and the
Student Freedom Movement


Young people were a major force in the 
Human Rights movement.

photograph copyright © 1964 - 2012 by Stan Daniels,

Editor, Urban Cartographer Online 


A Time When Young People

Made a Difference For the Better!






Copyright © 1994-2012 Intercity Sports Review

Reprinted with permission



Thanks to irresponsible and greedy elements of the information and entertainment media, many people have an inaccurate and distorted picture of many of today's young people. Outstanding academic, artistic, humanitarian and athletic achievements and contributions by our youths are often ignored or buried deep in print and electronic news reports somewhere between the obituaries, department store sales and classified ads. Meanwhile aberrant (and often abhorrent) sensational acts by a few confused and misguided products of a society that has been unable and/or unwilling to properly educate them grab the banner headlines.



Public policies in many localities, disconcerted by this mentality, annually flush billions of dollars into feeble attempts to treat the effects (rather than deal with the causes) of our predictable and preventable tragic social failures. Meanwhile, in many families, religious, educational and social institutions and communities, the positive people quietly stayed focused on building and preparing for a better future. This publication is a record that resulted from the efforts of a few of them. It is the tip of an iceberg from a glacier of concerned people who are building for a better tomorrow.



The power, potential and influence of positive young people should never be underestimated. (Just think back to the Human Rights movement in the United States during the 1960's.) The achievements outlined on this Web site, and many of those with which it is linked, are a testimony of that fact.



The ball is now in YOUR court.








If you think you are too small to make a difference,
you haven't spent a night with a mosquito.

-- African Proverb




"What's in Your hand?
Just let God use you, that's all.
. . .
One with God, always a majority!"

-- Adam Clayton Powell, Jr.
Watch on YouTube






Distinguished Journalist & Educator:


"I think misinformation is indeed
a weapon of mass destruction."

Gil Noble
(1932 - 2012)

Has joined our beloved & honorable ancestors.





"An Afternoon with Gil Noble"



"Gil Noble, RIP:
Shining Black Prince of Journalism"

By Milton Allimadi


Can Help Preserve
Gil Noble Archives







SNCC 50th Anniversary Conference

Young people were a major force in the Human Rights movement.

SNCC 50th Anniversary Conference

To commemorate the April, 1960 founding of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee at Shaw University, Raleigh, NC.

To be held in
Raleigh, North Carolina
April 15-18, 2010







"In the sixties we were filled with inspiration
. . .
We were enriched with something that this present generation is missing
. . .
When . . . it looked like we were going to reach the "Promised Land" our people of that generation didn't teach the young the history of our struggle
. . .
If we don't know the struggle then the struggle can't continue."

- The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan interviewed by Gil Noble, host of the weekly public affairs program, LIKE IT IS aired in November 2009






First Lady Travels to South Africa

First Lady Michelle Obama traveled to South Africa and Botswana during an official visit focused on youth leadership, education, health and wellness.

The trip is a continuation of Mrs. Obama’s work to engage young people, especially girls and young women, at home and abroad.
Please Read More

Michelle Obama visits the Nelson Mandela Centre of Memory
Please Read More

Photo Gallery:
US First Lady arrives in South Africa
View Here






Democracy is HARD Work!


The way to safeguard our Human and Civil Rights and Liberties
is to fulfill our Responsibilities as Citizens.

Perhaps Michael Jackson said it best after all:

Start with
“The Man [or Woman] in the Mirror!”





Challenge & Opportunity!


What Is iCivics?


iCivics (formerly Our Courts) is a web-based education project designed to teach students civics and inspire them to be active participants in our democracy.

iCivics is the vision of Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, who is concerned that students are not getting the information and tools they need for civic participation, and that civics teachers need better materials and support.

Please Read More at:

Welcome Teachers

Check out all our teacher content, arranged by curriculum units.

Please Read More at:






Dear Justice O'Connor:

Thank you for your urgently needed educational work encouraging responsible citizenship.

Recently I heard your enlightening presentation on Bloomberg radio in New York City.

After visiting your informative Web site, we have added links to it from some of the education and community service pages on our site.

We shall do our best to share the helpful information with as many people as possible and are very grateful for the efforts of you and your colleagues.


Stan Daniels,
Urban Cartographer Online







A Study Guide

from the
Urban Cartographer Online




Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee

After the successful outcome of the Montgomery Bus Boycott, its leader, Martin Luther King wrote Stride Toward Freedom (1958).

The book described what happened at Montgomery and explained King's views on non-violence and direct action.

Stride Toward Freedom was to have a considerable influence on the Civil Rights movement.


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From Wikipedia,

the free encyclopedia.


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The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) was founded in 1960 by young people dedicated to non-violent, direct-action tactics.

While Martin Luther King, Jr. and other civil rights leaders had hoped that SNCC would serve as the youth-wing of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), the students remained fiercely independent of King and the SCLC, generating their own projects and strategies.

Although ideological differences eventually caused SNCC and SCLC to be at odds, the two organizations worked side-by-side throughout the early years of the Civil Rights movement.


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The Basis of Black Power

Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee

Position Paper: The Basis of Black Power


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Development of SNCC 

Created on the campus of Shaw University in Raleigh, North Carolina, on April 15, 1960, SNCC's activities initially included coordinating student-led sit-ins

in Greensboro and later throughout the Deep South, supporting these activists, and helping to publicize their activities.

With leaders like Stokely Carmichael, Ruby Doris Smith Robinson, and Julian Bond, among others, the group eventually led the charge against segregation and discrimination in the U.S.

Its efforts during Freedom Summer led to the registration of thousands of  voters as well as the creation of the MFDP.


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The Sit-Ins Energize Freedom Movement

On February 1, 1960, a group of black college students from North Carolina A&T University refused to leave a Woolworth's lunch counter in Greensboro, North

Carolina where they had been denied service.

This sparked a wave of other sit-ins in college towns across the South.

The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, or SNCC (pronounced "snick"), was created on the campus of Shaw University in Raleigh two months later to coordinate these sit-ins, support their leaders, and publicize their activities.

Over the next decade, civil rights activism moved beyond lunch counter sit-ins.

In this violently changing political climate, SNCC struggled to define its purpose as it fought white oppression.

Out of SNCC came some of today's black leaders, such as former Washington, D.C. mayor Marion Barry, Congressman John Lewis and NAACP chairman Julian Bond.

Together with hundreds of other students, they left a lasting impact on American history.


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Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)
Volunteers put their lives on the Road!

Please read

May 4, 1961:
Freedom Rides


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Freedom Riders

Please read

Freedom Riders
The story behind a courageous band of civil rights activists called Freedom Riders
who in 1961 challenged segregation in the American South.


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Even Some Athletes Dared
to Stand up for Human Rights!

Please read

Silent Gesture
The Autobiography of Tommie Smith


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The Sports Connection: Troy Davis, John Carlos and Taking a Stand

Olympic Protester Maintains Passion





"Soundtrack For A

"Soundtrack for a Revolution" is the story of the music and songs that inspired the civil rights movement.
AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, PBS, and outside web resources offer a wealth of timelines, videos, and other chronological materials to help understand the historical narrative that shaped the music of the movement:
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Youth Power:





Civil Rights Movement Veterans

"We who believe in freedom cannot rest,."

Ella J. Baker

Civil Rights Movement Veterans - CORE, NAACP, SCLC, SNCC.


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Veterans of the Civil Rights Movement

"This website was created by students in honor of the Veterans of the Civil Rights Movement - they were ordinary people who played extraordinary roles in the cause of social justice, equality, and freedom."

Veterans of the Civil Rights Movement


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"Freedom School Curriculum" 

In the summer of 1964, more than forty "Freedom Schools" opened in Mississippi.
These schools were part of "Freedom Summer," a project of the Southern Human Rights Movement, with the goal to empower African Americans in Mississippi to become active citizens and agents of social change.

If we review the lessons of the "Freedom Schools" we can apply the relevant elements to our 21st Century circumstances. We certainly have many more technological tools and resources available today. 

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"Lessons From Freedom Summer" 

"Ordinary People Building Extraordinary Movements"
by Kathy Emery, Linda Reid Gold and Sylvia Braselmann with Introduction by Howard Zinn

"Freedom Summer" ended the isolation of Mississippi from the rest of the nation, and was the point of no return for legal segregation in the country. 

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Eyes on the Prize

"Eyes on the Prize"

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Eyes on the Prize: America's Civil Rights Years (1954-1965) is a documentary series about the American Civil Rights Movement.

It originally aired on PBS in early 1987 with six initial parts; eight more parts were broadcast in 1990 as Eyes on the Prize II: America at the Racial Crossroads (1965-1985), for a total of fourteen episodes.


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Then came "COINTELPRO"

and other destructive elements!


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Rap COINTELPRO: Subverting the power of Hip-Hop

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Youth Power:





Related Information of Interest




More Insight Into Atrocities:

We Charge Genocide

"We Charge Genocide" was a document presented to the United Nations in 1951 by William L. Patterson of the Civil Rights Congress, arguing that the U.S. federal government, by its failure to act against lynching in the United States, was guilty of genocide under Article II of the UN Genocide Convention.

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Neighborhoods or "Hood" Neighbors?

A Mystery Solved?!?

A sobering study,
originating from the city
where Dr Martin Luther King, Jr was murdered,
reveals the unintended consequences
of some apparently well meaning actions.

It is an “Elephant in the Room,”
and not a very pretty picture, however,
closing our eyes to it will not make it go away.

Please read about another “Inconvenient Truth”,
the American Murder Mystery,


How much do the messages of the songs have to do with the de-stabilization of many families, communities and societies around the world?

Please read an eye opening four-part series concerning hip hop and violence for some food for thought.

It is a
CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation)





The lynching of Emmett Till unmasked American terrorism, racism and hypocrisy to the entire world and and helped spark the modern Human Rights movement.

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A few months later, Rosa Parks in Montgomery, Ala., would shake the world by refusing to give up her seat on a bus to a white man. She said that she had been thinking about Emmett Till.

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"The time is NOW


Highest Priority:
"CLOSE the


"Mirror to America"
& the World!

John Hope







"From Where it all began until now!"

Please read the transcripts as

Dr Martin Luther King, Jr speaks at
Montgomery Improvement Association (MIA)
Mass Meeting at Holt Street Baptist Church
(5 December 1955)




"Letter from a Birmingham Jail"
from where we moved forward!

delivered on 16 April 1963,
from Birmingham, Alabama


Another Call to Conscience:
A Landmark Speech of
Martin Luther King, Jr.

I Have a Dream -

Speech at the Great March on Detroit

23 June 1963
Detroit, Mich. 


Another Call to Conscience:
A Landmark Speech of
Martin Luther King, Jr.

I Have a Dream -
Address at March on Washington
28 August 1963
Washington, D.C. 


Another Call to Conscience:
A Landmark Speech of
Martin Luther King, Jr.

The Quest for Peace and Justice
Nobel Lecture
Martin Luther King
December 11, 1964
The Nobel Peace Prize 1964. 


Another Call to Conscience:
A Landmark Speech of
Martin Luther King, Jr.

25 February 1967
Los Angeles, California, USA 


Another Call to Conscience:
A Landmark Speech of
Martin Luther King, Jr.

Address at Ohio Northern University
11 January 1968



"The Drum Major Instinct"
Delivered at Ebenezer Baptist Church,

on 4 February 1968,
in Atlanta, Georgia



"I've Been to the Mountaintop!"
from where we now carry on!

delivered 3 April 1968,
Mason Temple
(Church of God in Christ Headquarters),
Memphis, Tennessee



For more information about the work of Dr King,
please visit


The Martin Luther King, Jr. Papers Project




The King Center










Fannie Lou Hamer
Medgar Evers!


If you
do not vote
don't complain!



Register to Vote: The NAACP, powered by CREDO Mobile





A Special Report




The Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial

Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial

We are Honored to be

Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial

A Founding Sponsor




President Obama
at the
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Memorial Dedication


Watch the


Read the


Take a virtual tour of
the Martin Luther King, Jr.
National Memorial






Rescheduled Dedication of
The Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial
Sunday, October 16, 2011



Atonement, Reconciliation and Responsibility


16th Year Anniversary of the Million Man March


On October 16, 1995, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan led more than 2 million men in taking this pledge during the historic Million Man March in Washington, D.C.


I PLEDGE, that from this day forward I will strive to love my brother as I love myself. I, from this day forward, will strive to improve myself spiritually, morally, mentally, socially, politically and economically for the benefit of myself, my family and my people.


I PLEDGE, that I will strive to build businesses, build houses, build hospitals, build factories and enter into international trade for the good of myself, my family and my people.


I PLEDGE, that from this day forward I will never raise my hand with a knife or a gun to beat, cut, or shoot any member of my family or any human being except in self-defense.


I PLEDGE, from this day forward I will never abuse my wife by striking her, disrespecting her, for she is the mother of my children and the producer of my future.


I PLEDGE, that from this day forward I will never engage in the abuse of children, little boys or little girls for sexual gratification. For I will let them grow in peace to be strong men and women for the future of our people.


I WILL NEVER, again use the 'B word' to describe any female. But particularly my own Black sister.


I PLEDGE, from this day forward that I will not poison my body with drugs or that which is destructive to my health and my well-being.


I PLEDGE, from this day forward I will support Black newspapers, Black radio, Black television. I will support Black artists who clean up their acts to show respect for themselves and respect for their people and respect for the ears of the human family.


I will do all of this so help me God.







The Malcolm X & Dr. Betty Shabazz
Memorial & Educational Center

The Malcolm X and Dr. Betty Shabazz Memorial and Educational Center continues the work of Malcolm X and Dr. Betty Shabazz through the advancement of human rights and social justice.

Please Learn More.





Some Sobering Thoughts
For These Serious Times


Looking at the economy, the media, and the political scene,
one may wonder:

Are we on the Titanic, the Lusitania or the Poseidon?

Or, are we, like in the days of Christopher Columbus,
on a three ship trip?


Some of the Last Concerns of
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.


Is THIS The Latest Version


It reads like a horror story from the middle of the 20th Century.
Unfortunately it is 21st Century reality and is much more ominous.

Tea Party Nationalism
A Special Report







A documentary

instrumental in understanding the roots of a modern calamity
of depraved indifference to human life:

Bastards of the Party
(From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

Bastards of the Party is a 2006 documentary film produced by Antoine Fuqua and directed by former Bloods gang-member Cle Sloan.
The film explores the creation of two of Los Angeles’s most notorious gangs, the Crips and the Bloods, from the perspective of the Los Angeles community.
The film also denounces gang violence and tries to present meaningful solutions from former gang-members to stop this problem.

The documentary appeared at the 2005 Tribeca Film Festival and at the 2006 Hollywood Black Film Festival.
The television premiere aired on February 6, 2007 on HBO.

Film Traces the roots of the Bloods and Crips
Bastards of the Party

Bastards Of The Party part 1

Bastards Of The Party part 2

Bastards Of The Party part 3

Bastards Of The Party part 4

Bastards Of The Party part 5

Bastards Of The Party part 6

Bastards Of The Party part 7

Bastards Of The Party part 8

Bastards Of The Party part 9

Bastards Of The Party part 10

Bastards Of The Party part 11


Related items:

KEYS TO PEACE  //  ILL NOISE  //  TERRORISM HAS MANY FACES  //  SONGS THAT MAKE SENSE  //  Righteous Indignation  //  Media Manipulation  //  Barbershop  //  CLOSING the EDUCATION GAP  //  Bill Cosby Speaks  //  SNCC & the Student Freedom Movement  //  ROUGH Side of the Mountaintop Speech












(And be sure

you read the

Eulogy transcripts!)



A Salute to Black History
"Celebrating Black History 365"

Lawson State Community College
Celebrating Black History 365
Celebrating Black History 365







February 11

(A New Beginning)

Departure of Hosni Mubarak as President in Egypt

Africa Map

Release of Nelson Mandela from prison in South Africa







 James Brown
(1933 - 2006)


James Brown Speaks
About Today's Songs

"I firmly believe that Black music should never be 'dirty.'
And if you think about it, how could it be, unless someone . . . was allowing it?"

Read More Here








New York City rapper releases video that brings the truth about Hip-Hop into schools
and, talks to 6th and 7th graders about the lies of popular rappers, their lyrics,
and the negative influence of the music they listen to.

Read More Here







Jail House!












What Is the Covenant with
Black America?

It is a national plan of action
to address the primary concerns
of African Americans today.

Covenant with Black 

Covenant with Black America


Covenant In 

Covenant with Black America In Action

Make your voice heard!







On a planet
camel flatulence
away from

The time to heed
the message of
Dr Martin Luther King, Jr.
is long overdue !

Around the world we see dysfunctional households, domestic disputes, divided communities, international atrocities, acts of terrorism and genocide.

News reports constantly display reiterations of Jezebel and Ahab, Cain and Abel, Samson and Delilah as well as accounts of Hard Hearted Hannah and Hard Headed Homeboy.

People of the Planet

For the sake of
your posterity
and your posteriors,
Please Heed
Dr Martin Luther King, Jr's
Keys to Peace !

wins when
the prize






WDAS History:

Keep the knowledge of our history alive
and share it with our posterity!

WDAS History:
One Radio Station's Role in the History of
the Human Rights and Peace Movements.

WDAS History

(With Photographs!)





It WORKS in New York City!
Why not try it where YOU live?



People are standing up
and making a difference
in hundreds of communities -
YOU can too!

Youth Vote Project

Click to learn more about the
Youth Vote Project





“If you or I had the answer, there would be no problem...
but each of us has a piece, and together we have the answer.”

- Dr. John Elliott Churchville





Youth Power:








Listen to

                    A Message in the MUSIC                     Please contact us for more information                     A Message in the MUSIC                     Please contact us for more information                     A Message in the MUSIC                     Please contact us for more information                     A Message in the MUSIC                     Please contact us for more information                     A Message in the MUSIC


“Heal This Land I Call Home”



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                    Allah U Akbar                                         Nkosi Sikelel' IAfrica                                         Ishe Oluwa Koleba Jeo                                         Lift Every Voice And Sing


Tweets and Reflections


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More information is coming soon

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Please contact us for more information.

Please contact us with your ideas and suggestions.

Check this site often for updates.





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