban Cartographer Online - all rights reserved.


Opening Girard College

While freedom marchers and protesters often suffered abuse from those who were supposed to “serve and protect” them,
sometimes simply being guilty of “BWB” (Breathing While Black)
could bring constabulary wrath upon a person.

During one of the demonstrations at Girard College, a sweep of “everything Black in sight”
engulfed some people in the area who were simply waiting for the Route 15 Girard Avenue Trolley.

Photograph copyright © 1965 by Stan Daniels, Editor,
Urban Cartographer Online - all rights reserved.

Opening Girard College

It's “Wake Up Time” !

The more things change,
the more things stay the same.

Photograph copyright © 1964 by Stan Daniels, Editor,
Urban Cartographer Online - all rights reserved.





News Item:

Please Read This Reprint Now!
(Originally published in 1965)







The Cecil B. Moore

Philadelphia Freedom Fighters




As promised, we are featuring bio's and auto bio's of local folk who  made many sacrifices to challenge the corrupt systems they encountered.



by Richard J.  Watson


“  The 1960s brought about the most significant changes in my life than any other  period since. The many challenges of the times, that brought about real  growth, from teenager into manhood, will forever be cherished as my  “political birthing.” My introduction to the Civil Rights Movement via the  campaigns launched by the fierce leader of the Philadelphia NAACP, Cecil B.  Moore, connected me to a group of people who became “family” for all times.  The efforts for the integration of The Stephen Girard College for White Male  Orphans brought together many young people who, otherwise, may have never  crossed paths. We were known at that time (1965) as The Young Militants. We  saw ourselves as young men and women who believed in ourselves, and the  righteous causes that we supported.  We continue even today to embrace those moments, and to support each  other's dedication to the betterment of our communities. We go into schools,  mentor young people who do not have the benefits of the facts of history that  helped to open some of the doors that they have had a chance to walk through.  

And  most of all, to pay tribute and honor our sisters and brothers in the  struggle, who are no longer with us, our fallen heroes who should not go  unrecognized for what they endured in the form of mental and physical abuse  .The names of George Brower (Freedom George), Frank Haley (Freedom Frank),  Stanley Vaughn, Barry Dawson, sister Bertha Brown, Roy Arnold,  (Short-Shorts), Brother Zeke, Bro. Ulysses C. Grant, Bro. Reverend Dwight  Eisenhower Campbell, Bro. Robert Brazzwell, Bro. Malichia Robinson, Sis.  Birdie Palmer, Ms Susie Leacock and Mrs. Maude Robinson. There were many more  upon whose shoulder we now stand. These were the die-hards, who would give it  all, stop at nothing, to see the job through. In all kinds of weather, day  and night, they were on duty! If only they could witness today, the fruits of  their labors, they would be so relieved to know that they were all on the  right path. Freedom, Justice and total equality for all people is still the  struggle! We have come a long way, but we've got so much further to go. I can  recall, as if it were yesterday, times spent with each and every one of the  people I just mentioned. I can feel the presence of their contributions to  the cause. We must all continue to hold fast to the goals that we focused  upon over forty years ago, and to keep on keeping on. Our young people are in  serious need of true and proper guidance. Strength lies in the family! Family  is the root of the tree that will help us, African Americans, to flourish in  a forest of undergrowth and vines and fossils of petrified residue that  continues to thwart our development. Trust me, we are still not “out of the  woods” We do not have to prove anything as a people. We have demonstrated  time and time again that we are qualified, ready and able to get the job  done. All that remains is that we “walk the walk”-and not just talk the talk!

Reprinted Courtesy of
News From The Coalition, Inc.
(Friday 06 February 2009 - Page 17)

Join the Coalition







Please Read This:
National Archives at Philadelphia

School Desegregation and Civil Rights Stories:
Girard College, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Please Read This:
National Archives at Philadelphia









See more Girard College history here
WDAS History:

Keep the knowledge of our history alive
and share it with our posterity!

WDAS History:
One Radio Station's Role in the History of
the Human Rights and Peace Movements.

WDAS History

(With Photographs!)





See more Girard College history
at the
African American Museum in Philadelphia








Copyright © 1994 Intercity Sports Review

Reprinted with permission



Thanks to irresponsible and greedy elements of the information and entertainment media, many people have an inaccurate and distorted picture of many of today's young people. Outstanding academic, artistic, humanitarian and athletic achievements and contributions by our youths are often ignored or buried deep in print and electronic news reports somewhere between the obituaries, department store sales and classified ads. Meanwhile aberrant (and often abhorrent) sensational acts by a few confused and misguided products of a society that has been unable and/or unwilling to properly educate them grab the banner headlines.



Public policies in many localities, disconcerted by this mentality, annually flush billions of dollars into feeble attempts to treat the effects (rather than deal with the causes) of our predictable and preventable tragic social failures. Meanwhile, in many families, religious, educational and social institutions and communities, the positive people quietly stayed focused on building and preparing for a better future. This publication is a record that resulted from the efforts of a few of them. It is the tip of an iceberg from a glacier of concerned people who are building for a better tomorrow.



The power, potential and influence of positive young people should never be underestimated. (Just think back to the Human Rights movement in the United States during the 1960's.) The achievements outlined on this Web site, and many of those with which it is linked, are a testimony of that fact.



The ball is now in YOUR court.





Remembering Our Heritage

The Editor

Photograph copyright © 2008 by Stan Daniels, Editor,
Urban Cartographer Online - all rights reserved.

The Editor Speaks

The Editor speaks
at an African American History Celebration
in Newark, New Jersey (USA).

The Editor Speaks

Photographs copyright © 2010
by David Robinson
Assistant Pastor, 24-7 Community Church
(Grace Communion International), Newark, NJ
Stan Daniels, Editor,
Urban Cartographer Online - all rights reserved.





of our young people are



The Editor was richly blessed to have had a family
that not only did not teach him to be a bigot,
but also taught him how not to be a bigot!

Please Read More About It.


from an earlier time

for today!







Young people were a major force in the Human Rights movement.

and the
Student Freedom Movement






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