

Africa Map


Copyright © 2012 by Stan Daniels, Editor,
Urban Cartographer Online - all rights reserved.









"My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations."
Isaiah 56:7, (6-8) 




African & African American
History & Heritage
Study Guide
for ALL of the families
of humanity




Parents, Students, Educators, Librarians,
Clergy, Teachers, Community Leaders:

Here is
Information YOU Can Use And Share!




"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge ...."
(Hosea 4:6)



"A people without the knowledge
of their past history, origin and culture
is like a tree without roots!"

- Marcus Garvey 



"Education is our passport to the future,
for tomorrow belongs to the people
who prepare for it today."

- Malcolm X



"Say it Loud:
I'm ME
and I'm Proud !"

- Stevie Wonder
- James Brown





The Work of God cannot be destroyed
It shall go on forever.

West African Proverb
(See Ecclesiastes 3:14



"Yes We CAN"
Has already been proven.
The only question is:
It IS time for change!"

If you truly want

Please read
II Chronicles 7:14
Hosea 4:6
(in their full context)
to learn
where it really starts.


The Editor

Urban Cartographer Online





Just because we can
Does not necessarily mean that we should.
We DO have choices
Choices have consequences.

Deuteronomy 30:19, (15-20) 

Say unto them: As I live, saith the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live; turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die . . . ?

Say to them: as I live - declares the Lord GOD - it is not MY desire that the wicked shall die, but that the wicked turn from his [evil] ways and live. Turn back, turn back from your evil ways, that you may not die . . . !

Ezekiel 33:11, (AV and JPS)





From Two
Founding Fathers!

"Yes, we did produce a near perfect Republic.

But will they keep it?

Or will they in their enjoyment of plenty, lose the memory of freedom?

Material abundance without character is the surest way to destruction.

Indeed, I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just."

-- Thomas Jefferson




"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people.

It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."

-- John Adams



“If a nation expects to be ignorant and free,
it expects what never was and never shall be.”

- Thomas Jefferson




"Liberate the minds of men and ultimately
you will liberate the bodies of men."

- Marcus Garvey 





If you think you are too small to make a difference,
you haven't spent a night with a mosquito.

-- African Proverb




"What's in Your hand?
Just let God use you, that's all.
. . .
One with God, always a majority!"

-- Adam Clayton Powell, Jr.
Watch on YouTube












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T.C.I. News








                                        Join the Coalition                     Young people were a major force in the Human Rights movement.                     The Editor                     The Editor Speaks                     The Editor Speaks                                         Traditionally the Barbershop was a positive institution in the Black community.                                        



Timely, thought provoking commentary on relevant topics.









Go to
Part 2:

Go to
Part 3:













 The Editor Speaks


Part 3:

Know What IS In YOUR Hands!

Copyright © 2013 by
Stan Daniels, Editor,
Urban Cartographer Online 
All rights reserved.



Many historians consider the African "Talking Drum" to be the Original Internet.

If you do your own research on the subject, you may also agree with them.





In the 21st Century, tragically
"KKK" has now become
"Kids Killing Kids!"

( - Rev. Vernon Williams)





"One thing worse than slavery is to adjust to it."
- Rev. Jesse Jackson
(4/6/2013) at NAN Convention in New York City









"What's in Your hand?
Just let God use you, that's all.
. . .
One with God, always a majority!"

-- Adam Clayton Powell, Jr.
Watch on YouTube





If you think you are too small to make a difference,
you haven't spent a night with a mosquito.

-- African Proverb







It's in our hands.

“It's in our hands.”







The 50th anniversaries of many events in the struggle for Human Rights, freedom and social justice are being commemorated during 2013.

"Back in the Day," many of today's commonly used communication tools of technology were only dreamed of as science fiction (like in a "Star Trek" episode from a far future century) if even thought possible.

Many issues and challenges from the past
still confront us today.

How are you using
What's In YOUR Hands?







"A lie can get halfway around the world before the truth can even get its boots on."
- Mark Twain


"Living with ignorant people is very dangerous! "
- Amiri Baraka


"Give a thirsty man dirty water and he will drink it.
Put clean water out there and he will know the difference."

- Mario Van Peebles


"You've been hoodwinked.
You've been had.
You've been took.
You've been led astray...
You've been bamboozled!"

- Malcolm X






The Editor













 The Editor Speaks


Copyright © 2012 by
Stan Daniels, Editor,
Urban Cartographer Online 
All rights reserved.


"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge ...."
(Hosea 4:6)





"A people who do not remember their history are doomed to repeat their mistakes."
- Martin Luther King III


"A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots!"
- Marcus Garvey


"Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today."
- Malcolm X


"Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity."
- Dr Martin Luther King, Jr


"A lie can get halfway around the world before the truth can even get its boots on."
- Mark Twain


"Living with ignorant people is very dangerous! "
- Amiri Baraka


"Give a thirsty man dirty water and he will drink it.
Put clean water out there and he will know the difference."

- Mario Van Peebles


"You've been hoodwinked.
You've been had.
You've been took.
You've been led astray...
You've been bamboozled!"

- Malcolm X


"Insanity [is] doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results!"
- Albert Einstein


"I firmly believe that Black music should never be 'dirty.'
And if you think about it, how could it be, unless someone . . . was allowing it?"

- James Brown


"He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps perpetrate it."
- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.


"It is in your hands to make our world a better one for all, especially the poor, vulnerable and marginalised."
- Nelson Mandela


"If you always DO
what you always DID,
you will always GET
what you always GOT!"

- Jackie "Moms" Mabley


"History has a powerful impact on the present."
- John Hope Franklin


"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, it expects what never was and never shall be."
- Thomas Jefferson


"Liberate the minds of men and ultimately you will liberate the bodies of men."
- Marcus Garvey


"We must work on . . . attacking the causes and healing the effects."
- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.


"I, for one, believe that if you give people a thorough understanding
of what confronts them
and the basic causes that produce it,
they'll create their own program,
and when the people create a program,
you get action."

- Malcolm X


"Our destiny will not be written for us but by us!"
- Barack Obama


"Lies run in sprints, but the truth runs in marathons
. . . and the truth will win."

- Michael Jackson


"When the student is ready
The teacher will arrive."

- West African proverb
















 The Editor Speaks


Part 2:

You CAN Make a Difference

Copyright © 2013 by
Stan Daniels, Editor,
Urban Cartographer Online 
All rights reserved.



"A people who do not remember their history are doomed to repeat their mistakes."
- Martin Luther King III


The above statement by the son of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was made in 2013 in Washington, DC on the actual January 15th birthday of his father - the legendary leader and martyr for justice.

Martin III was deeply concerned.

In a news item by Hamil R. Harris in The Washington Post of January 16, 2013 we read:

"'My heart is heavy today! A people who do not remember their history are doomed to repeat their mistakes,' said King, who spoke at a luncheon in the District, sponsored by the National Action Network, that was held on what would have been his father’s 84th birthday.

As he looked across a room filled with civil rights veterans, White House officials and leaders from corporate America, Martin Luther King III said that the issues his father championed and died for have yet to be fulfilled in many communities across the country."

The movement and struggle for freedom, Human Rights, social justice and world peace is, and always has been, intergenerational and multifaceted.

A multitude of people have contributed and sacrificed in many ways.

Modern technology now makes it possible to recover and share many accounts of the history making events and the people who produced them in many families and communities.

There is much information that can help us resolve many of the challenges that we face today.

An African Proverb reminds us that:

"If you think you are too small to make a difference,
you haven't spent a night with a mosquito."

We encourage you to obtain, use and share the available knowledge that can produce a better future for ourselves and our posterity.





A Historical Record:


Girard College !



"A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots!"
- Marcus Garvey


"Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today."
- Malcolm X


"Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity."
- Dr Martin Luther King, Jr


The Editor








Go to
Part 2:

Go to
Part 3:








Meanwhile, please remember to read our posts on


and to follow the links on






The Power of Words!

The impact of words
(written, spoken and sung)
is enormous.

With that reality comes responsibility
for the consequences of what is uttered
and that should be a very sobering thought.

You can't "un-ring" the bell!

Will history ultimately record that the human tongue is the deadliest weapon on the planet?

Those who consider themselves to be
"children of Abraham"
throughout the Judeo-Christian-Islamic community
should seriously consider the following references.

(It would not hurt for everyone else
to at least give it some contemplation.)

Proverbs 18:21

James 3:5 -10

I Peter 3:10 -12


The Editor







"The life of a nation is secure only while the nation is honest, truthful and virtuous."
- Frederick Douglass


Recent Events Prove
The July 4th Words of
Frederick Douglass









The "Good Book"
Media Responsibility?

Please read and consider

Exodus 20:16
Proverbs 12:17-23
Ephesians 4:29

As world events unfold before our very eyes, it would do us all well to consider the consequences of our words and actions and govern our lives accordingly.

The "people of the Book" who worship the God of Abraham in the Judeo-Christian-Islamic community should always remember our accountability and responsibilities to a "Higher Authority" - the Creator and Sustainer of the Universe.








The Power
of the WORD

(A family suitable study)

in .pdf here.

in .doc here












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Muhammad Ali  //  Barack Obama speech transcripts  //  YOU Can Help Stop Spam  //  YOU CAN BE GREAT  //  Can Chess Change Lives?  //  Glenn D Cunningham  //  DVD and CD Disc Care  //  CLOSING the EDUCATION GAP  //  Bev Smith Show  //  A CHRISTMAS MYSTERY SOLVED  //  THREE WISE RAPPERS  //  Coretta Scott King  //  Bill Cosby Speech Survey  //  Bill Cosby Speaks  //  Frederick Douglass & Fourth of July  //  GREED: Why It Really IS The Economy  //  America's Birth Defect  //  WHY Change Begins With YOU  //  EDUCATIONAL CONCERNS & RESOURCES  //  EMMETT TILL  //  TROY DAVIS  //  Body Bags and Toe Tags  //  Creative Problem Solving  //  LATEST NEWS HEADLINES  //  NELSON MANDELA  //  A WORKING GAME PLAN  //  URGENT HEALTH ALERT  //  Why Health Care Reform?  //  African American Pacesetters  //  History and Heritage Study Guide  //  WHAT THEY PROBABLY DID NOT TELL YOU  //  Online Contact Form  //  Welcome to the “MAP”  //  Archbishop Desmond Tutu  //  Ivan Van Sertima  //  PRESIDENT KWAME NKRUMAH  //  John Hope Franklin  //  LEON H SULLIVAN  //  National Action Network  //  REV. AL SHARPTON  //  Philadelphia Community News  //  MALCOLM'S PROGRAM  //  MEDGAR EVERS  //  Media Manipulation  //  MICHAEL JACKSON  //  HOW TO USE MICROPHONES  //  Martin Luther King, Jr  //  MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR and CONTEMPORARY ISSUES  //  Queen Mother Sumter  //  SONGS THAT MAKE SENSE  //  ROUGH Side of the Mountaintop Speech  //  Big Stories Overlooked  //  DONkey IgnoraMUS  //  Ossie Davis  //  UNACCEPTABLE OUTRAGE  //  KEYS TO PEACE  //  Healthy Humor  //  Pope John Paul II  //  ELEPHANTS IN THE ROOM  //  Righteous Indignation  //  Ray Charles  //  REFLECTIONS  //  Historical Perspective Reprints  //  Lest We Forget Again  //  In Grateful Remembrance  //  ROSA PARKS  //  Barbershop  //  SENIOR MOMENTS  //  Dr Betty Shabazz  //  Shawn Carson and Robert Nguyen  //  Millennium Special Report  //  SNCC & the Student Freedom Movement  //  TAHRIR Tweets and Reflections  //  Remember September 11th  //  TERRORISM HAS MANY FACES  //  Coretta Scott King Eulogy  //  Considering Time Management  //  BILL COSBY SPEECH TRANSCRIPT  //  Caring People Respond to Disasters  //  KKK UNMASKED  //  Recording Video to DVD  //  REMEMBER FREEDOM SUMMER  //  WORLD FREEDOM FOCUS FORUM  //  Women of Honor  //  Positive Youth Power

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Tables of Content

1.- African American and African Heritage

 Muhammad Ali  // Barack Obama speech transcripts  // YOU CAN BE GREAT  // Glenn D Cunningham  // Bev Smith Show  // Coretta Scott King  // Bill Cosby Speaks  // Frederick Douglass & Fourth of July  // EMMETT TILL  // NELSON MANDELA  // African American Pacesetters  // History and Heritage Study Guide  // Welcome to the “MAP”  // Archbishop Desmond Tutu  // Ivan Van Sertima  // PRESIDENT KWAME NKRUMAH  // John Hope Franklin  // LEON H SULLIVAN  // National Action Network  // REV. AL SHARPTON  // MALCOLM'S PROGRAM  // MEDGAR EVERS  // Media Manipulation  // MICHAEL JACKSON  // Martin Luther King, Jr  // MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR and CONTEMPORARY ISSUES  // Queen Mother Sumter  // ROUGH Side of the Mountaintop Speech  // Ossie Davis  // KEYS TO PEACE  // Ray Charles  // Historical Perspective Reprints  // In Grateful Remembrance  // ROSA PARKS  // Barbershop  // Dr Betty Shabazz  // Shawn Carson and Robert Nguyen  // SNCC & the Student Freedom Movement  // TAHRIR Tweets and Reflections  // Coretta Scott King Eulogy  // BILL COSBY SPEECH TRANSCRIPT  // REMEMBER FREEDOM SUMMER  // WORLD FREEDOM FOCUS FORUM  // Women of Honor  // Positive Youth Power

2.- Current Events, News and Contemporary Issues

CLOSING the EDUCATION GAP  // Bev Smith Show  // GREED: Why It Really IS The Economy  // WHY Change Begins With YOU  // Body Bags and Toe Tags  // LATEST NEWS HEADLINES  // Why Health Care Reform?  // Welcome to the “MAP”  // Philadelphia Community News  // KEYS TO PEACE  // TAHRIR Tweets and Reflections  // WORLD FREEDOM FOCUS FORUM  // 

3.- Educational Resources

 Muhammad Ali  // Barack Obama speech transcripts  // Can Chess Change Lives?  // CLOSING the EDUCATION GAP  // Bev Smith Show  // A CHRISTMAS MYSTERY SOLVED  // THREE WISE RAPPERS  // Bill Cosby Speech Survey  // Bill Cosby Speaks  // America's Birth Defect  // EDUCATIONAL CONCERNS & RESOURCES  // EMMETT TILL  // TROY DAVIS  // Body Bags and Toe Tags  // Creative Problem Solving  // A WORKING GAME PLAN  // African American Pacesetters  // History and Heritage Study Guide  // Media Manipulation  // SONGS THAT MAKE SENSE  // ROUGH Side of the Mountaintop Speech  // Big Stories Overlooked  // DONkey IgnoraMUS  // UNACCEPTABLE OUTRAGE  // KEYS TO PEACE  // Pope John Paul II  // Ray Charles  // Lest We Forget Again  // In Grateful Remembrance  // Millennium Special Report  // SNCC & the Student Freedom Movement  // TAHRIR Tweets and Reflections  // Remember September 11th  // TERRORISM HAS MANY FACES  // Coretta Scott King Eulogy  // Considering Time Management  // BILL COSBY SPEECH TRANSCRIPT  // Caring People Respond to Disasters  // KKK UNMASKED  // REMEMBER FREEDOM SUMMER  // WORLD FREEDOM FOCUS FORUM  // Women of Honor  // Positive Youth Power

4.- Health and Wellness

 Can Chess Change Lives?  // URGENT HEALTH ALERT  // Why Health Care Reform?  // WHAT THEY PROBABLY DID NOT TELL YOU  // Healthy Humor  // Considering Time Management  // 

5.- Humor and Satire


6.- Reflections

 YOU CAN BE GREAT  // GREED: Why It Really IS The Economy  // America's Birth Defect  // WHY Change Begins With YOU  //  // Body Bags and Toe Tags  // Welcome to the “MAP”  // MICHAEL JACKSON  // MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR and CONTEMPORARY ISSUES  // SONGS THAT MAKE SENSE  // DONkey IgnoraMUS  // UNACCEPTABLE OUTRAGE  // ELEPHANTS IN THE ROOM  // Righteous Indignation  // Ray Charles  // REFLECTIONS  // Historical Perspective Reprints  // Lest We Forget Again  // ROSA PARKS  // Barbershop  // Dr Betty Shabazz  // TAHRIR Tweets and Reflections  // Remember September 11th  // TERRORISM HAS MANY FACES  // Coretta Scott King Eulogy  // BILL COSBY SPEECH TRANSCRIPT  // REMEMBER FREEDOM SUMMER  // WORLD FREEDOM FOCUS FORUM  // 

7.- Sports and Physical Fitness

 Muhammad Ali  // A WORKING GAME PLAN  // Millennium Special Report  // 

8.- Technical Support and Advice

YOU Can Help Stop Spam  // DVD and CD Disc Care  // TECHNOLOGY INFORMATION  // WHAT THEY PROBABLY DID NOT TELL YOU  // Online Contact Form  // HOW TO USE MICROPHONES  // Considering Time Management  // Recording Video to DVD  // 


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“Where there is love there is life.”

--  Mohandas Ghandi


Stay connected, and in harmony, with our Creator

His Spirit will keep us United!


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