We recently received the following message and have been asked to pass it on. Appropriate Scriptural references include: and and and
Subject: FW: Please Join Me In Prayer
It only takes a spark.
Folks, If you have not noticed, NO President has ever worked this hard for our country. Many wonder, does he ever sleep?? Only God can sustained such energy, knowledge, and person. Please let us form a powerful prayer chain around our President and his family and ask God to secure it with love, protection, mercy and grace. Amen??
Will you please join in this prayer. Let's keep this going!
Lord, We pray for optimum health, mental clarity and political prosperity for President Barack Obama. We pray that what he lacks in political 'experience' you make up for with supernatural wisdom and power. We also pray that when his enemies come upon him they will stumble and fall; and that your love will fill his heart to the end that 'Your will' be done through him.
We pray mightily for his protection. As we plead the Blood of your son, Jesus, over him and his family. We reverently ask you to dispatch legions of angels to protect them from all hurt, harm and danger as he serves as The President of the United States of America. We thank you and praise you for answering our sincere prayers,
All you are asked to do is keep this circulating if you are so inclined.
Before you forward this message or send that e-mail,
2011 NATIONAL PRAYER BREAKFASTYou may read the remarks of President Barack Obama at the National Prayer Breakfast on February 03, 2011
Barack Obama Speeches
“Let us become the change that we voted for!” “We voted for a President not a Messiah!” Start with ![]() Learn more about the Youth Vote Project
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“Heal This Land I Call Home”
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