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Issues of Major Concern:








"The DONkey IgnoraMUS
and the Elephant"

Copyright © 2007 - 2010 by Stan Daniels,
Urban Cartographer Online 

The "DONkey IgnoraMUS" statement was made on the 39th anniversary of the murder and assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and the 35th anniversary of the death of Rev. Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. who were Champions of Human Rights and proclaimers of the Good News of the love of God for all of humanity.

The infamous abusive remarks let the "elephant" of awareness about widespread media abuse out of the room.

That "elephant" threatens to trample the cash cow of ill gotten gain by the conglomerates that have a stranglehold on so much of the airwaves and entertainment industries.

The issue of abuse of the public airwaves in the greedy pursuit of excess profits has been raised by many people for several years.

Persons who overlook the fact that responsibility is inseparable from freedom ought to consider the fact that people have always been held accountable for the consequences of their actions.

What might happen to someone who falsely shouts "fire" in a crowded theater or, in this post September 11, 2001 world, "hijack" or "bomb" on a crowded airplane?

We do NOT suggest that anyone try it!

Decades before the present media and entertainment fueled "ball of confusion," there were clear warnings of impending danger from many people.


Among them Malcolm X issued many clear wake up calls and Martin Luther King, Jr repeatedly challenged people to think. Both urged constructive action.

The renowned call-out from Malcolm X rings just as true today as when he first proclaimed it: "You've been hoodwinked. You've been had. You've been took. You've been led astray . . . You've been bamboozled!"

This was long before the "Ghetto Dogs" (howling, scowling, growling and prowling), and other walking and talking weapons of mass destruction and suicidal havoc were unleashed on many unsuspecting communities and families.

Ossie Davis, the world famous and respected actor and his wife and acting partner, Ruby Dee, helped to open doors and widen horizons for Black people on stage and screen.

They fought zealously for Human Rights from Washington to Hollywood.
Ossie Davis gave the Eulogy for Malcolm X.

When the couple was honored at the Kennedy Center in December, 2004, Ossie Davis stated: "We knew that every time we got a job and every time we were onstage, America was looking to make judgments about all black folks on the basis of how you looked, how you sounded, how you carried yourself. So any role you had was a role that was involved in the struggle for black identification. You couldn't escape it."

Artists and entertainers have had a major impact on societies throughout history.
Whether the influence was positive or negative depended on the message being proclaimed.

Adolph Hitler used musicians and artists to help mobilize millions of his followers into heinous acts of genocide and mass murder.
He and the Nazis effectively used the communications media to sway the population to move in the directions they wanted.

On the other hand, art and entertainment media can be powerful forces for liberation, education and human progress.
Many artists and entertainers supported the freedom movement for Human Rights during the Mighty Times portrayed in the documentary movie about the legacy of Rosa Parks.

There was a message in and from the community that clearly demanded
"R-E-S-P-E-C-T !"

"Back in the 'Day',"

Before education became a "white thang."

Photograph copyright © 1964 - 2010 by Stan Daniels,
Urban Cartographer Online 

Perhaps an updated sign could read

"My mother's not a 'B'

My sister's not a 'ho'

Please don't step with that to me

And you'll stay up off the 'flo'"

From WASH Your Dirty Laundry!
© 2005 - 2010 by Stan Daniels, Editor,
Urban Cartographer Online

People in the African American community have been making outstanding progress for many decades.
Such leading publications as The Network Journal, Jet, Crisis, Ebony, Final Call, Essence and Black Enterprise have often reported and featured these achievements.

Creative problem solvers and activists have developed such advances as the Millions More Movement and the Covenant with Black America in constructive response to contemporary challenges.

Unfortunately, however, far too many people have swallowed the poisoned "Kool-Aid" from irresponsible and greedy segments of the media.
As Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. so eloquently observed: "Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity."
They have produced in their own localities a Hot Ghetto Mess to the detriment and endangerment of everyone.

Concerned educators point out alarming statistics that describe the emergence of a new "middle passage."
With more African Americans presently entering jails and prisons than colleges and universities, by the year 2020, if current trends continue, more Black males will be imprisoned in the United States than were held in bondage during slavery.
This 21st Century version of America's "Peculiar Institution" is fully allowable under the Thirteenth Amendment.
It simply spells out the conditions that permit slavery and involuntary servitude.

When this is considered along with personal and public health concerns resulting from current behavioral issues, major calamities loom ahead.

In the old German legend, the "Pied Piper of Hamelin" lured the children away because he was not compensated for getting rid of the rats.

In the contemporary (or should it be contemptible) American perversion, the very well compensated "Paid Poopers of hambone" are rats because they are luring the children away to death and self destruction of their own communities!

Did you ever wonder how black folks got to America in chains in the first place?

In response to these and other crises, people in several cities are acting to recapture their culture and heritage from the interlopers and terrorists who have hijacked major segments of the entertainment media and others who place future generations in serious jeopardy.


Signs of the times - 21st Century. 

"Welcome to Urban America" 

Illustration courtesy of
Rob Lawlor, Philadelphia Daily News,
Interclub Coaches Association & Intercity Sports Review Online

Reprinted with permission.



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Recently, while reading incoming items at our world news desk, the Editor nearly fell out of his chair.

If as many people who are concerned about the Governor not buckling his seat belt were as concerned with Imus not buckling his mouth, this would be a much better and safer planet with far fewer "inconvenient truths."

The Editor

Please check back often for updates on this developing story.







"Godfather's" Deathbed Plea:
"Rev. Al, Clean Up Rap"

Sharpton Leads NYC Rally
On James Brown's Birthday

Rev Al Sharpton - National Action Network
Read More Here

Reverend Al Sharpton's National Action Network
is one of the leading Human Rights and social justice organizations
in the nation.

Learn more on the
National Action Network Web site





The Power of Words! 


 James Brown
(1933 - 2006)

Thousands bid farewell to
The "Godfather of Soul" !

(It was the largest gathering
that the Editor has witnessed
on 125th Street since
Nelson Mandela's first visit
to New York City in 1990
"many rains ago.")


James Brown Speaks
About Today's Songs

"I firmly believe that Black music should never be 'dirty.'
And if you think about it, how could it be,
unless someone . . . was allowing it?"

"The FCC controls the licensing of everything
connected to broadcasting.
If they don't want something on the air,
it doesn't get on.
Conversely, whatever material does make it on the airwaves
is the material that they have deemed 'appropriate.' "

Read More Here



"Is Imus Snoop's Frankenstein Monster?"
Read More Here



"If you call your brother a n - - - - - ,
that's how you're going to treat him"

The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan
Read More Here






Jon Corzine, New Jersey's Governor, nearly lost his life recently while on a mission of mercy.

To him we say: "Our prayers continue for your complete and speedy recovery.

Your work to advance respect, civility and responsibility is greatly appreciated.

If Imus had buckled his mouth, there would be no mention of seat belts and much pain and heartache would have been avoided.

Thank you for showing your love and concern for the people of New Jersey by your dedicated actions."

The Editor




Statement from
Rutgers Women's Basketball Head Coach
C. Vivian Stringer

Statement from Coach Stringer

April 10, 2007
Rutgers Press Conference

Press Conference Transcript








Nearly three years before
the world famous
Bill Cosby Speech
of May 17, 2004

Minister Louis Farrakhan
Challenged the Hip Hop community
to Accept the Responsibilities
of Leadership

at the Hip Hop Summit
in June of 2001!

More recently,
the "Beloved Minister":
Again Calls for Sanity.

Minister Farrakhan holds intimate conversation
with industry artists and executives
The true value of hip-hop.

In addition,
More Concerned Leaders
and Activists Call for Change.

Ministers & Communities Challenge
industry artists and executives
"It's time for responsibility!"








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